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(A Classroom Action Research of the Eighth Years of Mts NU Salatiga in the
Academic Year of 2015/2016)


Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (S.Pd.I)
in the English Department of Education Faculty
State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

Written By:





JL. Tentara Pelajar No. 02 Telp. (0298) 323433 Pos 50721 Salatiga
Website: www.iainsalatiga.ac.id Email: [email protected]

Salatiga, 08 September 2015

Setia Rini, M. Pd
The lecturer of English Education Department

State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga


Case: Lailatis Syarifahs Graduating Paper

Dean of Teacher Training and
Education Faculty
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

After reading and correcting Lailatis Syarifahs graduating paper entitled

COMPREHENSION ( A Classroom Action Research In The Eighth Years
Students of MTs NU Salatiga In the Academic Year of 2015/2016). I have
decided and would like to propose that if it could be accepted by the Teacher
Training and Education Faculty, I hope it would be examined as soon as possible.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.


Setia Rini, M. Pd
NIP. 19750518 200312 2 002

Inna maalusri yusron

(Verily, with every difficulty is relief)

(Q.S Al Insyiroh verse 6)

This work is sincerely dedicated for:

1. My beloved father and mother (Bapak H. Saring Ahmad

Zahiruddin and Ibu Hj. Fatimah) who always give me spirit and

inspiration so that the writer can finish her study. Thanks a lot for

your praying and guidance

2. My beloved brothers and sisters in Lestari Family who always

motivate and support the writer to do the best

3. All of big family of MTs NU Salatiga, the head master, all of the

teachers especially Mrs. Uswatun Khasanah S.Pd.I and students

of VIIIC A class.

4. My lecturers in IAIN Salatiga, especially Mrs, Setia Rini, M.Pd

who guides the writer patiently.

5. My teacher in Al-Muntaha Islamic Boarding House (Nyai Hj.

Zulaicho, A.H), thanks for your praying.

6. All of TBI 11, especially TBI E 11, Mbak Mimi and Embul.

7. All of Al-Muntaha Islamic Boarding Houses Students, especially

Pretty Room (Nunu, Mba Zha and Chustheng), Pipah and


8. All of my friends and students in TPQ Al- Muttaqien Pancuran

(Bu Ijah, Bu Yayuk, Mba Tun and Mas Faiz)

Assalamualaykum wr.wb


In the name of Allah, the most gracious and merciful, the King of universe and

space. Thank you to Allah because the writer could complete this thesis as one of

requirement to finish the study in English Department of the State Institute for Islamic

Studies Salatiga. Besides, our blessing and praises to our prophet Muhammad, the best

model for us.

This thesis would not have been completed without support, guidance and

help from individual and institution. Therefore, I would like to express special

thank you to:

1. Mr. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M. Pd. as the Rector of State Institute for

Islamic Studies Salatiga.

2. Mr. Suwardi, M.Pd as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education

Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies Salatiga.

3. Mrs. Noor Malihah, Ph.D. as the Head English Education Department of

Teacher Training and Education Faculty of State Institute for Islamic

Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

4. Mrs. Setia Rini, M.Pd. as the counselor of this graduating paper. Thank

you for all your support, advise, suggestion, and recommendation for

this graduating paper from beginning until the end. Thank you for your

patience and care.


Syarifah, Lailatis. 2015. THE APPLICATION OF PQ4R

COMPREHENSION ( A Classroom Action Research In The Eighth
Years Students of MTs NU Salatiga In the Academic Year of
2015/2016). A Graduating Paper. Educational Faculty English
Department State Institute of Islamic Studies (IAIN). Consultant:
Setia Rini, M. Pd.

Keywords: PQ4R (Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite, Review)

Strategy and Reading Comprehension

This research focused in improving students reading comprehension by

applying PQ4R (Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite, Review) Strategy.
This research answer these main questions (1) How is the implementation of
PQ4R strategy to improve reading comprehension of eighth years students
of MTs NU Salatiga in the academic year of 2015/ 2016? (2) How far can
the use of PQ4R strategy improve reading comprehension of eighth years
students of MTs NU Salatiga in the academic year of 2015/ 2016? The
method of this research used Classroom Action Research (CAR). The
technique of data analysis included descriptive and statistical technique.
The research was conducted in the eighth year students of MTs NU Salatiga
on Jl. Kartini No. 02 Salatiga, Sidorejo Lor, Kecamatan Sidorejo, Salatiga,
Central Java. It is conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consists of planning,
action, observation and reflection. From the result, the researcher found
several findings on it. The result of this research shows an improvement of
students reading comprehension by using PQ4R strategy. It can be seen
from the mean score of pre-test and post-test. In cycle I post-test is higher
than pre-test: 68,2 > 55,14. In cycle II: 84,6 > 70,8. It means that the use of
PQ4R Strategy is able to improve the students reading comprehension.

TITLE..................................................................................................... i

DECLARATION ................................................................................... ii

ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES ................................................ iii

STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION ............................................... iv

MOTTO ................................................................................................ v

DEDICATION ....................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGMEN ......................................................................... vii

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................... ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................... x

LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURE ...................................................... xiii

LIST OF APPENDIX ........................................................................... xiv


A. Background of the Study .............................. 1

B. Research problem ......................................... 4

C. Purposes of the Study ................................... 5

D. Benefits of the Study ................................... 5

E. Definition of the Key Terms ......................... 6

F. Limitation of the Study ................................. 8

G. Review of Previous Researches .................... 8

H. Graduation Paper Organization .................... 9


A. Reading ....................................................... 10
1. Definition of Reading ........................... 10

2. Purposes of Reading ............................. 11

B. Reading Comprehension .............................. 15

1. Definition of Reading Comprehension .. 15
2. Levels of Reading Comprehension....... 17
3. Strategies for Teaching Reading
Comprehension ..................................... 18
4. Technique for Teaching Reading
Comprehension ..................................... 19

C. Learning Strategy ......................................... 20

1. Definiton of Learning Strategy .............. . 20

2. Types of Learning Strategy . 22

D. The Differences of Approach, Method,

Technique, and Strategy ................................ 23

E. PQ4R Strategy . ........................................... 24

1. Definition of PQ4R Strategy . ................. 24

2. Procedure of PQ4R Strategy .................. 27


A. Setting of the Research .................................... 31

B. Subject of the Research .................................... 32

C. General Concept Of Classroom Action

Research ............................................................ 34

D. Procedure of the Research ............................... 35

E. Technique of Data Collection .......................... 39

F. Technique of Data Analysis . ............................ 41

G. Schedule of the Research . ................................ 42


A. Field Note ....................................................... 43

1. Cycle I ........................................................ 43

2. Cycle II ....................................................... 60

B. Discussion ....................................................... 77


A. Conclusion ...................................................... 78

B. Suggestion ....................................................... 79




Figure 2.1 The PQ4R Staregy 28

Table 2.1 The Procedure of Teaching Reading Comprehension

Throught the PQ4R Learning Strategy 29

Table 3.1 The situation of the Educational Facilities and Tools 33

Table 3.2 The situation of the Teachers and Staffs 34

Table 3.3 The List of VIII A of MTs NU Salatiga 36

Figure 3.1 The Procedure of Classroom Action Research 40

Table 3.4 Schedule of the Research 46

Table 4.1 Students Observation Sheet in Cycle I 55

Table 4.2 The result of pre test cycle I 59

Table 4.3 The result of post test cycle I 61

Table 4.4 Students Observation Sheet in Cycle II 72

Table 4.5 The result of pre test cycle I I 75

Table 4.6 The result of post test cycle II 77

Table 4.7 The Analysis Of Students Reading Comprehension

Improvement 80

1. Lesson Plan for cycle I

2. Lesson plan for cycle II

3. Pretest for cycle I

4. Posttest for cycle I

5. Pretest for cycle II

6. Posttest for cycle II

7. Learning material for cycle I

8. Learning material for cycle II

9. Examples of Descriptive Text

10. Pictures

11. Surat Ijin Pembimbing Skripsi

12. Surat Ijin Penelitian

13. Surat Keterangan Penelitian

14. Lembar Konsultasi Skripsi

15. Daftar SKK

16. Curriculum Vitae



A. Background of The Study

Language is a way of expressing ideas and feelings using

movements, symbols, and sound (Bull, 2009: 247). English is one of the

international languages that is used by many people in the world and in

many aspects of life are politic, economy, social and culture, even science

and technology.

In English there are four language skills are listening, speaking,

reading and writing. Reading is one of the language skills that must be

mastered by students. Moreover, reading is also the main reason why

students learn the language. Therefore, based on the curriculum the main

goal of teaching reading especially for Junior High School students are to

enable them to read books, articles, or any other text written in English and

producing various short functional and monologue texts, such as narrative,

procedure, descriptive, recount and report. Furthermore, the goal of reading

is also to find the meaning of what they have read and answer the questions

based on the reading text. The ability to comprehend something from

reading material for students who learn foreign language need to be

improved in order to enable them to get used to reading process and give

them enough time to develop their ability.

In reading, we can understand many kinds of text. Therefore, all

students need to study reading. In this case, the students need to master all

part of the reading text. It is done to help student acquire the meaning of

the difficult word, answering certain questions from the text and

identifying the part of the text.

To establish students who comprehend in reading, teacher has

an important role. But, some teachers are common to use conventional

learning technique, so that it reduces the students chance to join in the

classroom actively. Fiedorowicz and Trites (2003:13) state that most of the

conventional techniques focus on teaching all readers by ignoring the fact

that each student has different strengths and weaknesses. In this study, the

term conventional technique refers to the technique that is commonly

used by English teachers at MTs NU Salatiga. In this study, conventional

technique is a technique that is used by teachers of English in teaching

reading comprehension in which the teacher is as the central of learning.

This phenomenon makes the students to be more passive. There

is no respond from them when the teacher asks question, even they choose

to keep silent when the teacher gives an opportunity to make question. The

students need the way to open their mind and to share their ideas. They still

get difficulties when there is no teachers stimulus, especially for Junior

High School students, which learn more complex English material. In this

learning technique, the teachers give the lesson and talk more, but they

give little chance to the students to be active in teaching learning process.

Based on the researchers observation, the students problem in

reading comprehension appeared because of some factors. The main

factor was they did not know the meaning of some vocabularies, they did

not understand the English text. This condition supports the teacher drew

up appropriate learning strategy. To develop English learning quality, it is

necessary to find the good learning strategy to build the students role.

The teacher should pay attention toward the characteristics of

learning method that they use, such as:

1. Arranging and providing the subject material which appropriate with

students need (based on the standard of competence and syllabus)

2. Using the method creatively and it is relevant with the material

3. Doing learning plan flexibly and always try to look for effective

learning (Syah, 1995: 228).

The balance between the material and learning method is also

necessary. In this part, the teacher must be able to choose the suitable

method and all at once build the students enthusiasm to study.

According to the indicators of this learning problem, the writer

tries to apply PQ4R (Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite and Review)

strategy to improve students reading comprehension. According to

Learning Strategy Database, PQ4R is an individualized method for

improving reading comprehension. For that reason, we can see that the

main purpose of PQ4R is to improve the student reading comprehension

and it really suitable to be used in reading activity in the classroom to

improve the students reading comprehension. It can also be said that

PQ4R can lead the students mind in reading. Besides, as we know we also

want to change the students behavior where most of them do not like to


To solve the students problem above, the writer will do a

research as an effort to improve students reading comprehension through

PQ4R strategy. For that the reason, the writer is interested in arrange a

graduating paper entitled: THE APPLICATION OF PQ4R (PREVIEW,



Action Research In The Eighth Years Students of MTs NU Salatiga In the

Academic Year of 2015/2016).

B. Research Problem

1. How is the implementation of PQ4R strategy to improve reading

comprehension of the eighth years students of MTs NU Salatiga in the

academic year of 2015/ 2016?

2. How far the use PQ4R strategy can improve reading comprehension of

the eighth years students of MTs NU Salatiga in the academic year of

2015/ 2016?
C. Purposes of the Study

1. To describe the implementation of PQ4R strategy to improve reading

comprehension of the eighth year students of MTs NU Salatiga in the

academic year of 2015/ 2016.

2. To find out the improvement of reading comprehension of the eighth

years students of MTs NU Salatiga in the academic year of 2015/2016

through PQ4R strategy.

D. Benefits of the Study

Through this classroom action research, the writer hopes that it

can give advantages for:

1. The teacher

a. Improve the teachers motivation to teach the student with a better


b. Increase the teachers professionalism in learning process.

2. The Student

a. To motivate the students in order to involve them in learning process


b. To interest student to read English text.

c. To develop students reading comprehension

d. To interest students participation and the individual responsibility.

e. To train students confidence

f. To position them as learning-center.

3. The school

a. The positive result of this research can create the innovation for the

school to develop the teaching learning process with interesting and

appropriate learning strategy in order to improve students reading

comprehension, especially.

b. The application of this strategy can create good quality for students


E. Definition of the Key Terms

The writer wants to explain the meaning of key terms in the title

in order to make easy and understandable by the readers. They are as


1. Application

Application (noun) is taken from the word apply (verb) that has

a meaning practical use and it has similar meaning with word use

(v). Based on the title of this research, applications mean the practical

use of PQ4R (Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite and Review)

strategy to improve reading comprehension in the eighth grade year

students of MTS NU Salatiga in the academic year 2015/2016 (Bull,

2009: 17).

2. Learning Strategy

Learning Strategy has some meanings as by Subana and Sunarti

in Iskandarwassid (2008: 5):

a. General pattern or abstract from teaching learning process.

b. Strategies of instruction

c. Models of teaching

d. General pattern of learner activity that describes determining process

in learning activitys realization to builds behavior change.

3. PQ4R (Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite and Review)


PQ4R is a study technique developed by Thomas E.L and

Robinson H.A (1972). The acronym stands for Preview, Question,

Read, Reflect, Recite and Review and this strategy is used mainly to

help students with difficulty in reading. Comprehension, retaining and

recalling information is a challenge for many students and the PQ4R

strategy aims at making reading easier (Slavin, 1997: 297).

4. Reading

There are four skills that the learners need in language

learning. One of them is reading. According to Urquhart in Grabe

(2009: 14), reading is the process of receiving and interpreting

information encoded in language from the medium of print.

5. Reading Comprehension

Koda in Grabe (2009: 14) inform that comprehension occurs

when the reader extracts and integrates various informations from the

text and combines whit what is already know. Reading comprehension

is function to understand a text that is read as the process of

constructing meaning from a text (Decant, 2012:8).

F. Limitation of the Study

In order to make focus in this research, the writer will limit the

study as follows:

1. The research is limited in the application of PQ4R (Preview, Question,

Read, Reflect, Recite and Review) strategy.

2. The research is limited in reading comprehension about descriptive text.

3. The research is carried out to the eighth years students of MTS NU

Salatiga in the Academic year of 2015/2016.

G. Review of Previous Researches

In this graduating paper, the writer take two previous research

comparison. It is previous researches conducted by Inayatul Fuaida. The

titled her research is The Application of In the News Strategy to

Improve Reading Comprehension. Based on research, there are significant

differences of the application of in the news strategy to improve reading

comprehension, because it was easy and enjoy. The students interest in

learning and easy understanding the material. It was shown by result

calculation of t-test, where the result of post-test is higher than pretest.

The second is experiment research of Effect of PQ4R Study

Strategy in Scholastic Achievement of Secondary School Students in

Punjab (Pakistan), by Mrs. Ruqia Bibi Ph. D and Manzoor H. Arif, Ph. D.
Based on the research, twenty percent students of the group taught through

traditional method outperformed in their scholastic achievement than the

average student of the group taught through PQ4R study strategy.

H. Graduating Paper Organization

Chapter one discuss about the introduction, which will consist of

background of the study, statement of the problem, objective of the study,

benefit of the study, definition of key terms, review of the previous

researches, and thesis organization.

Chapter II is theoretical framework, which contains the theories

that will relate and support the research.

Chapter III is methodology of research. This chapter will

explain setting of the research, subject of the research, general concept of

Classroom Action Research, procedure of the research, technique of data

gathering, technique of data analysis, and schedule of the research.

Chapter IV is data analysis that consists of field notes and


Chapter V is closure, which will contain of conclusion of the

researchs finding and suggestion.



A. Reading

1. Definition of Reading

Many experts define reading with different meaning. According to

Urquant in Grabe (2009: 14), reading is the process of receiving and

interpreting information encoded in language from medium of print.

Spears (2006: 2), the reading process begins with decoding words

that is, deciphering the letters that make up individual words. But reading is

more than merely processing letters and sounds.

Hittleman in Dallman (1972: 22) point out that reading is a verbal

process interrelated with thinking and with all other communication abilities

such as listening, speaking and writing. Specifically, reading is the process

of reconstructing from the printed patterns on the page of the ideas and

information intended by the author.

Dechant (1982: 5) considers that reading always involves an

interaction between the writer and reader. It is the culminating act of the

communication process, initiated by the thoughts of the writer and expressed

thoughts of the writer and expressed through the symbol on the page.

Goodman in Dechant, (1982: 11) notes that reading is a selective process,

involving partial use of available minimal language cues (graphic, semantic,

and syntactic).

2. Purposes of Reading

In accordance to Mahmoud (1992: 103-104), there are least five

main purposes for comprehensive reading. All these purposes require

necessary skills in order to be accomplished efficiently. These purposes


a. Reading for Specific Information

Reading for specific information is a common form of reading

used to discover specific or limited information. Reading for this purpose

involves looking for specific information and finding it quickly. Looking

up a word in the dictionary or a number in the telephone book is the

example of reading for specific information.

b. Reading for Application

Reading for application is used to accomplish a special task. This

type of reading may consist of reading a cake recipe or following

instruction to make or fix something

c. Reading for Pleasure and Entertainment

Individuals read for many pleasurable reasons. This includes

reading popular magazines, newspaper, novels, and other similar

material. It is a slower form of reading, which allows the reader to

envision the scenery and contemplate the background and characters with

enjoyment and appreciation. This form of reading calls for total

involvement of the reader.

d. Reading for Ideas

This type of reading requires paying special attention to main

ideas, concepts and the nature of the presented information. The reader

skims through major topics, headings, illustrations, and conclusions in

order to obtain a general idea of the content. Reading for idea I enhanced

though familiarity with the overall field of study, related topics, facts,

and discussions.

e. Reading for Understanding

Reading for understanding requires comprehension of the

relationship between the information introduced and overall knowledge

of the subject. It requires understanding the relationship of topics to

sentences, paragraphs and the main ideas.

Different with Mahmoud, Hall (1983: 163-166) gives many

purposes of reading. The purposes are listed below:

a. Reading for Information

The materials of reading for information like newspapers are

designed to be read quickly in order to find facts. Most newspaper

sentences are no more than fifteen words; paragraphs, no longer than

three sentences. The text appears in narrow columns so the reader's eye

can quickly move down the page. Typically, readers do not read every

word, but skim the page for key facts.

b. Reading for main points in general

The main points could include information like why the text was

written, what the purpose of the writer was, how the text is organized and

what the main arguments are. For example: reading for an exam

c. Reading for selected main points

Reading for selected main points looks for information about a

specific area or answers to certain questions. For example: reading for a

d. Critical / evaluative reading (intensive)

Read a text with a critical or evaluative attitude, is compare the

writer's views with your own or some other writers' views. Making a

difference between facts and opinions of the writer is also important. For

example: reading for a thesis or an exam.

In accordance to Risdianto (2012: 94-95), there are many purposes

of reading, they are:

a. For pleasure or for personal reasons to find general information such as

what a book is mostly about.

b. To find a specific topic in a book or article.

c. To learn subject matter that is required for a class.

Once student have mastered the basic decoding skills, they will

begin to read for a variety of purposes. If they are reading a book or article

for fun or if they simply want to know about a particular subject such as

frogs, they may want to read fast. It isnt necessary for them to read every

word or even know the meaning of every word in the text. They will

probably get the sense of the unknown word from the context.

a. Skimming for General Information

Students who want to find general information about a subject such

as Frogs will want to skim through a book or several books to

determine how the books are organized and what they cover. When they

skim, they run or flip through the pages of the book or article quickly to

find out whether it might cover the information they need.

b. Scanning for Specific Information

When a student wants to know how tadpole becomes frogs, he will

need to a book or article about amphibians to find out whether the

material covers tadpole. When he scans, he will look the title, the table of

contents, the headings, and the index to find out if the material gives

information about it.

c. Reading to Learn

Another purpose for reading calls for reading carefully and slowly.

When a student studies for a test, he will want to skim the book or

chapter first to see what it covers. Then he will read the headings and the

subheadings to discover how the book is organized. He should try to

make connection between the material and what he already knows.

B. Reading Comprehension

1. Definition of Reading Comprehension

Dechant (1982: 311) states that comprehension includes the

correct association of meanings with word symbols, the selection of the

correct meaning suggested by the context, the organization and retention of

meaning, the ability to reason ones way through smaller idea segments,

and ability to grasp the meaning of a larger unitary idea.

According to Klingner, et al (2007:2) stated that "Reading

comprehension is the process of constructing meaning by coordinating a

number of complex processes that include word reading, word and world

knowledge, and fluency"

Reading comprehension is primarily a matter of developing

appropriate, eficient comprehension starategies. Some strategies are related

to bottom-up procedures, and other enchances the top-down processes

(Brown, 2000:306).

Meanwhile, according to Wilis (2008: 127): Goals of Reading

Comprehension Strategies to build comprehension are available to increase

neural efficiency at each step of the comprehension process. It means the

purpose of reading comprehension strategies is that the students can

improve efficiency neural of process comprehension the text.

Based on the statements above reading comprehension is a way to

understanding or comprehend of the text that includes not only word

reading, world knowledge or fluency, but by reading comprehension we can

get information and wide insight from the text.

2. Levels of Reading Comprehension

Reading is the ability to comprehend, not simply to recognize,

letters, forms, and symbol. Without comprehension, reading may prove to

be almost useless. There are three levels of reading comprehension, these


a. Literal reading is the ability to follow directions and understand exact

words, meanings, and characters.

b. Aesthetic reading is the ability to appreciate artistically the style and

overall quality of what is being read.

c. Critical reading consists of making factual distinctions between common

ideas, facts, and opinion. This capability is needed for valid interpretation

and analysis.

Total comprehension requires reading at all of the above levels.

Thus, to comprehend a chapter in a textbook well, one must have the ability

to read at all levels (Mahmoud, 1992: 102-103).

In other hand, Dechant explains that learning to comprehend a

complex of skills. Various writers have attempted to categorize these into

three of four levels. Lanier and Davis in Dechant (1982:313) summarizing

comprehension skills, categorize them as:

a. Literal skill (recognizing and recalling facts, details, sequence, main idea,

directions, organization, and the like)

b. Interpretative skills (inferring, drawing conclusion, generalizing, deriving

meaning from figurative language, predicting, anticipating, and


c. Critical skills (judging, detecting propaganda, analyzing, checking

validity, checking the authors biases and purpose)

d. Creative skills (applying information, responding emotionally).

3. Strategies for Teaching Reading Comprehension

A reading comprehension strategy is a cognitive or behavioral

action that is enacted under particular contextual conditions with the goal of

improving some aspect of comprehension (McNawara, 2007:6). It means

that in learning reading comprehension need strategy to help students so that

the students able understanding and remember of the material that explained

by teacher. Many of reading comprehension strategies that have been

associated with highest effect for students that teach the students with

strategies can be prompt students to monitor and reflect before, during and

after the student reading, and can improve vocabulary knowledge.

Pressley (1999) said that good comprehenders are effective users of

comprehension strategies when they work with text. A strategy can be

defined as a mental plan or action designed to achieve a spesific purpose.

And one of the prioritas in any reading program is to teach children,

particularly those with reading difficulties, a range of strategies to use to

extract meaning and evaluate information from the text. (Westwood,

There are some strategies for teaching reading comprehension, they

are: identify the purpose in reading, use graheme rules and patterns to aid in

bottom-up decoding (especially for beginning level learners), Use efficient

silent reading techniques for relatively rapid comprehension (for

intermediate to advanced levels), skim the text for main ideas, scan the text

for specific information, use semantic mapping or clustering, guess when

you arent certain, analyze vocabulary, distinguish between literal and

implied meanings, capitalize on discourse markers to process relationships

(Brown, 2001:292).

4. Techniques for Teaching Reading Comprehension

Techniques is very important way in teaching reading

comprehension, because with used techiniques it can be easy teacher in give

material with the aimed so that the students more active and motivate.

Brown (2000:313) formulated some techniques for teaching reading

comprehension, as follows:

a. In an interactive curriculum, make sure that you dont overlook the

importance of specific instruction in reading skills,

b. Use techniques that are intrinsically motivating,

c. Balance authentiticity and readability in choosing texts,

d. Encourage the development of reading strategies,

e. Include both bottom-up and top-down techniques,

f. Follow the SQ3R sequence one effective series of procedures for

approaching a reading text has come to be labeled the SQ3R technique, a

process consisting of the following five steps (survey, question, read,

recite, and review)

g. Subdivide the techniques into pre-reading, during-reading, and after

reading phases.

h. Build in some evaluative aspect to the techniques.

C. Learning Strategy

1. Definition of Learning Strategy

Learning Strategy consists of two words, learning and strategy.

The writer would like to give some of the definitions of learning.

According to Bull (2009: 250), learning is gain knowledge or skill in a

subject or activity.

Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior or in

behavioral potentiality that results from experiences and cannot be

attributed to temporary body states such as those induced by illness,

fatigue, or drugs(Gregory A. Kimble, 1997 in Sriyanti 2011: 17).

Crow and Crow in Educational Psychology (1984) in Sriyanti

(2011: 16) learning is an action to create a behavior, knowledge and any

kinds of attitude, include the innovation to do something, an effort to

solve the obstacle and adaption.

From the definition above, learning has characteristic.

According to Baharuddin and Esa N.W (2007) in Sriyanti (2011: 18),

they are:

a. Learning indicated by the change of attitude

b. The changing is permanent

c. The changing of attitude is potential

d. The learning is a train and experiences.

e. The experiences or train it makes fervent.

The second word is strategy. Generally, strategy is a technique

which is used to get a certain purpose. Strategy is plan intended to

achieve a particular purpose (Bull, 2009: 439). In the teaching context,

strategy is something important which use in teaching and learning

process to help the teacher make their students easy to understand the

material. Students can analyze the material and solve the problem in

making decision.

Learning strategy has some meanings as maintained by Subana and

Sunarti in Iskanwassid (2008: 5)

a. General pattern or abstract from teaching learning process.

b. Strategies of instruction

c. Models of teaching

d. General pattern of learner activity that describes determining process in

learning activitys realization to builds behavior change.

2. Types of Learning Strategy

Silberman divides learning strategies or learning techniques to

apply active learning to the subject matter into three sections, as follows:

1) How to get students active from the start

The strategies are designed to do one or more of the following:

a. Team building: helping students to become acquainted with each other

or creating a spirit of cooperation and interdependence.

b. On-the-spot assessment: learning about students attitudes, knowledge,

and experience.

c. Immediate learning involvement: creating initial interest in the subject


In addition, these techniques encourage students to take an active

role right from the beginning.

2) How to help students acquire knowledge, skills, and attitudes actively.

The strategies are designed to avoid or reinforce teacher-led

instruction. A wide range of alternatives are provided, all of which gently

push students to think, feel, and apply. They include:

a. Full-class learning: teacher-led instruction that stimulates the entire


b. Class discussion: dialogue and debate of key issues

c. Question prompting: students request for clarification

d. Peer teaching: instruction led by students.

3) How to make learning unforgettable

The strategies are designed as the ways to conclude a class so that

the student reflects on what he or she has learned and considers how to

apply it in the future. They are as follows:

a. Review: recalling and summarizing what has been learned

b. Self-assessment: evaluating changes in knowledge, skills, or attitudes.

c. Future planning: determining how the student will continue the

learning after the class is over.

d. Expression of final sentiments: communication the thoughts, feelings,

and concern students have at the end.

D. The Differences of Approach, Method, Technique, and Strategy

In learning process is known some of terms, which have similar

meaning. These terms are; approach, method, technique and strategy.

Edward Anthony, he identified three levels of conceptualization

and organization, which he termed approach, method and technique (Richard

and Theodore, 1968: 17)

An approach is a set of correlative assumptions dealing with

the nature of language teaching and learning. An approach is
axiomatic. It describes the nature of the subject matter to be
Method is an overall plan for the orderly presentation of
language material, no part of which contradicts, and all of which is
based upon, the selected approach. An approach is axiomatic, a
method is procedural.
A technique is implementational that which actually takes
place in a classroom. It is a particular trick, stratagem, or
contrivance used to accomplish an immediate objective.
Based on the definition above, the difference between approach,

method, and technique can be shown. An approach is axiomatic; a method is

procedural. Within one approach, there can be many methods. Technique must

be consistent with a method, and therefore in harmony with an approach as


E. PQ4R Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite and Review Strategy

1. The Definition of PQ4R Preview, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite and

Review Strategy

PQ4R is a study technique developed by Thomas E.L and

Robinson H.A (1972). The acronym stands for Preview, Question, Read,

Reflect, Recite and Review and this strategy is used mainly to help students

with difficulty in reading. Comprehension, retaining and recalling

information is a challenge for many students and the PQ4R strategy aims at

making reading easier (Slavin, 1997: 297).

The PQ4R is strategy that helps the students to understand and

remember what they have read. According to Trianto (2009:146), PQ4R is

the one of elaboration strategy which is used to help students remember

what they have read. The PQ4R strategies are as follows:

a). Preview

According to Horby, (1995), preview means view something

before it is shown to the general public. In this study, preview deals

with the students ability to survey or scan the material quickly to get

an idea of the general organization and major topics and subtopics as

well. According to Learning Strategies Database, Previewing includes

these activities:

Students have to scan the title, headings, and visual aids (such

as picture, symbols, etc).

Students read the first and last paragraph (if the text is long), if

short, only read the first and last sentence of each paragraph.

The next step is that, students have to ask themselves these

questions below (teacher may ask the questions to remind the

students to ask themselves)

o What do you already know about this subject?

o What do you expect to learn from this chapter/book?

o What should you look for when you read it more carefully?

o What information are you looking for?

The purpose of this step is to make readers/ students have general idea

of the purposes of the text, and the major concepts to be covered. That

information from the preview step is used in the next step.

b). Question

Question means sentence which by word order, use of

interrogative words or intonation (Hornby, 1995). While here,

Question is the second phase of PQ4R strategy. In this strategy

students need to create several prediction questions that may be

answered in the text. The students construct the questions using the

information they get from Preview phase.

c). Read

Read means look at and understand something written or printed

(Bull, 2011: 365). In this strategy read is the third phase. In this phase,

the students read the complete text in order to find the answer of the

question they made in Question phase. During the reading activity,

students record notes in the margin or underlining the important

information and unexpected ideas that answers the predicted


d). Reflect

Reflect means throw back an image, heat, and sound from a

surface (Bull, 2011: 369). In reflection phase, the students try to link

together all information, main idea, and unexpected ides that the

students record in the margin and the underline ideas. Students need to

develop insight into the topic, so that students can store the

information to their minds, so that they can memorize them very well.

e). Recite

Recite means say aloud from memory (Hornby, 1995), in this

phase, the students are asked to summarize the main ideas, supporting

details, and unexpected ideas of the text. Then, students say the

summary aloud or write it down.

f). Review

Review is the final phase of PQ4R strategy. Review itself means

consider or examine again (Hornby, 1995). Here, students entail

highlighting key point of the text. Then, students make sure that the

predicted questions have been answered and that the authors purpose

is fully understood.





2. The Procedures Teaching Using PQ4R Strategy

In Teaching and Learning Process, Trianto (2009: 150) states that

PQ4R learning strategy can be apllied in six steps. The six stpes are

displayed in the table below:





Procedure Teachers Activities Students Activities

Step 1 Give a reading material Scan the material that

Preview to the students and ask is given by teacher to

the to read it. get an idea

Step 2 Inform the students to Pay attention to

Question pay attention to the idea teachers explanation.

of the reading material Makes their own

thats given. questions before

Have students make reading the reading

questions from the idea material.

that they have found in

reading material by using

WH- words.

Step 3 Have students read the Reading actively. Try

Read reading material and ask to answer the question

them to try answering while reading.

their questions when read

Step 4 Inform the students to Think about the reading

Reflect relate their prior material they read and

knowledge with the try to make it

reading material that they meaningful by relating

have read it to their prior


Step 5 Have students conclude Practice remembering

Recite what they have just read the information by

stating the points

allowed and asking and

answering the question

and notes the major

idea they have got from

the expository text as

their conclusion.

Step 6 Have students read the Read the conclusion of

Review conclusion of the reading the reading material

material and reread if and reread if they are

they are not sure of their not sure of their

answer. answer.

To reinforce their memory, the teacher can ask them to share their

note in front of class to their students. Recognizing the main idea and

themes in articles helps the reader to understanding the text easily and clear
enough. It also helps them to process and retain information on current



A. Setting of the Research

This research was conducted at MTS NU Salatiga. MTs NU is

an educational organization under Yayasan Imaratul Madaris (YAIMAM).

The school was built on 1957, by KH Khumaidi. The location at Jl.

Kartini No. 02 Salatiga, Sidorejo Lor, Kecamatan Sidorejo, Salatiga,

Central Java 50714. This location is strategic, because in the middle of

Salatiga town. So, this location is easy to reach from any direction, but this

location is less conducive to teaching learning process because it is close

with crowd and noise of highway.

The name of the school is Madrasah Tsanawiyah Nahdlotul

Ulama (MTs NU) Salatiga. This school is Possessed of Private. The

headmaster of this school in the academic years of 2015/2016 is Drs. Muh

Syamsul, M.PdI and the head of administration is Rio Abinowo.

MTs NU Salatiga is permanently subsidized by the Ministry of

Religion Affairs. The facilities are text books, library, multimedia

laboratory, mosque, health care unit, youth-red cross room, teacher room

and official room. MTs NU has 13 classrooms for teaching learning

In learning process, MTS NU Salatiga adopts EKSIS (Edukatif,

Kreatif, Selektif, Inovatif, Santun) concept, having regard to the

investment of ethic and aesthetic values. Moreover, the learning process

making best use of social and natural environment as a laboratory for the

students in order to interact with their realities and try to love with their


B. Subject of the Research

Subject of the research is the subject that becomes the target of

researcher (Arikunto: 2010, 188). This classroom action research was

carried out to eighth years students of MTS NU Salatiga, on the first

semester in the academic year of 2015/2016. The researcher chooses the

eighth year students of MTS NU Salatiga. At this school, there are five

classes, and the researcher chooses class eighth A, because she finds more

students problem in reading comprehension. She wants to apply the

English learning strategy in order to improve students reading

comprehension. The position of the researcher in this research is as a

teacher. Moreover, the observer of this research is the researchers partner.

Table 3.3

The List VIIIA Class Group of MTs NU Salatiga in the

Academic Year of 2015/ 2016

No Nama

1 Ahmad Tedy Reynaldy

2 Aditya Dimas Prasetyo

3 Andrean Firmansyah

4 Annisa Amalia Zulfani

5 Ariska Heri Okkiyanto

6 Arofiq Difa Ardana

7 Bayu Triyawan Prasetyo

8 Ernamawati Putri

9 Fachri Ardiansyah

10 Fatma Azzahra

11 Fatma Nur Hidayati

12 Gery Sandi Kurniawan

13 Ilham Adi Saputra

14 Indi Zahria

15 M. Syarif Hidayat

16 Muftiara Risky

17 Muhammad Nizar Furqoni

18 Muhammad Sofwan Hakam

19 Muhammad Farhan

20 Nana Tri Restiani

21 Niken Ayu Sasqia

22 Novia Diah Pitaloka

23 Nur Indah Cahyaningrum

24 Rilia Dian Pramesti

25 Riska Aulia Lailatul Rohmah

26 Rizki Nur Ariani

27 Rosita Rahmawati

28 Salma Hamidah

29 Sofiana Ulima Z

30 Siti Marah

31 Tesa Febri Veolina

32 Untung Maulana

33 Wildan Ardiansyah

34 Yaqub Tariq Aziz

35 Yosita Nata Sasmita

C. General Concept of Classroom Action Research

This research used the Classroom Action Research (CAR).

Hopkins (2008) action research is a form of self-reflective inquiry

undertaken by participant in a social (including educational) situation in

order to improve the rationality and justice of: (1) their own social or

educational practices, (2) their understanding of these practices, and (3) the

situations in which practices are carried out.

According to Arikunto (2006:2-3) informs that CAR consists of

three words, so there are three definitions, which can be explained:

a. Research-indicate an activity to observe the object by using of ways and

methodologies to get the useful data or information to improve the

quality of thing and that is necessary for researcher.

b. Action is a movement activity, which is done deliberately with a certain


c. Classroom- in this case is not bound by the term of the classroom, but it

has a more specific meaning. The word of class means groups of

students who are in the same time receive the same lesson from the

same teacher.

Based on three of main words; research, action, and class,

Classroom Action Research (CAR) means an observation toward learning

process that organized as an action, which is appeared deliberately and

happened simultaneously in the classroom.

In accordance to Arikunto (2006: 16), there are four steps to do

classroom action research. They are planning, acting, observing, and

reflecting. The researcher chooses CAR because the researcher finds the

problem in learning process, low of students reading comprehension, so

that this problem must be solved soon by using appropriate learning

strategy through classroom action research.

D. Procedure of The Research

This research applied Kemmis and Mc Taggarts model of

classroom action researchs method. Arikunto (2010:137) informs that the

principal concept of CAR according to both of those experts consists of

four stages (and its repeating); they are planning, acting, observing, and

reflecting. The researcher spent two cycles in this research. This stage can

be drawn as follows:



Planning I

Reflecting I Acting I

Observing I

Planning II

Reflecting II Acting II

Observing II

a. Planning

Planning explains about WH question (what, why, when, where,

who and how the action done) (Arikunto, 2010; 138). The activities in

the planning are:

1) Preparing materials, making lesson plan, and design the step in doing

the action
2) Preparing list of students name and scoring

3) Preparing teaching-aids

4) Preparing sheets for students and teachers observation sheet

5) Preparing a test for pre-test and post test (to know whether students

reading comprehension improve or not)

b. Acting

In accordance to Arikunto (2010:139), acting is the

implementation of planning. The researcher spent two meetings to do a

classroom action research.

1) The first meeting is the action of cycle I.

The researcher introduced herself

The researcher informed her purpose in doing the research

The researcher used some text in the pre-test and post-test in each


The researcher gave a pretest to know the students achievement

before the applying PQ4R strategy.

The researcher applied PQ4R strategy to teach the students and

observe learning activity.

The researcher gave occasion to the students to ask any difficulties

or problems

The researcher gave a posttest and an assignment to the students to

read descriptive text as the learning material.

The researche reflected the learning activity with the observer in

order to prepare the better TLP in the second cycle.

The researcher gave assignment to the students for cycle II.

2) The second is action of cycle II.

The researcher used those times to provide pretest to know the

students achievement after the applying PQ4R strategy in first


The researcher applied PQ4R strategy to teach the students and

observe learning activity.

The researcher gave occasion to the students to ask any difficulties

or problems

The researcher gave a posttest and an assignment to the students to

read descriptive text as the learning material.

The researcher reflected the learning activity with the observer in

order to prepare the better TLP in the next cycle.

c. Observation

Observation is data gathering. In other word, observation is the

instrument to show how far the effect of the action. Observation can be

systematically used to observe and note the phenomenon investigated

like the students feeling, thinking, and something they do in teaching

learning process. Observations focused on the implementation of the

learning activities and write something that happened in the classroom.

d. Reflecting

Reflection is made after teaching learning process to analyze the

action research along with the implementation of the action. It is to

remember what happened that has been written in observation. Reflection

seeks to make sense of process, problem and real issues in strategy

action. It device account of comprehend the issues and circumstance in

which they will arise. Reflection has an evaluative aspect, it asks the

writer to weight the experience, to judge whether effects were desirable,

and suggest ways of proceeding.

E. Technique of Data Collection

Data collecting is used to gather information, in this part is

about classroom action research (Hopkins, 1993: 115). This research will

use some techniques to collect the data:

a. Observation

Observation was carried out to observe the application of PQ4R

strategy in improving the eighth grade students of MTS NU Salatiga

reading comprehension. Based on the observation, it can be known

interest, motivation and the reading comprehension improvement of

students that occurred in learning.

In conducting the observation, the researcher uses field note and

documentation. In accordance to Hopkins (1993: 116), keeping field

notes is a way of reporting observation, reflections and reactions to

classroom problem. Ideally, they should be written as soon as possible

after a lesson.

b. Interview

Interview is a form of verbal communication a kind of

conversation that aims to obtain information. (Nasution, 1991: 153). In

this research, the researcher interviews the English teacher of eighth

year to know the condition of the students before conducting the


c. Test

Test is a series question or exercises or other device used to

measure the skills, knowledge, and intelligence, ability or talent

possessed by individuals group (Arikunto, 1996:138).

The researcher provided pretest in every cycle (cycle I and cycle II)

to know how far students reading comprehension about descriptive text

before applying PQ4R strategy. Moreover, she gave posttest to know

how far the improvement students reading comprehension about

descriptive text after applying PQ4R strategy.

d. Audiotape Recording

Audiotape recording is one of the most popular teacher research

methods. Transcripts are excellent for those situations where teachers

require a very specific and accurate record of a limited aspect of their

teaching, or of a particular interaction, say between a specific teacher

and child or between two children (Hopkins, 1993: 119).

e. Videotape Recorder

The videotape recorder is increasingly being used by teachers as a

means of gathering general information about their teaching. It allows

the teacher to observe many facets of his or her teaching quickly, and

provides heuristic and accurate information for diagnosis (Hopkins,

1993: 132).

F. Technique of Data Analysis

There are two techniques to analyze the data in this research.

They are as follows:

a. Descriptive technique

A descriptive technique is function to analyze the data, which will

obtain from the observation in each cycle, such as:

1) The observation towards teacher and students activities TLP.

2) The observation toward teacher in applying PQ4R strategy in

improving students reading comprehension

b. Statistical technique

Statistical technique is used to calculate the result of the test,

before and after applied PQ4R strategy in improving students

reading comprehension. The scores of tests can be counted using the

formula of Mean as follows (Sudijono, 2010: 82):



M : The mean of obtained

X : The sum of score

N : Number of cases

To calculate the Mean, the whole scores will add and the sum will

divide by the total number of cases. This analysis technique will

purpose to find out how is the influence of the application of PQ4R

strategy in improving students reading comprehension or not. In this

study, researcher counts the data using the mean because it is already

known the result of the research from this way. It shows that there are

differences between cycle I pretest posttest, and cycle II pretest

posttest or not. Even it has significance or not.

G. Schedule of the research

The researcher made the schedule of the research as in the table below:

Table 3.4

Schedule of the Research

No Activities Time

1. The action cycle I 10 August 2015

2. The action cycle II 14 August 2015



A. Field Note

In this chapter, the researcher would like to analyze the data

gathered from the action research activities. The data was obtained from

teaching learning process and evaluation. The data analysis is function to

measure the students reading comprehension improvement by applying

PQ4R Strategy.

In this research, the data consists of field note, the result of pretest

and posttest. The action of this research consists of pre cycle and two cycles,

cycle I and cycle II. For the whole stages of every cycle (cycle I and cycle II)

explained in the description below. However, the researcher would like to

explain the action of pre cycle first.

1. Cycle I

1) Planning

The researcher prepared some instrument of the research, such as:

a. Lesson plan as teaching guidance in learning process

b. Material

c. Sheet for classroom observation

d. Teaching aids
e. Pretest and posttest

Pretest was given to the students before applying PQ4R strategy

and protest was given after applying this strategy.

2) Implementation of the action

On Monday, 10 August 2015 the researcher and observer came

to the eighth year students of MTs NU Salatiga. The condition of the

class was quiet and the observer accosted the students soon. She gave

greeting, asked about their condition and prayed. She introduced

herself and told her purpose to do the action research. Subsequently, she

gave a question about descriptive text to the students, which was given

at seventh year. Some students answered the question correctly. After

that, the researcher gave pretest for 30 minutes before start the lesson.

After the students done the test, she collected their worksheet. The

teacher asked them about the difficulties when they done it. They

answered Sulit bu, banyak yang ga tahu artinya. She answered, Ok,

never mind (tidak apa-apa), itu Cuma latihan kok.

Afterwards, the teaching learning process was begun. The

researcher asked the students about procedure text.

Teacher :Okay, today we will learn about

descriptive text. What is the descriptive


Some students : text yang isinya menggambarkan (text to

describe something)
Some students :silent

Teacher : Ya, boleh, ada yang lain? (Yes, right,

any other answer?

The student kept silent, and then the researcher gave the material

and explained to them.

Teacher :iya betul, text descriptive adalah text

yang menggambarkan tentang sesuatu

secara spesifik. (yes, right, descriptive text

is a text which describe something

specifically). Any question so far?

Students :No

Teacher : Oke berarti sudah paham semua ya

(Okay, all of you have understood). We will

learn about text descriptive by using

PQ4R Strategy.

Students :Look so confused

Teacher :Bingung ya? PQ4R strategy itu strategi

belajar dengan Preview, Question, Read,

Reflect, Recite and Review (do you

confused? PQ4R strategy is Preview,

Question, Read, Reflect, Recite and


Students :Ooh...Yes

Teacher :Oke lanjut, apa tadi descriptive

text?(okay next, what is descriptive text?

Students :Text yang menggambarkan tentang

sesuatu secara spesifik

Teacher :Iya betul, missal..kalian punya teman

dekat. Lalu kalian pengen cerita tentang

teman dekat kalian. Saya punya teman

dekat, namanya Ahmad, dia tampan, dia

tinggi, hidungnya mancung. Nah yang

seperti itu namanya text descriptive.

Paham?(yes, right. Example, if you have a

friend, and you want to tell him with other.

I have a friend, he is Ahmad, and he is

handsome, tall and has a pointed nose. It is

the example of descriptive text.


Students : iya bu(yes Miss)

Teacher :kemudian apa tujuan descriptive teks? (and

than, what is the purpose of descriptive text

Students : Untuk menggambarkan sesuatu.(to

describe something)

Teacher : yes, you are right. Ibu akan

memberikan kalian sebuah materi, silakan

dibaca ya. (I will give you a material, and

read it!)

Students : yes miss

Teacher : iya bisa dilihat dimateri tentang cirri-

cir teks descriptive. Apa saja disitu generic

structure nya? (yess, you can see the

characteristic of descriptive text. What is

the generic structure of descriptive text?

Students : Identification and description

Teacher : iya betul,(yes, right). Kemudian teks

descriptive ada ciri-ciri yang lain, apa saja

disitu?(next, what is the another

characteristic of descriptive text?

Students : Focus on Specific Participant (the Park,

My cat), Describing features (use

adjectives), Use Simple Present tense (S+

V1), Using action verbs (run, eat, jump)

Teacher : oke, right. Sekarang didepan kalian ada

teks descriptive. Sekarang kalian baca teks

descriptive itu dengan strategy PQ4R.

Seperti yang ibu tulisankan d papan tulis

ini. 1). Preview, scan atau lihat sepintas

tentang judul yang kalian baca. Misalnya

judulnya The Elepant, melihat judul yang

demikian kalian membayangkan tentang

gajah, kira-kira teks itu isinya akan seperti

apa 2). Question, buatlah pertanyaan-

pertanyaan yang terkait dengan judul yang

sudah kalian baca. Misalnya, tentang gajah

itu tadi. Yang ditanyakan, apa warna

kulitnya? Apa makanannya? Kakiny

berapa? Dan seterusnya. Setelah itu 3).

Read, baca teks tersebut, dengan hati-hai

sambil mencari jawaban dari pertanyaan

yang timbul dalam pikiran kalian tadi 4)

reflect, refleksikan informasikan yang

kalian dapatkan. Misalnya, dulu pernah

lihat gajah kakinya 4, setelah kalian baca

tadi. Kalian cek, bener atau tidak antara

fakta yang kalian lihat dengan teks bacaan

5). Recite, tulis/ garis bawahi pada teks

kalian hal-hal yang penting/ jawaban dari

pertanyaan kalian tadi. 6) review, coba cek

ulang antara pertanyaan yang kalian buat

dengan jawaban yang ada. Apakah sudah

sesuai belum. Paham ?(Okay, now in front

of you there is a text. Please read it with

PQ4R Strategy, 1). Preview, scan the title.

For example, the title is the Elephant. After

you read the title, you will image about the

elephant, and you can predict what the

content of the text. 2). Question, after you

know that the title The Elephant, you

make questions about it. What is the

colour? What is the food? Where is they

live. 3). Read, after it you read the text

carefully and try to find the answers of your

question. 4). Reflect, maybe you have ever

seen that elephant has 4 legs. So, connect

the fact with the contents of the text. 5).

Recite, recite important information and

answers from your questions or underline

the word in the text, if you think that it is

important information. 6). Review, check

your questions and answers. Make it

correctly. Understand?

Students : Paham bu( understand miss).

Teacher : Oke, kalau sudah paham silakan baca.

Saya beri waktu 5 minutes. Kalau ada

kesulitan silakan ditanyakan (okay, if you

have understood, please read It. I give you

5 minutes. Ask me when you find


Students : Ya bu(yes miss).

The students read the text carefully; they tried to understand the

text. However they looked confuses and found difficulties. In fact, they

needed more than five minutes for read the text.

When the students finished read the text, the reseacher and the

students discuss about the text, subsequently asked them to do the

posttest, for 30 minutes. The researcher gave rewards to the students

who have good score.

Before closed the lesson, the researcher gave a conclusion of the

lesson today. She explained to the students; how to identify the

descriptive text and tips to answered the questions. Subsequently, the

researcher gave an assignment to the students to read any kind of

descriptive text in their book, as the lesson material for cycle II.

3) Observation

The observation was carried out during the implementation of

the action. The researcher and the observer observed the learning

activities since the cycle I going on. The students done the pretest by

self without ask to their friends, although they still got difficulty in

understanding or comprehend English text, because they lacked of

vocabulary and pronounciation. Some students gave less attention when

the reseacher explained the material.


No Name Students Note


1 A. Tedy Reynaldy Less Just keep silent during

the lesson, get
difficulty when done
the test
2 Aditya Dimas P Less Just keep silent during
the lesson, get
difficulty when done
the test
3 Andrean Good Ask the researcher
Firmansyah when she get difficulty
and done the test well
4 Annisa Amalia Z Less Just keep silent during
the lesson, get
difficulty when done
the test
5 Ariska Heri O Less Just keep silent during
the lesson, get
difficulty when done
the test
6 Arofiq Difa Less Just keep silent during
Ardana the lesson, get
difficulty when done
the test
7 Bayu Triyawan P Less Just keep silent during
the lesson, get
difficulty when done
the test
8 Ernamawati Putri Good Ask the researcher
when she get difficulty
and done the test well
9 Fachri Ardiansyah Less Just keep silent during
the lesson, get
difficulty when done
the test
10 Fatma Azzahra Good Ask the researcher
when she get difficulty
and done the test well
11 Fatma Nur Good Ask the researcher
Hidayati when she get difficulty
and done the test well
12 Gery Sandi K Less Just keep silent during
the lesson, get
difficulty when done
the test
13 Ilham Adi Saputra Good Ask the researcher
when she get difficulty
and done the test well
14 Indi Zahria Good Ask the researcher
when she get difficulty
and done the test well
15 M. Syarif Hidayat Good Ask the researcher
when she get difficulty
and done the test well
16 Muftiara Risky Good Ask the researcher
when she get difficulty
and done the test well
17 Muhammad Nizar Good Ask the researcher
F when she get difficulty
and done the test well
18 Muhammad Good Ask the researcher
Sofwan when she get difficulty
and done the test well
19 Muhammad Good Ask the researcher
Farhan when she get difficulty
and done the test well
20 Nana Tri Restiani Less Just keep silent during
the lesson, get
difficulty when done
the test
21 Niken Ayu Sasqia Less Just keep silent during
the lesson, get
difficulty when done
the test
22 Novia Diah Good Ask the researcher
Pitaloka when she get difficulty
and done the test well
23 Nur Indah C Good Ask the researcher
when she get difficulty
and done the test well
24 Rilia Dian Good Ask the researcher
Pramesti when she get difficulty
and done the test well
25 Riska Aulia Good Ask the researcher
Lailatul when she get difficulty
and done the test well
26 Rizki Nur Ariani Good Ask the researcher
when she get difficulty
and done the test well
27 Rosita Rahmawati Good Ask the researcher
when she get difficulty
and done the test well
28 Salma Hamidah Less Just keep silent during
the lesson, get
difficulty when done
the test
29 Sofiana Ulima Z Good Ask the researcher
when she get difficulty
and done the test well
30 Siti Marah Less Just keep silent during
the lesson, get
difficulty when done
the test
31 Tesa Febri Good Ask the researcher
Veolina when she get difficulty
and done the test well
32 Untung Maulana Less Just keep silent during
the lesson, get
difficulty when done
the test
33 Wildan Less Just keep silent during
Ardiansyah the lesson, get
difficulty when done
the test
34 Yaqub Tariq Aziz Less Just keep silent during
the lesson, get
difficulty when done
the test
35 Yosita Nata Good Ask the researcher
Sasmita when she get difficulty
and done the test well

Based on the result of the students observation sheet during

the implementation PQ4R strategy in cycle I, the students involvement

are less, 15 students just keep silent and still get difficulties. Beside,

20 students are good in involving the teaching learning process. They

can answer the questions and ask the researcher when they find

difficulties. It indicates that the PQ4R strategy help the students to

answer questions based the text and it means the PQ4R strategy can

improve the students reading comprehension.

Moreover, the researcher would like to analyze the students

improvement in reading comprehension by calculating the result of

pretest and posttest. The result of both of the test can be seen in the

table as follows:

a. The score of pre-test in cycle I


No Name Score of pretest (X)

1 A. Tedy Reynaldy 50

2 Aditya Dimas P 40

3 Andrean Firmansyah 60

4 Annisa Amalia Z 50

5 Ariska Heri O 50

6 Arofiq Difa Ardana 50

7 Bayu Triyawan P 50

8 Ernamawati Putri 60

9 Fachri Ardiansyah 50

10 Fatma Azzahra 50

11 Fatma Nur Hidayati 50

12 Gery Sandi K 40

13 Ilham Adi Saputra 80

14 Indi Zahria 60

15 M. Syarif Hidayat 70
16 Muftiara Risky 60

17 Muhammad Nizar F 70

18 Muhammad Sofwan 70

19 Muhammad Farhan 60

20 Nana Tri Restiani 50

21 Niken Ayu Sasqia 50

22 Novia Diah Pitaloka 60

23 Nur Indah C 50

24 Rilia Dian Pramesti 60

25 Riska Aulia Lailatul 60

26 Rizki Nur Ariani 50

27 Rosita Rahmawati 60

28 Salma Hamidah 50

29 Sofiana Ulima Z 60

30 Siti Marah 50

31 Tesa Febri Veolina 50

32 Untung Maulana 50

33 Wildan Ardiansyah 60

34 Yaqub Tariq Aziz 50

35 Yosita Nata Sasmita 50

x 1930
b. Mean of pretest in cycle I



M = 55, 14

c. The score of posttest in cycle I


No Name Score of pretest (X)

1 A. Tedy Reynaldy 60

2 Aditya Dimas P 50

3 Andrean Firmansyah 70

4 Annisa Amalia Z 60

5 Ariska Heri O 60

6 Arofiq Difa Ardana 70

7 Bayu Triyawan P 70

8 Ernamawati Putri 70

9 Fachri Ardiansyah 60

10 Fatma Azzahra 60

11 Fatma Nur Hidayati 70

12 Gery Sandi K 50

13 Ilham Adi Saputra 100

14 Indi Zahria 70
15 M. Syarif Hidayat 100

16 Muftiara Risky 80

17 Muhammad Nizar F 100

18 Muhammad Sofwan 100

19 Muhammad Farhan 70

20 Nana Tri Restiani 70

21 Niken Ayu Sasqia 60

22 Novia Diah Pitaloka 70

23 Nur Indah C 60

24 Rilia Dian Pramesti 70

25 Riska Aulia Lailatul 70

26 Rizki Nur Ariani 60

27 Rosita Rahmawati 70

28 Salma Hamidah 60

29 Sofiana Ulima Z 70

30 Siti Marah 70

31 Tesa Febri Veolina 60

32 Untung Maulana 60

33 Wildan Ardiansyah 70

34 Yaqub Tariq Aziz 60

35 Yosita Nata Sasmita 60

x 2390
d. Mean of posttest in cycle I



M = 68,2

From the result of the test above, there is improvement of

students reading comprehension before and after the application of

PQ4R strategy in cycle I. Mean of post test 68, 2 is higher than mean of

pretest 55, 14

4) Reflection

After analizing the result of the action of cycle I, the researcher

conclude that the students reading comprehension was improved. It

was shown by the average of posttest, which higher than the average of


2. Cycle II

1) Planning

The researcher prepared some instrument of the research, such as:

a. Lesson plan as teaching guidance in learning process

b. Material

c. Teaching aids

d. Sheet for classroom observation

e. Pretest and posttest

Pretest was given to the students before applying PQ4R strategy

and posttest was given after applying this strategy.

2) Implementation

On Thursday, 14 August 2015 the researcher and her

partner came to the class. The researcher opened the lesson soon.

Teacher : assalamualaykum waroh matullahi


Students : Waalaykum salam waroh matullahi


Teacher : Good Morning guys!

Students : Good Morning!

Teacher : How are you today?

Students : I am fine, and you?

Teacher : I am very well, thank you.

Teacher : Oke before we start our lesson today,

please, say basmallah together!

Students : Bismillahirohmannirrohim

Teacher :Oke, thank you! And I will check your

attendance list. Ahmad Teddy Reynaldy.

Teddy : Present!

Other student : Present!

Teacher :Sudah belajar descriptive text dirumah?

(Have you studied descriptive text at


Some Students :Yes miss!

Some students : Not yet miss!

Teacher : Oke thank you! Kenapa ada yang belum

belajar?(why you have not studied?)

Some student : Lupa bu!(forget miss)

Researcher : Oke, seperti janji saya kemarin. Siapa

yang nilainya paling tinggi akan saya beri

hadiah. (Oke, yesterday I promised to give

rewards for student who has highest score

in the class.

Students : Yeee!

Teacher : Dan yang mendapatkan nilai tertinggi

pertama adalah Ilham Adi Saputra dengan

nilai 90! (And, who get highest score is

Ilham Adi Saputra, his score is 90!). Give


Students : Yeeeprok..prok prok..!.

Teacher : Dan berikutnya adalah Muhammad

Nizar, M.Syarif Hidayat, M. Sofwan dengan

nilai 85 (and the next is Muhammad Nizar,

M. Syarif, M. Sofwan with score 85)

Students : Yeeeprok..prok..prok!

Teacher : Please come in front of the class! Saya

harap kalian akan lebih semangat dalam

belajar ya, khususunya bahasa Inggris (I

hope you will more enthusiasm in learning,

especially in English). Sit down please!

Students/ winner : thanks you miss..!

Teacher : smile

Untuk pemanasan hari ini saya berikan

soal ya, kerjakan dengan baik (I will give

you some question to warming up. Do it


Students : Soal lagi soal lagi! (Always questions!)

Teacher : Gak pa pa, biar pintar! (No problem, be

smart!) kerjakan seperti kemarin ya.

(Answer it like yesterday, okay!). Kalau ada

yang bingung ditanyakan. (if you fell

confuse, please ask me!)

Students : Okay miss!

Teacher : Selesaikan dalam waktu 20 minutes (do

it in 20 minutes)
Students : Yes miss!

Teacher : Waktu sudah selesai, ayo kumpulkan!

(Time is up, come on submit your work!)

The students collected their work immediately. Some of students

finished it before a set time, but some other more than 20 minutes.

Teacher : Oke, pertemuan yang lalu kita

mempelajari apa?(Okay, what we learn last


Students : Descriptive text

Teacher : Iya bagus, apa descriptive text itu?

Silakan buka LKS halaman 9.(Good, what

is the descriptive text? Please open on page


Students : Iya bu, text yang menggambarkan

sesuatu hal secara specific(Yes miss, text

to describe something specifically).

Teacher : Bagian dari descriptive text apa

saja?(What is the generic structure of

descriptive text?).

Students : Look confuse

Teacher :Coba dibaca bukunya. Apa

bagiannya?(Read your book! What is the

generic structure of descriptive text?).

Students : Identification and description

Teacher : Lalu, apa tujuan descriptive text? (Next,

what is the purpose of the text?)

Students : Silent

Teacher : Lihat baris ke dua! (Look, the second


Students : To describe something.

Teacher : Yes right! Disitu ada contoh teks

descriptive, mari kita baca. Saya baca

kemudian, tirukan setelah saya. (There is

an example of descriptive text, come on

read it. I read it, and you repeat after me).

The researcher read the text one by one sentence and the student

repeated the sentence. Subsequently, after the researcher finished read

the text, she asked one of the students to read the text with the right

pronunciations. To improve their vocabulary also, the researcher wrote

down on white board some vocabularies from the text and the students

read it one by one. After they finished wrote and read the vocabularies,

researcher and the students discussed the text with PQ4R Strategy.

Teacher : Oke, saya akan berikan teks descriptive.

Baca teks tersebut dengan strategi PQ4R

seperti minggu lalu. Masih ingat? (Oke, I

will give you text of descriptive. Read it use

PQ4R strategy like last meeting. Have you


Students : iya bu, tapi sedikit lupa. (Yes Miss, but

little bit).

Teacher : Oke, lihat saya. 1). Lihat judul yang

ada, misal judulnya monkey. 2). Buatlah

pertanyaan tentang si monyet, makanannya

apa? Tempat tinggalnya dimana?

Warnanya apa? 3). Baca teksnya untuk

mencari jawaban pertanyaan-pertanyaan

tadi. Dan seterusnya ya. Jangan lupa

dicatat/ digaris bawahi kalau sudah ketemu

jawabannya.(Oke look at me, .1) for

example, the title is the Monkey. 2) Make

questions based on the text, example where

is their live? What is their food? What is the

colour? 3) Read the text to find the answers

from your question and dont forget to

recite/ underline the answer for your


Students : iya bu (Yess Miss)

Teacher : Baca teks nya dengan teliti, kemudian

jawab pertanyaannya. Kerjakan dalam

waktu 20 menit (Read the text carefully and

answer the following question! Work it in

20 minutes).

Students : Iya bu(Yess Miss).

Student : Bu ini maksud nomer 2 apa? Gallop?

(Miss, what is the mean of number 2?


Teacher : Nomer 2 itu, kalian harus mencari

persamaan kata dari kata gallop itu.

(Number 2, you must look for the similar

word of gallop).

Student : Thank you Miss

Teacher : Kalau ada yang belum paham silakan

ditanyakan. (if you have not understand

with the question, please ask me).

The teacher observed the students activities and answered when

some student have not understand with some vocabularies or question.

Almost all students done the post test in 20 minutes, after the time was

up, they submitted their work on the teachers table. The teacher took

the important point from the discussion. She explained more about how

to identify the descriptive text. Finally, the students understood the

explanation. She gave the opportunity them to make questions, but none

done it. Subsequently, the teacher ended the lesson.

3) Observation

The researcher and the observer observed the learning

activities since cycle II wan going on. The teacher checked the students

understanding about procedure text by reviewing the material in

previous cycle. Based on the observation, from the observer during the

lesson, the students gave more attention when the teacher explained the

material than before. They read the text from the teacher more seriously

than the first meeting. The students read the text with better

pronunciation and more comprehend in reading. They done of pretest

and posttest by self, without asked their friends. The students

involvement during the lesson can be seen on the table below.


No Name Students Note

1 A. Tedy Reynaldy Less Get difficulty when
done the test
2 Aditya Dimas P Less Get difficulty when
done the test
3 Andrean Good Understand the
Firmansyah material and done the
test well
4 Annisa Amalia Z Good Understand the
material and done the
test well
5 Ariska Heri O Good Understand the
material and done the
test well
6 Arofiq Difa Less Get difficulty when
Ardana done the test
7 Bayu Triyawan P Less Get difficulty when
done the test
8 Ernamawati Putri Good Understand the
material and done the
test well
9 Fachri Ardiansyah Less Get difficulty when
done the test
10 Fatma Azzahra Good Understand the
material and done the
test well
11 Fatma Nur Good Understand the
Hidayati material and done the
test well
12 Gery Sandi K Less Get difficulty when
done the test
13 Ilham Adi Saputra Good Understand the
material and done the
test well
14 Indi Zahria Good Understand the
material and done the
test well
15 M. Syarif Hidayat Good Understand the
material and done the
test well
16 Muftiara Risky Good Understand the
material and done the
test well
17 Muhammad Nizar Good Understand the
F material and done the
test well
18 Muhammad Good Understand the
Sofwan material and done the
test well
19 Muhammad Good Understand the
Farhan material and done the
test well
20 Nana Tri Restiani Good Understand the
material and done the
test well
21 Niken Ayu Sasqia Good Understand the
material and done the
test well
22 Novia Diah Good Understand the
Pitaloka material and done the
test well
23 Nur Indah C Good Understand the
material and done the
test well
24 Rilia Dian Good Understand the
Pramesti material and done the
test well
25 Riska Aulia Good Understand the
Lailatul material and done the
test well
26 Rizki Nur Ariani Good Understand the
material and done the
test well
27 Rosita Rahmawati Good Understand the
material and done the
test well
28 Salma Hamidah Good Understand the
material and done the
test well the test
29 Sofiana Ulima Z Good Understand the
material and done the
test well
30 Siti Marah Good Understand the
material and done the
test well
31 Tesa Febri Good Understand the
Veolina material and done the
test well
32 Untung Maulana Less Get difficulty when
done the test
33 Wildan Less Get difficulty when
Ardiansyah done the test
34 Yaqub Tariq Aziz Less Get difficulty when
done the test
35 Yosita Nata Good Understand the
Sasmita material and done the
test well

Based on the result of the students observation sheet during

the implementation PQ4R strategy in cycle II, the students

involvement are good, almost of the students are good, they can answer
the question because they ask the researcher when they find any

difficulties. However, 9 students who just keep silent and still get

difficulties. It indicates that the PQ4R strategy can improve the

students reading comprehension.

Moreover, the researcher would like to analyze the students

improvement in reading comprehension by calculating the result of

pretest and posttest. The result of both of the tests can be seen in the

table as follows:

a. The score of pretest in cycle II


No Name Score of pretest (X)

1 A. Tedy Reynaldy 60

2 Aditya Dimas P 50

3 Andrean Firmansyah 70

4 Annisa Amalia Z 70

5 Ariska Heri O 60

6 Arofiq Difa Ardana 60

7 Bayu Triyawan P 60

8 Ernamawati Putri 80

9 Fachri Ardiansyah 60

10 Fatma Azzahra 70

11 Fatma Nur Hidayati 80

12 Gery Sandi K 50

13 Ilham Adi Saputra 70

14 Indi Zahria 70

15 M. Syarif Hidayat 80

16 Muftiara Risky 80

17 Muhammad Nizar F 80

18 Muhammad Sofwan 80

19 Muhammad Farhan 80

20 Nana Tri Restiani 70

21 Niken Ayu Sasqia 70

22 Novia Diah Pitaloka 80

23 Nur Indah C 80

24 Rilia Dian Pramesti 70

25 Riska Aulia Lailatul 70

26 Rizki Nur Ariani 70

27 Rosita Rahmawati 80

28 Salma Hamidah 70

29 Sofiana Ulima Z 70

30 Siti Marah 80

31 Tesa Febri Veolina 80

32 Untung Maulana 70

33 Wildan Ardiansyah 70
34 Yaqub Tariq Aziz 60

35 Yosita Nata Sasmita 70

X 2480

b. Mean of pretest in cycle II



M = 70,8

c. The score of posttest in cycle II


No Name Score of posttest (X)

1 A. Tedy Reynaldy 70

2 Aditya Dimas P 70

3 Andrean Firmansyah 80

4 Annisa Amalia Z 90

5 Ariska Heri O 70

6 Arofiq Difa Ardana 70

7 Bayu Triyawan P 80

8 Ernamawati Putri 90

9 Fachri Ardiansyah 80

10 Fatma Azzahra 90
11 Fatma Nur Hidayati 100

12 Gery Sandi K 70

13 Ilham Adi Saputra 100

14 Indi Zahria 90

15 M. Syarif Hidayat 100

16 Muftiara Risky 90

17 Muhammad Nizar F 90

18 Muhammad Sofwan 100

19 Muhammad Farhan 90

20 Nana Tri Restiani 90

21 Niken Ayu Sasqia 80

22 Novia Diah Pitaloka 90

23 Nur Indah C 90

24 Rilia Dian Pramesti 80

25 Riska Aulia Lailatul 80

26 Rizki Nur Ariani 90

27 Rosita Rahmawati 90

28 Salma Hamidah 80

29 Sofiana Ulima Z 80

30 Siti Marah 90

31 Tesa Febri Veolina 90

32 Untung Maulana 80
33 Wildan Ardiansyah 80

34 Yaqub Tariq Aziz 70

35 Yosita Nata Sasmita 80

X 2960

d. Mean of posttest in cycle II



M = 84,6

From the result of the test above, there is improvement of

students reading comprehension before and after the application of

PQ4R strategy in cycle II. Mean of post test 84,6 is higher than

mean of pretest 70,8.

4) Reflection

After analyzing the result of the action in this cycle, the

researcher seen that the application of PQ4R Strategy could improve

students reading comprehension. The students easy to understand the

material, so that most of them did the test well. They learned to read

seriously and carefully to find the answers of questions from their self,

beside that, the pronunciation better than before. The result of pretest

and posttest in this cycle are higher than be first cycle.

B. Discussion

Based on the result of analysis in two cycles, the researcher would like

to show the students reading comprehension improvement from cycle I to

cycle II. The improvement as follows:



Action Mean of pretest Mean of posttest Degree of


Cycle I 55,14 68,2 13,06

Cycle II 70,8 84,6 13,7

The table above shows that the mean of pretest and posttest has

significant differences, where both of posttests are higher than pretests. There

were degrees of improvement between pretest and posttest in cycle I and

cycle II. In cycle I = 13, 06 and cycle II = 13, 7. It means that the application

of PQ4R strategy can improve students reading comprehension.

In this case, the improvement of students reading comprehension

influenced by several factors. First, the students interested with the strategy,

they gave more attention during the lesson. They could remember what they

read easily through their note in Recite step and develop their imagination

in question and reflect steps. Second, the student attracted to work in group

when they read the text or discuss with the teacher, so that they could share

their ideas each other, although they had to done the test individually.


A. Conclusion

After conducted the research of teaching reading about descriptive text

by applying PQ4R (Preview, Question. Read, Reflect, Recite and Review)

strategy, the researcher draws some conclusions based on the discussion. The

conclusions are:

1. The implementation of teaching learning using PQ4R strategy in cycle II

better than cycle I. Based on the result of the students observation, in the

cycle II, almost of the students done the test well, enthusiast, and involve

them self in teaching learning process. Whereas, in cycle I there are only

20 students was involved in teaching learning process using PQ4R strategy

and 15 students could not involve in teaching learning process, they could

not follow the teachers guidance, found any difficulties and done the test


2. Based on the data from the result of tests and observation that have been

done and analyzed in the previous chapter, it indicates that there are

significant improvements in each cycle. It was shown by mean score of the

tests, which increased. In cycle I, mean of posttest 68, 2 is higher than

mean of pretest 55, 14. Besides, mean of post test in cycle II, 84, 6 is

higher than mean of pretest 70, 8.

B. Suggestions

At the end of this chapter, the researcher would like to propose some

suggestions, which hopefully would be useful:

1. For the teacher

a. The teacher needs to select material before conducting teaching

learning process. The teacher should find the interesting reading

material can make the students more enjoy in learning.

b. The teachers must give guidance during the lesson. They should teach

them how to read with PQ4R strategy. They are recommended to

motivate all students to be active in the classroom.

c. The teacher has to give reinforcement to the students job because it

can improve their motivation in learning. Most of students will be

happy when the teachers give reinforcement or rewards to their job.

d. The teachers need to create a good atmosphere in the classroom, so the

students feel more comfort and happy in learning process.

2. For Students

a. The students must be active in learning process. They should not be

embarrassed to share their idea during the lesson

b. Ask the teacher when they get difficulties.

c. The students should read the material carefully, so they can make

questions related to the material. By making questions will help the

students understand the text.


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opened on 15 June 2015: 09: 48.

( RPP )

Sekolah : MTs NU Salatiga

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII / 1

Pertemuan ke : 1

Standar kompetensi : Membaca

5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek
sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan recount untuk
berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.
Kompetensi Dasar 5.3 Merespons makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei
pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima
yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks
berbentuk descriptive.
Indikator : Membaca
1. Membaca teks fungsional pendek berbentuk
2. Memahami dan menjawab pertanyaan dari teks
fungsional pendek berbentuk descriptive
Jenis Teks : Descriptive

Skill : Reading

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 menit (1x Pertemuan)

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran

1. Siswa mampu membaca teks fungsional pendek berbentuk descriptive teks

2. Siswa mampu memahami dan menjawab pertanyaan dari teks fungsional

pendek berbentuk teks descriptive.

B. Materi Ajar

Descriptive Text


I have a new backpack. Its color is soft green. I always bring it

whenever I go to school. It is made of strong fabric.

My backpack has several different parts. The first part is the pocket

where I put my money and library card. The second part is the main part. I

always put my books and pencil case in it. The third part is a small pocket at

the left side of the backpack. I keep a bottle of plain water in this pocket.


1. The text above is a descriptive text.

2. The function of a descriptive text is to describe something specifically

3. The generic structure of a descriptive text is:



4. The significant lexico grammatical feature of a descriptive text are the

following :

Focus on Specific Participant (the Park, My cat)

Describing features (use adjectives)

Use Simple Present tense (S+ V1)

Using action verbs (run, eat, jump)

C. Metode Pembelajaran/ Teknik

PQ4R (Preview Question, Read, Reflect, Recite and Review)

D. Langkah langkah Pembelajaran

1. Kegiatan Awal (20 menit)

Menanyakan tentang hasil belajar siswa dirumah
Memberikan motivasi
2. Kegiatan inti
a. Eksplorasi (15 menit)
Guru memberitahukan tentang hasil belajar pertemuan
Guru meminta Siswa mengerjakan soal pre test tentang
descriptive text
Guru menunjukkan contoh teks descriptive
Guru menjelaskan kembali tentang teks descriptive
Guru dan siswa membaca teks monolog berbentuk descriptive
b. Elaborasi (30 menit)

Preview: Siswa melakukan previewing pada text descriptive

dengan cara scanning judul, melihat gambar terkait atau

membaca kalimat pada awal atau akhir paragraf.

Question: Siswa memprediksi/ mengimajinasikan pertanyaan

yang relevan dengan judul.

Read: Siswa membaca text descriptive yang diberikan guru.

Reflect: siswa merefleksikan informasi yang telah didapatkan

terdahulu dengan infomasi yang sekarang.

Recite : siswa menuliskan ringkasan atau hal-hal penting yang

terdapat dalam text descriptive.

Review: Siswa mengecek kesesuaian pertanyaan yang timbul

tekait dengan text dengan jawaban dalam text.

Siswa untuk mepresentasikan hasil membaca dengan PQ4R

c. Konfirmasi (10 menit)

Guru menanyakan kesulitan siswa

Guru memberikan soal post test

Guru menjadi sumber dan fasilitator siswa dalam memahami

teks descriptive

3. Kegiatan Akhir (5 menit)

Menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran dan penguatan materi

Mengingatkan siswa untuk selalu belajar

Guru menutup pembelajaran dengan membaca hamdallah dan


E. Sumber Belajar

Lembar Kerja Siswa

Buku-buku yang terkait berdasar BSNP

Kamus Bahasa Inggris-Indonesia

F. Penilaian

Teknik : Produk Tertulis

Bentuk : Multiple choice

Instrumen :

Pre-Test :

Read the text carefully and answer these following questions!

Post-Test :

Read the text carefully and answer these questions based on the text.

G. Rubrik Penilaian

Setiap jawaban benar bernilai :10

Jumlah soal : 10
Total nilai : jawaban benar*10

( RPP )

Sekolah : MTs NU Salatiga

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : VIII / 1

Pertemuan ke : 2

Standar kompetensi : Membaca

5. Memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esei pendek
sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan recount untuk
berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.
Kompetensi Dasar 5.3 Merespons makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei
pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima
yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks
berbentuk descriptive.
Indikator : Membaca
1. Membaca teks fungsional pendek berbentuk
2. Memahami dan menjawab pertanyaan dari teks
fungsional pendek berbentuk descriptive
Jenis Teks : Descriptive

Skill : Reading

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 menit (1x Pertemuan)

A. Tujuan Pembelajaran

1. Siswa mampu membaca teks fungsional pendek berbentuk descriptive

2. Siswa mampu memahami dan menjawab pertanyaan dari teks
fungsional pendek berbentuk descriptive
B. Materi Ajar

Descriptive Text

Bromo Mountain
Bromo Mountain is a heaven of the world, one of the most beautiful
places. It is located in Ngadasari village, Sukapura Subdistrict, Probolinggo
Regency. It is still very natural. There is no pollution in most areas. The air
is still clean and you can feel the air is cool when it comes into your nose,
your throat, and your lungs. It is certainly good for us to breathe. We can
also see many kinds of vegetables planted by natives, such as cabbage,
carrot, potato, corn and many more. Even we can also find many strawberry
gardens which are owned by natives on the way to go to Bromo mountain.
We can harvest it right away or just buy and take it home. It can make us
feel like in our dream land. From Pananjakan we can see sunrise and it is
one of the best places in the world for being able to see sunrise. The scenery
is certainly very amazing. You can feel like you are in the clouds. There are
many visitors going there, willing to feel a cold, awaking in the early
morning and taking journey to Pananjakan just to see the wonderful scenery
from the top of it. It also has a unique event called Kasada on Kasada month
14-15 (the 10Th month according on Javanese calendar), which is celebrated
by natives (Tengger ethnic) to give thanks to God for their harvest by
putting many kinds of their harvests on Bromo's crater. It is very exciting
event. I think it is rather difficult to find the thanks giving event like Kasada,
because it is only held in Bromo. All of those are very interesting and
entertaining to refresh our mind from any kind of life problems. That is why
it is not wrong for us to call Bromo as a heaven of the world, one of the
most beautiful places which is exciting to visit.

1. The text above is a descriptive text.

2. The function of a descriptive text is to describe something specifically

3. The generic structure of a descriptive text is



4. The significant lexico grammatical feature of a descriptive text are the

following :

Focus on Specific Participant (Prambanan temple, Bali)

Describing features (use adjectives)

Use Simple Present tense (we can use simple past tense if the thing

we describe is no longer exist)

Using action verbs

Using noun phrase , using general and abstract noun

Using conjunction of time and cause-effect.

C. Metode Pembelajaran/ Teknik

Mnemonic, Diskusi, Pemecahan Masalah

D. Langkah langkah Pembelajaran

1. Kegiatan Awal (20 menit)

Memperkenalkan diri
Menyampaikan maksud dan tujuan
Menyampaikan dan menanyakan tentang descriptive text
Melakukan Pre-test. Yaitu dengan meminta siswa untuk
mengerjakan soal pada lembar tugas yang telah disediakan.
2. Kegiatan inti
a. Eksplorasi (15 menit)
Guru menanyakan tetang pelajaran pertemuan sebelumnya
Siswa menjawab pertanyaan dari guru
Siswa mendengarkan penjelasan guru tentang descriptive text
Siswa membaca teks monolog berbentuk descriptive
Guru menjelaskan kembali strategi PQ4R kepada siswa
d. Elaborasi (30 menit)

Preview: Siswa melakukan previewing pada text descriptive

dengan cara scanning judul, melihat gambar terkait atau

membaca kalimat pada awal atau akhir paragraf.

Question: Siswa memprediksi/ mengimajinasikan pertanyaan

yang relevan dengan judul.

Read: Siswa membaca text descriptive yang diberikan guru.

Reflect: siswa merefleksikan informasi yang telah didapatkan

terdahulu dengan infomasi yang sekarang.

Recite : siswa menuliskan ringkasan atau hal-hal penting yang

terdapat dalam text descriptive.

Review: Siswa mengecek kesesuaian pertanyaan yang timbul

tekait dengan text dengan jawaban dalam text.

Siswa untuk mepresentasikan hasil membaca dengan PQ4R

Siswa mengerjakan post test

e. Konfirmasi (10 menit)

Guru menjelaskan kembali materi yang disampaikan

Guru menanyakan kesulitan siswa

Guru menjadi sumber dan fasilitator siswa dalam memahami

teks descriptive

3. Kegiatan Akhir (5 menit)

Menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran dan penguatan materi

Menugaskan kepada siswa untuk membaca teks descriptive

yang lainnya di rumah

Guru menutup pembelajaran dengan membaca hamdallah dan


E. Sumber Belajar

Lembar Kerja Siswa

Buku-buku yang terkait berdasar BSNP

Kamus Bahasa Inggris-Indonesia

F. Penilaian

Teknik : Produk Tertulis

Bentuk : Multiple Choice

Instrumen :

Pre-Test :

Read the text carefully and answer these following questions!

Post-Test :

Read the text carefully and answer these questions based on the text!

Nama :

Nomer :

Read the text carefully and answer these following questions!


Peter is the youngest in our family. He is fourteen years old and four
years younger than me. He has long, straight hair, bright eyes and a friendly smile.
Sometimes he is rather naughty at home, but he usually does what he is asked to
Peter is interested in sports very much, and at school, he plays football and
tennis. He is the best badminton player in our family.
(sumber: pegangan guru untuk SMP/MTS oleh Bachtiar Bima Mustriana, 2009, PT Intan

1. How old is Peter? He is years old.

a. Four
b. Fourteen
c. Forty
d. Ten
2. The writer is years old.
a. Fourteen
b. Sixteen
c. Eighteen
d. Nineteen

3. Which of the following statement is not true about Peter?

a. He has long and straight hair.
b. He has bright eyes.
c. He is interested in sports.
d. He plays football and tennis.

4. According to the passage, we know that Peter is .

a. The writers youngest brother
b. The writers elder brother
c. A naughty boy
d. A friendly boy

5. It is implied in the passage that .

a. Peter is naughty.
b. Peter is lazy.
c. Peter is unfriendly.
d. Peter is diligent.

6. From the text, we may conclude that.

a. Many people do not like Peter.
b. People is older that the writer.
c. Peter is a welcoming person.
d. Peter is not diligent at all.

7. What is the text mostly about?

a. Peter
b. Peters hobby
c. Peters family
d. D. peters elder brother

8. He is fourteen years old . . . Than me.

The underlined word refers to .
a. Peter
b. The writer
c. The writers brother
d. the writers family

9. Peter is interested in sports very much, and at school he plays football and
tennis. The underlined phrase can be replaced by .
a. Dislike sport
b. Really likes sport
c. Hates sport very much
d. Finds sport not really entertaining

10. But he usually does what he is asked to do

The underlined phrase means
a. He does anything he wants.
b. He always asks.
c. He is lazy.
d. He is diligent.

Name :

Number :

Read the text carefully and answer these following questions!


My favorite toy is a doll. I named my doll Becky. I got in in my12th birthday. My

dad bought it for me when he was in England. Becky is 16 cm tall doll with
plastic head, arms, and legs and a white cloth stuffed body. Her body is covered
with yellow, orange, and green flower bud prints. She has a long auburn-red
brush-able hair, green eyes. There are freckles on her cheek. There are also two
dimples near her mouth on the left and on the right. They make her more
beautiful. I put her at my side when I sleep at night. I like my doll very much. I
sometimes ask my friends to come to my house and play with Becky. They like
Becky too.

1. What does the text tell us about

a. My favorite toy.
b. The writer's favorite doll.
c. A birthday party.
d. A plastic doll.

2. What are on Becky's face?

a. White cloth.
b. Auburn red hair.
c. Freckles and dimples.
d. Flower bud prints.

3. "They make her more beautiful." The underlined word refers to ...
a. Freckles.
b. Green eyes.
c. The left and bright cheeks.
d. The dimples.

4. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To describe a doll
b. To inform the reader about Becky
c. To entertain the reader
d. To retell the story

My Smartphone

Last month, my uncle came to visit my home. He had just returned from China
after living there for 2 years. He gave me presents a new smartphone. I really
liked it.

My Smartphone color is black. It has a 5 inch screen. The width is about 5 cm and
the thick is no more than 1 cm. This is the latest product from Sony.

The phone also has a very good color display. The performance of this mobile
phone is also great. I can play games that require high specification using it. But
sometimes, I forget about the time when play the game.

For social media, I can open it easily. It is easy for me to update status on
facebook, twitter, instagram, etc. This mobile help me to always connect with my
friends. If I have the assignment from my teacher, it also can help me. I can find
many references from internet.

I really like this new smartphone. Because it always be helpful to me in various


5. What does the text tell us about?

a. My Uncle
b. My Smartphone
c. Social Media
d. Facebook, twitter and Instagram

6. What is the colour of smartphone?

a. White
b. Black
c. Red
d. Grey
7. I really liked it. The underline word refers to..
a. My uncle
b. China
c. My Smartphone
d. My home

8. What statement is TRUE according to the text?

a. The width is about 5 cm and the thick is no more than 1 cm.
b. My Smartphone color is black and white

c. My Smartphone cant to open social media

d. The writer unlike his Smartphone

Complete these sentences with the appropriate word (9 and 10)


This is a elephant. It live in the junggle or forest or zoo. It has tusk, it

tusk is long. It is a (9).animal. The elephant has a big ear and its has trunk.
The trunk so long. Its has eyes. The eyes is small, the elephant eat like peanuts
and fruits. And also its has a long tail and it has fur. The fur is soft and the fur is
short and the colour is (10)...
9. a. big
b. cute
c. small
d. large

10.a. red
b. grey
c. blue
d. brown



Complete these sentences with the appropriate word (1 and 2)

This is a monkey. Its has grey fur. Its like eat (1). Its like climb
tree. It has habitat in the forest. It is omnivora and mamalia animal. Sometimes it
has short and long (2), and sometimes it has sharp tusk.
1. a. banana
b. meat
c. bread
d. rice
2. a. nose

b. hand

c. tail

d. foot

I love dogs very much. I keep some dogs in my house. They are Casper,
Midas, Brownie and Dottie. Casper is a dachshund. Hes short with long body and
four strong legs. Brownie is a collie. She has long and thick fur. What color is her
fur? Brown, of course thats why I call her Brownie. Dottie is a Dalmatian. She
has a slim body and four long legs. She has thin fur and dots all over her body.
The last is Midas. He is a bulldog. He has a large head, a short neck and thick
short legs. Hes very strong.

I always take care of my dogs everyday.

3. What kind of text is the text above?

a. Recount
c. Narrative
d. Report
4. The generic structure of the text is .
a. description identification
b. Identification description
c. Orientation events Reorientation
d. Reorientation events Orientation

5. They are Casper, Midas, Brownie and Dottie .

The sentence is the . of the text.
a. Description c. Identification
b. Orientation d. Events

6. Hes short with long body and four strong legs

The sentence is one of the of the text.
a. Events c. Descriptions
b. Orientations d. Identifications

7. How many dogs does the writer have?

a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 4

8. What does Casper look like?

a. short with long body and strong legs
b. Brown, with long and thick fur
c. slim body, long legs
d. thin fur and dots

9. Why does the writer call the collie, Brownie? The writer calls the collie,
because .
a. she likes brownies c. she has brown fur
b. she has brown ear d. she like it

10. What kind of dog is Dottie? Dottie is a

a. Dalmatian c. Bulldog
b. Daschun d. Collie


Read the text carefully and answer these following questions!


Many people call platypus duckbill because this animal has a bill like duckbill.
Platypus is a native Tasmania and southern and eastern Australia.Platypus has a
flat tail and webbed feet. Its body length is 30 to 45 cm and covered with a thick
and woolly layer of fur. Its bill is detecting prey and stirring up mud. Platypus'
eyes and head are small. It has no ears but has ability to sense sound and light.

Platypus lives in streams, rivers, and lakes. Female platypus usually dig burrows
in the streams or river banks. The burrows are blocked with soil to protect it from
intruders and flooding. In the other hand, male platypus does not need any burrow
to stay.

1. What is the title of the text?

a. Platypus
b. Duck
c. Mouse
d. Horse

2. What kind of the text?

a. Procedure
b. Narrative
c. Descriptive
d. Recount

3. Where is the Platypus live?

a. Streams, rivers and lakes
b. Garden
c. Tress
d. Yard

4. Why many people call Platypus duckbill?

a. Because Platypus lives in water
b. Because Platypus eats fish
c. Because Platypus eyes and head are small
d. Because Platypus has a bill like duckbill

Borobudur Temple

Example of descriptive text Borobudur

Borobudur is Hindu Budhist temple. It was build in the ninth century under
Sailendra dynasty of ancient Mataram kingdom. Borobudur is located in
Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia.
Borobudur is well-known all over the world. Its construction is influenced by the
Gupta architecture of India. The temple is constructed on a hill 46 m high and
consist of eight step like stone terrace. The first five terrace are square and
surrounded by walls adorned with Budist sculpture in bas-relief. The upper three
are circular. Each of them is with a circle of bell shape-stupa. The entire adifice is
crowned by a large stupa at the centre at the centre of the top circle. The way to
the summit extends through some 4.8 km of passage and starways. The design of
borobudur which symbolizes the structure of universe influences temples at
Angkor, Cambodia.
Borobudur temple which is rededicated as an Indonesian monument in 1983 is a
valuable treasure for Indonesian people.
5. Borobudur temple was built in.

a. third century
b. fifth century
c. seventh century
d. ninth century

6. What the purpose of the text?

a. To inform
b. To describe
c. To entertain
d. To retell

7. Where is Borobudur temple?

a. Magetan, East Java, Indonesia

b. Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia
c. Yogyakarta
d. India

8. It was built in the nineth century under Sailendra dynasty of ancient Mataram
kingdom. The underline word means.

a. Pemerintahan
b. Kerajaan
c. Kedaulatan
d. Kekuasaan

This is butterfly. It is look so beautiful with kind of colour. We can find
at (9) The butterfly has antena on its head. It has beautiful wing. It
always compute .(10) in top flower. It life in good smell place, and it many
kind of colour wing.

9. a. Flower Park

b. Market
c. School

d. Street

10. a. bread

b. honey

c. milk

d. water
Descriptive Text


I have a new backpack. Its color is soft green. I always bring it

whenever I go to school. It is made of strong fabric.

My backpack has several different parts. The first part is the pocket

where I put my money and library card. The second part is the main part. I

always put my books and pencil case in it. The third part is a small pocket at

the left side of the backpack. I keep a bottle of plain water in this pocket.


5. The text above is a descriptive text.

6. The function of a descriptive text is to describe something specifically

7. The generic structure of a descriptive text is:



8. The significant lexico grammatical feature of a descriptive text are the

following :

Focus on Specific Participant (the Park, My cat)

Describing features (use adjectives)

Use Simple Present tense (S+ V1)

Using action verbs (run, eat, jump)

Bromo Mountain
Bromo Mountain is a heaven of the world, one of the most beautiful places.
It is located in Ngadasari village, Sukapura Subdistrict, Probolinggo Regency. It is
still very natural. There is no pollution in most areas. The air is still clean and you
can feel the air is cool when it comes into your nose, your throat, and your lungs.
It is certainly good for us to breathe. We can also see many kinds of vegetables
planted by natives, such as cabbage, carrot, potato, corn and many more. Even we
can also find many strawberry gardens which are owned by natives on the way to
go to Bromo mountain. We can harvest it right away or just buy and take it home.
It can make us feel like in our dream land. From Pananjakan we can see sunrise
and it is one of the best places in the world for being able to see sunrise. The
scenery is certainly very amazing. You can feel like you are in the clouds. There
are many visitors going there, willing to feel a cold, awaking in the early morning
and taking journey to Pananjakan just to see the wonderful scenery from the top of
it. It also has a unique event called Kasada on Kasada month 14-15 (the 10Th
month according on Javanese calendar), which is celebrated by natives (Tengger
ethnic) to give thanks to God for their harvest by putting many kinds of their
harvests on Bromo's crater. It is very exciting event. I think it is rather difficult to
find the thanks giving event like Kasada, because it is only held in Bromo. All of
those are very interesting and entertaining to refresh our mind from any kind of
life problems. That is why it is not wrong for us to call Bromo as a heaven of the
world, one of the most beautiful places which is exciting to visit.


1. The text above is a descriptive text.

2. The function of a descriptive text is to describe something specifically

3. The generic structure of a descriptive text is:


Example of Descriptive Text About Place: Venice


One of the famous city in Italy is Venice. It get its popularity because
Venice is a rich and interesting city. It has a lot of history documentations and
offers a lot of attractive things to visitors.

Venice has been established over 2000 years ago when waves of barbarians
drove people out of their homes in various Roman cities. Around years 800-1100
AD, Venice underwent a period of growth, and became more centralized. It
gradually developed into a city state, which is essentially a self-governed region
of a country that trades freely among others.

As Venice gradually developed, it became a prominent player in the sea

trade of the time. It was set upon by many different threats. Pirates became the
hugest problem. Fewer and fewer shipments were making it through the
treacherous water. It happened when the Republic of Venice decided to move the
operations to the eastern shores.

When we think of Venice, the first thing which comes to mind are canals.
They are considered the trademark of the city. Canals are mostly recognizable for
providing the main form of transportation throughout the city. Visiting Venice
brings a rich aura of history and culture. Floating through the canals for an
afternoon makes for a memorable experience, and its one that any traveler
commonly enjoy.
Taj Mahal, Agra, India

Taj Mahal is regarded as one of the eight wonders of the world, and some
Western historians have noted that its architectural beauty has never been
surpassed. The Taj is the most beautiful monument built by the Mughals, the
Muslim rulers of India. Taj Mahal is built entirely of white marble. Its stunning
architectural beauty is beyond adequate description, particularly at dawn and
sunset. The Taj seems to glow in the light of the full moon. On a foggy morning,
the visitors experience the Taj as if suspended when viewed from across the
Jamuna river.
Taj Mahal was built by a Muslim, Emperor Shah Jahan (died 1666 C.E.)
in the memory of his dear wife and queen Mumtaz Mahal at Agra, India. It is an
"elegy in marble" or some say an expression of a "dream." Taj Mahal (meaning
Crown Palace) is a Mausoleum that houses the grave of queen Mumtaz Mahal at
the lower chamber. The grave of Shah Jahan was added to it later. The queens
real name was Arjumand Banu. In the tradition of the Mughals, important ladies
of the royal family were given another name at their marriage or at some other
significant event in their lives, and that new name was commonly used by the
public. Shah Jahan's real name was Shahab-ud-din, and he was known as Prince
Khurram before ascending to the throne in 1628.
Taj Mahal was constructed over a period of twenty-two years, employing
twenty thousand workers. It was completed in 1648 C.E. at a cost of 32 Million
Rupees. The construction documents show that its master architect was Ustad
Isa, the renowned Islamic architect of his time. The documents contain names of
those employed and the inventory of construction materials and their origin.
Expert craftsmen from Delhi, Qannauj, Lahore, and Multan were employed. In
addition, many renowned Muslim craftsmen from Baghdad, Shiraz and Bukhara
worked on many specialized tasks.
The Taj stands on a raised, square platform (186 x 186 feet) with its four
corners truncated, forming an unequal octagon. The architectural design uses
the interlocking arabesque concept, in which each element stands on its own and
perfectly integrates with the main structure. It uses the principles of self-
replicating geometry and a symmetry of architectural elements.
Its central dome is fifty-eight feet in diameter and rises to a height of 213
feet. It is flanked by four subsidiary domed chambers. The four graceful, slender
minarets are 162.5 feet each. The entire mausoleum (inside as well as outside) is
decorated with inlaid design of flowers and calligraphy using precious gems such
as agate and jasper. The main archways, chiseled with passages from the Holy
Quran and the bold scroll work of flowery pattern, give a captivating charm to its
beauty. The central domed chamber and four adjoining chambers include many
walls and panels of Islamic decoration.
The mausoleum is a part of a vast complex comprising of a main gateway,
an elaborate garden, a mosque (to the left), a guest house (to the right), and
several other palatial buildings. The Taj is at the farthest end of this complex, with
the river Jamuna behind it. The large garden contains four reflecting pools
dividing it at the center. Each of these four sections is further subdivided into four
sections and then each into yet another four sections. Like the Taj, the garden
elements serve like Arabesque, standing on their own and also constituting the
The African Elephant

The African Elephant is described as the Loxodonta africana of Africa.

They are very large, grey, four-legged herbivorous mammals. They have almost
hairless skin, a distinctive long, flexible, prehensile trunk. Its upper incisors form
long curved tusks of ivory. African elephants have large fan-shaped ears and two
fingers at the tip of its trunk, compared to only one in the Asian species.
Furthermore, the Indian Elephant is described as Elephas maximus of south-
central Asia. The ears of Indian elephants are significantly smaller than African
Elephants are herbivores and eat all types of vegetation such as grasses,
leaves, fruits, and bark. The facts tell that despite the size of ears the elephants
hearing is poor, because elephants ears are used to aid ventilation. One of the
softest parts of their body is at the back of the ears, which is called the knuckle. In
a zoo, elephant trainers, called Mahouts, use their feet to steer or give commands
to the animal via the knuckle at the back of the ears.
Some other facts about the elephants are : The elephant is the largest of all
land mammals; Life Span - elephants can live for up to 70 years; Elephants
normally walk about 4 mph; Elephants are able to swim for long distances;
Elephants spend about 16 hours a day eating; They consume as much as 495
pounds of food per day; They live in tight social units led by an older matriarch;
Males leave the herd between the ages of 12 and 15; Their tusks are of ivory and
are actually enormously enlarged incisors; The elephant's eyes are small and its
eyesight is poor, They have the largest brains in the animal kingdom.

Nama : Lailatis Syarifah

Jurusan : TBI

NIM : 113 11 137

P.A : Rifqi Aulia Erlangga, S.Fil, M.Hum

No Kegiatan Waktu Keterangan Skor

1 Orientasi Pengenalan 20 - 21 Agustus Peserta 3
Akademik Dan Kemahasiswaan 2011
(OPAK) Sekolah Tinggi
Agama Islam Negeri (STAIN)
2 Achievement Motivation 23 Agustus 2011 Peserta 2
Training (AMT) ITTAQO dan
3 Orientasi Dasar Keislaman 24 Agustus 2011 Peserta 2
(ODK) LDK Darul Amal
4 Seminar Entreprenuership dan 25 Agustus 2011 Peserta 2
Koperasi oleh KOPMA dan
5 User Education oleh UPT 19 September Peserta 2
Perpustakaan STAIN Salatiga 2011
6 Bedah Buku Super Teens 08 Oktober 2011 Peserta 2
Super Leader oleh KAMMI
7 IBTIDA LDK Darul Amal 12 Oktober 2011 Peserta 2
8 English Frienship Tour 2011 22 - 23 Oktober Peserta 2
CEC 2011
9 English Public Speaking 17 Maret 2012 Peserta 2
Training (EPST) oleh CEC
10 Practicum Program 28 April 2012 Peserta 2
(Pronounciation and Intensive
Course) oleh TBI STAIN
11 Seminar Regional Peran 03 Mei 2012 Peserta 4
Mahasiswa Dalam Mengawal
BLSM (BLT) Tepat Sasaran
12 Seminar Nasional Kristologi 20 Mei 2012 Peserta 8
dan Tabligh Akbar oleh MUI
13 Dauroh Maratus Sholihah 26 Mei 2012 Peserta 2
(DMS) 1 oleh LDK Darul Amal
STAIN Salatiga
14 Public Hearing II oleh SEMA 20 Juni 2012 Peserta 2
STAIN Salatiga
15 Bimbingan Belajar Menghadapi 29 Juni 2012 Peserta 2
BHS ARAB oleh CEC dan
16 Practicum Program (Magazine 24 September Peserta 2
Writing dan Public Speaking) 2012
17 Seminar Pra Youth Leadhership 06 Oktober 2012 Peserta 2
18 Tabligh Akbar Bertema Tafsir 1 Desember Peserta 2
Tematik dalam Upaya 2012
Menjawab Persoalan Israel dan
Palestina oleh JQH STAIN
19 Piagam Penghargaan oleh 29 Juli 2013 Pengurus 4
PPTQ Al- Muntaha
20 Seminar Pendidikan dalam 19 September Peserta 2
Mencerahkan Masa Depan 2014
Anak Bangsa oleh HMI
21 Sarasehan Akbar Bersama 15 Maret 2014 Peserta 2
Tokoh Nasional Oleh LDMI PB
22 Seminar Nasional Anti 27 Maret 2014 Peserta 8
Radikalisme atas Nama Agama
Lembaga Kajian Pemikiran
Islam Darul Afkar Klaten dan
BEM Universitas Widya
Dharma Klaten
23 Piagam Penghargaan oleh 4 Juli 2014 Pengurus 4
PPTQ AL Muntaha
24 Haflah Khotmil Quran dan 9 November Panitia 3
Haul Para Masyayikh 2014
25 Piagam Penghargaan oleh 4 Juni 2015 Pengurus 4
PPTQ Al Muntaha
26 Pelatihan Guru Bahasa Arab 21 Februari Peserta 2
MI, MTs, MA Se Kabupaten 2015
Semarang oleh HIMA
27 Sosialisasi Program 12 Juni 2015 Peserta 2
Pendewasaan Usia Perkawinan

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