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TAC attack

April 1976

the A-10.. pg 26






HAPPEN ......... . ....... ........... ..... 4 VICE COMMANDER
A-7 CENTER SPREAD ................... 16
DECISION-MAKER .................... 20
FLIGHT .................................. 24
WART HOG ... .. ....................... . 26




Angle of Attack ........... . ................. 3 EDITOR
Aircrewman of Distinction ................. 7
TAC Tips . ...... .......... .... ..... . ........ . 8 CAPT MARTY STEERE
Down to Earth .. . .... . .............. . ... . .. 1 0 ASSTEDITOR
Life Support Update ...................... 12
Popeye ..................................... 14 STAN HARDISON
Chock Talk ................................. 18 ART EDITOR
Annual Awards ............................ 22
Safety Awards ............................ 2 9 MARY KONOPNICKI
Letters .. ... .. ... . ..................... ... 30 EDITORIAL ASSISTANT
TAC Tally .. . ....................... . .... . .. 31
TACRP 127·1
Articles, accident briefs, and associated material In this magazine are non-directive In nature. All suggestions and recommendations
are Intended to remain within the scope of existing directives. Information used to brief accidents and Incidents does not Identify the
persons, places, or units Involved and may not be construed as Incriminating under Article 31 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
Names, dates, and places used In conjunction with accident stories are fictitious. Air Force units are encouraged to republish the material
contained herein; however, contents are not for public release. Wrl,tte'n permission must be obtained from HQ TAC before material may be
republished by other than Department of Defense organizations.
Contributions of articles, photos, and Items of Interest from personnel In the field are encouraged, as are comments and criticism. We
reserve the right to edit an manuscripts for clarity and readability. Direct communication Is authorized with: The Editor, TAC ATTACK,
HQ TAC/SEPP, Langley AFB, Va . 23665. Autovon 432·2937
Distribution FX, Controlled by SEPP.
• Hit the books! Not just the Dash-One, but also
such manuals as the 55 series and most im-

Angle of portant, MCM 3-1 . The squadron question and

answer session is still a good idea . Don't just
cram before checkrides, be a professional - all

ATTACK the time .

• Don't get in over your head . If you don't think
it's right - it probably isn't. There's always tomor-
row ... if you use good judgement.

• Don't get so hyped-up about hacking a difficult

mission you forget the hazards of pressing,
PROFESSIONALISM - not an spatial disorientation, and distractions.

• Know what you are doing, don't just think that

option, but a necessity you know. If you aren't sure, ask questions.
Three out of thirteen accidents in 1976 have
involved supervisory factors. Here are a few tips
Realistic training exercises such as Red Flag
for you leaders - wing, squadron, flight com-
have been getting a lot of visibility lately - and
manders, and especially, flight leaders - where it
rightly so. It's the best thing to come along since
all comes together:
the aggressors were formed. Unfortunately, not
all the publicity has been good . By mid-March, • Know your people. Complex and demanding
TAC forces lost three aircraft and three crew missions must be well planned and executed.
members on our tactical ranges. In the past, this This requires real world knowledge of your
" could have resulted in backing off on the de- people 's strengths and weaknesses. Schedule
manding training requirements, but we know the missions on the capabilities of each individual.
;onsequences of such actions, and each of us Don't schedule a tough mission based on the
' -must do his part to keep and improve on the abilities of the most experienced and proficient
trammg environment . We must be ready for jock in the flight.
combat and cannot now afford the luxury of • Make sure your instructors and flight evalua-
lengthy transition from stateside simulation to tors record an accurate appraisal of student's!
actual combat operations. ratee's capabilities. Study training folders and
Our training realism must not be downgraded, Form 8s to determine aircrew's weaknesses- then
yet we must reduce the effect of inherent do something about the problem .
hazards . How? Remember the objective - • Move around. Sit in on flight planning, brief-
COMBAT READINESS. This certainly isn't accom- ings, and meetings. Periodically review squadron
plished by losing aircraft and people to accidents. SOls for effectiveness.
A professional approach is necessary if we ex-
pect to prevent accidents. These brief tips don't begin to cover all the ac-
cident prevention tools at the disposal of aircrews
So far this year, by the middle of March, TAC and supervisors, but they are a start. We want
(active and gained) had experienced 13 major air- realistic training to continue. However, if .w e
craft accidents, 9 involving aircrew to varying can't accept the responsibility, we'll lose it . We
degrees. Here are some things you can do to help must meet the challenge head on with programs
the situation: that require 100 percent effort as the MINIMUM
• Take full advantage of every minute in the air . standard. Professionalism, like realistic training,
A lowered experience level and reduced flying is not an option. It's a necessity. __.::>
time make it a must to get your requirements ...
and then some.

• If you are a briefer, do it right. If you are a

"briefee," listen up. Brief what you fly, and fly
vhat you brief. Period.

Ill£ c
DIDN'T HA-----;

the accident that didn't happen

By Lt Col Wiley Gilmore

Chief, TACS Branch, AGOS
Hurlburt Fld, FL

Thefull moon and clear skies promised by the was highly motivated. aggressive. and anxious to
weather people portended some exciting action have a crew of his own . His zeal was justified
over the trails of Northern Laos that evening. inasmuch as the left seat of the gunship was
The ten crewmembers of our AC-119K "Stinger" where the action was; a position of responsi-
gunship had performed all of their preflight bility. with commensurate recognition for good
rituals and were eager to complete another work. This was his third attempt at completing
combat mission. The crew list reflected people the evaluation . On the two previous times he
at varying stages in their 12-month tours of had been scheduled. the missions were aborted
duty. Some were nearing the time for their " sa- for weather . Now it appeared that this one was
wadee " or final mission . Others were at the going to go. All preflight items had passed
midpoint of their tours. Still others were rela- muster and the power-on checks of equipment
tively new in the theater and in the process of and aircraft indicated that everything was within
becoming combat ready . This last category was tolerances.
the focus of my attention during the evening. My We were cleared for takeoff. The pilot ad-
immediate task was to administer an evaluation vanced the throttles of the two big R-3350 re-
to a pilot who was upgrading to aircraft com- ciprocating engines . and I toggled the jets to
mander. The mission was night armed recce 100 percent. checking the gauges in the green
with the examinee occupying the left pilot seat as the uproar violated the tranquility of the Thai
and demonstrating his ability to conduct the countryside.
mission as aircraft commander. The examinee The pilot released the brakes and the gunship

4 April 1976
trundled down the asphalt. slowly gath ering the right re c ip . The flight engineer started the
speed . Then it began to veer toward the left side right engine . and proceeded with the left one as
of the runway . "Abort! Abort! " di ctated the left the pilot and I busied ourselves with numerous
seater on intercom . He closed the throttles . systems c hec ks . For some providential reason I
lifted them over the mechanical lock, and into c hose that moment to look out the right side
reverse. simultaneously shutting off the jets . window. Things were moving that shouldn 't be
Disgustedly, as we cleared the runway, he said , moving -- like our aircraft and the appendages
" It felt like the left brake was dragging . Nose thereto! Accompanied by a familiar Anglo-Sa xon
wheel steering wouldn 't hold it. " I made the expletive . I tromped the brakes and whiplashed
necessary calls to ground control. asked for a vi - the whole operation to a stop - about two feet
sual inspection of the brake before proceeding , short of a rendezvous w ith the ground power
and then got clearance to taxi back to the ramp . unit!
A flurry of activity ensued . and presently the The remainder of th e mission was suc cessfully
ground crews announced that we were ready to (and soberly) completed without further in-
go again. Everyone. ground and aircrew, was c ident.
an xious to get this mission off. If we couldn 't get Within a short time. a number of profound
airborne by a certain time . then the mission truths became gratifyingly evident - gratifying
would be scrubbed and the aircraft given to because they came so inexpensively. For such
another crew later in the evening. wisdom . one frequently must sacrifice a career ,
Back in the airplane ... survival gear on ... whip a promotion, a bundle of legal tender, or life and
through the checklist quickly ... ready to start limb .

came to work considerably earlier than the be-
the accident that ginning of my c rew day to do some administra -
tive c hores . Along the line . some meals got
didn't happen missed. too . It's hard to quantify the manner in
which these abuses contributed to the fact that I
wasn't the sharpest of pilots or supervisors that
evening . But they did have some effect; bet
In this instance they were "freebies." and so money on it.
I'll pass them along at no charge . TRUTH #3 . Anger. hostility. and frustration are
TRUTH # 1. There are very sound reasons for emotions which are best left in the crew locker
having an aircrew checklist and for using it in room . If taken aboard the aerospace vehi c le .
the prescribed manner . When we returned from they will frequently cause one to bend same .
the aborted takeoff. we neglected to accomplish along with oneself and others . I was fat igued
that cbecklist item which reads "Parking Brake - from the previous flight. the extra work. and the
Set (P). .. We were all in a hurry and frustrated missed meal . This made my temper shorter than
over the abort and we missed it We missed it usual and compromised my judgement . The
again on the "Before Starting Engines" checklist maintenance ground crews were "torqued" be-
The ground crew. anxious to get the mission cause an aborted takeoff reflected unfavorably
laun c hed. removed the wheel chocks before on their professional skills . The pilot examinee
rece iving the signal to do so from the pilot. was angry and frustrated at the possibility of
Therefore. with parking brake off . chocks another delay in his upgrade flight Eveyone's ill
removed . and right engine running. the immuta - mood conspired to cause them to take leave of
ble laws of physics decreed that the aircraft common sense. disregard the checklist. and use
move forward nonstandard procedwes . The condit ions were
TRUTH #2. There are very practical reasons perfect for the disaster that almost occurred .
for observing the crew rest and personal It has been four years since this incident The
maintenance habits which are either directed by remembran ce of it still brings a shudder to the
regulation or recommended by the flight sur- spine and a cold sweat to the palms . Every detail
geon. I had flown once before during that same is still vivid; the profound truths more profound
day. It was a functional check flight (FCF) . No than ever. The only thing missing is the investi -
problem . Both missions were scheduled to be gation report of the accident .. . that didn 't hap -
flown within the prescribed crew day. However. I pen.
ti\~OO~OO~W(M ti\[ro

Captain Douglas I. Holmes, Jr.

425 TFTS

Captain Holmes was nu KIAS, he rolled into 135 degree of bank and
flight of F-5Es redepl yin snatched 5.5 Gs. Following this maneuver, the
arrival, the flight brolte fo in ividual VFR gear indicated safe, and the chase pilot con-
practice low approaches. When Ca tain Holmes firmed all three gear were down. Captain Holmes
lowered the gear for his secon visual low ap- immediately slowed the aircraft and initiated a
proach, his left main gear indicated unsafe. A circling approach to Williams Air Force Base,
tower fly-by confirmed the left main still up, and landing without incident.
Captain Holmes departed t e traffic attern to at- The left main landing gear actuator connecting
tempt alternate gear extension. After attempting pin had worked loose in flight. The pin slipped
all checklist procedures for normal and alternate aft, jammed against the skin in the aft portion of
gear extension, he called squadr n ops and the wheel well and prevented gear extension.
advised them of his situation and got a review of The G forces applied by Captain Holmes forced
the flight manual. In the next 20 minutes, he the pin through the skin, allowing the gear to
tried every possible w y o get left main gear extend.
down with no success. The Dash-One is specific Captain Holmes demonstrated outstanding
about this situation ar d reco mends ejection. airmanship and professionalism. His action saved
Faced with this eventuality, Captain Holmes de- a valuable aircraft from certain destruction and
cided to try to extend t e gear ith G forces. He prevented possible injury or loss of life. Captain
systematically increase(j airspeed and G forces Holmes' actions during this critical emergency
yond the gear limit, 11olling and p lling the air- qualify him for the Tactical Air Command Air-
·raft to apply radial Gs. At 1 feet AGL, 295 crewman of Distinction Award. __.;;;>-

interest items,
TAC Tips
with morals,
for the
TAC aircrewman
Loyalty to petrified op1n1on never
yet broke a chain or freed a human
Mark Twain

THE HURIUER YOU GO, THE placed. Drag chute was not deployed. but the
crew did well to keep the aircraft on the runway .
BEHINDER YOU GET ... What if it had been raining. or icy. or the barrier
completely cut by the wheel rim. or .. . add your
own circumstances .
By Capt AI Sweeny Any way you look at it. these guys were lucky.
31st TFW/FSO Lucky. perhaps . but also not too smart. They
Homestead AFB, FL violated not only the rules. but good common
Recently an F-4 from another command blew
a tire on takeoff. The pilot elected to abort and
took the departure-end barrier . Luck was with
the crew because the potential for total disaster
was high .
Let's start at the beginning .. . our flyboys were The Photo-Phantom was on a cross-country
making an intermediate stop on the way home training flight. When the wheels and flaps were
from a 3-week TOY and were in a hurry to get raised. the jet experienced complete utility hy-
back home to the wife and kiddies . Transient draulic failure . Climb was initiated to a safe
alert could provide only a partial fuel load due altitude and fuel dumping began . The gear was
to VIP aircraft priority. but the crew decided to successfully blown down using the emergency
press on. extension system. When the emergency flap ex-
Estimates of their taxi speed ranged from tension system was used. the leading edge flaps
"faster-than-normal" to 60 MPH . An intersection indicated safe while the trailing edge flaps indi-
takeoff was approved . and the F-4 actually laid cated unsafe . On final approach. the WSO
rubber turning onto the runway . They made a stated that leading edge flaps appeared to be
rolling. no-flap takeoff. and a tire blew out ap- down . Pneumatic pressure was checked. and it
proximately 1 .200 feet later. When the pilot was zero. On final approach . the WSO again
elected to abort at a speed greater than 100 checked the leading edge flaps. and this time
knots. the tire disintegrated. and they caught they appeared to be up. An airspeed for a no-
the barrier with the wheel rim just off center . flap approach was flown. plus an additional five
The barrier was damaged and had to be re- to ten knots for existing gusty wind.

8 APRIL 1976
As the Phantom was slowed to landing speed .
.e angle of attack changed. allowing the flaps
o reposition with more surfaces down on the
right side than on the left which caused the air-
craft to roll left. The same condition existed at
touchdown causing a left drift condition . At
approximately 200 feet AGL. the aircraft rolled ment prior to takeoff .
into a bank of 20 degrees. Roll was Investigation of this incident revealed some
counteracted with aileron . However. the roll was other interesting facts. Runway-taxiway if"'tersec-
enough to cause the aircraft to drift left of cen- tion markings were confusing . obsolete lines
terline . Correction back to centerline was still had not been removed . and lighting was inade-
being made at touchdown. Touchdown occurred quate .
500 feet from the threshold at 180 knots and in Let's make sure our operations don't include
a slight crab . The Phantom immediately started factors which cou ld contribute to personnel er-
to drift left . The BAK-12 was snagged 81 feet rors . Regular airfield inspections are only one
left of centerline at 160 knots. and the aircraft solution -- everyone who sees a problem should
finally came to rest 10 feet off the hard surface . let someone know about it -- it makes good
Final flap positions were : left trailing edge. sense .
between full-up and one-half; right trailing edge .
one-half; left outboard leading edge, down; left
inboard leading edge . up ; right outboard leading KAMIKAZE STARLINGS
edge, down ; right inboard leading edge. up . Ail-
The fighter was flying chase on a loca l transi-
eron and manual rudder inputs were insufficient
tion mission . During go-around from a low ap-
to overcome the forces generated by the flap
proach . a large flock of starlings flew up from
positions .
the overrun area . Flying in very tight show
· What caused this weird configuration? The
formation . the kamikaze starlings maneuvered
utility hydraulic accumulator was leaking. and
directly into the path of the aircraft. After the
1is caused the hydraulic failure. To compound
strike. one of the engines compressor-stalled .
he problem. one of the emergency flap air lines
The pilot then made a precautionary landing
on the left side was chaffed from rubbing
without further incident. No external aircraft
against the BLC duct blanket. The air line rup-
damage was found even though there were 31
tured when the emergency system was activated
separate bi rdstri kes on the aircraft.
and resulted in the loss of all the air and failure
Although the severity of bird activity varies
of all the flaps to blow down . Once air pressure
from one location to another. there are steps
was completely exhausted. there was nothing to
which can be taken at base level to reduce the
hold any of the flaps in either the up or down
possibility of birdstrike occurrences and
position . The flaps were then free to reposition
damage . One method is through bird control .
themselves based on airloads .
Emergencies have a way of compounding
which includes such things as airfield vegetation
control and spraying for insects on which the
themselves . If you lose pneumatic pressure as
birds feed . Another way is through "bird avoi-
well as complete utility hydraulic failure . be
dance" by altering operational procedures such
aware that control difficulties may occur . That's
as restricting takeoffs and landings during
the reason the 17 unit AOA approach is directed
periods of peak bird activity. keeping airspeeds
by the flight manual when landing with a utility
down below 1 0 .000 feet AGL. and maintaining
hydraulic system failure .
high altitudes whenever possible during seasons
where bird activity is at its peak.
AIRFIELD FACILITIES A good bird control / avoidance program starts
with a tota l assessment of the hazard. This
A transient aircraft recently made a night means finding out how many. what kinds. their
takeoff from a TAC base . Only one minor pro- habits. where and when . Then control and avoi-
blem .. . it took off from a closed runway which dance procedures can be started. Such a
was aligned 45 degrees from the active runway! program involves a coordinated effort. The spr-
'\mong other mistakes . the pilot had failed to ing migratory time is here . What is your wing
heck his compasses for proper runway align- doing to reduce the birdstrike hazard? __.?

By Maj Gerald A. Fabisch


Shaw AFB, SC

Ever wonder why seasoned safety troops literally barbequed my right hand. ear tips . and
retain their zealous and unwavering attitudes nostrils. I remember retaining enough "cool" to
towards accident prevention? Many times it roll on the ground and extinguish myself .
results from an accidental injury that left an in- Flashes of horror pulsed through my mind as I
delible impression for life . As a result. some imagined the possible consequences . Fortu-
have jumped into the safety arena literally cru- nately my wife witnessed the accident from a
sading for accident prevention . Such was my safe distance. and my beagle pup was shielded
own personal "awakening " experience that oc- by my body. A lilac bush in back of me did not
curred when I was a young second lieutenant fare too well and was badly scorched with the
just completing Munitions School at Lowry AFB outline of my body .
in Denver . Colorado . Somehow I managed to drag my painful self
Denver quite literally is the "mile-high city ." to class the next day after receiving treatment at
Couple this with a hot 4th of July afternoon. an nearby Fitzsimmons Army Hospital. Munitions
outdoor concrete incinerator stuffed with school was completed with my head wrapped in
gasoline-soaked rags (courtesy of a "neighbor") a white turban and my right hand swathed in
and a match ignited by me some 10 feet from bandages . The physical wounds healed within 3
the incinerator. and you have the makings of a months. and my hair. eyebrows. and ego all
real bomb . I had placed some old newspapers in grew back in time.
the incinerator and gone back into the house for After assessing the facts and circumstances
matches . Meanwhile . my neighbor completed surrounding my parti c ular accident. I firmly
c leaning his automobile carburetor with believe that someone was definitely looking over
gasoline . For some unknown reason. he decided my shoulder and spared me the worst. Lessons
to place several fuel-soaked rags in my incinera- learned from this accident could fill two pages .
tor . After a 10-minute delay. matches were but the most significant concept gleaned from
found , and yours truly trotted outside to meet my own personal standpoint is this: Accident~
his destiny. Why I decided to toss the match in don't just " happen " - they are CAUSED. Causea
from 10 feet away. I'll never know - perhaps it by people ... people like you and me. due to .
was instinct. careless oversights . Make sure you don 't get
The subsequent blast knocked me some 5 feet burned .
in the air. ignited my hair like a sparkler. and
Down to Earth

10 April 1976
Not everyone who has an accident is guilty of
By Sgt Jim Pepper negligence . Th e point is that accident participa-
35th AMS tion is not by invitation only; it can happen to
George AFB, CA you too . If you were a good rider. maybe you
wouldn't need to be told. But you're not. You're
There 's a magic word that's used by many
a lousy rider . So am I. Our problem is that we
people and is known to almost everyone (al-
have two general purpose hands and feet and
though you couldn't tell from the blank stares
they're dreadfully slow. Our eyes work pretty
you get when you say it) . It's magic because of
well , but they don't even cover the full 180
the way it affects people. It turns them off. L1ke a
degrees in front; not to mention behind .
light. Click !
As long as people· are made like people they
It is such a powerful word that once it is ut-
will be hampered by physical limitati ons that re-
tered. the listener will not hear anything that
quire thinking ahead just to keep even . And
follows __ not even when it is solely for h1s or
people will always be getting into situations be-
her own good (which is true most of the time) .
yond their capabilities.
If 1 were to say it now. everyone who is read-
Some people wi ll try to alert others to the
ing this would stop reading and start looking for
danger by preaching that magic word. The word.
something more entertaining.
of course. is SAFETY.
This word covers almost every activity human
beings participate in. Millions of dollars are
spent to promote it; billions of dollars are lost by
ignoring it. Not to mention such one-per-cus-
tomer items as human li ves.
With so much importance on one word. you'd HAVE WHEELS, WILL TRAVEL
think people would demand to know more about 6r w~,f~~
it or at least listen attentively when someone Durin g the past year. a military weather advi-
else was explaining it . No way. Despite gim- sory was issued for thunderstorms within three
micks. tricks or bribes. people stubbornly refuse nautical miles of one of our southern bases .
to listen . They ignore it. In fact there are those Twenty-two minutes later. a point warning was
who go out of their way to defy it. issued for thunderstorms /wa terspouts with
For instance. take the case of the guy from winds variable to 20 knots and gusts to 45.
OMS. He'd been fighting with his wife and drink- Following the military weather advisory, all flight
ing. It was mid -evening and he was riding his line personnel were in the process of tying down
motorcycle to a friend 's house . He was on a equipment when the high winds dislodged and
street with two lanes each way. and he decided moved a 600-pound aircraft passenger loading
to go around the car in front of him which was stand from its parking spot . The stand traveled
going 40 mph in a 45 zone. No problem. JUSt 300 feet across the open concrete ramp .
open up the throttle. whip it into the left-hand through the ramp access point . and struck a
lane and ... that's fine . except for one thing; he parked aircraft. The stand did not have a braking
already was in the left-hand lan e. And it was a system. but it was chocked fore and aft of the
divided street. Can you guess? His 1OOOcc bike left rear wheel with standard aircraft chocks.
hit the divider and objected violently, flipping Corrective action taken was to insure that flight
him over the bars. He passed the car. as he line equipment without integral braking systems
"s uperman-ed" for 57 feet which didn't hurt a is stowed in hangars during adverse weather
bit. Unfortunately, what goes up .... conditions .
He slid across the path of a by-now very Natural phenomena damage cannot always be
interested automobi le driver for 138 feet before prevented. However. damage can be held to a
com ing to rest on a cement island. Oh yes. he minimum with a good severe-weather plan and
didn't have a helmet on. Or gloves . Or even a enough advance warning to place it into effect.
long sleeve shirt . He probably wishes he had at How does you r unit stack up?
least had shoes on. I'm sure he added a new di-
mension to the term "raspberry." Foolish? Sure .
Jncommon? You know better .

ulo life support update

tip t attd tec~ttifuet

a6out toott o# t~e tttade

By Capt Mike Byers


During the recent TAC Life Support lightweight Helmets and Oxygen Masks : Any
Conference (3 - 5 Feb 76), everyone agreed that pilot who pull 's Gs (and any Life Support
a bimonthly Life Support Newsletter would be a Tec hnician who listens to pilots who pull Gs)
good idea. Unfortunately, funds for recurring knows that the HGU-26 / P - MBU-5 / P helmet-
publications have been cut. and there just isn 't mask combination is too heavy and bulky; it
any way for us to establish a newsletter. The slid es around during maneuvers, restricts vision
good guys at TAC ATTACK have, however, and generally interferes with flying the airc raft.
agreed to give us some space each month to TAC has had a Required Operational Capabil ity
put out some Life Support info. We will try to in - (ROC) for a new helmet sin ce 1972, but we
clude items of interest to Life Support haven't had any luck in getting what we need.
Technicians as well as aircrews: new equipment, Fortunately, we 're starting to get some real
results of IG visits, current problems, etc. We 're interest in this problem , and we have been work-
interested in your inputs and comments, too. If ing almost daily with TAC Requirements and
you've got something you think other Life Sup - Aeromed ical Servi ces to tell the helmet / mask
port troops or aircrews would be interested in, developers " how the hog ate the cabbage ."
send it to HO TAC I DOXBL Langley AFB, VA We 've got a firm, documented requirement for
23665, Attn: Life Support Update. We want to thi s year and have been getting super support
put out useful info, so don 't hesitate to let us from other TAC staff agencies, other MAJCOM
know what you want. OK, here goes - Life Support Bran c hes , and the Air Force lnspec ~

12 April 1976
tion and Safety Center. There are some new Antonio has historically been very responsive
helmets and masks available for testing. and when it comes to providing technical assistance
we're trying to get the program rolling in the Life and egress engineers for accident investiga-
Support SPO . We 'll keep you updated on this tions. Hope we don't need them. but it's nice to
subject. know they're around .
AFTO Forms 22 : We 've got a thing called Painting Dual Visors : The PRU -36/P (polycar-
Mandatory Command Channel Reporting on bonate) dual visor. according to the TO. cannot
AFTO Form 22 that deals with life support be painted. You can use tape or decals for
equipment TOs. What this means is that every decoration. but polycarbonate is easily damaged
swingin ' AFTO 22 you submit on life support by the solvents used in most paint. This isn't
gear comes through HO TAC . The TAC / LGMMC totally satisfactory since many units would like
guys (who do a super job keeping track of this to have distinctive. colored visor housings. The
syste.m) send them to us for approval or disap- 58th TFTW and 1 90th TRS troops. however. have
proval; then they're sent to the appropriate Air had some success in dyeing the visor housings.
Logistics Center (ALC) . This does several things San Antonio ALC has asked them to send in
for us: (1) Eliminates duplicate AFTO 22s com- some dyed housings for analysis. so maybe we'll
ing in to ALCs from different units; (2) Insures have a solution to the problem.
AFTO 22s coming from TAC units are valid and In cidentally. San Antonio ALC / MMDT
correct when they hit the ALCs ; and. (3) Puts the message 231930Z Feb 76 states that "Locktite
endorsement of a MAJCOM on the AFTO 22. will cause deterioration of the polycarbonate
You wouldn't believe how many AFTO 22s San visor housings if the housings are subjected to
Antonio ALC gets! If we can weed out dupli- external stresses." San Antonio says to use sili-
cates. the incorrectly written and invalid ones. cone adhesive. MIL-A-461 06. Type I (white or
the ones we send get processed faster and are clear) on visor housing nuts . USAFE Life Sup-
more likely to be approved. The approval rate PC?rt Branch has requested that this info be in-
has really improved in the last few months . cluded in TO 14P3-4-112 . Keep an eye out for
We 're not saying that we are getting a lot of bad this change!
AFTO 22s from the units ... most are very well IG Write-ups: Looking through MEl reports for
done. The only recurring problem we 've noticed fun and profit (actually, we have to answer life
is that the " Recommended Change" isn't always support discrepancies) indicates that most prob-
written as it should be. The "Recommended lems can be prevented by a good quality control
Change " should be written exactly the way you system . Basically, the idea is to have someone in
want it to appear in the TO. This speeds up the shop checking on equipment to be sure it's
processing and approval . since the ALC won 't the way it should be. A quality control program .
have to rewrite the AFTO 22 before they put it in formal or informal. will generally catch things
the book. like cracked oxygen mask hardshells . missing
New Manager for F/RF-4 Eje ction Seat: nuts and washers . dirty visors. etc. We need the
Management of the R/ RF -4 seat is being aircrew's support. too . Tell your pilots and 'ga-
transferred from Ogden ALC to San Antonio tors to get their equipment to the technicians if
ALC. This makes a lot of sense. since San there 's something wrong with it. or if they THINK
Antonio is the prime ALC for life support equip- there 's something wrong with it. We don 't make
ment. Those of you who met Col Muir and Mr . many big mistakes in Life Support. but it's the
Young (San Antonio ALC/MMD) at the recent "AN TS " that get ya·. Self-inspection. quality con-
TAC Life Support Conference know they're giv- trol . and help from the aircrews are good ways
ing us good support. We also figure that some to improve any life support operations .
changes to the seat TOs may be in order. We 're Department of Odd Information:
planning to ask F/ RF-4 units for recommended -According to a usually reliable source, British
changes. and we will then submit a combined fighter pilots wear their G-suits under their flight
package to San Antonio ALC. This is probably suits.
easier and faster than processing a large ·At one time, a relief tube for female pilots was
wantity of AFTO Forms 22 . Additionally, San stocklisted. ~

popeye leadpoint magic

By Capt Mike Kostelnik

4485th Test Squadron, USAFTAWC
Eglin AFB, Fl
Generally, there has been a shortage of arti- in AFM 51-37?
cles in TAC ATTACK on instrument procedures --
specifically , how these techniques apply to ANSWER: The use of a leadpoint may be re-
fighter atrcrews. Captain Mike Kostelnik, quired as a procedural step . Consider the last
presently a Test Project Officer with the 4485th procedural step of a TACAN course intercept
Test Squadron at Eglin AFB and soon to be a from AFM 51-3 7 : "Maintain the intercept head-
resident of Squadron Officer 's School. has of- ing until a leadpoint is reached. then complete
fered a regular feature to fill the void. Mike, a the intercept." Leadpoints may be used in con-
graduate of /PIS. hopes the articles generate jun c tion with procedural steps, but in
some interest. If you have any comments, themselves are entirely technique . As there are
criticisms. or kudos, send them to TAC ATTACK no procedural methods for determining
and we 'll pass them on to Mike. It's your leadpoint. pilots should consider the various
magazine -- let us know how you feel about it. - techniques available and select an acceptable
ED method for inflight use.

QUESTION : In terms of modern instrument fly- QUESTION : What are some of the more com-
ing, exactly what is a leadpoint? monly used leadpoint techniques?

ANSWER : A leadpoint is simply a start-turn ANSWER : Leadpoint techniques can be

point. determined either by degrees on a com- divided into two broad categories : those which
pass rose or DME (TACAN) , which allows for the rely on experience based on pilot judgement.
turn radius of the aircraft . In fact. for a 90° and those which rely on numerical estimations
intercept angle. the leadpoint is actually the turn of the aircraft turn radius . Experienced pilots are
radius of the aircraft expressed in nautical miles generally able to estimate start- turn points
or degrees. based on a knowledge of their aircraft's turning
performance by comparing the bearing pointer
QUESTION: Are leadpoints considered to be movement with the time required to turn to
techniques . or are they procedural steps defined course . Numerical leadpoints which do not

14 April 1976
'epend on previous pilot experience can be Remember that all these techniques are based
\"-further divided into those based on a 3C-degree on a 90° turn. If the angle of intercept differs
angle of bank and those which are intended for from 90°, the leadpoint must be adjusted for the
standard rate turns. A list of the more common actual angle of intercept. Note also that some of
leadpoint techniques is presented below: these techniques do not consider the effect of
0 leadpoint for 30° Angle of Bonk
QUESTION- Which leadpoint techniques
(Mach X 10; - 2 Example: at .6 Mach, provide the best results?
Leadpoint = (.6X10)-2 Lead point = 4NM ANSWER: Generally speaking, all of the tech-
Mach 2 X 10 Example: at .6 Mach, niques presented will provide satisfactory results
Leadpoint = .6 2 X 10 Leadpoint = 3.6 NM if properly applied. It may be informative here to
refer to the graph of comparative accuracies
(Nautical Miles/Minute)-2 Example: at 420 presented In Figure 1. Notice the accuracy of
Kts TAS Leadpoint = (420i-60) -2= 5 NM the Mach 2 technique; it very nearly approxi-
Time the DME change for 10% of the true mates the actual turn radius curve. However, it
airspeed, and use this DME change as the should be pointed out that the actual turn radius
leadpoint in NM. Example: at 420 Kts TAS and curve does not consider roll-in and roll-out
no wind. rates. One percent of the ground speed is a very
The time for 10% of 420 will be 42 seconds, useful technique if properly applied. Notice from
and the DME change in 42 seconds will be ap- the Graph in Figure 1, that one percent of the
proximately 4.9 DME. Use a 5 NM leadpoint.
If you always maneuver at a relatively
constant true airspeed, determine your aircraft's TUT OA It UP A091. of log
turning radius in feet from AFM 51-37, page Stood D
8-14 dnd convert this radius to nautical miles. V114

--...xample: For 180 Kts TAS and 30° angle of

\--bank. the turn radius is 5000 FT (based on the
chart). Leadpoint 5000 FT + 6080 FT/NM =
.8 NM
According to AFM 51-37, a leadpairit of 1/2 owl Aircrolt
NM will generally prowde satisfactory results for Ten Roil..

airspeeds below 150 Kts. This technique is use-

ful for either 30° bank or standard rate turns. 11-

Leadpoints for Rate Turns 1% 6101,014 Spoor

For turns that approximate a standard rate

(3 degree per second), use a leadpoint based on FISUNE 1. firoplkel 000lyils of 'own raius op000mohons.
1/2% of the ground speed.
Example: for 420 Kts: Leadpoint = 1/2% X 420
= 2.1 NM. ground speed is very accurate around 400 Kts
In order to correlate your angle of bank to the where a 30° angle of bank approximates a half-
bank required for a standard rate turn, use the standard rate turn. Notice also the error involved
following formula. when one percent of the ground speed is used
Standard rate bank = (TAS::-10) + 7 i.e. bank = at 200 Kts where a 30° bank more nearly ap-
(420i-10) + 7 = 49° proximates a standard rate turn. Experience has
For turns that approximate a half-standard shown that Mach 2 is one of the most con-

rate, use a leadpoint based on 1% of the ground venient to use and perhaps the most popular.
speed. Although not as accurate as Mach 2 the addi- ,

Example for 420 Kts: Leadpoint = 1% X 420 = tional distance provided in the Mach - 2 tech-
4.2 NM Half-standard rate bank = (TAS20) nique is beneficial for formation flights when roll
7 = (420 = 20) + 7 = 28°. rates are reduced.

" a b is no we a pon too short
rave man."
Sir Rich ar d Steele-1713

----- .. -

' .. '
The Great Survival
Kit Boom-
It's Still With Us
Two egress technicians personally witnessed
chock talk the reliability of the F-4 survival kit recently .
They arrived at the slumbering Phantom in the

... Uuidt~tU Utd iltcidt~ttalt early morning hours to replace the pilot's
emergency oxygen bottle. A sergeant was

w~ a mailtteMACe tLattt.
performing the tasks while an airman read
procedures from Technical Order 1 F-4C - 2-3.
They were both utilizing hand-held flashlights
for lighting . The operation had progressed to
lifting the survival kit from the seat bucket .
When the sergeant lifted the kit. he heard a pop-
ping sound and noticed the kit had opened .
The survival kit actuator lanyard had not been
Sheared Finger t) l' ,( I~ secured to the survival kit with safety wire in ac-
cordance with local maintenance operating
instructions. (The lanyard tiedown strap / locator -')
Three airmen were cutting strips of metal into beacon safety pin assembly prescribed in opera-
small pieces for turn-in to salvage. Twice during tional supplement 1 F-4C-2-35-7 had not been
their work. they were interrupted by another locally manufactured and put into use .) The
airman who needed to use the metal shear ma- mode selector was in the "Auto" position. and
chine . when the lanyard caught on the seat bucket or
On the third occasion. without alerting the under the egress technician 's foot. the deploy-
shear operator. the airman approached the ment actuator expended as designed . (This will
shear machine from the side and inserted a happen every time .. . just like the company who
piece of metal from the front with his right hand. builds it says it will!)
He was adjusting it with his left hand when the Want to eliminate 99% of all inadvertent kit
shear came down and cut his left index finger actuations? Follow these few rules:
off .
To help prevent this type of accident trom re- D Be sure the kit is in "Manual." and be sure
curring. the shop has posted a sign warning that it stays there. (If you lift the kit from the rear -
only one person is to operate the machine at grabbing it from the back and rotating it forward
any one time. A steel wire mesh safety guard as you lift. it's real easy for the mode selector to
has also been installed to prevent access to the hit the forward edge of the seat bucket and
machine from the side . move to "Auto" position.)
Both of these corrective actions are good . but
a little late. No matter who you are. if you see a 0 Be sure the actuator lanyard ring is discon-
hazard . let someone know-- submit an AF Form nected.
457 (Hazard Report). or an AFTO Form22 .
Have a tough time remembering form numbers? 0 Be sure the actuator lanyard and ring are
Call or visit your unit safety officer ... he 'll get properly stowed on the kit handle.
the ball rolling . Don't tolerate unsafe conditions
--they result in intolerable losses . 0 Make sure everyone concerned under-
stands how to properly remove the kit.

18 April 1976
Shedding SLU F
After the SLUF landed at a TAC base during a ing hours . The transient alert crewman who ac-
cross-country flight. the maintenance troops dis- co mplished preflight stated that lighting equip-
covered a hydraulic leak above the left main ment was used and that he had climbed onto
landing gear strut. While trouble shooting the the top of the aircraft to inspect the upper wing
source of the leak. the left rear hoist panel was and fuselage ... but did not detect the un-
opened . Only problem was. the transient alert fastened panel ... mistake number three
crewman who opened the panel for the spe- The aircrew preflighted the aircraft during day-
cialists did not enter a red "X" discrepancy in light hours. Even though the camloc heads
the AFTO Form 781 A as required by the local would be one-eighth to one-quarter of an inch
Maintenance Operating Instruction (MOl) . Mis- above the flush surface . the unfastened panel
take number one. went undetected again ... mistake number four.
The individual who opened the panel ended The aircraft was inspected by the end of
his work shift and went home while maintenance runway crew ... still. the loose panel went unde-
was still being performed. During the work. the te cted.
panel was lowered to a closed position. but The SLUF took off and flew a low level mission
none of the five camlocs were secured ... mis- over water . Upon completion of the low level . he
take number two . joined up with the flight lead who noticed the
The hydraulic leak was found in the left spoiler panel was missing.
area. It was fixed. and the 781 discrepancy Dropped objects CAN be prevented. All it
lcl uding inspection was signed off. takes is a little effort by all of us to do the job
Th e aircraft was preflighted in the early morn- . .. the first time. _;;:-


TAC ATIACK needs an illustrator (AFSC Analyst (43350 / 70) for HQ TAC Flight
231X1 ... Sgt- TSgt) . Safety. Aircraft maintenance background
Must be familiar with all art media and have (431 XX) desired. Job includes identifying and
talent for figure-drawing and accurate aircraft analyzing mishap trends and aircraft equipment
rendering . Knowledge of magazine layout and performance. If interested, call Capt Aucoin or
production desired, but not required. Applicants Lt Col Patterson, TAC/ SEP, Atvn 432-7031.
must be PCS eligible . If interested, call Maj
Tillman, Atvn 432-2937/ 3814.
the pilot as a decision maker

Major Joe A. Tillman


In the not-too-distant past (fogged somewhat

with paperwork pushed during my last two years
as a headquarters weenie). I was briefed by the
Wing DO on my responsibilities as an aircraft
commander. The occasion was not a "chewing
out" - quite the reverse. I was being officially
welcomed to the wing as a brand new AC in the
C- 130. Hold it. you jet jocks . don 't stop reading!
His words transcend specific aircraft types and
Air Force commands. His epistle applies to the
F-15 driver as much as an aero club neophyte -
to a trashhauler as much as a rotorhead. I think
his words are important. I've never forgotten
them. and I've got a memory like a steel trap -a
very rusty steel trap . Basically this was his spiel :
" Welcome to the world of big business. You
are now the president of a small, but important
company. Your assets are in the millions. You
are directly responsible for the lives of from 5 to
85 people . Your actions indirectly affect
The small business you control is an aircraft.
Your company may survive only if you. like all
executives. use sound judgement. Unlike a com-
pany president. however. your mistakes can kill
you - and others. This difference demands the
most from you. Don 't speculate in high-risk in -
vestments. The profits gained by an on-time
takeoff at the cost of a proper preflight might
cost you your 'company' - and your life. A
dollar saved by getting one more landing out of
a well-worn tire could cost a damn sight mort:

April 1976
further down the road. Be good. but don 't over- mind 6 .000 feet ago. A 'Jest. he will confuse his
rate your ability. Be a professional. but put your backseater or the rest o he flight . Judge all the
priorities in perspective. Don 't trust anyone option s . assess all the risks ... and make the
completely. Be an idealist when you plan. and a right decision . That's what you are trained and
skeptic when you fly... paid for .
What the colonel said is not new . It's just an The military aviation environment is unforgiv-
effecti ve way of saying what the Dash-One has ing of any carelessness . incapacity or neglect .
said for years : Birds. thunderstorms. icy runways (and aircraft)
"This manual provides the best possible operat- can do you in just as surely as trying to fly
ing instructions under most circumstances. but through a mountain . Avo id them. He who avoids
it is not intended to be used as a substitute for the areas where hazards lay, lives to fly another
sound judgement. " day.
Quote . unquote . No room for argument there . It is not only the Dash-One that leaves the
not even between two 5.000 hour SEFEs with pilot with ultimate responsibility to use good
~octorates in aeronautical engineering . judgement; our regulations abound with th is op-
'-...-.- Before you make a decision . consider all the tion . Crew rest. for instance - it's really up to
important options . In the aerial environment. this you to decide if you are fit to fly. both physically
will require a little thought about these options and psychologically . If you are tired. or sick. or
before everything turns brown. Nobody expects have personal problems that might override
any pilot to know all the options in all situations . good judgement. hang it up! Your decision will
but you must have an idea of what to do in most be ac ce pted by both your peers and overs eers -
cases - and use good judgement when those if they have a li c k of sense. That training mission
very unusual problems crop up. I have seen pi- is just not important enouqh to bust your air-
lots mec hanically brief that " .. . If we have a prob- c raft or your fanny. TAC can't afford to lose
lem after takeoff speed . we'll continue the either simply because of " command influ ence."
takeoff and handle it as an airborne emergency or peer pressures
in accordance with section three of the Dash- Command influence can be as straight for-
One. " This is a nice line to memorize for the ward as a direct order to fly or as subtle as a
takeoff briefing. but a little hairy if you think sarcastic jibe overheard in the casual bar. Not
about it a bit . How about a midair with a flock of all these problems are a result of pressure from
birds right after takeoff? How about engine(s) the supervisor. however . People at all levels
failure? Control problems? When you lift off with have a tendency to want to impress their bosses .
6.000 feet of runway and a departure-end bar- But if your supervisor knows a stump from a ga-
rier in front of you and do not use it simply be- tor. he'll be more impressed with your good
cause you've already decided that takeoff speed judgement (an OER block) than hacking the
is the point of no return. you have not mission regardless of the risk (not an OER
considered all your options . Sure. this same block) . Let's return once. again to the colonel 's
fellow might decide . as you and I. that it would wise words --while you have that aircraft strap-
be best to return his pink bod to earth after a ped on your backside . you are boss! Nobody will
serious problem right after takeoff. but he criticize you for using good judgement. If you
" houldn 't brief otherwise . At worst. he might do are not part of the solution . then you are part of
'f!lething dumb just because he made up his the problem . Be a part of the solution . __.;:;-

individual safety awards for 1975

We are proud to present the Tactical Air Com -

mand Individual Safety Award winners. The total
contribution made by these men to our mission
will never be known ... we have no way of count-
ing accidents that have been prevented . Selection
for the highest Tactical Air Command award in
their individual field is our way of recognizing
outstanding efforts in behalf of accident preven -
tion . We at TAC Safety would like to add our
congratulations to the many they have already
received .

Outstanding Flight Safety Officer

Captain .Stephen F. Kollar
58th Tactical Fighter Training Wing
Luke Air Force Base, Arizona

Ground Safety Man of the Year

Staff Sergeant David A. Lovelace
57th Fighter Weapons Wing
Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada

22 April 1976
Outstanding Contributor
to Weapons Safety
Technical Sergeant Frederick L. Hagebusch
35th Munitions Maintenance Squadron
35th Tactical Fighter Wing
George Air Force Base, California

Weapons Safety Officer
Captain Wallace M . Meyer, Jr.
355th Tactical Fighter Wing
Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona

Weapons Safety
Noncommissioned Officer

Technical Sergeant David L. Nuetzel

USAF Tactical Air Warfare Center
Eglin Air Force Base, Florida

the saga of spanky flight
By Capt Marty Steere

ns panky Flight check." crackled the UHF . countryside was I ittered with wreckage; a
column of black smoke rose into the sky ... two
"Two. "
" Spanky Flight. button two ." lives lost.
Spanky Flight checked in again on ground Witnesses to the accident stated the aircraft
control frequency and received clearance to taxi . was in "wing rock" just prior to impact indicat-
The two Phantoms lumbered down the taxiway ing the aircraft was stalled .
All aircraft components were analyzed. No
towards the runway .
Today's mission was to be a simulated close- malfunctions were found. The WSO had initiated
air support sortie as part of the wing's opera- ejection just prior to impact . Unfortunately. the
tional readiness inspection (ORI) . Basically. a ejection was out of the envelope. The ejection
routine mission ... but one that would end in seat struck the ground prior to seat / man
separation. The pilot's ejection seat components
Spanky Lead called the flight over to tower were not affected by the dual sequenced ejec-
frequency and received clearance for takeoff. tion due to impact damage. It was determined
The crisp fall air crackled from the heat of four that ejection was initiated at less than 50 feet
thundering engines . Long. bluish-orange flames AGL.
shot from the nozzles of the two Phantoms as No one will know why the pilot of Spanky 02
they thundered down the runway and rose into failed to maintain his position in the formation .
the air . Puffs of fuel vapor exited from the wing Did he become disoriented while setting the
dumpmasts as the fuel tanks pressurized. and weapon release switches during descent into the
the wheels folded inward. haze layer? With all the information available. it
The RSO picked up the hotline to the Wing was determined that he could have recovered at
"-....--' ommand Post . "Spanky's airborne at 1221 ... 100 feet AGL if he had used a 19 unit AOA pull
The two fighters proceeded to a rendezvous starting at 600 feet AGL ... approximately the
point and began to hold over a broken-to- point where ground witnesses observed the
overcast deck while waiting for clearance into wing rock to begin. Obviously. it would be easy
the target area from a ground-based Forward Air to overcontrol in a situation such as this.
Controller (FAC). Smoky 32 . OK. so what are the lessons learned? First the
Spanky 02 was in route position on the aircraft were in a descent and were entering the
Leader's right wing . The FAC was contacted. and haze layer which produced conditions such that
the flight began to proceed to their target . there was no visible horizon . This is where the
"Spanky Flight this is Smoky 32. Your targets trouble began . Here is where the pilot of Spanky
are tanks and APCs on a north/south road east 02 became distracted and/or disoriented . Mini-
of my position . Target elevation is 800 feet; mize distractions during descents under low
highest terrain in the area is 1.000 feet located visibility . Reposition switches after you level off
3 miles ·north of th.e target . Best bailout area is and are stabilized -- it will help prevent
north of the target for 5 miles . Weather is about disorientation . The other lesson is: if you are low
3.000 feet AGL and 4 .5 miles visibility in haze ." and out of control (by that I mean the jet is go-
Spanky Lead saw a large hole in the undercast mg somewhere you don't want to). step smartly
approximately 3 miles in diameter. 5 miles away over the side . Don't wait until it's too late. 1
from the FAC's position. He maneuvered the would rather face my boss and say I became
flight for penetration through the hole. rolled disoriented and lost control of the jet than ride a
out and started down through the undercast . hunk of metal into the ground. I have a lot more
About halfway through the hole. the Lead WSO love for my wife 's children's father than for any
looked back to the right and noticed that Spanky a1 rcraft.
02 had dropped ba c k about 500 feet was Now it's your turn. You're the guy with the
slightly nose high. slightly left-wing down. and stick and it's your choice . But remember ... you
''Vas moving gradually to the Leader's six o'clock only get one chance. .->
"----" osition . Approximately 12 seconds later. the

Say hello to the wart hog

is unofficially known as the "Wart Hog ." Affec-

By Maj Jack Stitzel
t ionately conferred . but deserving of a c loser
look. To the discerning fighter pilot's eye . it's not
pretty ... yea. it borders on terminal ugliness! Aft
of the wing. the fuselage is alive with protru-
No. gentlepersons . it hasn't been officially sions ... thousands of rivets ... which have been
named yet . But it's a safe bet that ultimately, the left exposed to the breeze . The straight wing
jocks that fly her will not be guided by whatever certainly isn 't stylish in these days of negative
name is arrived at by the office types! The A- 10. dihedral . anhedral swing. and severely bent-
a product of Fairchild-Republic - the same folks wing des igns . The bulbous canopy sits high atop
who brought us the F-1 05. F-84 . and P-4 7 - is the regular - shaped fuselage (no coke-bottle
heir to the famed "hog" series . Hog . Super Hog . waist or pointy- nose aggressiveness) . Pylon '""
Ultra Hog ... and now ... Wart Hog ! Yes . the A-1 0 rnounted engines remind one of a passenger.

26 April 1976
ility aircraft and the landing gear remains 20MM and seven times its punch . And if you
'-e-xposed to the elements. WHEN FULLY UP!! The like to stick around the target awhile , think
main gear extend forward into wing sponsons. about an ammo drum that will provide you with
leaving half of the tires exposed - somewhat re- ten or eleven 2-second bursts . With 11 pylons
miniscent of the Goony Bird. Of course. we all on the aircraft. the frag shop is going to have to
know the designed simplicity and durabi lity of requisition more storage cabinets for catalogs
the Goon ' - the Wart Hog seems to have that on A-1 0 ordnance options . The airp lane is being
same utilitarian personality. More about that certified to carry the Maverick air-to-surface
later. All of this adds up to a machine devoid of missile as well as laser bombs to complement
those visual characteristics we've grown to love the spectrum of conventional ordnance . And to
and expect from a tactical fighter ... air-to-air manage it. an armament panel designed by pi-
hassler. interceptor. deep striker - the Phantoms. lots, for pilots. No more leafing through the
Tomcats. Eagles . ad infinitum . notes on your knee board to jog your memory
Let's see. have I covered everything? It's not on what's on which station . Just read the store
faster than a speeding bullet. more powerful off the panel. The type of weapon is handily
than a locomotive. nor can it leap buildings in a displayed on the appropriate station. dialed in
single bound - and yet. in it's own unique way during load operations .
it's super . On the positive side of the ledger are Turning to responsiveness. the A-1 0 has long-
features and capabilities we sorely need and will loiter capacity, measured in hours instead of
utilize to the point of pure affection . tens of minutes. Its on-station time will warm
There are four labels to describe the A-1 O's the heart of the infantryman . Forward basing,
potential. These are: lethality. responsiveness . close to the action . is another prerogative. Its
survivability. simplicity. To break these down to high turn rates and good sustained "g" at low
manageable terms. let me expand. On the le- airspeed are a natural for that low overcast day
thality side, we point first to the gun - the GAU- with a couple of miles of visibility. In the A-1 0,
!\, 30 millimeter cannon. It is nothing short of after acquiring a target, you can keep it in sight
nsational! To the pilots who have strafed while maneuvering to attack it.
ground targets with 20 millimeter M-61 and On the survivability issue. the A-1 0 has less
been enthralled with its results, you'll want to vulnerable area than any other aircraft. It is
write home about the GAU-8 after using it! I'm heavily armored, and the redundant hydraulic
talking about double the effective range of the flight control systems are a definite plus. Air-
TO THE Fairchild A-lOA Specification
(Estimated data, production version)

WART HOG Power Plant: Two 8,985 lb st (4 075 kgp) General Electric TF34-GE-
IOO turbofans. Internal fuel capacity, 10,650 lb (4 830 kg) .
Performance: Max speed, 449 mph (723 km /h) at sea level (clean) and
443 mph (713 km /h) at 5,000 ft (I 525 m) with six Mk-82 bombs ;
cruising speed, up to 357 mph (575 km /h); stabilized dive speed, at
35, 125-lb (15 965-kg) weight at 45-deg angle below 8,000 ft (2 438 m),
speed alone is not a defense against a de- 300 mph (483 km/h); initial rate of climb, 6,000 ft/min (30,9 mjsec) at
termined threat. Yes. Warp-3 has a calming ef- basic design weight; take-off roll at max take-off weight, 3,660 ft
(I 116m) and at forward airstrip weight, 1,050 ft (320m); landing roll
fect on the throttle-bender. but a bullet could at max weight. 2,600 ft (792 m); combat radius, close-air support
really care less. The A-1 o·s maneuvering again mission, 288 mi (463 km) with 2-hr loiter ; combat radius, deep strike
mission, 620 mi (998 km); escort mission radius, 297 mi (478 krn) at
comes into play. as it must. 173 mph (278 krn /h) ; reconnaissance mission radius, 473 mi (761 krn)
at 230 mph (370 km/h) ; ferry range, 2,650 mis (4 265 krn).
As for simplicity. it is a maintenance man's Weights: Empty, 18,783 lb (8 520 kg) basic weight, clean, 25,470 lb
dream. Everything is accessible. no contorted (II 533 kg); basic design weight* 28,650 lb (12 995 kg); forward air-
strip weight (with four MK -82 bombs), 29,237 lb (13 262 kg); max
arms required to reach around two corners to take-off weight,t 44,547 lb (20 206 kg).
get to a connector! I've talked to the bluesuiters Dimensions: Span, 55ft 0 in (16,76 m); length, 52ft 7t in (16,03 m);
height, 14ft 8! in (4,48 m); wheelbase, 18ft 4 in (5,59 m) ; undercar-
who are maintaining it now. and have received riage track, 17ft 6 in (5 ,34 m); wing area, 488 sq ft (45,34 m 2 ); aspect
enthusiastic endorsement. ratio, 6.2:1 ; incidence, -I deg; dihedral (outer panels only), 7 deg.
Armament: One built-in 30-mm GAU-8/A multi-barrel gun with I ,350
In conclusion. on the eve of the A-1 0 in- round s; eleven external pylons for maximum external load of 16,000 lb
troduction to the tactical inventory, I'd like to (7 257 kg) .
* The basic design weight includes six
register a vote of confidence and a bright future 500-lb (227-kg) MK-82 bombs, 759 rounds
for this specialized close air support aircraft . All of 30-mm ammunition and sufficient fuel to
fly 345 mi (555 km ) plus 20 min reserve.
who fly it. fix it. and maintain it will come to t Prototype gross "'eight, 45.202 lb
fondly respect the Wart Hog . .-> (20 510 kg) .

A three-view drawing of the Fairchild A-lOA in its production version with additional side view (bollom right) of the proposed two-seat varian •.

28 April 1976

Crew Chief Safety Award

Sergeant Steven R. Race, 4th Organizational

Maintenance Squadron, 4th Tactical Fighter
Wing, Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, North
Carolina, has been selected to receive the
Tactical Air Command Crew Chief Safety Award
for this month. Sergeant Race will receive a cer-
tificate and letter of appreciation from the Vice
Commander, Tactical Air Command.


Maintenance Safety Award

Sergeant Arnold Booth, 4th Organizational
Maintenance Squadron, 4th Tactical Fighter
Wing, Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, North
Carolina, has been selected to receive the
Tactical Air Command Maintenance Safety
Award for this month . Sergeant Booth will
receive a certificate and letter of appreciation
from the Vice Commander, Tactical Air Com-
mand. Sgt Booth

Congratulations on a fine February issue ,
especially Major Homstead 's article " Parachute
Techniques for Aircrews ."
For F-4 / F-1 5 users . the NES 88 and NB 1OA
parachutes have cross-connector straps but do
not have limited steering authority when using
the 4-line release. The release is connected to
suspension lines numbers 3 and 26 and by-
passes the cross connector straps. thus provid-
ing the same capability for turning as jettisoning
lanyards instal led on canopies without cross
connector straps .
For quick confirmation. refer to TO 1401-2-1 ,
Letters to the Editor paragraph 3-25 and 1401-2-376. Section Ill ,
paragraph 3-8 .

John J. Sheehan
Flight Safety
McDonnell Acft Corp
StLouis. MO


The 366th TFW Gunfighters Association will You 're absolutely right - all parachutes wit1 .
hold its annual reunion on 21-23 May at the El cross-connector straps have had the four-line
Tropicano Hotel, San Antonio, Texas. For more jettison lanyards re-routed above the cross -con -
informatio~ , contact Captain Frank Mercy,
nector strap. However. if you pull either lanyard
Gunfighter Reunion Committee, Box 377, Ran- or riser down far enough, you will effectively
dolph AFB, TX 78148, or phone 1-512-653-8339. pull on the cross-connector strap and thus pull
All past and present officer members of the on both risers. This is the limit of your steering
366th TFW since the Wing's activation in 1943 capability. We agree that this shouldn 't present
are invited to join the Gunfighters Association many problems since the system will allow for
and attend the reunion. adequate parachute maneuvering under most
conditions. - ED ~

Hey! pass it along ... nine others are waiting.

30 *U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1976 635-295 / 9 April 1976

TAC tally

- - =- -- .. ___:-_


thru FEB
FEB 1976 FEB thru FEB thru FEB
1975 1976 1975 FEB 1976 1975
TOTAL ACFT. ACCIDENTS ..... 5 6 4 0 2 1 0 0 0
MAJOR ACFT. ACCIDENTS .... 5 6 4 0 2 1 0 0 0
AIRCREW FATALITIES .... 2 2 12 0 1 0 0 0 0
TOTAL EJECTIONS .... 2 3 2 0 1 0 0 0 0
SUCCESSFUL EJECTIONS .... 2 3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0

TAC's top "5"


81 33 TFW TAC 127 136 ARW ANG
47 127 TFW ANG 83 135 TASGP ANG
45 31 TFW TAC 79 182 TASGP ANG
32 56 TFW TAC 78 126 ARW ANG
23 67 TRW TAC 75 507 TAIRCG TAC


75 7.9 5.4 3.6 2.6 3.1 3.5 5.3 6.4 6.0 6.6 6.3 6.1
lAC 76 2.9 8.6

75 5.3 2.8 5.3 3.7 4.7 6.8 5.8 5.1 5.1 5.5 5.4 5.4
ANG 76 10.5 5.2

75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.9
AFRES 76 0 0

111,1 111111 ~
Wl~Till Wlllll.

©Stan Hardison . 1976

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