THSBiology Unit 1 Cells Planning Organizer 1

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Tigard High School

Unit 1 Cells ­ Planning Organizer

Subject: Biology Grade: 9th Grade/Freshmen Quarter/Weeks: 1st Quarter/ Week 1­4

Unit 1 : Cells

Pacing (time): 4 weeks

Essential Question(s): How is the cell the basic unit of life? How do materials enter and leave cells? What are the structures and function
of the cell? How are the characteristics of life manifested by the cell? What is the evidence for the biotic origin of life? What are the stages of
the cell cycle? What is the role of the cell cycle in organisms?

Big Idea(s): Systems of specialized cells within organisms help them perform the essential functions of life, which involve chemical reactions
that take place between different types of molecules, such as water, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids. (NGSS ­

Oregon State Standards (including Tigard­Tualatin’s Priority Standards in Bold, and Supporting Standards)
*H.1L.1 COMPARE and CONTRAST the four types of organic macromolecules. Explain how they compose the cellular
structures of organisms and are involved in critical cellular processes.

H.1L.4 Explain how cellular processes and cellular differentiation are regulated both internally and externally in response to the
environments in which they exist.

Standards (Common Core, MYP, IB):

MYP: L­Students could explore the pattern of differentiation in cells, tissues, organs, systems and organisms in order to understand the great
diversity of life on Earth. CC5 ­ Homeostasis: the maintenance of a constant internal environment and the role of corrective feedback
mechanisms to achieve equilibrium can be explored in different organisms and systems.

*Blooms level: 1­Remember, 2­Understand, 3­apply, 4­Analyze, 5­Evaluate, 6­Create

Literacy Anchor Standards for Reading and Writing:

Common Core Standards

Reading Standard 2: Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; trace the text’s explanation or depiction of a complex process,
phenomenon, or concept; provide an accurate summary of the text.

Reading Standard 3: Follow precisely a complex multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing
technical tasks, attending to special cases or exceptions defined in the text.

Reading Standard 4: Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain­specific words and phrases as they are used in a
specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 9­10 texts and topics.

Reading Standard 7: Translate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text into visual form (e.g. a table or chart) and
translate information expressed visually or mathematically (e.g., in an equation) into words.

Writing Standard 6: Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products, taking
advantage of technology’s capacity capacity to link to other information and to display information flexiby and dynamically.

Writing Standard 7: Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self­generated question)
or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding
of the subject under investigation.

Writing Standard 9: Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

“Unwrapped” Concepts and Skills, and Bloom Levels (BL)

Concepts (Need to Know) Skills (Able to Do) BL*

● Four types of macromolecules: Proteins, carbohydrates, ● Identify the four macromolecules. H1L1 1
nucleic acids, lipids. H1L1 ● Classify the macromolecules. H1L1 3

*Blooms level: 1­Remember, 2­Understand, 3­apply, 4­Analyze, 5­Evaluate, 6­Create

● Similarities and differences (C, H, O, and N in proteins) ● Compare and contrast macromolecules. H1L1 4
H1L1 ● Build a model of DNA. H1L1 3
● Functions of the four types of macromolecules. H1L1 ● Create a model of the cell membrane. H1L1 3
● Structure of a cell membrane. H.1L.4 ● Draw and label the cell membrane. H.1L.4
● Diffusion, osmosis, and active transport. H.1L.4
● Predict the movement of water across a membrane. 2 to 3
● Purpose of cell membrane is to maintain homeostasis.
(diffusion lab and Osmosis Inquiry Lab) H.1L.4 4
● Distinguish between osmosis, diffusion and facilitated
transport. H.1L.4

Common Formative Pre­Assessments ­ Pre­test, KWL, Gallery Walk, Whiteboard, Computer Simulations
Progress Monitoring ­ Daily Warm ups or “check­ins”, homework
Common Formative Post­Assessments ­ Cell Collage, Flashcards, Jigsaw, Cell Labs, Microscope Lab
Summative Assessments ­ Section Quizzes, Unit Exam

Instructional Planning
Suggested Resources / Materials
Book/Chapter : Holt McDougal Biology, 2010
● Chapter 3 Cell Structure and Function (pg 68­97): Sections 3.1 Cell Theory, 3.2 Cell Organelles, 3.3 Cell Membrane, 3.4 Diffusion and
Osmosis, 3.5 Active Transport, Endocytosis, and Exocytosis
● Chapter 4 Cells and Energy (pg 98­131): Sections 4.1 Chemical Energy and ATP, 4.2 Overview of Photosynthesis, 4.4 Overview of
Cellular Respiration
● Chapter 5 Cell Growth and Division (pg 132­161): Sections 5.1 The Cell Cycle, 5.2 Mitosis and Cytokinesis, (maybe 5.3 Regulation of
the Cell Cycle), 5.4 Asexual Reproduction, 5.5 Multicellular Life
Other (type in)

Suggested Research­based Effective Instructional Strategies: select from / expand on

1. Identifying similarities and differences
2. Summarizing and note taking
3. Reinforcing effort and providing recognition
4. Homework and practice
5. Nonlinguistic representations

*Blooms level: 1­Remember, 2­Understand, 3­apply, 4­Analyze, 5­Evaluate, 6­Create

6. Cooperative learning
7. Setting objectives and providing feedback
8. Generating and testing hypotheses: Cell labs, Cell membrane lab, Diffusion lab, Egg osmosis inquiry
9. Cues, questions, and advance organizers
10. Groupings: Whole, Small, Partner, Individual

Vocabulary / Word Wall Enrichment / Extension Interdisciplinary Connections

H.1L.1: Academic ­ Testable Vocabulary H.1L.4 Patterns

• cholesterol Relate diffusion, osmosis and active transportCause and Effect
• enzymes to homeostasis in humans. Systems and System Models
• macromolecule Structure and Function
• metabolism Evaluate how plants and animals differ in their
Stability and Change
• mono/polysaccharides structure and function. How does their
• organic structure determine their function?
• phospholipid
• transcription / translation
In a table or Venn diagram compare and
contrast the location, reactants and products,
• anaphase
organism type, and type of chemical
• concentration gradient reactions (Advanced should be able to
• isotonic/hypertonic/hypotonic distinguish between Kreb & Calvin cycle).
• interphase
• metaphase
• permeability
• prophase
• telophase
• transport proteins

*Blooms level: 1­Remember, 2­Understand, 3­apply, 4­Analyze, 5­Evaluate, 6­Create

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