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one half or less of that obtained for a xed base, rigid propped bridge abutments. Nonlinear nite element
wall. They also found the elastic method to be of good dynamic time history analyses of soil-wall systems are
precision. employed for veri cation. It is shown that the sug-
Recently, with great progress in computer soft- gested equations more accurately predict the seismic
ware and hardware, nonlinear models have been used soil pressure behind retaining walls than the well-
by several researchers to investigate many aspects of known M-O relationships, and are simple to use.
soil-wall interaction and wall behavior during earth-
quakes [13-15]. Green and Ebling [16] employed an SOIL-WALL MODEL
elasto-plastic constitutive model for the soil in con-
junction with the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. The In this section, the theoretical background for con-
wall is modeled with elastic beam elements using a struction of an accurate nite element soil-wall analysis
cracked second moment of inertia. Interface elements model is described. Past research has been selectively
were used to model the wall-soil interface. Cheng [17] put together to obtain a simple but yet accurate
proposed relationships for calculating seismic lateral model that ignores nonlinearity in the far eld soil but
earth pressure coecients for cohesive soils using the captures it in the near eld soil adjacent to the wall
slip line method. He found iterative analysis to where it most a ects the wall pressure.
be useful for obtaining passive earth pressure but In an earthquake, the soil-wall system can ex-
unimportant for active earth pressure. He also found perience considerable displacement. If the wall and
that active earth pressure is much more in uenced the free eld displacement of the soil are equal, then
by the PGA of an earthquake than passive pressure. the wall has no e ect on the free eld soil stresses.
Psarropoulos et al. [18] used a nite-element model to However, this is usually not the case, and the di erence
study the dynamic earth pressures developed on rigid in displacements of the soil and wall creates stresses in
or exible nonsliding retaining walls modeling the soil the soil, especially in the vicinity of the wall. Therefore,
as a viscoelastic continuum. Results showed a crude the horizontal stresses in the soil behind the wall can
convergence between the M-O and elasticity-based be written in terms of the di erence between the free
solutions for structurally or rotationally exible walls. eld soil and wall displacements. This phenomenon can
More recently, Choudhury and Chatterjee [19], as be modeled with nonlinear springs attached to the wall
an extension of the Veletsos and Younan study, used a representing the interfacing soil. In addition, the free
mass-spring-dashpot dynamic model with two degrees eld soil can be modeled with elastic plane strain shell
of freedom to arrive at the total active earth pressure elements. These are further explained below.
under earthquake time history loading. They suggested In general, the wall displacement can be obtained
the use of an in uence zone of 10 times the wall height as:
for the soil media behind the wall for dynamic models. uw = uf u; (1)
They also presented non dimensional design charts for
rapid calculation of active earth pressures. Choudhury where uf is the free eld soil displacement, uw is the
and Subba Rao, in two di erent studies, obtained an wall displacement and u is the di erence between
estimate for the seismic passive earth pressure against the wall and free eld soil displacements (Figure 1).
retaining walls by using logarithmic spiral and com- The total soil stress behind the wall for increment i (at
posite curve failure surface assumptions and a pseudo location of spring i) can be written as:
static method [20,21]. E ects of cohesion, surcharge, i = i + i ;
wn (2)
fn n
own weight, wall batter angle, ground surface slope, soil
friction angle and seismic accelerations were considered ni = ksi (uifn uiwn ): (3)
in the analysis.
Although, nowadays, many commercial computer
programs with the ability to perform nonlinear anal-
ysis of continua are available, these programs are
expensive and time-consuming in nonlinear stepwise
analyses. Uncertainty regarding the input for soil pa-
rameters is also a drawback. Programs like FLAC [22],
SHAKE [23] and SASSI [24] are simpler than the
general purpose nite element software, but each has
its own limitations.
The objective of this paper is to obtain a simpli-
ed seismic soil pressure distribution against retaining
walls with di erent boundary and sti ness conditions,
such as rigid walls, exible walls, bridge abutments and Figure 1. Typical soil and wall displacements.
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Seismic Soil Pressure on Retaining Walls 275
wn = total soil normal stress against the wall at to be 1.35 based on the suggestion of Huang [11,25].
increment i (at location of spring i). Soil pressure is considered bounded by the active and
fn = normal soil stress in free eld at passive soil pressures as follows:
increment i.
ni = variation of soil stress because of the Ka : :z z Kp : :z; (9)
di erence between the free eld soil and where:
wall displacements at increment i.
ksi = soil subgrade modulus at increment i. 1 sin 1 + sin
Ka = ; Kp = : (10)
1 + sin 1 sin
The total horizontal force behind the wall is:
Z H Therefore, the springs between the free eld soil and
Pnt = wn dz; (4) retaining wall are modeled as a bilinear elastic perfectly
0 plastic type. The initial elastic linear part sti ness
and the overturning moment is: is calculated from Equation 8 by substituting Gz for
each spring from Equation 7. The plastic portion has a
Z H maximum/minimum force of Pp =Pa . These are spring
Mnt = wn zdz: (5) forces equivalent to passive and active soil pressures,
0 respectively, and are calculated by multiplying passive
Therefore, the point of application of the resultant or active soil pressures and the spring corresponding
horizontal force is obtained as: area for each spring. A typical force-displacement plot
for soil springs between the retaining wall and the free
M eld soil is shown in Figure 2.
h0 = nt : (6)
Pnt Figure 3 shows the structural model of the soil-
For cohesionless soils, the modulus of elasticity (E ) and wall system. The wall is modeled by using shell
the shear modulus (G) vary increasingly with depth. elements of concrete. The width of the wall and soil
Two common assumptions for this variation are linear shell elements, perpendicular to the paper in Figure 3,
and parabolic. Here, the parabolic assumption is used is considered to be 1 meter.
for the shear modulus as follows [11]: The free eld soil modeling in this study consists
of an in nite half-space elastic layer of dense cohesion-
p less soil with unit weight of . This half-space layer
Gz = GH : z=H; (7)
where Gz and GH are the elastic shear moduli at depths
z and H , respectively.
The soil behind the wall is divided into layers and
the above equation is used to estimate G in the middle
of each layer. The equivalent springs representing the
soil adjacent to the wall are modeled using nonlinear
link elements. The sti ness of each spring, de ned as
the subgrade modulus, is derived as follows [9]:
ks = Cz : ; (8)
where Cz is a constant representing the geometric Figure 2. Typical force-displacement plot for soil springs
properties of the model. The value of Cz is assumed behind a retaining wall.
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276 S. Maleki and S. Mahjoubi
is free at the top and considered xed at the bottom structure is not restrained to the abutment, the gap
where similar soil acceleration is applied to the soil and between the backwall and the superstructure is usually
wall during an earthquake. Free eld soil is assumed to closed by the superstructure movements and, most
have a nite length equal to 4 to 5 times its thickness. of the time, the collision of the superstructure into
Choudhury and Chatterjee suggested an in uence zone the backwall is unavoidable in severe earthquakes.
of 10 times the wall height for the soil media behind This collision produces a considerable concentrated
the wall [19]. However, in their study, soil media at force at the top of the bridge abutment. In the
the end is not restrained against vertical displacement, second case where the superstructure is restrained
which is the case in this study (Figure 3). The authors to the abutment, the superstructure inertial force is
found that restraining the end of the soil media against transferred to the abutment through the restraint
vertical displacement decreases the in uence zone and as a concentrated force at the abutment seat level.
makes the model smaller and more ecient. Therefore, abutments have to resist a considerable
The height of the retaining wall and the soil concentrated force at their top during earthquakes in
behind it are assumed to be the same and equal to H . both cases. However, the e ect of a superstructure
The free eld soil layer is modeled using plane strain horizontal force on top of the abutment is usually
elements. Soil layers have di erent elastic properties; ignored in bridge abutment design. To evaluate
however, they are assumed to be constant within each the e ect of this force and determine the part of
soil layer. Shear modulus is calculated by substituting this force taken by the soil behind the abutment, a
the average depth of the layer as z in Equation 7. concentrated force with variable value is considered
Poisson's ratio for all soil layers is assumed to be 0.3. to push the wall against the soil at the assumed
Four di erent cases of rigid retaining wall, exible superstructure center of mass, as is the case during
cantilever retaining wall, bridge abutment and propped earthquakes.
bridge abutment are considered, each with 4 m, 6 m Ground motions of 6 historical earthquakes (the
and 8 m wall heights. In the case of a rigid retaining 1940 El Centro, the 1989 Loma Prieta, the 1992
wall, it is assumed that the wall has unlimited sti ness Landers, the 1986 Palm Spring, the 1971 San Fernando
and so shows no deformation. Although in reality this (at Pacoima dam station) and the 1966 Park eld) are
is impossible, the case of a buttressed wall comes very used in nonlinear time-history analyses. Figure 4 shows
close to this assumption. the pseudo acceleration (PSA) spectrum for ground
The exible wall case is the case of a cantilever motions used in the analyses.
retaining wall with variable thickness. It is assumed
that the thickness varies from 0.3 m at the top to 0:1 H
at the bottom. In the case of a 4 m exible wall, it is ANALYSES RESULTS
not practical to vary the wall thickness from 0.3 m to Nonlinear nite element dynamic time history analyses
0.4 m. Therefore, the wall thickness is considered to be on the soil-wall systems described above are performed.
constant and equal to 0.4 m. Soil pressure is calculated from the spring forces output
In the case of bridge abutments, the wall thickness divided by the distance between the springs and the
is considered to be constant throughout the height.
The thickness is assumed to be equal to 1 m for 6 m and
8 m height walls and 0.8 m for a 4 m height wall. The
case of a propped bridge abutment is a special case of
bridge abutment in which the superstructure restrains
the abutment horizontally at the top. Although in
reality this restraining is limited, the case is valuable
as an extreme boundary condition case.
In all cases considered for analyses, the wall is
fully restrained at the bottom (rotations and displace-
ments). However, the e ect of foundation rotational
sti ness is investigated separately for a 6 m high bridge
abutment and the propped bridge abutment models.
In these models, the restraint against rotation at the
bottom of the wall is removed and a rotational spring is
substituted to model the foundation and soil rotational
sti ness.
In bridge structures, the superstructure connec-
tion to the abutment can be categorized into two Figure 4. Pseudo acceleration (PSA) spectra for selected
main groups: free and restrained. If the super- ground motions.
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Seismic Soil Pressure on Retaining Walls 277
Figure 5. Seismic soil pressure for 4 m height wall. (a) Bridge abutment; (b) exible wall; (c) rigid wall.
Figure 6. Seismic soil pressure for 6 m height wall. (a) Bridge abutment; (b) exible wall; (c) rigid wall.
element's thickness (1 m). Plots of soil pressure versus 8 m high walls, the cantilever retaining walls are more
z=H for the 6 ground motions are shown in Figures 5-7. exible and reduce soil pressure. Bridge abutments
As can be seen in Figure 5 for the 4 m high and propped bridge abutments with all wall heights
wall, the seismic soil pressures for di erent cases have considered here (4 m, 6 m and 8 m height) show similar
a similar distribution, but are slightly di erent in soil pressure distributions as rigid walls, but have less
maximum values. However, this is not the case in 6 m maximum seismic soil pressure. It should be noted that
and 8 m high walls (Figures 6 and 7). For these walls, the above seismic soil pressures resulted from analyses
the distribution for exible walls is very di erent from must be added to the active or at rest soil pressures
that of rigid, propped and abutment walls, which have to obtain the total soil pressures behind the retaining
similar distributions. In fact, distribution is dependent walls.
on wall exibility. In other words, for 4 m high walls, all To evaluate the e ects of foundation rotational
cantilever walls act as rigid walls whereas for 6 m and sti ness on seismic soil pressure, the restrained base
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278 S. Maleki and S. Mahjoubi
Figure 7. Seismic soil pressure for 8 m height wall. (a) Bridge abutment; (b) exible wall; (c) rigid wall.
of the 6 m high wall is replaced with a rota- force value is great enough, it can push the soil into
tional spring of varying sti ness. Results of the the passive state in that region. By increasing the
nonlinear analyses using the El Centro ground mo- external force, the depth of this passive earth pressure
tion are shown in Figure 8. As can be seen in (passive depth) is also increased. One can conclude
Figure 8, the results show a great dependence on from Figure 9 that the external concentrated force
base rotational sti ness. For instance, variation of a ects taller walls more severely. For instance 4.7% of
base rotational sti ness from 105 kN.m/rad/m to a 1500 kN concentrated force on a 4 m high abutment
106 kN.m/rad/m increases the total soil thrust by wall is taken by the soil, whereas this ratio is 29.1% for
about 103%. an 8 m high abutment wall.
Figure 9 illustrates the soil pressure distribution
due to external concentrated force at the abutment SUGGESTED SEISMIC SOIL PRESSURE
top. This force is applied along the assumed super- DISTRIBUTION
structure's center of mass. This pressure also should
be added to at rest soil pressure to acquire total soil Several seismic soil pressure distributions along the wall
pressure. As can be observed in Figure 9, the external height are suggested by researchers [26]. For example
concentrated force at the top of the abutment increases the M-O method suggests a linear distribution, but the
the soil pressure in the upper part. If the external Seed and Whitman method suggests no distribution
and only de nes 0:6 H as the seismic thrust point of
Based on the results of this study, two ap-
proximate distributions of seismic soil pressures are
proposed, as shown in Figure 10. Type I distribution
is a typical distribution suggested here for rigid walls
and semi-rigid walls, such as bridge abutment and
propped bridge abutment. Type II distribution is
a distribution suggested for exible walls such as
cantilever retaining walls taller than 5 m. It is
suggested that the maximum seismic soil pressure, q0 ,
be obtained from one of the three equations below.
Equation 11 uses the Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA)
of an earthquake. Equation 12 uses the area under
the pseudo acceleration response spectrum (PSA) of
Figure 8. E ect of base rotational sti ness on total an earthquake, whereas Equation 13 uses the peak
seismic soil thrust. spectral acceleration.
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Seismic Soil Pressure on Retaining Walls 279
Figure 9. Force-induced soil pressure. (a) 4 m bridge abutment; (b) 6 m bridge abutment; (c) 8 m bridge abutment.
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Seismic Soil Pressure on Retaining Walls 281
Figure 12. Comparison of seismic soil pressures against a 6 m high wall subjected to San Fernando earthquake, resulted
from analysis versus computed values using the proposed and methods. (a) Bridge abutment; (b) exible wall; (c)
rigid wall.
0:004H 1:6 P 0:9
z0 = ; (17)
(Kp K0 )
P = external concentrated force at the
abutment top along the assumed
superstructure's center of mass
(for 1 m abutment width) in kN.
H = height of the abutment in meters.
Kp , K0 = passive and at rest soil pressure
coecients, respectively.
Figure 13. Total soil pressure distribution during is in kN/m3 and z0 is in meters.
earthquake. (a) Type I (rigid or semi-rigid wall); (b) Type
II ( exible wall). Figure 15 illustrates the seismic soil pressure
caused by a 2000 kN concentrated lateral force at
the top of a 6 m high abutment wall resulted from
analysis and computed by the above equation. As
can be seen in Figure 15, the seismic soil pressure
can accurately be predicted by the suggested distri-
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Seismic Soil Pressure on Retaining Walls 283
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BIOGRAPHIES Conference, Tehran, 2008, and 2 articles presented at
Shervin Maleki obtained his BS and MS degrees the 8th International Congress on Civil Engineering,
from the University of Texas at Arlington with honors. Shiraz, 2009).