Tseamcet-2023 Internal Sliding / Spot Admissions Guidelines To Candidates
Tseamcet-2023 Internal Sliding / Spot Admissions Guidelines To Candidates
Tseamcet-2023 Internal Sliding / Spot Admissions Guidelines To Candidates
The candidates are hereby informed that the left over vacancies in Private
Unaided Engineering colleges will be filled by the Internal Sliding and further leftover
vacancies will be filled by Institutional Spot Admissions held at the respective colleges.
The candidates desirous to seek admission are informed to contact the Principal of the
respective institutions.
The details of college wise/branch wise allotments and available vacancies are
placed in the website https://tseamcet.nic.in
Candidates without original certificates are not permitted for spot admissions.
Candidate shall present with all original certificates for spot admissions
verification. After due verification the original certificates shall be returned back
to the candidate. The candidate has to handover a set of Xerox copies of
certificates and Original Transfer Certificate (T.C) at the college.
4 Date of Spot admissions to
Eligibility Criteria:
a. The vacancies shall be first filled with the internal sliding candidates and
the final resultant vacancies shall be filled under spot admissions.
The candidates have to pay the following Processing fee at the college.