3rd Cse PDF
3rd Cse PDF
3rd Cse PDF
w.e.f Academic Year 2011-12
Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by SBTE.
Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and
to be entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work. (SW)
The study of mathematics is necessary to develop in the student the skills essential for new
technological development. This subject introduces some applications of engineering, through which
the student can understand the link of Mathematics with engineering principles.
The Student will be able to:
1. Acquire knowledge of Mathematical term, concept, principals, and different methods.
2. Develop ability to apply Mathematical methods to solve technical
3. Solve problems, execute management plans with precision.
4. Acquire sufficient Mathematical techniques necessary for daily and practical problems.
5. Understand relation between Mathematics and applications in engineering.
w.e.f Academic Year 2011-12
Learning Structure:
Contents: Theory
Chapter Name of the Topic Hours Marks
Differential Equation
2.1 Definition of differential equation, order and degree of
differential equation. Formation of differential equation for
function containing single constant.
2.2 Solution of differential equations of first order and first degree 08 18
such as variable separable type, reducible to Variable separable,
Non-homogeneous, Exact, Linear and Bernoulli’s equations.
Learning Resources:
Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by SBTE.
Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and
to be entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work. (SW)
Object oriented programming has become the preferred approach for most software projects. Object
oriented programming offers a new and powerful way to cope with complexity. Object oriented
programming concepts are useful for constructing complex physical systems such as car, airplanes
Instead of viewing the program as a series of steps to be carried out ,it views as a group of objects that
have certain properties and can take appropriate actions . Among the Object oriented programming
languages available C++ is most widely used language.
Learning Structure:
Contents: Theory
Skills to be developed:
Intellectual skills:
w.e.f Academic Year 2011-12
•Study different types of errors as syntax semantic, fatal, linker & logical
•Debugging of programs
•Understanding different steps to develop program such as
Problem definition
Design of logic
Maintenance (Modifications, error corrections, making changes etc.)
Motor skills:
List of Practical:
Sr. No of
Title of Experiment
No. practical
1. Programs to input & output data (Simple programs). 01
2. Programs to create object of class 01
3. Programs to create arrays of objects 02
4. Program to access static member variables 01
5. Programs using object as function arguments using friend function. 01
Programs to define Class using constructor & destructor.(Default
6. constructor ,Multiple constructor, Copy constructor, Overloaded 01
7. Program using constructor with default argument 01
8. Program to overload unary & binary operator 02
9. Single inheritance & multilevel using protected member 02
10. Multiple inheritance & virtual base class 02
11. Program for pointers to arrays of integer 02
12. Program for pointers to strings 02
13. Program for pointers to objects 02
14. Program for this pointer. 01
15. Program for (virtual functions) runtime polymorphism 01
16. Programs for overload function 01
17. Format output using manipulators & own manipulator. 02
18. Program for file processing 02
Learning Recourses:
1. Books:
Sr.No. Author Title
01 Schilt C++ The complete reference Tata McGraw Hill
Object oriented programming with
02 Balgurusamy Tata McGraw Hill
Object oriented programming in
03 Lafore Robert Galgotia
Turbo C++.
04 Kanetkar Let’s C++
w.e.f Academic Year 2011-12
• www.sourcecodesworld.com
• www.softeam.com
• www.cplus.about.com/od/beginnerctutorial
3. Magazines:
Express computers.
C / C++ journal
Demo lectures with power point presentations using LCD projector should be arranged to develop
programming concepts of students.
w.e.f Academic Year 2011-12
Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by SBTE.
Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and
to be entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work. (SW)
In the present era, applications of digital circuits are prevalent in consumer products right
from calculators, digital diaries, digital watches, computers, mobile phones, to industrial products. So
the digital technique has been introduced as a core technology subject in Computer Engineering
curriculum. It will enable the students to assemble, design, test and troubleshoot logical circuits such
as ALU, MUX, DEMUX, A/D and D/A converters. It deals with topics ranging from logic gates, to
combinational and sequential logic circuits and memories. It lays a foundation for the knowledge of
microprocessors and computers.
The student will be able to
Learning structure:
Contents: Theory
w.e.f Academic Year 2011-12
Skills to be developed:
Intellectual Skills:
1. Interpret the results
2. Verify the tables
Two tests each of 25 marks to be conducted as per the schedule given by
Total of tests marks for all theory subjects are to be converted out of 50 and
to be entered in mark sheet under the head Sessional Work. (SW)
The primary resource that fuels knowledge power is the database. Organizations are
employing mechanisms to effectively manage and utilize the data stored in the databases. Relational
Database management system has been developed to harness the information stored in the database.
The database management system is a collection of programs that enables to store, modify and
extract information from a database. After learning this subject, the students will be able to
understand the designing of RDBMS and can use any RDBMS package as a backend for developing
database applications.
Learning Structure:
Contents : Theory
Total 64 100
Skills to be developed:
Intellectual skills:
Motor skills:
List of Practical:
1) Creating & Executing DDL in SQL.
2) Creating & Executing Integrity constraints in SQL.
3) Creating & Executing DML in SQL.
4) Executing relational, logical and mathematical set operators using SQL.
5) Executing group functions
6) Executing string operators & string functions.
7) Executing Date & Time functions.
8) Executing Data Conversion functions.
w.e.f Academic Year 2011-12
Learning Resources:
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As the world turns to graphical user interfaces, computer programming languages are also
changing to accommodate the shift.
Visual Basic is graphical user interface programming language which has excellent tools for
understanding programming language concepts.
Multimedia techniques deal with Flash and 3D Max which are basic tools for audio, video
In this subject with equal weightage to Visual Basic and Multimedia techniques, students will
be able to learn graphical user interface programming and multimedia presentations.
This subject helps to understand the principles and techniques involved in developing
applications with Visual Basic. The course content is designed to understand & implement the Event
Driven Architecture of Visual Programming. The student would be able to identify and use the
different categories of controls, learn working with forms and different data access techniques,
establish a data base connection and identify the categories of ActiveX controls and creating them.
The Student will be able to:
1. Use GUI tools of Visual Basic Programming.
2. Use basic and advance VB controls.
3. Interface back-end and front-end.
4. Generate report using Data Report and Crystal Reports.
5. Build Visual Basic applications.
w.e.f Academic Year 2011-12
Learning Structure:
Contents: Theory
Chapter Contents
Introduction to Visual Basic Environment
• Concept of VB program.
• Class, object, property, methods, events.
01 • Environment of VB.
• Concept of project forms etc.
• Managing with menus.
• Drag and Drop operation.
• Validating and processing user inputs.
Introduction to Visual Basic
• Data types, Variants.
• Variables, Constants.
• Arrays – REDIM statement, Array related functions.
• Collection, procedure, functions.
• Argument passing and return values.
• Input box and message box.
• Control flow statement.
• Loop statement.
• Nested control structure.
• Exit statement.
• Operators – arithmetic, logical, relational, string.
• Functions – String, Maths, Date and Time.
• Date and time formats.
• Design form to demonstrate.
• Control loops (do, for, while)
• Control statements (if-then, if-then-else, Selection option)
• Using text box, Command button, Label, options, combo box, input and
message box.
Controls and Events
• Scroll bar.
• Slider.
• Container – picture box, frame.
03 • Image.
• File system controls – drive, file, directory list box.
• Timer control.
• OLE control.
• Basic controls like – line, shape, circle, Pset, RGB, Paint picture, load picture.
Module, Class Module MDI, Menu Editor And Graphics
• Concept of module, class module, MDI, DLL’s and how to use them.
• Creating own menu using menu editor, popup m
04 • Advanced controls: Common dialog box, Tree view, List view, rich text box
control, windows common controls, status bar, tab control, image list, MS
• Concept of class module, module MDI, DLL and how to use
them Using RTF control
w.e.f Academic Year 2011-12
File Handling in VB
• File commands
• file handling functions
• Sequential files
• Reading information from a file
• Adding to an existing file
07 • General sequential files
• Sending special characters to sequential files.
• Making changes inside a sequential file
• The rich text box control & file handling
• Random access files
• Headers and indexes for random access files.
• Binary files
• Binary files handling
Skills to be developed:
Intellectual skills:
1) Design various types of forms
w.e.f Academic Year 2011-12
Motor skills:
1. Develop various types of forms
List of Practical:
Learning Resources:
Sr. No. Author Title Publisher
Most of the diploma holders join industries. Due to globalization and competition in the
industrial and service sectors the selection for the job is based on campus interviews or competitive
While selecting candidates a normal practice adopted is to see general confidence, ability to
communicate and attitude, in addition to basic technological concepts.
The purpose of introducing professional practices is to provide opportunity to students to
undergo activities which will enable them to develop confidence. Industrial visits, expert lectures,
seminars on technical topics and group discussion are planned in a semester so that there will be
increased participation of students in learning process.
Student will be able to:
1. Acquire information from different sources.
2. Prepare notes for given topic.
3. Present given topic in a seminar.
4. Interact with peers to share thoughts.
5. Prepare a report on industrial visit, expert lecture.
w.e.f Academic Year 2011-12
Learning Structure:
Contents of identified
Facts topics Self learner
w.e.f Academic Year 2011-12