15EEL76-Power System Simulation Lab

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Table of Contents
CS507PC : DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHM LAB.........................2
A. LABORATORY INFORMATION..............................................................................................2
1. Lab Overview...................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Lab Content........................................................................................................................................ 2
3. Lab Material........................................................................................................................................ 2
4. Lab Prerequisites:............................................................................................................................... 3
5. General Instructions............................................................................................................................ 3
6. Lab Specific Instructions..................................................................................................................... 3
B. OBE PARAMETERS...............................................................................................................3
1. Lab / Course Outcomes...................................................................................................................... 3
2. Lab Applications................................................................................................................................. 4
3. Articulation Matrix............................................................................................................................... 5
4. Mapping Justification.......................................................................................................................... 5
5. Curricular Gap and Content................................................................................................................ 6
6. Content Beyond Syllabus................................................................................................................... 6
C. COURSE ASSESSMENT....................................................................................................... 6
1. Course Coverage................................................................................................................................ 6
2. Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)............................................................................................... 7
D. EXPERIMENTS...................................................................................................................... 7
Experiment 01 : Structure of C program................................................................................................. 7
Experiment 02 : Keywords and identifiers............................................................................................... 8
Experiment 03 : ………........................................................................................................................... 9
Experiment 04 : ………........................................................................................................................... 9

Note : Remove “Table of Content” before including in CP Book

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15EEL76 : Power System Simulation LAB

1. Lab Overview
Degree: B.E Program: EE
Year / Semester : 4/7 Academic Year: 2018-19
Course Title: Power system simulation Lab Course Code: 15EEL76
Credit / L-T-P: 3 / 0-1-2 SEE Duration: 180 Minutes
Total Contact Hours: 30 Hrs SEE Marks: 80 Marks
CIA Marks: 20 Assignment 1 / Module
Course Plan Author: Mrs. shravanthi A Sign Dt :
Checked By: Sign Dt :

2. Lab Content
Unit Title of the Experiments Lab Concept Blooms Level

Formation for symmetric π /T configuration for Verification of 𝐴𝐷

− 𝐵𝐶 = 1, Determination of Efficiency and Regulation = 1, Determination of Efficiency and Regulation
ers of
ion line
2 Determination of Power Angle Diagrams, Reluctance Power, 3 Salient L5
Excitation, Emf and Regulation for Salient and Non-Salient Pole and Non-
Synchronous Machines Salient
3 To obtain Swing Curve and to Determine Critical Clearing Time, 3 Transient L5
Regulation, Inertia Constant/Line Parameters /Fault Stability
Location/Clearing Time/Pre-Fault Electrical Output for a Single
Machine connected to Infinite Bus through a Pair of identical
Transmission Lines Under 3-Phase Fault On One of the two Lines.
4 Y Bus Formation for Power Systems with and without Mutual 3 Bus L5
Coupling, by Singular Transformation and Inspection Method. admittan
ce matrix
5 Formation of Z Bus(without mutual coupling) using Z-Bus Building 3 Z-Bus L5
Algorithm. Building
6 Determination of Bus Currents, Bus Power and Line Flow for a 3 Bus L5
Specified System Voltage (Bus) Profile current,
and line
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7 Formation of Jacobian for a System not Exceeding 4 Buses (No PV 3 Jacobian L5
Buses) in Polar Coordinates matrix
8 Load Flow Analysis using Gauss Siedel Method, NR Method and 3 Load flow L5
Fast Decoupled Method for Both PQand PV Buses. analysis
9 To Determine Fault Currents and Voltages in a Single Transmission 3 Short L5
Line System with Star-Delta Transformers at a Specified Location for circuit
LG and LLG faults by simulation. analysis
10 Optimal Generation Scheduling for Thermal power plants by 3 Optimal L5
simulation. generatio

3. Lab Material
Unit Details Available
1 Text books
Modern Power System Analysis,D. P. Kothari,McGraw Hill,4 th Edition, 2011 In Lib

2 Reference books
Computer Methods in Power Systems Analysis, Glenn W Stagg, Ahmed H Ei – In dept
Abiad, McGraw Hill.

Power System Analysis,HadiSaadat,McGraw Hill,2ndEdition, 2002

3 Others (Web, Video, Simulation, Notes etc.)

Not Available

4. Lab Prerequisites:
- - Base Course: - -
SNo Course Course Name Topic / Description Sem Remarks
1 15EE71 Power system Load Flow Studies, Optimal System 7
analysis-2 Operation, Symmetrical Fault Analysis ,
Swing Equation
2 15EE43 Transmission and Performance of transmission lines 4 Plan Gap Course

Note: If prerequisites are not taught earlier, GAP in curriculum needs to be addressed. Include in Remarks
and implement in B.5.

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5. General Instructions
SNo Instructions Remarks
1 Observation book and Lab record are compulsory.
2 Students should report to the concerned lab as per the time table.
3 After completion of the program, certification of the concerned staff in-charge in
the observation book is necessary.
4 Student should bring a notebook of 100 pages and should enter the readings
/observations into the notebook while performing the experiment.
5 The record of observations along with the detailed experimental procedure of
the experiment in the Immediate last session should be submitted and certified
staff member in-charge.
6 Should attempt all problems / assignments given in the list session wise.
7 It is responsibility to create a separate directory to store all the programs, so
that nobody else can read or copy.
8 When the experiment is completed, should disconnect the setup made by
them, and should return all the components/instruments taken for the purpose.
9 Any damage of the equipment will be viewed seriously either by putting penalty
or by dismissing the total group of students from the lab for the semester/year
10 Completed lab assignments should be submitted in the form of a Lab Record in
which you have to write the algorithm, program code along with comments and
output for various inputs given

6. Lab Specific Instructions

SNo Specific Instructions Remarks
1 Enter the command window of the MATLAB.

2 Create a new M – file by selecting File - New – M – File

3 Type and save the program in the editor window.

4 Execute the program by pressing Tools – Run.

5 View the results.

1. Lab / Course Outcomes
# COs Teach. Concept Instr Assessment Blooms’
Hours Method Method Level
1 Develop a program in MATLAB to assess 3 ABCD Black Slip Test + L5
the performance of medium and long Parameters of Board + Viva
transmission lines by calculating the ABCD transmission Executio
parameters line n
2 Develop a program in MATLAB to obtain 06 Salient and Black Slip Test + L5
the power angle characteristics of salient Non-Salient Board + Viva
and non-salient pole alternator Pole Executio
Synchronous n
3 Develop a program in MATLAB to assess 07 Transient Black Slip Test + L5

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the transient stability under three phase Stability Board + Viva

fault at different locations in a power Executio
systems. n
4 Develop a program to compute admittance 03 Bus Black Slip Test + L5
matrix by inspection & singular admittance Board + Viva
transformation method matrix Executio
formulation n
5 Develop a program to compute Z-bus using 03 Z-Bus Black Slip Test + L5
Z- bus algorithm Building Board + Viva
Algorithm. Executio
6 Calculate bus currents, bus power and line 03 Bus current, Black Slip Test + L5
flow for given system, develop the program bus power Board + Viva
and verify using MATLAB and line flow Executio
calculations n
7 Use Mi-Power package for the formation of 03 Jacobian Black Slip Test + L5
Jacobian matrix Board + Viva
calculation Executio
8 Use Mi-Power package to study load flow 03 Load flow Black Slip Test + L5
analysis using NR method, Gauss Siedel analysis Board + Viva
Method, Fast Decoupled method Executio
9 Use Mi-Power package to study 03 Short circuit Black Slip Test + L5
unsymmetrical faults at different locations in analysis Board + Viva
radial power systems Executio
10 Use of Mi-Power package to study optimal 03 Optimal Black Slip Test + L5
generation scheduling problems for thermal generation Board + Viva
power plants. scheduling Executio
- Total 42 - - - -
Note: Identify a max of 2 Concepts per unit. Write 1 CO per concept.

2. Lab Applications
SNo Application Area CO Level
1 To assess the performance of transmission lines by calculating ABCD parameters CO1 L5
2 To study about the power versus torque angle characteristics for given salient pole CO2 L5
and non salient synchronous machine.
3 Since we normally use synchronous generators to generate power in a grid, stability CO3 L5
refers to the ability of the synchronous generator to remain in synchronism. A swing
curve can be used to see how stable the generator will be after a disturbance. It is
basically a plot of the rotor angle with respect to time.
4 Used to analyse the data that is needed in the load or a power flow study of the CO4 L5
5 Important tool in other power system studies like short circuit analysis or fault studt . CO5 L5
The Zbus matrix can be computed by matrix inversion of the Ybus matrix
6 Line flow analysis is very important tool for analysis of power systems which is used CO6 L5
at operational as well as planning stages of the system, like adding and installation of
new generation station, load balancing in dynamic running condition and transmission

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lines site selection.

7 Load flow studies are one of the most important aspects of power system planning CO7 L5
and operation. Through the load flow studies we can obtain the voltage magnitudes
and angles at each bus in the steady state. This is rather important as the
magnitudes of the bus voltages are required to be held within a specified limit.
8 Load flow studies are one of the most important aspects of power system planning CO8 L5
and operation. Through the load flow studies we can obtain the voltage magnitudes
and angles at each bus in the steady state. This is rather important as the
magnitudes of the bus voltages are required to be held within a specified limit.
9 Determines the magnitude of the currents that flow during an electrical fault. CO9 L5
Comparing these calculated values against the equipment ratings is the first step to
ensuring that the power system is safely protected.
10 To allocate the generation to each and every units in a plant for a given load such CO10 L5
that fuel cost is minimum subjected to equal and inequality constraints

Note: Write 1 or 2 applications per CO.

3. Articulation Matrix
- Course Outcomes Program Outcomes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
15EEL76.1 Develop a program in MATLAB to x x x L5
assess the performance of medium
and long transmission lines by
calculating the ABCD parameters
15EEL76.2 Develop a program in MATLAB to x x x L5
obtain the power angle
characteristics of salient and non-
salient pole alternator
15EEL76.3 Develop a program in MATLAB to x x x L5
assess the transient stability under
three phase fault at different
locations in a power systems.
15EEL76.4 Develop a program to compute x x x L5
admittance matrix by inspection &
singular transformation method
15EEL76.5 Develop a program to compute Z- x x x L5
bus using Z- bus algorithm
15EEL76.6 Calculate bus currents, bus power x x x L5
and line flow for given system,
develop the program and verify
using MATLAB
15EEL76.7 Use Mi-Power package for the x x x L5
formation of Jacobian
15EEL76.8 Use Mi-Power package to study x x x L5
load flow analysis using NR
method, Gauss Siedel Method, Fast
Decoupled method
15EEL76.9 Use Mi-Power package to study x x x L5

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unsymmetrical faults at different

locations in radial power systems
15EEL76.10 Use of Mi-Power package to study x x x L5
optimal generation scheduling
problems for thermal power plants.
CS501PC. Average
Note: Mention the mapping strength as 1, 2, or 3

4. Mapping Justification
Mapping Mapping Justification
CO PO - -
CO1 PO1 L2 Knowledge on classification of overhead transmission line, Terms related to
performance of transmission line.
CO1 PO2 L5 Analyzing the performance of medium transmission line by determining the
voltage regulation and transmission efficiency
CO1 PO5 L3 Develop a program in MATLAB to assess the performance of medium and
long transmission lines.
CO2 PO1 L2 Knowledge on Salient and Non-Salient Pole Synchronous alternator.
CO2 PO2 L5 To analyze the power angle characteristics of salient and non-
salient pole alternator.
CO2 PO5 L3 Develop a program in MATLAB to obtain the power angle characteristics of
salient and non-salient pole alternator.
CO3 PO1 L2 Knowledge on swing curve
CO3 PO2 L5 To assess the transient stability under three phase fault at different locations
in a power systems.
CO3 PO5 L3 Develop a program in MATLAB to assess the transient stability under three
phase fault at different locations in a power systems.
CO4 PO1 L2 Knowledge on bus admittance and bus impedance matrices of
interconnected power systems.
CO4 PO2 L5 Bus admittance matrix formation for Power Systems with and without Mutual
Coupling, by Singular Transformation and Inspection Method
CO4 PO5 L3 Develop programs in MATLAB to formulate bus admittance and bus
impedance matrices of interconnected power systems.
CO5 PO1 L2 Knowledge on Z- bus algorithm.
CO5 PO2 L5 Formation of Z Bus using Z bus building algorithm
CO5 PO5 L3 Develop a program for formation of Z Bus using Z bus building algorithm
CO6 PO1 L2 Knowledge on load flow analysis
CO6 PO2 L5 To formulate Bus Currents, Bus Power and Line Flow for a Specified System
Voltage (Bus) Profile.
CO6 PO5 L3 To formulate Bus Currents, Bus Power and Line Flow for a Specified System
Voltage (Bus) Profile and verify the same by writing a program in MATLAB.
CO7 PO1 L2 Knowledge on load Jacobian matrix calculation
CO7 PO2 L5 Formation of Jacobian for a System not Exceeding 4 Buses (No PV Buses) in
Polar Coordinates.
CO7 PO5 L3 Formation of Jacobian for a System not Exceeding 4 Buses (No PV Buses) in
Polar Coordinates and verifying the same using Mi- Power package.
CO8 PO1 L2 Knowledge on load Flow Analysis using Gauss Seidel Method, NR Method

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and Fast Decoupled Method.

CO8 PO2 L5
Analyzing the techniques used for solving load flow problem for simple power
CO8 PO5 L3 Analyzing the techniques used for solving load flow problem for simple power
systems and verifying the same using Mi- Power package.
CO9 PO1 L2 Knowledge on different types of faults in a power system.
CO9 PO2 L5 To formulate the fault Currents and Voltages in a Single Transmission Line
System with Star-Delta Transformers at a Specified Location for LG and LLG
CO9 PO5 L3 To formulate the fault Currents and Voltages in a Single Transmission Line
System with Star-Delta Transformers at a Specified Location for LG and LLG
faults and verifying the same using Mi- Power package.
CO10 PO1 L2 Knowledge on optimal Generation Scheduling for Thermal power plants.
CO10 PO2 L5 To formulate the optimal generator scheduling for thermal power plants.
CO10 PO5 L3 To formulate the optimal generator scheduling for thermal power plants using
Mi Power package.
Note: Write justification for each CO-PO mapping.

5. Curricular Gap and Content

SNo Gap Topic Actions Planned Schedule Planned Resources Person PO Mapping
Note: Write Gap topics from A.4 and add others also.

6. Content Beyond Syllabus

SNo Gap Topic Actions Planned Schedule Planned Resources Person PO Mapping
Note: Anything not covered above is included here.


1. Course Coverage
Unit Title Teachi No. of question in Exam CO Levels
ng CIA-1 CIA-2 CIA-3 Asg-1 Asg-2 Asg-3 SEE
1 Formation for symmetric π /T 03
configuration for Verification of 𝐴𝐷
1 - - - - - 1 CO1 L5

− 𝐵𝐶 = 1, Determination of Efficiency and Regulation = 1, Determination of

Efficiency and Regulation
2 Determination of Power Angle 03 1 - - - - - 1 CO2 L5
Diagrams, Reluctance Power,
Excitation, Emf and Regulation for
Salient and Non-Salient Pole
Synchronous Machines
3 To obtain Swing Curve and to 03 1 - - - - - 1 CO3 L5
Determine Critical Clearing Time,
Regulation, Inertia Constant/Line
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Parameters /Fault Location/Clearing

Time/Pre-Fault Electrical Output for
a Single Machine connected to
Infinite Bus through a Pair of
identical Transmission Lines Under
3-Phase Fault On One of the two
4 Y Bus Formation for Power Systems 03 1 - - - - - 1 CO4 L5
with and without Mutual Coupling,
by Singular Transformation and
Inspection Method.
5 Formation of Z Bus(without mutual 03 - 1 - - - - 1 CO5 L5
coupling) using Z-Bus Building
6 Determination of Bus Currents, Bus 03 - 1 - - - - 1 CO6 L5
Power and Line Flow for a Specified
System Voltage (Bus) Profile
7 Formation of Jacobian for a System 03 - 1 - - - - 1 CO7 L5
not Exceeding 4 Buses (No PV
Buses) in Polar Coordinates
8 Load Flow Analysis using Gauss 03 - - 1 - - - 1 CO8 L5
Siedel Method, NR Method and Fast
Decoupled Method for Both PQand
PV Buses.
9 To Determine Fault Currents and 03 - - 1 - - - 1 CO9 L5
Voltages in a Single Transmission
Line System with Star-Delta
Transformers at a Specified
Location for LG and LLG faults by
10 Optimal Generation Scheduling for 03 - - 1 - - - 1 CO10 L5
Thermal power plants by simulation.
- Total 30 4 3 3 5 5 5 20 - -
Note: Write CO based on the theory course.

2. Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA)

Evaluation Weightage in Marks CO Levels
CIA Exam – 1 30 CO1, CO2, CO3, CO4 L1, L2, L3,L4
CIA Exam – 2 30 CO5, CO6, CO7, L5, L6, L7
CIA Exam – 3 30 CO8, CO9,C010 L8, L9, L10

Assignment - 1 05 CO1, CO2, CO3, CO4 L1, L2, L3,L4

Assignment - 2 05 CO5, CO6, CO7, L5, L6, L7
Assignment - 3 05 CO8, CO9,C010 L8, L9, L10

Other Activities – define –

Slip test
Final CIA Marks 40 - -
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SNo Description Marks
1 Observation and Weekly Laboratory Activities 05 Marks
2 Record Writing 10 Marks for each Expt
3 Internal Exam Assessment 25 Marks
4 Internal Assessment 15 Marks
5 SEE 80 Marks
- Total 100 Marks

Experiment 01: Calculation of ABCD parameters
- Experiment No.: 1 Marks Date Date
Planned Conducted
1 Title Formation for symmetric π /T configuration for Verification of 𝐴𝐷 − 𝐵𝐶 = 1, Determination of Efficiency and Regulation = 1,
Determination of Efficiency and Regulation.
2 Course Outcome Develop a program in MATLAB to assess the performance of medium and long
transmission lines by calculating the ABCD parameters
3 Aim To Calculate ABCD parameters for a given transmission line and find regulation
and efficiency.
4 Material / Equipment Lab Manual, PC loaded with MATLAB
5 Theory, Formula, The Transmission System can also be assumed to be a four terminal network
Principle, Concept with two input terminals where power enters the network and two output terminals
where power leaves the network.
Let Vs= Sending End Voltage; Is= Sending end current; Vr= Receiving End
Voltage; Ir= Receiving end current; The sending end parameters can be
expressed in terms of receiving end parameters through the set of parameters
known as transmission line parameters or ABCD parameters.
Thus, Vs= AVr + BIr;
Is= C Vr + DIr
The transmission network should be linear, passive and bilateral. The parameters
A, B, C and D are complex numbers and are called as generalized circuit
constants. The method which is used for analysis of transmission line has
influence on these constants. Performance calculation of the line can be done
using these constants.
Terms Related to Performance of Transmission Line:
1) Voltage Regulation:
% VR= 100* (VNL – VFL)/ VFL
But VNL= Vs(as there is no drop) and VFL= VR(on load) , hence percentage
voltage regulation equation becomes
% VR= 100* (Vs – VR)/ VR.

ii)Transmission Efficiency:
% Transmission efficiency, η= (receiving end power/sending end power)* 100
receiving end power= VrIrcos(φr)

sending end power= VsIscos(φs)

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cos(φr)= receiving end power factor

cos(φs)=sending end power factor

Case A: To find constants in medium transmission line represented by Nominal ∏

In nominal T method of analysis of medium transmission line the total line
capacitance is assumed to be lumped or concentrated at the center point of the
line whereas the half of the line resistance and reactance are lumped on either
side of the line. The constants are:
D= (1+Y*Z/2)
Case B: To find constants in medium transmission line represented by Nominal T
In nominal ∏ method, the total capacitance is divided into two halves with one
half at the receiving end and the other half at the sending end.The constants are:
D= (1+Y*Z/2)

6 Procedure, Program, Enter the command window of the MATLAB.

Activity, Algorithm, Create a new M – file by selecting File - New – M – File
Pseudo Code Type and save the program in the editor window.
Execute the program by pressing Tools – Run.
View the results.

%Determination of ABCD constants,Efficiency and Regulation of given Medium

%Transmission Lines with the help of recieving end data(Nominal-T)

clear all
length=input('Enter the length of medium line in km= ');
z=input('Enter the series impedance of the line per km= ');
y=input('Enter the shunt admittance of the line per km= ');
Z=z*length; Y=y*length;
a=1+(Y*Z)/2; d=a; b=Z*(1+(Y*Z)/4); c=Y;
fprintf('\nA,B,C&D contants are:\n');
Vr=input('\nEnter the receiving end line voltage in kV=');
Pr=input('Enter the receiving end power in MW=');
PF=input('Enter the receiving end power factor =');

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fprintf('\nSending end voltage/ph =%15.4f+%15.4fi V',real(Vs),imag(Vs));
fprintf('\nSending end current/ph =%15.4f+%15.4fi A',real(Is),imag(Is));
fprintf('\nSending end power =%0.2f MW',Ps);

%Determination of ABCD constants,Efficiency and Regulation of given Medium

Transmission Lines with the help of recieving end data(Nominal-π)

clear all
length=input('Enter the length of medium line in km= ');
z=input('Enter the series impedance of the line per km= ');
y=input('Enter the shunt admittance of the line per km= ');
Z=z*length; Y=y*length;
a=1+(Y*Z)/2; d=a; b=Z; c=Y*(1+(Y*Z)/4);
fprintf('\nA,B,C&D contants are:\n');
Vr=input('\nEnter the receiving end line voltage in kV=');
Pr=input('Enter the receiving end power in MW=');
PF=input('Enter the receiving end power factor =');
fprintf('\nSending end voltage/ph =%15.4f+%15.4fi V',real(Vs),imag(Vs));
fprintf('\nSending end current/ph =%15.4f%15.4fi A',real(Is),imag(Is));
fprintf('\nSending end power =%0.2f MW',Ps);

7 Block, Circuit, Model • -

Diagram, Reaction • -

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Equation, Expected • -
8 Observation Table, Enter the length of medium line in km= 100
Look-up Table, Enter the series impedance of the line per km= 0.1+0.2i
Output Enter the shunt admittance of the line per km= 4e-13i

A,B,C&D contants are:

B=10.0000+ 20.0000i
C= 0.0000+0.0000i

Enter the receiving end line voltage in kV=66

Enter the receiving end power in MW=10
Enter the receiving end power factor =0.8

Enter the length of medium line in km= 100

Enter the series impedance of the line per km= 0.15+0.50715i
Enter the shunt admittance of the line per km= 2.1615e-6i

A,B,C&D contants are:


Enter the receiving end line voltage in kV=220

Enter the receiving end power in MW=60
Enter the receiving end power factor =0.85

9 Sample Calculations • -
• -
• -
10 Graphs, Outputs Sending end voltage/ph =40292.0506+1093.4664i V
Sending end current/ph =87.4773+-65.6080i A
Sending end power =10.79 MW

Sending end voltage/ph =133631.7573+6727.6857i V

Sending end current/ph =156.7321 -69.4148i A
Sending end power =64.23 MW

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11 Results & Analysis
12 Application Areas Develop a program in MATLAB
13 Remarks Thus, the ABCD constants of the given medium transmission line were found
using nominal  and T method. Also, the efficiency and regulation of it were
found for the given receiving end data.
14 Faculty Signature with

Experiment 02:Determination of power angle diagram for

a) Salient pole synchronous machine
b) Non salient pole synchronous machine

- Experiment No.: 2 Marks Date Date

Planned Conducted
1 Title Determination of Power Angle Diagrams, Reluctance Power, Excitation, Emf and
Regulation for Salient and Non-Salient Pole Synchronous Machines .
2 Course Outcomes Develop a program in MATLAB to obtain the power angle characteristics of salient
and non-salient pole alternator
3 Aim To determine the power angle diagram, reluctance power, excitation emf and
regulation of salient pole and non-salient pole synchronous machine.
4 Material / Lab Manual, PC loaded with MATLAB
5 Theory, Formula, For Salient Pole
Principle, Concept P
1. Current I  Amperes
3 VL  Cos
2. Current I = |I| – Φ Amperes in case of lagging pf, Current I = |I| Φ
Amperes in case of leading pf.
3. The equivalent voltage Veq = Vph + j (I* Xq) Volts
4. Direct axis current |Id| =|I| * sin [Veq – I] Amperes
5. The Excitation EMF or Field effective voltage | V ef | = | Veq | + [(Xd – Xq) * |Id|]
Vef  V ph
6. %Regulation  100 %
V ph
7. Net Salient (Excitation) Power = 3 * | Vef | * | Vph | * Sin  / Xd MW
 X d  X q  Sin 2
8. Net Reluctance Power = 3  MW
2 Xd  Xq
9. Net Resultant Power Pnet = (Net Excitation power + Net Reluctance Power)
10. To get the maximum power delivered, Pnet  0
11. Solution of Pnet  0 (Quadratic equation) yields the value of  at which
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the Pnet will be maximum. Let this value of  be max.

12. The maximum net resultant power delivered is,
Vref  Vph  sin  max 
Pmax = 3 * { +

 X d  X q  Sin 2   max 
2  Xd  Xq
Where, P = Power output of the given salient synchronous machine in W
Φ = Power Factor angle = Cos –1 (PF)
VL= Terminal voltage (line) of the given salient synchronous machine in
Vph= Terminal voltage (per phase) of the given salient synchronous
machine in Volts.
Xd = Direct axis reactance of the given salient synchronous machine in 
Xq = Quadrature axis reactance of the given salient synchronous machine
in 
 = Angle by which Excitation EMF (V ef) leads Terminal Voltage (V ph), load
angle or torque

For non salient Pole

Current I  Amperes
3 VL  Cos
Current I = |I| – Φ Amperes
The Excitation EMF or Field effective voltage | Vef | = | (Vph + j I * X) | Volts.
Vef  Vph
%Regulation  100 %
Net Non–Salient (Excitation) Power = 3 * | Vef | * | Vph | * Sin  / X MW
Where, P = Power output of the given salient synchronous machine in MW
Φ = Power Factor angle = Cos –1 (PF)
VL = Terminal voltage (line) of the given salient synchronous
machine in Volts.
V ph = Terminal voltage (per phase) of the given salient synchronous
machine in Volts.
X = Synchronous reactance of the given non – salient pole
synchronous machine in 
 = Angle by which Excitation EMF (Vef) leads Terminal Voltage
(Vph), load angle or
torque angle.

6 Procedure, Enter the command window of the MATLAB.

Program, Activity, Create a new M – file by selecting File- New – M – File.
Algorithm, Pseudo Type and save the program in the editor Window.
Code Execute the program by pressing Tools – Run.

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View the results.



clear all
P=input('Enter the power output in MW=');
PF=input('Enter the power factor=');
Vt=input('Enter the line to line voltage in KV=');
X=input('Enter the Synchronous reactance of the given machine in ohms=');
xlabel('Delta (deg.)');
ylabel('Three phase power (MW)');
title('Plot:Power angle curve for non salient pole synchronous machine');
legend('Net Non Salient Power');
fprintf('\nExcitation EMF =%0.4f Volts/phase',Vef);
fprintf('\nRegulation =%0.4f %%',Reg);
fprintf('\nThe max. power delivered by the given machine=%0.4f MW',Pmax);
del=input('\n\nenter the torque angle delta=');
fprintf('Three phase power delivered =%0.4f MW',p1);


clear all
P=input('Enter the power output of the given machine in MW=');
Vt=input('Enter the line to line terminal voltage in KV=');
Xd=input('Enter the Xd in ohms=');
Xq=input('Enter the Xq in ohms=');
PF=input('Enter the power factor=');
I_ph= I*cos(PF_A)-i*I*sin(PF_A);

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Resultantpower =(Net_NonSalienpower + Net_Reluctpower);
hold on
hold on
xlabel('Delta (deg.) ----->');
ylabel('Three phase power (MW) ----->');
title('Plot: Power angle curve for salient pole synchronous machine');
legend('Net_NonSalienpower','Net_Reluctpower','Resultant Power')
fprintf('\nExcitation EMF =%0.4f Volts/phase',Vef);
fprintf('\nRegulation =%0.4f %%',Reg);
dP=input('\n\nEnter the coefficients of quadratic equation dPnet/d=');
fprintf('The max. power delivered by the given machine=%0.4f MW',Pmax);
del=input('\nenter the torque angle delta=');
fprintf('\nThree phase power delivered =%0.4f MW',p1);

7 Block, Circuit,
Model Diagram,
Reaction Equation,
Expected Graph

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8 Observation Table, Enter the power output in MW=60

Look-up Table, Enter the power factor=0.8
Output Enter the line to line voltage in KV=34.64
Enter the Synchronous reactance of the given machine in ohms=13.5

Non Salient Pole

Enter the power output of the given machine in MW=60
Enter the line to line terminal voltage in KV=34.64
Enter the Xd in ohms=13.5
Enter the Xq in ohms=9.83
Enter the power factor=0.8

9 Sample Calculation
10 Graphs, Outputs Excitation EMF =33011.4960 Volts/phase
Regulation =65.0623 %
The max. power delivered by the given machine=146.7135 MW
enter the torque angle delta=70
Three phase power delivered =137.8656 MW>>

Non Salient Pole

Excitation EMF =32914.8841 Volts/phase
Regulation =64.5792 %

Enter the coefficients of quadratic equation dPnet/d=[66.38 146.28 -33.18]

The max. power delivered by the given machine=149.8361 MW
enter the torque angle delta=100

Three phase power delivered =138.3868 MW

11 Results & Analysis Thus, the power angle curves of a given salient pole synchronous machine were

drawn. Also, the excitation emf, Max. power delivered (P max), Non–Salient power,

reluctance power, resultant power and regulation of it were found.

Excitation EMF = ______________ Volts

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Regulation = ____________ %

Max. power delivered (Pmax) = ___________ MW.

Non Salient Pole

Thus, the power angle curves of a given non – salient pole synchronous machine

were drawn.

Also, the excitation emf, Non – Salient power and regulation of it were


Excitation EMF = ______________ Volts

Regulation = ____________ %

Max. power delivered = _______________ MW

12 Application Areas
13 Remarks
14 Faculty Signature
with Date

Experiment 03: Determination of swing curve

- Experiment No.: 3 Marks Date Date

Planned Conducted
1 Title To obtain Swing Curve and to Determine Critical Clearing Time, Regulation, Inertia
Constant/Line Parameters /Fault Location/Clearing Time/Pre-Fault Electrical Output
for a Single Machine connected to Infinite Bus through a Pair of identical
Transmission Lines Under 3-Phase Fault On One of the two Lines.
2 Course Outcomes Develop a program in MATLAB to assess the transient stability under three phase
fault at different locations in a power systems.
3 Aim To determine the Swing curve of a single machine connected to infinite bus
4 Material / Lab Manual, PC loaded with MATLAB
5 Theory, Formula, Swing Equation describes the relative motion of the rotor (load angle or torque
Principle, Concept angle or power angle d) with respect to the stator field as a function of time. It is the
fundamental equation governing the rotor dynamics of the synchronous machine.
The solution of swing equation gives the relation between rotor angle d as a
function of time t. Normally, it is solved in digital computers using step-by- step
method or employing numerical solution techniques like Euler’s method or Runge-
Kutta’s method. The Plot of d versus t is called as the swing curve. For simple
systems like single machine connected to infinite bus or a two machine system, it is
not necessary to solve the swing equation for finding the transient stability. It can be
conveniently determined using the method known as Equal Area Criterion. Swing
curves are useful in designing the protective devices for the system. Even in an

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SMIB system, we have to resort to a numerical technique to evaluate the variation

of d with time and to determine CCT. All numerical methods use the concept of
discretization of the variables, over suitable time intervals.
6 Procedure, Excitation EMF E and transfer reactance X0 between line generators and infinite
Program, Activity, bus are determined for the specified output of the generator taking infinite bus
Algorithm, Pseudo voltage V as reference.
Code 2. Pre-fault power characteristics is determined as

Pa = ( |E|* |V| * sin d) / X0

Where E and V are magnitude of excitation EMF and voltage of infinite bus.

3. Pre-fault power angle is obtained as

d0 = sin-1 (Pmech / Pm)

where Pmech is electrical output of generator before fault.

4. For the specified fault location the new transfer reactance X 1 is determined
assuming constant excitation EMF and infinite bus voltage. The P- d characteristics
during the fault is obtained as

P1 = ( |E|* |V| * sin d) / X1 = P1m sin d

5. For the system configuration after the isolation of faulty line, the transfer
reactance X2 and the corresponding post fault. The P- d characteristics during the
fault is obtained as

P2 = ( |E|* |V| * sin d) / X2 = P2m sin d

6. The total time of transient stability study T, time at the instant of fault clearance
tc, inertia constant H of the generator and normal system frequency f are all
identified from the system data.

7. Critical clearing time is determined from the equation

8. For determining critical clearing time, solution for swing equation is obtained for
sustained fault using point by point method for above equations. Critical clearing
time is taken for the time corresponding to dc.

9. For calculation of swing curve for sustained fault, it is enough to assume t c >T

for ex: tc =T+0.01s

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10. For obtaining swing curve when the fault is cleared the procedure is similar, i.e.,
modified Euler method is applied to equations. to obtain incremental value of rotor
swing during successive time steps and the rotor swing at the end of respective
slips. It is important to use Pc= P1 for intervals before fault clearance and P c= P2.
for intervals after fault clearance.

11. A plot of d vs t gives the swing curve in both cases (sustained fault /fault

12. Procedure is repeated for different values of inertia constant, fault location, fault
clearing time, line reactance and pre-fault electrical output to study their effect on
swing curve by changing the value of one of them at a time keeping other constant.

%Program to find Swing curve critical clearing time for a single machine
%connected to infinite bus through a pair transmission line 3 phase fault on
%one of the line away from the sending end
clear all;
tfc=input('\nEnter fault clearing time=');
mi=input('\nEnter momentum constant=');
pm=input('\nEnter the mechanical power=');
pmbf=input('\nEnter the value of maximum power before fault=');
pmdf=input('\nEnter the value of maximum power during fault=');
pmaf= input('\nEnter the value of maximum power after fault=');
d=input('\nEnter the value of delta=');
w=input('\nEnter the value of angular velocity omega=');
h=input('\nEnter inertia constant=');
fprintf('\n\t TIME(IN SEC)\t DELTA(IN DEG)\n');
%finding ouot swing curve by Runge-Kutta Method
for t=0:0.05:0.5
if t<tfc
elseif t>=tfc

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7 Block, Circuit,
Model Diagram,
Reaction Equation,
Expected Graph
8 Observation Table, Enter fault clearing time=0.12
Look-up Table,
Output Enter momentum constant=0.0331

Enter the mechanical power=0.8

Enter the value of maximum power before fault=1.714

Enter the value of maximum power during fault=0.63

Enter the value of maximum power after fault=1.333

Enter the value of delta=0.485

Enter the value of angular velocity omega=0

Enter inertia constant=5.2


9 Sample Calculation


0.000 28.880
0.050 32.110
0.100 37.346
0.150 43.424
0.200 49.005
0.250 53.702
0.300 57.220
0.350 59.358
0.400 60.001
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0.450 59.117
0.500 56.751

11 Results & Analysis

12 Application Areas
13 Remarks
14 Faculty Signature
with Date

Experiment 04: Ybus formation by

1. Inspection method.
2. Singular transformation method with and without Mutual coupling.

- Experiment No.: 4 Marks Date Date

Planned Conducted
1 Title Y Bus Formation for Power Systems with and without Mutual Coupling by Singular
Transformation and Inspection Method.
2 Course Outcomes Develop a program to compute admittance matrix by inspection & singular
transformation method
3 Aim Bus admittance matrix (Ybus) formation for power systems using inspection method
and by singular transformation method with and without Mutual coupling.
4 Material / Lab Manual, PC loaded with MATLAB
5 Theory, Formula, Bus admittance matrix or Ybus is matrix which gives the information about the
Principle, Concept admittances of lines connected to the node as well as the admittance between the
nodes. Principal diagonal elements are called self admittances of node and is equal
to the algebraic sum of all the admittances terminating at the node. Off diagonal
elements are called mutual admittances and are equal to the admittances between
the nodes. The size of ybus is n*n where n is the number of buses in the system
and m= n+1( the total number of buses including the reference buses).
Ibus = Ybus * Vbus
where Ibus = vector of impressed bus currents
Ybus = bus admittance matrix.
Vbus = vector of bus voltages measured with respect to reference bus. Inspection
method makes use of KVL at all the nodes to get the current equations. From these
equations, Ybus can be directly written. It is the simplest and direct method of
obtaining all the diagonal elements as well as off diagonal elements in the matrix of
any power system. Bus admittance matrix is a sparse matrix. It is often used in
solving load flow problems. Sparsity is one of its greatest advantages as it heavily
reduces computer memory and time requirements.

The Y Matrix is designated by Ybus and called the bus admittance matrix. Y matrix
is a symmetric and square matrix that completely describes the configuration of
power transmission lines. In realistic systems which are quite large containing

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thousands of buses, the Y matrix is quite sparse. Each bus in a real power system
is usually connected to only a few other buses through the transmission lines. The
Y Matrix is designated by Ybus and called the bus admittance matrix. Y matrix is a
symmetric and square matrix that completely describes the configuration of power
transmission lines. In realistic systems which are quite large containing thousands
of buses, the Y matrix is quite sparse. Each bus in a real power system is usually
connected to only a few other buses through the transmission lines. Ybus can be
alternatively assembled by use of singular transformation given by a graph
theoretical approach. This alternative approach is of great theoretical and practical
Steps involving singular transformation:
1. Obtain the oriented graph for the given system.
2. Get the bus incidence matrix which is the one which indicates the incidence of all
the elements to nodes in connected graph. The size of this matrix is e*(n-1) where
e is the number of elements in the graph and n is the number of nodes (A)
3. Get the primitive admittance matrix from the graph of size e*e. If mutual coupling
between the lines is neglected then the resulting primitive matrix is a diagonal
matrix(off diagonal elements are zero)( [y]) 4. Ybus can be obtained from the
equation, Ybus = At * [y] *A

Inspection method.

1. Line impedance zik = (Rik + j Xik) 

2. Line Admittance yik = 1/zik = 1/(Rik + j Xik) mho.
3. The diagonal elements of Bus Admittance Matrix (self admittance or
driving point admittance) are,
Yii =  yik,
4. The off diagonal elements of Bus Admittance Matrix (mutual admittance or
transfer admittance) are, Yik = Yki = – yik
Where, i and k are the buses in the given network.
n is the no. of buses.

1. Primitive Impedance matrix [Zprim] = [(R + j X)]

2. Primitive Admittance matrix Y = [Yprim] = 1 / [Zprim]
3. Bus Admittance Matrix YBUS = AT * Y * A
Where, A – Bus incidence matrix and Y – Primitive admittance matrix

1. Primitive Impedance matrix [Zprim] = [(R + j X)]

2. Primitive Admittance matrix Y = [Yprim] = 1 / [Zprim]
3. Bus Admittance Matrix YBUS = AT * Y * A
Where, A – Bus incidence matrix and Y – Primitive admittance matrix


Program, Activity,

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Algorithm, Pseudo clc

Code clear all
e=input('\n enter the number of elements:=');
n=input('\n enter the number of nodes:=');
ybd=input('\n enter the oriented graph:=');
for a=1:nl



e=input('\n Enter the number of elements=');
n=input('\n Enter the number of nodes=');
ybd=input('\n Enter the oriented graph=');
for a=1:nl;



e=input('\nenter the number of elements=');

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n=input('\nenter the number of nodes=');

dm=input('\nenter the oriented graph=');
R=input('\nEnter the reference node=');
zp(2,3)=input('\nenter mutual impedence=' );
for a=1:nl;

7 Block, Circuit,
Model Diagram,
Reaction Equation,
Expected Graph
8 Observation Table, enter the number of elements:=7
Look-up Table,
Output enter the number of nodes:=5

enter the oriented graph:=[1 2 0.02 0.06 0.030;1 3 0.08 0.24 0.025;2 3 0.06 0.18
0.020;2 4 0.06 0.18 0.020;2 5 0.04 0.12 0.15;3 4 0.01 0.03 0.01;4 5 0.08 0. 24


enter the number of elements=3

Enter the number of nodes=3

Enter the oriented graph=[1 2 0.02 0.08;1 3 0.02 0.08;2 3 0.02 0.08]


enter the number of elements=4

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enter the number of nodes=5

enter the oriented graph=[1 5 i;2 1 0.4i;3 1 0.5i;3 4 0.2i;4 2 0.25i]

Enter the reference node=1

enter mutual impedence=0.2i

9 Sample Calculation
10 Graphs, Outputs ybus =

6.2500-18.6950i -5.0000+15.0000i -1.2500+3.7500i 0 0

-5.0000+15.0000i 10.8333-32.2800i -1.6667+5.0000i -1.6667+5.0000i -
-1.2500+3.7500i -1.6667+5.0000i 12.9167-38.6950i -10.0000+30.0000i 0
0 -1.6667+5.0000i -10.0000+30.0000i 12.9167-38.6950i -
0 -2.5000+7.5000i 0 -1.2500+3.7500i 3.7500-11.0750i

bus_admittance_matrix =

5.8824 -23.5294i -2.9412 +11.7647i -2.9412 +11.7647i

-2.9412 +11.7647i 5.8824 -23.5294i -2.9412 +11.7647i
-2.9412 +11.7647i -2.9412 +11.7647i 5.8824 -23.5294i

Ybus =

0 - 7.1250i 0 + 1.2500i 0 + 4.0000i 0

0 + 1.2500i 0 - 7.5000i 0 + 5.0000i 0
0 + 4.0000i 0 + 5.0000i 0 - 9.0000i 0
0 0 0 0 - 1.0000i

11 Results & Analysis Thus, the Bus Admittance matrix (Y–Bus) for a given power system is
determined by using inspection method.
YBus = ______________________.

Thus, the Bus Admittance matrix (Y – Bus) for a given power system
without mutual coupling was determined by using singular transformation method.
YBus = ______________________.

Thus, the Bus Admittance matrix (Y – Bus) for a given power system with
and without mutual coupling is determined by using singular transformation method.

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YBus = ______________________.

12 Application Areas
13 Remarks
14 Faculty Signature ‘
with Date

Experiment 05: Z-Bus Building Algorithm.

- Experiment No.: 5 Marks Date Date

Planned Conducted
1 Title Formation of Z Bus(without mutual coupling) using Z-Bus Building Algorithm.
2 Course Outcomes Develop a program to compute Z-bus using Z- bus algorithm
3 Aim Formation of Z Bus(without mutual coupling) using Z-Bus Building Algorithm.
4 Material / Lab Manual, PC loaded with MATLAB
5 Theory, Formula,
Principle, Concept
6 Procedure, %Z-Bus Building Algorithm
Program, Activity, clc
Algorithm, Pseudo clear
z=input('\n enter the bus data:');
[m n]=size(z);
for a=1:m
[rows cols]=size(zbus);
% type 1 modification
if newbus>currentbusno & ref==0
zbus=[zbus zeros(rows,1)
zeros(1,cols) value]
% type 2 modification
if newbus>currentbusno & ref~=0

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zbus=[zbus zbus(:,ref)
zbus(ref,:) value+zbus(ref,ref)]
% type 3 modification
if newbus<=currentbusno & ref==0
% type 4 modification
if newbus<=currentbusno & ref~=0
zbus=zbus-1/(value+zbus(fb,tb)+zbus(tb,tb)-2*zbus (fb,tb))*((zbus(:,fb)-

7 Block, Circuit,
Model Diagram,
Reaction Equation,
Expected Graph
8 Observation Table, enter the bus data:[1 1 0 0.25;2 2 1 0.1;3 3 1 0.1;4 2 0 0.25;5 2 3 0.1]
Look-up Table,
Output type =1

zbus =


type =2

zbus =

0.2500 0.2500
0.2500 0.3500

currentbusno = 2

type =2

9 Sample Calculation
10 Graphs, Outputs zbus =

0.2500 0.2500 0.2500

0.2500 0.3500 0.2500

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0.2500 0.2500 0.3500

currentbusno = 3

type = 3

zbus =

0.1458 0.1042 0.1458

0.1042 0.1458 0.1042
0.1458 0.1042 0.2458

type = 4

zbus =

0.1386 0.1114 0.1214

0.1114 0.1386 0.1286
0.1214 0.1286 0.1628

11 Results & Analysis

12 Application Areas
13 Remarks
14 Faculty Signature
with Date

Experiment 06: Determination of bus currents, bus power and line flows for a specified Bus system

- Experiment No.: 6 Marks Date Date

Planned Conducted
1 Title Determination of bus currents, bus power and line flows for a specified Bus system
2 Course Outcomes Calculate bus currents, bus power and line flow for given system, develop the
program and verify using MATLAB
3 Aim To determine the bus currents, bus power and line flows for any power system
4 Material / Lab Manual/PC loaded with MATLAB
5 Theory, Formula, The last step in the load flow analysis is computing the power flows, bus currents
Principle, Concept and bus power on the various lines of the network. Consider the line connecting
buses i and k. The line and transformer at each end can be represented by a circuit
with series admittance Yik and two shunt admittances Yiko and Ykio as shown below.

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The current fed by bus I into the line can be expressed as,
Iik = Iik1 +Iiko = (Vi – Vk)Yik + Vi Yik0
The power fed into the line from bus i is
Sik = Pik +jQik = ViIik* = Vi(Vi* - Vk*) Yik*+ ViVi*Yiko*
The power fed into the line from bus k is
Ski = Pki +jQki = VKIki* = Vk(Vk* - Vi*) Yik* + VkVk*Ykio*
The power loss in the (i-k) the line is the sum of the power flows determined from
the last two equations. The transmission loss can be computed by summing all line
flows (i.e Sik + Ski for all i, k). The slack bus power can also be found by summing
the flows on the lines terminating at the slack bus.

Formula used

1. Line currents Iik = (Vi – Vk) * Yik + Vi * (YShik / 2) and I ki = (Vk – Vi) * Yik + Vk *
(YShik / 2) Amperes
2. Complex power flow Sik = Vi * Iik and Ski = Vk * Iki
3. Line losses SL = Sik + Ski
4. Bus power Si =  Sik
5. Bus current Ii =  Iik
Where, n = the number of PQ buses in the given network,
Vi = Voltage at the bus i,
Yik = Mutual admittance between buses i and k,
YShik = Total line charging admittance between buses i and
Iik = Conjugate of line current flowing from bus i to bus k.
6 Procedure, clc
Program, Activity, clear all
Algorithm, Pseudo
linedata=input('\nEnter the line data ----->');

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busdata=input('\nEnter the bus data ----->');

to=linedata (:,2);
r=linedata (:,3);
x=linedata (:,4);
%bus voltages in rectangular form
for n=1:nbus
%line current
for m=1:nbr
Iik(m)=(v_bus(fr(m))-v_bus(to(m)))*y(m)+ (v_bus(fr(m))*ysh(m));
%complex power flow
for m=1:nbr
%line losses
for m=1:nbr

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%bus power
for n=1:nbus
for m=1:nbr
if fr(m)==n
elseif to(m)==n
%bus current
for n=1:nbus
for m=1:nbr
if fr(m)==n
elseif to(m)==n

7 Block, Circuit,
Model Diagram,
Reaction Equation,
Expected Graph
8 Observation Table, enter the line data=[1 2 0 0.2 0;1 3 0 0.15 0;1 4 0 0.1 0;2 3 0 0.1 0;2 4 0 0.15 0]
Look-up Table,
Output enter the bus data=[1 1 0;2 1 4.41;3 1 -4.24;4 1 -5.1]
9 Sample Calculation
10 Graphs, Outputs vb =

1.0000 0.9970 + 0.0769i 0.9973 - 0.0739i 0.9960 - 0.0889i


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0 -0.3845 - 0.0148i 0.4929 - 0.0182i 0.8889 - 0.0396i

0.3845 + 0.0148i 0 1.5083 + 0.0022i 1.1052 - 0.0067i
-0.4929 + 0.0182i -1.5083 - 0.0022i 0 0
-0.8889 + 0.0396i -1.1052 + 0.0067i 0 0


0 -0.3845 + 0.0148i 0.4929 + 0.0182i 0.8889 + 0.0396i

0.3845 + 0.0148i 0 1.5040 + 0.1137i 1.1015 + 0.0916i
-0.4929 + 0.0182i -1.5040 + 0.1137i 0 0
-0.8889 + 0.0396i -1.1015 + 0.0916i 0 0

Sl =

0 + 0.0296i 0 + 0.0365i 0 + 0.0792i 0 + 0.2275i 0 +


bp =

0.9974 + 0.0726i 2.9899 + 0.2202i -1.9969 + 0.1320i -1.9904 + 0.1312i

ibus =

0.9974 - 0.0726i 2.9980 + 0.0104i -2.0012 + 0.0160i -1.9942 + 0.0462i

11 Results & Analysis Thus, the line currents, line losses, bus currents, bus power and line flow
for a power system network with a specified system voltage (bus) profile were
Line Currents Iik = Bus currents Ii =
Line Currents Iki = Bus power Si =
Line power Sik = Line losses S L =
Line power Ski=
12 Application Areas
13 Remarks
14 Faculty Signature
with Date

Experiment 07: Jacobian Matrix Calculation

- Experiment No.: 7 Marks Date Date

Planned Conducted

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1 Title Formation of Jacobian for a System not Exceeding 4 Buses (No PV Buses) in Polar
2 Course Outcomes formation of Jacobian
3 Aim Formation of Jacobian for a system not exceeding 4 buses *(no PV buses) in polar
4 Material / Lab manual, PC loaded with MATLAB
5 Theory, Formula, n
Principle, Concept 1. Real Power Pi =Vi*  Vk*Yik*cos (ik + k – i).
2. Reactive Power Qi = –Vi*  Vk*Yik*sin (ik + k – i).

3. Jacobian elements Hii = –Qi – (Bii*Vi2), Nii = Pi + (Gii*Vi2), Jii = Pi –

(Gii*Vi2) and

Lii = Qi – (Bii*Vi2).

4. Jacobian elements Hij = Pi / j = Lij = Qi / Vj= –Vi* Vj*Yij*sin (ij –

i + j).

Nij = Pi / Vj= – Jij = – Qi / j =Vi* Yij*cos (ij – i

+ j).

5. Jacobian matrix = H N


Where, i & k are no. of buses,

Vi is the bus voltage at bus i,

Yik is the corresponding element in bus admittance matrix,

ik is angle of Yik in the corresponding element of bus admittance


i is the angle of bus voltage at bus i,

Bii is the susceptance of bus i = Yii* sin ii,

Gii is the conductance of bus i = Yii* cos ii,

6 Procedure, clc
Program, Activity, clear all
Algorithm, Pseudo
y_bus=input('Enter the bus admittance matrix ==>');
busdata=input('\nEnter the bus data ==>');

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for p=1:nbus
for q=1:nbus
for p=1:nbus
%formation of H N J L
for p=1:nbus
for q=1:nbus

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Jacobian = [H N; J L]
7 Block, Circuit,
Model Diagram,
Reaction Equation,
Expected Graph
8 Observation Table, Enter the bus admittance matrix ==>[6.25-18.75i -1.25+3.75i -5+5i;
Look-up Table, -1.25+3.75i 2.916667-8.75i -1.6667+5i;-5+15i -1.6667+5i 6.6667-20i]
Enter the bus data ==>[1 1.04 0;2 1 0;3 1 0]

9 Sample Calculation
10 Graphs, Outputs p_cal =

0 -0.0500 -0.2000

q_cal =

0 -0.1500 -0.6000


8.9000 -5.0000
-5.0000 20.6000


2.8666 -1.6667
-1.6667 6.4667


-2.9667 1.6667

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1.6667 -6.8667


8.6000 -5.0000
-5.0000 19.4000

Jacobian =

8.9000 -5.0000 2.8666 -1.6667

-5.0000 20.6000 -1.6667 6.4667
-2.9667 1.6667 8.6000 -5.0000
1.6667 -6.8667 -5.0000 19.4000

11 Results & Analysis Thus, the Jacobian matrix for a power system which has only PQ buses
was formed.


Matrix H =

Matrix N =

Matrix J =

Matrix L =

Jacobian Matrix =

12 Application Areas
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Experiment 08: Load Flow Analysis

- Experiment No.: 8 Marks Date Date

Planned Conducted
1 Title Load Flow Analysis using Gauss Siedel Method, NR Method and Fast Decoupled
Method for Both PQand PV Buses.
2 Course Outcomes Use Mi-Power package to study load flow analysis using NR method, Gauss Siedel
Method, Fast Decoupled method
3 Aim Load flow analysis using Newton Raphson Method/Gauss seidel method.
4 Material / Lab Manual, P.C loaded with Mipower package

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5 Theory, Formula, Load flow solution is a solution of a network under steady state condition subjected
Principle, Concept to certain inequality constraints under which the system operates. These
constraints can be in the form load nodal voltages, reactive power generation of the
generators, the tap setting of the tap changing transformer under load conditions.

The load flow solution gives the nodal voltages and phase angles and hence the
power injection at all the buses and power flows through interconnecting power
channels (through transmission line). Load flow solution is essential for designing a
new power system and for planning extension of the existing one for increased load
demand. These analysis require the calculations numerous load flows under both
normal and abnormal operating conditions. Load flow solution also gives the initial
conditions of the systems in the transient behavior of the system is to be obtained.
Load flow solution for power network can be worked out both ways accordingly as it
is operating under balanced and unbalanced conditions. The following treatment
will be for a system operating under balanced conditions. For such a system single
phase representation is adequate. A load flow solution of the power system
requires mainly the following steps. 1) formulation or network equation 2) Suitable
mathematical technique for solution of the equation. 3) The load and hence the
generation are continuously varying in a real power system. We will assume here
that loads and hence generations are fixed at a particular value over a suitable
period of time. Example ( ½ hr)

Bus classification In a power system each bus or a node is associated with four
quantities a) real power b) reactive power c) bus voltage magnitude d) phase
angle of the voltage. In a load flow solution two out of four quantities are specified
and remaining two are required to be obtained. Depending upon which quantities
are specified buses are classified as 1) generator bus 2) slack bus 3) load bus
Generator bus (voltage controlled bus) Any bus of the system at which voltage
magnitude is kept constant is called voltage controlled bus. At each bus to which
there is a generator connected, the megawatt generation can be controlled by
adjusting the prime mover and the voltage magnitude can be controlled by
adjusting the generator excitation. Therefore at each generator bus we may
properly specify Pgi and │Vi│. Thus at the bus I angle delta and Qgi are the
unknown quantities. Therefore it is also called as PV Bus.

Load bus (PQ bus) At each non generator bus called bus both Pgi and Qgi are zero
and real power Pdi and reactive power Qdi are drawn from the system by the load.
The two unknown quantities are voltage magnitude and voltage angle (V and d)

Slack bus The losses remain unknown until the load flow solution is complete. It is
for this reason generally one of the generator buses is made to take the additional
real and reactive power to supply transmission losses that is why this bus is known
as slack bus or swing bus. At this bus the voltage magnitude V and phase angle d
are specified where as Pgi and Qgi are unknown. The voltage angle of the slack
bus serves as a reference for the angles of all other bus voltages.

Techniques of solving load flow problems The development of any method for the
load flow studies on the digital computer requires the following main consideration

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1) mathematical formulation of the load flow problem 2) application of numerical

technique to solve these problems The mathematical formulation of load flow
problem is a system of non linear algebraic equations.

The non-linear algebraic equations can be solved by the solution techniques such
as iterative methods 1) Gauss method 2) Gauss- Seidel method 3) Newton
Raphson method Gauss Seidel method In this method the value of bus voltages
calculated for any bus immediately replace the previous values in the next step
while in case of gauss method the calculated bus voltage replace the earlier value
only at the end of iteration. Due to this Gauss Siedel method converges faster than
that of Gauss method. This method solves the power flow equation in rectangular
co-ordinates until the differences in the bus voltages from one iteration another are
sufficiently small.

Newton Raphson method It’s a powerful method of solving non-linear algebraic

equation. It works faster and is sure to converge in most of the cases as compared
to the GS method. It is indeed a practical method of load flow solution of large
power networks. Its only drawback is the large requirement of computer memory.
Convergence can be considerably speeded up by performing the first iteration
through the GS method and using the values so obtained for starting the NR
iterations. This method solves the polar form of the power flow equations until dp
and dq mismatches, at all buses fall within the tolerance.

Fast Decoupled NR method When solving large scale power transmission systems
strategy for improving computational efficiency and reducing computer storage
requirements is the decoupled load flow method. Incorporation of approximations of
the decoupled method into the jacobian matrix makes the elements of the sub
matrices J12 and J21 zero.

Therefore the modified jacobian now consists of the sub matrices J 11 and
J22.However J11 and J22 are still interdependent. The complications in solving J 11 and
J12 can be overcome by introducing further simplifications which are justified by the
physics of transmission line power flow. Such a method is called as fast de coupled

6 Procedure, Gauss Siedel Method

Program, Activity, To begin, double-click on the “PowerWorld Simulator icon”. This starts Simulator.
Algorithm, Pseudo Simulator is used
to create new cases.

2.Select Network > required components from the Individual Insert ribbon group on
the Draw ribbon tab. This prepares Simulator to insert a new

3.Left-click on the oneline background at the location where you want to place the
new bus. This invokes the component Option Dialog.

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4 .Draw the given single line diagram using suitable components with their

5 .Run the system by Click on Run Mode button in the Mode ribbon group.

6 .Press the Play button in the Power Flow Tools ribbon group on the Tools ribbon
tab to begin the simulation. Alternatively, to perform a Power Flow Solution, click
on Gauss Seidel power flow option in the solve ribbon group.

7 .It will solve the network and update all the filed values as per solution results on
single line diagram.

8 .Click on model explore to check the results. The corresponding bus voltages, Y-
bus are noted down and verified.

Newton raphson method

1.To begin, double-click on the “PowerWorld Simulator icon”. This starts Simulator.
Simulator is used to create new cases.

2. Select Network > required components from the Individual Insert ribbon group
on the Draw ribbon tab. This prepares Simulator to insert a new components.

3. Left-click on the online background at the location where you want to place the
new bus. This invokes the component Option Dialog.

4. Draw the given single line diagram with the specification of components.

5. Run the system by Click on Run Mode button in the Mode ribbon group.

6. Press the Play button in the Power Flow Tools ribbon group on the Tools ribbon
tab to begin the simulation. Alternatively, to perform a Power Flow Solution,
click on newton raphson power flow option in the solve ribbon group.

7 . It will solve the network and update all the filed values as per solution results on

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single line diagram.

8. Click on model explore to check the results. The corresponding bus voltages, Y-
bus are noted down and verified.

7 Block, Circuit,
Model Diagram,
Reaction Equation,
Expected Graph
8 Observation Table,
Look-up Table,
9 Sample Calculation
10 Graphs, Outputs
Example:-The computations are performed at buses 3, 4 and 5 to complete the first
Gauss Seidel iteration. And the results are displayed as shown below:

Screen showing mismatches after first iteration:

Newton raphson method

Screen showing jacobian matrix at first iteration:

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Screen showing mismatches after first iteration:

11 Results & Analysis Thus, the load flow solution for a given power system network using Gauss Seidel
method was performed with the help of Powerworld software package.

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Thus, the load flow solution for a given power system network using newton
raphson method was performed with the help of Powerworld software package.

12 Application Areas
13 Remarks
14 Faculty Signature
with Date

Experiment 09: Short Circuit Analysis

- Experiment No.: 9 Marks Date Date

Planned Conducted
1 Title To determine fault currents and voltages in a single transmission line systems with
star-delta transformers at a specified location for SLGF, DLGF.
2 Course Outcomes Use Mi-Power package to study unsymmetrical faults at different locations in radial
power systems
3 Aim To determine fault currents and voltages in a single transmission line systems with
star-delta transformers at a specified location for SLGF, DLGF.
4 Material / Lab Manual, P.C loaded with Mipower package
5 Theory, Formula, Short circuit studies and hence the fault analysis are very important for the power
Principle, Concept system studies since they provide data such as voltages and currents during and
after the various types of faults which are necessary in designing the protective
schemes of the power system. There are different types of faults in a power system
which can be broadly divided into symmetrical and unsymmetrical faults.
Symmetrical fault is the solid short circuit. This is an abnormal system behavior.
Such conditions are
caused in the system accidentally through insulation failure of equipment or flash
over of lines initiated by a lightning stroke or through accidental faulty operation.
The system must be protected against flow
of heavy short circuit currents by disconnecting the faulty part of the system by
means of circuit breaker operated by protective relaying.
The unsymmetrical faults require special tools like symmetrical components to
analyze the unbalanced operation of the system. Though symmetrical faults are
rare, this leads to most severe fault current
flow against which the system must be protected.

6 Procedure, 1 To begin, double-click on the “PowerWorld Simulator icon”. This starts

Program, Activity,
Simulator. Simulator is used to create new cases.
Algorithm, Pseudo
Code 2. Select Network > required components from the Individual Insert ribbon

group on the Draw ribbon tab. This prepares Simulator to insert a new


3. Left-click on the online background at the location where you want to place

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the new bus. This invokes the component Option Dialog.

4. Draw the given single line diagram using suitable components with their


5. Set the software to the ‘Run Mode’ & select ‘Fault Analysis’ option from

‘Tool Menu’. It will open ‘Fault Analysis’ window.

6. Click on ‘Fault Options’tab to enter the fault impedance value(if any), pre

fault profile and conditions.

7. Click on ‘Fault Data’ tab, select the fault location(Bus or In-line faults), Fault

type, faulted busor line and unit type for fault current. Then click on

‘calculate’ tab to run analysis.

8. Tabular report of the fault analysis for all the network element can be seen

by selecting different elements.

9. Click on ‘Matrices’ tab to see Positive, Negative and Zero sequence currents.

10. Click on ‘Fault data’ tab and select ‘online Display’ to visualize fault currents

on single line diagram for all phases or individual phase wise.

7 Block, Circuit,
Model Diagram,
Reaction Equation,
Expected Graph
8 Observation Table,
Look-up Table,
9 Sample Calculation
10 Graphs, Outputs Fault Analysis Dialog (fault at bus 1):

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Unsymmetrical faults:

11 Results & Analysis Thus, the fault currents and voltages in single transmission line systems with star-

delta transformers at a specified location for SLGF, DLGF were determined.

12 Application Areas
13 Remarks
14 Faculty Signature
with Date

Experiment 10: Optimal Generation Scheduling

- Experiment No.: 10 Marks Date Date

Planned Conducted
1 Title Optimal Generation Scheduling for Thermal power plants by simulation.

2 Course Outcomes Use of Mi-Power package to study optimal generation scheduling problems for
thermal power plants.
3 Aim To determine the economic load dispatch or optimum generation schedule for a
given power system.
4 Material / PC loaded with Mipower, Lab manual
5 Theory, Formula, For a power plant the total cost of operation includes fuel, maintenance, and labor
Principle, Concept costs, but we will assume that changes in output are relatively small, so that fuel
cost is the only important one.
If we let P stand for the power output in megawatts MW) and C be the fuel cost,
then Fig. shows a typical curve of cost versus power output.

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Figure: Typical Fuel-Cost curve for a single power plant

It is seen that the cost curve is increasing and concave upward. In practice, a
quadratic polynomial is often used to fit fuel-cost data. There are minimum and
maximum values of P, Pmax and Pmin, corresponding to feasible limits of operation
of the plant. The need for an upper limit should be clear; a given plant can't produce
more power than it is designed for. The lower limit usually comes from
thermodynamic and/or practical considerations, e.g. the fuel burning rate has to be
above a certain value or the flame goes out.

6 Procedure, 1. To begin, double-click on the “PowerWorld Simulator icon”. This starts

Program, Activity, Simulator. Simulator is used to create new cases.
Algorithm, Pseudo
Code 2. Select Network > required components from the Individual Insert ribbon group
on the Draw ribbon tab. This prepares Simulator to insert a new components.

3. Left-click on the oneline background at the location where you want to place the
new bus. This invokes the component Option Dialog.

4. Draw the given single line diagram with the specification of components.

5. Select fields around generator ‘IC’(Incremental cost of generator-λ) by right) by right

clicking on generator symbol and selecting the field IC.

6. Right click anywhere on the single line diagram except on symbols, select ‘Area
information Dilog from the pop up menu. Select ‘Economic Dispatch Control ’ in
the window and enable different types of controls for the study. Then click OK.

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7. Run the system by Click on Run Mode button in the Mode ribbon group.

8. Now change the load values manually by left clicking on the load
fields(MW/MVAR). It will distribute the power generation among all generators
in the network keeping incremental cost(λ) by right)
Same for all the generators.

9 . Economic load dispatch study results can be seen in tabular form.

Example: Power world simulator- economic dispatch, including generator limits:

(ii) With Minimum economic loading:

With maximum economic loading

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7 Block, Circuit,
Model Diagram,
Reaction Equation,
Expected Graph
8 Observation Table,
Look-up Table,
9 Sample Calculation
10 Graphs, Outputs
11 Results & Analysis Thus, the economic load dispatch or optimum generation schedule for a given
power system was determined.
12 Application Areas
13 Remarks
14 Faculty Signature
with Date

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