Organizational Communication Questionnaire
Organizational Communication Questionnaire
Organizational Communication Questionnaire
The purpose of this questionnaire is to find areas of opportunity that will allow us to improve
communication within the organization.
Remember that the answers are opinions based on YOUR work experience, so there are no right
or wrong answers.
Carefully read each of the statements and mark the answer that best describes your opinion.
The scale used is from 1 (strongly disagree) to 4 (strongly agree). You have the option to
choose NA (not applicable) in the cases you consider.
No Ask 1 2 3 4 NA
1 My direct supervisor has clearly explained to me the functions
of my position and my limits of responsibilities.
2 I am knowledgeable about the use of technological tools that
allow fluid communication within my work area.
3 I find that the form of communication via e-mail is effective.
4 The information I receive is always through rumors or informal
communication channels.
5 I receive "in a timely manner" the information I require for my
6 The information I receive is useful and important for the
development of my activities.
7 My colleagues and I know who our direct boss is.
8 There are opportunities to share my ideas and knowledge best
practices within my area of work.
9 There is communication among my coworkers that allows the
development of good interpersonal relationships.
10 My opinion, ideas or suggestions have been taken into account
in making important decisions.
11 There is a two-way communication system within the
organization (boss-collaborator, collaborator-boss).
12 Management manifests its objectives in such a way as to create
a common sense of mission and identity among its members.
13 Rate from 1 to 5, with 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest, the 1 2 3 4 5
degree of interest you have for the following communication
a) Information boards
b) Informative Blog
c) Circulars and corporate notices
d) E-mail address
e) Meetings
f) Video conferences
g) Working groups
14. How does your boss use the following communication Little use It is put to Excessive
channels? good use use
a) Meetings
b) E-mail address
c) Phone
d) Informal Communication
e) Working groups
f) Circulars, notes, communications
15. Do you encounter any of the following obstacles when conveying needed information to your
boss or colleagues? (Check all that apply)
a) Absence of a defined procedure
b) Excess information to be transferred
c) Lack of definition in decisions
d) Absence of necessary materials or resources
e) Lack of knowledge of the appropriate channels for this purpose.
f) I do not encounter any obstacle
g) Other, please specify:
16. What is the information you would like to know in order to feel comfortable in your job?
17. If you were a manager, what would you do to improve the organization's communication?
Thank you very much for your support and your valuable cooperation, all your
comments will be taken into account!!!!