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Teaching Dates and Time: OCTOBER 9- OCTOBER 13 (12:15- 6:15PM) Quarter: FIRST

DAY 1 DAY 2 Day 3

At the end of the Week, students are expected to have mastered the competencies:
 Demonstrates the existence of color components of visible light using a prism or diffraction grating.
 Infer that color manifestation of visible light’s frequency or wavelength
I. OBJECTIVES  Explains that red is bent the least and violet is bent most according to their wavelengths or frequency
 Explains the hierarchy of colors in relation to energy
 Distinguish between temperature and heat
 Describe the hotness or coldness of an object in terms of its temperature
 Compare the changes in the temperature of water to determine the relationship between the amount of heat transferred and the
resulting temperature change.
A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of some properties and characteristics of visible light.
B. Performance Standards: The leaners should be able to discuss phenomena such as blue sky, rainbow and red sunset using the concept of wavelength and
frequency of visible light.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives: Explain the hierarchy of colors in relation to the energy of visible light. S8FE-lf-27.
Write the LC Code for each


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages Teacher’s Guide pp.57-62 Teacher’s Guide pp. 57-62. Teacher’s Guide pp. 57-62.
Teacher’s Guide pp. 28-36 Teacher’s Guide pp. 28-36
2. Learner’s Materials Pages PIVOT Leaner’s Material pp. 25-27 PIVOT Learner’s Module pp. 25-27 PIVOT Learner’s Module pp. 25-27
Science Learning Module pp. 6,11 and 16 PIVOT Learner’s Module pp. 28-30 PIVOT Learner’s Module pp. 28-30
Science Learner’s Module pp. 9- 19 Science Learner’s Module pp. 9- 19
Science Learner’s Module pp. 4-5 Science Learner’s Module pp. 4-5
3. Textbook Pages Synergy for success in science pp.80-100 Synergy for success in science pp.80-100 Synergy for success in science pp.80-100
Science in Today’s World pp. 79-98 Science in Today’s World pp. 79-98 Science in Today’s World pp. 79-98
4. Additional Materials from Learning N/A N/A N/A
Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Science 8 Activity Sheet pp. 57-63 Science 8 Learning Activity Sheet Activity 5 Science 8 Learning Activity Sheet Activity 5
and 6 pp. 61-62 and 6 pp. 61-62
Activity Sheet Activity 1 and 2 pp.70-71 Activity Sheet Activity 1 and 2 pp.70-71
C. Teaching Strategy/ies Collaborative strategy, didactic Collaborative strategy, didactic questioning, Collaborative strategy, didactic questioning,
questioning, drills and practice drills and practice drills and practice

A. Reviewing Previous Lesson or Call two students to recall the previous Call two students to recall about the previous Call two students to recall about the
Presenting the New Lesson
discussion about on the effect of discussion and ask them how rainbows are previous discussion and ask them to name
temperature to the speed of sound. formed. the different colors in shortest to longest
B.Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson Picture analysis. The teacher will show a Picture Analysis: Ask students to jog in place for 20 seconds.
picture of a rainbow and ask the
following questions:

1. What can you see in the picture

presented? Study and analyze the pictures of the stars
2. In the different colors of light, at night.
which is bent the most and the
3. Why do we see spectacular events
in the sky like rainbows, red
sunset, and blue sky?
C.Presenting Examples/Instances of the Have you ever wondered how rainbows Do you think all colors have the same What do you feel after performing the
appear in a clear sky? energy? jogging activity?
How does the rainbow form and what are
the colors of the rainbow?
D.Discussing New Concepts and Practicing Perform Activity 2 on science. Answer Activity 7 on Science Learner’s Answer activity 1 “Please Measure me
New Skills #1
Learner’s Module page 5. Module page 7. Explain the answers. perfectly” on Science Learner’s Module page
E.Discussing New Concepts and Practicing Analysis: Analysis: 1. What is transferred when you dip your
New Skills #2
1. Which color registered the highest finger into the water? In what direction did
Question 1: frequency? shortest wavelength? it transfer?
What happens to the light when it hits 2. Which color registered the lowest 2. Was the water ‘hot’ or ‘cold’? Explain.
the mirror? frequency? longest 3. How close is your estimated value to the
Question 2: wavelength? measured temperature
List and arrange the observed colors 3. What did you observe about the of the water?
based on how they appear on the paper. wavelengths and frequencies of the 4. Which container feels ‘hottest’? Which
Question 3: different colors of light? container feels the coolest?
Why is the prism or water able to 4. What did you observe about the products 5. What do you think causes the difference
separate the colors of white light? of frequencies and wavelengths? in the hotness or coldness of the water
5. Does the frequencies of the colors of inside the containers?
light increase from red to violet? 6. In which container(s) is heat transfer
6. What did you observe about the taking place? What evidence best supports
corresponding energies from red to violet? your answer? Within this container, which
7. How does frequency relate to energy of absorbs heat? Which gives off heat?
colors of light? 7.In which container was there the greatest
amount of heat transfer? What is the basis
of your answer?
8. How are the amount of heat transferred
and the change in temperature of water
F. Developing Mastery Discuss the answer in the activity given. Answer activity 10 on Science Learner’s Discuss the answers of the activity.
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3)
Module page 13.
G. Finding Practical Applications of Do you agree in the saying “at the end of The effects of colored light on people have
Concepts and Skills in Daily Living
a rainbow is a pot of gold” Why or Why been studied by psychologists. They found
not? out that people do show varied responses to
different colors. Colors influence a person’s
emotion and degree of activity.
According to psychologists: In a bakery, when do cookies cook faster at
1. Red light/color may bring about a rise in lower temperature or at higher
blood pressure, respiration rate, and temperature? Explain your answer.
frequency of blinking. It excites people.
2. Blue light/color produces effects opposite
to those red light; hence, it lessens activity.
3. Purple has a mournful effect.
4. Yellow is joyful and green has a peaceful
Knowing all these, would you:
a. choose red paint/wall paper for your
b. wear black during summer?
c. wear light colored shirt during cold days.
H. Making Generalizations and Upon passage through the prism the Frequency is generally measured in Hertz, Heat is a form of energy and is measured in
Abstractions about the Lesson
white light is separated into its the units of cycles per second. joules. It takes about 4.2 joules of heat to
component colors red, orange, yellow, Wave frequency is related to wave energy. change 1 gram of water by 1 Celsius degree.
green, blue, and violet. The more energy in the wave, the higher its A unit of heat still common in the United
The separation of visible light into its frequency. The lower the frequency is, the States is the calorie. Temperature is
different colors is known as dispersion. less energy in the wave. When it comes to measured in degrees; heat is measured in
Dispersion is a special kind of refraction light waves, violet has the highest energy joules. Temperature describes the average
which provides us colors of light. It while red has the lowest energy. kinetic energy of molecules within a
occurs whenever there is a process that material or system and is measured in
changes the direction of light in a manner Celsius (°C), Kelvin (K), Fahrenheit (°F), or
that depends on wavelength. Dispersion Rankine (R). It is a measurable physical
can occur for any type of wave and property of an object—also known as a state
always involves wavelength dependent variable. Other measurable physical
processes. For a given medium, n properties include velocity, mass, and
increases as wavelength decreases and is density.
greatest for violet light. Thus, violet light
is bent more than red light, as can be
seen with a prism. Refer to the figure
I. Evaluating Learning 10 item quiz The assessment for the day will be based on 10 item quiz
the outcome/output of the activity.
(Activity 5 Color Wheel on Science Activity
Sheet page 66)
J. Additional Activities for Application or Do Learning Tasks No. 1,2,3 and 4 on Answer learning tasks 1-4 of PIVOT Learner’s Answer learning tasks 1,2 and 4 of PIVOT
PIVOT Learner’s Module. Module. Learner’s Module.


A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies work well? Why did
these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or

supervisor can help me solve?

G. What innovations or localized materials did I

use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Teacher I, SCIENCE SCIENCE Key Teacher Assistant Principal II

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