Essential Nav and Seamanship

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The Essential Navigation and Seamanship course provides an introduction to the basic skills
required before taking a small boat to sea or taking an active part in running a boat.
The Essential Navigation and Seamanship Course is an inspiring course for anyone interested in
sailing, motor boating, sea angling or diving - or pretty much anything else on the water! This course
will give you the essential knowledge needed when you’re afloat, from navigation to safety and
seamanship to passage planning.

This classroom based course is delivered over a weekend consecutive days, from 9.00 – 5.00
each day.

1. Charts, publications and terms

 Basic terms
 Chart overview
 Introduction to chart datum and depths
2. Buoyage
 Lateral buoys
 Cardinal buoys
 Where to find information
3. Navigation
 Plotting a position
 Measuring distance and bearing
 Position fix
 Heading
4. Safety
 Personal and boat safety equipment
 Safety procedures and briefing
 Communications
 Engine checks
 Rescue procedures
5. Anchoring
 Where to anchor
 How to anchor
6. Tides
 Tidal streams
 Tidal heights
7. Electronic navigation
 GPS terms
 GPS use
 Using waypoints
8. Rules of the road
 Risk of collision
 Who gives way
9. Weather forecasts
 Sources of forecast
 Terms used in forecasts

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10. Pilotage
 Harbour information
 Transits
 Pilotage plan
11. Passage planning
 SOLAS V requirements
 Pre planning
 Chart choice

NB: The Essential Navigation and Seamanship is NOT as in depth as RYA Day Skipper on-line

If you want to complete the Day Skipper Practical you will need to know how to do the navigation
skills contained in the more detailed Day Skipper Theory syllabus, so the instructor can help you
become faster and more confident about actually applying those skills and navigating on a boat at

It is not a pre-requiste that you pass a Day Skipper Theory before booking a Day Skipper Practical
Course on a boat, but it hugely helps if you have. If you are good at teaching yourself then take a
look at the Day Skipper Theory syllabus to see the topics you need to learn and consider teaching
yourself from well illustrated books like Tom Cunliffe's - RYA Day Skipper. Key knowledge to pick up
is how to look up tidal streams, tidal heights, understand measuring speed, distance and courses on
a chart, chart symbols, bouy identification, rules of the road.

If you are unclear, please contact us PRIOR to booking onto the course.

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