Generation of high DC voltages is mainly required in research
work in the areas of pure and applied physics.
Sometimes, high direct voltages are needed in insulation tests on
cables and capacitors.
Impulse generator charging units also require high DC voltages
of about 100 to 200 kV.
Normally, for the generation of DC voltages of up to 100 kV,
electronic valve rectifiers are used and the output currents are
about 100 mA.
The rectifier valves require special construction for cathode and
filaments since a high electrostatic field of several kV/cm exist
between the anode and the cathode in the nonconduction period.
The AC supply to the rectifier tubes may be of power frequency
or may be of audio frequency from an oscillator.
There are various applications of high D.C. voltages in
industries, research medical sciences etc.
HVDC is used for testing HVAC cables of long lengths
as these have very large capacitance and would require
very large values of currents if tested on HVAC voltages.
Even though D.C. tests on A.C. cables are convenient
and economical, these suffer from the fact that the
stress distribution within the insulating material is
different from the normal operating condition.
HVDC is also being used extensively in physics for
particle acceleration and in medical equipment (X-Rays).
Generation of High DC Voltage
For the generation of D.C voltages of up to 100kV,
electronic valve rectifiers are used and the output currents
are about 100 mA.
The rectifier valves require special construction since a
high electrostatic field of several kV/cm exists.
There are two methods of generating high D.C voltages:-
i. Through the process of rectification employing voltage
multiplier circuits (Half-wave Rectifier Circuit, Full-wave
Rectifier Circuit, Voltage Doubler Circuit & Cockroft-Walton
Voltage Multiplier).
ii. Electrostatic generators.
Generation of High DC Voltage
Half-wave Rectifier Circuit
The simplest circuit for generation of high direct voltage is
the half wave rectifier shown in the figure below
Generation of High DC Voltage
Half-wave Rectifier Circuit
Assuming the ideal transformer and small internal resistance of the
diode during conduction the capacitor C is charged to the maximum
voltage Vmax during conduction of the diode D.
Assuming that there is no load connected, the DC voltage across
capacitance remains constant at Vmax whereas the supply voltage
oscillates between ±Vmax
During negative half cycle, the potential of point A becomes – Vmax
Generation of High DC Voltage
Half-wave Rectifier Circuit
The single phase half-wave rectifier circuits have the
following disadvantages:
(i) The size of the circuits is very large if high and pure DC
output voltages are desired.
(ii) The high voltage transformer may get saturated if the
amplitude of direct current is comparable with the nominal
alternating current of the transformer.
Generation of High DC Voltage
Full-wave Rectifier Circuit
A full wave rectifier circuit is shown below.
In the positive half cycle, the rectifier A conducts and charges the
capacitor C.
In the negative half cycle the rectifier B conducts and charges the
The source transformer requires a centre tapped secondary with a
rating of 2V
Generation of High DC Voltage
Ripple Voltage: the variation in capacitor voltage due to the charging
and discharging.
The advantage of a full-wave rectifier over a half-wave is quite clear.
The capacitor can more effectively reduce the ripple when the time
between peaks is shorter.
- Easier to filter
-Shorted time between
-Smaller ripple.
Generation of High DC Voltage
Comparison between outputs of Half-wave and Full-wave rectifier
(a) Input sine wave (b) Output with half wave rectifier
and condenser filter
Generation of High DC Voltage
Cockroft-Walton Voltage Multiplier (cont.):
The figure below shows a multistage single phase cascaded circuit of the
Cockroft-Walton type.
Here n number of capacitors and diodes are used.
Voltage is cascaded to produce output of 2nVmax .
Generation of High DC Voltage
Cockroft-Walton Voltage Multiplier
It uses a network of diodes and capacitors to
convert lower AC voltage to higher DC voltage.
C1 is charged through D1 to Vs (difference
between left and right plate of the capacitor.
During the first positive peak, the potential of C1
adds with that of the source, thus charging C2 to
2Vs through D2.
During the first negative peak, C1 has dropped to
zero, thus allowing C3 to charge through D3 to
During the next positive peak, C1 rises to 2Vs,
also charging C4 to 2Vs. The output voltage rises
till 4Vs.
Each additional stage of 2 diodes, and 2
capacitors, increases the output voltage by twice
the peak A.C supply. 14
Generation of High DC Voltage
I n n 1 I n n 1
Ripple voltage, V (1)
fC 2 2 fC
% Ripple, % VT x 100% (3)
2n Vmax
Generation of High DC Voltage
Vmax x fc
noptimum (7)
• In general, it is more economical to use high frequency and
smaller value of capacitance to reduce the ripples or the
voltage drop rather than low frequency and high capacitance.
Generation of High DC Voltage
Generation of High DC
Cockroft-Walton Voltage Multiplier (cont.)
• Solution:
I n n 1 I n n 1
fC 2 2 fC
= 6.111 kV
Generation of High DC Voltage
Cockroft-Walton Voltage Multiplier (cont.)
• (ii) The voltage drop and regulation
Generation of High DC
Cockroft-Walton Voltage Multiplier (cont.)
Generation of High DC Voltage
Electrostatic Generator:
It uses variable capacitor principle to convert mechanical energy to electrical energy.
It consists of a stator with interleaved rotor vanes forming a variable capacitor and
operates in vacuum. The rotor is insulated from the ground, and is maintained at a
potential of + V.
The rotor to stator capacitance varies from C0 to Cm, and the stator is connected to a
common point between two rectifiers across the DC output which is -E volts.
When the capacitance of the rotor is maximum (Cm), the rectifier B does not conduct and
the stator is at ground potential.
The potential E is applied across the rectifier A and V is applied across Cm. As the rotor
rotates, the capacitance C decreases and the voltage across C increases.
Thus, the stator becomes more negative with respect to ground. When the stator reaches
the line potential -E the rectifier A conducts, and further movement of the rotor causes the
current to flow from the generator. Rectifier B will now have E across it.
Generation of High AC Voltage
Generation of high AC voltages are required for the
purpose of testing various types of power system
Test transformers are normally used.
These transformers are mainly used for short time tests on
high voltage equipment.
For higher voltage requirement, a single unit construction
becomes difficult and costly.
These drawbacks are overcome by series connection or
cascading of the several identical units of transformers.
High AC voltages can be generated by either test
transformers or resonant circuits.
Generation of High AC Voltage
Cascaded Transformers
For generating AC test voltages of less than a few hundred
kV, a single transformer can be used.
For voltages higher than 400kV, it is desired to cascade two
or more transformers.
The figure below shows a basic scheme for cascading three
Generation of High AC Voltage
Cascaded Transformers (cont.)
The primary of the first stage transformer is connected to a low voltage
A voltage is available across the secondary of this transformer.
The tertiary winding (excitation winding) of first stage has the same number
of turns as the primary winding, and feeds the primary of the second stage
The potential of the tertiary is fixed to the potential V of the secondary
winding as shown in the figure.
The secondary winding of the second stage transformer is connected in
series with the secondary winding of the first stage transformer, so that a
voltage of 2V is available between the ground and the terminal of secondary
of the second stage transformer.
Generation of High AC Voltage
Cascaded Transformers (cont.)
Similarly, the stage-III transformer is connected in series with the second
stage transformer.
With this, the output voltage between ground and the third stage transformer,
secondary is 3V.
The advantage of cascading the transformers is that the natural cooling is
sufficient and the transformers are light and compact.
The main disadvantages of this scheme :-
i. The lower stages of the primaries of the transformers are loaded more as
compared with the upper stages
ii. Bulky and heavy
Generation of High AC Voltage
Resonant Circuit
An alternative method that is more economical and sometimes
technically superior is offered by resonant circuits.
Parallel resonant circuits involves the addition of parallel reactors
either in the primary low-voltage circuit or the secondary high-
voltage circuit.
The power factor can be greatly improved
A simplified diagram of the parallel resonant test system is given in
the figure below.
Generation of High AC Voltage
Resonant Circuit (cont.)
An alternative system is the series resonance circuit.
By resonating the circuit through a series reactor L at the test
frequency (50 Hz), harmonics are heavily attenuated.
A simplified diagram of the series resonance test system is given in
the figure below.
Generation of High AC Voltage
Resonant Circuit: Advantages
No high-power arcing and heavy current surges
Cascading is also possible for higher voltage
Simple and compact test setup
Pure sinusoidal output waveforms
Less power requirements from the mains
Generation of Impulse Voltage
An impulse voltage is a unidirectional voltage which, rises rapidly to
a maximum value and falls more or less rapidly to zero.
Generation of Impulse Voltage
Definition of Parameters
The maximum value is called the peak value of the impulse.
A full impulse voltage is characterized by its peak value and its two
time intervals, the wave front and wave tail time intervals.
The wave front time is specified as 1.25 times (t2 – t1), where t2 is
the time for the wave to reach to its 90% of the peak value and t1 is
the time to reach 10% of the peak value.
Wave tail time is measured between the nominal starting point t0
and the point on the wave tail where the voltage is 50% of the peak
value i.e. wave tail time is expressed as (t3 – t0).
Impulse Generator Circuit
Two simplified but more practical forms of impulse generator circuits
are shown below.
The two circuits are widely used and differ only in the position of the
wave tail control resistance R2.
When R2 is on the load side of R1 (Fig. a) the two resistances form
a potential divider which reduces the output voltage.
But when R2 is on the generator side of R1 (Fig. b) this particular
loss of output voltage is absent.
Impulse Generator Circuit
The impulse capacitor C1 is charged through a charging resistance
to a DC voltage Vo
C1 is then discharged by flashing over the switching gap with a
pulse of suitable value.
The desired impulse voltage appears across the load capacitance
The value of the circuit elements determines the shape of the output
impulse voltage.
Impulse Generator Circuit
Circuit Analysis
• Where;
Impulse Generator Circuit
Multistage Impulse Generators
Single Stage Equivalent Circuit