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Форма проведення: інтелект-шоу.

Місце проведення: класна кімната.
Обладнання: роздавальний матеріал, кросворди, грамота.
Цілі: проконтролювати рівень сформованості мовленнєвих, лексичних
та граматичних навичок і вмінь, говоріння з тем "Animals", "Appearance",
"Colours", "Room", "Family", "Sport"; розвивати пізнавальні особливості
учнів; формувати всебічно розвинену особистість шляхом гуманізації та
демократизації шкільного життя, апробації та введення інноваційних
технологій; виховувати почуття індивідуальної та колективної
відповідальності за спільну роботу.

Т. Dear friend! Today it won't be a lesson, but an intellect show and you
won't be pupils, but participants of the show and one of these teams will receive
the Diploma.
So, Ladies and Gentlemen we have two teams. Please, introduce yourself.
(Команди no черзі представляють себе.)

The 1st task is to name an excessive word. If you find an excessive word
you'll raise your hand and take one point.
1. Duck, goose, hen, rabbit, cock.
2. Face, eye, leg, nose, cheek.
3. Black, yellow, white, light, blue.
4. Classroom, bedroom, living-room, kitchen.
5. Pen, bed, ruler, pencil - box, book.
6. English, Ukrainian, Music, School, Math.
7. Wolf, squirrel, hen, fox, hedgehog.
8. Mother, Father, family, uncle, granny.
What is the score?
For each next true answer you'll get one point.

The 2nd task is to guess the riddles.

Has no legs
But just for fun.
It is always
On the run ( A ball)

My face is black
As black as night
On it with chalk
All pupils write ( A blackboard)

This is a house
With one window in it
Showing films
Nearly every minute (TV-set)

My beautiful tail is bushy

And the colour of it is red
1 hate the idea of it being worn
Round your neck or upon your head (A fox)

The 3rd task is the grammar practice. You'll choose the irregular verbs.
Take the pens and delete the irregular verbs.
Come, play, sit, jumped, to read, decided, wrote, to run,
telephoned, dress.
What is the score?
The 4th task is to find the ending of the sentence.
Buratino has at 7 o'clock in the morning
My mother works are not high
The houses in our village in the garden
There are many fruit trees a long straight nose
I usually get up on a farm

What is the score?

The 5th task is to translate the sentences orally.

1. Taras is washing his hands.
2. The Sun shines brightly in spring.
3. We went to the cinema last Sunday.
4. I like to do sums every day after lessons.
5. My sister listens to music.
What is the score?

The 6th task is to guess the crossword "Sport".

w g y m n a s t I c h
b о a і j n O h e h о
0 1 e m k a r a t e k
x f x s t e n n і s с
f 0 d 0 m і n 0 e s e
j q s w і m m і n g y
What is the score?

The 7th and the last task is to find mistakes. :

Listen to me Attentively! .
• There are six days in a week.
• There is four weeks in a month.
• Do you know the names of the ten days of the week?
• They is Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, March, Thursday,
Friday, Saturday.
• Children have a rest-day from school on Sundays and
• The pupils doesn't go to school on Sunday.

What is the score?

The winner of the today's game is the team...
I think that friendship has won. Do you agree with me? Each child and
teams had wonderful answers and played very well. Thank you for the work. Our
competition is over and our winner today is team... The prize for the winner is the
Our show is over. Thank you very much. Goodbye.

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