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DuPont offers a wide range of products and services for the oil and gas industry across various stages from exploration to production to refining.

DuPont offers products like Anthium Dioxide, BELCO Clean Air Technologies, Capstone well stimulation additives, and FM-200 waterless fire suppression.

DuPont aims to develop safer, less toxic, more energy efficient and environmentally friendly products and processes that use less water and produce fewer greenhouse gases.

DuPont Oil & Gas Solutions


Overview of the DuPont Oil & Gas offerings

Sustainability Safety Environment Productivity Sustainability Safety Environment Productivity Sustainability Safety Environment Productivity Sustainability Safety Environment Productivity

DuPont Anthium Dioxide Stabilized chlorine dioxide solution

A highly effective bactericide for both brine and fresh water systems. Applications include control and abatement of poisonous and corrosive hydrogen sulphide gas and sulphate-reducing bacteria often found in drilling uid and produced water.

DuPont Kalrez Extreme elastomeric performance

DuPont Kalrez peruoroelastomer parts have virtually universal chemical resistance and high temperature resistance up to 327C. They are used as V-rings, O-rings & custom shapes, tubing to packer seals etc. It has widespread application in transportation pipelines, chemical & hydrocarbon processing as well as downhole drilling & logging tools and completion equipment. They offer excellent explosive decompression resistance, resistance to extrusion in high-pressure applications and show excellent chemical resistance to drilling uids, sour gas & amines.

DuPont STOP Safety Training Observation Program

Using individual self-study, eld activities and group meetings, STOP For Each Other teaches employees to rely on themselves and each other to stay safe. This approach fosters increased peerto-peer communication about safety, allowing safety to become second nature to the individual and, over time, a greater and more integrated part of the company culture.

Global Engineered Services Service & repair

DuPont Global Engineered Services (GES) provides on-site review of sulfuric acid handling, plant design, operation, and performance, as well as in-depth reporting with specic recommendations for improved plant performance and operating procedures.

DuPont BELCO Clean Air Technologies

DuPont BELCO Clean Air Technologies benet both the environment and your rening business. BELCO combines leadership in air emissions control with the extensive science and technology resources of DuPont. BELCO can give you the peace of mind you need to focus on core processes, by ensuring you are in compliance with the most current environmental regulations.

DuPont STRATCO Clean Fuel Technologies

Our advanced alkylation technology helps companies produce cleaner burning fuels required by environmental regulations. With more than 70 years of experience in alkylation development and 500 reactors installed throughout the world, DuPont can offer you a full range of comprehensive support services, including, troubleshooting, start-up assistance, mechanical eld service, pilot plant testing, analytical services, part replacement, continuous acid analysis, and ongoing research and development for technology improvements.

Integrity Management Consulting Services

Application of management systems and controls (programs, procedures, audits, evaluations) to a manufacturing or chemical process in a way that process hazards are identied, understood, and controlled, so that process-related injuries and incidents are prevented.

DuPont Kapton Polyimide lm

An all-polyimide high performance exible electrical insulation lm for circuit applications requiring extreme temperatures (-269C to +400C), chemical and radiation resistance, electrical performance and mechanical stability. Kapton is widely used as the insulation for wire & cables in ESPs, sensors, switches and insulation for transformers, cable & lead insulation in downhole equipment (e.g. wireline logging & LWD tools).

Operations Risk Management Qualitative and quantitative assessment

Our offering is an integrated management system that builds upon our proven safety-management model of technical safety to encompass process-safety management (PSM) and other operational risk management systems. It helps clients implement sustainable continuous-improvement processes to manage risk in each of seven key areas through assessing, envisioning and managing, planning and implementation.

DuPont Capstone Well stimulation additives

A uorosurfactant which provides unsurpassed surface tension reduction. Due to its unique thermal and chemical stability in harsh environments & ability to alter wettability of rock formations and create low surface tension uids, Capstone is an excellent additive for stimulation & EOR applications.

DuPont StreaMax Downhole tubular protection

These internal coatings are designed for downhole tubulars in production and injection wells to minimize operating and maintenance costs by providing superior corrosion protection in extreme environments or to maximize well productivity by preventing the accumulation and deposition of asphaltenes, parafns, and scale.

DuPont Kevlar Reinforcement in umbilicals and risers

Kevlar is the primary strength reinforcement that enables the use of exible thermoplastic hoses instead of steel in offshore umbilicals. It is also used to reinforce exible risers. Combined with its chemical and corrosion resistance properties, the resistance Kevlar has to elongation under load and creep make it particularly well suited for the rigors of offshore exploration and production. Is also used to reinforce control lines for remotely operated vehicles (ROVs).

DuPont Chlorine Dioxide Bactericide/Oxidizer

A strong oxidizer for the treatment of biolms, bacteria, spores, viruses, funghi, algae and zebra mussels as well as sulphides, phenols & various metals e.g. iron & manganese. Can be used to treat produced & injection water, renery cooling water, desalination & petrochemical plants. A fast and efcient solution to macro/micro fouling of industrial water streams.

DuPont Teon Temperature and Chemical Resistance

Products made with uoropolymer resins have exceptional resistance to high temperatures, chemical reaction, corrosion, and stress-cracking. Our PFA, FEP & ETFE melt processable uoropolymers help protect wireline logging cables, umbilicals, motor windings and control lines and cables in ESPs.

Reinforced Thermoplastic Pipe (RTP) Non-metallic pipe solutions

In combination with DuPont Kevlar and/or DuPont Pipelon products, RTP technology provides a cost effective and maintenance free alternative for onshore and offshore exible pipelines and risers. RTP range of products is especially intended for those end users conscious of reducing pipeline life-cycle costs and concerned about safe, environmentally sound operation.

DuPont Kevlar Optimum cut and heat resistance

Protective apparel made for workers exposed to a variety of cut, abrasion and high heat hazards. Available as protective gloves, sleeves & aprons designed to protect the hands and wrists against cuts, lacerations and abrasions. Also has excellent heat resistance.

DuPont Tychem Chemical and biological protection

Chemical protective apparel which offers a lightweight fabric with comprehensive protection against hazardous solid, and liquid organic and inorganic chemicals, including biohazards. Is commonly used in the chemical and energy industry for tanker cleaning & chemical handling applications and for handling spill clean up and accident intervention.

SAR/SGR Sulfuric Acid Regeneration Sulfur Gas Recovery

DuPont offers a cost-effective, exible and energy-efcient technology to reneries for sulfur and spent acid management, also helps to improve environmental performance.

DuPont FM-200 Waterless Fire Suppression

Trusted choice in waterless re suppression. FM-200 deploys quickly and cleanly and wont leave behind oily residue, particulate, or water. FM-200 re suppressant stops res fast. FM-200 systems reach extinguishing levels in 10 seconds or less, stopping ordinary combustible, electrical, and ammable liquid res before they cause signicant damage. FM-200 re suppressant can also be safely used where people are present.

DuPont Krytox Lubricants for extreme environments

Extreme environment lubricant with high-temperature performance, non-ammability, and chemical inertness under a wide range of conditions. It lubricates & protects in high temperatures & chemically aggressive environments far beyond capability of conventional lubricants. Insoluble in both hydrocarbon & petroleum distillates it is stable at temperatures of -40C to +425C. Used in pump applications, emission control valves, camshaft bearings, inlet control & line system valves, pipeline inspection equipment and downhole drilling equipment.

DuPont Tyvek Solid particles and inorganic chemicals protection

Tough, durable and breathable Tyvek delivers inherent barrier protection. Tyvek is permeable to air & water vapour yet repels water based liquids and aerosols. It is low linting and acts as an effective barrier against particles and bres. Is commonly used in the industry, in manufacturing processes, industrial maintenance and cleaning and in emergency response.

Sustainable Assets Capital Projects Consulting Services

Enabling clients to improve their project delivery and operating performance, by implementing proven best practices to improve asset productivity and reliability, improving delivery, timing and performance of capital projects, team development and improved project leadership capability.

DuPont Fusabond Resins for bonding of multi-layer pipe coating systems

Reactive polyethylene, formulated to adhere to metal surfaces that have been correctly prepared. It can be used as a tie layer between nylon and polyethylene and has the capability to bond to partially cured epoxies.

DuPont Nap-Gard Corrosion protection

Nap-Gard primer, single and dual-layer Fusion Bonded Epoxy (FBE) powder coatings for corrosion-protection of oil, gas and water pipelines. A part of the three layer pipe coating system for the exterior protection of steel pipes, the system offers the advantages of mechanical, chemical and electrical resistance of the polyolen top coat in combination with the excellent adhesion of epoxy to metal.

DuPont Vespel Improved pump performance

Custom formed ultra high-performance parts and shapes made from advanced composite uorocarbon materials. Replaces metal components with challenging tolerances. Used in centrifugal pumps in reneries, natural gas processing / petrochemical plants in non-abrasive process services (hydrocarbon, chemical, water) up to 260C. Used in stationery pump components such as wear rings, throat bushings, pressure-reduced bushings, line shaft bearings, inter-stage bearings.

Fields of Application
Upstream Exploration & Production Midstream Transportation & Storage Downstream Rening & Petrochemical

DuPont Glycolic Acid Cost efcient cleaning and de-scaling

Glycolic Acid ensures economical cleaning & mineral de-scaling in transportation pipelines & cooling systems by providing low-cost metal complexing in a readily biodegradable form. Glycolic acid chelates rust, scale and particulate found downhole and in surface facilities and pipelines as well as reduction equipment. Glycolic Acid can effectively eliminate harmful deposits while minimizing corrosion damage to steel or copper piping systems and equipment.

DuPont Nomex Flash re and electric arc protection

Protective clothing for ash res & electric arc hazard protection. Used by rig crews, re ghting crews, fuel handlers, plant operators & pipeline workers. Nomex brand bres provide valuable seconds people need to escape and survive ash res. Nomex cannot be washed out or worn away. It does not melt or drip when exposed to a ash re. It will self extinguish when removed from the heat source.

DuPont Viton Fluoroelastomer sealing

Viton uoroelastomer offers a combination of high-temperature performance (205C) and exceptional chemical resistance. Its dynamic characteristics give critical seals and parts exceptional performance and longer life in aggressive environments. Major uses include bonded seals, radial lip seals, caulks, coatings, vibration dampeners, expansion joints, gaskets, O-rings, piston-seals, V-rings, bladders, packer elements, diaphragms, custom shapes & parts. Used in pumps, valves, BOPs, downhole motors, DHSVs etc.

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DuPont Glycolic Acid Production/Flow Assurance

Calcium Naphthenate is a troublesome deposit that can form in oil production systems that are handling crude oil with a high acid number (TAN). Glycolic Acid is a very soluble calcium complex for the prevention and remediation of Calcium Naphthenate precipitation. It can be injected into the well either subsea or at several places topsides (e.g. on the production and test headers, upstream of the crude cross exchangers and crude heaters or into the electrostatic coalescer) to mitigate/control their build up.

DuPont Particlear Industrial Water Treatment

An advanced occulation aide which helps to remove particulate matter from water and waste streams. It is produced on-site using a highly reliable DuPont Particlear generator, which combines sodium silicate solution and carbon dioxide to form a Particlear Solution.

Energy Efciency Consulting Services

Helping clients achieve energy efciency and cost reductions, and improve operating team capabilities by developing decision-making and team building programs, integrated energy management programs, energy management competencies and implementing equipment, non-capital and information technology solutions.

DuPont IsoTherming Clean fuel technologies

DuPont Pipelon Non-metallic pipe solutions

Pipelon is unique family of DuPont engineering polymer resins and world class technology designed to serve the demanding eld of polymeric pipe solutions for the oil and gas industry. The product and technology addresses todays market for improved permeation resistance, higher temperature, higher pressure, lighter weight and lower life cycle cost pipe in the oil and gas industry.

IsoTherming hydroprocessing technology is a commercially proven breakthrough process which provides petroleum reneries a more economical and exible means to produce todays ultra low sulfur transportation fuels. It has attractive benets for reneries, including lower total investment, reduced equipment delivery lead times, reduced light ends make, increased catalyst life, less coking, reduced maintenance and operating cost.

Environmental Management Consulting Services

Enabling clients to achieve their sustainability goals, effectively reduce their corporate environmental footprint and maximize the return on operating assets by applying integrated environmental management systems, developing environmental management competencies and implementing sustainability culture change models.

DuPont is a key strategic partner helping to solve many of the Oil & Gas industrys most serious challenges in safety, the environment and reliability & productivity.

Utilizing science to drive innovation

Putting the science of DuPont to work for our customers has enabled us to develop a wide range of solutions tailored specically to the oil and gas industry. From high temperature seals and lubricants that provide superior protection in the harshest of environments, to anti-corrosion pipe coatings and clean fuel technology, DuPont has products and services that can help you optimize your companys performance.

Value proposition of our offerings

We are applying science to make a world of difference in the safety of your people with todays most innovative and trusted Safety & Risk Management tools and Personal Protection products in the industry. We help you reduce air emissions, improve water quality and usage, formulate cleaner fuels and develop strategic environmental plans.


Our solutions help keep your operation working at peak efciency, even in some of the most extreme operating environments.

Discover now what DuPont can do for you and order our brochure DuPont Oil & Gas Solutions or get your digital version at

DuPont Oil & Gas Solutions


The Oil & Gas industry is all about delivering the worlds energy safely and efciently while safeguarding our environment for a future worth living.

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Sustainable solutions for a clean, green future

Today, footprint reduction is expected of all companies. The challenge and the opportunity is to develop products and processes that are safer, less toxic, more energy efcient, use less water and produce fewer greenhouse gases. DuPont has the experience and expertise to put science to work in ways that can build in attributes at the early stages of product design that help protect or enhance human health, safety and the environment. By bringing our science to the market, DuPont designs products and processes that pass rigorous criteria for the use of renewable resources, energy, water and materials. As a material, technology and knowledge provider, DuPont has far reaching impact on virtually every major industry in the world. The goal is to help our customers and our customers customers grow their businesses while contributing to social and environmental progress.

Copyright 2010 DuPont. All rights reserved. The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont, The miracles of science and all products denoted with or are registered trademarks or trademarks of E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company or its afliates. DuPont is a science company. Founded in 1802, DuPont puts science to work by creating sustainable solutions essential to a better, safer, healthier life for people everywhere. Operating in more than 70 countries, DuPont offers a wide range of innovative products and services for markets including agriculture, nutrition, electronics, communications, safety and protection, home and construction, transportation and apparel. The information set forth herein is furnished free of charge and is based on technical data that DuPont believes to be reliable. It is intended for use by persons having technical skill at their own discretion and risk. DuPont makes no warranties, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with any use of this information.

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