Pe Lesson Plan
Pe Lesson Plan
Pe Lesson Plan
Lesson in sequence: 3 Name: Ashleigh Farren Duration: 50 minutes Date: 08/09/10 School: Ashburton Primary School Year level: Prep Learning outcomes - VELS focus: level 1 Health and Physical Education Movement and physical activity At Level 1, students perform basic motor skills and movement patterns, with or without equipment, in a range of environments. They regularly engage in periods of moderate to vigorous physical activity. They use simple vocabulary to describe movement, the physical responses of their bodies to activity and their feelings about participation in physical activity. When participating in movement and physical activities, they follow rules and procedures and share equipment and space safely. Interpersonal Development At Level 1, students identify the qualities of a friend and demonstrate care for other students. They contribute to the development of positive social relationships in a range of contexts. They use appropriate language and actions when dealing with conflict. Students describe basic skills required to work cooperatively in groups. Key concepts: Students perform basic motor skills of throwing and catching. They also perform basic movement patterns such as walking, skipping and jumping. Students engage in periods of moderate to vigorous physical activity. Students follow rules and procedures and share equipment and space safely. Students identify the qualities of a friend and demonstrate care for other students. Students contribute to the development of positive social relationships, one aspect of this is the use of appropriate language and actions when dealing with conflict. Students describe basic skills required to work cooperatively in groups. Prerequisite skills required: This lesson utilizes the basic motor skills of throwing and catching. They also utilize basic movement patterns such as walking, skipping and jumping. Students understand the locomotor concepts of walking, skipping, jumping, hopping, sliding (side step) and jogging and can perform them. Students understand the motor skill concepts of throwing and catching and are still developing their ability to correctly perform these tasks. Assessment used: Rubric Resources / Equipment: Australian Sports Commission, Playing for life resource kit, Australian Government, retrieved 24 July 2010, <>
Lesson objectives: Psychomotor Demonstration of the development of motor skills i.e. throwing and catching. When throwing pointing at the target, stepping forward and following through. When catching keeping eyes on the ball and bringing the object through to the body. Affective Demonstrates learning the notion that not everyone can be the center of attention. Cognitive Demonstrates the desire to understand movement and games, knows the rules of activities. Understanding what it means to work in a team.
Lesson in sequence: 2
Class size:25
Level: Prep
Student action
Teacher action
Focus questions/ key teaching points Point out students who are listening. Point out students who are freezing really well.
Lesson Introduction
2 min
Introduce what the lesson will focus on i.e. throwing and catching. Let students know that when the whistle is blown they must stop and freeze.
Warm up Activity 1
5 mins
Spots Coloured spots (blue, red, yellow etc) are set out randomly. Students perform different locomotor skills (skipping, walking, hoping, jumping, sliding and jogging). Teacher calls out a colour and students have to find and touch it. CHANGE IT: Teacher calls out colour and body part students have to touch the spot with i.e. elbow, knee, head, toe etc.
Directing students on what locomotor skill to use and what spot to find and touch.
Coloured spots
Warm up Activity 2
5 mins
Cat and mouse 2 or 3 groups of students sit in circle and pass two balls around, one small ball and one big ball. The small ball represents the mouse and the big ball represents the cat. Students pass in
How can the cat catch the mouse? How can the mouse escape
Main game 1
10 mins
one direction as fast as they can, trying to get the cat to catch the mouse and the mouse to escape from the cat. Throw, Throw, Throw (paper balls)
Main game 2
10 mins
2 groups of equal size face each other. Each player has a scrunched-up paper ball. On a signal, players throw their paper ball over a line in the direction of the opposite team. After a set period, balls are counted to see who has the fewest balls. CHANGE IT: throw between legs, throw backwards over heads. Students throw (underarm) a Bullseye beanbag into a nominated Each student has a beanbag. Students target. aim to throw (underarm) the beanbag so it lands in the nominated target (bucket, hula hoop, cones). Gates Players form pairs. On the signal players pass to each other for 30 seconds. At the end of 30 seconds the player without the ball moves to form a new pair. Passing starts again. Students throw (underarm) and catch (birdie in a basket). Aim to throw and catch without the beanbag touching the ground.
Students try and get all the paper balls off their side of the playing area, into the opposite teams area by throwing.
How are you going to get all of this rubbish out of your yard?
Paper balls.
Describes and demonstrates an underarm throw. Monitors, directs and encourages students. Describes and demonstrates how to catch (birdie in the basket). Monitors, directs and encourages students.
Whats a good way to aim? How did you get the beanbag to land in the target? Did your birdie (beanbag touch the ground?) How can we keep our birdies off the ground?
Main game 3
15 mins
Beanbags, cones.
Warm down
3 mins
Toilet tiggy Two students are nominated to be it, they tag others. When students are tagged they become toilets, to do this they must kneel with one arm raised. The arm raised is the flusher. Students who have not been tagged flush the toilet by pulling the kneeling students arm down. The student is then free to run again.
Colour bands.