Fact Sheet: Industrial Elevators
Fact Sheet: Industrial Elevators
Fact Sheet: Industrial Elevators
Fact Sheet
ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke
IP codes against in cement / mineral / elevators thanks to
(International Protection) dust & water steel industry etc. increase dustproofing
and waterproofing
corrosive Chemicals industry, Long service life of the
elevators thanks to
Corrosion protection environments sites close to the multi-layer painted or
(for example nitrate, coast powder-coated surfaces
seawater etc.)
Type of protection in compliance with DIN EN 60529 / DIN VDE 0470 / IEC 529
In industrial plant engineering and construction, IP54 is a typical requirement. An overview of the composition of the IP code 6International
Protection Code8 is provided below.
First code number Meaning
DIN EN 60529 Protection against foreign bodies Protection against contact
IP 0X No protection No protection
IP 1X Protected against solid foreign bodies with ∅ > 50 mm Protected against access with the back of the hand
IP 2X Protected against solid foreign bodies with ∅ > 12.5 mm Protected against access with a finger
IP 3X Protected against solid foreign bodies with ∅ > 2.5 mm Protected against access with a tool
IP 4X Protected against solid foreign bodies with ∅ > 1.0 mm Protected against access with a wire
IP 5X Protected against dust of a damaging quantity Complete protection against contact
IP 6X Dust proof Complete protection against contact
Speed governor
Protection of the sensitive electronics against
splash water and dust
Safety gear
Protection of the electric contact against
splash water and dust
Limit switch
Protection of the electric contact against
splash water and dust
Protection of the electric contact against
splash water and dust
EC directive 94/9/EC <ATEX 95> – directive for the manufacturer and/or importer
Directive is addressed to the manufacturer 6or importer8
Instruction for harmonisation of legal regulations of Member States for the proper use of devices and protection systems in potentially
explosive zones
Regulates placing electrical and non-electrical devices and protection systems on the market in the EU
Ex systems may only be installed by skilled elevator personnel specially trained for work in ex zones
Classification of the potentially explosive zones – elevators can be supplied for zones 1, 2 and 22
Atmosphere Zone Description
Zone 0 is an area in which a dangerous potentially explosive atmosphere is continuously present, present over long periods or frequently
present as a mixture of air and flammable gases, vapours or sprays.
Zone 1 is an area in which a dangerous potentially explosive atmosphere can occasionally form during normal operation as a mixture of air and
Gases 1*
flammable gases, vapours or sprays.
Zone 2 is an area in which a dangerous potentially explosive atmosphere normally does not occur during normal operation as a mixture of air
and flammable gases, vapours or sprays, or only occurs for a brief period.
Zone 20 is an area in which a dangerous potentially explosive atmosphere is continuously present, present over long periods or frequently
present in the form of a cloud of flammable dust.
Zone 21 is an area in which a dangerous potentially explosive atmosphere is occasionally present in the form of a cloud of flammable dust
Dusts 21
during normal operation.
Zone 22 is an area in which a dangerous potentially explosive atmosphere is normally not present or only briefly present in the form of a cloud
of flammable dust during normal operation.
* In zones 1 and 2 6gases8, partially or completely explosion-proof elevator systems can be deployed
** In zone 22 6dusts8, partially explosion-proof elevator systems can be deployed – on request.
Landing pushbutton box, Control Emergency horn, Gear drive, Control cabinet, Control cabinet,
Ex version device in Ex Ex version in partial Ex version Ex de version Ex pz version
Example II 2G Ex ib IIB T3
see point
Device group I – Mining II – Other areas
Device category M1 M2 1G 1D 2G 2D 3G 3D
in accordance with
Ma Mb Ga Da Gb Db Gc Dc
Zone 0 20 1 21 2 22
continuous, frequent or
Danger occasionally rare and brief
over a longer period
very high level high level of
Requirement very high level of safety high level of safety normal safety
of safety safety
G – Gas, D – Dust, * alternative designation in accordance with IEC/EN 600079-0.
•Elevator shafts for industrial systems are usually designed as steel constructions with sheet metal facing.
Environmental influences, for example rain, dust, chemical reactions of different substances etc., enter the shaft.
Ambient Aggressive compounds can arise.
•The requirement for a long service life is suitable protection against aggressive environmental influences.
•ThyssenKrupp uses multi-layer powder coating industrial versions for steel / steel plates. In addition, depending on
Solution from requirements, galvanisation and/or hot-dip galvanisation 6duplex system8 are used 6for example DIN EN ISO 129448.
Corrosivity category for atmospheric ambient conditions in compliance with DIN EN ISO 12944-2
Salt spray test Condensate test
Corrosion protection
Corrosivity category Examples of the environment complying with complying with
at ThyssenKrupp
ISO 7253 ISO 6270
C1 Only indoors: heated buildings with neutral atmospheres Priming,
insignificant 6for example offices, schools8 min. 60 µm
Rural areas with low pollution, unheated buildings in which conden-
C2 Priming,
sation can 120 hours
Low min. 60 µm
occur 6for example warehouses, sport halls, rural areas8
Urban and industrial atmosphere with moderate air pollution,
C3 coastal areas with low air salt content, production rooms with high 2-layer system,
480 hours 240 hours
Moderate air humidity and slight air pollution approx. 120 µm
6for example foodstuff manufacturing, laundries, breweries8
Industrial areas,
C4 coastal areas with moderate air salt content
720 hours 480 hours + 2-layer system,
Strong 6for example chemical plants, swimming baths, boathouses, cheese
approx. 140 µm
manufacturing, tunnels, traffic intersections8
C5-I Industrial areas with high air humidity and aggressive atmosphere Sand-blasting + 2-layer system
Very strong and air pollution, chlorine environment 1,440 hours 720 hours + partially galvanised,
6industry8 6for example swimming baths, chlorine plant8 approx. 160 µm
C5-M Coastal and offshore areas with high air salt content, buildings with
3-layer system,
Very strong virtually continuous condensation and with strong air pollution 6for 1,440 hours 720 hours
> 240 µm
6sea8 example oil rigs, sulphate plants8
In the case of explosion-proof elevators, a finishing layer of paint 6RAL 7046, telegrey, 60 - 80 µm8 with discharge capability is used to
avoid static charges.
Wall panels
Sheet metal
Shockproof and constructively reinforced
High-quality powder coating
On Ex systems, only surfaces
with discharge capability 6no aluminium8 Mouse Grey White Aluminium Traffic White Stainless Steel Stainless Steel
6RAL 70058 6RAL 90068 6RAL 90168 Grain 220 Linen
Bumper rail
For protection of the car walls
6can be in 1 to 3 rows8
Height approx. 200 mm
On Ex systems, only surfaces with
discharge capability 6no aluminium8, Hard Wood Stainless Steel
no plastic8
Floor cover
Fire resistance class Cfl-s1 6EN13501-18
Anti-slip R 9 6DIN511308
For the most part resistant to oil / grease
Electrostatic discharge capability
On Ex systems, only surfaces with Astro ec black Astro ec grey Astro ec blue Astro ec earth coloured Bulb Plate
discharge capability 6no aluminium8 Rubber Rubber Rubber Rubber V2A 64 mm8
Technical data <traction elevator with machine room above the shaft>
Rated load Q CkgD 450 630 1000 1250 1600 2000
Elevator type 68
BO51 / BO53 / SO51 / SO53 BO53 / SO53
Speed 18
v Pm/sQ 1.0 - 2.0 0.63 - 2.0
Travel height max. 18
TH PmQ 100
Open through entrance optional
Car width 18
CW PmmQ 1050 1100 1400 1500 1600
Car depth 18
CD PmmQ 900 1400 1600 1800 2100 2500
Car height 18
CH PmmQ 2200 2300
Door width DW PmmQ 800 900 1100 1300
Door height DH PmmQ 2000 2100
Shaft width min. SW min. PmmQ 1750 1800 2100 2200 2450
Shaft depth min. 6with 1 entrance8 28
SD min. PmmQ 1400 1900 2100 2300 2600 3000
Shaft headroom height min. SH min. PmmQ 3600 - 4200 3700 - 4200 3700 - 4400
Shaft pit depth min. SP min. PmmQ 1400 - 2200
Machine room: with type of protection IP54 and with explosion protection "partial Ex" 3> IP54 Partial
Machine room: with explosion protection "full Ex", ATEX 3> 5> Full
Specified loads
Rated load Q CkgD 450 630 1000 1250 1600 2000
Forces on the machine room floor
with normal operation P1-P5 PkNQ 87 91 100 118 120 159
exceptional load 48
P1-P5 PkNQ 277 289 318 376 382 474
Car load PkN/m²Q 5.0
Forces in the shaft pit
max. forces in the shaft pit P7-P10 PkNQ 88 96 121 149 169 210
Horizontal forces on the car guide rails
towards the shaft depth Fx PkNQ 0.4 0.7 0.9 1.7 2.1
towards the shaft width Fy PkNQ 0.8 1.0 2.0 2.5 3.1 4.0
The travel height decisively determines the elevator and shaft parameters. Exact planning specifications depend on the configuration of the elevator system in each case. Deviating
dimensions are possible on request. Our sales advisors will be glad to provide information regarding the creation of exact planning data for your specific system configuration.
In the case of an open through entrance, the shaft depth is adapted.
The machine room dimensions can be adapted on request.
These loads occur at least once a year during the annual check of the installation 6safety gear test8.
Speed for explosion-proof installation "full Ex" on request.
Elevator types:
BO51/SO51 – Passenger traction elevator with machine room above the shaft, with gear drive and frequency inverter
BO53/SO53 – Freight traction elevator with machine room above the shaft, with gear drive and frequency inverter
Maximum permitted deviation from the vertical ± 25 mm.
During the planning phase, please consider all applicable regulations stipulated by the relevant notified body and all applicable national regulations.
Key for the abbreviations used, see page 14.
Technical data <traction elevator with machine room above the shaft>
Rated load Q CkgD 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
Elevator type 68
BO53 / SO53
Speed 18
v Pm/sQ 0.63 - 1.6 0.5 - 1.0
Travel height max. 18
TH PmQ 100 60
Open through entrance optional
Car width 18
CW PmmQ 1800 2000 2400
Car depth 18
CD PmmQ 2600 2700 3000 3500 3900 3600
Car height 18
CH PmmQ 2300
Door width DW PmmQ 1600 1800 2200
Door height DH PmmQ 2100
Shaft width min. SW min. PmmQ 2900 3000 3550
Shaft depth min. 6with 1 entrance8 28
SD min. PmmQ 3100 3200 3500 4000 4400 4100
Shaft headroom height min. SH min. PmmQ 3700 - 4200 4100
Shaft pit depth min. SP min. PmmQ 1600 - 2200 2000
Machine room: with type of protection IP54 and with explosion protection "partial Ex" 3> IP54 Partial
Machine room: with explosion protection "full Ex", ATEX 3> 5> Full
Specified loads
Rated load Q CkgD 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
Forces on the machine room floor
with normal operation P1-P5 PkNQ 192 227 220 241 264 290
exceptional load 48
P1-P5 PkNQ 614 724 703 673 735 808
Car load PkN/m²Q 5.0
Forces in the shaft pit
max. forces in the shaft pit PkNQ 274 309 337 380 417 460
Horizontal forces on the car guide rails
towards the shaft depth Fx PkNQ 3.8 4.7 6.2 7.9 9.8 12.0
towards the shaft width Fy PkNQ 6.0 7.0 9.1 10.9 12.9 14.3
The travel height decisively determines the elevator and shaft parameters. Exact planning specifications depend on the configuration of the elevator system in each case. Deviating
dimensions are possible on request. Our sales advisors will be glad to provide information regarding the creation of exact planning data for your specific system configuration.
In the case of an open through entrance, the shaft depth is adapted.
The machine room dimensions can be adapted on request.
These loads occur at least once a year during the annual check of the installation 6safety gear test8.
Speed for explosion-proof installation "full Ex" on request.
Elevator types:
BO51/SO51 – Passenger traction elevator with machine room above the shaft, with gear drive and frequency inverter
BO53/SO53 – Freight traction elevator with machine room above the shaft, with gear drive and frequency inverter
Maximum permitted deviation from the vertical ± 25 mm.
During the planning phase, please consider all applicable regulations stipulated by the relevant notified body and all applicable national regulations.
Key for the abbreviations used, see page 14.
Door types
Side-opening, double-panel telescopic opening
door 6M2T8 for door widths DW = 800 to 1400 mm
* The exact positions of the load points in the machine room and in the shaft pit
are entered in the general arrangement drawing.
Arrangement of the shaft layout is only an example and is also possible as mirror-inverted.
The centre-opening, double-panel sliding door is also available. Key for the abbreviations used, see page 14.
Presented by
ThyssenKrupp Elevator designs, manufactures and installs ele-
vators to meet high quality standards. This is why demanding
customers place their trust in ThyssenKrupp!
ThyssenKrupp Elevator UK Ltd. In this range of productive industry, our elevator systems are
120 eman Street often exposed to very high stresses.
ondon E1 8EU We are familiar with these conditions and we have configured
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7977 5837 our industrial elevators with these conditions in mind.
[email protected]
www.thyssenkruppelevator.co.uk The failure of an elevator system that is integrated in the produc-
tion process can bring your entire process to a standstill and
cause very high downtime costs.
Never take this risk!
Therefore place your elevator system in the hands of a service
partner who can also ensure high quality standards.
ThyssenKrupp Elevator offers you reliable service, maintenance
and modernisation at this high level.
ThyssenKrupp Aufzugswerke GmbH
Bernhäuser Straße 45 ∙ 73765 Neuhausen a.d.F., Germany
Telephone +49 608 7158 12-0 ∙ Telefax +49 608 7158 12-2585
www.thyssenkrupp-elevator-eli.com ∙ [email protected]
The individual details given in this publication are deemed to be warranted characteristics
insofar as such are confirmed in writing in each individual case.