1.8confluent Point and Ancient Contraindication

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SLOPEK, Axel, et al.

Eight-Points-Acupuncture and Ancient Chinese Contraindications in Acupuncture: Two Methods of Improving

Acupuncture Treatment Based upon Ancient Chinese Sources, and Clinical Experiences

Critical Review

Eight-Points-Acupuncture and Ancient Chinese

Contraindications in Acupuncture: Two Methods of Improving
Acupuncture Treatment Based upon Ancient Chinese Sources,
and Clinical Experiences
SLOPEK, Axel 1, FENG Hai-tao(冯海涛) 2
1. Quellweg 9, 13629 Berlin, Germany
2. Lingling Road, Shanghai 200032, P.R. China

Abstract: According to ancient and present Chinese sources the Eight Confluent Points are
essentials of acupuncture and can treat all kinds of diseases. They exert a fundamental influence
on the Twelve Regular Meridians and their mobilization can be seen as a necessity for a
successful acupuncture treatment. For this they should play a major role in acupuncture. In
European acupuncture teachings there is also the opinion that by too much needling of the Eight
Confluent Points the qi of the organism might get exhausted which will deteriorate the patient's
symptoms and eventually will create new symptoms. Here it will be shown that deterioration as
well as the creation of new symptoms due to acupuncture is caused by not observing the
contraindications in acupuncture as set up in ancient China provided that syndrome
differentiation, point selection and stimulation have been correct. In opposition to this, all of the
Eight Extraordinary Channels are to be activated at first and then the Twelve Regular Meridians
are to be mobilized in order to achieve therapeutic effects.
Key Words: Acupuncture-Moxibustion; Eight Confluence Points; Eight Extraordinary Channels
CLC Number: R246.9
Document Code: A

Acupuncture and Daoyin both are based upon qi within one treatment there must be a maximum of qi
and its mobilization and movement throughout the being available to the organism and therefore a
organism as well as its increase within the body by maximum therapeutic effect must be produced. So the
bringing into the body the qi of the outer world and of authors do acupuncture by activating all of the Eight
the universe. Also the view on human physiology and Extraordinary Channels by needling all of the Eight
pathology is based upon the obstructed or free flow of Confluent Points at the very beginning of treatment
qi and is held the same in acupuncture as in Daoyin. calling this method "Eight-Points-Acupuncture".
Therefore it is well worth for acupuncturists to know Significant better therapeutic results are to be seen
the basic theories and principles of Daoyin concerning in acupuncture treatment of obstinate and therapy-
the regulation of qi in order to prevent or to cure resistant chronic diseases or which are hold as
diseases and to transfer these principles into clinical "uncurable" and especially when the neural system is
acupuncture. One major difference between Daoyin involved. In diseases usually treated by acupuncture,
theories and acupuncture must be seen in the handling there was not so much therapeutic difference to be
of the Eight Extraordinary Channels. In acupuncture, seen compared with the results achieved by Chrono-
the authors hold the principle "where qi is there is Acupuncture or "Qi-Acupuncture"[1]. Whenever
life" as being the most fundamental and guiding Eight- Points- Acupuncture is selected for treatment it
principle. By needling all of the confluent points should be combined with "Qi-Acupuncture" to

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Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science, Volume 4, Number 6, 2006 December

achieve the best possible therapeutic effect. This needle the Eight Confluent Points in a new manner
includes the fact that more needles than usual are to with consequently achieving better therapeutic results
be used and acupuncture will use more time and give in acupuncture. So the authors started acupuncture
more pain to the patient. So the authors recommend to treatment by mobilizing all of the Eight Extraordinary
use Eight-Points-Acupuncture for therapy-resistant Channels by needling all of the Eight Confluent
chronic diseases or "uncurable" diseases. Otherwise Points in a defined sequence at the very beginning of
Eight-Points-Acupuncture should be used as the first treatment calling this method "Eight-Points-
treatment in a treatment course and then only if it is Acupuncture". "Eight-Points- Acupuncture " is held
necessary in order to improve the therapeutic success. as an experimental method and might need
DOU Han-qing (1196-1280 A. D.) had pointed out modification in the future.
that "the Eight Points where two or more Meridians Needling course of Eight-Points-Acupuncture:
intersect are essentials of acupuncture, and Eight Opening Governor Vessel by Houxi (SI 3),
Confluent Points can treat 243 kinds of symptoms and Conception Vessel by Lieque (LU 7), Thoroughfare
diseases."[2] These eight points can treat medical, Vessel by Gongsun (SP 4), Belt Vessel by Zulinqi
surgical, gynecological, pediatric, orthopedic, derma- (GB 41), Yang Link Vessel by Waiguan (TE 5), Yin
tological diseases, infectious diseases, etc. All these Link Vessel by Neiguan (PC 6), Yang Heel Vessel by
statements done by different TCM authorities in Shenmai (BL 62), Yin Heel Vessel by Zhaohai (KI 6).
different centuries show the fact that the Eight All confluent points should be needled bilateral in
Confluent Points belong to the most powerful order to mobilize qi as much as possible. After
acupoints due to their ability to dominate all other needling all of the Eight Confluent Points then their
acupoints, and that the Eight Confluent Points can respective Jing(Well) Points should be needled, too, in
treat 243 kinds of symptoms and diseases. To the order to get qi from the outer world and the universe
knowledge of the authors, there is no statement to be into the body and to improve the effect of the
found neither in ancient nor in present Chinese confluent points.
acupuncture literature which provides good reason not Here the yang Extraordinary Channels take the lead
to needle these Eight Confluent Points all together in followed by their paired yin channels. Of course in
one treatment. acupuncture, the yin channels can be needled first
Taoists consider the Extraordinary Channels as the followed by their coupled yang partners. In such an
fundament of human physical energy and existence, order Conception Vessel is opened at first and then
as a bridge between the human prenatal (congenital) Governor Vessel. Another modification, which should
Yuan Qi and the human postnatal Qi. These lines of qi be used, is to start with Thoroughfare Vessel as the
are working at the deepest energetic layer of the body very first extraordinary channel to be mobilized
and exert influence there. Due to this, in Daoyin the followed by Governor Vessel and Conception Vessel.
mobilization of the qi flow through the Eight Eight-Points-Acupuncture is at present experimental
Extraordinary Channels in the beginning of treatment acupuncture so the different possible modifications
is a prerequisite for activation of the qi flow within should be used to find out which one is the most
the Twelve Regular Meridians. By application of this successful one or to find out if the succession in
theory in acupuncture, the primary needling of all the opening the Extraordinary Channels depends on the
Eight Confluent Points can be held as a necessity for kind of TCM syndrome or Western diagnosis. Until
successful needling of acupoints of the Twelve now no final assessment can be made concerning the
Regular Meridians. best sequence of the opening of the Extraordinary
Because Daoyin as well as acupuncture are based Channels except that it is obvious, that Thoroughfare
upon qi and its mobilization and movement Vessel, Governor Vessel, and Conception Vessel
throughout the organism as well as its increase within should always be the first to be opened followed by
the body by extraordinary qi from the Extraordinary Belt Vessel.
Channels and also by qi of the outer world and the Eight-Points-Acupuncture can be applied as a
universe, it seems to be well worth to combine single acupuncture method. But in many cases it
acupuncture and Daoyin experiences concerning qi to might be better and it is recommended in addition to
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Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science, Volume 4, Number 6, 2006 December

Eight-Points-Acupuncture to perform Qi-Acupuncture, When vital energy in Regular Meridians is exuberant,

which always includes chrono- acupuncture methods it overflows into the Extraordinary ones." Therefore,
like Zi Wu Liu Zhu and Ling Gui Ba Fa[2]. The exact an excess of qi (yin qi and yang qi) cannot exist. What
time of acupuncture should be chosen related to the always might exist is an imbalance of yin (yin qi) and
main symptom of the patient's disease and in regard to yang (yang qi) within the organism producing
Ling Gui Ba Fa when the main confluent point immediate acute and/or chronic symptoms. In
(related to the main symptom) is being "life point" acupuncture treatment of a patient suffering from a
which means this point is full of qi (with the qi there chronic visus reduction down to 10 percent due to a
is life) and needled at its optimum time for being large retina scar caused by toxoplasmosis, the author
acupunctured. Especially in therapy- resistant chronic used the same pair of confluent points 55 times and
diseases and in chronic or acute diseases of the neural then another pair of confluent points 3 times, in a
system the Eight-Points-Acupuncture shows imme- treatment course of 58 treatments within 85 days with
diate and significant curative success no matter how best therapeutic results: The visus improved from 10
long the disease exists before. percent up to 70 percent (by unchanged scar) and
Until now the Eight Confluent Points together with remained stable and persistent without any further
their respective Extraordinary Channels and their use treatment[1]. Under physiological conditions the
in acupuncture do not occupy the position they should organism will not use more qi than it is actually
have in order to treat diseases hard to be cured or needed. In case of pathological conditions the
which are resistant to treatment. The method of organism will use up much more qi than this is the
needling all of the Eight Confluent Points in one case under a healthy constitution. Therefore, the best
treatment can cope with any kind of disease and way to safe qi is to finish the pathological status as
therefore is independent from any kind of TCM soon as possible and if this can be achieved at best
syndrome differentiation. This is a characteristic of with support of extraordinary qi from the
Eight-Points-Acupuncture, which it shares with the Extraordinary Channels then the Extraordinary
most powerful acupoints as it is proven for these Channels are to be opened and their extraordinary qi
points by many statements from ancient and present is to be mobilized no matter if this is to be carried out
time authorities in TCM. Although Eight-Points- one time or many times, no matter if one
Acupuncture can be applied as a single method, it extraordinary channel or all of them are to be
should be combined with Qi-Acupuncture in order to activated. Otherwise the pathological status will last
achieve the optimum therapeutic effect[1]. Sometimes longer and the patients' physical and psychological
the assumption is heard in some European countries sufferings will also last longer with significant more
that in case of too much needling of confluent points consumption of vital qi, and consequently
the qi of the Extraordinary Channels, the organism diminishing the patients' quality of life and even
might get deficient or even exhausted. This opinion is shorten his life span. The highest level of qi in the
wrong. Exhaustion of qi due to acupuncture and organism is at the day of full moon. Warning is given
specifically due to acupuncture of confluent points is not to use tonification at that day or not to needle at
not possible neither in theory nor in clinic. In case of all (Su Wen, chapter 26, Ba Zheng Shen Ming Lun).
too much qi is mobilized from the Extraordinary According to the powers and abilities of qi the authors
Channels and is flowing excessively within the hold the day of full moon for the best day to
Regular Meridians it is a main task for the acupuncture therapy-resistant and "uncurable"
Extraordinary Channels to take over the surplus of qi diseases. It is also the best day to perform "Single
from the regular Meridians as soon as there is a need Point Acupuncture". Of course the warning of the Su
to do so. This is stated e.g. by LI Shi-zhen (Ming Wen must be kept in mind and the acupuncturist must
Dynasty): "Extraordinary Channels are controlled or always know what he is doing. The days before and
confined by Regular Meridians and there are no after the day of full moon are the best for acupuncture.
exterior-interior relationships between them. The authors have used Eight-Points-Acupuncture
Extraordinary Channels are like lakes, while the together with Qi-Acupuncture in round about 70
Twelve Regular Meridians are like irrigation canals. acupuncture treatments. So far no negative reactions
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Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science, Volume 4, Number 6, 2006 December

have been seen. All the following patients treated by systoles several times a week, feeling of unability to
both of these methods showed significant walk in right upper leg since summer 2004; burning
improvement of their symptoms. pain in upper arm since autumn 2004; headache,
Patient B.P., female, 64 years; no diagnosis by dizziness, itching of eyes, burning feeling in upper
Western medicine but persistent symptoms as side legs and abdomen since December 2004. These
effects due to anti-cancer chemotherapy: Extreme symptoms became strong to extreme (+++ –– ++++)
sensitivity disturbance of tips of all fingers and toes and persistent and there were neither diagnosis nor
(numbness and tickling feelings) with the feeling of relief according to Western medicine. After the first
"wearing shoes with soles 10-15 cm thick" and treatment with Qi-Acupuncture (August 2005) there
stabbing pain at Yongquan (KI 1) and heels of both was a slight improvement of symptoms. After 10
feet sometimes radiating through the body up to the treatments with Qi-Acupuncture all the pain of the
axillas. These symptoms exist since March 1985 patient had ended and the pathological neurological
starting after the 5th chemotherapy due to ovary feelings improved down to "medium" (++). After the
carcinoma and have proven uncurable with Western first Eight-Points-Acupuncture combined with
medicine. First treatment with Qi-Acupuncture: The Qi-Acupuncture all the neurological symptoms were
disturbed sensitivity of fingers and toes improved finished completely and immediately. They returned
from "extreme" (++++) down to "medium" (++) and to "minimal" (+) a few days later. The second Eight-
the "feeling of wearing 10-15 cm thick soles" Points-Acupuncture combined with Qi-Acupuncture
diminished down to the "feeling of soles of 5-6 cm was carried out and again all neurological symptoms
thickness". The next day all the symptoms came back ended completely. This case is not finished yet.
as strong as they were before going along with a In summary, acupuncture should be concentrated
strong feeling of unrest and uneasiness. Next on qi, on its optimum and maximum mobilization,
treatment Eight-Points-Acupuncture combined with movement, and increase by bringing into the body the
Qi-Acupuncture was applied. All symptoms qi from the outer world and the universe by using the
disappeared completely within a few minutes after Jing-(Well-)Points of the meridians and by some other
insertion of all needles, which remained for acupoints, e.g. Baihui (GV 20) or Laogong (PC 8), by
approximately 30 minutes. After removal of the using chrono-acupuncture methods, and by using the
needles the disturbed feelings of fingers and toes Eight Confluent Points together in form of
came back within minutes but were felt only very Eight-Points-Acupuncture regularly as the first
slightly (+) and remained so. This case is not finished treatment to begin with and if necessary more often.
yet and needs more acupuncture treatments. More experiences with Qi-Acupuncture, Eight-Points
Patient S.S., born April 1962, female, no diagnosis -Acupuncture, and observation as well as non-
by Western medicine but persistent symptoms: Strong observation of the TCM-based ancient contra-
burning and stabbing pain (+++) in lower abdomen indications are needed in order to avoid insufficient
since winter 2003; strong feeling of physical acupuncture treatment and deterioriation of symptoms
weakness (+++) and functional muscular-neural as well as creation of new symptoms due to
disturbances of the whole left side (area of acupuncture.
Gallbladder Meridain, arms & legs); weakness and
occasional crackdown of left arm and leg, in the right References
foot feeling of unability to walk, numbness of all
fingers, feeling as if left side of body would be [1] Slopek, Axel, FENG Haitao. Qi-Acupuncture: An Effective
and Simple Acupuncture Method Based Upon Ancient
smaller all since spring 2004; often swelling of the
Chinese Acupuncture Literature and Clinical Experience,
face and of mucous membranes of the nose and Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science, 2005, 3(3):
paranasal cavities including the left ear, according to 59-62.
tests no allergy known; strong pain in lumbar region [2] LIU Bing-quan. Optimum Time for Acupuncture: A
Collection of Traditional Chinese Chrono-therapeutics,
(+++) since 2002; migraine since 2004; chronic pain Shandong Science and Technology Press, 1988: 74.
in right big toe; sometimes pain in the throat; fast
pulse rate (90-100 beats/minute) with extraordinary- Received Date: October 20, 2006

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