Outline Celebration of The Word by A Deacon

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The initial rites are intended to help the faithful prepare for the celebration and gather as a
community. Before beginning the celebration of the Word, the two candles, located at the
corners of the Table, are lit. Arrived at the Altar, he WORSHIPED him. If the Cekebration
is in a sector, and any table is arranged as an Altar, it is not venerated.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
All: Amen.

The Deacon extends his hands and greets the assembly in the name of the

D. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of the Father, and
the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

O well:
D. _ Grace and peace from God our Father and Jesus Christ the
Lord be with you all.

O well:
D. The Lord be with you all.

T. And with your spirit.


In the Sunday Celebration of the Word, especially during the Easter Season,
on some occasions instead of the penitential act, there can be the sprinkling of
holy water, in memory of Baptism.

The Deacon invites the faithful to repent.

D. Brothers: to celebrate these sacred mysteries worthily, let us
recognize our sins.
O well:
D. The Lord Jesus, who invites us to the table of the Word and the
Eucharist, now calls us to conversion. Let us recognize, then, that
we are sinners and invoke with hope the mercy of God.

D. I confess before Almighty God and before you, brothers, that I

have sinned greatly in thought, word, deed and omission. Because of
me, because of me, because of my great fault. That is why I ask Holy
Mary, ever Virgin, the angels, the saints and you, brothers, to
intercede for me before God, our Lord.

The Deacon concludes with absolution.

D. Almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins and lead us
to eternal life.

T. Amen.

II Formula:

D. _ Brothers: to celebrate these sacred mysteries worthily, let us recognize

our sins.
There is a brief pause in silence.
Lord, have mercy on us.

T. _ Because we have sinned against you.

D. Show us, Lord, your mercy.
T. And give us your salvation.
D. Almighty God...

III Formula:
D. Jesus Christ, the righteous, intercedes for us and reconciles us to the
Father. Let us, therefore, open our spirit to repentance, to draw near to
the table of the Lord.
There is a brief pause in silence.

d. You, who have been sent to heal the brokenhearted: Lord, have
T. Lord, have mercy.

D. You, who have come to call sinners: Christ, have mercy.

T. Christ, have mercy.

D. You, who are seated at the right hand of the Father to intercede for
us: Lord, have mercy.
T. Lord, have mercy.

D. Almighty God have mercy on Us...

If it is Sunday or a holiday, everyone proclaims or sings the Gloria; if it is
Advent or Lent, it is suppressed.

COLLECT PRAYER (Of the Daily Bread or the Missal)

It begins by saying: LET US PRAY (a moment of silence is observed, with
hands joined. And then he extends his hands and says the prayer, just like


The readings are proclaimed, and during the Interlectional, the Deacon
stands up, bows to the Altar and says secretly, signing a cross on his Chest:
Purify my lips and my heart to worthily proclaim your Word Lord.
Arriving at the Ambon or the site of the Proclamation, he announces it in the
following way:
d. The Lord be with you.
T. And with your Spirit.

D. Proclamation ( signa el Gospel ) of the Holy Gospel According to Saint

T. Glory to you, Lord.

And Proclaim the Gospel.

At the end of the Gospel, he lifts it up and says the Word of the Lord. The
Assembly responds as usual.

And then in silence, VENERATES (Kisses) the text, and says in Secret:
Through the proclamation of the Gospel our sins may be erased.


CREED (profession of faith) (standing)

Finished the homily, when it is prescribed; The Symbol or Profession of
Faith is sung or said if it is Sunday or if the Rubrics of the day
prescribe it.


A song is made, the Collection is collected if it is planned, and during the
Song, the deacon opens the corporal on the Altar.

The collection is always from the Community or is sent to the Parish Priest, it
is recommended that this be discussed with the Priest.

Once the Chant is finished, continue as described below:

D. Faithful to the Savior's recommendation and following his divine
teaching, we dare to say:
T. Our Father, who art in heaven...
D. _ Deliver us from all evils, Lord, and grant us peace in our days,
so that, helped by your mercy, we may always live free from sin and
protected from all disturbance, while we await the glorious coming
of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
T. Yours is the kingdom, yours the power and the glory, forever, Lord.

D. Lord Jesus Christ, who said to your apostles: "Peace I leave you,
my peace I give you", do not take into account our sins, but the faith
of your Church and, according to your word, grant her peace and
unity. You, who live and reign forever and ever.
T. Amen.

D. The peace of the Lord be with you always.

T. And with your spirit.

D. Give each other fraternal peace.

And everyone, according to the custom of the place, exchanges a sign of

peace, communion and charity.

At that moment the Blessed Sacrament is moved from the Tabernacle and
placed on the Corporal, on the Altar. THE LAMB IS NOT SING.

If the celebration is in the Sector, from the beginning of the celebration the
corporal is open on the altar, the Ciborium covered on top and a corporal on
top, covering the Ciborium. During the Peace, the Ciborium is unveiled, it is
uncovered and everything continues as described.
It is uncovered and a consecrated form is shown, saying: This is the Lamb of
God who takes away the Sin of the world, blessed are you, summoned to
this communion.
Or: … blessed are you, summoned to the Table of the Lord.
Or: … blessed are you, summoned to this celebration.
T. Lord, I am not worthy of you entering my house, but a Word from you will
be enough to heal me.

If there is no singing, the communion antiphon is said. Or both are said

(Antíphon and Canto). After saying the Antiphon, the Deacon takes
communion. Make a moment of silent prayer. And then he distributes
communion to the assembly.

PRAYER AFTER COMMUNION (Daily Bread or Missal)

It begins by saying: LET US PRAY (a moment of silence is observed, with
hands joined. And then he extends his hands and says the prayer, just like


D. The Lord be with you.

T. And with your spirit.

D. The blessing of Almighty God, † Father, Son and Holy Spirit, descend upon
T. Amen.

D. They can go in peace.

T. Let us thank God.
Then Venerate the Altar if the c celebration has taken place in the Temple.
Without the celebration they have been in one sector, prescribes what was said
at the beginning.


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