Week 8 Communicative Style Types
Week 8 Communicative Style Types
Week 8 Communicative Style Types
E. Discussing new concepts Play an audio or video clip of a casual Provide students with a handout that Divide the students into pairs or In their small groups, students discuss
and practicing new skills #2 conversation (e.g., a podcast segment or outlines conversation tips and small groups. Provide each group the questions and share their thoughts
a movie scene). techniques. Discuss these tips as a with a scenario or case study related with each other.
Ask students to listen and take notes on class, emphasizing the importance of to a professional setting (e.g., a
the casual language and expressions they each. business meeting, job interview, or Encourage each group to select a
hear. team project). Ask them to practice representative who will share their
Discuss the clip as a class, pointing out consultative communicative style group's insights with the whole class.
the informal language and its role in the by playing out the scenarios.
Afterward, discuss the results and
what they learned from the
F. Developing mastery (Leads Divide the class into pairs or small Distribute slips of paper with different Engage the whole class in a Invite each representative to share
to formative assessment 3) groups. conversation scenarios to each group. discussion about the group their group's thoughts, encouraging
Provide each group with a handout These scenarios could involve exercises. Ask students to share class discussion.
containing casual conversation prompts. conflicts, decision-making, or sharing their experiences, challenges, and
Instruct students to have a short personal experiences. insights from practicing Facilitate the discussion by asking
conversation using the prompts while Instruct students to apply the consultative communication. follow-up questions and providing
incorporating casual language and conversation tips and techniques Encourage them to identify how your own insights.
expressions. discussed in Activity 2 during their these skills could be useful in their As a follow-up activity, instruct
Afterward, each group presents their conversations. They should aim for future careers. students to choose a character or
conversation to the class for feedback. effective and respectful theme from the movie Frozen and
communication. write a persuasive paragraph on why
After the conversation, have a brief it is essential or meaningful to them.
discussion with the class about their
experiences. Ask for examples of good Encourage them to use persuasive
communication during the activity. language and provide specific
examples from the movie to support
their points.
G. Finding practical Assign pairs or groups of student specific Have students individually reflect on Have students individually reflect Have students individually reflect on
applications of concepts and scenarios where casual communication is their own communication skills during on their own communication skills their own communication skills
skills in daily living appropriate, such as a casual gathering the guided conversation. What did they during the guided conversation. during the guided conversation. What
with friends or a coffee shop chat. do well? What areas can they improve? What did they do well? What areas did they do well? What areas can
Have students perform role-plays based Have them jot down a few notes. can they improve? Have them jot they improve? Have them jot down a
on these scenarios, using casual language down a few notes. few notes.
and expressions.
Encourage classmates to provide
Teacher Assistant JHS Coordinator Master Teacher I School Head