соч 6 в 2 четверть
соч 6 в 2 четверть
соч 6 в 2 четверть
Unit Strand Learning objective *Total *Question *Type of *Task description Time, Total
number of № question min marks
Entertainme Listening Deduce meaning 6 1 Open Each learner works individually. Task 10 6
nt and from context with little or no 2 ended enables learners to identify meaning minutes
support in extended talk on a 3 from the context. Learners should choose
Media. specific information from the recording
Sport, growing range of general and 4
and write them. Learners should be given
curricular topics. 5
Health and 1 minute to look through the questions
Exercise. before they listen. Learners should listen
to recording twice.
Reading Understand 6 1 True / Each learner works individually. Task 10 6
specific information and detail 2 False enables learners to identify whether the minutes
in texts on a growing range of 3 given statements are true or false
familiar general and curricular according to the context. The question
itself comprises a sentence taken from
topics, including some
the text that carries specific information
extended texts. about what is told in the text. Deduce Questions 4-6 comprise 3 open-
meaning from context in short ended questions that ask learners to
texts and some extended texts 4 Open give answer referring to the writer’s
on a growing range of familiar 5 ended opinion. There is no limit to the
general and curricular topics. 6 number of words in the answer.
Task. Listen to the recording about sport and complete each statement with one suitable answer.
Ttranscript for listening task can be found after the mark scheme.
Total [6]
Task . Read the text and decide if the sentences are TRUE or FALSE.
Film review.
This film follows David Kim, the father of Margot, a teenage girl who disappears after a
study session. To help with the investigation, the father is asked to look into Margot’s personal life.
The more he discovers, the more he realises he knew nothing about his daughter. David learns that
she made strange money transfers and participated in online chat rooms, which leads to questions he
cannot answer. In the film, we see how technology is crucial but also detrimental. While it helps
David to uncover information, it poses a question: how much should we really believe? Information
can be misleading.
The film demonstrates how real life can be distorted through Margot’s Facebook account.
She has a few hundred friends on Facebook but none in real life. It highlights how the internet can
show a false representation of someone. Furthermore, the content of her messages is
miscommunicated, something we can identify with if we’ve ever been the victim of a
misunderstood message. Social media quickly turns ugly as an innocent hashtag to find Margot
soon escalates to the public blaming the father: #thefatherdidit. With social media, everyone has a
voice and ulterior motives, and even her classmates only pretend to care about her to use the
publicity to promote themselves.
The film manages to capture the attention and hearts of the audience. It has a suspense-filled
storyline and fresh perspective that mirrors technology in our own lives, making it of cultural and
personal relevance. So, if you’re searching for a film to get lost in, this is the film for you.
2. This film shows how the internet can be faithless. True False [1]
_____________________________________________________ [1]
_____________________________________________________ [1]
Total [6]
Task. Choose ONE of the topics to write a review. Write 120-150 words.
Topic 1. Write a review of a sport club that you have visited lately. Tell what it is, how it can be
played. Use the style and structure of a review. Mind the grammar. Spell the words correctly.
Topic 2. Write a review of cinema/café/ game club you have visited lately. Tell what and where it
is, what you can do there and your opinion. Use the style and structure of a review. Mind the
grammar. Spell the words correctly.
Total [6]
Task. Work in pairs. Choose one of 4 topics and make up a dialogue. You have 1 minute to
prepare and 3 minutes to speak. While speaking do not forget to use topic related vocabulary. Try to
pronounce your statements with appropriate pace. Show interaction asking and answering
Total [6]
Mark scheme
Listening and Reading
Task Answer Mark Additional
№ information
1 1. She enjoys watching team sport. 1
2 2. She wants to join a team to play a sport. 1
3 3. She thinks sport is a good way to keep fit. 1 A learner may
4 4. She likes playing sports with her friends. 1 paraphrase the
5 5. She would like to try a dangerous sport. 1 sentence.
6 6. Losing or winning is not important for her. 1
1 False 1
2 True 1
3 False 1
4 The film demonstrates how real life can be distorted 1 A learner may
through an account. paraphrase the
5 The public begin to blame his father. 1 sentences.
6 It has a suspense-filled storyline and fresh perspective 1
that mirrors technology in our own lives, making it of
cultural and personal relevance.
Total marks 12
Give points out of 6 for each criterion (content, organization, vocabulary and grammar and
punctuation), and then calculate a mean to give a total mark out of 6. All fractional marks should be
rounded up to the closest whole mark.
6 All content is relevant Uses a range of basic Uses a range of Writes simple
to the task. connectors correctly everyday vocabulary and compound
The register and attempts to use appropriately; sentence forms
completely referencing, but not attempts to use less correctly and
corresponds to the always clearly or common lexical demonstrates
requirements of the appropriately. items with occasional some variety in
task; consistent and Uses paragraphs to inappropriacies. length.
intentional misuse of separate ideas; all Has good control of May attempt
register* may indicate paragraphs revolve word formation; may some complex
a writer’s personal around one idea or a make occasional sentences, but
style. set of like ideas; the errors in producing they tend to be
All content points are size of each less common word less accurate,
fully addressed and paragraph allows for forms. including
developed in a a proper and balanced Spells common punctuation.
balanced way. development of ideas. vocabulary items Errors in
*Such misuse of register The format is correctly; very few grammar and/or
should not harm the appropriate, but may (one or two) punctuation do
format of writing. be modified for a occasional spelling not distort
better reading mistakes may be meaning.
experience. present.
May occasionally
misspell less
common lexical
Errors in word choice
and/or spelling do
not distort meaning.
5 All content is relevant Uses a range of basic Uses a range of Writes simple and
to the task; connectors correctly. everyday vocabulary compound sentence
insignificant content Uses paragraphs to appropriately; forms correctly, but
omissions may be separate ideas; most attempts to use less does not demonstrate
present. paragraphs revolve common lexical variety in length.
The register on the around one idea or a items, but may make Occasional errors in
whole corresponds to set of like ideas; the frequent errors. grammar and/or
the requirements of size of each Has good control of punctuation do not
the task; occasional paragraph may reflect word formation; may distort meaning.
and inconsistent imbalanced make errors in
misuse of register development of ideas. producing less
may be present. The format is common word forms.
Most content points appropriate. Spells common
are addressed, but vocabulary items
their development correctly; few (no
may be slightly more than five)
imbalanced occasional spelling
mistakes may be
May often misspell
less common lexical
Errors in word choice
and/or spelling do
not distort meaning.
4 Most content is relevant Uses some basic Uses everyday • Writes simple and some
to the task; insignificant connectors, but these may vocabulary generally compound sentence
content omissions may be be inaccurate or appropriately, while forms correctly.
present. repetitive. occasionally overusing • While errors in
• The register on the • Uses paragraphs to certain lexical items. grammar and/or
whole corresponds to the separate ideas, but tends • Has good control of punctuation are
requirements of the task. to misuse paragraphing (a word formation; can noticeable, meaning is
• Most content points are script is a set of very produce common word rarely distorted.
addressed, but some short paragraphs or some forms correctly.
content points may be paragraphs may be much • May make infrequent
more fully covered than longer than other ones for errors in spelling more
others. no apparent reason). difficult words.
• The format is generally • Errors in word choice
appropriate. and/or spelling rarely
distort meaning.
3 Some content is relevant • Uses a very limited Uses basic vocabulary Writes simple sentence
to the task; significant range of basic cohesive reasonably appropriately. forms mostly correctly.
content omissions may be devices correctly. • Has some control of • Errors in grammar
present. • Writes in paragraphs, word formation; can and/or punctuation may
• The register barely but may not use them to produce some common distort meaning at times.
corresponds to the separate ideas (a script word forms correctly.
requirements of the task. may have random breaks • Makes frequent errors
• Only some content between paragraphs). in spelling more difficult
points, which are • The format may be words, but simple words
minimally addressed. inappropriate in places. are spelled correctly.
• Errors in word choice
and/or spelling distort
meaning at times.
2 • Severe irrelevances and • May use a very limited • Uses an extremely • Writes some simple
misinterpretations of the range of basic cohesive limited range of sentence forms correctly.
task may be present. devices, and those used vocabulary. • Frequent errors in
• Only few content may not indicate a logical • Has very limited control grammar and/or
points, which are relationship between of word formation; can punctuation distort
minimally addressed. ideas. produce a few common meaning.
• Attempts to write in word forms correctly.
paragraphs, but their use • Makes many errors in
may be confusing (may spelling, including a
start every sentence with range of simple words.
a new line). • Errors in word choice
• The format may be and/or spelling distort
inappropriate. meaning.
1 • Attempts the task, but it • Links are missing or Can only use a few • No evidence of sentence
is largely misinterpreted incorrect. isolated words and/or forms.
and the response is barely • Does not write in memorized phrases.
relevant to the task. paragraphs at all (a script • Has essentially no
is a block of text). control of word
• The format is not formation; can barely
appropriate. produce any word forms.
• Displays few examples
of conventional spelling.
0 • Does not attempt the task in any way.
• The response is completely irrelevant to the task.
• There is too little language to assess.
• Content is completely incomprehensible due to extremely poor handwriting: very few words are
distinguishable, so there is a lack of context to verify meaning.
Give a mark out of 6 for each criterion (development and fluency, grammar and vocabulary), and then
calculate a mean to give an overall total out of 6.