Part A - Warm Up Games: Early Stage 1

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Name of the Game: Front to Front Early Stage 1 Explanation: Children stand in pairs. The teacher calls out "front to front" and the children have to get into a pair and stand 'front to front',

i.e. face each other. The teacher may change the instruction e.g.: back to back, elbow to elbow, side to side, toe to toe, finger to finger, knee to knee, hand to hand, shoulder to shoulder. The teacher then shouts change and the children have to quickly find a new partner and stand in the manner of the teacher's last instruction. Mix them up too, e.g. finger to shoulder, knee to hip, front to back etc. Modification: Students may run around till the teacher call out an instruction, then they must quickly get into a pair, or if instructed a group of e.g. 3, 4 or 5, where all students much have the same part touching.
Why is this game important for this stage?

Locomotion Skills- Running/sprinting Communication- Active listening Elements of movement- Relationships with other people

What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How?

1- Communicating outcome: COES1.1; Expresses feelings needs and wants in appropriate ways. Indicator- Responds to simple instructions and rules Students will have to listen and respond to the teachers instruction of which body part must touch and when to change partners. 2 3 Games and Sports Outcome:GSES1.8; Demonstrates fundamental movement skills while playing Indicator- Participates in games where cooperation is important for success. Students must work with each other to identify how best to join their body parts. Moving Outcome: MOES1.4; Demonstrates a basic awareness of how basic movement skills apply in play & other introductory movement. Indicator- walk, runs, slides at different tempos/speeds

Students have to quickly change partners, by running, this may incorporate different tempos, as they dodge and find each other.

Equipment and Teaching cues: Remember to Mix up body parts i.e.: Toe to hip etc. Tell children to watch out for each other as they move around. Point to body part when instructing what needs to touch. (remind them to ONLY touch that part of body) Loud voice


Name of the Game. Fish and Net Stage 1 Explanation: State the boundary of play clearly with cones. Select at least 4 students to form 2 pairs of nets by holding hands and standing side by side. Both must hold hands all the time. At the command go, nets will try to catch the fishes (other students) by touching them. Once there are 4 students forming a net, the net will split up into 2 pairs again and continue to catch fishes. The game stops when most or all of the fishes are caught. Modification: Place Hula Hoops on the ground. A fish may be safe from the nets if they stand in the hoop. Fishes are only aloud 3 seconds within the hoop. Only one fish is allowed in at a time. Nets must always be moving, no waiting outside hoops. Change the way in which fishes or nets must move. E.g. hop, skip, and jump etc. Why is this game important for this stage? Games- Spatial Awareness Loco-motor Skills- Running variations, Dodging Playing the Game- competition, Rules/tactics/strategies What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How? 1- Interacting Outcomes: INS1.3; Develops positive relationships with peers and other people. Listens and responds to others When students hold hands to form the nets they must listen to each others instruction and physically work together to catch the fish. 2- Decision making Outcomes: DMS1.2; Recalls past experiences in making decisions. Predicts consequences of options in order to make a decision Students who are the Fish decide whether their best option is to jump into a hula hoop when being chased and to avoid capture from the nets. 3- Moving outcomes: MOS1.4; Demonstrates maturing performance of basic movement and compositional skills in a variety of predictable situations. Repeats movements to form a sequence Students may be asked to hop. Run, jump skip etc. during the game, to encourage different forms of moving.

Equipment and Teaching cues - Cones - Hula Hoops - Dont be too rough when capturing a fish - Make sure you always hold hands when you are a net. - Nets always keep moving


Name of the Game: Raft Game Stage 2 Explanation: Divide the class into small groups. Give each group 2 gym mats. Start the teams at one end of hall, and tell the children that

they have to move to the other end without touching the floor, i.e. start on one mat, jump to the next, pass the back mat forward and repeat the sequence. If any of the teams touches the floor, you might want to send them back to the start!
Modification: Split small groups into teams and create a relay competition. Once one raft gets through the obstacle course they tag their team mates raft at other end to go. Place an obstacle course using cones, skipping ropes, balancing beam etc. that teams will have to either climb over, go under or around. You may also blindfold one of the students to make it harder. Why is this game important for this stage? Non-locomotor Skills- balancing, stretching/bending/twisting Playing the Game- teamwork/co-operation Games- Relays What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How? 1- Problem solving outcomes- PSS2.5; Uses a range of problem-solving strategies. Indicator: identify what needs to be done to achieve a goal Students must work out way the best way to move mats & navigate over, under and around obstacles, without anyone falling off the mat. 2- Interacting outcomes- INS2.3 Makes Positive Contributions in group activities Indicator: Helps others to achieve set tasks Students must help each other stay on the mats, and guide the student with the blindfold to get through the obstacle course. 3- Moving Outcomes- MOS2.4; displays a focus on quality of movement in applying movement skills to a variety of familiar and new situations. Indicator: shows a range of ways to enter and move Demonstrated be the range of movements (non-locomotor) that students apply to help them to avoiding obstacles. Equipment and Teaching cues Gym mats Blind fold Obstacles e.g. Cones, witches hats, skipping ropes, balance beam etc. If anyone touches floor, make sure they go back to the beginning. Encourage communication Monitor safe techniques if going over an obstacle e.g. balance beam.


Name of the Game: Captain Ball Stage 3 Explanation: Break into groups of around 5 people. Have the team line up behind one another. The captain of the group steps forward and faces their team. They throw the ball to the first person in the line and this person passes it back and squats down. The captain continues to last person and then goes to the end of the line and the person who was first to squat down become captain. First team to get back to its original formation and have everyone sitting down wins. Modification: Instead of throwing ball, the captain uses a cricket bat, and the team members bounce/throw a tennis ball, and then squat as the captain hits back to the 2nd team member in line etc. This continues till everyone has had a turn batting. The last catcher must then run the ball and bowl it at a wicket to win. If they miss the next in line has a turn. The first team that hits their wicket wins. Why is this game important for this stage? Manipulative Skills- throwing; distance, accuracy. Catching, Striking/hitting. Using equipment Playing the game- competition, teamwork,. Loco-motor Skills- Running What are the PDHPE skills involved in this game? How? 1- Moving outcomes; MOS3.4- Refines and applies movement skills creatively to a variety of challenging situations Indicator- adapts throwing action to cater for different types of equipment for distance, accuracy and speed Students must vary the strength in which they throw to cater for the different distances their team mates are away from them. 2- Interacting outcomes; INS3.3- Acts in ways that enhance the contribution of self and others in a range of co-operative settings. Demonstrates actions that support the rights and feelings of others e.g fair play, consideration, encouragement. Students will engage in supporting their team mates 3- Games and Sports- GSS3.8; Applies movement skills in games and sports that require communication, decision making and observation of rules Participates in games and sports combining strategy, teamwork, movement skill and fair play. Students will demonstrate how working with each other and using their skills will let them compete fairly to win. Equipment and Teaching cues Balls (netballs, footballs, tennis balls) Cricket bats Cones Chalk (if there is no line for the thrower to stand behind) Make sure students are behind the line when hitting the ball. dont hit the ball to hard

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