Siemens Sicam Q100
Siemens Sicam Q100
Siemens Sicam Q100
Operational Indications 1
Basic Functions 2
Advanced Functions 3
Class A Power Quality
Instrument and Power
Monitoring Device
SICAM Q100 7KG95xx
i For your own safety, observe the warnings and safety instructions contained in this document, if available.
1 Operational Indications................................................................................................................................ 5
1.1 Operational Indications....................................................................................................... 6
2 Basic Functions............................................................................................................................................. 9
2.1 Device and Language........................................................................................................ 10
2.2 Date and Time.................................................................................................................. 11
2.3 AC Measurement.............................................................................................................. 12
2.4 Email................................................................................................................................ 14
2.5 Ethernet Communication.................................................................................................. 15
2.5.1 Communication Ethernet.............................................................................................15
2.5.2 Protocol Modbus TCP and Modbus TCP/RTU Gateway....................................................15
2.5.3 Protocol IEC 61850...................................................................................................... 16
2.5.4 Protocol SNMP.............................................................................................................17
2.6 Serial Communication....................................................................................................... 18
2.6.1 Communication Serial................................................................................................. 18
2.6.2 Modbus Slave Devices..................................................................................................19
3 Advanced Functions................................................................................................................................... 23
3.1 Process Connections......................................................................................................... 24
3.1.1 Binary Inputs............................................................................................................... 24
3.1.2 Binary Outputs............................................................................................................ 24
3.1.3 SICAM Subdevices....................................................................................................... 25
3.1.4 LEDs............................................................................................................................ 26
3.2 Automation Functions.......................................................................................................28
3.2.1 Limit Violation 1-8 and 9-16.........................................................................................28
3.2.2 Group Indications 1-4.................................................................................................. 28
3.3 Display..............................................................................................................................29
3.3.1 Display Settings........................................................................................................... 29
3.3.2 User-Defined Screen.................................................................................................... 29
3.4 Energy Management.........................................................................................................31
3.4.1 Load Profile................................................................................................................. 31
3.4.2 Load Forecasting......................................................................................................... 31
3.4.3 Energy Profile.............................................................................................................. 31
3.4.4 Tariffs..........................................................................................................................32
3.4.5 Energy Upper Limit...................................................................................................... 32
3.4.6 Energy Freeze .............................................................................................................33
3.4.7 CO2 Emissions.............................................................................................................33
3.5 Power Quality Functions....................................................................................................34
3.5.1 Event Records..............................................................................................................34
1 The SD card has no contact or is defective; you must not replace the card yourself. The device also works without active SD card.
However, data storage when operating the recorders is not possible. In this case, the records can be forwarded and processed only
via communication.
2.3 AC Measurement
Table 2-3 Settings for AC Measurement
• Up to 230 V:
200 % overvoltage
• > 230 V to 400 V:
200 % to 15 % overvoltage
UL conditions:
• Up to 170 V:
200 % overvoltage
• > 170 V to 300 V:
200 % to 15 % overvoltage
Zero-point suppression5 0.3 % 0.0 % to 10.0 %
(of Vrated, Irated)
Voltage harmonics unit % %
Measurement interval Base 10-cycle (at 50 Hz) Base 10-cycle at 50 Hz or
or Base 12-cycle at 60 Hz
Base 12-cycle (at 60 Hz) Aggregation 150-cycle at 50 Hz or
Aggregation 180-cycle at 60 Hz
Flicker lamp model 230.0 V 230.0 V
120.0 V
Power factor sign convention IEC IEC
Transformer settings
Primary rated voltage 230.0 V 1.0 V to 1 000 000.0 V
2 In the case of contradictory parameter settings, Primary nominal voltage is indicated as faulty (red) and Network type as not
adjustable (gray). Moreover, the Send button is disabled.
3 This parameter is available only when the network type is 4-wire, 3-phase, unbalanced.
4 The value of this parameter must be within the range from 50 % to 200 % of the Primary rated voltage. Otherwise, after you click
the Send button, the value of this parameter changes to be the same as the value of Primary rated voltage.
5 Voltage and current values smaller than/equal to the setting referred to 100 % are not included in the calculation and display.
6 This parameter is to define whether the current direction is the same as the physical connection.
2.4 Email
Table 2-4 Settings for Email Notification
i If you select Both for Bus protocol, Modbus TCP and IEC 61850 work in parallel.
7 After the parameter changes have been enabled, the device will restart.
8 This parameter is available only if User-defined port 1 is set to yes.
9 This parameter is available only if you have activated the Wind Farm mode.
10 This parameter is available only if User-defined port 2 is set to yes.
11 These values are necessary if the Modbus slave device has not been configured for the requested Unit ID. If a Modbus slave device
was configured, its values are used.
Table 2-13 Settings for Assignment of the Measured Values of the Modbus Slave Device 1
Data Format on Bus Description Setting Range Invalid Recognition Used by (Example)
Float32 IEEE Float value -1038 to +1038 NaN = invalid SENTRON PAC3x00,
(2 registers) INF = overflow SICAM AI 7XV5674,
SICAM P50 7KG775
Int16 16 bit signed integer - 32 768 to +32 768 -none- SENTRON 3WL/3VL
(1 register) SICAM P50 7KG775
Int16_Ung8000 16 bit signed integer -32 768 to +32 768 -32 768 (8000 h) = SIPROTEC 4
(1 register) invalid
UInt16 (1 register) 16 bit integer, 0 to +65 535 -none- SENTRON 3WL/3VL
UInt32 (2 registers) 32 bit integer, 0 to +4 294 967 295 -none- SIPROTEC 4,
12 The parameter cannot be changed in this field. In the Configuration tab, Energy management menu, select Load profile source or
Tariff source. If you did not select a source, Status information is automatically selected.
13 31 bytes of UTF-8
14 If you select -none- as the source of an indication or energy counter, the corresponding binary output is inactive.
15 If you have selected one of the 2 Pulse types in the Operating mode list box, enter an output time x (in x *10 ms) in the Output
time for pulse operating mode field.
3.1.4 LEDs
3.3 Display
18 If you have not made any selection, the displays explained in the following do not exist.
• Display 1, numerical
• Display 2, numerical
• Display 3, numerical
• Display 4, numerical
2 measured values, graphical, and numer- -not assigned-
• Display 1, graph./num.
• Display 2, graph./num.
3 measured values, graphical, and numer- -not assigned-
• Display 1, graph./num.
• Display 2, graph./num.
• Display 3, graph./num.
Display x, graph./num. (x = 1 to 3) Unit according to meas- The selected parameters are used to
ured value define the minimum and maximum
• Min value
1.0 values.
• Max value
19 Number = 1: Fixed Block method: The lengths of the subperiod and of the measuring period are identical; Number = 2 to 5: Rolling
Block method; Length of the subperiod: The length of the subperiod is an integer part of a full hour; Length of measuring period:
The length of the measuring period cannot be configured directly. It is defined as the product of the length of the subperiod and the
number of subperiods: Length of measuring period = n x length of subperiod; n = number of subperiods
3.4.4 Tariffs
20 In this case, the protocol Modbus TCP can control tariff 1 to tariff 8.
21 This synchronization source can only control tariff 1 or tariff 2.
22 The default settings of Tariff 1 Period 1 Active for 2 seasons are checked.
23 According to EN 50160 standard in the PQ report, the default settings of dip and swell (90 % and 110 %) are recommended.
24 Only for 3P4W (3-phase/4-wire) unbalanced network types, you can select the ph-N or ph-ph option as event detection mode.
25 According to IEC 61000-4-30 Edition 3.0, RVC hysteresis is recommended to be half of the threshold.
26 Event detection mode of RVC is always synchronized with the setting Event detection mode of the voltage event.
27 The detection mode will always synchronize with the setting of Record ph-ph voltage.
28 This setting is only available after CSV is selected. When recording the CSV files, the duration of file generation is fixed to 10 min.
29 For firmware upgraded from a version lower than V2.60, the report template remains version 2007. To use a 2022 template,
manually select it from the dropdown list and activate the configuration. The reports generated thereafter will be based on version
2022 definitions.
30 According to the EN 50160, up to 3 % unbalance can occur in 3-wire networks in areas with many 1-wire and 2-wire connections.
3.6 Administration
• 1 capital letter (A to Z)
• 1 small letter (a to z)
• 1 digital number (0 to 9)
• 1 special character
~, !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, (, ), _, +, -, =, [, ],
{, }, \, ;, ', :, ", comma, ., /, <, >, ?
Roles Empty Click one or several option buttons to select a
role or several roles for a user account according
to Table 3-26.
Security Auditor
34 X represents that the user with this role is assigned with related rights.
Security Auditor
Force values – – x – – – – – – x
Configuration downloading – – – x x x – – – x
Configuration change and uploading – – – – x x – – – x
Firmware change – – – – – x – – – x
User account management – – – – – – x – x x
Security management – – – – – – x – – x
Audit trail – – – – – – - x – x
3.6.4 Syslog