Employee Handbook

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(Name of the Organization)


This Employee Handbook has been prepared to help you get familiar with the
key policies, benefits, regulations and codes of conduct at (COMPANY
NAME). We hope this Handbook will be useful and will help you plan and
enjoy the benefits and opportunities that (COMPANY NAME) provides.
This Handbook is confidential and is for internal circulation only. It is subject to
change as and when necessary to remain in compliance with appropriate
Government regulations and (COMPANY NAME) 's policy. The contents of
this Handbook will be modified from time to time, and amendments will be
issued. Interpretation of the Handbook by the management is final. If you need
any clarification or further information on any aspect of this Handbook, you can
get in touch with the HR department, which will be happy to help you.

(Name of the Organization)

Joining formalities

(COMPANY NAME) welcomes all employees and hopes that they will enjoy
the work culture. When a new employee joins (COMPANY NAME), a formal
induction will be conducted to familiarize them with all the activities
Personal Particulars:

 (COMPANY NAME) will keep a record of all the employees' personal

particulars pertaining to the recruitment & selection process. Once an
employee joins (COMPANY NAME), she/ he should give a copy of the
pan card, Aadhaar card and two passport-sized photographs to the HR
department within one week of joining. In case the pan card is not
available, a copy of your passport or driving license can also be

 Employees will be required to sign an employment contract on

joining (COMPANY NAME).

 Employees are to keep the HR department informed of any changes in

any of the above records.

 In order to calculate TDS (tax deduction at source) accurately, the

following forms need to be completed and returned to the Finance
department by 15 April every year or within 15 days of joining the
 Provident Fund transfer/ application form (whenever PF is applicable)
 Tax Estimate/ Savings declaration form

(Name of the Organization)

Work Culture
(COMPANY NAME)'s Mission
(COMPANY NAME)'s mission is to be …...

Working Hours / Work Week

Office hours at (COMPANY NAME) are from 9:30 am to 6:30 pm with a
lunch break of 30 minutes, from Monday to Saturday with the first and third
Saturdays off.
Employees are encouraged to observe punctuality. However, all staff will have
to work as per the needs and demands of the job.

Smoking Policy
The office is a non-smoking premise, and all are requested to co-operate in this

The Public Relations department of (COMPANY NAME) will manage all
communication with the media. In case any media person contacts an employee,
s/he should be directed to the PR department. Employees must not make any
statement to the press on behalf of (COMPANY NAME).

Job Grades and Designations

Job grades / Designations
(COMPANY NAME) has five levels. All designations are reflective of the
roles being performed. Designations are indicative of functions within a team,
and each team member plays an equally important role in the effective
functioning of that team.

(Name of the Organization)


1. Founding Members
CEO, Director

2. Senior Management Team

VP/FC/Head of function

3. Middle Management Team

GM/Sr Mgr, Mgr, AM

4. Junior Management Team


5. Support Staff
Housekeeping & other staff

Terms of Employment
All employees will be issued employment agreements at the time of joining
1. Employees may be placed on probation for a period of six months.
2. Alternately, the employees will be treated as confirmed employees.
3. At the end of 6 months for the employees on probation, there will be a
Performance Review, based on which the employee will be confirmed.

(Name of the Organization)

4. Confirmation, this period of 6 months will be included for the purpose of

granting increments/entitlements and any other benefits (with the
exception of leave).
5. In case the Performance Review discussion indicates a less than
satisfactory performance, the same will be communicated to the
employee, and his / her Probation period may be extended by another
three months or the employment terminated depending upon the Review.
If the performance is unsatisfactory even after the extension of the
probation period, his / her employment with the company is liable to be
6. At all times, employees are expected to perform and deliver their
duties/responsibilities as per their designated role to the satisfaction of the

Dress Code Policy

It is management's intent that work attire should complement an environment
that reflects an efficient, orderly, and professionally operated organization. This
policy is intended to define appropriate "Business Attire" or "Smart Casuals
Attire" during normal business operations and working hours.
The dress code should be a combination of simplicity, sophistication and
service. An employee should always keep in mind that he or she is representing
the company. The dress code should be such that it is presentable and
Enforcement of this guideline is the responsibility of company management,
supervisors and HR personnel.

 Appropriate Business Attire

Business Attire….
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