Siemens Sicam Q100

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Table of Contents

Operational Indications 1
Basic Functions 2
Advanced Functions 3
Class A Power Quality
Instrument and Power
Monitoring Device
SICAM Q100 7KG95xx




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Table of Contents

1 Operational Indications................................................................................................................................ 5
1.1 Operational Indications....................................................................................................... 6

2 Basic Functions............................................................................................................................................. 9
2.1 Device and Language........................................................................................................ 10
2.2 Date and Time.................................................................................................................. 11
2.3 AC Measurement.............................................................................................................. 12
2.4 Email................................................................................................................................ 14
2.5 Ethernet Communication.................................................................................................. 15
2.5.1 Communication Ethernet.............................................................................................15
2.5.2 Protocol Modbus TCP and Modbus TCP/RTU Gateway....................................................15
2.5.3 Protocol IEC 61850...................................................................................................... 16
2.5.4 Protocol SNMP.............................................................................................................17
2.6 Serial Communication....................................................................................................... 18
2.6.1 Communication Serial................................................................................................. 18
2.6.2 Modbus Slave Devices..................................................................................................19

3 Advanced Functions................................................................................................................................... 23
3.1 Process Connections......................................................................................................... 24
3.1.1 Binary Inputs............................................................................................................... 24
3.1.2 Binary Outputs............................................................................................................ 24
3.1.3 SICAM Subdevices....................................................................................................... 25
3.1.4 LEDs............................................................................................................................ 26
3.2 Automation Functions.......................................................................................................28
3.2.1 Limit Violation 1-8 and 9-16.........................................................................................28
3.2.2 Group Indications 1-4.................................................................................................. 28
3.3 Display..............................................................................................................................29
3.3.1 Display Settings........................................................................................................... 29
3.3.2 User-Defined Screen.................................................................................................... 29
3.4 Energy Management.........................................................................................................31
3.4.1 Load Profile................................................................................................................. 31
3.4.2 Load Forecasting......................................................................................................... 31
3.4.3 Energy Profile.............................................................................................................. 31
3.4.4 Tariffs..........................................................................................................................32
3.4.5 Energy Upper Limit...................................................................................................... 32
3.4.6 Energy Freeze .............................................................................................................33
3.4.7 CO2 Emissions.............................................................................................................33
3.5 Power Quality Functions....................................................................................................34
3.5.1 Event Records..............................................................................................................34

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Table of Contents

3.5.2 Waveform Records.......................................................................................................34

3.5.3 Measurement Records ................................................................................................ 35
3.5.4 Trend Records .............................................................................................................36
3.5.5 Mains Communicating System (MCS)...........................................................................36
3.5.6 Transient Detection..................................................................................................... 37
3.5.7 EN 50160 Report ........................................................................................................ 37
3.5.8 IEEE 519 Report........................................................................................................... 38
3.6 Administration.................................................................................................................. 39
3.6.1 Account Management................................................................................................. 39
3.6.2 Security Settings..........................................................................................................41
3.6.3 Password Management............................................................................................... 41
3.6.4 Syslog......................................................................................................................... 41
3.6.5 Wind Farm Mode......................................................................................................... 42

4 SICAM, SICAM Q100 7KG95xx, Help

E50417-H1040-C522-B3, Edition 09.2023
1 Operational Indications

1.1 Operational Indications 6

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E50417-H1040-C522-B3, Edition 09.2023
Operational Indications
1.1 Operational Indications

1.1 Operational Indications

Indication Description Notes
Device OK The device startup was successful. Indication ON: Device ready
Battery Failure Battery voltage < 2.7 V or no Indication ON: Battery failure
battery inserted
Settings Load Starting to change the parameters Indication ON: Start of changes
of the passive set of parameters. Indication OFF: Changes complete
Settings Check The passive set of parameters is Indication ON: Check started
to be activated; the internal param- Indication OFF: Check complete
eter check is running.
Settings Activate The passive set of parameters is Indication ON: Activation started
enabled and the device works with Indication OFF: Activation complete
these parameters.
Modbus TCP OK At least 1 Modbus TCP server Indication ON: At least 1 Modbus message was received
(Modbus TCP Server) connection has received Modbus during the set communication supervision time. The time
messages. stamp is set when the first valid message is received.
Indication OFF: No Modbus message was received during
the set communication supervision time
Ethernet Link Error Ethernet connection error Indication ON: Error
Indication OFF: Ethernet link recognized
Modbus Serial OK The Modbus serial communica- Indication ON: At least 1 serial message was received
(Modbus RTU (Slave)) tion has received a valid Modbus during the set communication supervision time. The time
message. stamp is set when the first valid message is received.
Indication OFF: No serial message was received during the
set communication supervision time.
Time Synchronization Error during the time synchroni- Indication OFF: At least 1 time message was received
Error zation from the NTP server or during the set timer (Error indication after). The time
fieldbus stamp is set when the first valid time information or time
synchronization is received.
Indication ON: No time message was received during the
set timer (Error indication after).
The time stamp is set after the Error indication after timer
has expired and no synchronization message was received.
Parameter range: see chapter 2.2 Date and Time.
Error sources with NTP or fieldbus: Error indication after
timer expires and no synchronization message was received
Error during internal time synchro- Indication ON: RTC time invalid (during device start in case
nization of battery failure)
Indication OFF: After setting the clock via HTML
During battery failure at device startup
Primary NTP Server Faulty or no response from the Indication ON: Error
Error primary NTP server Indication OFF: Valid time messages have been received for
a configured period.
Only for time synchronization via Ethernet NTP
Secondary NTP Server Faulty or no response from the Indication ON: Error
Error secondary NTP server Indication OFF: Valid time messages have been received for
a configured period.
Only for time synchronization via Ethernet NTP
Daylight Saving Time Switching between daylight saving Indication ON: Daylight saving time
time/standard time Indication OFF: Standard time

6 SICAM, SICAM Q100 7KG95xx, Help

E50417-H1040-C522-B3, Edition 09.2023
Operational Indications
1.1 Operational Indications

Indication Description Notes

Ethernet Link 2 Error For Ethernet Function = Switch: Indication ON: Error
Irrelevant Indication OFF: Ethernet link recognized
For Ethernet Function = Two inter-
No Ethernet connection on Ch2
Default IP Address The device has started with a Indication ON: F4 was pressed and default IP is set in the
default IP address after pressing device.
the F4 button for more than 3 s
during operation.
Limit Violation x Indication that a parameterized Indication ON: The limit of the monitored measured value
limiting value has been violated has been violated or no measured value is parameterized as
input of the limiting value.
Indication OFF: The limit of the monitored measured value
is not violated.
Message invalid: The monitored measured value is invalid
(for example, frequency at V < 15 % of Vrated).
x = 1 to 16
Indication 1 from Status of the indications that can Indication ON: ON
Remote be set to control the LEDs and the Indication OFF: OFF
Indication 2 from binary outputs via the communica- Message invalid: Not yet updated via the communication or
Remote tion. again invalid via the communication
Rotating Field Clock- Indication of rotation voltage Indication ON: Phase sequence Va-Vb-Vc, rotation clockwise
wise Indication OFF: Phase sequence Va-Vc-Vb, (2 phases inter-
changed); rotation counter-clockwise
Indication invalid: Direction of rotation cannot be calcu-
lated (for example, no voltage applied)
IEC 61850 Communi- Communication via protocol IEC Indication ON: At least one message was received during
cation OK 61850 is correct. the set monitoring time. The time stamp is set when the
first valid message is received.
Indication OFF: No message was received during the set
monitoring time.
Voltage Dip Start Start of a voltage dip Indication ON: Voltage dip starts
Indication OFF: Voltage dip ends
Voltage Swell Start Start of a voltage swell Indication ON: Voltage swell starts
Indication OFF: Voltage swell ends
Voltage Interruption Start of a voltage interruption Indication ON: Voltage interruption starts
Start Indication OFF: Voltage interruption ends
Frequency Event Start Start of a frequency event Indication ON: Overfrequency or underfrequency event
Indication OFF: Overfrequency or underfrequency event
Voltage Unbalance Start of a voltage unbalance event Indication ON: Voltage unbalance event starts
Event Start Indication OFF: Voltage unbalance event ends
SD Card Error Indication of an SD card error SD card defective or read/write error1
Voltage Event Avail- Indication of a voltage event Indication ON: There is a voltage dip, voltage swell, or
able voltage interruption

1 The SD card has no contact or is defective; you must not replace the card yourself. The device also works without active SD card.
However, data storage when operating the recorders is not possible. In this case, the records can be forwarded and processed only
via communication.

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E50417-H1040-C522-B3, Edition 09.2023
Operational Indications
1.1 Operational Indications

Indication Description Notes

Frequency Event Avail- Indication of a frequency event Indication ON: There is an overfrequency or underfre-
able quency event
Voltage Unbalance Indication of a voltage unbalance Indication ON: There is a voltage unbalance event
Event Available event
Indication x from Status of any indications which can Indication ON
Remote be set for control via communica- Indication OFF
tion. Message invalid: Not yet updated via the communication or
again invalid via the communication.
x = 3 to 14
Load Profile Period Indication that a period has been Only Indication on is logged.
Closed closed
Load Profile Synchr. Indication that a synchronization Only Indication on is logged.
Period signal was received
Binary Input 1 Indication of the logic state of the Indication invalid: in startup not updated
Binary Input 2 binary input (ON/OFF) Binary input high: ON (OFF if inverted)
Binary input low: OFF (ON if inverted)
If the binary input has not been set to a function (load
profile, tariff TOU), a change is logged as an operational
indication; otherwise not, according to factory setting (can
be set).
Modbus RTU Master All configured Modbus slave Indication ON: If all configured Modbus slave devices
OK devices respond to request tele- respond successfully to request telegrams.
grams. Indication OFF: If at least one Modbus slave device does not
respond to a request telegram or if at least one Modbus
slave device responds with a Modbus exception code.
New MCS record made Indication of a new mains commu- Indication ON: A new MCS event occurred
nicating system event
RVC event available Indication of a rapid voltage Indication ON: There is an RVC event
change event
Tariff x Indication that the tariff x has been Only Indication on is logged.
set x = 1 to 8
Violation of ITIC Indication of an ITIC (CBEMA) curve Indication ON: There is an ITIC (CBEMA) curve violation
Group indication x Up to 4 single-point indications can A total of 4 group indications can be parameterized.
be linked logically and combined to x = 1 to 4
a group indication.

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2 Basic Functions

2.1 Device and Language 10

2.2 Date and Time 11
2.3 AC Measurement 12
2.4 Email 14
2.5 Ethernet Communication 15
2.6 Serial Communication 18

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E50417-H1040-C522-B3, Edition 09.2023
Basic Functions
2.1 Device and Language

2.1 Device and Language

Table 2-1 Settings for Device and Language

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

Device name DEVICE Max. 31 ASCII characters
Language English (US) ENGLISH (US)

10 SICAM, SICAM Q100 7KG95xx, Help

E50417-H1040-C522-B3, Edition 09.2023
Basic Functions
2.2 Date and Time

2.2 Date and Time

Table 2-2 Settings for Time Synchronization

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

Source time synchronization Internal Internal
Ethernet NTP
Time zone offset to UTC +00:00 -12:00 to +13:00 (hours)
(in increments of 0.5 h)
Daylight Saving Time switch- yes no
over yes
DST offset +01:00 0:00 to +2:00 (hours)
(in increments of 0.5 h)
Start of DST March January to December
Last week First week
Second week
Third week
Fourth week
Last week
Sunday Sunday to Saturday
2:00 AM 12:00 AM to 11:00 PM
(in increments of 1 h)
End of DST October January to December
Last week First week
Second week
Third week
Fourth week
Last week
Sunday Sunday to Saturday
3:00 AM 12:00 AM to 11:00 PM
(in increments of 1 h)
Additional Parameters if the Source is Ethernet NTP (Communication Ethernet bus protocol is set to
Modbus TCP or IEC 61850)
Primary NTP server IP Address Any
No polling of the NTP server if is entered
Secondary NTP server IP Any
Address No polling of the NTP server if is entered
Error indication after 10 min 2 min to 120 min
Additional Parameters if Source is Fieldbus
Error indication after 10 min 2 min to 120 min

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E50417-H1040-C522-B3, Edition 09.2023
Basic Functions
2.3 AC Measurement

2.3 AC Measurement
Table 2-3 Settings for AC Measurement

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

AC measurement
Rated frequency 50 Hz 50 Hz ± 15 %
60 Hz ± 15 %
Network type2 4-wire, 3-phase, unbal- 1-phase network
anced 3-wire, 3-phase balanced
3-wire, 3-phase, unbalanced (2 * I)
3-wire, 3-phase, unbalanced (3 * I)
4-wire, 3-phase, balanced
4-wire, 3-phase, unbalanced
Power quality values for3 Phase to neutral 4-wire, 3-phase, unbalanced
Phase to neutral
Phase to phase
Primary nominal voltage4 230.0 V 1.0 V to 1 000 000.0 V (depending on the
(Phase-N/PE) setting of Primary rated voltage)
IEC 61000-4-30 Class A:

• Up to 230 V:
200 % overvoltage
• > 230 V to 400 V:
200 % to 15 % overvoltage
UL conditions:

• Up to 170 V:
200 % overvoltage
• > 170 V to 300 V:
200 % to 15 % overvoltage
Zero-point suppression5 0.3 % 0.0 % to 10.0 %
(of Vrated, Irated)
Voltage harmonics unit % %
Measurement interval Base 10-cycle (at 50 Hz) Base 10-cycle at 50 Hz or
or Base 12-cycle at 60 Hz
Base 12-cycle (at 60 Hz) Aggregation 150-cycle at 50 Hz or
Aggregation 180-cycle at 60 Hz
Flicker lamp model 230.0 V 230.0 V
120.0 V
Power factor sign convention IEC IEC
Transformer settings
Primary rated voltage 230.0 V 1.0 V to 1 000 000.0 V

2 In the case of contradictory parameter settings, Primary nominal voltage is indicated as faulty (red) and Network type as not
adjustable (gray). Moreover, the Send button is disabled.
3 This parameter is available only when the network type is 4-wire, 3-phase, unbalanced.
4 The value of this parameter must be within the range from 50 % to 200 % of the Primary rated voltage. Otherwise, after you click
the Send button, the value of this parameter changes to be the same as the value of Primary rated voltage.
5 Voltage and current values smaller than/equal to the setting referred to 100 % are not included in the calculation and display.

12 SICAM, SICAM Q100 7KG95xx, Help

E50417-H1040-C522-B3, Edition 09.2023
Basic Functions
2.3 AC Measurement

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

Secondary rated voltage 230.0 V 1.0 V to 690.0 V
Primary rated current 5.0 A 1.0 A to 100 000.0 A
Secondary rated current 5.0 A 1.0 A to 10.0 A
Primary rated current IN 5.0 A 1.0 A to 100 000.0 A
Secondary rated current IN 5.0 A Not configurable
The value is the same as the Secondary rated
Current inverse setting
Current inverse Ia6 no no
Current inverse Ib6 no no
Current inverse Ic6 no no
Current inverse IN6 no no

6 This parameter is to define whether the current direction is the same as the physical connection.

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E50417-H1040-C522-B3, Edition 09.2023
Basic Functions
2.4 Email

2.4 Email
Table 2-4 Settings for Email Notification

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range Comment

SMTP no no -
Email PQ events yes no -
Email indications yes no -
Sender Details
Sender name empty Max. 63 characters -
Sender email empty Max. 63 characters These 4 parameters come
Password empty Max. 63 characters from the vendor of the email
server and must be configured
SMTP server empty Max. 63 characters
to activate the function Email
IP address or domain name notification.
Port empty 0 to 65 535
Recipient Details
To email address empty Max. 63 characters • Up to 3 recipients can be
• To activate the function
Email notification, you
must configure at least 1

14 SICAM, SICAM Q100 7KG95xx, Help

E50417-H1040-C522-B3, Edition 09.2023
Basic Functions
2.5 Ethernet Communication

2.5 Ethernet Communication

2.5.1 Communication Ethernet

Table 2-5 Settings for Communication Ethernet

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

Communication Ethernet
IP address7 Any = DHCP
Subnet mask7 Any
Default gateway7 Any
DNS no no
If you set DNS to yes, the following 2 parameters are visible:
Primary DNS server IP address Any
Secondary DNS server IP address No polling of the DNS server if is entered
Ethernet switch on no no
SNMP no no
Bus protocol Modbus TCP -None-
Modbus TCP
IEC 61850


i If you select Both for Bus protocol, Modbus TCP and IEC 61850 work in parallel.

2.5.2 Protocol Modbus TCP and Modbus TCP/RTU Gateway

Table 2-6 Settings for Modbus TCP

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

Standard port number 502 502
Not settable
Access rights Full Full
Read only
User-defined port 1 no no
Port number8 503 503 to 65 535
Access rights8 Read only Full
Read only

7 After the parameter changes have been enabled, the device will restart.
8 This parameter is available only if User-defined port 1 is set to yes.

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E50417-H1040-C522-B3, Edition 09.2023
Basic Functions
2.5 Ethernet Communication

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

User-defined port 29 No No
Port number10 504 503 to 65 535
Access rights10 Read only Full
Read only
Keep alive time 10 s 0 s = switch off
1 s to 65 535 s
Communication supervision 600 (* 100 ms) 0 s = none
time 100 ms to 6 553 400 ms


i The 2 port numbers must be different from each other.

Table 2-7 Settings for the Modbus Gateway

Parameter Default Settings Setting Range

Activated no no
Unit ID of this device 255 1 to 255
Retry limit11 2 0 to 10
Response timeout11 10 (* 10 ms) (1 to 6000) * 10 ms = 10 ms to 60 s

2.5.3 Protocol IEC 61850

Table 2-8 Settings for IEC 61850

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

IED Name SICAM_Q100_01 Max. 60 characters
Only a-z, A-Z, _, 0-9 are permitted.
The first character must be an alpha character.
Voltage – Dead band 5% 1 % to 5 %, in 1-% steps
Current – Dead band 5% 1 % to 5 %, in 1-% steps
Voltage unbalance – Dead band 5 % 1 % to 5 %, in 1-% steps
Current unbalance – Dead band 5 % 1 % to 5 %, in 1-% steps
Power – Dead band 5% 1 % to 5 %, in 1-% steps
Power factor – Dead band 5% 2 % to 5 %, in 1-% steps
Frequency – Dead band 0.05 % 0.02 %
0.05 %
0.2 %
Angle – Dead band 0.5 % 0.2 %
0.5 %

9 This parameter is available only if you have activated the Wind Farm mode.
10 This parameter is available only if User-defined port 2 is set to yes.
11 These values are necessary if the Modbus slave device has not been configured for the requested Unit ID. If a Modbus slave device
was configured, its values are used.

16 SICAM, SICAM Q100 7KG95xx, Help

E50417-H1040-C522-B3, Edition 09.2023
Basic Functions
2.5 Ethernet Communication

2.5.4 Protocol SNMP

Table 2-9 Settings for SNMPv3

Settings Default Setting Setting Range

User name Empty, Up to 32 characters
(User name for SNMPv3 access) for example: not set
• Numbers 0 to 9
• Small and capital Latin letters
• Basic special characters
Authentication password 8 to 24 characters
Privacy password • Numbers 0 to 9
• Small and capital Latin letters
• Basic special characters

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E50417-H1040-C522-B3, Edition 09.2023
Basic Functions
2.6 Serial Communication

2.6 Serial Communication

2.6.1 Communication Serial

Table 2-10 Settings for Communication Serial, Modbus RTU (Slave)

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

Bus protocol None None
Modbus RTU (slave)
Modbus RTU Master
Device address 1 1 to 247
Baud rate 19 200 bit/s 1200 bit/s, 2400 bit/s,
4800 bit/s, 9600 bit/s,
19 200 bit/s, 38 400 bit/s,
57 600 bit/s, 115 200 bit/s
Parity Even None, 1 stop bit
None, 2 spot bit
Access rights Full Full
Read only
Communication supervision 600 * 100 ms 0 s = none
time 100 ms to 6 553 400 ms
Response delay 0 ms 0 ms to 1000 ms

Table 2-11 Settings for Communication Serial, Modbus RTU Master

Parameter Default Settings Setting Range

Bus protocol -none- -none-
Modbus RTU (slave)
Modbus RTU master
Baud rate 19 200 bit/s 1200 bit/s, 2400 bit/s
4800 bit/s, 9600 bit/s
19 200 bit/s, 38 400 bit/s
57 600 bit/s, 115 200 bit/s
Parity Even None, 1 stop bit
None, 2 stop bit

18 SICAM, SICAM Q100 7KG95xx, Help

E50417-H1040-C522-B3, Edition 09.2023
Basic Functions
2.6 Serial Communication

Parameter Default Settings Setting Range

Additional inter-character 1 ms 0 ms to 100 ms
timeout The Modbus specification requires that the indi-
vidual characters of a serial Modbus RTU tele-
gram have to be transmitted successively with a
maximum character gap of 1.5 character times
(or max. 750 μs for Baud rates >19 200 bit/s).
Longer silent intervals between the characters
are interpreted as telegram end.
A longer gap between the characters can be
tolerated with this parameter. Note that this
also causes longer cycle times.
If at least one SICAM P50 device is connected to
the bus, at least the following values have to be
set for Additional inter-character timeout:
1200 bit/s, 2400 bit/s: 0
4800 bit/s, 9600 bit/s: 2
19 200 bit/s: 3
38 400 bit/s: 4
57 600 bit/s, 115 200 bit/s: 6
Maximum 0x/1x register gap 40 0 to 200
Maximum 3x/4x register gap 10 Maximum number of not-mapped registers
which are being requested between mapped
registers in one request telegram.

2.6.2 Modbus Slave Devices

Table 2-12 Settings for the Modbus Slave Devices

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

Name Modbus slave device x Max. 31 characters
Activated no no
yes (= Activation of the option field):
The buttons for parameterization of the
mapping data are also activated for the slave
device here.
Device address / Unit ID 1 1 to 247
(Modbus slave device address) Address corresponds to the Unit ID in the
Modbus TCP telegram with simultaneous use of
the Modbus Gateway function
Scan cycle for measured values 50 (*10 ms) 0 to 36 0000 * 10 ms
(10 ms to 1 h)
0 = Each interrogation cycle
Minimum time difference between the meas-
ured-value requests
Scan cycle for indications 0 (*10 ms) 0 to 36 0000 * 10 ms
(10 ms to 1 h)
0 = Each interrogation cycle
Minimum time difference between the meas-
ured-value requests
Response timeout 10 (*10 ms) 1 to 6000 * 10 ms
(10 ms to 60 s)

SICAM, SICAM Q100 7KG95xx, Help 19

E50417-H1040-C522-B3, Edition 09.2023
Basic Functions
2.6 Serial Communication

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

Retry limit 2 0 to 10
(0 = No request retries)
Number of request retries after expiration of
Response timeout before a communication
error for the Modbus slave is identified.
Scan cycle on error 5s 1 to 3600 s
(1 s to 1 h)
Retry cycle for sending request telegrams if the
retry limits are exceeded or in the case of error
Buttons: Inactive The buttons in the Mapping columns are only
Import activated if the option Activated = yes has been
Export set. The functions of the buttons are described
in the following chapters.
Measured values 1-8 and 9-15

20 SICAM, SICAM Q100 7KG95xx, Help

E50417-H1040-C522-B3, Edition 09.2023
Basic Functions
2.6 Serial Communication

Table 2-13 Settings for Assignment of the Measured Values of the Modbus Slave Device 1

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

Name MV x Slv 1 Max. 31 characters
(Measured Value of Max. 10 characters if the name is also to be
connected Slave device 1; displayed on the device display.
x = 1 to 15)
Unit Multiplier: – m (milli)
Note on frequency measured c (centi)
values: d (deci)
If a frequency measured value –
(unit: Hz) has been parameter- h (hecto)
ized without a multiplier (multi-
k (kilo)
plier: -), an additional check
is made whether the resulting M (Mega)
value is in the range of 15 G (Giga)
Hz to 65 Hz. Measured values Unit: -none- -none-
outside this range are marked m
as invalid.
Selecting a multiplier for the °C
following units is not recom-
mended and will be rejected:
Register type -none- -none-
Input registers
Holding registers
For -none-, the assignment is ignored and
the corresponding measured value cannot be
selected for other functions.
Data format on bus Float32 (2 registers) Float32 (2 registers)
Int16 (1 register)
Int16_Ung8000h (1 register)
UInt16 (1 register)
UInt32 (2 registers)
Register number 1 1 to 65 535
Scaling factor 1.000 Any float value
0.00: resulting measured value = 0.00

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E50417-H1040-C522-B3, Edition 09.2023
Basic Functions
2.6 Serial Communication

Table 2-14 Data Format on Bus for Measured Values

Data Format on Bus Description Setting Range Invalid Recognition Used by (Example)
Float32 IEEE Float value -1038 to +1038 NaN = invalid SENTRON PAC3x00,
(2 registers) INF = overflow SICAM AI 7XV5674,
SICAM P50 7KG775
Int16 16 bit signed integer - 32 768 to +32 768 -none- SENTRON 3WL/3VL
(1 register) SICAM P50 7KG775
Int16_Ung8000 16 bit signed integer -32 768 to +32 768 -32 768 (8000 h) = SIPROTEC 4
(1 register) invalid
UInt16 (1 register) 16 bit integer, 0 to +65 535 -none- SENTRON 3WL/3VL
UInt32 (2 registers) 32 bit integer, 0 to +4 294 967 295 -none- SIPROTEC 4,

Table 2-15 Data format on Bus for Indications

Data Format on Description Setting Range Invalid Recogni- Used by (Example)

Bus tion
1 bit 1 bit 0 = off None SICAM P50 7KG775,
(for all register 1 = on SENTRON 3WL/3VL,
types; additionally SIPROTEC4
select Bit offset for
the Input register
and the Holding
1 bit in UInt32 1 bit in 2 succes- 0 = off None SENTRON PAC3x00
sive Input registers 1 = on
or Holding registers
which have to be
read together.

22 SICAM, SICAM Q100 7KG95xx, Help

E50417-H1040-C522-B3, Edition 09.2023
3 Advanced Functions

3.1 Process Connections 24

3.2 Automation Functions 28
3.3 Display 29
3.4 Energy Management 31
3.5 Power Quality Functions 34
3.6 Administration 39

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E50417-H1040-C522-B3, Edition 09.2023
Advanced Functions
3.1 Process Connections

3.1 Process Connections

3.1.1 Binary Inputs

Table 3-1 Settings for Binary Inputs U1/U2 and U3/U2

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

Threshold voltage 19 V 19 V
(one setting for both binary 88 V
inputs) 176 V
Routed as:12 Status information Status information
Load profile source
Tariff source
Software filter time 1 (* 2 ms) 2 ms to 120 000 ms
(only settable if Routed as: is (settable in 2-ms increments)
set to Status information)
Source inverted no no
Add entry to operational log yes no
(only settable if Routed as: is yes
set to Status information)
Binary input indication For example for terminal Max. 31 characters13
Binary Input 2

3.1.2 Binary Outputs

Table 3-2 Settings for Binary Outputs

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

Source type Indication Indication
Energy counter
Source Type Indication
Indication14 -none- Acc. to list box
Source inverted no no
(can be set individually for all yes
relay outputs)
Operating mode15 Persistent Persistent
(can be set individually for all Persistent with fail safe
relay outputs) Pulse
Pulse with retrigger

12 The parameter cannot be changed in this field. In the Configuration tab, Energy management menu, select Load profile source or
Tariff source. If you did not select a source, Status information is automatically selected.
13 31 bytes of UTF-8
14 If you select -none- as the source of an indication or energy counter, the corresponding binary output is inactive.
15 If you have selected one of the 2 Pulse types in the Operating mode list box, enter an output time x (in x *10 ms) in the Output
time for pulse operating mode field.

24 SICAM, SICAM Q100 7KG95xx, Help

E50417-H1040-C522-B3, Edition 09.2023
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3.1 Process Connections

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

Output time for pulse operating 20 (* 10 ms) 50 ms to 3 600 000 ms
mode (setting only possible for
operating modes Pulse and
Pulse with retrigger)
Source Type Energy Counter
Energy counter 14 -none- Acc. to list box
Energy increase per pulse 1.00 Wh 0.10 Wh/VAh/varh to
1 000 000.00 Wh/VAh/varh
Output time for pulse operating 20 * 10 ms = 200 ms 50 ms to 3 600 000 ms

3.1.3 SICAM Subdevices

Table 3-3 Settings for the SICAM Subdevices

Parameter Default Settings Setting Range

Subdevice 1 -none- -none-
Subdevice 2 No further indications are SICAM IO
Subdevice 1
Server IP address Any
(different from IP address of subdevice 2 and in
the same subnet as SICAM Q100)
Server port 51 000 10 000 to 65 535
Response timeout16 3 (* 10 ms) 10 ms to 60 000 ms
0 ms = invalid
Parameter: Source of output 1- Indication 3 from Remote Parameter:
N Binary inp. 1-N SICAM IO Indication: any, max. 31 characters
Indication: Input 1-N 1
Parameter: Source of output 2- Indication 4 from Remote Parameter Source of output:
N Binary inp. 2-N SICAM IO Selection which indication is transmitted from
Indication: Input 2-N 1 SICAM Q100 to the binary output of the SICAM
Parameter: Source of output 3- Indication 5 from Remote I/O Unit 7XV5673.
N Binary inp. 3-N SICAM IO
Indication: Input 3-N 1
Indication Input:
Parameter: Source of output 1-P Indication 6 from Remote
Designation of the indication which shows the
Indication: Input 1-P Binary inp. 1-P SICAM IO 1 status of the binary input of SICAM I/O Unit
Parameter: Source of output 2-P Indication 7 from Remote 7XV5673.
Indication: Input 2-P Binary inp. 2-P SICAM IO 1
Parameter: Source of output 3-P Indication 8 from Remote
Indication: Input 3-P Binary inp. 3-P SICAM IO 1
Subdevice 2
Server IP address Any
(different from IP address of subdevice 1 and in
the same subnet as SICAM Q100)
Server port 51 000 10 000 to 65 535

16 ResponseTimeout [ms] ≤ (CommunicationSupervisionTime [ms] - 20 [ms]) / 2; CommunicationSupervisionTime is a parameter

of the SICAM I/O Unit 7XV5673.

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3.1 Process Connections

Parameter Default Settings Setting Range

Response timeout16 3 (* 10 ms) 10 ms to 60 000 ms
0 ms = invalid
Parameter: Source of output 1- Indication 9 from Remote Parameter:
N Binary inp. 1-N SICAM IO
Indication: Input 1-N 1
Indication: any, max. 31 characters
Parameter: Source of output 2- Indication 10 from
N Remote
Parameter Source of output:
Indication: Input 2-N Binary inp. 2-N SICAM IO
1 Selection which indication is transmitted from
SICAM Q100 to the binary output of the SICAM
Parameter: Source of output 3- Indication 11 from
I/O Unit 7XV5673.
N Remote
Indication: Input 3-N Binary inp. 3-N SICAM IO
1 Indication Input:
Parameter: Source of output 1-P Indication 12 from Designation of the indication which shows the
Indication: Input 1-P Remote status of the binary input of SICAM I/O Unit
Binary inp. 1-P SICAM IO 1 7XV5673.
Parameter: Source of output 2-P Indication 13 from
Indication: Input 2-P Remote
Binary inp. 2-P SICAM IO 1
Parameter: Source of output 3-P Indication 14 from
Indication: Input 3-P Remote
Binary inp. 3-P SICAM IO 1

3.1.4 LEDs

Table 3-4 Settings for LEDs

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

RUN Device ready Not settable
ERROR -none- Errors are signaled as parameterized (only error
indications can be parameterized).
Battery failure
Ethernet link error
Time synchronization error
Primary NTP server error
Secondary NTP server
SD card error

26 SICAM, SICAM Q100 7KG95xx, Help

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3.1 Process Connections

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

H1 -none- Acc. to list box
H2 Limit Violation, Group Indication and Binary
Only the indications for the Inputs:
parameterization of the binary Designation can be changed during the parame-
outputs are displayed which terization.
can be used according to the
current device settings.
Indications which are read by
Modbus slave devices are avail-
able in the list box if they
are parameterized in Modbus
Master Mapping.
Indication inverted no no

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3.2 Automation Functions

3.2 Automation Functions

3.2.1 Limit Violation 1-8 and 9-16

Table 3-5 Settings for Limits

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

Measurement -none- Measured value selection list depending on
network type
Limit 0.0017 -1 000 000 000.00 to 1 000 000 000.00 (unit)
Limit type Lower Lower
Hysteresis (%) 1.00 0.00 to 10.00
Violation indication Limit Violation x The name of the indication is customizable;
(x = 1 to 16) max. 31 characters.

3.2.2 Group Indications 1-4

Table 3-6 Settings for Group Indications

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

Source -none- Acc. to list box
Limit violation, group indication and binary
Only the indications for the
parameterization of the binary Designation can be changed during the parame-
outputs are displayed which terization.
can be used according to the
current device settings.
Indications which are read by
Modbus slave devices are avail-
able in the list box if they are
parameterized in the Modbus
Master Mapping.
Source inverted no no
Logic operation NONE NONE
Group indication name Group Indication x The name of the indication is customizable;
(x = 1 to 4) max. 31 characters.

17 The limit value must be the primary value.

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E50417-H1040-C522-B3, Edition 09.2023
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3.3 Display

3.3 Display

3.3.1 Display Settings

Table 3-7 Settings for Display

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

Contrast 8 0 to 10
Time until dimmed 10 1 min to 99 min
Refresh time 1000 330 ms to 3000 ms
Inverse display no no
Phase label (L1, L2, L3) (L1, L2, L3)
(a, b, c)

3.3.2 User-Defined Screen

Table 3-8 Settings for User-Defined Screen

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

Screen type None18 None
2 measured values, numerical
4 measured values, numerical
2 measured values, graphical + numer-
3 measured values, graphical + numer-
Screen name USER_SCREEN_x You can update and edit it directly.
(x = 1 to 4) Max. 18 characters
Only English and German letters,
numbers, and special characters are

18 If you have not made any selection, the displays explained in the following do not exist.

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3.3 Display

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

2 measured values, numerical: -not assigned- The selection of measured values
depends on the network type.
• Display 1, numerical
Designation can be changed during
• Display 2, numerical the parameterization.
4 measured values, numerical: -not assigned-

• Display 1, numerical
• Display 2, numerical
• Display 3, numerical
• Display 4, numerical
2 measured values, graphical, and numer- -not assigned-

• Display 1, graph./num.
• Display 2, graph./num.
3 measured values, graphical, and numer- -not assigned-

• Display 1, graph./num.
• Display 2, graph./num.
• Display 3, graph./num.
Display x, graph./num. (x = 1 to 3) Unit according to meas- The selected parameters are used to
ured value define the minimum and maximum
• Min value
1.0 values.
• Max value

30 SICAM, SICAM Q100 7KG95xx, Help

E50417-H1040-C522-B3, Edition 09.2023
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3.4 Energy Management

3.4 Energy Management

3.4.1 Load Profile

Table 3-9 Settings for Load Profile

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

Subperiod time 15 min 1 min to 6 min in 1-min steps,
10 min, 12 min, 15 min, 20 min, 30 min, 60 min
Number of subperiods19 1 1 to 5
Synchronization source Internal clock None
Binary input 1
Binary input 2
Internal clock
Kind of used reactive power Q1 Q1
Apparent power direction Non-directional Non-directional

3.4.2 Load Forecasting

Table 3-10 Settings for Load Forecasting

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

Measurement Active power net Ia
Active power net
Interval Hour Hour

3.4.3 Energy Profile

Table 3-11 Settings for Energy Profile

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

Enable energy profile no no
Interval 15 min 15 min
30 min
45 min
24 h

19 Number = 1: Fixed Block method: The lengths of the subperiod and of the measuring period are identical; Number = 2 to 5: Rolling
Block method; Length of the subperiod: The length of the subperiod is an integer part of a full hour; Length of measuring period:
The length of the measuring period cannot be configured directly. It is defined as the product of the length of the subperiod and the
number of subperiods: Length of measuring period = n x length of subperiod; n = number of subperiods

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3.4 Energy Management

3.4.4 Tariffs

Table 3-12 Settings for Tariffs (TOU)

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

Synchronization source Protocol Protocol20
Binary input 121
Binary input 221
The following parameters are available only when Synchronization source is set to Calendar.
Season 1 Start 01-01 01-01 to 12-31
Season 1 End 06-30 01-01 to 12-31
Season 2 Start 07-01 Not settable The rest days of the full year
Season 2 End 12-31
Weekend Setting Thursday and Friday Sunday to Saturday, max. 2 days
Season x (x = 1 or 2) Tariff y (y 00:00 00:00 to 23:45
= 1 to 8) Period 1 Start
Season x (x = 1 or 2) Tariff y (y 24:00 00:15 to 24:00
= 1 to 8) Period 1 End
Season x (x = 1 or 2) Tariff y (y 00:00 00:15 to 23:45
= 1 to 8) Period 2 Start
Season x (x = 1 or 2) Tariff y (y 24:00 00:30 to 24:00
= 1 to 8) Period 2 End
Season x (x = 1 or 2) Tariff y (y no22 yes
= 1 to 8) Period 1 Active no
Season x (x = 1 or 2) Tariff y (y no yes
= 1 to 8) Period 2 Active no
Season x (x = 1 or 2) Tariff y Every Day Every Day
(y = 1 to 8) Workday/ Weekend Workday
Selection Weekend
Coverage Check Pass
Fail (with gap)
Fail (with overlap)

3.4.5 Energy Upper Limit

Table 3-13 Settings for Energy Upper Limit

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

Energy upper limit Energy Counter Energy Counter
Energy Value

20 In this case, the protocol Modbus TCP can control tariff 1 to tariff 8.
21 This synchronization source can only control tariff 1 or tariff 2.
22 The default settings of Tariff 1 Period 1 Active for 2 seasons are checked.

32 SICAM, SICAM Q100 7KG95xx, Help

E50417-H1040-C522-B3, Edition 09.2023
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3.4 Energy Management

3.4.6 Energy Freeze

Table 3-14 Settings for Energy Freeze

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

Interval 10 min 10 min, 15 min, 30 min, 60 min

3.4.7 CO2 Emissions

Table 3-15 Settings for CO2 Emissions

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

CO2 emission calculation active no no
CO2 emission factor 0.000 g CO2/kWh 0.000 g CO2/kWh to 1 000 000.000 g CO2/kWh

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Advanced Functions
3.5 Power Quality Functions

3.5 Power Quality Functions

3.5.1 Event Records

Table 3-16 Settings for Event Records

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

Voltage event
Swell threshold23 110 % 105 % to 140 %, increments of 5 %
Dip threshold23 90 % 75 % to 95 %, increments of 5 %
Interruption threshold 5% 1 %, 2 %, 3 %, 5 %, 8 %, 10 %
Hysteresis 2% 1 % to 6 %, increments of 1 %
Event detection mode24 ph-N ph-N
RVC event
RVC threshold 6% 1 %, 2 %, 3 %, 4 %, 5 %, 6 %
RVC hysteresis25 3% 0.5 %, 1 %, 1.5 %, 2 %, 2.5 %, 3 %
Event detection mode26 ph-N ph-N
Frequency event
Underfrequency threshold 1 % 0.1 % to 1.0 %, increments of 0.1 %
1.0 % to 5.0 %, increments of 1.0 %
Overfrequency threshold 1% 0.1 % to 1.0 %, increments of 0.1 %
1.0 % to 5.0 %, increments of 1.0 %
Voltage-unbalance event
Voltage-unbalance 5% 1 % to 5 %, increments of 1 %

3.5.2 Waveform Records

Table 3-17 Settings for the Waveform Records

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

Voltage trigger limits
Trigger active voltage event no
voltage event
Tolerance unit Percentage Percentage
Upper threshold 110.00 % of the primary nominal 100.0 % to 200.0 % of the primary
voltage nominal voltage
Lower threshold 90.00 % of the primary nominal voltage 0.00 % to 99.99 % of the primary
nominal voltage
Hysteresis 2.00 % of the primary nominal voltage 0.0 % to 50.0 % of the primary nominal

23 According to EN 50160 standard in the PQ report, the default settings of dip and swell (90 % and 110 %) are recommended.
24 Only for 3P4W (3-phase/4-wire) unbalanced network types, you can select the ph-N or ph-ph option as event detection mode.
25 According to IEC 61000-4-30 Edition 3.0, RVC hysteresis is recommended to be half of the threshold.
26 Event detection mode of RVC is always synchronized with the setting Event detection mode of the voltage event.

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3.5 Power Quality Functions

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

Detection mode27 ph-N ph-N
Current trigger limits
Trigger active no no
Tolerance unit Percentage Percentage
Upper threshold 120.00 % of nominal current 5.0 % to 200.0 % of the nominal
Lower threshold 00.00 % of nominal current 0.00 % to 99.99 % of the nominal
Hysteresis 2.00 % of the nominal current 0.0 % to 50.0 % of the nominal current
Configuration binary trigger
Trigger active no no
Trigger source Binary Input 1 Indication 1 from Remote
Indication 2 from Remote
Binary Input 1
Binary Input 2
Trigger value OFF ON
Waveform capture setting
Pretrigger time 0.2 s 0.1 s to 0.5 s, increments of 0.1 s
Recording time 2.0 s 0.5 s to 2.5 s, increments of 0.1 s
Total recording duration 2.2 s max. 3.0 s
Record ph-ph voltage no no

3.5.3 Measurement Records

Table 3-18 Settings for Measurement Records

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

Aggregation interval - 10 s fixed
Short term flicker 10 min fixed
Long term flicker 2h fixed
Aggregation interval - 10 min 1 min
voltage, unbalance, THDS and 10 min
Record additional data (I, P, Q, no no
S etc.) yes
Aggregation - Min no no
Aggregation - Max no no

27 The detection mode will always synchronize with the setting of Record ph-ph voltage.

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3.5 Power Quality Functions

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

Harmonics Odd Even
File generation every: 24 h At average interval: File generation every:
(corresponds to the setting of 1 min 2 h (fixed)
the Average interval parameter) 10 min 2h
The created PQDIF files can be 24 h
downloaded via the Web pages
or the IEC 61850 protocol.
Recorded file type PQDIF PQDIF
Energy recorder active no no
Supply voltage aggregation no no
values (LV)28 yes

3.5.4 Trend Records

Table 3-19 Settings for Trend Records

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

Tolerance unit Percentage Percentage
Tolerance number Percentage: 3 % of the primary nominal 1 % to 5 %, increments of 1 %
voltage 0.2 V to 500.0 V
Numerical: 0.5 V
Maximum recording 2h 2h
interval 24 h

3.5.5 Mains Communicating System (MCS)

Table 3-20 Settings for Mains Communicating System

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

Mains Communicating System Measurement
MCS active No No
No. of MCS frequencies 1 frequency 1 frequency
2 frequencies
Frequency 1 216.60 Hz 100.00 Hz to 3000.00 Hz
Frequency 2 1060.00 Hz 100.00 Hz to 3000.00 Hz
Mains Communicating System Capture Setting
Detection threshold 1.00 % of Un 1.00 % to 15.00 % of Un
Total recording duration 75 s 15 s to 120 s, step: 15 s
Pretrigger ratio 10 % 0 % to 30 %, step: 5 %

28 This setting is only available after CSV is selected. When recording the CSV files, the duration of file generation is fixed to 10 min.

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E50417-H1040-C522-B3, Edition 09.2023
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3.5 Power Quality Functions

3.5.6 Transient Detection

Table 3-21 Settings for Transients

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

Transient reference level 110 % 110 % to 240 % of the primary nominal voltage

3.5.7 EN 50160 Report

Table 3-22 Settings for EN 50160 Report

Parameter Default Setting Setting Options

General Information
Company: – Any text displayed in the
Department: printout of the power-quality
Supervisor: report
Inspector: Max. 31 characters
Power Quality Report
Report template EN 50160: 2022 - LV29 • EN 50160: 2007- LV&MV
• EN 50160: 2007- HV
• EN 50160: 2022 - LV
• EN 50160: 2022 - MV
• EN 50160: 2022 - HV
• User-defined
Flagging acc. to IEC 61000-4-30 no no
Power frequency 99.5 % of the measurement should be The settings are fixed for the
within a deviation of -1.0 % to 1.0 % template of EN 50160: 2022 -
100 % of the measurement should be LV, EN 50160: 2022 - MV and
within a deviation of -6.0 % to 4.0 % EN 50160: 2022 - HV.
Supply voltage variations for the 95 % of the measurement should be You can edit the limiting
template of EN 50160: 2022 - LV within a deviation of -10.0 % to 10.0 % values in the text box directly
under the user-defined evalua-
100 % of the measurement should be
tion mode.
within a deviation of -15.0 % to 10.0 %
Supply voltage variations for the 99 % of the measurement should be
template of EN 50160: 2022 - within a deviation of -10.0 % to 10.0 %
MV & HV 100 % of the measurement should be
within a deviation of -15.0 % to 15.0 %
Flicker severity 95 % of the measurement should be less
than 1.0
Supply voltage unbalance30 95 % of the measurement should be less
than 2.0 %
Total harmonic distortion 95 % of the measurement should be less
than 8.0 %

29 For firmware upgraded from a version lower than V2.60, the report template remains version 2007. To use a 2022 template,
manually select it from the dropdown list and activate the configuration. The reports generated thereafter will be based on version
2022 definitions.
30 According to the EN 50160, up to 3 % unbalance can occur in 3-wire networks in areas with many 1-wire and 2-wire connections.

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3.5 Power Quality Functions

Parameter Default Setting Setting Options

Individual Odd H3: 5.0, H5: 6.0, H7: 5.0, H9: 1.5, H11:
harmonic harmonics 3.5, H13: 3.0, H15: 1.0, H17: 2.0, H19:
voltages for the 1.5, H21: 0.75, H23: 1.5, H25: 1.5
template of EN Even H2: 2.0, H4: 1.0, H6: 0.5, H8: 0.5, H10:
50160 LV harmonics 0.5, H12: 0.5, H14: 0.5, H16: 0.5, H18:
0.5, H20: 0.5, H22: 0.5, H24: 0.5
Individual Odd H3: 5.0, H5: 6.0, H7: 5.0, H9: 1.5, H11:
harmonic harmonics 3.5, H13: 3.0, H15: 0.5, H17: 2.0, H19:
voltages for the 1.5, H21: 0.5, H23: 1.5, H25: 1.5
template of EN Even H2: 2.0, H4: 1.0, H6: 0.5, H8: 0.5, H10:
50160 MV harmonics 0.5, H12: 0.5, H14: 0.5, H16: 0.5, H18:
0.5, H20: 0.5, H22: 0.5, H24: 0.5
Individual Odd H3: 3.0, H5: 5.0, H7: 4.0, H9: 1.3, H11:
harmonic harmonics 3.0, H13: 2.5, H15: 0.5, H17: u.c.31, H19:
voltages for the u.c., H21: 0.5, H23: u.c., H25: u.c.
template of EN Even H2: 1.9, H4: 1.0, H6: 0.5, H8: 0.5, H10:
50160 HV harmonics 0.5, H12: 0.5, H14: 0.5, H16: 0.5, H18:
0.5, H20: 0.5, H22: 0.5, H24: 0.5
Mains communicating system for 99.0 % of 216.60 Hz MSV should be less
the template of EN 50160 LV & than 9.0 % of primary nominal voltage.
MV 99.0 % of “YYY” Hz MSV should be less
than “xxx” % of the primary nominal
Interruptions of the supply Short interruption until 1-second duration
voltage Short interruption until 3-minute duration
Long interruption longer than 3-minute

3.5.8 IEEE 519 Report

Table 3-23 Settings for the IEEE 519 Report

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

IEEE 519 report active33 no no
Voltage level 1.0 kV and below V ≤ 1.0 kV
1.0 kV < V ≤ 69.0 kV
69.0 kV < V ≤ 161.0 kV
V > 161.0 kV
Not settable, depending on the
value of the primary nominal
voltage set in AC measurement,
see Table 2-3
Maximum short-circuit current 1.0 A 1.0 A to 1 000 000.0 A
Maximum demand load current 1.0 A 1.0 A to 1 000 000.0 A

31 Short for "under consideration"

32 The frequency "YYY" and the limit "xxx" are based on the configured frequency.
33 If you select to activate this function, Siemens recommends selecting 10 min as the aggregation interval in the Measurement
records, see Table 3-18.

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E50417-H1040-C522-B3, Edition 09.2023
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3.6 Administration

3.6 Administration

3.6.1 Account Management

Table 3-24 Settings for Creating an Initial Local Account

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

Account type Administrator User Account Manager
User name Empty Up to 63 characters
New password Empty 8 to 23 characters
Repeat new password Contains at least:

• 1 capital Latin letter (A to Z)

• 1 small Latin letter (a to z)
• 1 digital number (0 to 9)
• 1 special character
~, !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, (, ), _, +, -, =, [, ],
{, }, \, ;, ', :, ", comma, ., /, <, >, ?

Table 3-25 Settings for Creating Local Accounts

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

User name Empty Up to 63 characters
New password Empty 8 to 23 characters
Repeat new password Contains at least:

• 1 capital letter (A to Z)
• 1 small letter (a to z)
• 1 digital number (0 to 9)
• 1 special character
~, !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, (, ), _, +, -, =, [, ],
{, }, \, ;, ', :, ", comma, ., /, <, >, ?
Roles Empty Click one or several option buttons to select a
role or several roles for a user account according
to Table 3-26.

Table 3-26 Overview of the Access Rights Assigned to Each Role

Description of the Access Rights Role

User Account Manager
Security Administrator
Backup Operator

Security Auditor




General information viewing x34 x x x x x x x x x

Operational data viewing – x x x x x – – – x
Configuration settings viewing – x x x x x – – – x

34 X represents that the user with this role is assigned with related rights.

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E50417-H1040-C522-B3, Edition 09.2023
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3.6 Administration

Description of the Access Rights Role

User Account Manager

Security Administrator
Backup Operator

Security Auditor



Force values – – x – – – – – – x
Configuration downloading – – – x x x – – – x
Configuration change and uploading – – – – x x – – – x
Firmware change – – – – – x – – – x
User account management – – – – – – x – x x
Security management – – – – – – x – – x
Audit trail – – – – – – - x – x

Table 3-27 Settings for Editing a Local User Account

Parameters Default Setting Setting Range

User name Fixed, not configurable The user name depends on the settings made by
the account management.
New password (optional) Empty 8 to 23 characters
Repeat new password Contains at least:
• 1 capital letter (A to Z)
• 1 small letter (a to z)
• 1 digital number (0 to 9)
• 1 special character
~, !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, (, ), _, +, -, =, [, ],
{, }, \, ;, ', :, ", comma, ., /, <, >, ?
Roles Fixed Click one or several option buttons according to
the table Table 3-26 to reselect the roles.

Table 3-28 Settings for HMI Password

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

Use HMI password no no
New password Empty 6 digital numbers (0 to 9)

Table 3-29 Settings for the RADIUS Server

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

RADIUS active no no
Primary RADIUS server
IP address Any
Port 1812 0 to 65 535
Secret Empty Any (16 to 32 characters)
Secondary RADIUS server
IP address Any

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3.6 Administration

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

Port 1812 0 to 65 535
Secret Empty Any (16 to 32 characters)

3.6.2 Security Settings

Table 3-30 Settings for Security Settings

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

Maximum consecutive attempts 5 5 times to 12 times
Consecutive password attempt 5 1 min to 10 min
time period
Logon block timeout 30 30 min to 360 min
Session timeout 10 0 min (no timeout) to 1440 min
(1 day)
If the device restarts, you must log
on again.

3.6.3 Password Management

Table 3-31 Settings for Password Management

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

User name Fixed, not configurable The user name and roles depend on the settings
Roles made by the account management.
Current password Empty 8 to 23 characters
New password Contains at least:
Repeat new password • 1 capital letter (A to Z)
• 1 small letter (a to z)
• 1 digital number (0 to 9)
• 1 special character
~, !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, (, ), _, +, -, =, [, ],
{, }, \, ;, ', :, ", comma, ., /, <, >, ?

3.6.4 Syslog

Table 3-32 Settings for Syslog

Parameter Default Setting Setting Options

Syslog active no no
If you set the Syslog active parameter to yes, the following parameters are visible:
Primary Syslog server Any
Port 514 0 to 65 535
Secondary Syslog server Any
Port 514 0 to 65 535

SICAM, SICAM Q100 7KG95xx, Help 41

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Advanced Functions
3.6 Administration

3.6.5 Wind Farm Mode

Table 3-33 Settings for Wind Farm Mode

Parameter Default Setting Setting Range

Wind Farm mode active No No

42 SICAM, SICAM Q100 7KG95xx, Help

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