Miniature Lamp Guide
Miniature Lamp Guide
Miniature Lamp Guide
Miniature Lamp Guide
7.12 Chapter 7
Table 7.21
Metal-Oxide Varistor (MOV) Transient Suppressors
Listed by voltage
Maximum Maximum Maximum
Applied Maximum Peak Maximum Varistor
ECG/NTE †† Voltage Energy Current Power Voltage
Type No. no. V acRMS V acPeak (Joules) (A) (W) (V)
V180ZA1 1V115 115 163 1.5 500 0.2 285
V180ZA10 2V115 115 163 10.0 2000 0.45 290
V130PA10A 130 184 10.0 4000 8.0 350
V130PA20A 130 184 20.0 4000 15.0 350
V130LA1 1V130 130 184 1.0 400 0.24 360
V130LA2 1V130 130 184 2.0 400 0.24 360
V130LA10A 2V130 130 184 10.0 2000 0.5 340
V130LA20A 524V13 130 184 20.0 4000 0.85 340
V150PA10A 150 212 10.0 4000 8.0 410
V150PA20A 150 212 20.0 4000 15.0 410
V150LA1 1V150 150 212 1.0 400 0.24 420
V150LA2 1V150 150 212 2.0 400 0.24 420
V150LA10A 524V15 150 212 10.0 2000 0.5 390
V150LA20A 524V15 150 212 20.0 4000 0.85 390
V250PA10A 250 354 10.0 4000 0.85 670
V250PA20A 250 354 20.0 4000 7.0 670
V250PA40A 250 354 40.0 4000 13.0 670
V250LA2 1V250 250 354 2.0 400 0.28 690
V250LA4 1V250 250 354 4.0 400 0.28 690
V250LA15A 2V250 250 354 15.0 2000 0.6 640
V250LA20A 2V250 250 354 20.0 2000 0.6 640
V250LA40A 524V25 250 354 40.0 4000 0.9 640
††ECG and NTE numbers for these parts are identical, except for the prefix. Add the “ECG” or “NTE” prefix to the numbers shown for the
complete part number.
7.14 Chapter 7