Practice Memory
Practice Memory
Practice Memory
From Valencia
Practice memories
The IES center l'Allusser is located in the town of Mutxamel, ten kilometers from Alicante. Due to
its proximity to the city, Mutxamel has become a dormitory city, since many of its inhabitants
work in the neighboring city of Alicante. The current population is about 28,000 inhabitants.
The institute is located north of the city, near the exit of the city towards Busot.
In recent years, due to the town's proximity to the city of Alicante, there has been great urban
development with a multitude of partial plans. This fact has allowed the population to leave the
countryside and a large number of companies related to construction to be created. The crisis in
The IES is included in one of these partial urban plans. In the surroundings of the center there
are several housing blocks under construction that, predictably, will increase the number of
students at the center in the coming years. Currently the center draws on students from the
surrounding neighborhoods.
In Mutxamel, Valencian is the language of most of the population. However, it is worth
highlighting the existence of Spanish speakers who have long resided in the town who know the
language but do not use it, the large population of local gypsy ethnic groups and, finally, a great
cultural and linguistic variety due to the massive arrival of foreign immigrants. in recent years.
The organization of the classrooms in the center is by subject, that is, each subject has its fixed
classrooms where students come to take classes. This organization allows classrooms to be
provided with all the resources necessary to teach each of the subjects. Thus, we can find in
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each of the classrooms a computer with a projector, internet connection, a classroom library,
specific dictionaries, etc. This operation allows us to improve the quality of teaching and increase
the motivation of students to study.
The center has the following educational offer for the 498 students they have in order to meet
the diversity of the students and thus be able to give each student what they need:
- three groups of 1st ESO, three groups of 2nd ESO (with a group from the Experimental
Project Contract-Program), three groups of 3rd ESO and two
4th year ESO groups (with a Curricular Diversification group in 4th year) reinforced with
the existing divisions in most subjects. Of the three compulsory secondary school
groups of 1st, 2nd and 3rd, one is PEV and the other two are PIP.
In Baccalaureate, there are two groups of 1st grade and two groups of 2nd grade. The
Baccalaureate modalities taught are 2: Sciences and technology and Humanities and
Social Sciences.
A group of the Initial Professional Gardening Qualification Program (PQPI)
1st ESO 98
2nd ESO 85
3rd ESO 103
4th ESO 68
1st BAT 70
2nd BAT 61
In accordance with the Organic Law of Education (LOE), the IES l'Allusser follows the following
Special attention to educational and professional guidance, mentoring and the diversity of
students. In the first years of the stage, educational administrations will establish the conditions
for teachers to teach more than one subject to the same group. Continuous and differentiated
evaluation according to the subjects of the curriculum. Repetition of a course with more than two
failed subjects, exceptionally three. It can only be repeated once per course and twice within the
stage. Exceptionally twice in the fourth year if you have not repeated in the previous years of the
The promotion decision at the end of each course is adopted collectively by the student's
Extraordinary recovery test only in fourth year. In the other courses, students who are promoted
with pending subjects will follow reinforcement programs.
All centers will carry out a general diagnostic evaluation of the basic competencies achieved by
their students at the end of the second year and will have a training and guidance nature.
Flexible organization of teaching and autonomy of the centers: curricular adaptations, flexible
divisions and groupings, programs to reinforce basic skills, elective subjects and personalized
In all areas, reading comprehension, oral and written expression, ICT and audiovisual
communication and education in values will be worked on. In all subjects, time will be dedicated
to reading.
Diagnostic evaluation at the end of 2nd year. Curricular diversification programs (from fourth
year onwards), aimed at achieving the ESO Graduate degree. Students who have already
repeated once in secondary school, and are not in a position to advance to fourth grade, may
join a curricular diversification program. Specific methodology through an organization of
contents and subjects different from that established in general.
Two courses, 16 to 18 years old, in different modalities and with flexible organization in different
ways. It is accessed with the title of Graduate in ESO or equivalent. Students will be able to
continue studying high school in the ordinary regime for four years. It is taught in two of the three
a) Sciences and technology
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b) Humanities and Social Sciences – Each modality may be organized into different tracks
depending on the modality and optional subjects chosen by the student.
The students who attend the center have a medium or medium-low socioeconomic situation.
It should be noted that 15% of the students are immigrants from EU countries, as well as from
outside it and, in general, the cultural and linguistic adaptation problems are minimal, despite
this, there are reinforcements and a PT classroom that aims to facilitate integration.
It is important to highlight that 10% of the students are of Roma origin from the town with a high
degree of adaptation and almost no disruptive behavior. We must highlight that many of them
participate in the PEV.
We must highlight that 70% of the organic staff is permanent, which allows the center to have
organizational stability.
On the other hand, it is participating in the Erasmus+ Program in an awareness project for the
care of the environment. Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Türkiye and Romania participate in the
At the Center, the Linguistic Normalization Commission, made up of volunteer teachers, updated
At IES L'ALLUSSER, departmental collaborative work is prioritized (coordination between
members of the same department), between related departments (sciences on the one hand and
literature on the other), and between teachers of the same cycle. Based on the agreements
made in the corresponding coordination meetings that are held a couple of times throughout the
course, the faculty tries to work together so that things work and the desired improvements and
objectives are obtained. From what I observed during my stay at the center, not all teachers are
equally involved in this collaborative work and the results are not always as good as they should
be. The center's management expresses the importance of teacher coordination to improve
On the other hand, especially in the 1st cycle of ESO, the aim is to work, from all subjects, on
the acquisition of basic skills necessary to be able to successfully pursue future studies, such as
linguistic competence (reading, understanding and expressing oneself both orally and in writing).
), leaving in second place the contents of each subject. Another proposal that the center
launches every year, but which for organizational reasons has not yet been carried out, is the
project-based learning methodology for the 1st cycle of ESO, working with areas and not from so
many different subjects. This type of methodology is only used in PDC (Curriculum
Diversification Program) groups.
The center makes it easier for teachers to introduce the use of ICT in daily teaching practice,
since all classrooms have a computer connected to a projector or a television, digital
whiteboards, there are two large computer rooms and computers in the library, all of them with
internet access, apart from the training that, through CEFIRE, teachers carry out each year:
“Moodle”, “Tablets in the classroom”, “Use of the digital whiteboard”, etc. Many subjects do not
use books in their classes and create their own materials that are posted on the Moodle platform
of the Virtual Campus, which students access through the institute's website.
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candidates previously accredited for the exercise of said function. The director's powers are,
among others, the following:
· Direct and coordinate all the activities of the institute to achieve its educational project.
· Exercise the representation of the center and represent the public administration in the IES.
· Appoint the Head of Studies, Secretary and any other single-person body of the management
· Promote coexistence in the center and impose the corresponding corrections in accordance
with what is established by the Department of Education and in compliance with the criteria
· Establish contacts with surrounding work centers related to the teachings taught at the IES.
· Organize the use and operation of workshops and laboratories commonly used in training
· Exercise, under the mentorship of the director, the direction of the administrative staff
· Develop guidelines for programming and carrying out complementary activities and evaluate
It is the body for teacher participation and is responsible for planning, coordinating, deciding and
reporting on all teaching aspects of the IES. It is chaired by the director and made up of all the
teachers. Among some of its powers:
· Make proposals for the preparation of the PEC, the PGA, the PNL (Plà de
· Approve and evaluate stage curricular projects according to the PEC and decide on
subsequent modifications.
· Approve and evaluate the teaching aspects and prepare a report prior to the presentation of the
Its president will work, participate and collaborate in a coordinated manner with the management
team in the operation of the center.
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The functions of the Guidance Department are, among others, the following: . Prepare in
accordance with the guidelines established by COCOPE and in collaboration with tutors the
proposals for the organization of educational, psycho-pedagogical and professional guidance.
. Coordinate guidance, especially during changes in stage or when choosing different academic,
training or professional options.
. Contribute to the implementation of the tutorial action plan (PAT) and submit a report to the
Educational Council on its operation at the end of the course.
. Prepare the proposal of criteria and procedures to make the appropriate curricular adaptations
for students with special educational needs (SEN).
. Collaborate with teachers in the prevention and detection of learning difficulties.
. Carry out the prior psychological and pedagogical evaluation of students proposed for curricular
diversification programs.
They are in charge of coordinating the teachings of each subject and the activities to be carried
out. They are made up of the group of professors who teach a specific area of the department in
The responsibilities of the teaching departments are, among others, the following: - Formulate
proposals to the management team and the faculty regarding the preparation of the
PEC, the PGA, the RRI and the center's Economic Regime Project.
- Formulate proposals to COCOPE regarding the development and modification of stage
curricular projects.
- Prepare the didactic programming before the start of the academic year under the
coordination of the Head of the department.
- Promote pedagogical research and propose improvement activities for its members
necessary to update the methodology and didactic practice. ---------------------------------------------- -
Collaborate with the guidance department in the prevention and detection of learning difficulties
and jointly program with Guidance the curricular adaptations for students who need it and
determine the minimum curricular contents for the development of individualized curricular
diversification programs.
The direction of the department will be exercised by a professor with the status of full professor
and, in the event that there is more than one, by the most senior in the status. If there is no
professor, the director, after consulting the department, will appoint a Head of Department.
The teaching programs will be prepared by each department following the guidelines stipulated
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Other preventive measures contemplated in the CP that enhance the improvement of
coexistence are, for example, the organization of sports competitions between different groups
during recreation time and the carrying out of center activities such as gymkhana, solidarity race,
“the best class”… that promote the good atmosphere of the center.
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The plan to promote reading at the center is worked on by the Educational Care area and
consists of reading and subsequently preparing a review of a list of books selected for each
6.5 Annex 5
This annex will be included by the student, in the terms specified in this guide, in the Practice Report.
Personal information-:
Tutor from the internship center that carries out the evaluation:
Please indicate the value you estimate, corresponding to the level achieved in each of the
questions expressed below, according to the following scale: 1: Not at all, 2: Little, 3:
Regularly, 4: Always.
• Required data
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formulating judgments based on information that, being incomplete
□ □ □
CB3. Be able to communicate your conclusions - and the knowledge
□ □ □ x
CB4. Be able to use learning skills to continue studying in a way that
for human rights that facilitate life in society, decision making and
□ □ □ g
CG6 Be able to acquire strategies to stimulate the student's effort
and promote their ability to learn by themselves and with others, and
conflict resolution.
CG11 Be able to inform and advise families about the teaching and
1 2 3 4
□ □ □ g
CE27 Be able to acquire experience in planning, teaching and
□ □ □ x
CE30 Be able to participate in proposals for improvement in the
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CE-1 The student must be able to know the curricular contents of the
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CE-11 The student must be able to design and carry out formal
and non-formal activities related to the specialty of Spanish
□ □ □ 8
language and literature.
Excellent □ Improvable
Well Insufficient
We would be grateful if you could carry out, as a conclusion, a global qualitative assessment of the work
carried out throughout the internship, briefly responding to these questions indicated below:
□ Do you think you have managed to achieve the objectives formulated in your internship
program? What activities have you participated in during your internship?
I think I have achieved the objectives. I have participated in all types of meetings such as: COCOPE,
School Council, department meetings, evaluations, etc. I have also given an entire teaching unit to the
two groups of 2 or ESO that I chose, evaluating them at the end.
□ If the organization of the practices was carried out in a group, how would you evaluate your work
based on what your team has done?
I have no observations or suggestions. My VIU tutor has been present when I have requested it, as has
my internship tutor. Everything has been perfect. The only thing I would like to suggest is that there
should not be subjects while the practices are being carried out, it makes the enormous task we already
have difficult. Also the last month of the master's degree should not have classes either. We are very
saturated with memory, diary and TFM writing, it is crazy.
Signed: Student
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