College Algebra 1

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MATHEMATICS 7 – SY:2021-2022
Palawan Hope Christian School
Welcome to our Math class! More over, word problems are presented in local contexts to
ensure better understanding of concepts and their applications to
real life situations.
This module is prepared in
response to the need for It is my privilege to teach you these concepts so as part of
competitive instructional
it, I created videos about the concepts and up-loaded it in
students. It is created to
not only address the an online platform so you can watch it repeatedly.
declining performance in
mathematics among I am looking forward for a fun and meaningful learning
students but to also equip with you.
you as you take college en-
trance examinations and
as you enter college and
the labor force later in life
as well.

This module offers you the

opportunity to recall and
learn math concepts in
senior high school that
might encour-age and
prepare you for a range of
ad-vanced math courses
that you will tackle.

I know that most of you hate

this sub-
ject but I will try my very
best to discuss it in an easy
way. Exercises are provid-
ed at the end of every
lesson to ensure mastery of
skills in learning
competency. Ms. Gueia

MATHEMATICS 7 – SY:2021-2022
Palawan Hope Christian School
With the spread of Corona virus, many GENERAL
institutions, companies, and even schools around INSTRUCTIONS:
the world closedown for safety reasons but
learning should not stop.
This module is a response to the new normal to  Login to your Schoology
continually provide the need for account.
competitive instructional materials for Grade 11
students. It is created based on the K-12
curriculum not only to address the needs of the  Proceed to “Recent
students in mathematics. Activity” tab. Make sure to
read what your teacher has
been posted in there. This
will serve as your guide
KEY FEAURES OF THE SUBJECT: while inside the Learning
Management System.
Our subject will be composed of two sessions: Don’t be afraid to explore
every feature mentioned
Synchronous Session—is a general term used to by your teacher.
describe forms of education, instruction, and
learning that occur at the same time, but not in the  Every lesson corresponds
same place. That is, the online discussion of the to 1 Module in the LMS.
There will be a specific
lessons by the teacher and students.
folder for each module
where you should finish for
Asynchronous Session— refers to the a day.
opposite. The teacher, learners, and other
participants are not engaged in the learning
process at the same time. In our case,
you will do the post activities provided by the
teacher as reflected in your modules.

MATHEMATICS 7 – SY:2021-2022
Palawan Hope Christian School
Let’s Explore — which is a warm-up activity Evaluate — which helps to
that may also serve as a springboard for the assess and evaluate learning
lesson. It usually provides you a scenario or competencies in all les-sons
other activities where the concepts you’ll learn covered. This are the
can be applied. This section also provides the summative tests and can be
done during synchronous
review of the different mathematical skills
needed in the manipulation of the problems in
the lesson.
More - this section of your
module consist of other
Concept Check - which introduces the resources such as
lesson/topic and usually happens during websites, videos, books, etc
that you can explore for your
synchro-nous time. Concepts are included in
further understanding.
your module which can be discussed during
synchronous sessions but if there happens to
be technical problems, you may study these
concepts in your module.

Examples — which is a step-by-step

procedure of solved problems as illustrative ex-
amples of the lesson as your teacher will be
discussing the process During synchronous
sessions. Some solutions are not included, but
you may write them when your teacher discuss
it to you. You will be often asked to come up
with your own solutions.

Practice — which provide mastery of the

skills in particular lessons with hierachical level
of difficulty. This can be done during
asynchronous sessions. Should there be any
clarifications, you may contact your teacher
through messenger (Gueia Estiandan-
Cabanday) or at
[email protected]

MATHEMATICS 7 – SY:2021-2022
Palawan Hope Christian School
Chapter 1

And Operations

MATHEMATICS 7 – SY:2021-2022
Palawan Hope Christian School

At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

Describe sets using the roster and rule method.
Identify the notion of subsets, emp-ty sets, universal sets, finite and infinite sets,
equal and equivalent sets, and one-to-one correspondence between two sets.


o Addition and subtraction of whole numbers

o Familiarity with English words such as :and”, “or”. “not”, “all”, “if...then”



o hp://
o hps:// -gr-7-teachers-guide-q12.pdf

MATHEMATICS 7 – SY:2021-2022
Palawan Hope Christian School

Instruction: Answ er the survey given in the Module 1 of your College Algebra Course
in the LMS.

1. Which of the following social media do you like to use? (Select all that apply)

How will you represent the result so you could easily come up with a generalization?


In this module, you will recall the following concepts:

1. Sets

MATHEMATICS 7 – SY:2021-2022
Palawan Hope Christian School

Instruction: For the 40 minutes of synchronous, you are expected to fol-low the
discussion being conducted by your teacher. The following will be the concepts to be
discussed. But just in case of power interruption or failure of
internet connection, your teacher has prepared the concepts to be discussed.


A set is just a collection of objects, but we need some new words and symbols and
diagrams to be able to talk sensibly about sets.

In our ordinary language, we try to make sense of the world we live in by classifying
collections of things. English has many words for such collections. For example, we
speak of “a flock of birds”, “a herd of cattle’, “a swarm of bees”, and “a colony of
We do a similar thing in mathematics, and classify numbers, geometrical figures and
other things into collections we call sets.


A set can be described by listing all of its elements. For example,

S = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}. written in roster method/tabular form.
Which we read as “S is the set whose elements are 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9”. The five
elements of the set are separated by commas, and the list is enclosed between curly

MATHEMATICS 7 – SY:2021-2022
Palawan Hope Christian School
A set can also be described by writing a description of its elements between
curly brackets. Thus, the set S above can also be written as
S = {odd whole numbers less that 10}. written in Rule/Method set builder

A set must be well-defined. This means that our description of the elements
of a set is clear and unambiguous. For example, {tall people} is not a set, because
people tend to disagree about what “tall” means. An example of well-defined set is
T = {letters in the English alphabet}
For example:
{1, 3, 5, 7, 9} = {3, 9, 7, 5, 1} = {5, 9, 1, 3, 7}
If an element is listed more than once, it is only counted once. For example,

{a, a, b} = {a, b}

The set {a, a, b} has only the elements a and b. The second mention of a is an
unnecessary repetition and can be ignored. It is normally considered poor notation to an
element more than once.


The phrases ‘is an element of’ and ‘is not element of’ occur so often in dis-cussing
sets that the special symbols ϵ and ϵ are used for them. For example, if A = {3, 4, 5,
6}, then
3 ϵ A (read this as ‘3 is an element of the set A’)

8 ϵ A (read this as ‘8 is not an element of the set A’)

MATHEMATICS 7 – SY:2021-2022
Palawan Hope Christian School
Describing and Naming Sets
 A set is a collection of objects, called the elements of the set.

 A set must be well defined, meaning that its elements can be described and
listed without ambiguity. For example:
{1, 3, 5} and {letters of the English alphabet}.
 Two sets are called equal if they have exactly the same elements.
- The order is irrelevant.
- Any repetition of an element is ignored.
 If a is an element of a set S, we write a ϵ S.

 If b is not an element of a set S, we write b ϵ S.


All the sets we have seen so far have been finite sets, meaning that we can
list all their elements. Here are two more examples:

{whole numbers between 2000 and 2005} = {2001, 2002, 2003, 2004}

{whole numbers between 2000 and 3000} = {2001, 2002, 2003, …, 2999}
The three dots ‘…’ in the second example stand for the other 995 numbers in
the set. We could have listed them all, but to save space we have used dots
instead. This notation can only be used if it is completely clear what it means,
as in this situation.

MATHEMATICS 7 – SY:2021-2022
Palawan Hope Christian School
A set can also be infinite - all that matters is that it is well defined. Here are two
examples of infinite sets:

{even whole numbers} = {0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, …}

{whole numbers greater than 2000} = {2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, …}

Both these sets are infinite because no matter how many elements we list, there are
always more elements in the set that are not on our list. This time the dots ‘…’ have a
slightly different meaning, because they stand for infinitely many elements that we
could not possibly list, no matter how long we tried.


The cardinal number, denoted by n(A), of a set A is the number of elements in a


If S is a finite set, the symbol |S| stands for the number of elements of S.

If A = {1, 2, 3}, then n(A) = 3
If S = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}, then |S| = 5.
If A = {1001, 1002, 1003, …, 3000}, then |A| = 2000.
If T = {letters in the English alphabet}, then |T| = 26.
The set S = {5} is a one-element set because |S| = 1. It is important to
distinguish between the number 5 and the set S = {5}:
5 ϵ S but 5 ǂS.

MATHEMATICS 7 – SY:2021-2022
Palawan Hope Christian School
Finite and Infinite Sets

▪ A set is called nite if we can list of all its elements.

▪ An innite set has the property that no er how many elements we list, there are
always more elements in the set that are not on our list.
▪ If S is a nite set, the symbol |S| stands for the number of elements of S.
▪ The set with no elements is called an empty set, and is wrien as ø. Thus |ø| =
▪ A one-element set is a set such as S = {5} with |S| = 1 which is called singleton
set or unit set


The symbol ø represents the empty set, which is the set that has no elements
at all. Nothing in the whole universe is an element of ø.

|ø| = 0 and x ϵ ø, no matter what x may be.

There is only one empty set, because any two empty sets have exactly the
same elements, so they must be equal to one another.

A is a subset of B, in symbols A B, if every element of A is an element of B.

If A B and A ǂ B, then there is at least one element of B which is not in A, A is

called a proper subset of B, otherwise an improper subset. The symbol A ‫ﬤ‬B, is
read as “A contains B” or “A is a superset of B”. A B is a symbolic
representation of ‘A is not a subset of B”.

MATHEMATICS 7 – SY:2021-2022
Palawan Hope Christian School
A = {1, 2, 3}
The subsets are:

A1 = {1, 2, 3} A4 = {2, 3} A7={3}

A2 = {1, 2} A5 = {1} A8 = { }
A3 = {1, 3} A6 = {2}

A is an improper subset of A, while A2 to A8 are proper subsets of set A

All sets have proper subsets except the empty set.
The family of all the subsets of any set is called the power set, while the
number of subsets of a given sets is 2n(A).
If A = {1, 2, 3}, then 2n(A) = 23 = 8.

Therefore, there are 8 subsets of set A. thus, the power set of A is

A = {{1}, {2}, {3}, { }, {1, 2}, {1, 3}, {2, 3}, {1, 2, 3}}

Two non-empty sets are said to be disjoint if the sets have no elements in
common, otherwise the sets are joint sets.

A = {1, 2, 3, 4} B = {2, 4} C = {5, 6}

Sets A and B are joint sets, while sets A and C, B and C are disjoint sets.

MATHEMATICS 7 – SY:2021-2022
Palawan Hope Christian School
Practice 1.1 Name:________________________
SETS and ITS BASIC CONCEPTS Date: __________ Score: ________


1. The set of all interesting courses offered in Eastern ________________

Visayas State University are well defined.
2. Let B = {x|x2 = 49}, then 7 ϵ B. ________________

3. {x, y, z} = {z, y, x} ________________

4. {1, 2} ϵ {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} A = {m, t, h} is equivalent to ________________

the set of consonants in the word “math”

5. The set of all points in a line segment of length one ________________
cm. is finite.
6. If A ↔ B, then A = B. ________________
7. If A = B, then A↔ B. ________________
8. Ø Є { }
9. If A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} then the set of distinct letters ________________
in the word “mathematics” in one-to-one correspond-
dence with set A.
10. The cardinal number of the set months in a calendar ________________
year is 12.
11. If A = {a, e, I, o, u}, then the number of subsets of A ________________
is 2 = 10.
12. If A and B are sets such that A B, then A and B ________________
are not disjoints.

13. If A B and A = B, then B A. ________________

14. The set of all right triangles and the set of ________________
15. A = {m, t, h} is equivalent to the set of conso- ________________
nants in the word “math”.

MATHEMATICS 7 – SY:2021-2022
Palawan Hope Christian School
II. Do the following.

A. Use dots to help list each set, and state whether it is finite or infinite.
1. A = {even numbers between 10 000 and 20 000}
_________________________________, ________________
2. B = {whole numbers that are multiple of 3}
_________________________________, ________________

B. If the set S in each part is finite, write down |S|.

1. S = {primes} ________________
2. S = {even primes}
3. S = {even primes greater than 5}
4. S = {whole numbers less than 100} ________________

C. Let F be the set of fractions in simplest form between 0 and 1 that can be
written with a single-digit denominator. Find F and |F|.

MATHEMATICS 7 – SY:2021-2022
Palawan Hope Christian School

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