Satan's First Speech
Satan's First Speech
Satan's First Speech
These lines have been taken from Paradise Lost book-1, written by John Milton. It is an Epic poem with
seven hundred plus(700+) lines.
These lines are referred to as the first sppech of satan in the hell, when he along with his fellow rebell
angels was waltering into the depth and darkness of the hell. Here, Satan reflects on his past glory, his
present state of ruin, and his determination not to submit to God despite the overwhelming defeat.
Satan begins by reflecting on the immense fall he has suffered, having once been one of the most
glorious angels in Heaven. He acknowledges that God has proven himself stronger with his thunderbolts.
Furthermore, Satan refuses to repent for his rebellion, believing that he deserved more than what he
received in Heaven. According to satan, God is responsible for his such a rebellious action.
Satan and other fallen angels dared to oppose God's rule and chose to follow Satan in rebellion, and
accepted him as a hero. Though they ultimately lost, Satan takes pride in the fact that their opposition
was strong enough to "shake his throne" and cause doubt in Heaven, even if temporarily.
In the famous lines, Satan declares that even though they have lost the battle, his "unconquerable will"
remains. This is a crucial moment in Satan’s speech, as he refuses to admit total defeat. Instead, he
emphasizes his "study of revenge," "immortal hate," and "courage never to submit or yield." These
qualities define Satan’s character throughout Paradise Lost.
Satan concludes this passage by asserting that God’s wrath or power can never force him to give up his
"glory'' of pride, his refusal to ask for forgiveness, and his belief that he is justified in opposing God.