TMC2209 Calculations
TMC2209 Calculations
TMC2209 Calculations
71583 VACTUAL [µS/t]
234 TSTEP TSTEP compare value for TPWMTHRS, TCOOLTHRS or TH
me for the internal pulse generator of the TMC220x/TMC222x
Usage: 1. Enter the highlighted system parameters and settings like clock frequency and supply voltage as we
2. Check the resulting sense resistor value (C46 or C47) and modify the current scale setting (CS in C2
3. Check that all hints fileds show OK and modify toff setting (C20) if desired.
4. Use the resulting hysteresis values (F32, F33) as a start value for parameter optimization
dIcoilBBM[A] = 0.001 Coil current drop during power stage BBM time (app
dIcoilblank[A] = 0.009 Coil current drop during blank time
dIcoilsd[A] = 0.017 Coil current drop during slow decay time
Settings for HSTART and HEND Desired Value Register value for CHOPCONF regi
Sample values HSTRT 2 (1...8) 1
Sample values HEND 0 (-3...12) 3
Hint: OK
chopper frequency limit [kHz] 39.5 Theoretical maximum value - the actual chopper freq
Hint: OK
arameter optimization
0-3; default: 2)
me as set by TBL (=0, 1, 2, 3) <=> 16, 24, 32, 40 tCLK
ty (1mH = 0.001H)
n the range 3 to 8
cay phase (twice per chopper cycle)
um value - the actual chopper frequency will be 90% to 50% of this value depending on operation conditions or when higher hysteresis
oltage for motor driver (in order to avoid excess heating of the motor by chopping)
oltage for motor driver (in order to allow full motor current with microstepping)
scale setting if a value near to this result (e.g. within a +/-3% range) is not available
T, larger values can be used to yield lower chopper frequency
, larger values can be used to yield lower chopper frequency
Usage: 1. Enter the system values like clock frequency and supply voltage as wel
2. Now you can read out the power dissipation for the IC and for the sen
Motor data
Motor current Icoil (peak)[A] := 1.41
Icoil (RMS)[A] := 1.00
Motor coil resistance Rcoil[Ohms] := 4.5
Driver IC
Calculationof power dissipation
MOSFET data for 25°C RON_highside[Ohm]:= 0.17
you may want to use worst case values RON_lowside[Ohm]:= 0.17
Power dissipation for each sense resistor Sense resistor [Ohm]:= 0.100
Typical Rsense power dissipation[W]= 0.04
Maximum Rsense power dissipation[W]= 0.07
the driver IC and sense resistors
elocity, which is a typical worst case scenario.
equency and supply voltage as well as motor parameters into the fields highlighted yellow.
ssipation for the IC and for the sense resistors
determined by Rsense, CurrentScale (CS), Vsense, this is typically the RMS motor coil current *1.41
RMS current required by motor
Enter the motor coil resistance here for a calculation of the high side duty cycle
The chopper frequency depends on the toff setting and on the duty cycle, which is determined by ma
The duty cycle describes the time of a chopper period, where a high side MOSFET is on: 0.3=30% of t
The actual die temperature will depend on the layout, environment temperature and motor current.
The reverse recovery time adds power dissipation to the complementary MOSFET, however, the imp
Use the sense resistor value selected or use Chopper Parameter Tab for calculation
<-- The power dissipation is during motion at RMS current. It might vary up to +100% depending on c
<-- Assumed worst case power dissipation for seletion of resistor type
motor coil current *1.41
ature and motor current. Assume maximum die temperature in your application within the device limits
ractical setup, RMS current will be slightly lower by roughly 5-15% due to current ripple in the motor
high influence of wiring resistance)
high influence of wiring resistance)
This spreadsheet allows looking up the fitting Reference Resistor for a given maximum motor p
6.2 0.000752 2.26 1.59 1.24
6.8 0.000690 2.07 1.46 1.14
7.5 0.000629 1.89 1.33 1.04
8.2 0.000578 1.73 1.23 0.95
9.1 0.000524 1.57 1.11 0.86
10 0.000478 1.44 1.01 0.79
12 0.000402 1.20 0.85 0.66
15 0.000324 0.97 0.69 0.53
18 0.000271 0.81 0.57 0.45
22 0.000223 0.67 0.47 0.37
24 0.000204 0.61 0.43 0.34
27 0.000182 0.55 0.39 0.30
33 0.000149 0.45 0.32 0.25
39 0.000127 0.38 0.27 0.21
tor for a given maximum motor peak current
144 24 0 119 1 66 20 64
144 48 0 238 1 131 20 128
72 96 0 219 0 1 10 7
36 192 0 177 0 2 5 9
18 135 0 101 0 4 2 18
9 14 0 202 0 8 1 35
4 28 0 147 0 16 0 70
2 56 0 33 0 32 0 140
1 119 0 66 0 64 0 31
6 24
6 48
3 103
1 201
0 149
0 45
0 90
0 180
0 111
5 31
5 57
2 114
1 227
0 193
0 133
0 13
0 26
0 52
File : TMC2209_Calculations.xlsx
Date Author
2019-Feb-08 BD
2019-Sep-23 BD
2021-OCT-21 BD
Initial version based on TMC220x_TMC222x_Calculations.xls, Adapted
Added CRC calculation
Corrected Power dissipation calculation (old calculation gave too high results)