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UAV Based Aircraft Surface Inspection Using

Computer Vision and Deep Learning

Sqn Ldr Dibya Dillip

M.Tech (Artificial Intellience),

Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore

[20 July 2023]

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Manual inspection of aircraft (military or commercial) is time intensive

and error prone due to Human factor.

Inevitable need for automation of aircraft surface inspection.

Obviates discretionary limitations of human expertise and skills,

fatigue, willful negligence etc.

Pre - Deep Learning era approaches were primarily statistical methods

or classical Machine Learning based methods

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Classical Approaches and Inherent Limitations
Heuristic Based Method
Feature Extraction (color and textural) - Edge Detection,
Histogram Thresholding, Wavelet Transforms etc.
Classification - pre-defined discriminant functions

Classical ML Method
Feature Crafting - filter banks, morphological operations,
histograms and transforms
Classification - hand crafted rule based decision making (SVM,
decision tree, k NN)

Heavy reliance on crafted features (complex defects, background)
Inflexibility (not adaptable to diverse aircraft / defects)
Performance saturation with increasing amount of data
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Problem Statement

Primary Objective
To develop a computer vision and deep learning based methodology for
automated detection of surface defects on aircraft external structure
using images / videos captured through an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

Associated Expectations
Detection of multiple defect classes viz. Crack, Dent, Paint
Peel-off, Scratch, Missing Rivet
Defect recognition and classification (labelling)
Flexibility of application over multiple aircraft types

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Summary of Related Works

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Custom Dataset Creation - Phase 1

11 aircraft, 9 types of aircraft (IISc - 3, AFTC - 8)
2466 Original images filtered to 2023

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Aircrafts Photographed

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Data Augmentation

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Architecture Trials

End-to-end Deep Learning Architectures

CNN based SOTA models
Initial layers - Feature Extraction
Later layers - Detection Head (Localization using bounding box)
Two-Pass models - RPN based (RCNN, Fast / Faster RCNN,
Mask-RCNN etc)
Single Pass models - Non RPN based (SSD, YOLO, EfficientDet

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End-to-end Deep Learning Architecture Trials

YOLOv5 Trials - Vanilla version

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End-to-end Deep Learning Architecture Trials

YOLOv8 Trials - Vanilla version

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Architecture Trials

Two Stage Architecture

Complex defect texture - difficult for even Off-the-Shelf SOTA
object detection models
Need for customized architecture (Two - Stage)

Stage 1: CNN based Object Detection pipeline (only ’defect’ class)

: Pre-Classifier = crop out defect patches
Stage 2: CNN based Image Classification pipeline (5 defect
classes) takes cropped image from Stage 1 as input

Integrate both stages : overlay class labels from Stage 2 with

bounding boxes from Stage 1 onto original input image

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Stage 1 Architecture Trials : Summary

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Custom Dataset for Stage 2 (Classification)

Example cropped labeled images

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Stage 2 Architecture Trials : Summary

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Hardware / Environment
Google Collaboratory, Python 3.10, NVIDIA Tesla T4 GPU, 16GB
Graphics Memory

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Stage 1 Implementation: YOLOv5-m Object Detection

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Stage 1 Implementation: YOLOv5-m fine-tuning

fine-tuning parameters
maximize batch size optimizing image resolution
lower initial learning rate without weight decay

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Stage 1 Implementation: Improving Accuracy
YOLOv5-m Architecture
Backbone: CSPDarknet, 10 Layers, Feature Extraction
Neck: PANet, adds contextual and localizing info
Head: Predictions - bounding boxes and class probabilities

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Stage 1 Implementation: Improving Accuracy

YOLOv5-m: Loss Computation

Class Loss: Classification judgement error in multi-class detection
or classification tasks. Binary Cross Entropy (BCE) loss. Nil for
single class detection
Objectness Loss: Error in detecting presence / absence of an
object instance in a grid cell. Also BCE loss. P3, P4, P5 layers in
Head make predictions at different scales. Loss at different scales
are weighted differently
Location / Box Loss: Error in localizing object instance.
Measured as Complete IoU (CIoU) loss

Total Loss: Weighted combination of all three losses

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Improving Stage 1 Accuracy: Novel Approach 1

Strategy: Increase mAP + decrease Object Loss and Box Loss

Freezing Backbone Layer

Improve model’s localizing ability: even distribution of objects in
image. 985 additional images acquired from AFTC
Freeze backbone layers weights: Retain feature knowledge
Update ’neck’ and ’head’ weights for better contextual knowledge,
localization (bounding box regression and detection capability
Transfer Learning: Initialize weights from last best model and
Switch to SGD optimizer with higher initial LR and appropriate
weight decay

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Improving Stage 1 Accuracy: Novel Approach 1

Accuracy Improvement with Frozen Backbone Training:


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Improving Stage 1 Accuracy: Novel Approach 2

k-Fold Cross Validation

Limited Dataset: prone to overfitting
Chances of dataset splitting bias

k-Fold Cross Validation: Benefits

Uniform subset splitting: Robust evaluation
Better utilization of available data (both training and evaluation)

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Finalized Stage 1 model ’YOLOv5-m’: Performance

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Finalized Stage 1 model ’YOLOv5-m’: Confusion

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Finalized Stage 1 model ’YOLOv5-m’: Predictions

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Stage 2 Implementation: RF AutoML2.0 Classification
Classification Dataset Statistics

Classwise Model Performance

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Stage 2: RF AutoML2.0 Classification Model
Normalized Confusion Matrix

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Stage 2: RF AutoML2.0 Classification Model

Prediction Example

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Model Deployment and Real World Demonstration
Pipeline integration and real world testing
Both stages integrated on Python 3.10 Google Colab notebook
Unseen aircraft images used for deployment demo

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This work aims at presenting a novel system for UAV based

aircraft surface inspection using Deep Learning methods.
It is expected to improve aircraft maintenance efficiency and
defect detection accuracy.
The importance of accuracy and efficiency in aircraft maintenance,
be it military or commercial, can never be over emphasized.

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Key References
[1] Touba Malekzadeh, Milad Abdollahzadeh, Hossein Nejati,
Ngai-Man Cheung, ”Aircraft Fuselage Defect Detection Using Deep
Neural Networks,” in GlobalSIP 2017
[2] Anil Dog̃ru, Soufiane Bouarfa, Ridwan Arizar, Reyhan Aydog̃an,
”Using Convolutional Neural Networks to Automate Aircraft
Maintenance Visual Inspection”, as article in MDPI Aerospace journal,
puclished 07 Dec 2020
[3] Yuanpeng Liu, Jingxuan Dong, Yida Li, Xiaoxi Gong, Jun Wang,
”A UAV-Based Aircraft Surface Defect Inspection System via External
Constraints and Deep Learning”, in IEEE Transactions on
Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol.71 2022
[4] Capt. Tyler B. Hussey, USAF, ”Surface Defect Detection in
Aircraft Skin Visual Navigation based on Forced Feature Selection
through Segmentation”, Theses and Dissertations. 5044, Air Force
Institute of Technology, USA
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Key References
[5] Yuri D. V. Yasuda, Fabio A. M. Cappabianco, Luiz Eduardo G.
Martins, Jorge A. B. Gripp, ”Automated Visual Inspection of Aircraft
Exterior Using Deep Learning,” as Thesis paper at Institute of Science
and Technology Federal University of Sao Paulo Sao Jose dos Campos,
SP, Brazil, 12247-014, 2022
[6] Meng DING, Boer WU, Juan XU, Abdul Nasser KASULE, Hongfu
ZUO, ”Visual inspection of aircraft skin: Automated pixel-level defect
detection by instance segmentation”, in Chinese Journal of
Aeronautics, Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2022
[7] Yong Yao, Siwen Wei, Jing Wang, ”Surface Defect Detection of
Aircraft Flared Duct Based on Improved YOLOv4 Algorithm”, as
Thesis paper at Xidian University, China, 2021
[8] Rafael Padilla, Sergio L. Netto, and Eduardo A. B. da Silva: “A
survey on performance metrics for object-detection algorithms” in 2020
International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing

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[9] R. Ribani and M. Marengoni, ”A Survey of Transfer Learning for

Convolutional Neural Networks,” 2019 32nd SIBGRAPI Conference on
Graphics, Patterns, and Images Tutorials (SIBGRAPI-T), Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil, 2019,
[10] Hyun-Ki Jung, Gi-Sang Choi, “Improved YOLOv5: Efficient
Object Detection Using Drone Images under Various Conditions”,
Applied Science 2022, published in ResearchGate July 2022
[11] Nagadevi Darapureddy, Nagaprakash Karatapu, Tirumala Krishna
Battula, “Research of Machine Learning Algorithms using K-Fold
Cross Validation”, as paper in IJEAT, August 2019

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