F Engrave Tutorial
F Engrave Tutorial
F Engrave Tutorial
To successfully use this tutorial F-Engrave and Potrace need to be installed and working. Help installing these
programs is available at: F-Engrave Setup
3c. Open your image file by selecting [ File - Open DXF/Bitmap File ] then use the file open dialog to
navigate to and select an image file.
Step 4. Change the main window settings to set the output size and cut method.
4a. Adjust the size of the image. This is accomplished by changing the Image height property. The resulting
image size is displayed in the status bar.
4b. Change the Feed Rate and Z Safe values to values that are suitable for your machine and material. The
defaults are pretty safe for most operations (when using English units) increasing the Feed Rate and decreasing
the Z Safe can help improve the speed of the carving process. (for V-Carving the Cut Depth is determined by
the v-bit geometry, which will be set later, so there is no need to change this value unless you are using engrave
4c. Since we will be v-carving, select V-Carve mode at the bottom of the window.
4d. The Origin option can be modified to change the zero position of the g-code output if desired. The current
position of the origin is displayed on the preview window by red and blue lines (shown in the lower left in the
image below).
4e. After changing settings on the main screen click the Recalculate button to update the display.
5b. Set the V-Bit Angle and V-Bit Diameter to match your cutting bit. The V-Bit Diameter can be set to
diameters less than the actual cutting bit diameter to limit the depth of v-carving.
Extra Credit
To make the second carving shown at the beginning of this document two settings need to be adjusted. First the
normals of the image need to be flipped (in the v-carve settings window). This changes the side of the image
that gets carved so that the white gets carve instead of the black in the image. Second a bounding box is added
to the image to limit the amount of material that is removed around the image (in the general settings window).
A screenshot after all of the calculations are performed for this case is shown below (next page). See if you can
do similar with your image.
Additional notes
Looking closely at the images on the first page reveals that some detail is missing from the carving. In the left
image detail is missing from the eagles face. The image on the right is clearly missing detail from the eagles
feet. The g-code output included these details but the v-bit used to carve the images did not come to a true
point. The diameter of the tip is 0.040 inches so any features less than 0.040 inches in the output design will be
lost because the bit is cutting air.
Good Luck!
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