TMC2209 Calculations

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This spreadsheet allows the calculation of target velocity and TSTEP time for the internal pulse

Usage: 1. First enter the highlighted values in Parameters and settings

2. Now you can use one of the calculations (1. - 4.) by entering the known

Parameters and settings

60 RPM Desired Velocity
256 µS/FS µStepresolution (256)
1.8 ° Fullstep angel
200 FS/360° Fullsteps per revolution
51200 µS/360° µSteps per revolution
1 :1 gear ratio

1. VACTUAL to real world units

71583 VACTUAL [µS/t]
1.00 RPS motor shaft
360.00 deg/sec motor shaft
360.00 deg/sec gear box out
51200.00 Hz [µSteps/s]
1.00 RPS gear box out

2. real world units to VACTUAL

1.00 RPS motor shaft
360.00 deg/sec motor shaft
71583 VACTUAL [µS/t]

3. real world units (gearbox) to VACTUAL

1.00 RPS gear box out
360.00 deg/sec gear box out
1.00 RPS motor shaft
360.00 deg/sec motor shaft
71583 VACTUAL [µS/t]

71583 VACTUAL [µS/t]
234 TSTEP TSTEP compare value for TPWMTHRS, TCOOLTHRS or TH
me for the internal pulse generator of the TMC220x/TMC222x

meters and settings

(1. - 4.) by entering the known parameters (green)

t = 2^24/fCLK = 1.398101 [sec]

VACTUAL = 0 … 2^23-512 [µS/t]
fCLK = 12000000 Hz

<--Entry desired VMAX setting here!

<--Entry desired rotations per second here!


This spreadsheet allows the calculation of spreadCycle chopper parameter settings and sense r

Usage: 1. Enter the highlighted system parameters and settings like clock frequency and supply voltage as we
2. Check the resulting sense resistor value (C46 or C47) and modify the current scale setting (CS in C2
3. Check that all hints fileds show OK and modify toff setting (C20) if desired.
4. Use the resulting hysteresis values (F32, F33) as a start value for parameter optimization

Parameters and settings

fCLK[MHz] := 12 System clock frequency
tCLK[s] = 8.33333E-08
VM[V] := 24 Driver power supply voltage
TBL := 2 Blank time setting (0-3; default: 2)
tBLANK[s] = 2.7E-6 duration of blank time as set by TBL (=0, 1, 2, 3) <=>
Motor parameters
L[H] := 0.0075 Motor coil inductivity (1mH = 0.001H)
Rcoil[Ohm] := 4.5
Icoil (peak)[A] := 1.414 determined by Rsense, CurrentScale (CS), Vsense
Icoil (RMS)[A] = 1.000
Additional settings
toff setting := 3 Typical values are in the range 3 to 8
tSD[s] = 10.0E-6 Duration of slow decay phase (twice per chopper cyc

dIcoilBBM[A] = 0.001 Coil current drop during power stage BBM time (app
dIcoilblank[A] = 0.009 Coil current drop during blank time
dIcoilsd[A] = 0.017 Coil current drop during slow decay time

CS := 31 Current Scale Setting (0 to 31)

Hint: OK
HystStart_MIN = 2 0 ... 5 fits for most stepper motor types as initial valu

Settings for HSTART and HEND Desired Value Register value for CHOPCONF regi
Sample values HSTRT 2 (1...8) 1
Sample values HEND 0 (-3...12) 3

Hint: OK

chopper frequency limit [kHz] 39.5 Theoretical maximum value - the actual chopper freq
Hint: OK

Umotnom[V] = 4.50 Nominal motor voltage

Derived motor specific limits for the supply voltage
VM_upper_limit[V] = 90 Maximum supply voltage for motor driver (in order t
VM_lower_limit[V] = 9 Minimum supply voltage for motor driver (in order t

Automatic calculation of sense resistor values (based on CS and Icoil Peak)

Rsense using VSENSE=0 0.206 Ohm Modify the current scale setting if a value near to thi
Rsense using VSENSE=1 0.107 Ohm
meter settings and sense resistor values

equency and supply voltage as well as motor parameters.

he current scale setting (CS in C26) if you want to use a different sense resistor value

arameter optimization

0-3; default: 2)
me as set by TBL (=0, 1, 2, 3) <=> 16, 24, 32, 40 tCLK

ty (1mH = 0.001H)

nse, CurrentScale (CS), Vsense

n the range 3 to 8
cay phase (twice per chopper cycle)

uring power stage BBM time (appr. 200ns)

uring blank time
uring slow decay time

stepper motor types as initial value ((HSTR + HEND) > HystStart_MIN)

HEND = 0 or larger, if HystStart_MIN > 7
egister value for CHOPCONF register bits
HSTRT setting <-- This is the minimum value which should be considered for HSTRT, larger values can be use
HEND setting <-- This is the minimum value which should be considered for HEND, larger values can be use

um value - the actual chopper frequency will be 90% to 50% of this value depending on operation conditions or when higher hysteresis

oltage for motor driver (in order to avoid excess heating of the motor by chopping)
oltage for motor driver (in order to allow full motor current with microstepping)

scale setting if a value near to this result (e.g. within a +/-3% range) is not available
T, larger values can be used to yield lower chopper frequency
, larger values can be used to yield lower chopper frequency

or when higher hysteresis values are used

This spreadsheet allows the calculation of the power dissipation of the driver IC and sense resi
The calculation sheet assumes operation with spread cycle chopper at medium motor velocity, which is a typical worst cas

Usage: 1. Enter the system values like clock frequency and supply voltage as wel
2. Now you can read out the power dissipation for the IC and for the sen

System clock frequency fCLK[MHz] := 12

tCLK[s] = 8.33333333333E-08

Driver supply voltage VM[V] := 24

Motor data
Motor current Icoil (peak)[A] := 1.41
Icoil (RMS)[A] := 1.00
Motor coil resistance Rcoil[Ohms] := 4.5

Chopper parameters toff setting := 3

tSD[s] = 10.0E-6
TBL := 2
tBLANK = 2.67E-06
Chopper frequency calculated for lowest good
hysteresis setting using spreadCycle fCHOP[kHz]= 28.57
Duty cycle assumed for typical operating
condition using spreadCycle Dutycycle Highside= 0.38

Driver IC
Calculationof power dissipation
MOSFET data for 25°C RON_highside[Ohm]:= 0.17
you may want to use worst case values RON_lowside[Ohm]:= 0.17

Assumed die temperatur under worst case Chip Temperature [°C] := 70

RON_highside_th[Ohm]= 0.212
RON_lowside_th[Ohm]= 0.212

Reverse recovery time tRR of body diode tRR_highside [ns]:= 30

tRR_lowside [ns]:= 40
Slope time rise [ns]= 60
Slope time fall [ns]= 60

Resulting MOSFET Power Dissipation P_highside(static)[W]= 0.08

per MOSFET (using RMS current) P_highside(dynamic)[W]= 0.069
Maximum dissipation per MOSFET P_highside(sum)[W]= 0.15
P_lowside(static)[W]= 0.13
P_lowside(dynamic)[W]= 0.062
Maximum dissipation per MOSFET P_lowside(sum)[W]= 0.19

for one fullbridge Pfullbrige[W]= 0.55

for complete two fullbridges (per motor) PMOSFETs[W]= 1.11
Power consumption from VSA at VS voltage P_LinRegulator[W]= 0.16
Power dissipation for complete Chip P for this chip [W] 1.27

Power dissipation for each sense resistor Sense resistor [Ohm]:= 0.100
Typical Rsense power dissipation[W]= 0.04
Maximum Rsense power dissipation[W]= 0.07
the driver IC and sense resistors
elocity, which is a typical worst case scenario.

equency and supply voltage as well as motor parameters into the fields highlighted yellow.
ssipation for the IC and for the sense resistors

Please enter Values higlighted according to your settings

(Typ. 12MHz for internal clock)

determined by Rsense, CurrentScale (CS), Vsense, this is typically the RMS motor coil current *1.41
RMS current required by motor
Enter the motor coil resistance here for a calculation of the high side duty cycle

Slow decay time

as set by TBL (=0, 1, 2, 3) <=> 16, 24, 32, 40 tCLK

The chopper frequency depends on the toff setting and on the duty cycle, which is determined by ma

The duty cycle describes the time of a chopper period, where a high side MOSFET is on: 0.3=30% of t

The actual die temperature will depend on the layout, environment temperature and motor current.

The reverse recovery time adds power dissipation to the complementary MOSFET, however, the imp
Use the sense resistor value selected or use Chopper Parameter Tab for calculation
<-- The power dissipation is during motion at RMS current. It might vary up to +100% depending on c
<-- Assumed worst case power dissipation for seletion of resistor type
motor coil current *1.41

hich is determined by many factors

OSFET is on: 0.3=30% of the time, 70% slow decay portion)

ature and motor current. Assume maximum die temperature in your application within the device limits

OSFET, however, the impact is low

to +100% depending on chopper settings especially at high motor velocity
VSRTL 325 mV
VSRTH 180 mV

Low sensitivity (standard setting, VSENSE=0)

Sense Resistor value [Ω] Peak current [A] RMS current [A] *)
1 0.32 0.23
0.82 0.39 0.27
0.75 0.42 0.30
0.68 0.46 0.33
0.5 0.63 0.44
0.47 0.66 0.47
0.33 0.93 0.66
0.27 1.12 0.79
0.22 1.35 0.96
0.15 1.91 1.35
0.12 2.32 1.64
0.1 2.71 1.92
0.075 3.42 2.42

High sensitivity (standard setting, VSENSE=1)

Sense Resistor value [Ω] Peak current [A] RMS current [A] *)
1 0.18 0.12
0.82 0.21 0.15
0.75 0.23 0.17
0.68 0.26 0.18
0.5 0.35 0.24
0.47 0.37 0.26
0.33 0.51 0.36
0.27 0.62 0.44
0.22 0.75 0.53
0.15 1.06 0.75
0.12 1.29 0.91
0.1 1.50 1.06
0.082 1.76 1.25
0.075 1.89 1.34
0.068 2.05 1.45
0.047 2.69 1.90
0.033 3.40 2.40

*) In a practical setup, RMS current will be slightly lower by roughly 5-15%

Max. RMS sense resistor power dissipation [W] (CS=31, i.e. max. current setting)
0.07 <0,1W: 0603 resistor is OK
0.20 <0,25W: 0805 resistor is OK
0.44 <0,5W: 1206 resistor is OK

(CS=31, i.e. max. current setting)

0.08 <0,1W: 0603 resistor is OK
0.14 <0,25W: 0805 resistor is OK
0.17 (not recommended due to high influence of wiring resistanc
0.19 (not recommended due to high influence of wiring resistanc

ractical setup, RMS current will be slightly lower by roughly 5-15% due to current ripple in the motor
high influence of wiring resistance)
high influence of wiring resistance)
This spreadsheet allows looking up the fitting Reference Resistor for a given maximum motor p

6.2 0.000752 2.26 1.59 1.24
6.8 0.000690 2.07 1.46 1.14
7.5 0.000629 1.89 1.33 1.04
8.2 0.000578 1.73 1.23 0.95
9.1 0.000524 1.57 1.11 0.86
10 0.000478 1.44 1.01 0.79
12 0.000402 1.20 0.85 0.66
15 0.000324 0.97 0.69 0.53
18 0.000271 0.81 0.57 0.45
22 0.000223 0.67 0.47 0.37
24 0.000204 0.61 0.43 0.34
27 0.000182 0.55 0.39 0.30
33 0.000149 0.45 0.32 0.25
39 0.000127 0.38 0.27 0.21
tor for a given maximum motor peak current


Calculation of the CRC Byte
Hint: Fill in your data into the yellow fields

Write Access Sync byte (fixAddress (0-3)Register for Write data 3

Write Datagram Hex with CRC: 5 0 10 00
Write Datagram Dec: 5 0 144 0

Input Acc. CRC

5 0 0 105
CRC Byte Bit 0 5 7 0 210
Bit 1 2 14 0 163
Bit 2 1 27 0 65
Bit 3 0 54 0 130
Bit 4 0 108 0 3
Bit 5 0 216 0 6
Bit 6 0 183 0 12
Bit 7 0 105 0 24

Read Access Sync byte (fixAddress (0-3)Register for Read CRC

Read Datagram Hex with CRC: 05 0 6 6F
Read Datagram Dec: 05 0 6

Input Acc. CRC

05 00 105
CRC Byte Bit 0 05 70 210
Bit 1 2 14 0 163
Bit 2 1 27 0 65
Bit 3 0 54 0 130
Bit 4 0 108 0 3
Bit 5 0 216 0 6
Bit 6 0 183 0 12
Bit 7 0 105 0 24
data 2 data 1 data 0 CRC
01 14 05 34
1 20 5

144 24 0 119 1 66 20 64
144 48 0 238 1 131 20 128
72 96 0 219 0 1 10 7
36 192 0 177 0 2 5 9
18 135 0 101 0 4 2 18
9 14 0 202 0 8 1 35
4 28 0 147 0 16 0 70
2 56 0 33 0 32 0 140
1 119 0 66 0 64 0 31

6 24
6 48
3 103
1 201
0 149
0 45
0 90
0 180
0 111
5 31
5 57
2 114
1 227
0 193
0 133
0 13
0 26
0 52
File : TMC2209_Calculations.xlsx

Date Author
2019-Feb-08 BD
2019-Sep-23 BD
2021-OCT-21 BD


Initial version based on TMC220x_TMC222x_Calculations.xls, Adapted
Added CRC calculation
Corrected Power dissipation calculation (old calculation gave too high results)

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