MCs Procedures
MCs Procedures
MCs Procedures
These are the experience servers who have special duties. Their duties are as follow:
Arrive 15 minutes before the Liturgy is to begin. Notify the priest that you are present and sign
your initials beside your name on the schedule in the vesting room.
The candlebearers will have obtained the processional candles from behind the altar.
At the signal from the Presider, the procession should begin. The crossbearer proceeds at a
slow but steady pace holding the cross high and steady. The Candlebearer proceed about three
paces behind the crossbearer. The Bells/Book server follows with hands folded. The lectors
follow, then the MC, the Deacon and the Presider (Priest).
When the procession reaches the altar, the crossbearer moves to the side and places the cross
in its holder and goes to his/her seat. The candlebearers place the candles in their place and
proceed to their seats (DO NOT SEAT UNTIL THE READINGS). If there is only one other
server and he/she is not carrying a candle, he/she should reverence the altar and go to his/her
seat. The Bells/Book server reverence the altar and goes to his/her seat.
The MC will reverence the altar at the right side of the presider (priest), allows the priest to pass
in front of him, and then proceeds to his seat. *The cross and candles should be placed in their
holders as carefully and quietly as possible.
The Presider (Priest) will then kiss the altar and proceed to his chair. The Liturgy (Mass)
proceeds as follows:
The Greeting will be followed by
the Penitential Rite
the Gloria. **The Bell and Book server should pick
up the Sacramentary and be prepared to approach the priest.
when the priest says “Let us pray,” the server will bring
the book to the priest, if there is an MC, turn toward the
MC who will find the page and then turn toward the priest.
If there is no MC, the server will then hold the book so the
priest can open and position the book as he prefers. When
the priest is finished, he will close the book and the server
will return to his seat.
**DO NOT step up on the step until after the MC finds the page
or NOT at all if you are tall.
A. Servers remain seated during the first reading, responsorial psalm, and second reading.
*Please focus on the reader during the readings and sing the psalm.
B. During the gospel the candle bearers hold the candles on either side of the Ambo.
1. They will walk together to the processional candles when the Alleluia is begun by
the Cantor.
2. They should wait at the candles until the Deacon/Priest turns to walk toward the
front of the altar. (If the Deacon is the reader, he will be blessed by Father first.) The servers
should proceed slowly and together down the stairs to meet him and stand facing the altar on
either side of him.
3. They should turn with the deacon/priest and walk toward the Ambo. The first server
should stop on the altar side of the Ambo, the second server on the far side of the Ambo. Stand
back from the front of the Ambo about one foot, face the people (assembly), holding the candle
comfortably and straight.
4. After the Gospel is read, The server on the far side should start the procession
and the other server should wait until the deacon/priest has passed and follow. You will be in
the same order as you were before. Proceed with him to the front of the Altar. After he
reverences the Altar or signals you, proceed at the same pace as your partner up the stairs and
place your candles on the candle stand and walk slowly and together back to your seats to
listen to the homily.
5. If the deacon/priest remains in the Ambo to deliver the homily, you should return
together to the front of the Altar, pause a second, and together return your candles to the
candles stand and walk back to your seats. If there is visiting priest you should check with him
before Mass to see if he will be giving the homily from the Ambo or from the front of the Altar.
You should inform him of this procedure if he is not familiar to you.
***This procedure may be suspended for seasonal reasons.
Altar Servers
Begins the empty pewter bread bowls to the table afterwards move to position to receive
communion with the Extraordinary Ministers
C. The bells will be rung three times during the consecration. Watch as Father
begins the Eucharist prayer, he will have his hands extended up and to his sides. when he holds
his hands over the gifts, you will ring the bells once. Ring the bells three times at the elevation of
the Host and then at the elevation of the cup.
D. At the Our Father join hands and at the Sign of Peace, offer peace to those
around you.
Altar Server
Take the Missal off the altar table
Bring water to the priest
A. After a short reflective period, the priest will then say “Let us pray.” The will then
proceed to present the Sacramentary for the prayer as in the Introductory Rite.
B. After the blessing and dismissal, The MC will lead the procession out. the cross
bearer will get the cross. The candle bearers get the candles.