North U Trim Simulator User Guide
North U Trim Simulator User Guide
North U Trim Simulator User Guide
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The North U Sail Trim Simulator allows you to adjust sail trim and see performance changes for various wind speeds. You can adjust:
• Sail Controls for Mainsail and Jib as well as helm.
• Wind Speed (and Sea State)
• Viewing Position
On opening
1. Familiarize yourself with the Trim Simulator Sail Controls:
• Test the trim controls for Main (on opening default is mainsail controls)
• Test the trim controls for Jib
• Adjust the Helm
• Note changes in sail shape - both visually and in instrument boxes
• Note changes in performance - Speed, VMG, Heel, etc
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After your initial familiarization use the simulator for training:
Change conditions and ask:
How can we improve performance?
What to change first - which are our primary controls with the biggest impact? Which are Secondary? Tertiary?
The Trim Simulator is driven by the North Sails Design Suite and VPPs. These are interpolated to workable file size and solution speed.
While very accurate, the simulator fails to capture the inherent instability of actual sailing conditions. These trim results reflect perfectly
steady conditions (and a 100% attentive driver!).
Feedback Please *
Please send your comments suggestions and ideas as well as complaints to [email protected]
Bill Gladstone
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