Drm815 3 Ptn-2-Ols A4 e Screen

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User Manual

Dragon PTN
Interface Module PTN-2-OLS with E1
PTN-2-OLS with T1

Interface Module PTN-2-OLS with E1/PTN-2-OLS with T1 Technical Support

Release 03 05/2020 https://hirschmann-support.belden.eu.com
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2 Interface Module PTN-2-OLS with E1/PTN-2-OLS with T1

Release 03 05/2020

1. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................... 6
1.1 General............................................................................................... 6
1.2 Manual References ............................................................................. 8

2. MODULE DESCRIPTION .............................................................................................. 8

2.1 Front Panel ......................................................................................... 8
2.1.1 Insert/Remove Module into/from Node ................................................... 9
2.1.2 LEDs............................................................................................................ 9
2.1.3 Optical Serial Port (Fiber) ........................................................................ 10
2.1.4 E1 RJ-45 Ports (Copper) and Cables......................................................... 10
2.2 Functional Operation ........................................................................ 11
2.2.1 General .................................................................................................... 11
2.2.2 Serial: FM0 Coding (Biphase Space Encoding)......................................... 11
2.2.3 E1 Framing ............................................................................................... 12
2.2.4 E1 Coding: AMI, HDB3 ............................................................................. 12
2.2.5 E1 Short Haul/Long Haul on E1 Ports ...................................................... 12
2.2.6 Service Type Overview............................................................................. 13
2.2.7 Service: Local Mode - Optical Low Speed Serial - via External Network . 13
2.2.8 Service: Circuit Emulation - Optical Low Speed Serial - SAToP ............... 14
2.2.9 Service: Circuit Emulation - Optical Low Speed Serial - CESoPSN ........... 15
2.2.10 Service: Circuit Emulation - E1 - SAToP ................................................... 15
2.2.11 Service: Circuit Emulation - E1 - CESoPSN ............................................... 16
2.2.12 Optical Low Speed Serial Bitrates ............................................................ 18
2.2.13 Start Sending Data ................................................................................... 18
2.2.14 SAToP Compared With CESoPSN ............................................................. 18
2.2.15 Circuit Emulation: Hitless Switching ........................................................ 18
2.2.16 Circuit Emulation: Single Path ................................................................. 20
2.2.17 Delay Comparison in CES (Features) ....................................................... 21
2.2.18 I/O with the Central Switching Module (=CSM) ...................................... 21
2.2.19 Synchronization / Clock Distribution / Network Timing .......................... 21
2.2.20 Short Haul/Long Haul .............................................................................. 24
2.2.21 Test and Loopback Selftests .................................................................... 24
2.2.22 Forced Power Mode ................................................................................ 24
2.3 Onboard Interfaces ........................................................................... 24
2.3.1 Straps ....................................................................................................... 24
2.3.2 DIP Switches ............................................................................................ 24

3. TDM FRAMES/PACKET FOR CES ................................................................................ 25

3.1 General............................................................................................. 25
3.1.1 CES: Optical Low Speed Serial ................................................................. 25
3.1.2 CES: E1 ..................................................................................................... 26
3.2 Bandwidth ........................................................................................ 26
3.3 Delay ................................................................................................ 27
3.3.1 General .................................................................................................... 27
3.3.2 Delay Parameters .................................................................................... 27

Interface Module PTN-2-OLS with E1/PTN-2-OLS with T1 3

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3.3.3 Estimated Delay Calculation and Formulas ............................................. 28
3.3.4 Estimated Delay Examples ....................................................................... 28
3.3.5 Differential Delay ..................................................................................... 28
3.4 Tuning CES = Tuning TDM Frames/Packet .......................................... 29

4. COMPATIBILITY........................................................................................................ 29

5. MODULE SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................ 29

5.1 General Specifications....................................................................... 29
5.2 Other Specifications .......................................................................... 29
5.3 Ordering Information ........................................................................ 30

6. ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................................... 30

List of figures
Figure 1 Local Mode: Optical Low Speed Serial - SDH Example .................................................... 7
Figure 2 Circuit Emulation: Transport Optical Serial Data via Dragon PTN ................................... 7
Figure 3 Circuit Emulation: Transport E1 Data via Dragon PTN .................................................... 7
Figure 4 IFM in Aggregation Nodes ............................................................................................... 8
Figure 5 IFM in Core Nodes ........................................................................................................... 9
Figure 6 Optical Serial ST Connector ........................................................................................... 10
Figure 7 E1 RJ-45 Connector........................................................................................................ 11
Figure 8 FM0 Coding.................................................................................................................... 11
Figure 9 E1 Framing ..................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 10 HDB3 Encoding ............................................................................................................ 12
Figure 11 Local Mode - Optical Low Speed Serial - via External Network................................... 13
Figure 12 Circuit Emulation - Optical Low Speed Serial .............................................................. 13
Figure 13 Circuit Emulation - E1 .................................................................................................. 13
Figure 14 2-OLS IFM Side View: Local Loopbacks........................................................................ 14
Figure 15 General SAToP Example With E1 ................................................................................. 15
Figure 16 Detailed E1 SAToP Example......................................................................................... 16
Figure 17 General CESoPSN Example .......................................................................................... 17
Figure 18 Detailed E1 CESoPSN Example .................................................................................... 17
Figure 19 Hitless Switching.......................................................................................................... 19
Figure 20 Single Path Enabled ..................................................................................................... 20
Figure 21 Single Path Disabled .................................................................................................... 20
Figure 22 Clocking: Application D Slaves to Application A via Dragon PTN ................................ 22
Figure 23 Clocking: Both Applications A and D Slave to Dragon PTN Clock Master ................... 22
Figure 24 Hardware Edition......................................................................................................... 25
Figure 25 E1/T1 Configuration .................................................................................................... 25
Figure 26 SAToP, CESoPSN Bandwidth ........................................................................................ 26
Figure 27 Delays .......................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 28 Differential Delay......................................................................................................... 28

4 Interface Module PTN-2-OLS with E1/PTN-2-OLS with T1

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List of Tables
Table 1 Manual References ........................................................................................................... 8
Table 2 LED Indications In Boot Operation ................................................................................... 9
Table 3 LED Indications In Normal Operation ............................................................................. 10
Table 4 E1 RJ-45 Connector: Pin Assignments ............................................................................ 11
Table 5 Comparison: SAToP → CESoPSN ................................................................................ 18
Table 6 Difference Between Hitless and Protection Switching ................................................... 19
Table 7 Clocking Parameters on Port & Service Level ................................................................. 23
Table 8 TDM Frames/Packet For CES - E1 Services ..................................................................... 26
Table 9 Maximum Number Of Bundles ....................................................................................... 26
Table 10 Estimated Delay Formulas ............................................................................................ 28
Table 11 Estimated Delay (µs) Examples ..................................................................................... 28
Table 12 Other Specifications...................................................................................................... 29

Interface Module PTN-2-OLS with E1/PTN-2-OLS with T1 5

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1.1 General
This document is valid as of Dragon PTN Release 4.3DR.
The 2-OLS interface module (=IFM) is an Optical Low Speed Serial interface module which
can be used to transport low speed serial data and E1 data. This IFM has four ports: two Op-
tical Serial ports (=port1, port2) and two E1 ports (=port3, port4). Each optical port has two
ST connectors: one Rx (=Receive) and one Tx (=Transmit) ST. Each E1 port is an RJ-45 con-
nector. This IFM can be used in 3 different service types (a mix in one IFM is possible):
Local Mode (Figure 1): The IFM converts serial data into E1 and vice versa. This mode
does not use any backplane access (or Dragon PTN network) in a point-to-point
connection. It converts the incoming serial signal on port1 into E1 on port3 and vice ver-
sa. The same counts for port2 and port4. The E1 links provide synchronous TDM links be-
tween two end points that can be used to transport over an external network e.g. SDH.
The optical ports are the access ports whereas the E1 ports are the SDH interconnection
ports. At the destination side, the 2-OLS receives the E1 traffic and converts it back to an
optical low speed serial signal towards the end application. Service in HiProvision = 'Local
Mode - Optical Low Speed Serial';
Circuit Emulation Optical Serial Data (Figure 2): The IFM uses backplane access and
transports the received optical serial data over the Dragon PTN network to a destination
optical serial port. Service in HiProvision = 'Circuit Emulation - Optical Low Speed Serial';
Circuit Emulation E1 Data (Figure 3): The IFM uses backplane access and transports the
received E1 data over the Dragon PTN network to a destination E1 port. The E1 port
could be any E1 port from any type of IFM, see §4. Service in HiProvision = 'Circuit Emula-
tion - E1';
Verify the 'Dragon PTN Bandwidth Overview' manual (Ref.[100] in Table 1) to see in which
node and IFM slot this IFM can be used. This IFM requires an interface adapter kit in core
nodes which is not needed in aggregation nodes (see §2.12.1, Nodes: see Ref. [3], [3b] in Ta-
ble 1).
The main supported features are:
(Local Mode) Converting optical serial into E1 and vice versa;
(Circuit Emulation) Packetizing of Optical Low Speed Serial data;
(Circuit Emulation) Packetizing of E1 Framing;
LAN function;
Services (See Ref. [2Leg] in Table 1 for the creation of services in HiProvision)
Local Mode - Optical Low Speed Serial:
Circuit Emulation - Optical Low Speed Serial/E1:
SAToP (=Structured Agnostic TDM over Packet) → all channels transparently;
CESoPSN (=CES over Packet Switched Network) → customized channel transport;
Hitless Switching / Single Path;
SyncE for E1 ports;
E1 port on 2-OLS IFM can slave to E1 clock from external network;

6 Interface Module PTN-2-OLS with E1/PTN-2-OLS with T1

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Dragon PTN 2-OLS CSM

Node IFM

Optical Serial
Fiber Links Dragon PTN MPLS-TP
Optical Serial
Fiber Links
External Network
Example: SDH
External E1 Links External E1 Links

‘Local Mode → Optical Low Speed Serial' Service

Figure 1 Local Mode: Optical Low Speed Serial - SDH Example

Dragon PTN MPLS-TP Network

Dragon PTN 2-OLS CSM WAN (via SFP on fiber)

Node IFM

Optical Serial
Fiber Links

Optical Serial
Fiber Links

Packetized Serial Data via




Figure 2 Circuit Emulation: Transport Optical Serial Data via Dragon PTN

Dragon PTN MPLS-TP Network

Dragon PTN 2-OLS CSM WAN (via SFP on fiber)

Node IFM


Packetized E1 via
E1 Links E1 Links


Figure 3 Circuit Emulation: Transport E1 Data via Dragon PTN

Interface Module PTN-2-OLS with E1/PTN-2-OLS with T1 7

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1.2 Manual References
Table 1 is an overview of the manuals referred to in this manual. ‘&’ refers to the language
code, ‘*’ refers to the manual issue. All these manuals can be found in the HiProvision
(=Dragon PTN Management System) Help function.
Table 1 Manual References

Ref. Number Title

[1] DRA-DRM801-&-* Dragon PTN Installation and Operation
[2Mgt] DRA-DRM830-&-* HiProvision Management Operation
[2Leg] DRA-DRM832-&-* Dragon PTN Legacy Services
[2Net] DRA-DRM833-&-* Dragon PTN Network Operation
[3] DRB-DRM802-&-* Dragon PTN Aggregation Nodes: PTN2210, PTN2206, PTN1104, PTN2209
[3b] DRB-DRM840-&-* Dragon PTN Core Nodes: PTN2215
[4] DRB-DRM803-&-* Dragon PTN Switching Module: PTN-CSM310-A/ PTN-CSM540-A
[5] DRA-DRM810-&-* Dragon PTN General Specifications
[6] DRE-DRM805-&-* Dragon PTN Interface Module: PTN-4-E1-L/ PTN-4-T1-L
[7] DRE-DRM818-&-* Dragon PTN Interface Module: PTN-16-E1-L/ PTN-16-T1-L
[8] DRE-DRM809-&-* Dragon PTN Interface Module: PTN-2-C37.94
[100] DRA-DRM828-&-* Dragon PTN Bandwidth Overview

2.1 Front Panel
Fastening screw




2 E1/T1

Figure 4 IFM in Aggregation Nodes

8 Interface Module PTN-2-OLS with E1/PTN-2-OLS with T1

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Interface Adapter Kit
Container to insert IFM

Socket Head
Cap Screw

IFM in
Core Node

Figure 5 IFM in Core Nodes

2.1.1 Insert/Remove Module into/from Node

See ‘Dragon PTN Installation and Operation Manual’ Ref.[1] in Table 1.
2.1.2 LEDs
The meaning of the LEDs depends on the mode of operation (= boot or normal) in which the
2-OLS module currently is running. After plugging in the module or rebooting it, the module
turns into the boot operation, see Table 2. After the module has gone through all the cycles
in the table below (=rebooted successfully), the module turns into the normal operation, see
LEDs in Table 3.
Table 2 LED Indications In Boot Operation

Cycle PI PF FLT Spare LED RX[1,2] TX[1,2] AIS[3,4] LOS[3,4]

1 ✓ --- Slow blinking --- --- --- --- ---

2 ✓ --- Fast blinking --- --- --- --- ---

3 ✓ --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

4 ✓ --- Fast blinking --- ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

✓ : LED is lit; --- : LED is not lit; The sub cycle times may vary. The entire boot cycle time [1→4] takes approximately 2 minutes.

Interface Module PTN-2-OLS with E1/PTN-2-OLS with T1 9

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Table 3 LED Indications In Normal Operation

LED Color Status

PI Not lit, dark +12V power input to the board not OK
(=Power Input)
Green +12V power input to the board OK
PF Not lit, dark power generation on the board itself is OK
Failure) Red power generation on the board itself is erroneous

FLT (=FauLT) Not lit, dark no other fault or error situation, different from PF, is active on the module
Red a fault or error situation, different from PF, is active on the module
RX<port n°> Not lit, dark no service programmed on this optical serial port
Green, blinking Service programmed, no optical serial port activity detected
Green, lit Service programmed, optical serial port activity detected
TX<port n°> Not lit, dark No service programmed on this optical serial port
Green, blinking Service programmed, optical serial port not sending out data
Green, lit Service programmed, optical serial port sending out data, no errors
AIS<port n°> Not lit, dark - no service on this port
(=Alarm - service on this port: no alarms detected on backplane (=network) side, everything fine
Red, lit service on this port: no network traffic or TX AIS detected on backplane (=network) side
Red, blinking other errors different from TX AIS detected on backplane (=network) side
LOS<port 1-2> Not lit, dark - no service on this port
(OLS ports) - service on this port: local OLS traffic on this front port is OK
(Loss of Signal)
Red, lit service on this port: LOF on this front port
Red, blinking other errors different from LOF received on this front port
LOS<port 3-4> Not lit, dark - no service on this port
(E1/T1 ports) - service on this port: local E1 traffic on this front port is OK
(Loss of Signal)
Red, lit service on this port: local E1 signal is lost on this front port
Red, blinking AIS, LOF or RAI received on this front port

2.1.3 Optical Serial Port (Fiber)

The 2-OLS module provides two optical serial ports with each port having two ST (=Straight
Tip) connectors: TX and RX. These ports can be used for communication over optical fiber.

Figure 6 Optical Serial ST Connector

2.1.4 E1 RJ-45 Ports (Copper) and Cables

The 2-OLS module provides two E1 ports and each port connector has eight pins. Each port
provides one tip/ring pair. See the table and figure below for an overview and description.
The cables below can be ordered to connect these ports.
E1 cable (120 Ω): ordering number S30827-C40-Axx-y;

10 Interface Module PTN-2-OLS with E1/PTN-2-OLS with T1

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1 8

Figure 7 E1 RJ-45 Connector

Table 4 E1 RJ-45 Connector: Pin Assignments

Pin Number Description Cable Wire Colors

1 Rx (Receive) RING OG
2 Rx (Receive) TIP WH/OG
3 Not connected -
4 Tx (Transmit) RING BU
5 Tx (Transmit) TIP WH/BU
6, 7 ,8 Not connected -

2.2 Functional Operation

2.2.1 General
See §1.1.
2.2.2 Serial: FM0 Coding (Biphase Space Encoding)
FM0 Coding is a biphase 'space' encoding ('space' = 0-bit; 'mark': 1-bit) that can be used in
serial data communication. FM0 encoding guarantees to have a transition (from high to low
or vice versa) in every data bit. This encoded data contains sufficient transitions to recover a
clock from the data. Further advantages are the DC balancing resulting in enhanced signal
With FM0 Coding enabled, a 0-bit (='space') will always have an extra transition halfway its
bit time (=2 phases = biphase) whereas a 1-bit will have no transition within its bit time.
0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1
(Normal) Data 0

FM0 Encoded Data 0

bit time

Figure 8 FM0 Coding

FM0 Coding:
disabled (=default): Normal data (without encoding) is expected at the optical serial
RX ports. Normal data (without encoding) is generated at the optical serial TX ports;
enabled: FM0 encoded data is expected at the optical serial RX ports. FM0 encoded
data is generated at the optical serial TX ports;

Interface Module PTN-2-OLS with E1/PTN-2-OLS with T1 11

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2.2.3 E1 Framing
E1 is a 2.048 Mbps bi-directional (full duplex) link through which the data is transported in a
digital way in frames. One frame consists of 32 time slots (Figure 9). Timeslot 0 is used for
framing and synchronization, and time slot 16 for signaling. The bandwidth of one time slot
is 64 kbps (=8 bits/125 µs). One frame thus consists of 32*8 = 256 bits and lasts
125 µs. Typically 16 frames are packed together in one multiframe.
NOTE: Multiframe = future support;
Frame = 125 µs = 32 time slots

Bit slot
Time slot 0 1 2 16 31

F = Framing
S = Signaling

Frame 1 16 1
Multiframe = 2 ms

Figure 9 E1 Framing

2.2.4 E1 Coding: AMI, HDB3

AMI, HDB3 are different types of line coding. HDB3 is used in E1. The 2-OLS module supports
HDB3 for E1. HDB3 is an enhancement of AMI. For this reason, AMI is mentioned here as
As the E1 link has no separate clock transmission, the receiver will derive the clock from the
incoming data stream. A minimum density of logical ones is required in order to guarantee a
faultless clock recovery. This is achieved basically by AMI which encodes the data stream
with bipolar violations. A more enhanced and better encoding is HDB3 which enhances the
AMI stream by replacing successive zeros:
E1→ HDB3: replace four successive zeros with a fixed bit pattern ‘000V’ or ‘B00V’;
A ‘B’ and ‘V’ can either be ‘-‘ or ‘+’. Which pattern is used depends on the amount of ‘+’ and
‘-‘ already received from send on the link.

E1: HDB3 Encoding :
replace 4 zeros with 000V or B00V

...000V... ...B00V...

Figure 10 HDB3 Encoding

2.2.5 E1 Short Haul/Long Haul on E1 Ports

Long E1 links (>200m, Long Haul) have more signal attenuation than shorter links (<200m,
Short Haul). As a result, the signal levels or sensitivity ('0' or '1') on the receiver side must be
configured according the used link: Long Haul or Short Haul.

12 Interface Module PTN-2-OLS with E1/PTN-2-OLS with T1

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In HiProvision, a Short Haul parameter can be checked for Short Haul links and unchecked
(=default) for Long Haul links. This parameter can be set on port level in the IFM or at service

2.2.6 Service Type Overview

With the 2-OLS IFMs, following service types are possible:
Local Mode - Optical Low Speed Serial - via external network, no Dragon PTN;
Circuit Emulation - Optical Low Speed Serial:
Circuit Emulation - E1:
NOTE: See Ref. [2Leg] in Table 1 for the creation of services in HiProvision.
Optical Optical
Serial 1 1
Link 2
Dragon PTN 2 Link
3 3
4 4

E1 Link Network E1 Link

Figure 11 Local Mode - Optical Low Speed Serial - via External Network

Optical Optical
Serial 1 1
Link 2
Dragon PTN 2 Link
3 3
4 4

Figure 12 Circuit Emulation - Optical Low Speed Serial

1 1

Dragon PTN 2
3 3
Link Link
4 4

Figure 13 Circuit Emulation - E1

2.2.7 Service: Local Mode - Optical Low Speed Serial - via External Network
The 'Local Mode - Optical Low Speed Serial service' is a point-to-point service between two
optical serial ports (via a fixed loopback on the E1 ports on the own IFM), each serial port
located in a different node, see §1.1. The E1 link will go over an external network, not via
Dragon PTN. This service can be configured in HiProvision (=Dragon PTN management sys-
tem). It converts the incoming serial signal into E1 and vice versa.

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Within one 2-OLS IFM, [port 1 <-> port3] and [port 2 <-> port4] are always linked via a fixed
local loopback including the conversion. See figure below:


E1/T1 Configuration

Fixed Local Loopback

port1 <-> port3
OLS with OLS <-> E1/T1 conversion

E1/T1 Fixed Local Loopback

(Port3) port2 <-> port4
with OLS <-> E1/T1 conversion

Figure 14 2-OLS IFM Side View: Local Loopbacks

Following can be configured during service creation:

Optical Serial Ports:
Synchronisation: synchronous or asynchronous;
Bitrates: see §2.2.12;
FM0 Coding (see §2.2.2): disabled/enabled;
Bitrates: see §2.2.12;
E1 Ports:
Short Haul (see §2.2.5): unchecked (=default) /checked;

2.2.8 Service: Circuit Emulation - Optical Low Speed Serial - SAToP

Similar to §2.2.10 but using OLS ports instead.
SAToP (=Structure Agnostic TDM over Packet) is a point-to-point service between two OLS
ports. The OLS data will be packetized in an E1 frame, using all 32 timeslots, over the Dragon
PTN network. As a result, maximum one SAToP service can be configured per port.
This way of transportation consumes more bandwidth over the Dragon PTN network than
CESoPSN (see next paragraph), but has less differential delay than CESoPSN. If delay must be
as low as possible, use SAToP instead of CESoPSN to transport your OLS data.
NOTE: Each end-point or OLS port must be located in a different node.

14 Interface Module PTN-2-OLS with E1/PTN-2-OLS with T1

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Bitrates: see §2.2.12;
FM0 Coding (see §2.2.2): disabled/enabled;
Bitrates: see §2.2.12. When a bit rate is selected, an incoming serial signal with a low-
er bitrate will operate as well, because 2-OLS samples at 6.6 times the selected bi-
2.2.9 Service: Circuit Emulation - Optical Low Speed Serial - CESoPSN
Similar to §2.2.11 but using OLS ports instead.
CESoPSN (=Circuit Emulation Service over Packet Switched Network) is a point-to-point
service between two OLS ports. One such service can be configured per port. This service
converts the incoming OLS data into an amount of timeslots, to transport it over the MPLS-
TP Dragon PTN network. The amount of timeslots over the network just depends on the
selected bit rate.
The destination module will receive the transported timeslots from the Dragon PTN network
and regenerate the OLS data from it. As a result, the destination sends out the regenerated
OLS data on its OLS port.
Each end-point or port must be located in a different node.
Bitrates: see §2.2.12;
FM0 Coding (see §2.2.2): disabled/enabled;
Bitrates: see §2.2.12. When a bit rate is selected, an incoming serial signal with a
lower bitrate will operate as well, because 2-OLS samples at 6.6 times the selected

2.2.10 Service: Circuit Emulation - E1 - SAToP

SAToP is a point-to-point CES which sends transparently the entire E1 frame from the source
to the destination E1 port over the MPLS-TP network. The entire frame = all data + synchro-
nization + alignment timeslots = 32 timeslots for E1. As a result, maximum one SAToP ser-
vice can be configured per port.
NOTE: Each end-point or E1 port must be located in a different node.

E1 port E1 port
E1 frame SAToP E1 frame
ALL channels ALL channels ALL channels

Unused Site A Site B Site C Unused Site A Site B Site C

Figure 15 General SAToP Example With E1

In the figure below, a more detailed example has been worked out.

Interface Module PTN-2-OLS with E1/PTN-2-OLS with T1 15

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SAToP (E1):
- entire E1 frame over the network
- transparent transport


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 30 31
x1 x2 x3 y1 y2 y3 z1 z2 z3 ...
1 E1 port used

Timeslots Timeslots
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 30 31 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 30 31
E1 Frame x1 x2 x3 y1 y2 y3 z1 z2 z3 ... E1 Frame x1 x2 x3 y1 y2 y3 z1 z2 z3 ...

x1 x1
x2 x2
x3 x3

z1 z2 z3 z1 z2 z3

y1 y2 y3 y1 y2 y3

Figure 16 Detailed E1 SAToP Example

2.2.11 Service: Circuit Emulation - E1 - CESoPSN

CESoPSN is a point-to-point CES which only sends a selection of channels or timeslots over
the MPLS-TP Dragon PTN network. In HiProvision (=Dragon PTN Management System), the
operator selects which timeslots of the input E1 frame must be transported. This customized
transportation of timeslots through the network results in a more efficient bandwidth use.
The destination module will receive the transported channels from the Dragon PTN network,
and regenerate all the other missing timeslots itself (empty or dummy timeslots, synchroni-
zation). As a result, the destination sends out the entire regenerated E1 frame on its port.
Each end-point or E1 port must be located in a different node.
CESoPSN services can be configured:
Between two or more E1 ports, see below;
Between a C37.94 and an E1 port, see below;
a. Between Two or More E1 Ports
Multiple CESs per port can be configured to transport an amount of timeslots between two
or more E1 ports. In HiProvision, the operator selects the timeslots individually to be trans-
ported per CES. On both the source and destination side, the same amount of timeslots must
be selected. The selected timeslots from the source side can be mapped onto the timeslots
from the destination side.

16 Interface Module PTN-2-OLS with E1/PTN-2-OLS with T1

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The timeslot order does not change during the mapping. The first selected source timeslot
will be mapped automatically onto the first selected destination timeslot etc....
See some examples in the figures below.
NOTE: In E1, timeslot 0 cannot be transported;
E1 port

E1 frame

E1 port
MPLS-TP Dragon PTN Site A Unused

CESoPSN 1 Site A
E1 frame E1 frame
ALL channels CESoPSN 2 Site B Site B Unused

CESoPSN 3 Site C
E1 frame
Site C Unused
Unused Site A Site B Site C

Figure 17 General CESoPSN Example

x1 x2 x3
- only selected timeslots over the MPLS-TP network
- timeslot group mapping source → destination
- timeslot ordering remains source  → destination
- one-to-multipe ports via multiple CESoPSN services Mapping Timeslots y2
- E1: timeslot 0 cannot be transported Service 1
Source Destination
x1 1 2
x2 2 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 … 30 31
x3 3 6
E1 Frame x1 x2 x3 y1 y2 … y3
y1 4 8
y2 5 10
y3 6 30

MPLS-TP CESoP Service1

Dragon PTN x1 x2 x3 y1 y2 y3

E1 port CESoP Service2

z1 z2 z3

Mapping Timeslots
Service 2
Source Destination
Timeslots z1 7 1 Timeslots
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 … 30 31 z2 8 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 … 30 31
E1 Frame x1 x2 x3 y1 y2 y3 z1 z2 z3 … z3 9 8 E1 Frame z1 z2 z3 …

x3 z1 z2 z3
z1 z2 z3

y1 y2 y3

Figure 18 Detailed E1 CESoPSN Example

Interface Module PTN-2-OLS with E1/PTN-2-OLS with T1 17

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b. Between a C37.94 and an E1 Port
See Ref.[8] in Table 1;

2.2.12 Optical Low Speed Serial Bitrates

See paragraph 'Optical Low Speed Serial Bitrates' in the Ref. [2Leg] in Table 1.

2.2.13 Start Sending Data

When an OLS/E1 port has been configured in a SAToP service, it can be configured when the
port starts sending data. See ‘send data’ in the Ref. [2Leg] in Table 1 for more information.

2.2.14 SAToP Compared With CESoPSN

Table 5 Comparison: SAToP → CESoPSN

Optical Low Speed Serial
amount of services/port 1 1;
amount of used timeslots always 32 for E1, including depends on the selected bitrate;
or channels/service synchronization and alignment data.

amount of services/port 1 31 (=E1);
amount of used timeslots always 32 for E1, including must be configured, amount on input = amount on
or channels/service synchronization and alignment data. output; timeslot 0 is never transported;
timeslot mapping just port to port configuration, ‘timeslot time slot mapping between input side and output side
x’ on the input side will always be must be configured, ‘timeslot x’ on the input side could
‘timeslot x’ on the output side. be mapped to ‘timeslot y’ on the output side;
Per CESoPSN service, the timeslots on the input side
must be part of the same port, the timeslots on the
output side must be part of the same port. All the data
channels on an input port can be mapped on different
CESoPSN services, which can have
different destination ports.

2.2.15 Circuit Emulation: Hitless Switching

Hitless Switching is a feature within SAToP/CESoPSN that provides a safe serial or E1 redun-
dant connection where no data or synchronization is lost when switching from the active to
the backup path or vice versa, e.g. because of cable break. The total delay over the network
remains nearly constant during switch-over. Redundancy via Hitless Switching is obtained via
completing the list below:
creating two independent point-to-point tunnels without protection;
setting the Hitless Switching on at service creation time in HiProvision.

NOTE: See Ref. [2Net]/[2Leg] in Table 1 for the creation of tunnels/services;;

18 Interface Module PTN-2-OLS with E1/PTN-2-OLS with T1

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On the source side, with Hitless Switching enabled, the 2-OLS IFM duplicates each packet on
a second tunnel (e.g. Tunnel y, see figure below). Each packet also contains a 16 bit se-
quence number. Different tunnels mean different paths through the network, with each
path its own delay. Different delays result in a slow and a fast path.
On the destination side, with Hitless Switching enabled, the 2-OLS IFM buffers the fastest
path and forwards packets from the slowest path on the serial or E1 link. Packets will be pro-
cessed according a packet sequence number.
Hitless Switching is a redundant mechanism but differs from Protection Switching, see the
table below for an overview. So if redundancy is needed in the service, either choose Hitless
Switching or Protection Switching, mixing up both mechanisms is not allowed. Depending on
the choice, settings must be done at tunnel creation time and/or service creation time.
When Hitless Switching has been enabled, the CES can only start up with two links up, com-
ing out of a two-links-down situation (except when Single Path has been enabled, see
See §2.2.17 for a delay comparison within CES depending on the enabled sub features, see
also further on.

Table 6 Difference Between Hitless and Protection Switching

Serial/E1 Protection Switching Serial/E1 Hitless Switching

required tunnel type 1 point-to-point tunnel 2 point-to-point tunnels
tunnel protection type 1:1; none; the redundancy is created via two
independent point-to-point tunnels.
service parameter Hitless Switching = disabled Hitless Switching = enabled
at switch-over possible data loss no data or synchronization loss
total delay less than hitless switching more than protection switching

Tunnel x has more nodes

= slow path

Serial/E1 Serial/E1
data data

Serial/E1 → WAN: WAN → Serial/E1:

duplicates and transmits data buffering = constant delay;
data twice Tunnel y has less nodes no packet loss at switch-over
= fast path

Figure 19 Hitless Switching

Interface Module PTN-2-OLS with E1/PTN-2-OLS with T1 19

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2.2.16 Circuit Emulation: Single Path
The Single Path feature is a sub feature of Hitless Switching (see §2.2.15). It influences the
start-up behavior of the Hitless Switching mechanism:
enabled: The CES can already start up with only one link up, coming out of a two-links-
down situation.
if the fastest path came up first:
the CES starts up according to the fastest path;
possible CES interrupt or minor packet loss when the slowest path comes up later
if the slowest path came up first:
the CES starts up according to the slowest path;
no CES interrupt or packet loss when the fastest path comes up later on;
See §2.2.17 for a delay comparison within CES depending on the enabled sub features, see
also further on.

Single Path ENABLED: no links up:

ONE link required → no CES


already with one link up

→ CES starts

Serial/E1 Serial/E1
MPLS-TP Dragon PTN data

Figure 20 Single Path Enabled

no links up:
Single Path DISABLED:
→ no CES
BOTH links required


only with both links up

→ CES starts

Serial/E1 Serial/E1
data MPLS-TP Dragon PTN data

Figure 21 Single Path Disabled

20 Interface Module PTN-2-OLS with E1/PTN-2-OLS with T1

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2.2.17 Delay Comparison in CES (Features)
A CES with Hitless Switching has a higher delay than a CES without Hitless Switching.

2.2.18 I/O with the Central Switching Module (=CSM)

a. Service Type1
(see §2.2.6) The CSM is only needed to program the 2-OLS IFM via HiProvision. Once the 2-
OLS IFM has been configured, it does not need the CSM anymore.

b. Service Type2, Service Type3

(see §2.2.6) The 2-OLS module receives Serial/E1 traffic via its front panel ports and converts
this into Ethernet traffic which is forwarded to the CSM via the backplane. The CSM does all
the processing on this data (synchronization, CRC checks, conversions, switching…).
The CSM converts this data into MPLS-TP packets and transmits it via an Ethernet IFM (e.g.
4-GC-LW) onto the WAN. On the destination side, the same processing occurs in reverse
order. See the manuals Ref.[4] in Table 1 for more detailed CSM information.

2.2.19 Synchronization / Clock Distribution / Network Timing

CAUTION: Make sure to configure/verify the clocking parameters below.

The Dragon PTN network provides a number of mechanisms to perform synchronization /

clock distribution / network timing per CES. The CSM synchronizes all the included IFMs in
the node.
The application endpoints in a 'Circuit Emulation: E1' service can communicate in a synchro-
nized way. Which synchronization method can be used depends on:
the ‘Clock source’ port setting of the two endpoints;
the 'Differential Clocking' setting in the E1 service;
the Clock Source bundle ID in case of CESopSN;
SyncE availability in the endpoint nodes;

The figures below show relevant end-to-end clocking configurations for this IFM. The PRC
(=Primary Reference Clock) is a very stable high quality clock that can be used as a reference
clock delivered via SyncE to the node:
A, D = Application ports;
B, C = IFM front ports;

Interface Module PTN-2-OLS with E1/PTN-2-OLS with T1 21

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Clock Clock
Master Slave

Internal Rx Adaptive Rx


Internal Rx Differential Rx

SyncE, PRC SyncE, PRC

Figure 22 Clocking: Application D Slaves to Application A via Dragon PTN

Clock Clock Clock

Slave Master Slave

Rx Internal Adaptive Rx


Rx Internal Internal Rx

SyncE, PRC SyncE, PRC

Figure 23 Clocking: Both Applications A and D Slave to Dragon PTN Clock Master

22 Interface Module PTN-2-OLS with E1/PTN-2-OLS with T1

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Table 7 Clocking Parameters on Port & Service Level

Port A: Port B: Service: Port C: Port D:

Clock Clock Differential Clock Clock Description
Source Source Clocking Source Source
Application D slaves to application A via Dragon PTN
‘Internal ‘Rx Clock' Unchecked ‘Adaptive/ ‘Rx Clock' Node (B) recovers the clock from the incoming
Clock' Differential’ data stream from Application (A) and uses it to
decode/encode the packet stream.

Node (C) recovers the clock from the incoming

packet stream from the network and uses it to
encode/decode the data stream. Application (D)
slaves its clock to this stream.
‘Internal ‘Rx Clock' Checked ‘Adaptive/ ‘Rx Clock' Node (B) recovers the clock from the incoming
Clock' + SyncE Differential’ data stream from Application (A) and uses it to
+ SyncE decode/encode the packet stream. Node (B)
embeds extra RTP timing information in that
packet stream when forwarding it on the
Dragon PTN network.

Node (C) generates the clock based on the PRC

and the embedded RTP timing information in
the incoming packet stream.
The generated clock is used to encode/decode
the data stream. Application (D) slaves its clock
to this stream.

Both Applications A and D slave to Dragon PTN Clock Master

‘Rx Clock' ‘Internal Unchecked ‘Adaptive/ ‘Rx Clock' Node (B) transmits packets to node (C) based on
Clock’ Differential’ an Internal Clock. This clock is delivered by the
local oscillator on the IFM. Node (C) recovers
the clock from the incoming packet stream from
the network and uses it to encode/decode data

Both applications (A) and (D) slave their clock to

the data streams delivered by node (B) and (C).
‘Rx Clock' ‘Internal Unchecked ‘Internal ‘Rx Clock' Both nodes (B) and (C) encode/decode the data
Clock’ Clock’ stream to/from the end applications based on
+ SyncE + SyncE the ‘Internal Clock’ on the IFM. This clock is
delivered by the CSM and is based on a PRC
delivered via SyncE.

Both applications (A) and (D) slave their clock to

the data streams delivered by node (B) and (C).

E1 port: CESoPSN Clock Source Bundle Id

Fill out the 'Clock Source Bundle id': Each E1 CESoPSN service that is created in HiProvision will automatically get a
'bundle ID' assigned. The value of this 'Bundle ID' can be found in HiProvision → Network → Services → Monitoring
Properties → Circuit Emulation. This value must be filled out in the ‘CESoPSN Clock Source Bundle ID’ port property to
indicate to which CESoPSN service this port must slave its clock (=adaptive).

NOTE: SyncE: See the manuals in Ref. [2Net] in Table 1 and Ref.[4] for more detailed in-

Interface Module PTN-2-OLS with E1/PTN-2-OLS with T1 23

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2.2.20 Short Haul/Long Haul
Long E1 links (>200m, Long Haul) have more signal attenuation than shorter links (<200m,
Short Haul). As a result, the signal levels or sensitivity ('0' or '1') on the receiver side must be
configured according the used link: Long Haul or Short Haul.
In HiProvision, a Short Haul parameter can be checked for Short Haul links and unchecked
(=default) for Long Haul links. This parameter can be set on port level in the IFM or at ser-
vice creation.

2.2.21 Test and Loopback Selftests

Test and Loopback selftests can be performed (via HiProvision) in CESs, e.g when configuring
or troubleshooting a CES. Following two functions can be used in a programmed CES:
Loopbacks: on backplane or front port, direction towards line (=application) or network
can be configured;
BERT: test traffic generation and verification via Bit Error Ratio Tester.

CAUTION: enabling self tests disables or disturbs normal service traffic on a port!

For more information and configuration settings, see 'Test and Loopback' in Ref. [2Leg] in
Table 1.

2.2.22 Forced Power Mode

The powering of the 2-OLS IFM can be configured by the ‘Forced Power Mode’ parameter
on the 2-OLS IFM in HiProvision. The setting of this parameter determines whether a CSM is
required in the node for powering the 2-OLS IFM.
See ‘Forced Power Mode’ in Ref. [2Leg] in Table 1 for more information.

2.3 Onboard Interfaces

See Figure 14 for a side view of the IFM module.

2.3.1 Straps
No user relevant straps.

2.3.2 DIP Switches

a. Hardware Edition
The Hardware Edition is set in decimal code using rotary switches S2 to S3 (=most signifi-
cant). It can be read out as well via HiProvision. This edition has been factory set and MUST
Example: Setting S3=’0’ and S2=’5’ indicates Hardware Edition ‘5’ (dec).

24 Interface Module PTN-2-OLS with E1/PTN-2-OLS with T1

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Figure 24 Hardware Edition

b. E1/T1 Configuration
The E1/T1 configuration of the 2-OLS module is factory set by the S1 DIP switch and must
not be changed. The configuration depends on the ordered IFM (see §5.3). The configuration
can be read out via HiProvision.
Switch = E1: both E1/T1 ports operate as E1 ports, use the ‘2-OLS-E1-L’ IFM in HiProvi-
Switch = T1 (=future): both E1/T1 ports operate as T1 ports, use the ‘2-OLS-T1-L’ IFM in

E1 T1
E1/T1 SW3
Configuration SW6

Figure 25 E1/T1 Configuration


3.1 General
In a CES service, the amount of TDM Frames per Ethernet packet is an important setting be-
cause it influences the amount of consumed bandwidth and delay through the network. The
more TDM Frames/Packet, the less bandwidth is used but the bigger the total delay through
the network.
NOTE: In HiProvision, it can be configured how many TDM Frames/Packet can be encoded.
Default TDM Frames/Packet = 4;
3.1.1 CES: Optical Low Speed Serial
For CESoPSN: Minimum TDM Frames/Packet: 1, 2 or 3 depending on the configured
bitrate < 19200 → value = 3;
bitrate = 19200 → value = 2;
bitrate >= 38400 → value = 1;
bitrate = 64k → value = 3;
bitrate = 128k → value = 2;
bitrate >= 256k → value = 1;

Maximum TDM Frames/Packet, no Hitless Switching: 24;

Maximum TDM Frames/Packet, Hitless Switching: 10;

Interface Module PTN-2-OLS with E1/PTN-2-OLS with T1 25

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3.1.2 CES: E1
In the table below, find the minimum and maximum TDM Frames/Packet according the con-
figured CES and the amount of used timeslots. Also find the maximum number of allowed
bundles in the other table.
Table 8 TDM Frames/Packet For CES - E1 Services

CES Amount of Min. TDM Max. TDM Frames/Packet

Timeslots Frames/Packet (no hitless/hitless switching)
E1 T1 (*) E1 T1(*) E1 T1(*)
SAToP always 32 always 24 1 1 24/10 24/10
CESoPSN 1 1 3 3 24/10 24/10
CESoPSN 2 2 2 2 24/10 24/10
CESoPSN 3 or 4 3 or 4 1 1 24/10 24/10
CESoPSN 5..31 5..24 1 1 24/10 24/10
(*) T1 = Future Support.

Table 9 Maximum Number Of Bundles

TDM Frames/Packet Maximum Number of Bundles

1 24 (with hitless switching configured or without)
2 or more 32 + 32 with hitless switching configured

3.2 Bandwidth
If only one TDM frame per packet is encoded, it generates a lot of header information on the
network resulting in a lot of consumed bandwidth. Encoding more frames into one packet
will decrease the amount of header information and as a result the consumed bandwidth as
well. As of 8 frames per packet and higher, the bandwidth consumption stabilizes towards
the minimum bandwidth consumption. See the graph below.

SAToP Bandwidth: CESoPSN Bandwidth:

Y: Average Network Bandwidth (kbps) Y: Average Network Bandwidth (kbps)
X: TDM Frames / Ethernet Packet X: TDM Frames / Ethernet Packet

8000 8000

7000 7000
6000 6000
5000 5000
4000 4000
3000 3000
2000 2000
1000 1000
0 X 0 X
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

Figure 26 SAToP, CESoPSN Bandwidth

26 Interface Module PTN-2-OLS with E1/PTN-2-OLS with T1

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3.3 Delay
3.3.1 General
The total delay between two end points over the Dragon PTN network depends on:
P (=Packetization Delay): Delay to encode Serial/E1 input into MPLS-TP packets;
DP (=Depacketization Delay): Delay to decode MPLS-TP packets into Serial/E1 output;
DPh: Extra Depacketizing Delay due to hitless switching;
Path Delay: Delay from source to destination over the MPLS-TP network path; can be
measured by HiProvision via OAM delay measurement for the specific service; Path De-
lay = Delay external network (if any) + 5µs/km + 10µs/node;
Total Delay = Total Network delay between two Serial/E1 applications;
Total Delay = (Packetization + Path + Depacketization + Hitless Switching) Delay;

(De)Packetization Delay Path Delay (De)Packetization Delay

+ Hitless Switching Delay + Hitless Switching Delay


Serial/E1 Serial/E1

Total Delay

Figure 27 Delays

3.3.2 Delay Parameters

These delays in §3.3.1 depend on the selected service in HiProvision and its configured delay
parameters. HiProvision offers the delay parameters listed below to tune the delay.

CAUTION: If you are not familiar with these parameters, keep the default values.

TDM Frames per Packet: The lower the value, the lower the delay.
Jitter Buffer Size (µs): advice: Set this value to ‘Packetizing Delay + expected peak-to-
peak jitter (µs)’; the default peak-to-peak jitter could be 250 µs; the expected peak-to-
peak jitter (µs) must be measured in the network. If the packetizing delay ‘P’ <2000 µs,
set the buffer size to at least 2000 µs. If the packetizing delay ‘P’ > 2000 µs (e.g. 2500 µs),
set the buffer size to at least e.g. 2500 µs.

CAUTION: By default, the jitter buffer will reset once for optimal processing 15 sec-
onds after a change in the service occurs. This reset will cause a minimal loss of da-
ta. See ‘jitter buffer’ in the Ref. [2Leg] in Table 1 for more information.

Maximum Network Path Delay Difference (µs) (only for Hitless Switching): advise: Set
this value to ‘(Two Paths nodes difference)*10 + expected peak-to-peak jitter (µs)’. If
path1 has 17 nodes and path2 has 8 nodes, this is a difference of 9 nodes. You could set
MaxNetwPathDelayDiff = 9*10 + 250 = 340 µs;

Interface Module PTN-2-OLS with E1/PTN-2-OLS with T1 27

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3.3.3 Estimated Delay Calculation and Formulas
Table 10 shows formulas to calculate an estimated delay. Once you have the desired esti-
mated delay, fill out the parameter values in HiProvision, which shows the calculated
Table 10 Estimated Delay Formulas

Delay No Hitless Switching Hitless Switching (SATOP) Hitless Switching (CESOP)

P TDMFramesPerPacket * 125
DP (JitterBufferSize) / 2
DPh 0 2P + MaxNetwPathDelayDiff + 766 2P + MaxNetwPathDelayDiff + 1087
Path Delay measured by HiProvision
Total P + DP + DPh + Path Delay

3.3.4 Estimated Delay Examples

Below, fill out the example values in the formulas to find out the estimated total delay:
TDMFramesPerPacket = 10
JitterBufferSize = 4000 µs
MaxNetwPathDelayDiff = 340 µs
Pathdelay (measured by HiProvision) = 500 µs

Table 11 Estimated Delay (µs) Examples

Delay No Hitless Switching Hitless Switching (SATOP) Hitless Switching (CESOP)

P 10 * 125 = 1250
DP (4000) / 2 = 2000
DPh 0 2*1250 + 340 + 766 = 3606 2*1250 + 340 + 1087 = 3927
Path Delay 500
Total 1250 + 2000 + 0 + 500 = 3750 µs 1250 + 2000 + 3606 + 500 = 7356 µs 1250 + 2000 + 3927 + 500 = 7677 µs

3.3.5 Differential Delay

Differential Delay is the difference in Path Delays between two end-points, measured in two
opposite directions over the same path.
Differential Delay = Difference (Path Delay 1;Path Delay2)


Path Delay1
Serial/E1 Serial/E1

Path Delay2

Figure 28 Differential Delay

28 Interface Module PTN-2-OLS with E1/PTN-2-OLS with T1

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When Differential Delay is very important for your application, we strongly advise not to
use Hitless Switching with Single Path (§2.2.16), all the other modes are OK;
Maximum Differential Delay for both SAToP and CESoPSN is 400 µs;
When programming a service in HiProvision between a 16-E1-L/16-T1-L and a 4-E1-L/4-
/2-C37.94/2-OLS IFM, we strongly advise to configure SAToP and a low amount
(preferably 1) of TDM Frames per Ethernet Packet for the best Differential Delay.

3.4 Tuning CES = Tuning TDM Frames/Packet

Tuning the CES is mainly done by tuning the TDM Frames/Packet parameter. Tuning this pa-
rameter is a trade-off between bandwidth and delay. The more bandwidth is consumed the
less the resulting network delay and vice versa. This tuning is application dependent. Check
out whether bandwidth or delay is critical for an application or network. Based on these
findings, bandwidth and delay parameters can be tuned.
Some examples according the information in §3.2 and §3.3:
if bandwidth is not a problem, and a small delay is wanted → 1-3 TDM frames/packet;
if less bandwidth is required and delay is not important → at least 4 TDM frames/packet;
if less bandwidth and a small delay are wanted → 5 .. 10 TDM frames/packet.

For the E1 ports, the 2-OLS IFM is compatible with the IFMs listed below:
16-E1-L IFM;
4-E1-L IFM;
2-C37.94 IFM.
It means that E1 ports of all these IFMs can be programmed in the same service.

5.1 General Specifications
For general specifications like temperature, humidity, EMI... see Ref.[5] in Table 1.

5.2 Other Specifications

Table 12 Other Specifications

Description Value
Weight 0.23 kg / 0.5 lb
MTBF 87 years at 25°C/77°F
Power Consumption 8.4 W (measured at 25°C/77°F)
Module Size width: 20.32 mm / 0.8 inches
height: 126 mm / 4.96 inches
depth: 195 mm / 7.68 inches

Interface Module PTN-2-OLS with E1/PTN-2-OLS with T1 29

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5.3 Ordering Information
2-OLS with E1: 942 236-022;
2-OLS with T1: 942 236-023;
Interface Adapter Kit for Core Nodes: 942 237-007.

AIS Alarm Indication Signal
AMI Alternate Mark Inversion
CES Circuit Emulation Service
CESoPSN CES over Packet Switched Network
CSM Central Switching Module
DC Direct Current
DP Depacketization Delay
DPh Depacketization Delay due to Hitless Switching
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
ERR Error
ETH Ethernet
FLT Fault
HDB3 High Density Bipolar of Order 3
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IFM InterFace Module
kbps Kilobit per Second
LAN Local Area Network
LOF Loss Of Framing
LOS Loss Of Signal
LVD Low Voltage Directive
Mbps Megabit per Second
MPLS-TP MultiProtocol Label Switching – Transport Profile
MSB Most Significant Bit
MTBF Mean Time Between Failures
OLS Optical Low Speed
PF Power Failure
P Packetization Delay
PI Power Input

30 Interface Module PTN-2-OLS with E1/PTN-2-OLS with T1

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PTN Packet Transport Network
PTP Point to Point
RAI Remote Alarm Indicator
SAToP Structured Agnostic TDM over Packet
SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
SF Super Frame
ST Straight Tip
SyncE Synchronous Ethernet
TDM Time Division Multiplex
WAN Wide Area Network

Interface Module PTN-2-OLS with E1/PTN-2-OLS with T1 31

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