RYA Competent Crew Syllabus
RYA Competent Crew Syllabus
RYA Competent Crew Syllabus
The Competent Crew course introduces the complete beginner to cruising and teaches
personal safety, seamanship and helmsmanship to the level required to be a useful member
of crew of a cruising yacht and is a pre requisite to attending an RYA Day Skipper practical
1. Knowledge of sea terms and parts of a boat, her rigging and sails
▪ Sufficient knowledge to understand orders given concerning the sailing and day to
day running of the boat
2. Sail Handling
▪ Bending on, setting, reefing and handling of sails
▪ Use of sheets and halyards and their associated winches
3. Ropework
▪ Handling ropes, including coiling, stowing, securing to cleats and single and double
▪ Handling warps
▪ Ability to tie the following knots and to know their correct use: figure-of-eight, clove
hitch, rolling hitch, bowline, round turn and two half hitches, single and double sheet
bend, reef knot
6. Man overboard
▪ Understands the action to be taken to recover a man overboard
7. Emergency equipment
▪ Can operate distress flares and knows when they should be used
▪ Understands how to launch and board a liferaft
Let your dreams set sail... © 2021 Sailing Life Academy . All rights reserved.
8. Manners and customs
▪ Understands accepted practice with regard to: use of burgees and ensigns,
prevention of unnecessary noise or disturbance in harbour including courtesies to
other craft berthed
▪ Aware of the responsibility of yacht skippers to protect the environment
10. Dinghies
▪ Understands and complies with the loading rules
▪ Is able to handle a dinghy under oars
11. Meteorology
▪ Awareness of forecasting services and knowledge of the Beaufort scale
12. Seasickness
▪ Working efficiency is unaffected/partially affected/severely affected by seasickness
Let your dreams set sail... © 2021 Sailing Life Academy . All rights reserved.