EP-EPD-07835 0 Gieffe Email
EP-EPD-07835 0 Gieffe Email
EP-EPD-07835 0 Gieffe Email
About us…
Protection of elevators
and conveying systems
suppression system
Overview explosion panels
Therefore REMBE®
Standard Lowest
Burst Possible
REMBE offers optimal bursting disc
Working condition Application Pressure Burst Design Type
constructions for all applications and (mbar g) Tolerance
Silo Filter Sanitary
working conditions. For the use in @ 22 °C (in %)
corrosive atmosphere or in case of
extreme working conditions, e. g.
frequent changing, pulsating pressure
and vacuum REMBE® offers the appli- 100 15 ERO
cable bursting disc. Standard burst
panels require a special mounting
procedure due to their dependency on
torque requirements. These standard
panels are far less efficient and require
additional installation time resulting in 100 10 ODU
higher costs. REMBE® bursting discs
distinguish themselves by extremely
precise burst pressures. These panels
guarantee 100 % efficiency and enable
you to save space and money by optimi- triple-
sing the installed venting area. REMBE® 100 10 ODV
bursting discs are fragmentation-free
and have ideal opening characteristics
which leads to lower reduced pressure
(Pred.). Translate the many benefits of
REMBE® bursting discs into substantial single-
savings of time and money for your 100 15 EDP
single- EX-GO-
100 15 VENT
qualified p = pressure
partly qualified t = time
Explosion venting
with triple-section bursting discs
or middle burst pressures. The burst 350 14" 750 116.2 457 x 1500 18.0 x 59.1 6200 961.0
610 x 1118 24.0 x 44.0 6400 992.0
pressure is determined by the burst ele- 400 16" 1000 155.0
450 18" 1430 221.6 645 x 1130 25.4 x 44.5 6800 1054
ment with integrated breaking points
500 20" 1660 257.3 840 x 920 33.1 x 36.2 7300 1131
and its sealing part. Breaking points are
550 22" 2150 333.2 920 x 920 36.2 x 36.2 8000 1240
made by CNC controlled laser microcut- 457 x 2000 18.0 x 78.7 8400 1302
0.025 0.36
600 24" 2500 387.5 0.05 0.73
ting machines, that means the highest 586 x 1630 23.1 x 64.2 8900 1379
700 28" 3500 542.5 5000
possible precision in case of required 750 30" 4200 651.0 1000 x 1000 39.4 x 39.4 9500 1472 200
pressure is guaranteed. ODV bursting 3000
800 32" 4600 713.0 915 x 1118 36.0 x 44.0 9700 1503
discs are applied to working pressures 900 36" 5900 914.5 1020 x 1020 40.2 x 40.2 9900 1534
up to 80 % of the specified burst pre- 1000 40" 7400 1147 586 x 1893 23.1 x 74.5 10400 1612
ssure. The sealing part (in case of low 1100 44" 8950 1387 920 x 1254 36.2 x 49.4 11000 1705 100
or middle burst pressure predominantly 1200 48" 10000 1550 500 740 x 1630 29.1 x 64.2 11300 1751
0.025 0.36
1250 50" 11700 1813 740 x 1893 29.1 x 74.5 13200 2046
of teflon) isolates the bursting membra-
1300 52" 12500 1937 750 x 1900 29.5 x 74.8 13400 2077 50
ne from the process - especially on cor- 100
1400 56" 15000 2325 920 x 1920 36.2 x 75.6 17000 2635
rosive media. ODU triple-section
bursting discs are suitable for applica- All dimensions are nominal All dimensions are nominal
* Valid for ODV only * Valid for ODV only
tions without vacuum resistance. Higher vacuum resistance on request Higher vacuum resistance on request
Single-layer explosion vents
The single-layer EDP explosion
panel is suited for slightly fluctuation
working pressures. Due to its domed
construction high stability and current
capacity of change in pressure are
achieved. The rated breaking points
(Pat.No. EP 07 73 393) are integrated
within the mounting frame.
Contamination is minimised by its
domed construction. Sterility and
cleaning is simplified (SIP / CIP cleaning).
In this case mounting is directly made
on walls. Controlling the clamping
torque of the mounting frame
screws is not necessary.
Incorporated bionic structures
guarantee an extraordinary stability
in order to suit most standard appli-
cations. It is not required to control
the clamping torque of the screws
compared with similar competitors
constructions. Mounting is directly
made on even walls or round-shape
equipment, e. g. cyclones, filters,
silos, etc.
EX-GO-VENT panels - filter system: Holtrop & Jansma, NL trapezium panel sail panel
Accessories / Options
Type SK / SR Signal evaluation
Explosion pressure relief of all bursting The signalling cable is installed at Signal evaluation can be realised
discs can electrically be signalled by the the breaking point of the bursting disc. by barriers with relay output which
principle of a closed current break. Two If the bursting disc opens, the safe is used for safe disconnection of the
standard types are available: circuit is interrupted due to the cable installation, alarm, etc.
break. The signalling cable has proven
itself as a very reliable method, as there
is no additional assembly required and
no movable parts remain.
This signalling unit is suitable for
retrofitting already installed bursting
discs. A ceramic bar provided with elec-
Triple-section-bursting disc trical conductors is mounted in flow
incl. signalling unit SK direction. In case of bursting the
element breaks, the safe circuit is
interrupted like type SK.
Explosion-, spark- and flame front isolation
Diameter Quenchseal Quality quick reset
DN 80 (3") to DN 250 (10") natural rubber abrasion resistent reinforcements not necessary
DN 80 (3") to DN 250 (10") natural rubber food quality bi-directional function
Indoor explosion venting
1 2 3
Proven safety
for any equipment location
Your benefits:
1 2 3
expensive vent ducts
are no longer necessary
full protection of environment
optimised production processes
no downtime due to
false triggers
Flamereduced explosion venting
for indoor and outdoor applications
…from the inventor
U.S. patents
of Q-Rohr®
to make existing
vent applications safe
to avoid flame propagation
and heat on transport
routes by venting
replaces expensive
vent ducts
bucket elevators
and conveying systems
dust filters
silos and bunkers
Elevator protection concept
The increased number of explosions in
conveyor and elevator systems illustrates
the inherent danger of these systems.
Venting with
Your benefits:
clean process
easy to retrofit
no maintenance
or excessive service
Safely vented top with Q-Rohr® Special nozzles for water mist injection Water tanks and control panel of ElevatorEX®
Explosion suppression system –
optimised for individual requirements
This system is suitable for indoor appli-
cations where the explosion cannot be
discharged to the outside. It extinguis-
hes the explosion at the point where it
Your benefits:
Q-Bic extinguishing
bottle and trigger mechanism
Competence in explosion protection
due to worldwide application experience
Safety Division
We provide the solution even for difficult applications.
Roland Bunse
In 35 years REMBE® has built-up a highly quali- Manager Explosion Protection Department /
fied team of experts. This unique experience in Product Manager
applications combined with our technical know- Q-Rohr®-3, EXKOP®II, Q-BOX, Q-Bic, Q-Flap
how gives you the confidence required when Since 1994 [email protected]
planning and carrying out your explosion pro- with REMBE® T: +49 (0) 29 61 / 74 05 - 40
tection concept.
3. On site consultation
Orhan Karagöz
Request a visit from our specialists.
International Sales Manager
After taking a look at your site we will
[email protected]
create an appropriate tailor-made concept
T: +49 (0) 29 61 / 74 05 - 34
for you. REMBE® engineering relishes an
excellent worldwide reputation. Since 1990
with REMBE®
4. Optimised process safety -
big cost savings
Reduce your insurance payments by Dr. Ing. Gerd Mayer
implementing a comprehensive safety President of REMBE®, Inc.
concept. If you are thinking about an Charlotte, NC
investment in your safety concept - Since 2006 [email protected]
we will advise you. with REMBE® T: +1 (704) 661 7219
Safety Division
Explosion Isolation
Signalling Units EXKOP ® II Pat.-No. EP 05 59 968 /
Protection Concept
for Bucket Elevators
ElevatorEX ®
Explosion Suppression
Control Division
Gallbergweg 21
59929 Brilon / Germany
The copyright of all contents in this catalogue with its design, text, photos and graphics are owned by REMBE ® GmbH S AFETY + CONTROL (except where
otherwise stated); all rights reserved. REMBE ® does not accept responsibility for any mistakes or technical changes which may occur due to progress in T + 49 (0) 29 61 - 74 05 - 0
research and development. All copies made of this catalogue are legally prohibited. REMBE ® reserves the right to change or update any information in F + 49 (0) 29 61 - 5 07 14
this catalogue without notice. REMBE ® will not accept any responsibility for mistakes that occur in the production or in the use of this catalogue. It is
the sole responsibility of the operator to ensure that all REMBE ® products are correctly used. [email protected]