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HRS Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min (16003)
1. Applied Mathematics AMT 12062 03 -- -- 03 100 40 -- -- -- -- -- --
Object Oriented
2. OOP 12063 04 -- 04 03 100 40 50# 20 -- -- 25@ 10
3. Digital Techniques DTE 12064 03 -- 02 03 100 40 -- -- -- -- 25@ 10
Relational Data Base
4. RDB 12065 04 -- 04 03 100 40 -- -- 25# 10 25@ 10
Management Systems
5. Visual Basic VBA 12066 -- -- 04 -- -- -- 50@ 20 -- -- -- --
6. Professional Practices-III PPR 12067 -- -- 05 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 50@ 20
TOTAL 14 -- 19 -- 400 -- 100 -- 25 -- 125 -- 50
Student Contact Hours Per Week: 33 Hrs.
Total Marks : 700
@ Internal Assessment, # External Assessment, No Theory Examination.
Abbreviations: TH-Theory, TU- Tutorial, PR-Practical, OR-Oral, TW- Termwork, SW- Sessional Work.
 Conduct two class tests each of 25 marks for each theory subject. Sum of the total test marks of all subjects is to be converted out of 50
marks as sessional work (SW).
 Progressive evaluation is to be done by subject teacher as per the prevailing curriculum implementation and assessment norms.
 Code number for TH, PR, OR, TW are to be given as suffix 1, 4, 8, 9 respectively to the subject code.

w.e.f Academic Year 2011-12

Course Name : Computer Engineering Group

Course Code : CO/CM/IF/CD
Semester : Third
Subject Title : Applied Mathematics
Subject Code : 12062

Teaching and examination scheme:

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

03 -- -- 03 100 -- -- -- 100

 Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by SBTE.
 Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and
to be entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work. (SW)

The study of mathematics is necessary to develop in the student the skills essential for new
technological development. This subject introduces some applications of engineering, through which
the student can understand the link of Mathematics with engineering principles.

The Student will be able to:
1. Acquire knowledge of Mathematical term, concept, principals, and different methods.
2. Develop ability to apply Mathematical methods to solve technical
3. Solve problems, execute management plans with precision.
4. Acquire sufficient Mathematical techniques necessary for daily and practical problems.
5. Understand relation between Mathematics and applications in engineering.
w.e.f Academic Year 2011-12

Learning Structure:

Calculate Area, Apply Laws Development of Solution of Able to do

volume of voltage logical concept differential Data
Application of irregular and current. of computer equation by networking,
shapes. programming. iterative digital signal
methods. processing,

To explain To explain To explain To explain To explain

different different LaGrange’s, Rung- algebra of
methods of methods of Newton’s Kutta’s sets, Venn-
finding solving forward & second and diagram,
Procedure integration, differential backward forth order De-Morgan’s
definite equation of methods, methods for laws.
integration and first order and numerical solving
its properties. first degree. differentiation differential
& integration equation.

Integration of Order, Difference Iterative Subsets,

standard degree of table. methods for operation on
functions. differential Interpolation solving sets, Venn
Concept Rules of equation. formulae. differential diagram,
integration. Solution of Formulae for equation of first De-Morgan’s
Integration by D. E. , numerical order and first law, principle
parts, partial formation of differentiation degree. Runge- of inclusion
fractions. D. E. and integration. kutta and exclusion.

First order Integration. Tabular Ordinary Well

differentiation. Definition information. differential defined
Facts Definition of of Difference equation of first objects.
integration as differential operator, shift order and first Definition
anti-derivative. equation operator. degree. of set.
w.e.f Academic Year 2011-12

Contents: Theory
Chapter Name of the Topic Hours Marks

1.1 Definition of integration as anti-derivative. Integration of

standard function.
1.2 Rules of integration (Integrals of sum, difference, scalar
10 16
1.3 Methods of Integration.
1.3.1 Integration by substitution
1.3.2 Integration of rational functions.
1.3.3 Integration by partial fractions.
1.3.4 Integration by trigonometric transformation.
1.3.5 Integration by parts.
1.4 Definite Integration.
1.4.1 Definition of definite integral.
04 08
1.4.2 Properties of definite integral with simple problems.

1.5 Applications of definite integrals.

1.5.1 Area under the curve.
02 04
1.5.2 Area between two curves.

Differential Equation
2.1 Definition of differential equation, order and degree of
differential equation. Formation of differential equation for
function containing single constant.
2.2 Solution of differential equations of first order and first degree 08 18
such as variable separable type, reducible to Variable separable,
Non-homogeneous, Exact, Linear and Bernoulli’s equations.

2.3 Applications of Differential equations.

2.3.1 Laws of voltage and current related to EC, RC LRC 02 04
3.1 Interpolation
3.1.1 Introduction, Lagrange’s interpolation formula.
3.1.2 Difference operator, relation between them. Difference
03 Table.
08 16
3.1.3 Newton’s forward and backward difference interpolation
3.1.4 Concept of extrapolation.
w.e.f Academic Year 2011-12
Numerical Differentiation & Integration.
4.1 Newton’s forward and backward difference formulae for
dy d 2 y

04 differentiation  , 2  at any point and at 06 14
dx dx
 
x = x0 or xn
4.2 Numerical integration
Trapezoidal rule and Simpson’s 1/3 rd rule.
Numerical Solution Of Ordinary Differential Equation
05 5.1 Introduction. 04 08
5.2 Runge Kutta’s 2nd and 4th order methods.
Discrete Mathematics
6.1 Relational algebra.
06 6.2 Sets, subsets (Venn diagram) 04 12
Operation on sets, De-Morgan’s laws.
Principal of inclusion and exclusion with simple problems.
Total 48 100

Learning Resources:

Sr. Authors Title Publications

Pune Vidyarthi Griha
01 S. P. Deshpande Mathematics for polytechnic
02 Robert T. Smith Calculus: single variable Tata McGraw Hill
Advanced Mathematics for Engineers
03 Murray R Spiegel McGraw Hill
and Scientist
Schaum outline of differential and
04 F. Ayres Tata McGraw Hill
integral calculus
05 Frank Ayres Differential Equation: SI Metric Schaum Outline series.
06 B. S. Grewal Higher Engineering Mathematics Khanna Publication,
Introductory Methods of Numerical
07 S. S. Sastry Prentice Hall Of India
08 Chapra Numerical methods for Engg. 4th ed. Tata McGraw Hill
Numerical methods for scientific &
09 M. K. Jain & others Wiley Eastern
engineering computations
Colman, Busby and Prentice Hall of India
10 Discrete Mathematical structure
w.e.f Academic Year 2011-12

Course Name : Computer Engineering Group

Course Code : CO/CM/IF/CD
Semester : Third
Subject Title : Object Oriented Programming
Subject Code : 12063

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

04 -- 04 03 100 50# -- 25@ 175

 Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by SBTE.
 Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and
to be entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work. (SW)

Object oriented programming has become the preferred approach for most software projects. Object
oriented programming offers a new and powerful way to cope with complexity. Object oriented
programming concepts are useful for constructing complex physical systems such as car, airplanes

Instead of viewing the program as a series of steps to be carried out ,it views as a group of objects that
have certain properties and can take appropriate actions . Among the Object oriented programming
languages available C++ is most widely used language.

Different programs based on Inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, overriding requires

knowledge of C++. This subject acts as a base for languages JAVA, VC++ & UML.


The Student will be able to:

• Write programs using objects & classes.

• Develop programs to create and destroy the objects
• Use existing operators for different meanings.
• Using reusability concept.
• Implement pointers for arrays, strings & object.
• Describe polymorphism, concepts, it’s types, virtual function & write program for same.
• Apply formatted & unformatted console I/O operation & perform file related activities using
C++ streams.
w.e.f Academic Year 2011-12

Learning Structure:

Application Develop systems software program & systems firmware programming

Procedures Coding & Execution of Reusability

Debugging program

Concepts Concepts of syntax, Concepts of Concepts of Object

semantic & logic Instructions & data Oriented
development Programming

Operators, Input Expressions, Output Expressions

w.e.f Academic Year 2011-12

Contents: Theory

Chapter Name of the Topic Hours Marks

01 Concept of Object Oriented Programming. 06 08
History & features: It’s need & requirement, procedure oriented
programming versus object oriented programming, basic concepts
object oriented programming, object oriented languages.
Beginning with C++: Concepts & structure of C++ programming,
concepts of structure.
02 Objects & classes 12 18
Specifying a class, Defining member functions, Access specifiers
(public, private) Arrays within a class, Creating objects, memory
allocation for objects, static data & member function, Arrays of
objects, objects as function argument.
03 Constructors and Destructors. 10 14
Concept of Constructor, Types of constructors (Default,
Parameterized, copy,), Overloaded Constructors (Multiple
Constructor), Constructor with default argument, Destructors.
Function overloading, Operator overloading (overloading unary &
binary operators), rules for overloading operators.
04 Inheritance 08 16
Concepts of inheritance, Derived classes, Member declaration
(Protected), Types of inheritance (Single, multilevel, multiple,
hierarchical, Hybrid inheritance), Virtual base classes, Abstract
classes, Constructors in derived classes, Member classes.
05 Pointers in C++ 12 14
Concepts of pointer (Pointer declaration, pointer operator, address
operator, pointer expressions, and pointer arithmetic), Pointers &
functions (Call by value, call by reference, pointer to functions,
passing function to another function), Pointers in arrays (Searching,
insertion & deletion), Pointers to string (Searching, finding length,
comparison, concatenation, reverse), Pointers & objects (Pointers to
objects, this pointer, and pointer to derived classes).
06 Polymorphism 06 14
Concepts of polymorphism, types of polymorphism, function
Overloading & function overriding, Virtual function, Static &
dynamic binding.
07 Basic function of I/O system basics & File Processing 10 16
Stream classes, using formatted & unformatted functions, using
manipulator to format I/O, Basics of file system, opening & closing
a file, reading & writing character from a file (get(), put(), getline(),
write()), Command line arguments.
Total 64 100

Skills to be developed:
Intellectual skills:

• Use of programming language constructs in program implementation.

• To be able to apply different logics to solve given problem.
• To be able to write program using different implementations for the same problem

w.e.f Academic Year 2011-12

•Study different types of errors as syntax semantic, fatal, linker & logical
•Debugging of programs
•Understanding different steps to develop program such as
Problem definition
Design of logic
Maintenance (Modifications, error corrections, making changes etc.)
Motor skills:

• Proper handling of Computer System.

List of Practical:

Sr. No of
Title of Experiment
No. practical
1. Programs to input & output data (Simple programs). 01
2. Programs to create object of class 01
3. Programs to create arrays of objects 02
4. Program to access static member variables 01
5. Programs using object as function arguments using friend function. 01
Programs to define Class using constructor & destructor.(Default
6. constructor ,Multiple constructor, Copy constructor, Overloaded 01
7. Program using constructor with default argument 01
8. Program to overload unary & binary operator 02
9. Single inheritance & multilevel using protected member 02
10. Multiple inheritance & virtual base class 02
11. Program for pointers to arrays of integer 02
12. Program for pointers to strings 02
13. Program for pointers to objects 02
14. Program for this pointer. 01
15. Program for (virtual functions) runtime polymorphism 01
16. Programs for overload function 01
17. Format output using manipulators & own manipulator. 02
18. Program for file processing 02

Learning Recourses:
1. Books:
Sr.No. Author Title
01 Schilt C++ The complete reference Tata McGraw Hill
Object oriented programming with
02 Balgurusamy Tata McGraw Hill
Object oriented programming in
03 Lafore Robert Galgotia
Turbo C++.
04 Kanetkar Let’s C++
w.e.f Academic Year 2011-12

2. Website for mini projects:

• www.sourcecodesworld.com
• www.softeam.com
• www.cplus.about.com/od/beginnerctutorial

3. Magazines:

Express computers.
C / C++ journal

Demo lectures with power point presentations using LCD projector should be arranged to develop
programming concepts of students.
w.e.f Academic Year 2011-12

Course Name : Computer Engineering Group

Course Code : CO/CM/IF/CD
Semester : Third
Subject Title : Digital Techniques
Subject Code : 12064

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

03 -- 02 03 100 -- -- 25@ 125

 Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by SBTE.
 Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and
to be entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work. (SW)
In the present era, applications of digital circuits are prevalent in consumer products right
from calculators, digital diaries, digital watches, computers, mobile phones, to industrial products. So
the digital technique has been introduced as a core technology subject in Computer Engineering
curriculum. It will enable the students to assemble, design, test and troubleshoot logical circuits such
as ALU, MUX, DEMUX, A/D and D/A converters. It deals with topics ranging from logic gates, to
combinational and sequential logic circuits and memories. It lays a foundation for the knowledge of
microprocessors and computers.

The student will be able to

1. Design simple logic circuits.

2. Assemble logic circuits.
3. Test the logic circuits.
4. Observe outputs of logic circuits.
5. Troubleshoot digital circuits.
w.e.f Academic Year 2011-12

Learning structure:

Use of logical circuits in digital systems

Application Such as Microprocessors, Computers

Procedures Sequential Logic Combinational Logic A/D and D/A

Designs conversion

Working of Flip flop Working of Adder, Combining counters,

Procedures Counters, Registers Subtractor, Multiplexer, Multiplexers and
Demultiplexer, Registers
Comparator, ALU

Logic Gates, Boolean Algebra,

Principles Memory, K-map

Number System, Binary

Facts Digits
w.e.f Academic Year 2011-12

Contents: Theory

Chapter Contents Hours Marks

Introduction To Digital Techniques
1.1 Digital circuit.
1.2 Digital signal.
1.3 Use of digital circuit and digital signal.
1.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of Digital circuits.
1.5 Generation of digital signal
1.6 Introduction to digital ICs, Characteristics of digital ICs
1 1.7 Logic families comparison of TTL, CMOS and ECL logic 08 16
Families (No circuits) (To be covered in Practical)
1.8 Number System - Introduction to Binary, Octal, Decimal,
Hexadecimal number system
1.9 Conversion of number systems
1.10 1’s complement and 2’s complement
1.11 Binary arithmetic (addition, subtraction).
1.12 BCD code, BCD arithmetic (addition, subtraction).
Logic Gates And Boolean Algebra
2.1 Logical symbol, logical expression and truth table of AND,
OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, EX-OR and EX-NOR gates.
2.2 Universal gates – NAND and NOR gates
2.3 Logical circuits of basic gates using universal gates
2 2.4 Gates using more than two inputs. 06 14
2.5 TTL and CMOS logic gate ICs and their pin configurations.
(To be covered in Practical)
2.6 Basic laws of Boolean algebra, Duality theorem.
2.7 De Morgan’s theorems.
Combinational Logic Design / Circuits
3.1 Simplification of Boolean expression using Boolean algebra.
3.2 Construction of logical circuits forms Boolean expressions.
3.3 Boolean expressions using Sum of products and product of
sums forms.
3.4 K-map representation of logical functions.
3.5 Minimization of logical expressions using K-map ( 2, 3, 4
3.6 Standardization of SOP & POS equations
3.7 Concept of Adders / Subtractors.
3.8 Truth table, K-map, Simplified logical expression and logical
3 circuit using basic gates and universal gates of : (a) Half adder 12 24
and full adder. (b) Half subtractor and full subtractor.
3.9 Block diagram, Truth table, Logical expression and logic
diagram of Multiplexers (4:1 and 8:1), Multiplexer IC.
3.10 Block diagram and Truth table of Demultiplexer (1:4; 1:8;
1:16), Demultiplexer IC.
3.11 Block diagram and Truth table of Encoders, Priority Encoders
ICs and Decoder.
3.12 Block diagram, Truth table, working principle, Applications,
pin functions of Decimal to BCD Encoder (IC 74147) and
BCD to 7-segment Decoder.
Block diagram and function table of Parity generator (IC 74180),

w.e.f Academic Year 2011-12

Digital comparator IC (7485); Block diagram and pin functions of

ALU 74181
Flip Flops And Sequential Logic Design
4.1 One-bit memory cell, clock signal
4.2 Symbol and Logic diagram using NAND gates, working and
truth table of R S flip-flop.
4.3 Symbol and Logic diagram using NAND gates, working, truth
table and timing diagram of Clocked R S flip flop.
4.4 Triggering: edge triggering and level triggering
4.5 Symbol and Logic diagram using NAND gates, working, truth
table and timing diagram of J-K flip flop.
4.6 Block diagram and truth table of Master slave J-K flip flop.
4.7 Symbol, working and truth table of D- flip flop and T-flip flop.
4 4.8 Applications of flip flops 12 24
4.9 Concept, Modulus, Working, truth table, timing diagram of a
4.10 Asynchronous counter (3 bit, 4 bit);
4.11 Design of mod N-counter: working, truth table and timing
4.12 3-bit Synchronous counter: working, truth table and timing
4.13 Block diagram, Working, Truth Table and waveforms of Shift
register: SISO, SIPO, PISO, PIPO (4-bit) and Universal Shift
register (4-bit).
4.14 Applications of Counters and Registers.
5.1 Classification of memories
5 5.2 RAM, ROM, PROM, EPROM, E2PROM. 04 08
5.3 Circuit diagram using CMOS transistors and working of Static
and dynamic RAM
A-D And D-A Converters
6.1 Circuit diagram and working of R-2R Ladder DAC and
Weighted resistor DAC.
6.2 DAC specifications
6 06 14
6.3 Block diagram and working of Ramp ADC, Dual slope ADC
and Successive approximation ADC.
6.4 ADC specification
6.5 Advantages and Disadvantages of various methods.
Total 48 100

Skills to be developed:

Intellectual Skills:
1. Interpret the results
2. Verify the tables

List of Practical: (Any TEN) including MINI PROJECT

1) Study of Digital IC datasheets and noting down the characteristics for TTL & CMOS logic
w.e.f Academic Year 2011-12

2) Verification of truth table of logic gates.

3) Verification of De Morgan's theorem.
4) Construction of Half adder and Full adder.
5) Implementation of Combinational Circuit using Multiplexer.
6) Construction of 7-segment decoder driver.
7) Verification of truth table of Flip flops.
8) Universal Shift Register
9) Decade counter using IC 7490.
10) Design of 3-bit Synchronous counter.
11) A to D Converter.
12) Study of data sheets related to digital ICs like .
13) A MINI PROJECT (Design, Assemble, Test and Troubleshoot) integrating minimum two
digital ICs.
Learning Resources:


Sr. No. Author Title Publisher

01 R.P. Jain Modern Digital Electronics Tata McGraw Hill

02 Malvino Leach Digital Principles Tata McGraw Hill

03 Tokheim Digital Electronics Tata McGraw Hill

2000 solved problems in
04 S.P. Bali Digital Electronics – Sigma Tata McGraw Hill
w.e.f Academic Year 2011-12

Course Name : Computer Engineering Group

Course Code : CO/CM/IF/CD
Semester : Third
Subject Title : Relational Database Management Systems
Subject Code : 12065

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

04 -- 04 03 100 -- 25# 25@ 150

 Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by
 Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and
to be entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work. (SW)

The primary resource that fuels knowledge power is the database. Organizations are
employing mechanisms to effectively manage and utilize the data stored in the databases. Relational
Database management system has been developed to harness the information stored in the database.
The database management system is a collection of programs that enables to store, modify and
extract information from a database. After learning this subject, the students will be able to
understand the designing of RDBMS and can use any RDBMS package as a backend for developing
database applications.

Objectives: The student will be able to:

1) Understand the concept of Database system and Client Server Architecture
2) Understand and develop the concepts of Data Modeling, Security and Integrity.
3) Understand and execute different SQL queries and PL / SQL programs.
4) Normalize the database using normal forms.
5) Understand the concept of query processing and Transaction processing.
w.e.f Academic Year 2011-12

Learning Structure:

RDBMS can be used as a backend for developing various database

Application applications using VB,C++,JAVA etc.

Use relational Create Structured Query

algebra, database using Query Processing
relational data definition language & Transaction
Procedure calculus for data & data PL SQL & Security
processing. manipulation.

Principles Relational data integrity constraint, functional dependencies,

Normalization using 1 NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF

Domains, relations Different data models,

mapping, computer Entity /Relationship
Concepts system architecture model.

Domains, relations Basic definitions of

Facts mapping, computer dependencies,
system architecture attributes and
w.e.f Academic Year 2011-12

Contents : Theory

Chapter Name of the Topic Hours Marks

01 Database System Concept & Data Modeling 12 20
1.1 Basic concepts, Disadvantages of file processing system,
Advantages of a DBMS over file processing system,
Data Abstraction, Database Languages,
Instance and Schema, Data Independence-Logical and
Physical data Independence.
1.2 Database Users, Functions of Database Administrator
Components of a DBMS and overall structure of a DBMS-
Query Processor and Storage Manager.
1.3 Data Models:
• Network Model
• Hierarchical Model
• E-R Model-Entity Sets, Mapping Cardinalities.
• Comparison of all models
1.4 Introduction to Client Server Architecture.

02 Relational Data Model and Security and Integrity Specification 10 16

2.1 Relational Model: Basic concepts, attributes and domains,
Keys concept: Candidate and primary
Key, Integrity constraints: Domain, Entity
Integrity constraints, Referntial constraints and On delete
2.2 Security and Authorization, Data Control language
2.3 Query Languages:
• Relational Algebra
• Relational Calculus-Domain and Tuple Calculus.
2.4 Creating Views and all options of views.
03 SQL and PL-SQL 18 24
3.1 Introduction to SQL queries,

• Creating, Inserting, Updating and deleting tables (DDL),

DML Statements.
• Using constraints.
• Renaming attributes, logical, relational,Set operators, In and
NOT In ,Is NULL and Is NOT NULL, Aggregate functions,
group by and having clause ,string functions ,date and time
functions, Nested sub queries, Join concepts-Equi Join,Self
Join,Non Equi Join,Outer joins.
3.2 PL/SQL Introduction, PL/SQL block structure,variables,
SQL statements in PL/SQL, PL/SQL control Structures
3.3 Cursors, Triggers, Functions

04 Relational Database Design, Storage and File systems. 12 20

4.1 Purpose of Normalization, Data redundancy and updating
anomalies, Functional Dependencies and Decomposition,
Process of Normalization using 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, multivalued
dependencies and BCNF.
4.2 E-R Model details-Types of attributes ,Role Indicator, Weak

SBTE - Final Draft Copy Dt. 25/05/2011 18 12065

w.e.f Academic Year 2011-12

and Strong entity sets, Specialisation and Generalisation.

4.3 File Organization, Organization of records in
files, Basic concept of Indexing-Order Indices, Primary and
Secondary Indices ,Dense and Sparse Index, Sequential
Indexing ,Multilevel Indexing and Hashing.
05 Query Processing and Transaction Processing 12 20
5.1 General strategies for query processing, Laws of
Equivalence Expressions.
5.2 Concept of transaction, States of transactions, Serial
Execution, Concurrent Execution, Serializability
Recoverability, Transaction Definition in SQL.
5.3 Lock based protocols: share & exclusive mode,
• 2 phase locking
• Time-Stamp based
• Validation based
5.4 Deadlock handling,Wait for graph
• Deadlock prevention Scheme,
• Deadlock Detection Scheme & recovery scheme

Total 64 100


Skills to be developed:

Intellectual skills:

1. Develop the fields of data base

2. Decide proper specifications
3. Query Processing and transaction processing

Motor skills:

1. Prepare appropriate data tables

2. Sequential writing of steps

List of Practical:
1) Creating & Executing DDL in SQL.
2) Creating & Executing Integrity constraints in SQL.
3) Creating & Executing DML in SQL.
4) Executing relational, logical and mathematical set operators using SQL.
5) Executing group functions
6) Executing string operators & string functions.
7) Executing Date & Time functions.
8) Executing Data Conversion functions.
w.e.f Academic Year 2011-12

9) Executing DCL in SQL.

10) Executing Sequences and synonyms in SQL.
11) Execute 50 SQL queries (operators, functions, clauses, join concepts)
12) Program for declaring and using variables and constant using PL/SQL.
13) Program using if then else in PL/SQL
14) Program using for loop & while loop in PL/SQL.
15) Program using nested loop in Pl/SQL.

Learning Resources:


Sr .No. Author Title Publisher

01 Korth Database System Concepts Sudarshan
Introduction to Database Management Tata McGrawHill.
02 2006 ISRD Group
03 Bipin Desai An Introduction to Database System Galgotia Publication

04 C.J Date An Introduction to Database System --

Introduction to Relational Databases
05 Allen Tata McgrawHill
and SQL programming
w.e.f Academic Year 2011-12

Course Name : Computer Engineering Group

Course Code : CM/CO/IF/CD
Semester : Third
Subject Title : Visual Basic
Subject Code : 12066

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme


-- -- 04* -- -- 50@ -- -- --

* 2 sessions of 2 hours per week each.

As the world turns to graphical user interfaces, computer programming languages are also
changing to accommodate the shift.
Visual Basic is graphical user interface programming language which has excellent tools for
understanding programming language concepts.
Multimedia techniques deal with Flash and 3D Max which are basic tools for audio, video
In this subject with equal weightage to Visual Basic and Multimedia techniques, students will
be able to learn graphical user interface programming and multimedia presentations.

This subject helps to understand the principles and techniques involved in developing
applications with Visual Basic. The course content is designed to understand & implement the Event
Driven Architecture of Visual Programming. The student would be able to identify and use the
different categories of controls, learn working with forms and different data access techniques,
establish a data base connection and identify the categories of ActiveX controls and creating them.

The Student will be able to:
1. Use GUI tools of Visual Basic Programming.
2. Use basic and advance VB controls.
3. Interface back-end and front-end.
4. Generate report using Data Report and Crystal Reports.
5. Build Visual Basic applications.
w.e.f Academic Year 2011-12

Learning Structure:

To develop the skill of visual Basic Programming to built

custom standalone applications.

Programming using Creating and using the Programming

Visual Basic, Menu ActiveX controls with Active data
Procedures driven graphics using objects.

Design principles of Principles of creation of Principles of

forms, common activeX control, properties DAO, ADO
dialog box, MDI, of activeX controls.

Data types, ActiveX controls, Events, Database, record

procedures, buttons, property pages, interface set, visual data
Concepts forms, dialog boxes, wizard. manager, Dblist ,
menus, project etc. DBcombo

Objects, variables, Active X control interface Command, record,

constants, Arrays wizard, command button, cursor location,
collections, Arguments, Radio button checkbox, etc. cursor types, lock
control Flow types etc.
Facts statements, operators,
Library functions
images, check box,
status bar, tab control,
w.e.f Academic Year 2011-12

Contents: Theory

Chapter Contents
Introduction to Visual Basic Environment
• Concept of VB program.
• Class, object, property, methods, events.
01 • Environment of VB.
• Concept of project forms etc.
• Managing with menus.
• Drag and Drop operation.
• Validating and processing user inputs.
Introduction to Visual Basic
• Data types, Variants.
• Variables, Constants.
• Arrays – REDIM statement, Array related functions.
• Collection, procedure, functions.
• Argument passing and return values.
• Input box and message box.
• Control flow statement.
• Loop statement.
• Nested control structure.
• Exit statement.
• Operators – arithmetic, logical, relational, string.
• Functions – String, Maths, Date and Time.
• Date and time formats.
• Design form to demonstrate.
• Control loops (do, for, while)
• Control statements (if-then, if-then-else, Selection option)
• Using text box, Command button, Label, options, combo box, input and
message box.
Controls and Events
• Scroll bar.
• Slider.
• Container – picture box, frame.
03 • Image.
• File system controls – drive, file, directory list box.
• Timer control.
• OLE control.
• Basic controls like – line, shape, circle, Pset, RGB, Paint picture, load picture.
Module, Class Module MDI, Menu Editor And Graphics
• Concept of module, class module, MDI, DLL’s and how to use them.
• Creating own menu using menu editor, popup m
04 • Advanced controls: Common dialog box, Tree view, List view, rich text box
control, windows common controls, status bar, tab control, image list, MS
• Concept of class module, module MDI, DLL and how to use
them Using RTF control

w.e.f Academic Year 2011-12

Database, Report Generator

• Concept of database, record, record set, connection DSN and DSN less
• Data bound controls – text box, combo box, list box, DB grid
• DB combo, MS flex grid.
05 • Visual Data Manager.
• Programming with ADO, DAO, RDO,
• Object, connection, record set, parameter, cursor types,
• lock types.
• Creating report using Data Report.
• Creating report using Crystal reports.
Introduction to Active X Controls
• The user control object- initialize Event, Terminate event, Init properties
Event, Paint/Resize Event, Observing the Events in the Data controls,
• Exploring the Properties of Active X controls- Debugging the Properties, extend
06 Properties, Ambient Properties, creating Designed time only properties, creating
a Clock control, Events in Active X control
• Using the active X control interface wizard- Adding the wizard to visual basic
• Property pages- using the property page wizard, creating property pages
without the wizard.
• Creating a simple active x control

File Handling in VB
• File commands
• file handling functions
• Sequential files
• Reading information from a file
• Adding to an existing file
07 • General sequential files
• Sending special characters to sequential files.
• Making changes inside a sequential file
• The rich text box control & file handling
• Random access files
• Headers and indexes for random access files.
• Binary files
• Binary files handling


Skills to be developed:

Intellectual skills:
1) Design various types of forms

w.e.f Academic Year 2011-12

2) Use image control and scroll bar

3) Selection of windows for different operations

Motor skills:
1. Develop various types of forms

List of Practical:

1. Study of VB environment with following details :

- Form and their types.
- Intrinsic components – text box, label, combo, list, heck box, and option button.
- Design time properties.
- Different windows and their uses.
2. Design forms to perform mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication
and division using:
- Text box, labels.
- Options to be selected using option, check box and combo box.
3. Design forms to use Date, Time, String, Mathematics functions with help of text box, label,
radio button, check box, combo box and command button.
4. Using image control and scroll bar, design form to change height, width of image, movement
to image. Using picture box and image list, flip the image on click of command button.
5. Design explorer using Directory, drive, file list box and common dialog controls.
6. Design text editor with menu having copy, cut, paste, select, search, replace the text and load
and save the file.
7. Design stop watch with faculty of start, stop, reset using timer control, option, label, text box.
8. Practical including Data bound controls like DBgrid, DBcombo,
Textbox, Combo, List, MS Flex grid and Database control like ADO, DAO, RDO to perform
insertion, deletion, updation, display, Search.
9. Design MDI form including Menu bar, Toolbar, Status bar.
10. Design the interface to perform following operation on the file like create, open, read, write,
delete, search.
11. Design the Active X control for login form and transport it to browser.
12. Design the Active X control to perform database operation with get and let property.
13. Design the experiment using RTF box to create file, load, save search and edit the file.
14. Integrate all above practical to form mini project including login form and splash form.

Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Author Title Publisher

01 Bradley, Millstaugh Programming in VB6 Tata McGraw Hill

02 Nel Jerka The complete reference – VB6 Tata McGraw Hill

03 Evangelos Petront Sos Mastering VB6 BPB

04 Content Development group VB6 Programming Tata McGraw Hill

05 -- VB6 Black book --

w.e.f Academic Year 2011-12

Course Name : Computer Engineering Group

Course Code : CO/CM/IF/CD
Semester : Third
Subject Title : Professional Practices-III
Subject Code : 12067

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

-- -- 05 -- -- -- -- 50@ 50

Most of the diploma holders join industries. Due to globalization and competition in the
industrial and service sectors the selection for the job is based on campus interviews or competitive
While selecting candidates a normal practice adopted is to see general confidence, ability to
communicate and attitude, in addition to basic technological concepts.
The purpose of introducing professional practices is to provide opportunity to students to
undergo activities which will enable them to develop confidence. Industrial visits, expert lectures,
seminars on technical topics and group discussion are planned in a semester so that there will be
increased participation of students in learning process.

Student will be able to:
1. Acquire information from different sources.
2. Prepare notes for given topic.
3. Present given topic in a seminar.
4. Interact with peers to share thoughts.
5. Prepare a report on industrial visit, expert lecture.
w.e.f Academic Year 2011-12

Learning Structure:

Application Use learning to learn skills in presenting identified contents of


Use reading techniques and Prepare notes for presentation

Procedure information search engines of content in soft and hard

Principles of Effective and Principles of learning to learn,

efficient Reading and Body language,
Principle information search

Contents of identified
Facts topics Self learner
w.e.f Academic Year 2011-12

Activity Name of the Activity Hours

Information Search:
Collect information from internet/newspaper/periodicals/magazines etc.
Students (Group of 4 to 5 students) have to search /collect information
about the topic through.
01 Students will have to submit a report of about 5 -10 pages. 12
i) Advanced Techniques in RDBMS
ii) Manufacturers and cost of
Computer, Printers
iii) Any other suitable topic
List of Mini Projects
1) Implementing DOS commands using command line arguments e.g.
copy ,type, copy con.
2) Develop games using classes
02 20
• Piano game: On pressing the key many types of tunes will be
3) Hotel reservation. – Using Structure & arrays
4) Library management – Using Structure & arrays
5) Student data management – Using Structure & arrays
Lectures by Professional / Industrial Expert to be organized from of
the following areas (any Two)
i) .Net Technology
03 ii) spoken English
iii) Personality Development
iv) Current trends in IT
v) How to improve positive thinking
vi) Any other suitable topic
Seminar :
Any one seminar on the topics suggested below:
Students ( Group of 4 to 5 students) has to search /collect information about
the topic through literature survey, visits and discussions with
experts/concerned persons:
Student will have to submit a report of about 5 -10 pages and deliver a
seminar for 10 minutes.
1. Importance of object oriented Concept in software development
04 2. Comparison of different object oriented programming languages. 18
3. Computer Virus
4. Advanced computer peripherals
• Specifications
• Working principles
• Use
• Cost
5.Read a book “I Can Win” by Shiv Khera and present major points
6. Any other suitable topic
Market Survey:
05 A group of four students is expected to collect five advertises from news
papers showing job opportunities for C++. Visit any one industry and find
knowledge required of C++ in industry.
Total 80

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