Tac74 01
Tac74 01
Tac74 01
VOL. 14, NO. 1 SKY HOOKS 10
Angle of Attack 3
Chock Talk 18
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Lessons That Live 23
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TAC Tally 31
TACRP 127-1
Mal Joe Tillman Articles, accident briefs, and assoc iated material in this magazine are
non-directive in nature . All suggestio n s an d recommendations are intended
to remai n with in the scope of ex isting directives. Information used to
brief accidents and incidents does not identify the persons , places, or units
assistant editor
involved and may not be construed as incriminating under Article 31 of
capt Jim Young the Uniform Code of Military Justice . Names, dates, and places used in
co njunction with accident stories are fictitious. Air Force units are
encouraged to republish the material conta in ed herein; however, contents
art editor are not for public r e lease. Written permission must be obtai ned from HQ
Stan Hardison TAC before ma terial may be republished by other than Department of
Defense o rgani z ations.
Contri butions of artic les, photos, and items of interest from personnel
layout production in the field are encouraged , as are comments and criticism_ We reserve the
right to edit all manuscripts for clarity and readability. Direct
SSgt Jobn Tomkowskl
communication is authorized with: The Ed itor, TAC ATTACK, HQ TAC
(SEPP), Langley AFB, Va. 23665. Autovon 432-2937
Distribution FX, Controlled by SEPP.
Angle of ATTACH
Chief of Safety
CYA ...games people play
We are reprinting the following article with the kind usually are - augmented by Command and unit
~rmission of "Flight Comment", the Canadian Forces orders.
flight safety magazine. With the exception of the title and Ops Memos - System used by squadrons to detail
artwork, we chose to run the article "as is" - the temporary changes in orders or to "fill in" until
following guide may help you in understanding a few of amendments are published. Similar to our Flight
the terms used in "C YA." Crew Information File.
CFP 100- Canadian Forces Flying Orders "bible", Squadron Standards Officer
which contains the rules and regulations for VFR, Standardization/Evaluation pilot.
IF R, flight planning, etc. These orders can be- and -Ed
4 JANUARY 1974
some confusion. Still, the best way for a learner or
beginner to become proficient is to study the great games
of the masters. Watch the experts at play and then decide
fo r yourself. Is "Clearing one's Yard-arm" the game of the
future or is there more real satisfaction in Mission
The account which follows is of an imaginary game,
but it does indicate the extremes to which CYA players
can go.
Lt Percy Pitchout was a keen young pilot, well-liked
by his squadron buddies and a real ball of fire and fun on
Friday nights and at squadron parties. A gay young
bachelor, he was enjoying his first tour after Wings
graduation . After all, at 20 years of age, who could ask for
anything more than a sleek, fast fighter aircraft in which
to burn the sky.
One bright spring morning Percy roared off on a
routine low level navigation training mission. Forty eight
minutes after takeoff a telephone call from a rather
confused farmer's wife advised the base MP shack that a
pilot was nursing minor injuries in a farmhouse 185 miles
northwest of the airfield. Pitchout had punched-out
moments before his aircraft crashed into a rocky,
pine-treed ridge. Base Rescue launched its helicopter and
while Pitchout was being safely returned to base, an
Accident Investigation Board was convened.
After burn ing the midnight oi l for a couple of weeks,
the board members packed up and went home, leaving the
wreckage (which was in a very inaccessible spot) under the
pine trees. The bound volumes of their investigation,
findings and recommendations were duly signed, sealed
and sent on their way to travel from desk to desk, through
the musty chambers of various HQs until "Pitchout's
Punchout" was finally laid to rest; another statistic on an
accident rate graph, another coloured slide for a
Commander's briefing.
Essentially, the Board "found" that the young
lieutenant's aircraft had been serviceable and functioning
properly on impact. Pitchout was able to fill in the details.
En route at 500 ft, he had encountered some scattered
stratus and had descended below the cloud. The scattered
"Clearing one's Yard-arm" (CYA) is a game by no condition rapidly became overcast. Flying down a valley,
means reserved for sailors or those of a nautical bent. Pitchout suddenly realized that he wasn't going to clear
CY A is played everywhere - even on flying bases - and is the ridge ahead. He attempted to pull up but decided to
especially popular with supervisors. Hockey, golf and eject when he felt the ai rcraft contact the trees (the Board
baseball may be seasonal favorites but CYA is a year congratulated him on his decision). The facts were
round pastime ... and anyone can play. therefore quite clear and the Board stated as much.
Pitchout admitted that he had "pressed on into
Most CYA players were originally participants in the deteriorating weather conditions which forced him to
more orthodox game of MA (Mission Accomplishment) descend to maintain visual contact with the ground".
and the similarity between the two games can lead to However, some other observations were made by the
investigating team:
instead, a classic example of CY A developed.
Pitchout had not had breakfast on the eventfu l day, HOW LCOL GUNG HO PLAYED CYA
Pitchout had signed out in the wrong column, LCol Gung Ho called a Sqn Fit Safety Meeting.
Pitchout had just returned from two weeks leave The FSO briefed on the dangers of continuing a
and this was his first flight, and mission in deteriorating weather conditions.
Pitchout - along with others - had not signed Sqn The FSO exhorted the pilots to have breakfast
flying orders for the quarter. every morn ing.
Now Pitchout was relatively inexperienced and had Base, Sqn and Command Flying Orders, CFP 100
been in the Squadron less than a year. But his Sqn and Ops Memo were to be "signed as having read"
commander, LCol Gung Ho, had a multi-year and a eve!}' month vice every quarter. Furthermore, a
multi-type background . He was naturally perturbed at the new memo was placed on the Sqn noticeboard to
loss of the aircraft and the close call for young Percy. He be signed when the other pubs had been signed off.
became even more concerned when his Commander The visibility limits for low level nav missions were
arrived without warning and suggested, in the strongest raised from 3 to 5 miles.
terms, that Gung Ho shape up his operation or else .. . All pilots returning from leave were to have a dual
Obviously LCol Gung Ho's operation was somewhat check out.
"I oo se". Operations control seemed non-existent. Pitchout was given a check ride with the Sqn
Pitchout has been gone for two swinging weeks with his Standards Officer and returned to the flight line
hot honey, a new Corvette, and yet he arrived back at stamped "serviceable".
base and set off on a low level nav mission without so A copy of the Flight Safety minutes were
much as a quick taxi test. Signing out in the "time of immediately sent to command HQ.
takeoff" column and failing to sign the Sqn flying orders LCol Gung Ho was satisfied. He was fairly confident
are not prerequisites for flying into the trees but they do that the Commander wou ld be satisfied - and he was
indicate a somewhat lax attitude on behalf of all right. Young Percy was just an inexperienced "tiger" now
concerned. Fortunately, Pitchout was still alive, but a duly chastened. The operation had been tightened up and
valuable aircraft had been destroyed. What could be done everyone could sit back and relax. Even those Flight
to prevent a similar incident in future? Half a mi le of Safety characters could hardly complain. "Pitchout's
shattered airplane and an injured pilot adds up to lots of Punchout" would soon be forgotten and the squadron
zeros below the line. The only plus factor in this type of could carry on doing its job- just as before.
occurrence is in its preventive value. If some lessons can HOW COULD LCOL GUNG HO HAVE PLAYED MA?
be teamed and then applied . .. It is doubtful if LCol Gung Ho could start a real game
This was the point where LCol Gung Ho could have of MA by himself. He probably needs some coaching from
made the opening moves in a serious game of MA - but a higher supervisory level. Although his CYA moves poin t
" OK, I'm cover .... l mean .... You're safe to go "
in the right direction, their value in most instances is a professional work-out to get rid of the cobwebs. (These
negative. trips also contain the seeds of disaster.)
The Fit Safety Meeting was expected - although Finally, there's little Percy, the prime mover in all this.
no-one could remember when the last one had taken He's now back in harness- fit for duty. But is he? The
place. According to the minutes, all pi lots were briefed MO has given him a clean sheet and the Sqn Standards
about pressing on in bad weather, (but two were on TO, Officer has given him a check ride. No problems. What did
one was on leave, one was at Staff School and another was Gung Ho expect? Did he think Pitchout would go and fly
at Language School). Since FS meetings were so few and into the trees again -or forget to put his gear down? No,
far between, the response from t he Sqn might be "Ho Pitchout may continue his f lying career for 20 years and
hum, here we go -the old flight safety routine" . Instant never have another incident - or he may not be so lucky.
switch-off. If he doesn't make it he will become a topic for bar talk .
If LCol Gung Ho is to play MA he must evaluate The old heads will gather round; "He was an accident
himself and his whole operation in terms of t he objectives looking for a place to happen", "I knew he'd never hack
established by the service. His attitude towards the flying it", "Remember the time when he punched out". These
o peration creates the at mosphere in wh ich his are the disappointing comments which mean that
subordinates work. If Gung Ho merely pays l'ip service to somewhere, sometime, someone sloughed off his
the goals of the organization then Pitchout's Punchout responsibili t y to a young Pitchout. It isn't good enough to
will be just one of many failures. Regular, programmed hope the young sprog will make it and then hide behind
squadron meetings with Gung Ho as a participating, earlier prophesies when he plows in . Why didn't someone
decisive chairman should be t he rule rather than a quickie speak up earlier? Why didn't the experienced pilots take
CYA move when things go wrong. At one of these regu lar Pitchout aside and give him the benefit of their years
meetings the Base Flight Surgeon could be on hand to give behind the pole? Why didn't Gung Ho recognize that
a forceful talk on the advantages or necessity of having Pitchout needed some personal attention, training and
some food intake before fly ing. The FSO, "exhorting" regular evaluation. Why . .. ?
ai rcrew to gobble up their Shreddies, is hardly speaking
with any authority . WHY LCOL GUNG HO PLAYS CY A
What about signing all the pubs monthly instead of This is the most difficult question to answer without
quarterly? Well, if Gung Ho's t roops aren't signing every 3 having access to the clockwork in Gung Ho's head. The
months, it's doubtful if they'll be leaping up, pen in hand, incredible paradox is that Gung Ho thinks he is furthering
to sign on the first of every month. (CFP 100 may be the aims of Flight Safety. In effect, he is doing just the
getting thinner but it's not getting any more exciting) . opposite. Perhaps:
"Sign as having read" has come to mean "sign as having Gung Ho turned to CYA because it was easier to
signed". Obviously some system must be established for play. Authority is lots of fun if you can get rid of
aircrew to be advised of any changes in orders or the responsibility that goes with it. MA demands
procedures but not to the point where the pilot has effort. In the case of Pitch out, it demands a careful
writer's cramp before he reaches his aircraft. appraisal of a pilot and an operation. This is a
Gung Ho increased the limits for VF R to 1,000 and 5. difficult task but essential if the Sqn is to develop
In effect he is saying to his pilots "I don't trust you, you with any prospects of growth and success. Rather
Souls on Board, you'll drop me in it given half a chance" . than search for the root causes and try to prevent a
The next time someone tickles the trees Gung Ho will say recurrence, Gung Ho found it easier to have his
to the Commander, "See that, and I even added on some aircrew sign a few pieces of paper.
extra limits for safety!" Of course the original limits were Previous experience had convinced Gung Ho that it
quite acceptable and provided an adequate operational was best to look out for himself. A few extra
t raining situation. If Gung Ho con t inues with this line of restrictions on the Sqn wouldn't hurt and would
play he will eventually fudge himself into a position prove he was "tightening up".
surrounded by all his aircraft in a locked hangar. The goals of the service had become secondary to
The requirement for pilots returning from leave t o personal objectives. Let's see "I've got two more
have a dual check out is worthy of an MA player (after a years to my 30 so if I can. just keep my nose
few days off a little dual with an experienced pilot never clean . .. "
hurt anyone). But the real value of such a ride will depend The sad story of Pitchout's Punchout and the ensuing
again on the attitude of the supervisory staff which, in account of LCol Gung Ho's gamesmanship are of cou rse
t urn, influences the behavior of the line pilots. So often completely fictitious. No one would go to such great
th is check ride is just a mutual buddy-buddy trip. The lengths to avoid facing up to responsibility. And by the
f light becomes a casual touch and go practice rather than way- how's your paper signing hand? ~
tac tips
8 JANUARY 1974
mishaps with morals, for the TAC a1rcrewman
In the everyday I ife of any fighter pilot, there is always
an element of excitement in "hacking" the mission.
Locating t he tanker, joining up, refueling, placing the
ordnance on the target and getting back to home plate can
at times become a trying experience, especially if home
plate suddenly goes "below minimums" and the bird
develops problems. Let's add another element of
excitement. Imagine climbing into your Fighter Bomber
or Recon Fighter, firing up, intercepting the unfriendly,
or hitting a truck column with 20 Mike-Mike, or running a
night I R recon mission and then returning to be recovered
by an orbiting aircraft utilizing a trapeze which hoists you
and your aircraft into the "mother" ship for the return
home! Sound like Jules Verne or Buck Rogers? On the
contrary - f rom time-to-time since 1905, the possibility
of "skyhooking" aircraft from airships or other aircraft
has been explored, sometimes with considerable success.
In 1905, Prof. John J. Montgomery of Santa Clara
Co llege launched a man-carrying glider from a balloon,
with some success, and a year later Santos Dumont used
one of his dirigible envelopes in an attempt to lift a
ful l-size airplane into the air. The attempt was
unsuccessful. World War I brought about an intense search
for a useful skyhook and various aircraft such as the
Sopwith Camel, DH-4, and the Sperry Messenger were
successfully carried aloft beneath airships. The U.S. Navy
pioneered day and night skyhooking (hook-on) operations
with their airsh ips, the A kron and the Macon . These
airships operated for more than 3 years, from 1932 to
1935, without a serious accident with their aircraft but by
the end of World War II hook-on fly ing had left the
airship behind and had passed into the jet age.
In 1944, as World Wa r II began to wind down,
Skyhook ing was reviewed once again, this time by the
Army Air Force because of their concern over fighter
escort problems encountered during the war. The new
B-36 int ercontinental bomber was not too far in the
fut ure and it possessed an operating range far in excess of
all existing bombers and future fighters. Range was the big
problem with the World War II fighters. The bombers flew
by without fighter cover many times because the fighters did
TSgt Rick Sherry, 12WSq not possess sufficient range to keep up.
In January 1944, the Air Force began a study of a
"parasite" fighter which was to be used with the B-36 and
it was envisioned that this parasite would be car.ried in the
belly of the B-36. The parasite, or escort, would be carri.ed
10 JANUARY 1974
deep into enemy territory with the B-36 and should the trapeze installed in the bomb bay of a B-29. To facilitate
bomber come under attack, the parasite would be storage within the mother ship, the wings of the XF-85
launched and fend off the attackers. Once the enemy folded in carrier fashion prior to the aircraft being stowed.
aircraft has been successfully driven off, the parasite, or Flight testing was carried on until April 1949. Testing
escort, would return, attach itself to a trapeze, fol d its proceeded with limited success during that time. On
wings and be lifted into the B-36. However, the B-36 was several occasions during the tests, the test pilot was unable
still in the future and testing was begun with the new to set the XF-85 onto its trapeze and the tiny aircraft was
parasite and the B-29. In October of 1945, a development required to land, sans gear, on the desert floor. It is
contract was let with McDonnell and the resu lt was the interesting to note that during these landings, the aircraft
XF-85 "Goblin." It was the f irst and only aircraft suffered little damage and was quickly returned to service.
designed specifically for skyhook operations, possessing As the testing proceeded, it began to appear that the
only a belly skid and no landing gear. The aircraft was XF-85 demanded too much pi lot skill to get it onto the
extremely small, with a span of 21 feet 1Y. inches, and a trapeze and the aircraf t left something to be desired in the
length of 14 feet 11 inches. It weighed 4,500 pounds. It area of stability. Several modifications to the tail planes
was powered by a Westinghouse J-34 engine of 3,000 failed to remedy the stability problems. There w§s also
pounds thrust. It could make 650 miles per hour flat out some opposition to the parasite fighter design in higher
and cruised at 580 miles per hour. Maximum cruising time Air Force channels, and in 1949 when defense funds were
was 1 hour and 20 minutes. Armament consisted of four cu t , so was the XF-85 after completion of only two
.50 calibre machine guns. aircraft. The X F-85 with its associated trapeze was never
The first X F-85 was delivered to Edwards Air Force used in the B-36.
Base test facility at Muroc, Californ ia, in the summer of A second and much more successful skyhook program
1948. On August 28th, it made its first free flight from a developed from 1951 thru 1956. It was called FICON
The XF-85 Goblin. This is the only aircraft designed specifically for skyhook operations. On several
occasions during tests, the pilot was unable to position the XF-85 onto the trapeze shown here, and the
tiny aircraft was required to land on the desert on its belly skid.
(Fighter CONveyer) and it teamed up the new B-36 and
the F-84. FICON was initially begun as an effort to
SKYHOOKS extend the range of the f ighters. The requirements
coincided with the successful miniaturization of nuclear
weapons, which gave every fighter plane nuclear
capability. With the perfection of inflight refueling,
however, the FICON program underwent another
conversion. Since inflight refueling appeared to be the
more successful and simpler means of range extension for
fighters, FICON was converted to a photo recon conveyer.
The fi rst in-flight experiments were begun in January
of 1952, using an RB-36 and an F-84E, with the tests
continuing thru 1952. In the spring of 1953, Convair was
ordered to modify 10 RB-36s to the FICON
configuration . The new conversion caused the RB-36 to
be redesignated the G RB-36. Rather than a trapeze
system, the FICON used a large H-shaped cradle with a
deep yoke. The F-84 had a probe attached to its nose and
this probe engaged a latch in the crotch of the GAB-36's
yoke. With the probe in the latch, the yoke was lowered
over t he aircraft to engage pins on the sides of the F-84's
fuselage. This provided a three-point suspension for lifting
the aircraft int o the mother ship's bomb bay. Unlike the
XF-85, whose wings folded up, the FICON fighters' wings
stuck out of the sides of the GRB-36 bomb bay.
The f irst GRB-36s became operational during 1954
and 8 of the 10 original GRB-36s were assigned to the
99th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing at Fairchild AFB,
Spokane, Washington . The remaining two were retained
for experiemental purposes. Republic Aircraft
Corporation modified twenty-five R F-84F Thunderflash
photo r econnaissance aircraft to the RF-84K
configuration, installing the necessary retractable probe
hook used in conjunction w ith the GRB-36 yoke. These
were operated by the 91 st Strategic Reconnaissance
Squadron at Malmstrom AFB, Montana, until 1956.
Concurrent with the phase out of the B-36, the FICON
operations were terminated in the spring of 1956, and by
June of that year all of the FICON GRB-36s were
languishing in the desert sun at the AF boneyard at
Davis-Monthan AFB, Arizona. Some consideration was
given to converting the B-52 to the FICON configuration
but it never came to pass, and there is some conjecture
that the advent of the Lockheed U-2,with its phenomenal
This sequence of photos shows the YRF-84F "landing" range and altitude, sounded the death knell to any further
and fully stowed in the mother ship, an RB-36D. The FICON projects. The last remaining XF-85, SN46-6523, is
official Air Force photos, dated 25 August 1973, are presently enshrined at the Air Force Museum at
quoted : "The new development , announced
Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio.
today . . . aims at providing the Air Force with the
Skyhooking is not dead, however. Not too long ago ,
capability for long-range, high speed reconnaissance with a
one of the Nat ion's leading aviation magazines carried an
high probability of survival for personnel and equipment."
article concerning the C-5. It seems as though an
enterprising individual has developed a plari whereby the
C-IJ could be used as a "mother" ship for RPVs.
Could it be we've come full circle? ~
12 JANUARY 1974
GARTERS - (F-4 Leg Restraint Type) - A sister
service recently had an inadvertent ejection and fatal ity
spo corner
when a misrouted leg restraint line got caught in the
rocket motor firing assembly/sear. Rocket motor firing
probably resulted from seat raising or the WSO stepping ~ERO ClUB - lET'S HE~R IT FOR
on the line as he prepared to leave the cockpit. USAF F-4s
have a protective boot over the rocket motor igniter area. THE SHOUlDER H~RNESS
The overall solution, however, is proper routing of your
leg restraint lines. It seems natural to use a seat belt when flying light
On the same subject - informal word has it that F-4 aircraft; however, shoulder harnesses do not receive the
drivers have been observed hooking up the lower garter same favorable acceptance. Accident statistics point out
just below the knee instead of at the boot top. The Velcro that head injuries are the most frequent and most serious
tape mod to your G suit was supposed to restrain the injury in general aviation. lri most cases this is due to lack
garter in the proper position and prevent slippage. If you of restrai nt, allowing the head to strike objects during a
don't put the garter where the Velcro is - you negate the crash deceleration. Generally, injuries resulting from the
mod and increase the possibility of lower extremity injury flailing action of the occupant's body show a peripheral
during an ejection. trend (areas furthest f rom the seat belt receive most of the
injuries). It is practically impossible to avoid these contact
by Maj Burt Miller injuries during crash deceleration when occupants are not
restrained by a properly installed and properly used
shoulder harness and seat belt.
In the event of post crash fire or a ditching, the ability
of occupants to rapidly evacuate the aircraft becomes
most important. This time element becomes even more
critical when occupants are handicapped by a disabling
injury or a stunned condition, e.g., making an imprint on
the glare shield with your forehead.
So, I ask each Aero Club Board of Governors- "Have
you provided each club aircraft with a shoulder harness
capabil ity?" And to each Aero Club member, I ask -
"Are you using all the safety features provided in the
aircraft you fly?"
by Maj AI Mosher
14 JANUARY 1974
above flight manual Section I ll guidance. With the rash of occasionally rupture hydraulic lines. If you lose the utility
inflight fires and bleed air system problems we've flu id, you will also lose most of the good things you need
experienced in the F/RF-4 this year, it would appear all to keep the aircraft going straight down the hard surface
aviators should take the above reference to "immediate" and stop it before you get to the end. If you lose your
and "nearest adequate" more seriously. Additional time utility pressure after landing and after blowing a tire, keep
spent driving toward your home drome or that better in mind the fact that you may need the emergency brakes
RON base may cause additional damage or allow the to control and stop the aircraft.
situation to exceed the recoverable category. Get it on the
by Maj Burt Miller
ground! Safely!
by Maj Burt Miller
Wll8Uit , WHEN YOU !,f/D YOU COUlD
lUll/) ,f liGHT .tlltflt.tME
I REVEll ltE.tliZED •..
A Marine T-33 was destroyed when improper oxygen Around fuel, however, it could blow you to hell-and-gone.
servicing procedures were used . In fact, a recent message from AFISC advised that some
An F-1 05 departed the end of a wet runway and was POL operators have refused to service aircraft when
destroyed after the drag chute failed - improper drag crewmembers were wearing Nomex flight suits. The
chute installation was suspected. straight word on this operation is as follows: " Flight
A canopy was jettisoned after a technician was crews wearing Nomex may participate in aircraft fueling
instructed to insure that the drag chute handle was in the operations without vio lating the requirements in AFM
"down" position - the emergency ·canopy handle had 127-101 and para 5-70, TO 00-25-172, 15 Jun 73,
been pulled aft. provided the following precautionary measures are
All of these recent incidents have one thing in accomplished : Prior to connecting a single point nozzle or
common. Transient alert personnel were involved - TAC before beginn ing over-the-wing fueling, crewmembers will
transient alert personnel. assure that they are at the same potential as the airframe.
Before we levy the responsibility only on our line This is achieved by skin contact with the aircraft or by
workers, let's first take a look at prevention. Nobody inserting the ground cable jack on the nozzle with bare
makes a mistake on purpose. Supervisors must evaluate hands. Revision to TO 00-35-172 is underway with
the initial training our Transient Alert people receive. anticipated issue date Jan 74. Appropriate information
More importantly perhaps, quality supervision at the will be incorporated."
lowest level is a must. This responsibility is not a luxury-
it's a necessity.
One more note to supervisors of transient alert
personnel - it is your responsibility to let your base ops C-130 EXTERIOR INSPECTION
people know if any transient services cannot be provided.
This way the installation can advise the aircrews of the Recently a TAC 780 equipment specialist received a
deficiency through NOTAM procedures. If you can't do nasty gash on the forehead (four stitches) when a gust of
it, let the aircrews know- if you can, do it right - the wind caught a life raft door and blew it into his face. Any
first time. inspection requiring the unfastening or removal of large
panels in gusty winds is extremely hazardous, so be
especially careful during these windy winter months.
In addition to th is hazard, we seem to get our share of
one-and-a-half gainers off the Herky as the result of that
NOMEX AND REFUELING freezy skid-stuff. Those pre-dawn prefl ights are miserable
Capt John Byers T AC/DOXBL enough without making like Peggy Fleming on top of the
wing. It's a toss-up as to which is slipperiest, deicing fluid
You've probably noticed that Nomex, from time to or frost, so don't forget the warning in the dash one, page
time, will build up a pretty good static charge. Although 2-23 (Change 5 for B and E model, Change 4 for A
there are severa l anti-static compounds avai !able model) : "Conducting this inspection (top of aircraft -
commercially (made for use in a washer or dryer), these Ed) during high winds or other severe weather conditions
don't always prevent static buildup and subsequent can be dangerous. Under these circumstances, the pilot
discharge. This static discharge is usually only a minor may waive th is inspection." We would like to add that for
annoyance and might affect your relationship with safety's sake, you should at least make a check of the
wi fe/girlfriend, children, pets and possibly your navigator. dry bays if you can.
18 JANUARY 1974
with a maintenance slant
by Mr. J. W. Hafley
The Air Force now requires the maximum use of IFR identification and automatic Mfr traffic co
flight, regardless of weather conditions. The "good old until the flight is terminated: destination.
days" when a pilot had a choice are nearly gone - and As we progress toward'th' illofty goal, pilots are going
with air traffic what it is today, it may be just as well. to be faced with the mental gymnastics of comprehending
But as we experience progress and computerized and complying with the rules of Positive Control Airspace
application in many fields, things get a bit ccinplicateci. (PCA), and Terminal Control Areas (TCAs). In addition,
Aviation and air traffic control is 110 exception. The air there are several programs where expanded radar service is
traffic control system is expanding its capacity to already provided to VFIraircraft on a voluntary basis;
accommodate users, with as little inconvenience and i.e., Stages I, II, and III. The three have been around a
delay as possible. If while and one or the other is available at most civil and
In the lasilew years, the FAA has received neviled military terminals. Just for a review, the following quick
sophisticated electronic, radar, and computer equipment definitions are included:
in both en route and terminal facilities. Both the Centers Stage I service is radar advisory service for VFR
and Approach Control agencies are automating their aircraft. Vectoring may be provided when requested by
traffic data handling and displays. Each step enhances the the pilot or with pilot concurrence when suggested by
capability and real-time information exchange between Air Traffic Control.
controllers. Ultimately, a departing flight will squawk an Stage II service is radar advisory and sequencing for
assigned discrete beacon code and it will be the key to his VFR aircraft. The purpose is to adjust the flow of
20 ,;ANUARY 1974
Operation in the en route PCA is pretty well known,
but, because of the many new procedures and
des+gnations of terminal airspace, a quick look there might
be beneficial. Let's run down the list of names and put
some tags and definitions on each one to aid in
recognition and make the flight operation through or into
these high activity areas a bit easier.
The big daddy of them all is the TERMINAL
I. are at the nine
high-activity locations in the United States: Atlanta,
Boston, Chicago, Dallas-Ft Worth, Los Angel, Miami,
New York, San Francisco-Oakland, and Washington
A Group I TCA can be a rather imposing fortress.
"Thou shalt not enter without a clearance from Approach
Control." The floors of the segmented area progress from
the surface around the airport to higher and higher levels
as the periphery expands. For neneral av:at:on, plan
view charts are available at Flight Service Stations, or
a new style VFR Terminal Area Chart, scale 1:2E0,000,
can be purchased.
By official definition a Group I TCA consists of
controlled airspace extending upward from the surface or
higher to specified altitudes, within which all aircraft are
subject to operating rules and pilot and equipment
requirements specified in paragraph 91 or the Federal Air
Regulations (FARs). Turning now to FAR 91.90 we find
these operating rules: "An appropriate authorization from
arriving VFR and IFR aircraft into the traffic pattern. ATC must be received prior to flight in the area, and large
Pilot part cipatioriiis urged but is not mandatory. turbine powered aircraft shall operate at or above the
Stage III service is radar seque:Icing and separation for designated floors while within the lateral limits of the
VFR aircraft The purpose is to provide separation Terminal Control Area." In other words, it's a "NO NO"
between all participating VFR and IF, R aircraft to fly big birds below the floor of these areas if you are
operating within a defined airspace. Separation landing or departing the primary airport.
between VFR and IFR aircraft may vary from normal As to pilot and equipment requirements, paragraph 91
,standards. Visual separation is often used between says: "The pilot must hold at least a private pilot
quenced aircraft if weather conditions permit, and certificate; and the aircraft itself must have a VOR or
500 foot vertical in lieu of 1,000 foot separation, and TACAN receiver, two-way radio with adequate
one and a half miles in lieu of the normal three miles frequencies, and a transponder with at least MODE 3/A
may also be employed by control facilities. This 64 code capability (except helicoote')."
airspace where Stage III service is provided is called That's the requirement now for operation to the main
Terminal Radar Service Area ITRSA). Unlike TCAs, or primary Group airports, whether you are VFR or
the TRSAs are not established through rule-making IFR. FAA plans to require an improved radar beacon
action and do not appear on aeronautical charts. But transponder after July 1974. That means AIMS
more on this later. equipment with MODE 3/A 4096 codes and MODE C
It can be contusing, always requires careful planning, automatic altitude reporting.
and is surely discouraging for inexperienced pilots. In fact, Next down the list is the Group II TCAs. These will be
it may be so confusing that many pilots decide the trip at the next 12 high-activity locations: Cleveland, Denver,
isn't necessary; to go VFR is to risk violation for not Detroit, Houston, Kansas City, Las Vegas, Minneapolis,
complying with the right track, altitude, or possibly not New Orleans, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Seattle, and St.
calling the nearest ATC agency at the right time. So, Louis. The Gawp II TCAs nave not yet been activated or
rather than try to run the gauntlet, a good many civil charted. But most of the locations are now shown
pilots, those with IFR tickets, are filing and flying IFR graphically in the Airmen's Information Manual (AIM)
along with Air Force jocks. and FLIP as TERMINAL RADAR SERVICE AREAS or
Federal Aviation Administration air traffic controllers will use computer-aided ARTS III System as they
supervise aircraft at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport, the world's busiest commercial terminal.
O'Hare's ARTS III includes seven horizontal and four vertical displays which can show aircraft identity,
altitude, and speed next to the plane's target blip. Controllers can use keyboards to request information.
Overhead panels include frequency-selection switches and other transmitting and receiving equipment.
22 JANUARY 1974
F ro m a co llection of anonymous stories published In
194 2 by the Army A I ~ Forces, TAC A T TA CK prese nts: -..,::--..,.....Yf 1
Tllat Live "'"" · JS o f 17
Co urtesy of L t Col H . M. Bu tl er , 4500 ABW/SE
Buzz-phrase generator
For all you pencil-pushers and staple-stickers out there, appropriately portentous words. When you need a good
we have an item here that should prove invaluable. This opaque phrase, just think of a three -digit number - any
"buzz-phrase generator" was developed by the RCAF three numbers will do - and substitute the corresponding
some time ago and is worth a reprint Why use a single, "buzz" words from the list. For example, 2-5-7 produces
simple word when three obfuscating ones will do? The "systematized logistical projection" which has the ring of
fuzzy phrases listed below should offer an alternative to true authority but means absolutely nottirq. The beauty
the writer who is hard pressed to find just the right phrase of this system is that even though the phrase is pure
for almost any situation. A sort of mini-thesaurus, it "baffle-gab," it will take a really brave "fog-cutter" to
consists of a three-column list of over 30 over-used but question its meaning.
Survival and Rescue of
Emily and Scott Mcintire
November 1973
Editor's note: We recently received this account of w inter survival from Capt
George Samp le, 153 Tac Con Gp, Oregon A ir Guard. This article was prepared
by Dr. Cameron Bangs, MD, a cold injuri es treatment specialist working through
Willamette Falls Community Hospital , Oregon City , Oregon. The footnotes were
prepared by Capt Samp le. A television news reporter in civilian life. Sample
participated in the rescue effort and subsequent critique sessio ns.
We hope this true accou nt wi ll help to alert each of us to the need to prepare
for the unexpected.
26 JANUAR Y 1974
On Saturday, 3 November, Scott Mcintire, 28, his w ife Diane, 31 , and their As they left the area at 4:30pm; there were two sets of tire tracks preceding
four and a half month old daughter Emily, left Portland on a one-day outing to them. The smal ler, belonging to the VW, was having considerable difficulty as
Bagby Hot Springs. They were driving their 1966 Chevy wagon, wh ich had three demonstrated by skiddi ng tracks. It was snowing hard w ith big wet f lakes, but
good radial tires and one older radial tire on the back. The weather was clear and not particularly cold or windy.
cool, but they were aware that a storm had been predicted for the following day. As they drove through the foot of snow, they had problems with skidd ing
They took a lunch which was eaten before leaving Bagby. and at times it was necessary for his wife to drive so Scott cou ld push. He noted
They took the one and a half mile walk into the hot springs and on the way that the older, more bald tire slipped more and for this reason he decided to
met and chatted w ith several other people. There were patches of snow on the change to his good radial tire. After changing the t ire, he found the
ground; the weather was overcast but it did not start snowing until after they recently-repaired radial was flat. He then had to change back to his more bald
had bathed in the hot springs and started hiking back to the parking lot. By the spare. This incident, he felt, was dishearten ing and this was the first time he felt
time they reached the parking lot, it was snowing heavily. any discouragement. At this t ime he let some air pressure out of the tires for
Scott noted a large bus with a propane heater and a pickup with camper and better traction.
propane stove and recalls thinking that if the weather became bad that people After changing the tire, they were able to make it about half a mile further
could find shelter in the self-contained heated bus. 2 There was a Volkswagen in with his wife driving and he pushing, using one of their wool blankets under the
the parking lot which belonged to two people they had met on the trail. The tires for traction. It was completely dark when they sk idded off the right side of
Volkswagen and one other car had left the area prior to the Mc lntires and their the road into a ditch and were permanently stuck . Scott was soaking wet,
tracks were in the snow. particularly from the waist down; his wife remained dry as she had been in the
CLOTHING They ran their car with the heater on for half an hour and dried al l their
They were dressed as fol lows: clothing except t he one wet wool blanket. 3 They spent the night in the car.
Scott Mcintire had hiking shoes and two pairs of socks, one thin and one awakening occasiona lly to start the motor to turn the heater on. They used half
heavier. both of cotton . He had on Levi pants and a wool shirt. a medium-weight of the avai lable gas during the night so that by morning they had only one-eighth
wool shirt and a light wool coat. He had gloves which were single thickness of a tank left.
leather and a hand-made knitted wool cap. The mother breast-fed the baby during the night.
Diane Mcintire had hiking shoes and two pa irs of socks simil ar to her
husband. She had on woolen pants of medium weight, a woolen sweater, a SUNDAY MORNING
leather three-fourth length coat and a large, knee-length windbreaker. On Sunday morning at 8:00 am, they wrote a note stating that they had
Emily, the baby, had on pajamas and a new snowsuit with a hood which spent the night and they were leaving the car. At this point they thought they
zippered and totally covered her. were approximately five miles from the Ripple Brook Ranger Station. The snow
was knee-deep which caused difficult, but not impossible, walking. One of the
1. *******
Bagby Hot Springs is in the southwest corner of the Mount Hood National
contributing factors to their decision to leave the car was the fact that t he VW
had preceded them and that the two people they had met on the trail appeared
reliable and wou ld stop at the ranger station to report that there were many
Forest, about 50 miles southeast of Portland .
people stuck in the snow_ 4 They were also aware of the fa ct that people in
2. The driver of this vehicle later (Wednesday) telephoned search officials and
Portland knew where they were and they wou ld be reported missing. For these
confirmed he had seen the family in the area.
reasons they felt that their chances were better off attempting to walk out.
As they left the car, the baby was placed in its snowsu it and into a backpack
especially made for the baby. The baby was totally protected from the elements
by the backpack and a large umbrella. The mother nursed the baby at 8 am prior
to leaving the car. As they left. they noted that all tire tracks were covered.
Scott usually led and was able to go only 20 to 30 feet before resting. They
occasionally changed leads with Diane doing the leading. At 10 am they stopped
next to a tree to seek some shelter and the mother nursed the baby. Diane was
not particu larly exposed to the elements during the nursing except for a brief
period while the baby was placed beneath her clothing. Both ate snow to satisfy
their thirsts, but Scott ate considerably less than Diane. 5 At approximately 12
noon, they again stopped briefly so Diane could nurse the baby. There was a
slight wind and it contin ued to snow quite vigorously.
By 2:00 pm Sunday afternoon, the snow was waist deep and Scott noted
pain in his upper legs because of the exertion of walking. Diane was becoming
more fatigued and sometime around 2:00pm decided that she no longer wanted
to carry her camera and cast it aside. She continued to carry a bag containing
extra diapers. but eventually discarded this also.
Wool is an excellent insulator; it retains 40 percent of its insulating qual ities
even when wet.
4. T he two young men in the Volkswagen were also trapped by the storm and
were found by a timber company crew within one hour of the rescue of the
Mclntires. They stayed with their auto and were treated and released at the
same hospital. They had no serious injuries.
5. It takes 38 calories to change a gram of Ice or snow to a gram of water at 3l
degrees. It then takes one calorie to heat that gram of water one degree.
Therefore , for every gram of snow eaten, the person burned up 104.6
calories, which were not subsequently replaced.
Survival and Rescue their legs with a large plastic bag. Between their knees and their waist, they
placed thebabys wool bla nket over them. At their head, they used a plastic sheet
and the umbrella to keep the snow out. They got beneath the log just about
dusk and the baby was nursed again at 5:00pm.
Around two o'clock, they came to a small road junction and it appeared to After they were beneath the log and settled down for the evening, they noted
them that turning right would be the best route. They proceeded down a long that they were still shivering but were able to talk quite freely. They discussed
hill through the waist-deep snow. They then decided that this was not the route many things at length. They both felt that there was reasonable chance that they
to take and reclimbed the hill to the junction and proceeded on the left-hand would not make it. They stated that they "loved each other very much" and
road. After a period of time, they decided that they were wrong again and they that they "had had a good life together." If they didn't make it, they had "had a
returned to the junction and proceeded down the road they had first gone down. better two and a half years than most people do in a lifetime." They discussed the
At the bottom of a long hill about where the road again started uphill, they fact that they couldn't understand why this had happened. This was their first
came to a large snow drift which was over their heads and totally impassable; unfortunate experience in life and generally life had been very favorable toward
Scott attempted to go around the drift but was unable to do so. This whole them. They did not feel that they were being punished in any way and had no
series of events of missed roads took them approximately two hours and by now guilt feelings for any of their previous behavior. Neither of them were extremely
it was getting dark. Scott noted that to the left of the road there was a large rel igious, although Diane had attended church as a child and still went
cleared area, and he specifically recalls that it was an attractive sylvan view and occasionally. During Sunday evening she did pray occasionally and asked that
he was able to appreciate the beauty of the area. "the Lord help them." They both concluded that they were there only as a
During this two-hour trek between 2:00 and 4:00pm, they both became very result of a "crazy accident" which was a pure happenstance of them being in the
fatigued but Diane the more so. She frequently would walk with her hands wrong place at the wrong time. They felt that there were few things that they
dragging in the waist-deep snow. Scott mentioned to her that she should keep could have done differently which would have made any difference. They
her hands out of the snow but somewhere during that period, she lost both wished that the tires on their car had been in better condition and that they had
gloves and was without gloves for the remainder of the experience. had better ·first aid equipment. They both discussed the fact that they would
To the right of the road, in a logged-over area, they found a large log which probably lose their feet due to frostbite. They had been making plans for
was partially covered with snow but had a bare area beneath it. They scooped redesigning their kitchen at home and Scott planned how they would alter these
the snow away so that they were down to bare ground beneath the log. They plans to accommodate them after they lost both feet. Scott similarly made plans
had one plastic sheet and the umbrella which they put on one side of the log and as to how he could continue work as an artist without feet. These same thoughts
then they were able to lie beneath the log, but perpendicular to it. During this regarding loss of feet were continued during the entire experience.
entire period of scooping snow and walking they did notice rather marked During the night, they were able to sleep in stretches of 1.5 to 20 minutes.
shivering and felt that they might not survive.~ The baby was nursed again after They were quite afraid to sleep for longer periods because of the feeling that if
they got under the log. Diane continued to eat large amounts of snow. you sleep two or three hours, you may not be able to rewarm yourself on
They were able to lie with their bodies protected by the log and enclosed awakening. 8 While the mother was nursing, Scott would feed snow to his wife.
Diane now complained of severe stomach cramps, particularly associated with
Always make camp before you become exhausted. The more energy you
eating snow but, in fact, the cramps lasted all night long. She compared these to
labor pains. Scott similarly had stomach cramps but to a lesser degree. He was
have available to establish your camp, the better. eating considerably less snow during the night.
On Monday morning, the weather had not changed; it remained cold, not too
windy, but continuing to snow hard. They discussed the couple in the VW and
hoped that they had notified the ranger station that there "Nere snowbound
people. They also discussed their friends in Portland who knew they had gone to
Bagby Hot Springs, hoping they would send help.
Scott had never pursued ESP in the past but did not think it strange to
attempt ESP to contact the rangers at the Ripple Brook Ranger Station in an
attempt to tell them where they were.
During the morning, their activities consisted primarily of sleeping, nursing
the baby, and standing to urinate periodically.
The baby was soaked with urine as they had no change of diapers for her.
They lay on their backs beneath the log with the baby on top of them,
beneat h their outer garments. The baby's urine contributed to the moisture of
both Scott and Diane. They shared the baby about equally, passing her back and
forth f rom time to time.
They noted at this time that their feet were quite "club-like" but not at all
painful. They became less and less aware of their feet as numbness progressed.
A road flare from their car, if available, would have been an excellent fire
starter, another good reason for carrying flares.
8. When you sleep, the shivering reflex stops and more heat energy is lost from
the body.
Scott took his shoes and one pair of socks off and rubbed his feet and then The weather had improved. It remained overcast but had stopped snowing.
replaced the shoes and socks 9 Diane did not do this. As Scott looked out, he noted that he had a very attractive view of the valley
Diane kept her hands in her pockets as much as she could in an attempt to which he felt was quite scenic. It did not seem strange to him that even under
keep them warm. these circumstances he cou ld appreciate nature. Because of the improvement of
weather, he felt sligh tl y optimistic and felt they cou ld perhaps survive another
MONDAY EVENING night. His biggest problem during this Wednesday was the continual vomiting and
Diane had talked of dying more Monday afternoon than previously and they substerna l and epigastric pa in. Wednesday morning passed in the same way as
both became more convinced that they would not survive. Scott seemed to previous days, with intermittent sleep ing.
accept the fact that they wou ld not survive. He had the feeling that he was
expected to survive longer than Diane and wou ld probably do so. He did not RESCUE
feel, however, that he would survive if she did not. At approximately two o'clock Wednesday afternoon, he heard a helicopter
As the evening wore on, Diane became less oriented and more delirious. She overhead. He knew immediately that he had been rescued and he felt great relief.
held her hands in a "claw-like" appearance and would sleep fitfully and t hen He put Emily on Diane and immediately left the snow cave and ran out and
wake up and claw at either the baby or Scott. Scott wou ld speak to her but she waved his hat at the helicopter. The helicopter made several passes and he felt
would not respond normally. On some occasions, Scott became concerned that sure they had seen him. He then sat down in the snow and felt very relieved and
she might injure the baby by clawing at her but at no time did he develop any relaxed. The helicopter was able to land fairly close; three men including a
anger toward her. On one occasion , he felt that he did have to protect the baby deputy sheri ff and two newsmen came to him and asked his name and how he
from her. was. He stated immediately that he and his daughter were fine but that his wife
Scott went to sleep with Emily on his stomach and when he awakened, he had been dead since Monday night. Scott reached into t he snow cave by the log
noted that Diane was not moving. He grabbed her wri st and realized that she had and grabbed Emily by the snowsuit and handed her to one of the rescuers. The
died. He tried to feel her pulse, which wasn't present, and he felt below her nose other two rescuers then ass ist ed him to the helicopter. He took one sip of hot
and noted that there was no air moving. He states that he accepted her death as coffee in the helicopter but the abdominal pa in was such that he wanted no
inevitable and felt no sudden grief, remorse, or guilt. He did not feel an increase more of it.
in anx iety or panic at her death but felt "What can I do?" He did not have any They were flown to Willamette Falls Community Hospital and arrived at
immediate thoughts as to the future if he and Emily shou ld survive. 3:40. He was taken to the Emergency Room and had rapid thaw of all four
He felt that he and Emily would benefit greatly by using Diane's extremities. 11 Ini t ial body temperature was 94 rectally, ancf he was noted to
windbreaker, but he had so much difficulty in removing it he finally abandoned have violaceous 12 coloring of his toes and the bottom half of his feet. Fol lowing
the idea. rapid thaw, the coloration had not appreciably changed and lack of capillary
filling was noted. The dorsal pedal pulses were palpable bilaterally. 13 Over the
TUESDAY MORN ING next two or three days, his feet developed changes consistent with frostbite and
His sleep at this point was infl uenced primarily by Emily's sleeping and prognosis is that he may possibly lose some toe tissue.
waking pattern. She wou ld sleep for an hour or an hour and a half and then
wake up crying. He wou ld put snow in his mouth to melt it and then attempt to ANALYSIS
nurse it into Emi ly's mouth, either using his curled up tongue or his lips. There are severa l factors playing a role as to why Diane died and the other
Initially, she took water quite vigorously and returned to sleep but as the day two survived . The fact that she was breast feeding meant that she was losing
wore on, she became less interested in the water and took very little of it. calories via the breast milk. Of more significance is the fact that the fluid had to
Each time he would fill his mouth with snow, he would swallow some himself be replaced by melting snow. The large amount of calories to convert snow to
and then developed severe substernal and epigastric pain followed within water played a definite role. Their clothing was equivalent and both seemingly
minutes by vomiting. This vomiting and discomfort continued throughout the had the same degree of wetness. Diane lost her mittens early and therefore lost
rest of his survival experience. 10 more body heat via her hands.
His activities during this period consisted primarily of sleeping, melting snow Wind chill did not seem to play a great role in this situation but wetness did.
to feed Emily, and standing to urinate. He was too weak to stand w ithout Both were soaked through from at least the waist down. They both had wool on
support and as t ime went by he had greater and greater difficulty standing up. their upper bodies wh ich su rely influenced survival. Their feet were inadequately
His hand motions became incoordinated and it took a tremendously long time to clothed for prolonged wetness and cold, as neither of them had wool socks.
perform any menial task, such as putting snow in his mouth. The fact that the baby survived is somewhat miraculous but attests to the
During this time, Tuesday morn ing, he was aware of commerc ial airliners excellent care she received. She was never really exposed to the elements. She
flying overh ead and also of some small planes flying by. He did not at any time was always protected by her parents' clothi ng and was adequately fed for the
think that the smal l planes were search ing for him as they seemed to be flying first two days of the experience, and then at least received water whi ch had been
directly from one point to another. It was also too overcast to be of much value. warm ed in her father's mouth. Had the baby been old enough to thaw snow
He kept Emily on his own stomach during the day except when he would herself, her survival might not have occurred.
have to stand to urinate. At this time he wou ld put her onto Diane. He felt that On 7 November 1973, an Oregon Army National Guard UH-1 H "Huey"
he and Emily contributed to each other's survival. He had definite feelings that helicopter piloted by Maj William Gottlieb rescued Scott Mc intire and his
her body heat benefited him as much as his benefited her. He felt that he had an daughter. Mcintire, now recovering from the effects of his experience and from
obligation to see that she survived and that her "precious life" shou ld be saved. frost bite, is very eager to have others learn from his misfortune. _.:::,...
He did not dwell on thoughts of death, did not seem to think about it at all; nor
did he think about the future, particula rl y with Diane now dead and he and
Emily alone. He was sure that th ings wou ld work out in the future as t hey
always had in the past.
11. Rapid thaw, though painfu l to the patient, may save the limb. When a cell is
frozen, it requires little oxygen ; as soon as the cell is warmed, it requires
During the time after Diane died, he did not l ike t he fact that her eyes were
oxygen for its survival. Slow thaw allows cells near the outer skin to warm
open and he attempted three or four times to close them but they kept
first while interior capil laries, which supply blood, are still frozen . There is
reopen ing.
greater chance of cell death with slow thaw and ambulance crews serving
this hospital are being instructed to keep the patient's frostbitten limbs cool
If Scott's feet were frostbitten at this point, rubbing would have increased
until the emergency room crew can apply rapid thaw. Also, it should be
assumed that all extremities have been frostbitten and all should be treated.
the amount of tissue damage. 12. Bluish discoloration.
10. It was later believed Scott developed a stress ulcer during this experience. 13. The pulse could be felt on the top of both feet.
TAC ATTACK article, "Welcome Home," but I
am afraid it left our good C-130 folks "the
forgotten few."
We have been, and still are very much involved
in airlift operations in SEA, and I feel duty bound
to inform you of our continuing role in that part
of the world. As a proud member of the 317
Tactical Airlift Wing, and one who participated, I
Dear Editor feel a certain responsibility to see that our Airlift
folks are in some way recognized for their efforts.
Editorial improvement of TAC ATTACK What I am trying to say is, all of the TAC
could be gained by remembering that many Constant Guard units are not home yet ...
fanatical and highly enthusiastic readers are of a Sincerely,
non-flight crew orientation.
Our ranks are spread among sand crabs (Civil TSGT GERALD J. HOLLAND
Service types), crunchies (Army Reservists), and 39 Tactical Airlift Sq
the parachutist half of the two things that are Pope AFB NC
known to drop out of the sky.
In the interest of successful comprehension, all I noted with interest and pride your accolades
we ask is that you frequently spell out and define in the November issue for the TAC units which
the meaning of acronyms and abbreviations used participated in the Constant Guard deployments.
in articles, features and lessons. Such commitment and response was an excellent
Art work and graphics are exceptionally well demonstration of what can be done with our
done. Often, however, I feel that I am looking at tactical forces.
(not reading) a foreign language publication. The I would like to add one unit which was
excessive use of jargon leaves me no alternative omitted from your list - the 31 Tactical Fighter
but to scan the pages and be humored by Fleagle. Wing at Homestead AFB, Florida. The wing
deployed the 308 Tactical Fighter Squadron in
In anticipation May 1972 and again in December 1972. This
squadron "Returned With Honor" only two
EDWARD P. MYLOTTO months prior to Operation Coronet Bolo, after
Construction Inspector completing nine months and over 3300 combat
Base Civil Engineer, Bldg 10 sorties supporting the war efforts. The 307
928th TAG, AFRES Tactical Fighter Squadron, also from Homestead,
·chicago-O'Hare Int'l Airport deployed in July 1972 and returned in October.
Together the aircrews of the 308 and 307 Tactical
Sorry to hear you're having trouble with our acronyms. Fighter Squadrons flew over 4300 combat sorties
Our last reader survey (June 1973 issue) indicated only 3 and 9300 hours during this momentous year, and
out of 141 readers responding found TAG ATTACK are proud to have been a part of such an
"hard to read." Eighty-seven found the magazine "easy to operation.
read" and fifty-one felt it was "about right"
We realize that some of our readers may have trouble HENRY D. CANTERBURY, Lt Col, USAF
with many of the lesser-known aviation abbreviations so Commander, 308 TFS
we'll try to do better in future issues. - Ed
The "Welcome Home" article was aimed primarily at
••• those units participating in Coronet Bolo. We're aware
Obviously you folks in TAC Headquarters that many other units participated in various phases of
have lost sight of the fact that we in the Airlift Constant Guard, and some still are. Thanks for bringing
Force are still maintaining a contingent of your units to our attention. We'll make sure they're
personnel and aircraft in Southeast Asia in included in our wrapup of the SEA effort by TAG, which
support of Operation Constant Guard I thru V. I will appear after our involvement has ended. In the
am quite sure our counterparts in the Fighter meantime, to all those still "over there," we wish you a
Force appreciate your efforts in the November safe, speedy return home. Editor
1973 1972
TOTAL ACFT. ACCIDENTS .... 2 38 43 0 16 20 0 3
MAJOR ACFT. ACCID ENTS .... 2 26 31 0 11 15 0 2
AIRCREW FATALITIES .... 1 24 39 0 3 0 2 2
TOTAL EJECTIONS .... 2 24 31 0 8 9 0 0
SUCCESSFUL EJECTIONS ..... 1 15 20 0 7 9 0 0 0
IJ I I .. . ,I