Takebishi DeviceXPlorer OPC Server Brochure

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Realization of standardized connection

DeviceXPlorer® OPC Server

What is OPC
Interface standard for software-to-software communication
Using OPC enables system development independent of production equipment.
There are many software packages that support OPC all over the world.
Use in combination makes it easier to reduce development man-hours and divert assets.

ERP/MES Production/
SCADA Analysis Quality-
DCS management


OPC Client
Instruct data acquisition/writing
to OPC Server, and monitor and
control equipment.

Dev i ceX Pl or er ®
OPC Server O PC Se rve r
Communication with the control
equipment, and data acquisition/
writing of production

Et he rnet RS -2 3 2 C V endo r sp ec i f ic net wo r k

Ideal for multi-vendor systems

Standardize equipment with mixed vendors and models
OPC can absorb vendor-specific communication specifications and standardize host systems.
OPC Server can communicate with controllers through various networks such as Ethernet and Serial,
And protocols such as CC-Link IE, Ethernet/IP.

O PC Se rve r
( Dxp SE RV ER )
Vendor-specific communication specifications
Physical interfaces(Serial・Ethernet)
What is OPC UA
International standard “IEC62541” in the industrial field


1. Platform independent
Previous OPC Classic was only applicable to Windows-based systems,
it enables to develop applications for various platforms.
The application area has been expanding from embedded to tablet and mainframe.






OPC Classic

2. Information model works *DeviceXPlorer® OPC Server plans to support in the future.

Information model is a definition of information exchanged between applications.

By using an information model, complex information can be accurately exchanged between applications.
It is possible to share and achieve interoperability beyond the boundaries of each vendor.

Information is expressed in object-oriented

Even complex multilayer structures
can be defined as modeled information.

Information definition can be expanded

Activities are underway to capitalize the
standard models of each industry and industrial
field as OPC UA information models.
Collaboration with other standardization
organizations in progress, such as PLCopen
and umati.

3. High security communication

OPC UA can flexibly respond to security requirements that varies in various area as a highly
reliable industrial communication standard.
Enables select an authentication/encryption method to protect important data from
eavesdropping and spoofing threats.
◆ Co unt e r me as u re s a ga in st t h re at s
Threat Measures built into OPC UA

Wiretapping Encryption
Message fabrication, impersonation Signature Authentication
Message falsification Signature data verification
Message resend Sequence number verification
Invalid message Parameter validation
: :
Communication software for device data
DeviceXPlorer® OPC S
Point 230 compatible devices
1 Increasing connectable models

DxpSERVER supports connectivity to Machine tools and

EtherNet/IP devices in addition to conventional connectivity such
as PLCs, robots, and Barcode readers. Also it works as OPC UA
Client and enable to data sharing with other OPC UA server.

Point Rich function

2 Value bridging & script

Data can be exchanged between devices from different

vendors. Logic including four arithmetic operations
with fixed period/event execution is also possible.

Point OPC UA Pub/Sub compatible

Step/ Easy Setting
3 OPC UA 1.04 specification compliant

Compared to the conventional server / client

configuration, communication load can be reduced
and time lag can be prevented when connecting N: N.

*Publisher:Multicast transmission of data collected from devices

*Subscriber:Recceives messages sent by publishers
Tag value simulation
● Generate tag values
● Simulation type can be selected
● Ideal for debugging without control equipment

Value monitoring
● Check the current value of the specified register
● Development of host system and collaboration
test in possible without PLC tool

Multilingual display
● Enable to dynamic change of a display language,
such as Japanese, English, Chinese (Traditional
and Simplified) and Korean.
● Ideal for overseas system project

①Communication me thod (Port Se tti ng)

②Model selection (D evice Setting)
③Acquisition data address (Tag Setting)

Compatible with old products

● Old Project files are compatible with Ver.6.
* Ver.3 settings are convertible for Ver.6 with
a dedicated tool.

Ver.4 Project file(.dxp)

Ver.6 Project file(.dxp)

Ver.5 Project file(.dxp)

Case Study
(1)Facility monitoring
● V i su a li z at ion of eq u ip men t i n co mb i nat io n w i t h S C A DA p a ck age an d BI t o ol s
● M on it o rs eq u i p m ent o p er at i ng st at u s a nd al a r m s t h ro ug h s cr een di s p la y s a nd E - m ai l n ot if i cat ion s
● T he p rod uct io n s it e ca n be g ra sp ed in re al t i me , a nd ma l fu nct ion s a re det ect e d i m me d iat el y

WEB/mobile SCADA
Database Monitoring tool

O PC Se rve r
SCADA compatible with OPC
( Dxp SE RV ER ) Example

・ MC Works64 (Mitsubishi Electric)

・ InTouch/Historian (Wonderware)
・ RSView (Rockwell)
・ WinCC (Siemens)
・ Cimplicity/iFix (GE Intelligent Platforms)
・ Citect (Schneider Electric)
・ JoyWatcher (JT Engineering)

DeviceXPlorer® has check

connectivity with a lot of
OPC client in the interoperability workshop (IOP).

PLC Robot Barcode reader

(2)Production management
● P rod uct io n re s ult s ar e col lect ed v i a t h e O P C cl ient an d a ut o m at ica l l y st or ed in t he d at ab a se
● Ea sy dat a l i nk age bet w een d i ff er ent sy st e m s i n co mb in at ion w it h OP C Sp i der ®
● Do wn lo ad s p rod uct io n in st ru ct i on s f ro m M ES / ER P t o eq u ip me nt

Database OPC Spider® BI tool Cloud

O PC Se rve r
OPC Spider ®
( Dxp SE RV ER )
Production equipment and host
system data linkage software

Shorten the development

term of system
and reduce costs

Equipment A Equipment B Equipment C

(3)Simple data collection
● Co lle ct s an al og d at a s uc h a s v ib r at ion and s oun d i n o rde r t o p re di ct i ve Cloud Service
m ai nt en an ce o f eq u i p me nt
● Dxp L OGG ER mo nit or s p rod uct io n s it e dat a ac cu m ul at ion and a la r ms
● E - m ai l n ot i f ic at ion w h en a n a la r m oc cu r s /re cove r s


Analog data OPC Server

Data logging software

Simple graph viewer

E-mail notification
Report output

Sensor Mobile terminal Realize equipment data collection

and monitoring system

● U ses 3 D C AD an d C AE t o re al i ze e q u ip m ent s i m ul at ion b y vi rt ua l e ng ine er i ng
● P reve nt s u nexp ect ed a cci dent s b y c he ck in g r obot a r m int e r fe ren ce and ca rr y in g t e st
● Sho rt e ns st art - up t i me t hr ou gh t e st a ut o mat i on

OPC Server
Compatible with OPC
・ iCAD/VPS(Fujitsu)
Simulator 3DCAD ・ DELMIA(Dassault Systems)
・ Vmech(Lattice Technology)
・ 3DCreate(CMS)

(5)Power monitoring and energy saving

● M on it o rs an d cont ro l s of p o w er con s u mp t ion in coop er at ion w it h
ene rg y s av in g s up p o rt s y st e m
● V i su a li z at ion s o f e ner g y met e r w it h ene rg y sa vi ng sup p o rt t oo l a nd web br o ws er s
● D ist r ib ut e s t he a i r c on dit io ni ng o p e rat in g lo a d ac cor d ing t o t he p o we r us age

Air conditioning

OPC Server
Energy saving system

Energy saving support devices
Introduction of OPC products
DeviceGateway ® Server

Data Access Unit for IoT

Br id gi ng p rod uct i on sit e in fo r m at i on t o ho st s yst e ms an d Io T se rv ic e s.
P rov id es dat a a cce s s t o eq u i p m ent in t he f ac t or y a nd fa ci l it y eq u ip men t i n t h e b ui ld in g.

IoT System
Features (Facility Visualization/
Quality control/
● Op e rat i on and set t in g by b ro w se r Cloud Preventive maintenance)
● Acc es s ib le t o 1 6 0 dev ice s Server Computing
● V ar i ou s I o T I nt er f ace IoT Interface
● Dat a e xt r act io n b y ev e nt det ec t i on OPC UA, MQTT, SQL, FTP, HTTP(S),
HULFT IoT, WingArc1st MotionBoard,
AWS Kinesis, SIEMENS MindSphere

●Production efficiency by cloud computing
Dev i ceG at e w a y ® ●PC-less, compact size

Fact or y Pl ant Soc i al in f ra st ru ct u re Bu i ld ing Ot h er

DeviceXPlorer ® Data Logger CClliieenntt

Industrial data collection software

Logg i ng d at a t o C SV o r ge ner a l - p u rp o se dat ab ase ac co rd ing t o t h e cyc l ic o r t r igge r c ond i t ion s .
U ses an O P C Se r ver , it col lect s p rod uct io n si t e in fo r m at ion in re al t i me .

● Dat a c ol lect io n u p o f 65 , 5 35 p o int s u p t o
● Si mp le gr ap h v ie w er ( r eal -t i me / hi st o r ic al )
● Au t o mat ic out p ut re p or t s a ut o m at ic al ly Report
● Al a r m not i f ic at i on v i a E - m ai l

Data Logger
Fact or y


●Easy construction of data logging system
●Reduce development costs and man-hours
FileArk ® FA Edition Server

Text file and host system linkage software

T he d at a ac cu m ul at e d in t he leg ac y eq u ip me n t br idg e t o t he hos t s y st e m.
Send s d at a whe n t he t ext f i le i s up dat ed o r r eq ue st o f t he ho st s y s t em .

Features Io T s y st e m
● O PC U A, M Q T T c onv er s ion of le gac y e q u ip m en t monitoring
In for m at ion ( F ile ch ang e det e ct ion /c yc l ic )
● Ea si l y l in k t e xt fi le s w i t h h ost s ys t e ms
● Con ve rt t ext dat a t o r eal -t i me d at a

Data analysis

Leg ac y eq u ip me nt Fi le Ar k ®

Tex t dat a

●Real time monitoring of legacy equipment
m ap p ing ●Utilize asset file data in sleeping equipment

OPC Spider ® Client

Data linkage software for production equipment and host system

Con nect s p rod uct io n s yst e m a nd hos t s y st e m s w it ho ut p ro gr a m m ing .
Sy st e m l in kag e is p os s ib le s im p l y b y ar r ang in g t he co mp o nent i zed i con s i n o rde r o f p roc e ss i ng.

IT s y st e m
Host system Database
● Dat a l in kag e w it ho ut p rog ra m m in g
● GU I f or ea s y t o unde r s t and in g o f p roce s s ing fl ow Cloud
● Tec hn i ca l sk i ll s for de velo p ment not r eq u ire d Computing Application
● Au t o c re at ion o f sp e ci f ic at ion s

Dev el op ment sc ree n Benefit

●Linkage OT system and IT system
O PC Sp ide r ® ●Shorten development term and reduce costs

O T s y st e m
Applicable Devices
(Available Edition)
EP: Enterprise

PLC(Programmable Logic Controller) AD: Advanced

ST: Standard

Vender Series CPU Ethernet Serial Others EP AD ST

Built-in Ethernet Port

MELSEC iQ-R R120/32/16/08/04 RJ71C24(-R2/R4)

(Motion Controller)
- Built-in Ethernet Port
MELSEC-Q Built-in Ethernet Port Built-in USB Port
(Universal Hi-speed) QJ71E71-100/B2/B5 QJ71C24N(-R2/R4)

Q100/50UDEH, Q26UD(E)H
MELSEC-Q Built-in Ethernet Port Built-in USB/Serial Port
(Universal) QJ71E71-100/B2/B5 QJ71C24N(-R2/R4)


- -
(Redundancy) Built-in USB/Serial Port - -
- - -
(High Performance) -
MITSUBISHI - - ✔ ✔ ✔
(Basic Model)

(C Controller Module) -
Built-in Ethernet Port
- -
(Motion Controller)

Built-in USB Port

Built-in Ethernet Port
- - LJ71C24(-R2)
- -

Built-in Serial Port

- -
- - FXxx-232/485-BD

Built-in Serial Port

- AJ71QC24(N)(-R2/R4)

Built-in Serial Port

- - - A(1S)J71UC24

SYSMAC-NX *1 NX701 Built-in Ethernet Port

SYSMAC Gateway *2

Built-in Ethernet Port

SYSMAC-NJ *1 NJ101/301/501 CX-Compolet *2


Built-in USB/Serial Port

Built-in Ethernet Port

CS1W-ETN21/11/01 Built-in USB/Serial Port

CS1D-ETN21D CS1W-SCB41/21(-V1)
OMRON Built-in Ethernet Port CP1W-CIF12/11/01 ✔ ✔ ✔
CJ1W-ETN21/EIP21 CJ1W-SCU21(-V1)

CVM1(D), CV2000 Built-in Serial Port

CV1000/500 CV500-LK201

C200H Built-in Serial Port

CQM1(H) C500-LK203/201/103/101
CPM1/2 C200H-LK202/201/101
C2000H/1000H C120-LK202/201/101

Built-in Ethernet Port

Built-in Ethernet Port
e-RT3 RP71-R

F3SP71-4S/N Built-in Ethernet Port

F3SP76-7S/N F3LE12/11/01-0T

F3SP67-6S, F3SP66-4S
F3SP59-7S, F3SP58-6H/S
F3LE12-0T/1T F3LC12-1F
F3SP53-4H/S, F3SP38-6N/S
FA-M3R F3LE11-0T/1T F3LC11-2F/1F
F3SP35-5N, F3SP28-3S/N
F3LE01-0T/1T/5T F3LC11-2N/1N
F3SP25-2N, F3SP22-0S
F3SP21-0N, F3SP08/05-0P

Built-in Ethernet Port

JTEKT PC3JG-P EN-I/F(-T),FL/ET-net-5 ✔ ✔ ✔
MULTI-GW EFR Built-in CPU Port *3

PC2J(C/S/R) EN-I/F(-T),FL/ET-net-5
(Available Edition)
EP: Enterprise
AD: Advanced
ST: Standard

Vender Series CPU Ethernet Serial EP AD ST

HX *4 HX-CP1S08(M)/HX©-1H16(M) Built-in Ethernet Port

EH150-EHV EHV-CPU128/64/32/16
Built-in Ethernet Port

EH150 EH-ETH(2)



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Built-in Ethernet Port
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FUJI ✔ ✔ ✔
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- Built-in Serial Port

Built-in Ethernet Port

Built-in Ethernet Port

- - - - ✔ ✔ ✔


Built-in Serial Port

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- - Built-in Ethernet Port

KEYENCE - ✔ ✔ ✔
- - -

- -

- -

- -
Applicable Devices
(Available Edition)
EP: Enterprise

PLC(Programmable Logic Controller) AD: Advanced

ST: Standard

Vender Series CPU Ethernet Serial

nv(type1, type1 light) PU811, PUM11/12/14 EN811/EN821

V(S3) S3PU65A/55A/45A

V(S2) S2PU82/72A/72D
TOSHIBA EN651(A)/661 ✔ ✔ ✔

V(S2T) PU672T/662T EN611/631/651A

PROSEC T(T3H) PU325H/326H EN311

PROSEC T(T2N) PU235N/245N Built-in Ethernet Port

- -

Built-in Ethernet Port 218IF-01/02

218IF-01/02 217IF-01


Built-in Serial Port

- Built-in Serial Port
- Built-in Ethernet Port - ✔ ✔ ✔
- -

- -

- -

Built-in Ethernet Port

- - - -

- - Built-in Serial Port

- Built-in Serial Port

- Built-in Serial Port

KOYO - ✔ ✔ ✔
- Built-in Serial Port

- -

Built-in Serial Port

- - - -
- - - - Built-in Ethernet Port Built-in Serial Port
- -

Built-in Serial Port

- -

- Built-in Ethernet Port ✔ - -

- -
- -

- -
Built-in Ethernet Port
- -

- -

DELTA - - Built-in Serial Port ✔ ✔ ✔

- -

- -

- -

- -

- -

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- - ✔ ✔ ✔

(Available Edition)
EP: Enterprise
AD: Advanced
ST: Standard

Vender Series CPU Ethernet Serial

(General PC) Built-in Ethernet Port Built-in Serial Port ✔ ✔ ✔


✔ ✔ ✔
Built-in Ethernet Port
- -
- -

- Built-in Ethernet Port

- - -

- -

- -

- -

Built-in Ethernet Port

- ✔ - -

Robot Controller
Vender Series CPU Ethernet Serial

KAWASAKI Built-in Ethernet Port ✔ ✔ ✔

YASKAWA Robot Simulator - ✔ ✔ ✔

YAMAHA Built-in Ethernet Port ✔ - -


Built-in Serial Port ✔ ✔ ✔

- -


Built-in Serial Port ✔ - -

Applicable Devices
(Available Edition)
EP: Enterprise

NC(Numerical Control)Machine AD: Advanced

ST: Standard

Vender Series CPU Ethernet Serial

Built-in Serial Port

FANUC Built-in Ethernet Port *7 ✔ ✔ ✔
(DPRNT Connection)

Built-in Serial Port

Built-in Ethernet Port *8 ✔ ✔ ✔
(DPRNT Connection)

✔ - -
Built-in Serial Port
(DPRNT Connection)
FCU6-EX875 *8

✔ ✔ ✔

- , - Built-in Ethernet Port

- , -
Shibaura Machine *11 Built-in Serial Port ✔ - -

Machine Tools
Vender Series CPU Ethernet Serial

MITSUBISHI Built-in Ethernet Port ✔ - -

MAZAK ✔ - -

Display Panel
Vender Series CPU Ethernet Serial

GOT2000 GT27/25/23 Built-in Ethernet Port

MITSUBISHI Built-in Ethernet Port ✔ ✔ ✔
GOT1000 GT16/15/14
Extended Ethernet Unit

, ,

HAKKO *1 Built-in Ethernet Port Built-in Serial Port ✔ ✔ ✔

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, , , ,

, ,
(Available Edition)
EP: Enterprise

Barcode Reader AD: Advanced

ST: Standard

Vender Series CPU Ethernet Serial EP AD ST

- -
✔ - -
Built-in Ethernet Port
- -
- N-L1

- Built-in Ethernet Port ✔ - -

Vision Sensor
Vender Series CPU Ethernet Serial EP AD ST

DataMan (Stationary Type) Built-in Ethernet Port

✔ - -
DataMan (Handheld) DMCM-ENETM-00

In-Sight - Built-in Ethernet Port ✔ ✔ ✔

Vender Series CPU Ethernet Serial

MITSUBISHI RFID RF-RW003/004/103/104 Built-in Ethernet Port ✔ - -

OMRON RFID V680-CA5D01/02-V2 Built-in Serial Port ✔ - -

Remote I/O System

Vender Series CPU Ethernet Serial EP AD ST


*4 - - -

*4 - -

*4 - - - -

*4 Built-in Ethernet Port Built-in Serial Port

*4 - ✔ ✔ ✔
- -
- -

Loop Controller *4

Tower Light PATLABOR *4

Built-in Ethernet Port

Data Logger *4

Tablet Recorder *4 -

BACnet controller *13 - Built-in Ethernet Port ✔ - -

*4 - - Built-in Ethernet Port ✔ ✔ ✔

- Built-in Ethernet Port

- ✔ ✔ ✔
- Built-in Serial Port

- Built-in Ethernet Port

*4 - - - ✔ ✔ ✔
*4 Built-in Ethernet Port ✔ ✔ ✔

Phoenix Contact
Built-in Ethernet Port ✔ - -
Applicable Devices
(Available Edition)
EP: Enterprise

Sensor, Recorder, Meter, Network switch etc. AD: Advanced

ST: Standard

Vender Series CPU Ethernet Serial EP AD ST

- - - -
- - - -
Built-in Ethernet Port ✔ - -

- - - -
- - - - -
- - - - -
- -
Built-in Ethernet Port ✔ ✔ ✔
- -

- -
Instrumentation network - -
- - -
Built-in Ethernet Port
Digital Regulation Meter

Digital Direction, Regulation Meter

Recorder Built-in Serial Port ✔ ✔ ✔

Mass Flow

Burner Controller
Communication Convertor
Program Regulation Meter
Built-in Serial Port
Built-in Ethernet Port

✔ ✔ ✔
Built-in Ethernet Port Built-in Serial Port


Unit Controller
Built-in Ethernet Port ✔ ✔ ✔
Regulation Meter

Regulation Meter Built-in Serial Port ✔ ✔ ✔

- -


Built-in Serial Port ✔ ✔ ✔

Regulation Meter

Regulation Meter Built-in Serial Port ✔ ✔ ✔

- -
Eco Power Meter Built-in Serial Port ✔ ✔ ✔

✔ ✔ ✔

Energy Saving Data Collecting Servers Ⅲ

Built-in Ethernet Port ✔ - -
Demand Monitoring Equipment -

Energy Monitoring Unit

Indicating Instrument - - Built-in Serial Port ✔ ✔ ✔
Smart Meter
- -
Switching Hub - - Built-in Ethernet Port ✔ ✔ ✔

BACnet Unit for MELSEC (MELSEC-Q series CPU)

BACnet Unit for LonWorks (LonWorks unit) ✔ - -
BACnet Unit for Multi-Connection (MELSEC/SYSMAC/MODBUS) -


✔ - -
(Available Edition)
EP: Enterprise

OPC Interface AD: Advanced

ST: Standard

✔ - -

- -

*15 ✔ - -

✔ ✔ ✔

Open Standard Communication

✔ ✔ ✔

✔ - -

- - - : ✔ - -

- - - - - ✔ - -

✔ - -

✔ ✔ ✔

✔ - -


✔ - -

✔ ✔ ✔

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Product Type

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License Activation Flow

≫≫ YouTube “TAKEBISHI FAWEB” channel ≪≪

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How to read model code
Edition EP: Enterprise AD: Advanced ST: Standard

Product Type HW: Package(Hardware Key) SW: Package(Software Key) DL: Download

: M3:
M5: :
: : :

Langage J: Japanese E: English

Price List
Enterp rise Edition

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Advanced Edition

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Sta ndard Edition


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29, Mamedacho, Nishikyogoku, Ukyo-ku, Kyoto, 615-8501, Japan


Support Desk Available: Weekday 9:00-17:00(Japan local)

InquiryForm : https://www.faweb.net/support/form/
MAIL : [email protected]
TEL : +81-75-325-2261
Movie : YouTube “Takebishi FAWEB” channel

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