Vision-Based Obstacle Avoidance On Quadcopter: Kashif Khurshid Noori, Manish Kumar Mishra & Md. Zafaryab Abdullah

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International Journal of Robotics

Research and Development (IJRRD)

ISSN(P): 2250-1592; ISSN(E): 2278-9421
Vol. 11, Issue 2, Dec 2021, 45–54
© TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.


Robotics Engineer, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India
A.I Engineer, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India
Robotics Engineer, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India

Obstacle avoidance is an integral part of the Autonomous Navigation of Unmanned Vehicles, whether it be Aerial,
Ground, or Underwater vehicles in indoor or outdoor environments. In a broader sense, it comprises obstacle detection
and avoidance strategies. With the availability of multiple types of range-finding sensors like Lidar, Radar, or Ultrasonic
sensors, a vision sensor is considered the best candidate for obstacle avoidance owing to its low cost, weight, and
provision of enriching information about the environment. Motivation for vision-based avoidance owes its basis to the
fact that humans, birds, insects use only vision for obstacle avoidance and navigation.

This work proposes a vision-based obstacle detection, a planner for obstacle avoidance, and way-point
navigation on Quadcopter using a low-cost Xbox Kinect RGB-D camera. Simulation of the work is examined on the

Original Article
Gazebo Simulator with the Robot Operating System (ROS)-Indigo framework, Pixhawk as Flight Controller Unit (FCU).

KEYWORDS: UAVs, ROS, Kinect Sensor, Obstacle Avoidance & Way-Point Navigation

Received: Aug 26, 2021; Accepted: Sep 16, 2021; Published: Sep 28, 2021; Paper Id.: IJRRDDEC20214


For any autonomous system, obstacle avoidance is a key research problem. In recent years, we have witnessed
much application of the quadcopter in the field of agriculture, surveying, search and rescue or logistics, and
integration of autonomous capabilities will significantly increase quadcopter’s operations in these sectors. We could
use various sensors to solve obstacle avoidance like Stefan Hrabar [1]uses a 3D occupancy map of an environment
using stereo vision and a path planner for generating collision-free trajectory, B. A Kumar [2] and Kwag [3] uses
Radar or Lidar by A. Bachrach [4]. However, Lidar and stereo vision are computationally complex [5], also
quadcopters have limited payload capacity; it's inefficient to carry typical radar [6].

In this paper, we are using the XBOX Kinect sensor [7] for obstacle detection and distance estimation. We
have also worked on Behaviour-based robotics [8] to develop avoidance strategies.

A. Simulation Software

We have used Gazebo version 7 with ROS-Indigo on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS OS. A quadcopter Gazebo model, Erle-
Copter which uses RotorS [9]simulation plugins to simulate Quadcopter kinematics and sensors, Ardupilot SITL
Gazebo plugin to establish communication between simulated quadcopter and Gazebo. Furthermore, to get every
data on the ROS platform, we have used the MAVROS package. [email protected]
46 Kashif Khurshid Noori, Manish Kumar Mishra & Md. Zafaryab Abdullah

B. Reference Frame

We need to deal with these reference frames and transformation between them while working with Quadcopter, following
figure [Figure: 1] shows various reference frames attached to the Quadcopter.

 ⃗ , and orientation of Quadcopter in this

World Frame: The odometry frame of the Quadcopter. We get position 𝐷
frame over respective ROS topics.

 Quad-Body Frame: It is fixed to the quadcopter’s body and has the same initial axis orientation as of the World

 Camera Frame: It’s attached to the Xbox-Kinect camera of the quadcopter.

 Quad-Velocity frame: Quadcopter in Gazebo Simulator accepts Velocity in this frame.

Figure 1: Reference Frames.

We also need to tackle two transformations:

 Forward Heading Velocity in Quad-Body frame to Quad-Velocity frame:

Assuming Vl be Linear velocity and yaw angle be θ in Quad-Body frame. Vx, Vy are velocity components in the X-
Y direction of the Quad-Velocity frame.


 Position in Camera frame to World frame:

Assuming be the position of the quadcopter in the world frame, and p be the distance of the camera from the
Quad-body frame.


Impact Factor (JCC): 5.6464 Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 61.73

Vision-Based Obstacle Avoidance on Quadcopter 47

C. Dynamics of Quadcopter

The integration of Ardupilot SITL helps to access the Guided flight mode of Arducopter. The guided mode enables the
copter to receive velocity commands in an inertial or body frame of reference by a computer, in our case a ROS node will
send it. As we could directly control the quad’s velocity, it drastically simplifies the quadcopter’s dynamics. Assuming U
be input velocity in the World frame. Thus its dynamics will be:

Here x,y,z are Position & are the velocity of the Quadcopter in the World frame of reference.

A. Microsoft Kinect Sensor in Gazebo

The Kinect sensor released by Microsoft Corporation is a low-cost motion-sensing device to enhance the gaming
experience. It has three sensors: RGB camera, an IR projector, and an IR camera. Gazebo simulator provides Openni
Kinect Plugin which simulates Kinect sensor and publishes both Image and Depth data on the same topics as the
corresponding ROS drivers for the Microsoft Kinect. It publishes RGB image data in ROS Image datatype and Depth data
in ROS PointCloud2 data type.

B. Object Detection

We are detecting objects with the help of Computer vision using OpenCV with Python 2.7. Gazebo Simulator publishes
Image data from the simulated Xbox-Kinect sensor over

ROS topic ”/front_cam/kinect/rgb/image_raw”.

We have used OpenCV bridge, a ROS package to convert Image data received in ROS msg format to Image
format supported by OpenCV. The following figures illustrate the steps required in our algorithm to detect obstacles.

 Canny Edge: Canny Edge detector [10] is one of the most used detectors to detect edges in a given frame.

Figure 2: Obstacle Detection Algorithm from Xbox-Kinect’s RGB Camera.

It uses a gaussian filter to remove noise in the image. The algorithm computes gradients and applies threshold on
gradient values. Also, it discards the weak edges that are not connected to strong ones.

 Dilation: It is a method to increase the focused pixel area using a kernel of different sizes. After applying the
canny edge there are still some edges left that need to be amplified, for that purpose we have used the dilation
method. It can be achieved by first performing erosion which removes white noise (also shrinks ) followed by [email protected]
48 Kashif Khurshid Noori, Manish Kumar Mishra & Md. Zafaryab Abdullah


 Finding Contours: to find contours in the image after dilation we have used cv2 function to find all contours in the
image, also computed the hierarchy between contours (small contours inside large contours), which further gave
us the dimension of the final contours present in the image.

 Drawing Bounding Box: After getting the dimensions of the contours using cv2, we have used another cv2
function to draw a box that bounds the contours.

 Getting pixel of the centroid: To get the depth of the obstacle using point cloud data we need to find a single point
of the obstacle for which we took the centroid of the box.

C. Pixel to Xc Coordinate

The Gazebo Simulator publishes Depth data in form of

”sensor_msgs/PointCloud2” datatype[11], which stores X-Y-Z depth data in an 1-D array. To extract pixel
coordinates, it has ”row step” and ”point step” attributes which helps to find index value from which coordinates data
begin in depth data array. We have followed following steps to extract X-Y-Z of pixel value u, v:

 array pos ←u * point step + v * row step

 X Byte data will be from array_pos to array_pos+4

 Y Byte data will be from array_pos+4 to array pos+8

 Z Byte data will be from array_pos+8 to array_pos+12

 Convert all these data from Byte to Float numbers

A. Behaviours of Quadcopter

The environment present around us is fundamentally unknown and always changing with the progression of time.

Figure 3: Finding Contour and Drawing Bounding Box Around Obstacles.

Impact Factor (JCC): 5.6464 Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 61.73

Vision-Based Obstacle Avoidance on Quadcopter 49

Figure 4: Visualizing Pixel in RGB Image and Corresponding

XYZ Coordinate of that Pixel in Rviz.

So, it does not make sense to equip a robot with a pre-defined plan for its functioning in this environment. It
would be better if we could design different behaviors or control of the robot and switch among these behaviors in
response to environmental changes, which summarizes the key idea behind Behavior-based robotics. We have defined
three behaviors for navigating our robot autonomously without slamming into obstacles in an unknown indoor/outdoor
environment. We have designed all these behaviors for a Point Robot in a 2D plane, which we will later translate for our
quadcopter, and whose velocity ‘u’ could be directly controlled and has a State ‘x’.

 Go-to-waypoint: In this behaviour robot’s task is to move towards the Goal position irrespective of the
environmental condition, as switching conditions take care of environmental factors by changing behaviours.
Considering robot’s current state be x and robot’s desired state i.e., state at way-point’s position be xw, we could
define a control or behaviour uGW as :

uGW = KGW (xw * x) (3)

 Avoid Obstacle: In this behaviour robot’s task is to move away from the obstacle’s position. Considering xo be
obstacle’s state, then we could define uAO as avoid obstacle behaviour as :

uAO = KAO(x - xo) (4)

● Follow Obstacle Boundary: In this behaviour robot’s task is to follow an obstacle wall in order to avoid it. We
could assume that obstacle has a circular boundary whose radius is equal to the distance at which robot wants to
avoid it. Then, we could easily define Follow Wall behaviour by rotating Avoid Obstacle behaviour by 90
degrees. The direction of rotation, clockwise or counterclockwise, will be decided by Switching Conditions.

● Clockwise:


● Counter-Clockwise:

(6) [email protected]
50 Kashif Khurshid Noori, Manish Kumar Mishra & Md. Zafaryab Abdullah

where α is a gain matrix and R(θ) is a Rotation Matrix, defined as :


B. Switching Conditions

Consider the robot initially following Go-to-waypoint behaviour, minimum obstacle distance ∆. Now, when the robot
reaches ∆ distance near the obstacle, it has to choose other behaviour in order to respond to the environmental changes
caused due to the obstacle. Following are the Switching Conditions:

● From Go-To-Waypoint to Follow Wall: Here Robot has two options, either it could follow ucFW or uccFW depending
upon its Dot product with uGW. Considering Dot product of vector v and w denoted as:

● Follow Wall- Clockwise:



● Follow Wall- Counter Clockwise:



● From Follow-Wall to Go-To-Waypoint:

● Progress : Consider τ be the last time of switch and x(τ) denotes the state at the time τ.


● Clear Shot: This condition takes care of the fact that there is no other obstacle between the robot's current state
and goal position.



We have formulated our algorithm for a Point robot moving in a 2-D plane but we are using a Quad-copter that will
navigate in the 3-D plane. To implement this Planner on our robot, we need to modify the algorithm such that we could get
Linear Velocity v, Vertical velocity vup, vx & vy in Quadvelocity frame to navigate quadcopter and Yaw value as an output
of planner.

A. Altitude Hold

Quadcopter in Gazebo Simulator is equipped with a downward facing Sonar Sensor which publishes the quadcopter's
height on ”{sonar down” ROS topic. Considering current altitude be represented by Z and our desired height be Zsetpoint .
Thus, altitude hold controller could be easily defined as :

Impact Factor (JCC): 5.6464 Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 61.73

Vision-Based Obstacle Avoidance on Quadcopter 51



It will run in an outer-loop over other controllers and always maintain the quadcopter in a 2-D plane.

B. Translating Reference Signal to Robot’s Model

Point robot model behaviours will be able to generate uGW, uAO, ucFW, uccFW . Taking all of these generated control signals as
u, which will be a 2x1 matrix :


Heading angle, 𝜙d calculated from this control signal :


We have used a pre-defined linear velocity, v. We could also get it from control signal:


We can get X-Y components of this velocity in Quad-velocity frame using transformation matrix [II-B], thus, vx
and vy is :



For Angular velocity w, we could use PID regulator with 𝜙d



where PID refers as (23)

A. Altitude Hold

PID values used for Altitude controller in simulations:

KP = 0.7 ; KI = 0.005 ; KD =0.03 ;

Setpoint = 10m

Response curve for holding altitude of 10m and then landing back is shown in figure 5. [email protected]
52 Kashif Khurshid Noori, Manish Kumar Mishra & Md. Zafaryab Abdullah

Figure 5: Altitude Hold.

B. Obstacle Avoidance Trajectory

● PID values used for controlling angle 𝜙 :

KP = 3.5 ; KI = 0.05 ; KD =2.5

● Minimum Distance, ∆ = 1.2m

● Linear velocity, v = 0.5m/s

● Altitude Setpoint = 1.3m

● First Way-point = (-8,0,1.3)

● Second Way-point = (8,0,1.3)

Figure 6: Simulation Scenario- way-Points has been shown by Stars.

Impact Factor (JCC): 5.6464 Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 61.73

Vision-Based Obstacle Avoidance on Quadcopter 53

Figure 7: Trajectory Traced.


In this paper, we have developed a behaviour-based local planner for obstacle avoidance using Xbox Kinect as a vision
sensor and ROS-Gazebo interface for simulation. We have provided pre-defined initial waypoints to the local planner.
However, we could adjunct a global planner and feed our planner the trajectory generated from it. As future work, we plan
to remove our quadcopter limit to a 2D plane for navigation. We will implement RGB-D SLAM[12] to generate a 3D map
for a better understanding of the environment and use this map with MoveIT–ROS toolbox, for 3D collision-free trajectory.


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Impact Factor (JCC): 5.6464 Index Copernicus Value (ICV): 61.73

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