Tp6883 - MPAC 1500 Controller Manual - HL
Tp6883 - MPAC 1500 Controller Manual - HL
Tp6883 - MPAC 1500 Controller Manual - HL
Decision-Makerr MPAC 1500
Transfer Switch Models:
TP-6883 3/16b
Table of Contents
This manual provides operation instructions for Kohlerr perform required service at the prescribed intervals.
Decision-Makerr MPAC 1500 automatic transfer switch Obtain service from an authorized service distributor/
controls and related accessories. dealer to keep equipment in top condition.
The Decision-Makerr MPAC 1500 controller is available Read this manual and carefully follow all procedures
for the transfer switch models shown below. and safety precautions to ensure proper equipment
operation and to avoid bodily injury. Read and follow the
Model Description Safety Precautions and Instructions section at the
KCS Standard-Transition Any Breaker ATS * beginning of this manual. Keep this manual with the
KCP Programmed-Transition Any Breaker ATS * equipment for future reference.
KCC Closed-Transition Any Breaker ATS [
KBS Standard-Transition Bypass/Isolation ATS [
List of Related Materials
KBP Programmed-Transition Bypass/Isolation ATS [
KBC Closed-Transition Bypass/Isolation ATS [ A separate transfer switch installation manual provided
KGS Standard-Transition Bypass/Isolation ATS [ with the unit contains instructions for transfer switch
KGP Programmed-Transition Bypass/Isolation ATS [ installation and manual operation procedures.
KEP Service Entrance ATS [
* Available with automatic or non-automatic controller Literature Item Part Number
[ Available with automatic controller only Specification Sheet, MPAC 1500 Controller G11-128
Installation Manual, Model KCS/KCP/KCC TP-6833
Information in this publication represents data available Installation Manual, Model KBS/KBP/KBC TP-6835
at the time of print. Kohler Co. reserves the right to
Installation Manual, Model KGS/KGP TP-6836
change this literature and the products represented
Installation Manual, Model KEP TP-6946
without notice and without any obligation or liability
Operation Manual, Modbus Protocol TP-6113
1.1 Introduction The Preferred Source is the source that will be used if
both sources are available. Typically, this is the normal
This section contains operation instructions, including: utility source 1. If the transfer switch is equipped with the
D User interface panel, with display, pushbuttons, and
optional alarm module, the Set Preferred Source menu
LED indicators allows the operator to select either source as the
preferred source. Source 2 (connected to the
D Main menu emergency side of the contactor) can be set as the
D System status, warnings, and faults preferred source using this menu. See Section 4.8.3 for
D Passwords more information about preferred source selection.
D Tests
Other applications may use different configurations,
D Warnings and Faults such as the gen-gen configuration which uses two
D Reset Data generator set sources and no utility.
1 2 3 4
1. Source N Available LED 4. Source E Available LED 6. System Alert LED 8. Pushbuttons (4)
2. Source N Position LED 5. USB port for SiteTecht 7. Not in Auto LED 9. Display
3. Source E Position LED connection
Set Common Alarms Set Common Alarms Modify Alarm Alarm Description Alarm Description
Alarm Group 1 Common Audible Common Y Audible N
B Y " Main B Y " Back B Y " Back B Y " Back Back Save
OK 7
Set Time ##:##
Back Save
Press the open UP arrow button to
increase the first digit of the password
from 0 through 9.
Press the open up arrow
Note: The default password is 0000. button to increase the first
digit. (Use 00:00 to 23:59 for
3 Enter Password
Time to Enter #:##
Set Time 1#:##
Set Time 14:37
Set Time/Date
Press Save.
B Y " Main
Test Password. The test password controls access to Press the open right arrow button to step to the next digit.
Repeat for all four digits.
the test sequence menus. The test password is required
to initiate a loaded, unloaded, or auto-loaded test, and
also to initiate a sync check test on closed-transition
models. Enter Password
Time to Enter #:##
If the correct password is not entered within 30 seconds,
the display returns to the main menu. OK
System Ready
B Y Main
LD Exer 12/14 @ 16:00
Norm 480V Emer 480V
B View Set Test ##Hz ###V ###V ###V
Norm L1 L2 B Y Main
##Hz ###V ###V
Lamp Emer AN BN CN
B Y Test Main ##Hz ###V ###V ###V
B Y Main
Emer L1 L2
##Hz ###V ###V
#### #### ####
B Y Main
B Y Main
Amps L1 L2
#### ####
09:10 DST 01/13/06
B Y Main
B Y Main
09:10 DST 01/13/06
Daylight Saving Time
Clock Ahead 1 Hour
B Y Main
Sun 03/12/06
B Y Main
Daylight Saving Time
Clock Ahead 1 Hour
Daylight Saving Time
Sun 03/12/06
Clock Back 1 Hour
B Y Main
Sun 11/05/06
B Y Main
Daylight Saving Time
Clock Back 1 Hour Normal Preferred
Sun 11/05/06 Util-Gen Operation
B Y Main No Commit Transfer
B Y Main
Normal Preferred
Util-Gen Operation Standard Transition
No Commit Transfer Phase Rotation ABC
B Y Main In Phase Enabled
B Y Main
Standard Transition
Type of Test
Press the Test button to enter the
Test mode. A password is required.
B Main Start
Type of Test
B Main Start
Type of Test
Sync Check
B Main Start
System on Test
Manual Transfer 1 Norm ###V Emer ###V
Password: Syncing
Main > 102 < Test
Cancel OK
2 System on Test
Norm ###V Emer ###V
1. Use arrow buttons to enter the setup password and click OK End
to initiate a manual programmed-transition transfer. OR Main >< Test
2. Press the Cancel button to cancel the test.
Figure 1-14 Manual Transfer Menu for Figure 1-16 Sync Check Menus
Programmed-Transition Override
1.8 Automatic Operation Test
1.7.4 Auto-Loaded System Test
Note: Close and lock the enclosure door before starting
The auto-loaded test feature is a timed, loaded test. The the test procedure.
auto-loaded time delay determines how long after the
transfer to standby to terminate the test and transfer Preferred Source Selection. The test procedure
back to the preferred source. The time is defaulted to assumes that Source N is the preferred source. If the
30 minutes and can be adjusted from 1 minute to ATS is equipped with the alarm board accessory, check
60 minutes. See Figure 1-15. the preferred source selection before proceeding with
the automatic operation test. To check the preferred
source selection, use the down arrow button to step
Type of Test Auto Loaded Test down from the main screen until Normal Preferred or
Auto Loaded Enter Time
Time :## min Emergency Preferred is displayed. See Figure 1-10 or
Time: ?? min
Figure 1-11.
B Main " Start Back OK
Supervised Transfer Switch. If the transfer switch is
equipped with a supervised transfer switch, verify that it
1 3 2 is set to the Auto position.
Follow the procedure below to start a loaded test. Verify
1. Press right arrow button to go to the Enter Time menu.
2. Use the open arrow buttons to enter the duration time for the that the ATS starts the generator set and transfers the
test. Then press OK. load to the emergency source, executing all time delays
3. Press Start to start the test. that are set up to operate during a loss of the normal
source. End the test and verify that the transfer switch
Figure 1-15 Auto Loaded Test Menus transfers the load back to the normal source and
removes the engine start signal, executing all
Enter Password Use the open arrow buttons to enter the Test
Time to Enter #:## password. See Section 1.5 for instructions. Then
press the OK button.
Type of Test
Auto Load Press the down arrow button to step to the
Time :## min loaded test screen.
B Main " Start
B Main Start
Figure 1-21 Fault Reset If one or more accessory modules are disconnected
from the controller, the message Module Status Change
appears. See Figure 1-24. Pressing the Reset button
1.11 Accessory Module Faults displays the message Check Module Setup to Clear
Fault. Use the following Module Uninstall Procedure to
Accessory modules are optional equipment. uninstall modules after disconnection.
4. Press the down arrow to step to the Set Inputs/ Procedure to Clear a Module Status Conflict
Outputs menu.
1. Disconnect power to the transfer switch.
5. Navigate to the Set Auxiliary I/O menu. See
Figure 1-25. Press the right arrow button to see the 2. Disconnect the module.
status of module 1. Press the down arrow to step to 3. Close the enclosure door and reconnect power to
the next module, if necessary, until the menu the ATS. The display will show Module Status
shows Status: Lost. Change.
6. Press the right arrow button to move to the
4. Press the button labeled Reset. The display will
Uninstall Module menu. Verify that the menu says show Check Module Setup to Clear Fault.
Uninstall Module Yes. (Press the open arrow
button to toggle no/yes, if necessary.) 5. Follow the procedure in Section 1.11.1 to uninstall
the module through the ATS controller keypad.
7. When Yes is displayed, press Save to uninstall the
module. 6. Disconnect power to the ATS.
8. Repeat the uninstall procedure for additional 7. Connect the new module.
modules, if necessary.
8. Close the enclosure door and reconnect power to
Other Module Status Change Conditions the ATS. The display will show Module Status
Change. See Figure 1-22.
A Module Status Change message that cannot be
cleared as described in this section may indicate a 9. Press the button labeled Reset to display Reset
failure of the controller’s real-time clock. Carefully follow New Module. Press the reset button from that
the Module Connection or Module Uninstall procedures menu. The controller will now recognize the new
to attempt to reset the fault. If the fault cannot be reset, module type.
the controller’s logic board may need to be replaced.
Contact an authorized distributor/dealer for service. 10. Navigate to the Set Auxiliary I/O menu to check the
status and settings for the new module. See
Figure 1-25. Press the right arrow button to see the
status of module 1. Press the down arrow to step to
the next module, if necessary,
Set Inputs/Outputs Main Board I/O
Use the Reset Data menus to set records or parameters 1.12.2 Reset Event History
back to factory default settings. See Figure 1-26.
Resetting the event history clears the events from the
1. Use the black arrow buttons to step to the desired event history log. The history lists the 100 most recent
menu. transfer switch events, including transfers and DIP
switch setting changes as well as faults and alarms.
2. Press the open up arrow button to toggle Yes or No
until Yes is displayed.
Reset Data Maintenance Records
B Y " Main B Save Back
Event History
B Save Back
Test Password
B Save Back
This section explains the transfer switch sequence of 2.1 Controller Powerup/Reset
operation during the following events:
Following is an explanation of the sequence of operation
D Controller powerup or reset for the Decision-Makerr MPAC 1500 ATS Controller
when power is initially applied to the controller or a
D Preferred source loss and return controller reset occurs.
D Test 1. Controller self test is executed.
D Exercise 2. System parameters are downloaded from
nonvolatile memory.
D Emergency source loss and return
3. Contactor position and source availability are
The Sequence of Operation descriptions in Sections 2.2
through 2.4 describe the transfer switch normal
operation for standard, programmed, and closed 4. If neither source is acceptable, the contactor does
transition models. Operation can be affected by faults not change position.
such as the normal or emergency contacts failing to
open or close when signaled to do so. 5. If both sources are available, the controller
immediately transfers the contactor to the
preferred source.
Operation can be affected by faults such as the normal Unloaded Exercise Sequence Starts
or emergency contacts failing to open or close when
signaled to do so. 1. Exerciser timer begins.
4. The generator starts and the standby source Loaded Exercise Sequence Starts
becomes available.
1. Exerciser timer begins.
5. Preferred-to-standby time delay expires.
2. The generator is signaled to start.
6. Contactor transfers to standby.
3. The generator starts and the standby source
7. Post-transfer load control sequences run. becomes available.
4. Post-transfer load control sequences and engine Emergency Source Fails (Normal Source is
cooldown time delay expire. available)
5. Load control contacts close. 1. Exerciser is deactivated.
6. The engine start contacts open, signaling the 2. Load control contacts open.
generator to stop.
3. Contactor immediately transfers to preferred.
5. Load control contacts close. 5. Post-transfer load control sequences and engine
cooldown time delay expire.
6. The engine start contacts open, signaling the
generator to stop. 6. Load control contacts close.
3. The load bank control is activated. 4. Post-transfer load control sequences and engine
cooldown time delay expire.
Unloaded Test Function is Ended
5. Load control contacts close.
1. The load bank control is deactivated.
6. The engine start contacts open, signaling the
2. Engine cooldown time delay expires. generator to stop.
Operation can be affected by faults such as the normal Loaded Exercise Sequence Starts
or emergency contacts failing to open or close when
signaled to do so. 1. Exerciser timer begins.
4. The generator starts and the standby source 7. Off-to-standby time delay expires.
becomes available.
8. Contactor transfers to standby source.
5. Preferred-to-standby time delay expires.
9. Post-transfer load control sequences run.
6. Contactor transfers to OFF position.
10. Load control contacts close.
7. Off-to-standby time delay expires.
Emergency Source Fails (Normal Source is
8. Contactor transfers to standby source. available)
9. Post-transfer load control sequences run. 1. Exerciser is deactivated.
10. Load control contacts close. 2. Immediate failure to acquire standby alarm.
6. Post-transfer load control sequences and engine 9. Engine start contacts open.
cooldown time delay expire.
7. Load control contacts close. 7. Post-transfer load control sequences and engine
cooldown time delay expire.
8. The engine start contacts open, signaling the
generator to stop. 8. Load control contacts close.
1. The generator is signaled to start (engine start 4. Off-to-preferred time delay expires.
contacts close).
5. Contactor transfers to preferred.
2. The generator starts and the standby source
becomes available. 6. Post-transfer load control sequences and engine
cooldown time delay expire.
3. Pre-transfer load control time delays expire and
load control contacts open. 7. Load control contacts close.
4. Preferred-to-standby time delay expires. 8. The engine start contacts open, signaling the
generator to stop.
5. Contactor transfers to the OFF position.
Preferred Source Fails If the sources do not synchronize before the Fail to Sync
time delay expires, the programmed-transition override
1. Load control contacts open. function can initiate a transfer. The override function
transfers to the other source using programmed-
2. Engine start time delay runs and expires. transition mode, which causes an interruption in power
to the load during transfer. The contactor stops in the
3. The generator is signaled to start (engine start OFF position for a programmed period of time, which is
contacts close). set by the off-to-preferred or off-to-standby time delay.
The override function can be set to operate
4. The generator starts and the standby source
automatically or to require manual activation.
becomes available.
D If Automatic programmed-transition override is
5. Preferred-to-standby time delay expires.
selected, a programmed-transition transfer will be
6. Preferred source contacts open. initiated automatically when the Fail to Sync time
delay expires.
7. Off-to-standby time delay expires.
D If Manual programmed-transition override is
8. Emergency power contacts close. selected, an operator can initiate a programmed-
transition transfer by entering the setup password
9. Post-transfer load control sequences run and load and pressing a button after the Fail to Sync time delay
control contacts close, as programmed through the expires. If a manual transfer is not initiated, the
Load Add settings. controller continues to monitor the sources and
transfers if synchronization occurs.
Preferred Source Returns
See Section 4.11, Set System, to set the
1. Standby-to-preferred and pre-transfer load control programmed-transition override function to automatic or
time delays expire. manual. See Section 4.6, Time Delays, to set the
off-to-preferred and off-to-standby time delays.
2. Load control contacts open according to the Load
Disconnect time delay settings. Programmed-Transition Override Sequence
3. Check/wait for source synchronization. 1. Fail to Sync time delay expires.
Note: If the sources do not synchronize before the 2. If Automatic programmed-transition override is
Fail to Sync time delay expires, the enabled, go to step 4.
programmed-transition override function
operates. See Section 2.4.2. 3. If manual programmed-transition override is
enabled, the Manual Transfer screen opens. The
4. When sources are synchronized, preferred source
contacts close.
2. Engine start time delay runs and expires. 8. The generator is signaled to stop (engine start
contacts open).
3. The generator is signaled to start (engine start
contacts close).
2.4.4 Test Sequence, Closed Transition
4. The generator starts and the standby source
becomes available. Unloaded Test Sequence
The unloaded test sequence is the same as for standard
5. Load control contacts open.
transition. See Section 2.2.3.
6. Check/wait for source synchronization.
Loaded Test Sequence is Initiated
Note: If the sources do not synchronize before the
Fail to Sync time delay expires, the 1. Engine start time delay runs and expires.
programmed-transition override function
operates. See Section 2.4.2. 2. The generator is signaled to start (engine start
contacts close).
7. When sources are synchronized, emergency
source contacts close. 3. The generator starts and the standby source
becomes available.
8. Normal source contacts open within 100
milliseconds. 4. Load control contacts open.
Note: If the normal contacts do not open, the 5. Check/wait for source synchronization.
emergency contacts will be signaled to open
Note: If the sources do not synchronize before the
and a Fail to Transfer fault will be activated.
Fail to Sync time delay expires, the
programmed-transition override function
operates. See Section 2.4.2.
2.5.1 Preferred Source Loss and 2. The engine start contacts close, signaling the
Return, Service Entrance Models generator set to start.
4. The generator starts and the standby source 7. Source 1 circuit breaker opens.
becomes available.
8. Off-to-standby time delay expires.
5. Preferred-to-standby time delay expires.
9. Source 2 circuit breaker closes.
6. Source 1 circuit breaker opens.
10. Post-transfer load control time delays expire.
7. Off-to-standby time delay expires.
11. Load control contacts close.
8. Source 2 circuit breaker closes.
Emergency Source Fails (Normal Source is
9. Post-transfer load control time delays expire. available)
10. Load control contacts close. 1. Immediate failure to acquire standby alarm.
2. Exerciser is deactivated.
Preferred Source Returns
1. Pre-transfer load control time delays expire. 3. Load control contacts open.
5. Off-to-preferred time delay expires. 7. Post-transfer load control time delays expire and
load control contacts close.
6. Source 1 circuit breaker closes.
8. Engine cooldown time delay expires and engine
7. Post-transfer load control sequences and engine start contacts open.
cooldown time delay expire.
7. Engine cooldown time delay expires. 7. Post-transfer load control sequences and engine
cooldown time delay expire.
8. The engine start contacts open, signaling the
generator to stop. 8. Load control contacts close.
1. The engine start contacts close, signaling the 4. Off-to-preferred time delay expires.
generator set to start.
5. Source 1 circuit breaker closes.
2. The generator starts and the standby source
becomes available. 6. Post-transfer load control sequences and engine
cooldown time delay expire.
3. Pre-transfer load control time delays expire and
load control contacts open. 7. Load control contacts close.
4. Preferred-to-standby time delay expires. 8. The engine start contacts open, signaling the
generator to stop.
5. Source 1 circuit breaker opens.
D The Daylight Saving Time settings are displayed only View Press the down arrow
if DST is enabled. Event History button (B) to move to
the next screen.
D Phase rotation and in-phase monitoring are B Y " Main
displayed only for three-phase systems.
D Some parameters and time delays appear only for Maintenance Records
programmed-transition models.
B Y " Main
Press the View button to navigate to the View screens View View
shown in the following sections. Prime Power Setup
The display returns to the main screen after 10 minutes B Y " Main B Y " Main
of no activity (no buttons pressed). See Section 1.6 for
instructions to view system status from the main screen. View View
System Setup Common Alarm
System Setup
View Enabled/Disabled 2 I/O Mods Installed
Prime Power Setup S1 Duration DD:HH:MM
S2 Duration DD:HH:MM B Y Back
B Y " Main B Y Back
System Setup
Rated Current
Press the right arrow
225 Amps
(") button to view
source S1 and S2 run B Y Back
System Setup
3 Src Eng Start Mode
Mode 1/Mode 2
B Y Back
System Setup
Remote Test Loading
B Y Back
System Setup
Peak Shave TD Bypass
B Y Back
B Y Back
B Y Back
B Y Back
B Y Back
Current-based load control screens, continued from Source 1 time delay screens.
Current-Based Contrl B
Amps Lvl Remove Srce1 Current-Based Contrl
Amps: #### Load # Add Source1
Priority: #
B Y " Back
B Y " Back
Current-Based Contrl
Amps Lvl Add Source1 B
Amps: ####
Current-Based Contrl
B Y " Back Load # Remove Source1
B Y " Back
Current-Based Contrl
Load # Remove Source1
Priority: #
B Y Back
B Y Back
B Y Back
B Y Back
B Y Back
Current-based load control screens, continued from Source 2 time delay screens.
Current-Based Contrl B
Amps Lvl Remove Srce2 Current-Based Contrl
Amps: #### Load # Add Source2
B Y " Back Priority: #
B Y " Back
Current-Based Contrl
Amps Lvl Add Source2
Amps: #### B
Current-Based Contrl
B Y " Back Load # Remove Source2
B Y " Back
Current-Based Contrl
Load # Remove Source2
Priority: #
B Y Back
Module #1
Output ##
Function Description
See Section 4.9 for input and output function descriptions. B Y Back
Use the Setup menus to change the controller time After entering the password, use the black arrow keys to
delays, pickup and dropout settings, inputs, outputs, step through the setup menus as shown in Figure 4-1.
and options, if necessary.
Timeout. After 10 minutes of no activity (no buttons
Settings can also be assigned using a personal pressed) the controller exits the setup mode and returns
computer with Kohlerr SiteTecht software or over to the main menu.
Modbus. SiteTecht software is available to authorized
Kohler distributors. See TP-6701, SiteTech Software The following sections discuss the setup menus in the
Operation Manual, for instructions to change settings order of appearance on the controller.
using SiteTech software. See TP-6113, Modbus
Protocol Manual, for Modbus register maps.
System Ready
LD Exer ##/## @ ##:## Press the Set button in the main menu to enter the Setup menus.
Norm ###V Emer ###V The setup password is required.
B View Set Test
Set Time/Date
Press the down arrow B button to step to the next menu.
Press the right arrow " button to enter the detailed setup menu.
B Y " Main
Press the down arrow B button. Press the down arrow B button.
Enable Daylight Saving
2nd Sun of Mar Time
Back Save
Interval Daily, weekly, monthly, or day/month. This setting works with the repeat rate to set the time interval between
exercise runs.
The day/month selection allows you to set the exerciser to run on the same day every month. For example, the
exerciser can be set to run the first Sunday of every month. Use caution with the day/month selection. For
example, selecting day/month on the 5th Friday of the month will cause the exerciser to run only during months
that have five Fridays.
Repeat Rate The repeat rate works with the interval to set the time interval between exercise runs. For example, if Day is
selected as the interval, and 5 is selected as the repeat rate, then the exercise will repeat every 5 days. Select
a number between 1 and 12.
Duration Enter the exercise run duration in hours:minutes. For example, a run time of 00:30 will run the generator set for
30 minutes. The maximum run time is 24 hours.
Start Date Enter the date, month/date/year, of the first exercise event. Subsequent events will be scheduled based on the
interval and repeat rate.
Start Time Enter the desired start time of the exercise run in hours:minutes. The time settings range from 00:00 to 23:59,
with 00:00=midnight.
1--12 Exerciser Event ##
Daily Start Time HR:MM
Back Save
D Connect the engine start leads of the source 1 During a prime power sequence, the preferred source
generator set to output 1. Connect to a different selection alternates so that the generator set operating
output on the main logic board or accessory I/O at the time is designated as the preferred source.
module if output 1 is not available. Assign the Source
N Start Signal function to the output connected to the Press the end button to start the other generator set and
source 1 generator set engine start leads. See transfer the load. The generator set run time may be
Section 4.9, Programmable Inputs and Outputs. ended by pushing the end time delay button. This will
start the alternate source, transfer the source, and run
D Check the overfrequency and underfrequency pick on the alternate source for the programmed period of
up and drop out settings for both sources, and adjust if time. The first generator set will run for the programmed
necessary. engine cooldown time and then be signaled to stop.
D Set the normal source engine start and engine To stop the prime power run sequence, enter the Set
cooldown time delay settings. menus (password required), navigate to the Set Prime
Power Run menu, Prime Power Event Sequence
D Navigate to the Set Prime Power Run menu. Enable Start/Stop. Use the up arrow button if necessary to
the prime power event and program the S1 and S2 switch to Stop, and press Save.
Set Prime Power Run Prime Power Event Duration at Source1 Duration at Source2
Enable/Disable ??:??:?? DD:HH:MM ??:??:?? DD:HH:MM
Back Save
4.6.2 Load Control Time Delays Proceed to Section 4.7, Load Control, for more
The pre/post-transfer load control time delays allow
loads to be sequenced on and off prior to and following
Fail to Acquire Pref If the preferred source does not reach acceptable
voltage and stabilize within the allowed time, the Fail to 1 min
Acquire Preferred Source fault is activated.
0--60 min
Fail to Acquire Stby If the standby source does not reach acceptable
voltage and stabilize within the allowed time, the Fail to 1 min
Acquire Standby Source fault is activated.
Fail to Synch (found in the Set For closed-transition models only. Operates when two
Sources menu) sources are available. If the sources do not
synchronize before the Fail to Sync time delay expires, 1 min 10 seconds -- 15 min
the programmed- transition override function operates.
See Section 4.11.
In-Phase Xfr Fail (found in the For in-phase monitoring: the time allowed for the two
Set Sources menu) sources to come into synchronization within specified
phase angle before a Fail to Sync fault is activated. 30 sec
See Section 4.8.
Load # Disc N>E Disconnect load before-transfer to standby source.
Used for time-based and current-based load control. 0 sec
See Section 4.7.
Load # Rec N>E Reconnect load after-transfer to standby source. Used 0--60 min
for time-based load control. See Section 4.7. 0 sec
Load # Add Source1/Source2 For current-based load control. See Section 4.7.2.
0 sec 0--60 min
Load # Remove Srce1/Srce2 For current-based load control. See Section 4.7.2.
* The optional external battery module allows extended engine start time delays from 0--60 min.
Load #? Rec E>N
Back Save
Current-Based Control
Load #? Add Source1
Priority : ?
Back Next
Load #? Remove Src1
Back Next
Current-Based Control
Load #? Remove Src1
Priority : ?
Back Next
Current-Based Control
Source1 Load Cntrl#?
Back Save
Current-Based Control Set Hi Current Level
Set Hi Current Level Amps: ????
Load Remove Source1
Load #? Rec N>E
Back Save
Current-Based Control
Load #? Add Source2
Priority : ?
Back Next
Load #? Remove Src2
Back Next
Current-Based Control
Load #? Remove Src2
Priority : ?
Back Next
Current-Based Control
Source2 Load Cntrl#?
Back Save
Current-Based Control Set Hi Current Level
Set Hi Current Level Amps: ????
Load Remove Source2
D Time-based load control adds and removes loads 4.7.1 Time-Based Load Control
according to a timed sequence before and after The time-based load control function allows selected
transfer. loads to be disconnected from the source before
D Current-based load control adds or removes loads
transfer and reconnected to the source after transfer at
according to the current measured through the different time intervals. The loads can be connected and
transfer switch. This mode allows load control based disconnected at different times for each source. The
on power usage. pre-transfer signals are active only when both sources
are available.
The load control function is not activated if the controller
detects no available source. The pre-transfer signals When the load control function is activated, the contacts
are active only when both sources are available; for open a programmed length of time before transfer to
example, during loaded test, loaded exercise, or allow controlled disconnection of selected loads. After
programmed transfers for peak shave operation when transfer, the contacts remain open for a programmed
the transfer is controlled. length of time and then close to allow controlled
application of selected loads. For example, large motor
Note that the load control can be set up to operate during loads such as an air conditioner can be delayed to start
transfer to Source1 and/or Source2. Your application after other essential loads have been transferred.
may require load control during transfer to one source
(e.g. a generator set) but not the other source (e.g. the The pre-transfer signals overlap the preferred-to-
utility). standby and the standby-to-preferred time delays. See
Figure 4-7. If any of the pre-transfer load disconnect
Two types of load control are available: time-based load time delays are longer than the transfer time delay, the
control and current-based load control. longest delay will control the time delay before transfer.
Example 1: The transfer time delay is longer than the load control pre-transfer time delays.
Example 2: One or more load control pre-transfer time delays are longer than the transfer time delay.
The Loads to Add setting is the number of loads that c. Loads to Add: Enter the number of loads that
have been connected to load control outputs for have been connected to load control outputs,
pre-transfer disconnect and delayed reconnect. Up to 9 from 1 to 9.
separate loads can be connected.
7. If time-based load control is required for source 2,
Setting up the load control function requires the go to the Set S2 Time Delays menu and repeat
following steps: steps 3 through 6 for source 2.
The add priority and remove priority settings are set d. Load # Add Source1 (Source2) Priority: Assign
separately and can be different for the same load. Add a priority to each load. This number will be used
Priority #1 loads are added first. Remove Priority #1 to determine the order in which loads are added
loads are removed first. if the current drops below the low limit.
Example: If you have four loads, with one load that e. Load # Remove Src1 (Src2): Enter the time to
should be added first and removed last, set wait before the load is removed. This prevents
Add Priority = 1 and Remove Priority = 4 for that load. nuisance changes caused by brief current
Prioritize the other loads according to the order in which spikes. See Figure 4-8.
they should be added and removed.
f. Load # Remove Src1 (Src2) Priority: Assign a
Adjustable time delays prevent load addition and priority to each load. This number will be used
removal caused by momentary current variations. to determine which loads are removed first if
There are three time delays associated with each load. the current rises above the high limit. (The
See Figure 4-8 for time delays and other load control priority 1 load is removed first.)
g. Source1 Load Ctrl # Enable/Disable: Toggle to
Enable and press Save to enable load control
Current-Based Load Control Setup Procedure: for the selected load.
1. Connect each selected load to an output terminal
on the main logic board or one of the input/output 6. Set Hi Current Level, Load Remove
modules. The high power module accessory is Source1/Source2: Set the high current level. If the
available for high voltage or high current loads. current rises above this limit, loads will be removed
in order of their remove priority settings until the
2. Use the Set Inputs/Outputs menu to assign the current falls back to an acceptable level.
connected output to one of the load control outputs
1--9. See Section 4.9. 7. Set Lo Current Level, Load Add Source1/Source2:
Set the low current level. If the current drops below
3. In the Set S1 or Set S2 Time Delays menu, select this level and some loads are not connected, loads
Current as the load control mode. will be added in the order of their add priority
settings. (The add priority and remove priority
settings for a load may be different.)
Figure 4-10 Preferred Source Selection Effect on System Parameters and Time Delays
Set Synchronization
Voltage Differential ? ? Percent
Set Synchronization
Frequency Differential ? ? Hz
Preferred Source
Alarm module Normal/Emergency
Set Preferred Source
Normal Source
Set Normal Source Set Number of Phases ? Phase
B Y " Back B Y " Back Save Back
Each programmable input and output requires a See Section 7.2.1 for I/O module connection
connection to the transfer switch. Do not change the information.
programmable input/output assignments without
Set Inputs/Outputs Press the right arrow button to enter the Set Inputs/Outputs menu.
B Y " Main
Module #?
Uninstall Module?
Save Back
Programmable Inputs * LED LED Display Message
Bypass Contactor Disable* None Flashing Bypass Contactor Disable *
Forced Transfer to OFF* (programmed-transition None Flashing Forced Off
models only; requires load shed accessory)[
Inhibit Transfer* (maintenance mode) None Flashing Inhibit Transfer
Low Battery Voltage Steady None Low Battery Voltage
Peak Shave Mode None None Peak Shave
Remote End Time Delay None None None
Remote Common Alarm Steady None Remote Common Alarm
Remote Test None None Normal test sequence menus. See Section 1.7.
Remote Monitor In #1--4 None None None
Service Disconnect* None Flashing Service Disconnected
Three-Source System Disable None None None
* See Figure 4-13 for factory-set input functions for selected models. Do not change the factory settings.
[ The load shed accessory is not required on model KEP Service Disconnect to OFF models.
Set Common Alarms Set Common Alarms Modify Alarm Alarm Description Alarm Description
Alarm Group 1 Common Y Audible N Common Y Audible N
B Y " Main B Y " Back B Y " Back B Y " Back Back Save
* Source Types:
Set System Source Type Source Type Util-Gen
?????? -- ?????? * Gen-Gen
B Y " Main B Y " Back Back Save Util-Gen-Gen
3 Src Eng Start Mode 3 Src Eng Start Mode Pref Source Toggle
Mode 1/Mode 2 Enable/Disable
B Y " Back Back " Save Back Save
Two service disconnect positions are possible for the 4.11.8 Remote Test Loading
Model KEP Service Entrance rated transfer switches. Select loaded or unloaded for a remote test sequence
The service disconnect position is factory-set and initiated by a remote test input.
cannot be changed at the controller.
Unloaded Exercise
Mode 2
The exercise program in ATS2 controls the operation of
In mode 2 both generators receive a start signal
each generator. The exercise function does not require
simultaneously. The ATS2 will transfer to the first
interaction with ATS1. If the utility is lost during an
generator set to reach proper voltage and frequency. If
unloaded exercise event, the event is canceled and the
the first source to reach available status is the preferred
load is transferred to the preferred generator set.
source, the engine start signal to the standby source will
open immediately. If the standby source is the first to
reach available status, the contactor will transfer to the Loaded Exercise
standby position. When the preferred source generator The exercise program in ATS2 controls the operation of
output reaches available status, the controller will each generator. The loaded exercise event requires
transfer to the preferred source and open the engine synchronization with a loaded exercise from ATS1.
start contacts to the standby generator (after the Program the ATS1 exercise to start before the ATS2
cooldown delay has elapsed). exercise. Set the ATS2 exercise to end before the ATS1
exercise ends. If the utility is lost during a loaded
exercise event, the event is canceled and the load is
transferred to the preferred generator set.
Note: See the Installation Section for the engine Set the following paramemeters on the transfer
start contact locations. Engine start switches:
contacts are labeled with a decal.
ATS1: Use the System Setup Menu to set the Source
b. Connect one ATS1 programmable output from type to Util-Gen.
the controller to one ATS2 main logic board
ATS2: Use the System Setup Menu to set the source
programmable input as shown in Figure 4-24.
type to Util-Gen-Gen. Set the 3 Src Engine Start Mode
This I/O connection will be set to Three-Source
to Mode 1 or Mode 2 as described in Section 4.12.1. In
System Disable.
the Set S1 Time Delay menu, verify that Fail to Acquire
c. Connect one ATS2 programmable output from Preferred is enabled.
the controller to the engine start connection on
The transfer switch settings are summarized in
generator set 1 (G1). The ATS1 programmable
Figure 4-23.
output will be set to Source N Start Signal.
Connect Output 1 terminals
TB1-5 and TB1-6 on ATS 1 to
Input 1 terminals TB1-1 and
TB1-2 on ATS2.
Assign ATS 1 main logic board
output 1 to 3 Source System ATS1 TB1
Disable. on logic board
Connect one normally closed
output from ATS2 to G1 engine
start (ES) connections. Assign to
Engine Start Source N.
Connect the ATS2 engine start contacts (on on logic board
2. USB connection (below port cover)
Figure 5-3 Ethernet Board (controller cover
removed for illustration only)
Set the following communication parameters for serial Modbus TCP Unit ID. The unit ID is required for
communication. Also see Figure 5-6 for a summary of Modbus over TCP communication. The unit ID for TCP
these settings. communication is analogous to the Modbus address for
serial communication through the RS-485 ports. The
Note: Modbusr applications require a Modbus factory default setting is 2.
software driver written by a trained and qualified
systems programmer. Modbus TCP Server Enabled. Enable (set to True) to
enable TCP if the transfer switch is connected to a
Modbus Enabled. Set to True to allow Modbus network for TCP/IP communication (for example,
communication. ethernet communication).
Modbus Baud Rate. Required for serial connections. MAC address. The MAC hardware address is
The baud rate must match the baud rate of the factory-set. It can be seen in the View>Communications
connected PC. Setup menus but not viewed or changed in the setup
Modbus Slave Addr. Assign a unique address
between 001 and 247 to the serial port.
5.3.3 Setup Using the Controller
5.3.2 Network Communication Setup Keypad
Work with your local network administrator to set the Use the Set Communications menu to set the
communication parameters for serial or ethernet
following communication parameters for Ethernet
communication. connections. See Figure 5-4.
See Figure 5-6 for a summary of the following settings. The Modbus port on the controller circuit board is Port 0.
DHCP Enabled. Factory set to False. Setting this 5.3.4 Setup Using SiteTech
parameter to True enables dynamic host configuration
protocol (DHCP), which allows a DHCP server to Use a USB cable, male USB A to male USB mini-B, to
automatically assign a dynamic IP address, subnet connect the MPAC controller to a personal computer.
mask, and default gateway to the MPAC controller. Then use Kohler SiteTech software to set the
Work with your local network administrator to determine communication parameters for serial or Ethernet
whether DHCP is required. connections. See Figure 5-5 and TP--6701, SiteTech
Software Operation Manual.
Static IP Address. The transfer switch may have a
default IP address assigned at the factory. Change the SiteTech software is available only to Kohler authorized
IP address to a static IP address owned by the user. distributor and dealers.
Obtain an IP address, subnet mask, and default
gateway information from the local network Some parameter names in SiteTech are slightly different
administrator. than what is shown the controller display. Figure 5-6
shows both names.
Figure 5-4 Communications Setup from the Controller Display and Keypad
Figure 5-5 Communications Setup using Kohlerr SiteTecht Software (typical screen shown)
SiteTech: Modbus Baud Rate 9600, 19200, 57600 19200 Baud rate in bits per second for serial communication
Controller: Baud Rate between the controller and a personal computer’s
COM port.
SiteTech: Modbus Slave Address 001-247 0 Address for the RS-485 serial port (on the logic
Controller: Modbus Address board).
SiteTech: DHCP Enabled True or False False Dynamic host communication protocol. Enable if
Controller: DHCP Status Enabled or Disabled Disabled required; check with your local network administrator.
SiteTech: Static IP Address See notes. * Obtain from your local network administrator. Every
Controller: IP Address device on the network must have a unique IP
SiteTech: Static Subnet Mask See notes. * Obtain from your local network administrator.
Controller: Subnet Mask All devices that communicate with each other on the
same local network must use the same subnet mask.
SiteTech: Static Default Gateway See notes. * Obtain from your local network administrator.
Controller: Default Gateway
SiteTech: DHCP Server Read only — Displayed in SiteTech for information only.
Controller: (not shown on controller)
SiteTech: Modbus TCP Unit ID 001-247 002 The unit ID is required for Modbus over TCP
Controller: Modbus TCP Unit ID communication.
SiteTech: Modbus TCP Server Enabled True or False True Enable (set to True) to enable TCP/IP communication
Controller: Modbus Server TCP Enabled or Disabled Enabled (for example, Ethernet communication).
SiteTech: MAC Address Not Adjustable Factory- Hardware address, entered at the factory. Not
Controller: MAC Address (view menu only) set adjustable.
* Do not use the factory settings for IP address, subnet mask, or default gateway. Obtain these settings from your local network
Keep records of all maintenance or service. Disconnect all power sources before
opening the enclosure.
Replace all barriers and close and lock the enclosure
door after maintenance or service and before reapplying DANGER
Hazardous voltage.
Will cause severe injury or death.
Only authorized personnel should
Accidental starting. open the enclosure.
Can cause severe injury or death.
Disconnect the battery cables before WARNING
working on the generator set.
Remove the negative (--) lead first
when disconnecting the battery.
Reconnect the negative (--) lead last
when reconnecting the battery.
Hazardous voltage. Moving parts.
Can cause severe injury or death.
Disabling the generator set. Accidental starting can
cause severe injury or death. Before working on the Operate the generator set only when
generator set or connected equipment, disable the generator all guards and electrical enclosures
set as follows: (1) Move the generator set master switch to the are in place.
OFF position. (2) Disconnect the power to the battery charger.
(3) Remove the battery cables, negative (--) lead first.
Reconnect the negative (--) lead last when reconnecting the
battery. Follow these precautions to prevent starting of the
generator set by an automatic transfer switch, remote
start/stop switch, or engine start command from a remote
Disconnect all power sources, open the transfer switch On transfer switches equipped with optional surge
enclosure door, and inspect internal components protective devices (SPDs), check the following items
monthly or when any condition noticed during an every two months:
external inspection may have affected internal
components. D SPD status indicators
D Loose hardware
6.3.5 Model KGS/KGP Bypass/Isolation
D Wire or cable insulation deterioration, cuts, or Switches
For Model KGS/KGP bypass/isolation switches, have a
D Signs of overheating or loose connections: Kohler authorized distributor/dealer perform the
discoloration of metal, melted plastic, or a burning following additional maintenance checks every year.
odor Refer to the transfer switch Service Manual for
instructions when necessary.
D Other evidence of wear, damage, deterioration, or
malfunction of the transfer switch or its components. D Apply dielectric grease to movable finger assemblies,
if possible.
If the application does not allow a power interruption for
the time required for the internal inspection, have an D Take thermal readings of each socket after the socket
authorized distributor/dealer perform the internal has been energized for at least 3 hours. Any readings
inspection. on the socket surface that exceed 65_C (149_F)
indicate a need to replace the socket. Record the
amperage levels when taking the thermal readings.
See Visually Repair,
System Component or Procedure Section Inspect Check Replace Clean Test Frequency
Electrical System
Check for signs of overheating or loose connections:
6.3.1 X X Y
discoloration of metal, melted plastic, or a burning odor
Check the contactor’s external operating mechanism D (clean
6.3.1 X Y
for cleanliness; clean and relubricate if dirty * and lube)
Inspect wiring insulation for deterioration, cuts, or
abrasion. Repair or replace deteriorated or damaged 6.3.1 X D D Y
Tighten control and power wiring connections to
2 D D Y
Check the transfer switch’s main power switching
contacts’ condition; clean or replace the main contacts S/M D D D Y
or replace the contactor assembly as necessary
For Model KGS/KGP bypass/isolation switches,
6.3.5, S/M D D D Y
perform the additional checks in Section 6.3.5.
Control System
Exercise the generator set under load 6.2.1 X W
Test the transfer switch’s automatic control system 6.2.2
Test all indicators (LEDs) and all remote control
systems for operation
General Equipment Condition
Inspect the outside of the transfer switch for any signs
of excessive vibration, leakage, high temperature, 6.3.1 X X M
contamination, or deterioration *
Check that all external hardware is in place, tightened,
6.3.1 X X X M
and not badly worn
Inspect the inside of transfer switch for any signs of
excessive vibration, leakage, high temperature, 6.3.4 D D D Y
contamination, or deterioration *
Check that all internal hardware is in place, tightened,
6.3.4 X D D Y
and not badly worn
SPD Modules (if equipped)
Check status indicators 7.10 X D Every
Check condition of connecting leads 7.10 X D 2 months
* Service more frequently if the transfer switch is operated in dusty or dirty areas.
See Section: Read these sections carefully for additional information before attempting maintenance or service.
Visually Inspect: Examine these items visually.
Check: Requires physical contact with or movement of system components, or the use of nonvisual indications.
Adjust, Repair, Replace: Includes tightening hardware and lubricating the mechanism. May require replacement of components depending
upon the severity of the problem.
Clean: Remove accumulations of dirt and contaminants from external transfer switch’s components or enclosure with a vacuum cleaner or by
wiping with a dry cloth or brush. Do not use compressed air to clean the switch because it can cause debris to lodge in the components and cause
Test: May require tools, equipment, or training available only through an authorized distributor/dealer.
Symbols used in the chart:
X= The transfer switch operator can perform these tasks. W=Weekly
D=An authorized distributor/dealer must perform these tasks. M=Monthly
I/M = Transfer Switch Installation Manual Q=Quarterly
S/M = Service Manual. An authorized distributor/dealer must perform S=Semiannually (every six months)
these tasks. Y=Yearly (annually)
7.1 Introduction 1
This section describes the hardware options that are
available with the Decision-Makerr MPAC 1500
controls. The following accessories are available:
D Accessory modules
D Controller disconnect switch 2
D Current monitoring
D Digital meter: V, A, kW, VA, VAR, PF, and Hz
D Load shed module (available on programmed-
transition models only)
D Line-to-neutral voltage monitoring
D Supervised transfer control switch
D Surge protection device (SPD) 2
D User interface cover
The mounting kit holds up to five optional modules. The Figure 7-2 Accessory Module Mounting
maximum total current draw is 300 mA. See Figure 7-1.
If an External Battery Module is installed, there is no
current restriction.
1. Input LEDs 1 and 2
2. Input connector
3. Output connector
4. Output LEDs 3--5 for outputs 1, 2, and 3
Address=1 shown
DIP Switch
1 2 Address
Off Off 1 4
On Off 2 2
Off On 3 GM42227-A
1. Connector P20
On On 4 2. LED indicators
3. Battery input connection terminal block TB13
Figure 7-7 Address DIP Switch Settings 4. 12/24 volt DIP switch SW11-1. OFF=12 VDC, ON = 24 VDC
See Figure 7-10 for the alarm module. There are four DIP switches on the alarm module board.
Some of the switches are not used. See Figure 7-11. To
The functions provided by this board are: enable the preferred source selection, set DIP switch 1
to ON. If the supervised transfer switch is installed on
D 90 dB Audible alarm (any alarm function can be the ATS, set DIP switch 2 to ON.
programmed to trigger the audible alarm)
DIP Switch Function
D Chicago alarm operation 1 Preferred source selection
2 Supervised transfer enable
D Preferred source selection
3 Not used
D Supervised transfer control (supervised transfer 4 Not used
control switch required)
Figure 7-11 Alarm Board DIP Switches
D Connection for external alarm
Preferred Source Selection
The alarm board has a fixed address = 5.
The alarm module is required for preferred source
selection. To enable the preferred source selection, set
DIP switch 1 to ON. Then see Section 4.8.3 for
instructions to select Source N or Source E as the
preferred source.
2 External Alarm
A customer-supplied external alarm horn can be
connected to the alarm module at terminal block TB14.
Connect to the normally open or normally closed contact
as recommended by the alarm manufacturer’s
instructions. See Figure 7-12.
Item Specification
Wire Size #12-22 AWG Cu
1. Supervised Transfer Switch Connection, P22 Figure 7-12 External Alarm Connection
2. External Alarm Connection, TB 14 Specifications
3. Alarm Indicator, LED1
4. DIP Switches
Audible Alarm Setup
Figure 7-10 Alarm Module
The alarm board is equipped with a 90 dB audible alarm.
The audible alarm can be set to sound under selected
fault conditions. Use the Common Alarms Setup menu
to assign functions to the audible alarm. See Section
4.10 for instructions to set Audible Alarm: Y for each
function that should trigger the alarm.
For Chicago Alarm Mode, use the Common Alarm System Ready
Setup menu to assign the necessary faults and LD Exer 12/14 @ 16:00
conditions to the audible alarm. See Section 4.10. Be Norm 480V Emer 480V
sure to assign the Contactor in Standby condition to Alarm View Set Test
trigger the audible alarm.
A remote alarm or indicator light can also be connected To Silence Alarm
to the alarm board to indicate the alarm condition as
described previously. See External Alarm. B Y Reset Main
The Alarm Silenced condition can be assigned to a Figure 7-13 Alarm Silence
programmable output. See Section 4.9 for instructions
to assign outputs.
Accidental starting. The switch has two positions, auto (I) and disconnect
Can cause severe injury or death. (0). Move the controller disconnect switch to the 0
position to disconnect power to the ATS controller. After
Disconnect the battery cables before
maintenance or service, move the switch to the I position
working on the generator set.
Remove the negative (--) lead first to reconnect power. Follow the instructions in the
when disconnecting the battery. generator set documentation to reenable the generator
Reconnect the negative (--) lead last set.
when reconnecting the battery.
The controller disconnect switch is not available for
service entrance models, which are equipped with a
Disabling the generator set. Accidental starting can control circuit isolation switch as standard equipment.
cause severe injury or death. Before working on the
generator set or equipment connected to the set, disable the
generator set as follows: (1) Press the generator set off/reset
button to shut down the generator set. (2) Disconnect the
power to the battery charger, if equipped. (3) Remove the
battery cables, negative (--) lead first. Reconnect the negative
(--) lead last when reconnecting the battery. Follow these
precautions to prevent the starting of the generator set by the
remote start/stop switch.
Hazardous voltage.
Will cause severe injury or death.
Only authorized personnel should
open the enclosure.
1. Current transformers on load bus 2. Terminal block TB1 (see wiring diagram GM47803)
The meter kit includes a 3-position selector switch. Use The installer must connect 120 VAC power to the
the switch to select the source to be monitored by the terminal block near the hygrostat. See Figure 7-20 and
meter, Normal or Emergency. See Figure 7-18. Figure 7-21. The heater and hygrostat are connected to
power through a 15-amp circuit breaker.
Digital meters are available factory-installed only. See
instruction sheet TT--1506, provided with the meter, for The relative humidity setting on the hygrostat is
operation instructions. adjustable from 35% to 95%. A setting of 65% is
7.8.1 Description
The load shed (forced transfer to off) accessory allows
the removal of non-critical loads from the Source E
generator set. The accessory requires an external
signal (contact closure) to initiate transfer to the OFF
MLB Input 2
MLB connection)
Input 1
Figure 7-23 Forced Transfer to Off Input Connection (for factory-installed load shed kits)
The switch has maintained AUTO and MANUAL 3. MANUAL TRANSFER is displayed on the
positions and a momentary TRANSFER position. The controller and the Not-in-Auto LED flashes.
key can be removed in either the AUTO or MANUAL
position. The key cannot be removed when the switch is 4. Turn the keyswitch to the TRANSFER position and
in the TRANSFER position. Figure 7-24 shows the release.
5. The load is transferred to the standby source, if
AUTO position
Figure 7-24 Supervised Transfer Control Switch
On an automatic transfer switch, when the Supervised
7.9.1 Manual Transfer Transfer Control switch is in the AUTO position, the
controller responds normally to transfer requests, and
Moving the switch to the TRANSFER position will not will automatically transfer to a source if that source is
cause the ATS to transfer unless an event such as a loss available.
of utility, a loaded test, or a loaded exercise has initiated
a transfer sequence. The transfer sequence executes MANUAL Position
all programmed time delays and signals the generator
set engine to start. Wait for the time delays to expire, or On an automatic transfer switch with the Supervised
press the End Time Delay button. Transfer Control Switch in the MANUAL Position, the
contactor will automatically transfer to the available
MANUAL TRANSFER is displayed on the controller source if the connected source is not available. In this
display and the Not-in-Auto LED flashes when the ATS case, no user action is required to initiate the transfer.
is ready to transfer. Turn the switch to TRANSFER and
release it to allow a transfer. It is not necessary to hold Operation with Test and Peak Shave
the switch in the TRANSFER position.
On an automatic transfer switch, a test, peak shave, or
The MANUAL mode allows the system to run on the loaded exercise command will be recognized and a
standby source indefinitely, even if the preferred source transfer sequence to the standby source will operate
is available. normally when the Supervised Transfer Control Switch
Figure 7-25 Supervised Transfer Control Switch Operation for Automatic and Non-Automatic Transfer Switches
SPD Specifications
Max. Limiting Voltage, (L-N/N-G/L-G) Continuous
Nominal Discharge UL VPR 3rd Ed (kV) Short Circuit Operating
Voltage Current (L-N/N-G/L-G) Withstand Voltage
(V ±15%) (kA) Phase Poles (kV) at 3kAmps at 10kAmp Current (kA) (VAC)
120 / 240 40 Split 3 0.6 / 1.2 / 0.7 0.6 / 0.4 / 0.6 0.8 / 0.7 / 0.8 200 175 / 350
120 / 208 40 Wye 4 0.6 / 1.2 / 0.7 0.6 / 0.4 / 0.6 0.8 / 0.7 / 0.8 200 175 / 350
277 / 480 40 Wye 4 1.0 / 1.2 / 1.1 1.0 / 0.4 / 1.0 1.2 / 0.7 / 1.2 200 320 / 460
120 / 240 40 HLD 4 1.0 / 1.2 / 1.1 1.0 / 0.4 / 1.0 1.2 / 0.7 / 1.2 200 320 / 460
347 / 600 40 Wye 4 1.3 / 1.2 / 1.4 1.3 / 0.4 / 1.3 1.5 / 0.7 / 1.5 200 440 / 880
Figure 7-27 SPD Specifications
7.10.3 SPD Replacement
4 2 Replace the module when the SPD indicator turns red.
Follow the replacement procedure in this section.
Hazardous voltage.
Will cause severe injury or death.
This equipment must be installed and
serviced by qualified electrical
1. Disable the generator set to prevent starting as 9. Reconnect power to the transfer switch by closing
follows: the normal and emergency source circuit breakers.
a. Move the generator set master switch to the 10. Check the SPD status indicators.
OFF position.
11. Reconnect the generator set engine starting
b. Disconnect power to the battery charger. battery, negative (--) lead last.
c. Disconnect the generator set engine starting 12. Reconnect power to the battery charger.
battery, negative (--) lead first.
13. Close and lock the ATS enclosure door.
2. Disconnect power to the transfer switch.
14. Move the generator set master switch to the AUTO
a. Service entrance models: Open the ATS position.
enclosure’s hinged door and move the Normal
and Emergency service disconnect circuit
breakers to the OFF position. 7.11 User Interface Cover
Note: Utility power is still present at the inlet side of The gasket-sealed, hinged user interface cover
the normal source circuit breaker. prevents unauthorized access to the transfer switch
controls and protects the user interface from harsh
b. All other models: Open the normal and environmental conditions. Use a customer-supplied
emergency source circuit breakers upstream of padlock to lock the cover.
the transfer switch.
The cover is available as an optional accessory for
3. Remove the enclosure’s inner panel , if equipped. NEMA 1 enclosures. NEMA 3R enclosures include the
cover as standard equipment.
4. Open the fuse holder.
For reference, this section lists the items displayed during normal operation, and the information and settings shown in
the View screens and Setup menus.