This document summarizes two variants of a model used to analyze the performance of a foundation plate under a vertical load of 1000 tons. One variant did not consider the rigidity of the superstructure, while the other considered very rigid continuous frames and compliance of the subsilo piers. The MRP-3 program developed by the authors enabled a strict solution to designing the plate considering a rigid superstructure. The analysis found that the rigidity of the superstructure affects the performance of the foundation plate.
This document summarizes two variants of a model used to analyze the performance of a foundation plate under a vertical load of 1000 tons. One variant did not consider the rigidity of the superstructure, while the other considered very rigid continuous frames and compliance of the subsilo piers. The MRP-3 program developed by the authors enabled a strict solution to designing the plate considering a rigid superstructure. The analysis found that the rigidity of the superstructure affects the performance of the foundation plate.
This document summarizes two variants of a model used to analyze the performance of a foundation plate under a vertical load of 1000 tons. One variant did not consider the rigidity of the superstructure, while the other considered very rigid continuous frames and compliance of the subsilo piers. The MRP-3 program developed by the authors enabled a strict solution to designing the plate considering a rigid superstructure. The analysis found that the rigidity of the superstructure affects the performance of the foundation plate.
This document summarizes two variants of a model used to analyze the performance of a foundation plate under a vertical load of 1000 tons. One variant did not consider the rigidity of the superstructure, while the other considered very rigid continuous frames and compliance of the subsilo piers. The MRP-3 program developed by the authors enabled a strict solution to designing the plate considering a rigid superstructure. The analysis found that the rigidity of the superstructure affects the performance of the foundation plate.
228O on performance of a f o u n ~ i o n plate, two variants were
KIM,JB ~roduced for designimg such a plate of interlocked silo BRUNGRAB~, RJ frames, loaded with a vertical symmetrical load of P= Measuring pile deflections with inclincmeter; i000 tons acc~xling to the MRP-3 cumyatar program: one -Technical note. 1F,1R. without consideration of a rigid superstructt~e and the J. GEOTECH. ENGNG. DIV.VlO0, N. GTT, JULY, 1974, P867-869. other with very rigid conti~ous frames amd compliance This note reports on the experience in meas~ix~ the of the subsilo piers. The MRP-3 l~ogram I developed by lateral displacements of piles at a test site, (the the authors for continnous rectangular fourzlation plates site conditions consisted of a layer of fairly uniform of considerable ler~th amd free edges, enables a strict cla~ aplrox. 40ft thick ur~erlain by a layer of lime- solution to the problem of designing a plate considering stone), with the inclinometer supplied by the Slope a rigid superstructure to be obtained. Indicator Com~m~, known as a Digitilt-Minimouse, which was a 7/8 in. diam. unit, designed to be used in tubes 2286 that are smallar than the usual plastic or alumlnium SHELYAPIN, RS tubes that acc~modate the atarzlard Digitilt model. Effect of the contact tamgential ccmpommn~ of reactive resistance on stresses in a beam wall 2281 on a soil base. BF, IT,6R. I3GGATT,AJ sOIL MECH.FGUNDATION ENG.VI0, ~6,1973, P3~-402 • B R A ~ T . , GE A mathematical armlysis is presented which supports Submerged foumdatiens for i00,000 ton oil tanks. 16F, l~ewlous work by Kale%n, ard which allows two i m ~ a n t 2T. conclusions about fourzlation structures to be reached:- PROC. INST. CIV. E ~ R S •V54, MAY, 1973 , P291- 305. (i) that the effect of contact targential stresses on The paper describes the events which followed the failure the state of stress of a beam wall as a soil base, of the pile foundation b e ~ e a ~ tar~ 281 at Fawley Re- cannot be igncred; amd (2) the significance of the effect finery. After consid~ation of alternative schemes of the tar~ential component of the reaction of the base it was decided to build new foumdations for tanks 281 on the state of stress of beam walls requires refir~ment anl 282 on the adjacent site by means of 'soil replace- of the contact problem. ment' involvimg underwater excavation of soft soils and compaction by vibration of the replacement fill. Pro- 2287 blems which arose durir~ construction are discussed. ASTIIL, AW UNIV.ASTON BIP~NGHAM, GB The tanks, 260ft. d i a m ~ ard 65ft. high, ware then Four~tion design and CPllO. 2F. transferred by fl~ation on to the new bases, where CIVIL E~NG. JUNE, 1974, P26- 27. they were h ~ s ~ e d using nearly i00,000 tons of sea The new code of practice for the structural uee of con- water in each.~ crete (CPIIO, 1972 ) is based on the principles of limit state design. The design is based on ultimate load ar~ 2282 stremgths rather than working loads as in the past. The CL ' A.RES~,JL paper reviews the difficulties which could arise through TAYLC~, HP this approach, and proposes some solutions. Model tests to determine the influence of support stiffness u~on the distribution of pile loads on an 2288 elght-pile cap. 13F,2R. WHITAEER, T MAG. CONCRETE RES.V26, N86, MAR. 1974, P39-~6. Structural integrity of piles. 4F,4R. Tests were carried out on three models, to scales of C IV .ENG. JOS~, 1974, P20- 23 • 1:4~ l:15 a~d 1:38~ of a large pile cap spanning eight The paper outlines some methods available for testing piles. The smallest model was tested to determine the the integrity of large diameter bored piles when the effect of the cracking of the pile cap and of varying cost of test-loading a large pile is unacceptable. pile stiffness u~on the distribution of the applied load Some of the methods reviewed are acoustic scara~img, between the piles. The results of the tests are presen- calliper logging, preformed borehole methods, single ted amd are compared with the results of the teats at the hole sonic testing, radiometric logging stud vibration larger scales. The use of very sm~1] models is shown to testing. be of great value in amplifying the results of more ex- pensive large-scale tests. 2289 HIT.T.~, P 2283 Piling tinder the ocean - a brief description of a VESIC,AS D~ UNIV.DURHAM, N.C .USA lO ton hydraulic prototype of an inside the pile Analysis of ultimate loads of shallow foundations. hammer currently being used on the H u m o r estuary Closure of discussion of original paper J. Soil with encouraging results. Mech. Foumd. Div. Jan. 1973. 1F,6R. CIV .ENG,.JUNE, 1974, P29 • J. GEOTECH. E~GNG. DIV. V100, N. GT~, 1974, P949-951 • 2290 2284 SVETINSKII, EV FEDOROV, BS TUPIKOV, MV Results of the 8th international conference on soll Exhibition on foundation engineering in the USSR. 2F. mec_hamics amd foumdation e~gineering - a short review SOIL MECH.FOUNDATION ENG.V10, N6,1973, P417-~21. of the confe~ance proceedings amd suumary of the A description of exhibits, where the equipment was shown main scientific-technical results. 3F. in model form, is given. The exhibition cum~ised six- SOIL MECH.FOUNDATION ENG.V10, N6,1973, P373-377. sections:- (1) Methods of investigation of four--ion soils; (2) Foumdations on natural soils; (3) Pile foumdations; 2285 (4) Construction on permafrost soils; (5) Construction MALIKOVA, TA on collapsible and weak soils; (6) Underground struct~es. Effect of rigidity of the superstructure on the performance of a foumdation plate. 3F,1T,4R. SOIL ~CH.FOUNDATION E~.VIO, N6,1973, F~05-409. To determine the effect of rigidity of the superstructure
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts Volume 21 Issue 5 1984 [Doi 10.1016%2F0148-9062%2884%2992985-1] -- Reinforced Retaining Walls- The Use of Old Motor Tyres (in French) - Long, N T;