CE Module 14 - COSH (Answer Key)

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Thursday, December 15, 2022 Module 14

INSTRUCTION: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. Mark only one answer for each item by shading the box corresponding to the letter of
your choice on the answer sheet provided. STRICTLY NO ERASURES ALLOWED. Use pencil no. 2 only. NOTE: WHENEVER YOU CAN ENCOUNTER A

1. Freedom from accidents; absence of hazardous conditions and acts. 14. A real safety & health inspection. It is deliberate, thorough, and
A. safety B. health systematic by design.
C. hazard D. risk A. Unplanned inspection B. continuous inspection
C. on-going inspection D. planned inspection
2. Freedom from illness; state of wellness, not just absence of disease.
A. safety B. health 15. It is a collective effort that focuses both on the different jobs in a
C. hazard D. risk company, and a group of people tasked to identify them.
A. accident investigation B. job hazard analysis
3. The potential of an act or condition that can lead to an accident. C. safety and health program D. none of the above
A. safety B. health
C. hazard D. risk 16. A method of protecting employees from cave-ins from material that
could fall or roll from an excavation face or into an excavation or
4. The chance of physical or personal loss. collapse of adjacent structures. This includes support systems, sloping
A. safety B. health and benching systems, shield systems and other systems that provide the
C. hazard D. risk necessary protection.
A. Hazard system B. Protective system
5. It is a combination of the likelihood of an occurrence of a hazardous C. Risk system D. Safety system
event with specified period in specified circumstances and the severity
of injury or damage of health of people, property, environment or any 17. A method of protecting workers from cave-ins by excavating the sides of
combination of these caused by the event. an excavation to form one or a series of horizontal level or steps, usually
A. Risk B. Hazard with a vertical or near vertical surfaces between levels.
C. Unsafe condition D. Unsafe act A. Support B. Shield
C. Benching D. Ladder
6. An unexpected, unforeseen, unplanned and unwanted occurrence or
event that causes damage or loss of materials or properties, injury or 18. What are the capacity requirement for all scaffoldings?
death. A. At least 2 times of its own weight
A. near miss B. accidents B. At least 3 times of its own weight
C. hazard D. risk C. At least 4 times of its own weight
D. At least 5 times of its own weight
7. A disruption in the normal process which does not results to injury or
equipment damage. 19. What are the misconceptions about safety?
A. near miss B. accidents 1. accidents cannot be prevented
C. unsafe/unhealthy act D. unsafe/unhealthy condition 2. companies do not have many accidents
3. safety is expensive
8. Any human action that violates a commonly accepted safe work 4. companies are insured anyway
procedure or standard operating procedure.
A. near miss B. accidents A. 1 & 2 B. 1, 2 & 4
C. unsafe/unhealthy act D. unsafe/unhealthy condition C. 2 & 4 D. 1, 2, 3, & 4

9. Defines as the physical or chemical property of a material, machine or 20. What are the hazards present in heavy equipment operation?
the environment which could possibly cause injury to people, damage to 1. moving parts of the equipment
property, disrupt operations in a plant or office or other forms of losses. 2. uneven terrain
Can be guarded or prevented. 3. energized electrical lines
A. near miss B. accidents 4. fall
C. unsafe/unhealthy act D. unsafe/unhealthy condition 5. dust
6. overloaded equipment
10. These are circumstances or deviation from standard condition which 7. noise
could permit an occurrence of accident or incident. 8. vibration
A. Unsafe condition B. Hazard 9. unsecured loads
C. Risk D. Unsafe set 10. improvised attachments
11. blind spots
11. The process where you identify hazards, analyze or evaluate the risk
associated with that hazards, and determine appropriate ways to A. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 10 B. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 11
eliminate or control the hazard. C. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 9 D. all of the above
A. risk assessment B. hazard assessment
C. unsafe/unhealthy act D. unsafe/unhealthy condition 21. What are the hazards associated with demolition?
1. Falls
12. It is an informal group discussion that focuses on a particular safety 2. lift shafts
issue. These can be used daily to promote department safety culture as 3. being hit/trapped/crushed by objects
well as to facilitate health and safety discussions on job sites is known 4. use of equipment (crane lifting loads)
as: 5. manual handling
A. Toolbox Meeting B. COSH Meeting 6. manual demolition
C. BOSH Meeting D. Management Meeting 7. Hazardous substance
8. Dangerous goods
13. This is a short meeting usually held to discuss safety and health 9. Noise & vibrations
conditions in the workplace. 10. Electric shocks
A. BOSH meeting B. COSH meeting
C. Tool Box meeting D. Management meeting A. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 B. 3, 4, 7, 8, 9 & 10
C. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 9 D. all of the above

Aspire and Commit to Excellence!


22. What are the common types of accidents? 28. What are the hazards in the use of scaffolding?
1. fall from height and fall from the same level 1. fall of person from height
2. struck against rigid structure, sharp or rough objects 2. fall of materials and objects from height
3. struck by falling objects 3. collapse of scaffold
4. caught in, on or in between objects 4. overloading of the scaffold
5. electrocution 5. safe access not provided
6. fire 6. electrocution

A. 1, 2, & 3 B. 2, 3 & 6 A. 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 B. 1, 2, 3 & 4

C. 2, 3 & 4 D. all of the above C. 1, 2, 3 & 6 D. all of the above

23. Which of the following are considered as construction hazards? 29. The three (3) general environmental control measures that are useful in
1. Open excavation the workplace are:
2. Falling objects 1. Elimination
3. Welding operations 2. Substitution
4. Dust and dirt 3. Engineering Controls
5. Temporary wirings 4. Administrative Controls
6. Temporary overhead electrical lines 5. PPE

A. 1, 2, 3 B. 4, 5, 6 A. 1, 2 & 5 B. 3 & 4
C. 5 & 6 D. all of the above C. 3, 4 & 5 D. all of the above

24. What are the safety measures in Excavation in Confined Spaces? 30. What are the main types of health hazards?
1. check the atmosphere condition before entry. A. Physical, Chemical, Biological, Ergonomic, Psychological
2. do not work alone in confined space. B. Noise, Vibration, Heat Stress, Cold Stress, Illumination, Pressure
3. provide ventilation or blower before entering the confined C. Bacteria, Viruses, Fungi, Parasites, Insects, Plants
spaces. D. all of the above
4. emergency rescue equipment such as breathing apparatus,
safety harnesses and line and basket stretcher shall be readily 31. Which of the following are the concepts of safe design for construction?
available where adverse atmospheric conditions are
suspected or may develop in excavations. I. The design of the structure to be built.
II. The subsystems to be included in the structure (electrical,
A. 1 & 3 B. 1, 2 & 4 mechanical, plumbing, etc.)
C. 1 & 2 D. all of the above III. The equipment involved in building the structure.
IV. The on-site facilities such as man lifts, elevators, concrete batch
25. Which of the following are basic safety rules that can prevent all hazards plants and rock crushing/gravel processing or asphalt plants.
involved in the use of power tools? V. The manpower of the structure
1. keep all tools in good condition with regular
maintenance. A. I, II, III & IV B. I, III, IV & V
2. use the right tool for the job. C. III, IV, & V D. All of the above
3. examine each tool for damage before use.
4. operate according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Situation: Given:
5. provide and use the proper protective equipment. Duration (Days) No. of Workers
1 3
A. 1, 3 & 5 B. 2, 3 & 4
2 6
C. 1, 4, & 5 D. all of the above
3 5
26. What are the fall protection system categories? 4 7
1. surface protection (non-slip flooring) 5 6
2. fixed barriers (handrails, guardrails) 6 4
3. surface opening protection (removable covers, If the number of lost time injury reported is 3, number of man-days lost is 2
guardrails) man- days.
4. travel restraint systems (safety line and belt)
5. fall arrest systems (safety line and harness) 32. Compute the total number of man-hours worked.
6. fall containment systems (safety nets) A. 240 B. 244
C. 248 D. 256
A. 2, 4 & 6 B. 1, 2, 3 & 5
C. 1, 3 & 4 D. all of the above 33. Compute the Frequency Rate per 1 million employee-hours of exposure.
A. 12500 B. 12296
27. Which of the following are hazard prevention and controls in heavy C. 12097 D. 11719
equipment operation?
1. perimeter fencing, enclosures, signs. 34. Compute the Severity Rate per 1 million employee-hours of exposure.
2. spotters provided for in-the-blind, backing machines A. 8334 B. 8197
and/or equipment C. 8065 D. 7813
3. poor planning forces workers to commit unsafe acts!
(office trailers, change trailers, haul roads, parking 35. Compute the Incidence Rate per 1000 workers.
areas) A. 400 B. 450
4. be alert; stay clear; hear warnings C. 500 D. 550
5. temporary barricades around hazards

A. 1, 3 & 5 B. 1, 3, 4 & 5
C. 1 & 2 D. all of the above

Aspire and Commit to Excellence!

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