French Curriculum
French Curriculum
French Curriculum
Translated from
Bulletin Officiel - hors-série n° 3 du 19 juin 2008
« Programmes d’enseignement de l’école primaire »
The fundamental requirement of the French Republic and the main objective of the primary
school is to give children the keys to knowledge and teach them how to integrate with the society
in which they are growing up.
With the standardization and extension of a child’s school career, the profile of the primary school
has become less distinct. It has ceased to represent an ideal in itself. But its role has only
become more decisive in the students’ success both up to the end of compulsory schooling and
beyond. Primary school is not just one single stage of schooling: it is the key to success in all
other stages. It lays the foundations of training which will lead each student to a qualification, and
which will continue throughout their lives.
It is in the light of this statement that it is fitting to mark out new horizons for the primary school
while remaining faithful to the inspiration behind the Republican ideal of schooling: offering to all
children an equal chance to succeed and to prepare, for all, for the successful integration into
society. Primary schools must transmit and allow each child to acquire the essential knowledge
and skills which they will need for the continuation of education in secondary school and, beyond
that, in the path of learning chosen by the student. In this regard, the Common Base of
Knowledge and Skills set out by the Guidance and Planning Law for the Future of Schools of 23
April 2005 (Loi d’orientation et de programme pour l’avenir de l’école de 23 avril 2005) is the
central point of reference around which all teaching of this first level of compulsory schooling will
be organized.
The primary school must have high expectations in order to develop memory and creativity,
reasoning and imagination, diligence and autonomy, respect for rules and the spirit of initiative.
It is by offering students a structured and clearly defined teaching programme, oriented towards
the acquisition of core knowledge, and by offering them systematic training in reading, writing, in
the mastery of the French language and Mathematics, as well as solid cultural references, that
we prepare them for success. Mastering a field of knowledge and its successful application bring
self-esteem: the students’ true instrument of motivation. That is why students in difficulty should
have the benefit of individualized and specialized help as soon as the first difficulties appear and
before they become firmly ingrained.
It is also essential that all students be encouraged to reflect on texts and documents, to interpret,
to construct an argument, not only in French but in all subjects, that they be trained to use their
knowledge and skills in increasingly complex situations, to question, research and reason by
themselves. They must be able to decipher the sense of words and express themselves orally as
well as in writing so as to be able to communicate with a wider circle. The assimilation into
community living also means that the school plays an important role in the arts, which give
common references and stimulate sensitivity and imagination. The daily practice of a sport is also
necessary for the development of each student. The primary school aims finally to develop
respect and tolerance which are the basis of human rights and which are exemplified daily by
respect for the rules of civility and courtesy.
The national programmes for the primary school define for each field of education the knowledge
and skills to be attained within each cycle; they indicate annual benchmarks to organize
progressions in French and in Mathematics around. They do, however, leave the choice of
methods and approaches free: a sign of the confidence placed in teachers to adapt programmes
to their students’ needs.
Pedagogical freedom implies responsibility: its practice assumes the ability to reflect upon
teaching practices and their consequences. It also signifies, for teachers, an obligation to provide
and to account regularly for the educational achievement of the students.
Preamble - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 1
The primary school programmes specify the content of core knowledge which all students must
acquire. National evaluations in CE1 and CM2 allow a regular assessment of the knowledge
acquired by students and their level; they will contribute to the validation of the intermediary
stages of the mastery of the Common Base of Knowledge and Skills.
The new aims of the primary school are presented through shorter, clearer and more ambitious
programmes: such is the objective of the programmes presented below.
Preamble - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 2
The primary school programmes are made up of two distinct yet inseparable parts: the
programmes themselves and the annual progressions, which run, in French, from the Petite
Section in the kindergarten to CM2 and, in Mathematics, from CP to CM2.
The organization of primary schooling is presented in three cycles: the Early Learning Cycle
(Cycle des Apprentissages Premiers), the Basic Learning Cycle (Cycle des Apprentissages
Fondamentaux) and the Consolidation Cycle (Cycle des Approfondissements).
The Grande Section is the last year of kindergarten but it also belongs to the Basic Learning
Cycle. Its objectives are to reflect the final outcomes of the kindergarten: preparing all children to
master, from CP onwards, the Basic Learning Cycle. So as to preserve the specificity of its
approach and methods, the objectives and the progressions of the Grande Section are presented
with those of the kindergarten.
The primary school programmes form a coherent and continuous entity with those of lower
secondary school within the framework of the Common Base of Knowledge and Skills as defined
by the Decree of 11 July 2006. Generally, they are centred on the content (knowledge and skills)
that the teachers teach the students and which must be mastered by them. In the section
“Programmes”, the skills required to be mastered at the end of the primary school cycle for each
subject or group of subjects are described in detail in seven main domains of skills. For the
kindergarten, the required skills to be mastered are set out in domains of activities. The section
“Progressions”, in French and in Mathematics, aims to give to teachers precise, annual objectives
common to all schools.
The presentation of the programmes by subject does not prevent organizing interdisciplinary or
cross-curricular activities. For example, activities in oral expression, reading or writing texts in
French naturally feature in Science, History and Geography, in the History of Art and also play a
role in Mathematics. However, as students are expressing themselves and reading and writing in
French, it is also important to set aside specific time in the timetable for the detailed and
structured teaching of vocabulary, grammar and spelling.
The timetable framework for the primary school contains an important new feature. It proposes
an overall annual number of hours for all subjects or groups of subjects but it remains organized
around a weekly number of hours in French and Mathematics so as to maintain daily teaching of
these two subjects. This new flexibility will allow teachers and school teams to organize their
teaching in a comprehensive and eventually cross-curricular manner, taking into account
simultaneous or successive projects and to arrange it around adapted and adjustable weekly or
monthly blocks in the timetable.
These programmes are precise and detailed regarding the objectives and content to be taught,
while being open in terms of method so as to respect meticulously the principle of pedagogic
freedom set down in the Guidance and Planning Law for the Future of Schools. It is up to
teachers and school teams to take advantage of this new liberty. The role of teachers is in effect
to help their students to progress in the mastery of the objectives of the national programmes and
progressions: it is up to them to choose the methods best adapted to the individual characteristics
and specific needs of their students. School teachers are more simple administrators: using the
national objectives, they must create and implement pedagogic conditions which will allow their
students to succeed in the best way possible.
The programmes which follow are not so much concerned today with the imposition one method
of learning over another than agreeing on the importance of combining structured learning of
Presentation - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 3
If teachers are in the first place masters of the choice of method they use, they are nonetheless at
the service of their students’ progress in respect of the objectives of the programmes. That is
why teachers’ pedagogic freedom goes hand in hand with the new methods of inspection of
teachers which are focused more on the evaluation of knowledge acquired by their students. A
new concept of the teaching profession is being established: teachers who are fully responsible
for their methods, knowing exactly what they have to teach their students and ready to
implement, within their school, the best strategies to help them learn.
Presentation - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 4
Article 1 – subject to the measures provided for in article 3, the teaching hours in primary school
are set out by subject domain as follows:
* These weekly teaching hours may be modified according to the teachers’ pedagogic projects
but the fixed annual volume for each of the subject domains must be observed.
* These weekly teaching hours may be modified according to the teachers’ pedagogic projects
but the fixed annual volume for each of the subject domains must be observed.
** 20 teaching hours are assigned annually to the History of Art and are relevant to all subject
The kindergarten’s ultimate aim is to help each child become independent, in accordance with
defined procedures, and to allow them to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed
in mastering the basic learning skills in CP.
The highest priority of the kindergarten is for the children to acquire rich, well-structured oral
language, which can be clearly understood by others. In the kindergarten, the child establishes
relationships with other children and with adults. They exercise their motor, sensory, emotional,
and intellectual skills, they learn to form relationships; they develop into students. They discover
the universe of the written word.
The kindergarten encourages the development of all the young children they receive by
responding to their individual needs. It widens their sphere of relationships and allows them to
discover games, to investigate, to create things freely or with guidance, to participate in a rich and
varied range of exercises which will contribute to forming their personality and to their cultural
It allows each child the time to settle in, observe, imitate, carry out tasks, investigate; ensuring all
the while their interest doesn’t flag and they don’t tire. It stimulates their desire to learn and
increases the opportunity of widening their experience and enriching their understanding.
Kindergarten revolves around the children’s need to be active, their delight in games, their
curiosity and natural propensity to model themselves on adults and others, the satisfaction in
being able to overcome difficulties and succeed.
The activities proposed in kindergarten must offer multiple opportunities for sensorial and motor
skill experiences in total safety. The organization of time in the kindergarten respects the needs
and biological rhythms of the children while offering carefully planned and well-implemented
activities; while it is more flexible with the youngest children, time management becomes more
rigorous as they get older. The projet d’école (school’s development plan) guarantees continuity
between the kindergarten and the primary school of which the Grande Section, which is both a
kindergarten class and also the first year of the Basic Learning Cycle, is the pivotal point. The
plan is designed and put into place in liaison with the primary school and can be the same for
both sections. The support and participation of parents in the school’s development plan and
more broadly in school life, is desirable.
The programme of the kindergarten, without hourly curricular requirements, presents major
domains of activity to be covered over the three years which precede the start of compulsory
schooling; it fixes the objectives to be attained and the skills to acquire before the passage into
primary school. In implementing the programme, the developmental stages and rhythm of the
child must be taken into account.
The kindergarten has an essential role in identifying and preventing problems or difficulties, a role
that it must fully assume, especially in regards to specific language difficulties.
Kindergarten Programme - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 6
Oral language is the pivot of all learning in the kindergarten. The children express themselves
and make themselves understood through language. They learn to listen carefully to the
messages addressed to them, to understand them and respond to them. In exchanges with the
teacher and their friends, in all activities and, later, in specific teaching sessions, they acquire
new words daily, they are given precise meanings of the words, they gradually acquire the syntax
of the French language (order of words in a sentence).
Their vocabulary will be enriched and they will be introduced to the varied and rich uses of the
language (questioning, telling, explaining, thinking) through use of the language in all other
Discussion, expression
The children learn to converse, firstly through the intermediary of an adult, in situations which
concern them directly: they express their needs, talk about their discoveries, and ask questions;
they listen to and reply to requests. They name things which surround them and discuss their
accomplishments accurately.
Gradually, they learn to participate in a group discussion, wait for their turn to speak and keep to
the topic.
They recite nursery rhymes with expression and sing songs which they have memorized. They
learn little by little to communicate about less immediate realities; they become aware of what
they have observed or experienced, talk about events to come, tell stories they have invented,
rephrase the main points of a statement they have heard. They gradually acquire the elements
of language which are necessary to be understood, that is to say: to name the people concerned
correctly, show links between facts, express relationships in time by correct use of tense and
pertinent words or expressions, situate things or scenes and describe movements appropriately.
Special attention is paid to comprehension which, more than expression, is at this age closely
linked to the general abilities of the child.
Children learn to make the distinction between a question, a promise, an order, a refusal, an
explanation, an account. They appreciate the particular purpose of instructions given by the
teacher and understand the common terms used within this context.
Children learn to understand a friend who speaks about subjects unfamiliar to them, an adult
speaker, whom they may or may not know, who shares new information. As a result of hearing
classic or modern stories or tales adapted to their age group, they are able to understand longer
and more and more complex accounts and learn to tell them themselves.
Kindergarten Programme - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 7
These crucial acquisitions are made possible by the attention that teachers pay to each child,
supplying the precise words, encouraging their attempts, rephrasing their efforts, so allowing
them to hear correct models. Teachers must make sure also they exclude all approximations in
oral language for their young students; it is as a result of children hearing well-constructed
sentences with precise vocabulary that they are able to progress in their own mastery of oral
Kindergarten Programme - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 8
The kindergarten introduces the children gradually to basic learning skills. Oral expression and
the activities associated with it, in particular the lesson sequences dedicated to vocabulary
acquisition, the numerous occasions when they listen to stories that the teacher recounts then
reads and the production of writing recorded by the teacher, prepare the children to begin reading
and writing. Through three key activities (work on the sounds of words, acquisition of the
alphabet and the manual skills for writing), the kindergarten contributes significantly to the
systematic learning of reading and writing which will begin in CP.
Kindergarten Programme - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 9
Gradually they will be able identify sounds and perform a wide range of actions on the
components of the language (localize, substitute, invert, add, combine…). The teacher must set
up the progression for these demanding oral activities very carefully in the light of their very
abstract characteristics.
Kindergarten Programme - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 10
The aim is to teach children to recognize their individuality, to be recognized as a person, to live
collectively with others, to follow the rules of collective life, to understand what school is and what
their place is in school. Becoming a student relies on a gradual process which calls for the
teacher to be both flexible and exacting.
Living together: learning the rules of courtesy and the principles of moral behaviour
Children discover the richness and the constraints of the group to which they belong. They feel
the pleasure of being accepted and recognized, they learn progressively to make their school-
friends feel welcome also.
The collective dimension of the kindergarten is an appropriate place for the children to learn to
converse with each other and with adults and take their place in the discussions. Children must
be given the opportunity to observe the rules of courtesy and good manners, such as greeting the
teacher at the beginning and end of the day, replying to questions, thanking someone who helps
them and not interrupting others who are speaking.
Particular attention will be paid to the moral foundations of these rules of behaviour, such as
respect for others and their property, the obligation to follow the rules set down by adults and also
respect for the child’s word.
Kindergarten Programme - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 11
Physical education and physical experiences contribute to the motor, sensorial, emotional and
intellectual development of the child. They give the opportunity of exploring, expressing
themselves, of being active in a familiar environment, then gradually, in a more unknown one.
They help them to become familiar with their environment.
Children discover their physical ability, they learn to perform in total safety while taking calculated
risks, to put in effort and control their energy. They express what they feel, can name activities
and the objects handled or used and say what they would like to do.
The teachers ensure they set up situations and activities which can be built on from year to year,
which are progressively complex; they make sure that the children have enough practice to
progress and make them aware of new accomplishments.
As they practise free or guided physical activities in different environments, the children
develop their motor skills in movement: (running, crawling, jumping, rolling, sliding, climbing,
swimming…), balance, manipulation (shaking, pulling, pushing) or propelling and receiving
objects (throwing, catching). Ball games, opposition and games of skill complete these activities.
Children learn to coordinate their activities and join them in sequence. They adapt their motor
skills to achieve efficiency and precision according to the skill.
Through participating in activities which have rules, they develop their ability to adapt and
cooperate; they understand and accept the advantages and the constraints of collective activities.
Activities of expression with artistic theme – in a circle, dancing games, mime, dance, allow
expression through acquired skills and, at the same time, development of the imagination.
As a result of diverse activities, the children become aware of their bodies in relation to space.
They recognize: in front, behind, above, below, then right and left, near and far. They learn to
negotiate a course set up by the teacher or suggested by them; they describe and demonstrate
these movements.
Kindergarten Programme - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 12
In the kindergarten, children discover the world around them; they work out where they stand and
where they are coming from in time and place. They observe, they ask questions and become
more rational in the formulation of their questions. They learn to adopt a point of view other than
their own and this move towards logical thinking allows them to develop their ability to reason.
They become capable of counting, classifying, ordering and describing, as they learn specific
vocabulary and different forms of representation (drawings, diagrams). They start to understand
what distinguishes the living from the non-living (matter, objects).
Kindergarten Programme - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 13
Learning the written form of numbers which follows is introduced in concrete situations (with a
calendar for example) or games (navigating a numbered course). Children establish a first
correlation between the oral term for the number and the written; their performance is still
inconsistent at this stage, but it is important that everyone has embarked this learning process.
Learning how to write numbers is done with the same thoroughness as with lettering.
Understanding time
Children comprehend very gradually as a result of the regular pattern of the timetable, the
evolution of time in the day, then of days and months. At the end of kindergarten, they
understand the cyclical aspects of certain phenomena (the seasons) or representations of time
(the week, the month). The notion of simultaneity is brought up in activities or well-known stories;
representation (drawings, pictures) helps to clarify it.
From the Petite Section, the children use calendars, clocks, timers to familiarize themselves with
chronology and measure periods of time. This understanding is still limited, however, and will be
developed in CP. Through stories of events in the past, examining familiar heritage pieces (items
kept in the family…), they learn to distinguish the present from the near past and from the more
distant past, although this is still difficult for them.
All these acquisitions require precise vocabulary to be learnt, which, through repetition, in
particular through following rituals, will lead them to develop understanding.
Understanding place
Throughout kindergarten, children learn to find their way around in the school area and in their
immediate environment. They manage to find their bearings in relation to objects or other people,
to situate objects or people one in relation to another or in relation to other references, which
presumes a change of focus in adopting a point of view other than their own. At the end of
kindergarten, they can distinguish their left from their right.
Children are asked to follow a range of instructions and show understanding of them (accounts,
graphic representations).
Of particular importance are activities where they have to switch attention from the horizontal
plane to the vertical or the vice versa, and keep the relative positions of objects or elements in
mind. These activities prepare for orientation in the written sense. Learning to write on a line on
a page or a piece of paper is studied in conjunction with reading and writing.
Kindergarten Programme - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 14
The kindergarten will raise artistic awareness in the children. Visual, tactile, auditory and vocal
activities increase the sensorial capacities of the child. They will use their imagination and enrich
their knowledge and capacities of expression; the activities contribute to developing their faculties
of attention and concentration. They offer an opportunity of familiarizing the children, by listening
and observing, with the most varied range of artistic expression possible; they feel emotion and
acquire first references in the universe of creation.
These activities can be linked with other areas of learning: they satisfy curiosity in learning about
the world; they allow the child to exercise their motor skills; they encourage them to express their
reactions, tastes and choices in discussions with others.
Drawing and craft activities (making things) are the main methods of expression.
The children experiment with different materials, supports and techniques of drawing. They
discover, use and create images and things of different natures. They fabricate and construct
using paint, glued paper and collage in relief, assemblage, modelling…
In this context, the teacher helps the children to express what they see, to fashion their projects
and creations; they encourage them to use specific vocabulary in producing their work. They
encourage them to begin a personal collection of objects with aesthetic and emotional value.
The voice and listening are a very early means of communication and form of expression that
the children discover while playing with sounds, singing, moving.
For activities using the voice, they learn a repertoire of rhymes and songs based on oral tradition
as well as work from contemporary writers; this repertoire is expanded each year. Children sing
for pleasure, to accompany other activities; they learn to sing in chorus. They invent songs and
experiment with their voice, with noises, with rhythms.
Structured listening activities refine the attention span, develop sensitivity, allow them to
distinguish sounds and develop auditory memory. Children listen for pleasure, to reproduce
sounds, in movement; in play… they learn to characterize tone, intensity, duration and pitch by
comparison and imitation and to describe these characteristics. They listen to a wide range of
musical works. They discover for new sound possibilities experimenting with instruments. They
gradually master rhythm and tempo.
Kindergarten Programme - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 15
The Basic Learning Cycle begins in the last year of the kindergarten (Grande Section) and the
same pedagogic approaches are employed throughout the cycle. This cycle continues into the
two first years of the primary school, in CP (Grade 1) and in CE1 (Grade 2).
Learning to read, write and learning the French language, the knowledge and understanding of
numbers, writing numbers in figures (decimal numeration) and arithmetic using small quantities
are a priority in terms of teaching objectives in CP and CE1. Whatever the activity to be
conducted, the primary and constant consideration will be achievement in these domains.
Physical education and sports have an important place in the school activities of this cycle. The
first introduction to science, the first reflections on history and civic education all open the
children’s minds to the world and help to build a culture common for all students.
Art education encourages the students’ artistic expression and they are also given direct
exposure to works of art, which will serve as an initiation into the history of art.
All teaching will contribute to the acquisition of The Common Base of Knowledge and Skills.
Constant vigilance is required regarding quality in the presentation of their work, manual skills,
working posture, the tools of school work.
The projects of each school will determine how the kindergarten and the primary school
harmonize their programmes. The programming of activities must be thought out in terms of
continuity: the CP teachers will build on the kindergarten teachers’ work and on what the children
have already acquired. Teaching in French and in Mathematics will follow yearly progressions as
included with this programme.
At the end of Grande Section in the kindergarten, children have largely increased their
vocabulary; they are capable of expressing themselves, listening to others and speaking in front
of a group. They will be able to understand a story when read by an adult, to distinguish the
sounds of the language clearly and the signs that represent them in writing. In the first year of
primary school (Cours Préparatoire), children learn to read by deciphering and identifying words
and by the progressive acquisition of the knowledge and skills necessary for the understanding of
texts. The alphabet must be worked on systematically from the beginning of the year. Reading
and writing texts are mutually reinforced throughout the cycle when they are taken together,
learning words, sentences and texts. They are supported by oral practice of language and the
acquisition of vocabulary; and accompanied by an initiation into grammar and spelling.
Students gradually learn to master the gestures of cursive handwriting: using correct written
forms, how to link the letters, accents, spaces between the words, punctuation and capital letters.
1. Oral Language
In the Basic Learning Cycle, students continue to develop their oral language: to respect the
organization of the sentence, to express the relationships of cause and effect, time and place
(why? when? where?); to conjugate verbs more accurately, to expand their vocabulary; to
participate orally for longer and in a better organized way, while at the same time respecting the
subjects dealt with and the rules of communication.
They are trained to listen to and understand texts that the teacher reads, to identify the central
points of the text and to ask questions.
Recitation serves first of all to develop oral language, and then develops the acquisition of written
language as well as cultural awareness and literary sensitivity. The students are required to
recite rhymes, texts in prose and poems from memory, without errors, with the appropriate rhythm
or intonation.
Basic Learning Cycle Programme - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 16
2. Reading, writing
From Cours Préparatoire (Grade 1) the students practice independently deciphering and reading
words which are already known to them. The link between reading and writing is essential to this
learning. This training progressively leads the student to read more easily and faster (decoding,
identification of meaning). In Cours Elémentaire 1 (Grade 2) longer and more varied texts,
comprising more complex sentences, are presented progressively to the students.
Knowing how to decipher and comprehend the meaning of words is not enough to read a
sentence or text; students also learn to understand through the organization of a sentence or text
that they are reading. They will acquire the vocabulary and knowledge necessary to understand
the texts that they are assigned. Using a good-quality text book is essential for success in this
delicate area of teaching. Through the reading of texts reflecting cultural heritage and works
intended for young children, including poetry, the child is able to make an initial appreciation of
literary culture.
Students learn to compose a short text independently: to research and organize ideas, choose
vocabulary, construct and connect sentences, to pay attention to spelling.
They learn to use the computer, to type and use an electronic dictionary.
3. Vocabulary
Through specific activities in class, but also in all teaching, the student acquires new words daily.
In expanding their vocabulary, they increase their ability to function in the world that surrounds
them, to put their experiences, opinions and feelings into words, to understand what they hear
and read and express themselves in a precise manner, orally as well as in writing. Activities of
classification through generic terms, an initiation into the usage of synonyms and antonyms, the
discovery of word families and a first familiarization with the dictionary will facilitate
understanding, memorization and word use.
4. Grammar
The first study of grammar concerns the simple sentence. Punctuation marks and their usage are
identified and studied. The students learn to identify a sentence, verb, noun, article, qualifying
adjective, personal pronouns (subject forms). They learn to locate the verb in a sentence and its
Students distinguish the present, future and past tenses. They learn to conjugate the most
frequently used verbs from the 1st group, être, avoir, in the four tenses most used in the
indicative: the present, future, past continuous, and the compound past tense (passé composé).
They learn to conjugate the verbs faire, aller, dire, venir, in the present indicative.
The knowledge of gender and of number and how they are used will be acquired at the end of
5. Spelling
The students begin to write by recognizing how letters and sounds correspond and the rules
relative to the value of letters (s, c, g), to copy a short text without mistakes, and to write down
accurately words they have memorized. In relation to their initiation into grammar, they are
trained to spell conjugated forms correctly, to respect the agreement between subject and verb,
as well as the agreements in gender and in number in noun phrases and to use full stops and
capital letters in the correct place.
In CP and in CE1, the students’ spelling is developed and methods of improving it are
progressively put in place.
Basic Learning Cycle Programme - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 17
Learning Mathematics develops imagination, rigour and precision as well as reasoning ability.
Proficiency in numbers and arithmetic is the main priority in CP and CE1. Students gradually
learn to solve problems which contribute to their understanding of mathematical operations. At
the same time, regular practice in mental arithmetic is essential. They start to acquire automatic
reflexes. Acquiring mathematical mechanisms can only be achieved with an understanding of the
Students learn decimal numeration up to 1000. They count sets, work out the sequence of
numbers, compare and put them in order.
They memorize addition and multiplication tables (by 2, 3, 4 and 5), learn techniques for addition
and subtraction, how to multiply and how to solve problems using these operations. Grouping
and sharing problems are a first introduction to division for numbers under 100.
Daily training in mental arithmetic helps deepen knowledge of numbers and their characteristics.
2. Geometry
Students enrich their knowledge on the subject of position and location. They learn to recognize
and describe planes and solids. They use instruments and techniques to reproduce or draw
plane figures. They learn to use specific vocabulary.
Students learn about and compare common units of length (m and cm; km and m), weight (kg
and g), capacity (litres), time (hours, half-hours) and money (euros, centimes). They begin to
solve problems regarding length, mass, length of time or cost.
Physical education aims to develop motor skills and offers a first initiation into physical, sports
and artistic activities. These activities fulfil the basic human need to move about, are enjoyable
and also encourage effort and perseverance. Students learn to know themselves and others
better and also learn to look after their health. Activities are organized over the two years of the
cycle and local resources are exploited.
Performance skills
- Athletics: running fast, long-distance running, negotiating obstacles, high jump and long jump,
throwing far.
- Swimming: being able to swim 15 metres.
Basic Learning Cycle Programme - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 18
Students discover the existence of different languages very early on, in their environment, as well
as abroad. From CP onwards there is an oral introduction to a modern foreign language. In CE1
both oral and written activities are included in foreign language teaching with emphasis on
comprehension and oral expression.
The learning of a language requires regular practice and memory training from the beginning.
This demands curiosity, the ability to listen, attentiveness, willingness to learn by heart,
confidence in oneself in the use of another language.
Students distinguish the melody and accents of another language; they discover and acquire
vocabulary relating to the person and everyday life; they start to use terms that they have
memorized. Specific programmes should be referred to concerning progressions for each
modern foreign or regional language.
In CP and CE1 students are able to access knowledge more easily due to their skills in reading
and mathematics. They acquire references in time and place, gain knowledge about the world
and master specific corresponding vocabulary. They go beyond their initial perceptions by
observation and manipulation.
Students begin to acquire the elements of the IT and Internet Proficiency Certificate (B2i). They
use and learn about the basic functions of a computer.
Students discover and start to enlarge on their basic concept of familiar surroundings: the
classroom, school, neighbourhood, village and town. They compare these familiar settings with
other settings and more distant places. They study common forms of portrayal of their world
(photographs, maps, world maps, a globe).
Students learn to understand how day and night, weeks, months and seasons alternate. They
orientate themselves through the use of instruments: the calendar, the clock. They learn about
and memorize more distant points in time: dates and famous names in French history; they
become aware of how ways of life evolve.
Students identify characteristics of living things: birth, growth and reproduction; nutrition and
dietary regimes of animals. They learn rules of hygiene and personal and collective safety. They
understand how living things interact with their environment and how to respect their
They distinguish between solids and liquids and observe the changing states of matter. They
produce basic models and simple electric circuits to understand how an electrical device works.
Basic Learning Cycle Programme - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 19
The students’ artistic sensibility and expression are developed by art activities, but also by
cultural references linked to the history of art.
They also learn to use precise vocabulary which allows them to express what they feel, their
emotions, their preferences and their tastes. A first introduction to works of art will lead them to
observe, listen, describe and compare.
1. Visual Arts
Visual arts include the fine arts, cinema, photography, design and digital art. Teaching visual arts
requires regular and diversified practice in modelling, drawing and producing fixed or mobile
images. Traditional techniques (painting, drawing) or more contemporary ones (digital
photography, cinema, video, computer graphics) are used as well as simple amalgamation
procedures: overlays and drawing, collage and montage). These activities are created two-
dimensionally as well as three-dimensionally, using tools, manual techniques, and different media
and support materials. Students are led to express what they observe, to imagine and create
their own projects and their own artwork using appropriate vocabulary.
2. Musical Education
Students learn manners and socialization. They gradually become more responsible and
1. They learn moral principles, which can be presented by way of illustrated maxims and
explained by the teacher in the course of the day: “One man's rights end where another man's
begin.” “Do unto others what you would have them do unto you” etc. They will become aware of
the notions of rights and obligations.
2. They deepen their understanding of the rules of collective living begun in the kindergarten:
such as formulas of politeness or when to use “vous”. They observe social customs of courtesy
(e.g. listening when others are speaking, standing up when an adult comes into the classroom
and helping in the classroom (giving out and putting away materials).
3. They study health and safety education. They are made aware of risks linked to using the
internet. They will be given appropriate information regarding different forms of abuse.
4. They learn to recognize and respect the emblems and symbols of the French Republic (La
Marseillaise, the French flag, Marianne, the motto “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”.
Basic Learning Cycle Programme - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 20
Skill 1:
Mastery of the French language
The students can:
- express themselves orally in a clear manner, and use appropriate vocabulary;
- read unaided, a text containing known and unknown words;
- read unaided and listen to heritage texts and major works of literature for young readers,
adapted for their age group;
- read a statement or simple instruction;
- extract the theme from a paragraph or a short text;
- copy a short text without errors in well-presented, legible, cursive handwriting;
- write a dictated five-line text, using lexical, spelling and grammatical knowledge;
- use their knowledge to improve a short text;
- write a 5 to 10 line text independently;
Skill 2
Using a modern foreign language
The students can:
- understand and communicate simple messages relating to everyday life.
Skill 3
The main elements of Mathematics, Science and Technology
The students can:
- write, name, compare and put in order whole natural numbers up to 1000;
- calculate with addition, subtraction, multiplication;
- divide numbers up to 100 by 2 and by 5 (where the final result is a whole number);
- know and use tables of addition and multiplication by 2, 3, 4 and 5;
- calculate mentally using addition, subtraction and simple multiplication;
- situate an object relating to themselves or another object, giving and describing its position;
- recognize, name and describe common planes and solids;
- use a ruler and set square to draw a square, a rectangle, a triangle, a right-angle triangle, with
care and precision;
- use common units of measurement: estimate measurement;
- display precision and care in drawings, measurements and calculations;
- solve very simple problems;
- observe and describe to carry out research;
- apply elementary safety rules to prevent the risk of household accidents.
Skill 4
Mastering common information technology and communication skills
The students are:
- starting to acquire knowledge of the digital environment.
Skill 5
The students can:
- repeat from memory a number of texts in prose or short poems
- appreciate cultural practices from another country;
- distinguish between the recent past and a more distant past;
- express themselves through writing, song, dance, drawing, painting, three-dimensional
creations (modelling, assemblage);
- distinguish specific major categories of artistic creation (music, dance, theatre, cinema, drawing,
painting, sculpture);
- recognize visual or musical works studied in advance;
Basic Learning Cycle Programme - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 21
- provide a very simple definition of different artistic occupations (composer, director, actor,
musician, dancer);
Skill 6
Social and civic skills
The students can:
- recognize the emblems and symbols of the French Republic;
- respect others and the rules of collective life;
- play a game or team sport and respecting the rules;
- abide by conventions of courtesy with his or her friends, with adults at school and out of school,
with the teacher in class;
- participate orally in a class discussion while respecting the rules of communication;
- call for help; go to find help from an adult;
Skill 7
Independence and initiative
The students can:
- listen in order to understand, ask questions, repeat, complete a piece of work or an activity;
- exchange views, question, justify a point of view;
- work in a group, take part in a project;
- master a number of motor skills such as running, jumping, throwing;
- describe their close environment, orientate themselves there, find their way around in an
specific way;
- apply the basic rules of hygiene.
Basic Learning Cycle Programme - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 22
Continuing on from the first years of the primary school, the main objectives from CE2 to CM2 are
to master the French language as well as the basic elements of Mathematics.
Teaching in all subjects, however, contributes to the acquisition of the Common Base of
Knowledge and Skills.
Understanding and expression in a modern foreign language will also be given particular
Independence and personal initiative, necessary for school success, are developed progressively
in all areas of activity and permit each child to gain self-assurance and efficiency.
They will regularly utilize Information and Communication Technology in Education (T.I.C.E -
Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication dans l'Enseignement ) as part of their
studies towards the IT and Internet Proficiency Certificate (B2i).
Students are prepared so that they can continue their studies in the different branches of learning
in secondary school successfully. Schools will arrange for links to be set up with the secondary
school so that the students are better prepared for their arrival there.
French and Mathematics teaching follow yearly progressions, included in the present programme.
Having all students master the French language precisely and clearly in oral and written
expression is primarily a matter for French teaching, but also concerns all other areas of learning:
Science, Mathematics, History, Geography, Physical Education and Art.
The progression for mastering the French language is based on a programme of reading and
writing, vocabulary, grammar and spelling. A literature programme reinforces independence in
the students’ reading and writing.
The study of the French language (vocabulary, grammar and spelling) requires specific activities
and sessions. It highlights the areas of expression, comprehension and composing texts.
Handwriting is practised daily, so that it becomes more and more even, quick and neat. Students
learn to be constantly aware of the presentation of their school work, to present it in an organized
manner, clearly and neatly, including, in time, the use of word-processing techniques.
Choosing good-quality text books for each area of French teaching is one factor in its success. All
the knowledge acquired as a whole contributes to the building up of a common culture for the
1. Oral Language
Students can listen to the teacher, ask questions, express their point of view, their feelings. They
learn to speak in front of other students, to rephrase, sum up, tell a story, describe, explain their
reasoning and present arguments.
In varied types of discussions they learn to respect the point of view of others, use precise
vocabulary according to the level of language being used, to adapt their words to those they are
speaking to and what is being expressed.
Regular work on recitation (memorization and diction) is done on both prose and poems.
The teacher gives considerable attention to the quality of oral language in all school activities.
2. Reading, writing
Reading and writing are systematically linked: the students work on them daily, in French as well
as in all other teaching areas.
Studying texts, particularly literary texts, aims to develop comprehension and to give confidence
in learning to compose texts independently.
Consolidation Cycle Programme - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 23
Reading continues to be taught systematically:
- global recognition of words, easy recognition of uncommon and rare words, improvement in
speed and efficiency in silent reading;
- understanding of sentences;
- understanding of school texts (wording of problems, instructions, text book exercises);
- understanding of instructive and non-fiction texts;
- understanding of literary texts (accounts, descriptions, dialogues, poems);
Students learn to understand the sense of a text by paraphrasing the essential and by answering
questions related to it.
Understanding the text lies in identifying its main elements (for example, the subject of a non-
fiction text, the characters and events in an account), and also in analyzing it in detail.
To do this they must pay particular attention to the distinctive traits which give coherence to a
text: the title, the organization of sentences and paragraphs, the role of punctuation and linking
words, the usage of pronouns, verbal tenses, lexical fields.
The literature programme aims to give all students a repertoire of literary references appropriate
for their age group, drawn from heritage works and from literature for young readers of yesterday
and today; it also contributes to the building up of a common literary culture. Each year, students
read unabridged works from different genres of childhood classics and from the list of literature
for young readers that the Ministry of National Education publishes regularly. This regular
reading programme is designed to develop the students’ pleasure in reading.
Students reflect on what they read, express their reactions to it or their points of view and discuss
these subjects with each other, explore the relationships between texts (authors, themes, feelings
expressed, characters, events, how the text is situated in time and place, comic or tragic tone…).
The different interpretations are always related back to the elements of the text which either
confirm them or refute them.
Composing a text
Composing texts is a regular and progressive part of learning: it is one of the priorities of the
Consolidation Cycle. Students learn to narrate real facts, to describe, to explain a procedure, to
justify a response, to invent stories, to summarize accounts, to write a poem, while respecting the
rules of composition and writing. They are trained to draft, to correct, and to improve their writing,
using vocabulary they have acquired, their knowledge of spelling and grammar as well as the
tools available to them (text books, dictionaries, lists etc.).
The acquisition of vocabulary increases the students’ capacity to function in the world which
surrounds them, to give words to their experiences, opinions and feelings, to understand what
they hear and read and to express themselves precisely and correctly, both in speaking and
Specific activities and sessions are used to enlarge and structure the students’ vocabulary,
particularly from textual supports which have been carefully selected; the discovery,
memorization and utilization of new words are accompanied by the study of the relationships
between meaning and words.
This study is concerned with, on the one hand, associated meaning of words (synonymy,
antinomy, polysemy, grouping words under generic terms, identifying different levels of the
language), and on the other hand, on form and meaning (word families). It is concerned also
with the grammatical identification of categories of words. They use a dictionary, either printed or
digital, regularly.
All the branches of teaching add to the students’ development and correct use of vocabulary. The
teacher pays attention to the students’ use of vocabulary in all school activities.
Consolidation Cycle Programme - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 24
The ultimate aim of grammar is to further the understanding of texts read or heard, to improve
expression with a view to guaranteeing accuracy, correct syntax and spelling. It is concerned
almost exclusively with the simple sentence: the complex sentence is only studied in CM2.
Students progressively acquire grammatical vocabulary relating to the notions studied and use
their knowledge in written activities.
The sentence
- Knowledge and relevant use of declarative, interrogative, imperative, exclamative, affirmative or
negative forms.
- Difference between the active and passive voice.
- Adequate use of common punctuation marks.
Categories of words
- Identification, according to their nature, of the following words: verbs, nouns, determiners
(definite and indefinite articles, possessive, demonstrative, interrogative determiners), qualitative
adjectives, pronouns (personal, possessive, relative, demonstrative and interrogative), adverbs,
- Adequate use of pronominal substitution, as well as coordinating conjunctions and other linking
words (adverbs).
Word function
- Identification of the verb, of its subject (proper noun, noun phrase or pronoun), and objects:
direct, indirect and second, adverbial phrases (of place and time).
- Understanding of the notion of circumstance.
- Identification of the subject complement.
- Identification of elements of the noun phrase and their functions: determiner, qualifying
attributive adjective, noun complement, relative clause noun complement).
- Knowledge of vocabulary relating to the understanding of conjugations.
- Identification of simple tenses in a text and tenses in the indicative, and understanding of how
they are formed.
- First introduction to verb tenses and in particular the past tenses.
- Conjugation of verbs in the first and second groups, of être and avoir in the following indicative
tenses: the present, future, past continuous, simple past, the compound past tense, (passé
composé) the past perfect, the future perfect, the present conditional, the present imperative,
the infinitive, present and past participles.
- Conjugation of aller, dire, faire , pouvoir, partir, prendre, venir, voir, vouloir in the following
indicative tenses : the present, future, past continuous, simple past, the compound past tense,
present conditional, the present imperative, the infinitive, the present and past participles.
- using the tenses studied correctly.
Knowledge and use of:
- rules and signs of agreement in the noun phrase: agreement in gender and number between the
determiner, the noun and the qualifying adjective;
- the rules of agreement in number and person between the subject and verb;
- the rules of agreement of the past participle made with être (not including reflexive verbs) and
avoir (in the case of the object coming after the verb).
- Distinction between simple and complex sentences; between independent clauses (coordinate
and juxtaposed), main and subordinate clauses.
Consolidation Cycle Programme - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 25
Constant attention is given to spelling. Regular copying practice, all forms of dictation and writing
as well as a range of exercises ensures the knowledge is acquired: the application of these forms
in numerous and varied activities will gradually lead the students to develop automatic reflexes
when it comes to correct written forms. Students become accustomed to using appropriate tools.
Grammatical spelling
- Students are trained to spell the conjugated forms of verbs studied correctly, to apply the rules
of agreement learnt in grammar (see above), to distinguish the principal grammatical
homophones (à-a, où-ou…)
- The distinctive characteristics of forms of the plural of certain nouns (en-al, -eau, -eu, -ou; en –s,
- x, - z) and of certain adjectives (en – al, -eau, - s, - x) must be memorized.
Lexical spelling
- Spelling: sound/symbol relationships including the how the sound of letters changes in relation
to the vowels around them (s/ss, c/ç, d/qu, g/gu/ge) or due to the following consonant (n becomes
m in front of m, b and p) is mastered.
- The spelling of frequently-used words, in particular invariable words, as well as frequently-used
words with accents, is memorized.
Learning how to spell relies also on applying spelling rules or regular patterns in writing words
(doubling consonants, silent letters and common word endings).
Mathematics develops research and reasoning, imagination and the capacity for abstract thought,
rigour and precision.
From CE2 to CM2, in the four areas of the programme, students enrich their knowledge, acquire
new tools, and continue to learn to solve problems. They reinforce their skills in mental
arithmetic. They acquire new automatic reflexes. Acquiring mathematical mechanisms can only
be achieved with an understanding of the process.
The mastery of the main mathematical elements helps in everyday life situations and prepares
the student for secondary school studies.
The organized study of numbers goes up to a billion, but they may come across larger numbers.
Whole natural numbers
- principles of decimal numeration: value of figures according to their written position.
- oral and written designation of figures and letters.
- comparing and ordering numbers, situating numbers on a number line, use of the signs > and <.
- mathematical relationships between commonly used numbers: double, half, quadruple, quarter,
triple, third…, the notion of multiple.
Decimals and fractions
- simple fractions and decimals: written conventions, situating them between two consecutive
whole numbers, writing them as the sum of a whole and of a fraction inferior to 1, adding two
decimal fractions or two fractions with the same denominator.
- decimal numbers: oral and written designations in figures, place values, process of
transforming decimals with a comma to a fraction and vice-versa, comparing and ordering
numbers, situating them on a number line, rounding up to the nearest whole number, tenth and
- mental: tables of addition and multiplication. Daily practice of mental arithmetic using the four
operations furthers an understanding of numbers and their properties.
- set out by hand: an operational technique for each of the four operations is essential.
Consolidation Cycle Programme - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 26
- using a calculator: the calculator is used in a defined way for the more complex calculations
dealt with by the students.
Problem-solving based on real life situations permits a deeper knowledge of the numbers
studied, reinforces the students’ grasp of meaning and practice of operations, develops rigour
and reasoning ability.
2. Geometry
The main objective of Geometry teaching from CE2 to CM2 is to permit students to go
progressively beyond a basic recognition of objects to a study based on the use of line and
measuring instruments.
Geometric relationships and properties: alignment, perpendicularity, parallelism, equal length
of lines, axial symmetry, the midpoint of a segment.
Using instruments and techniques: a ruler, set square, compass, tracing paper, grid paper,
dotted paper, folding.
Planes: a square, a rectangle, a rhombus, a parallelogram, triangles and their specific
characteristics, circles.
- description, reproduction, construction
- specific vocabulary relating to these shapes: side, vertex, angle, diagonal, axis of symmetry,
centre, radius, diameter.
- enlargement or reduction of planes, in line with their proportions
Common solids: cube, rectangular prism, cylinders, triangular prism, pyramid,
- recognition of these solids and study of patterns.
- specific vocabulary relating to these solids: vertex, edge, face.
Problems of reproducing or constructing diverse geometric shapes increase knowledge of
common figures. They present the students with the opportunity to use specific vocabulary and
procedures for measurement and drawing.
Length, mass and volume: measurement, estimation, legal units of measurement of the metric
system, calculating size, conversions, perimeter of a polygon, formulae for the perimeter of a
square and rectangle, circumference of a circle, the volume of a rectangular prism.
Area: comparison of surfaces according to their area, common units of measurement,
conversions; formulae for the area of a rectangle and triangle.
Angles: comparison, using an angle template and a set square; right angles, acute angles,
obtuse angles.
Time: telling the time and reading a calendar.
Length of time: units of measurement for length of time, calculating duration of time between two
given moments.
Solving concrete problems helps to consolidate knowledge and ability relating to units and
measurement, and to give meaning to them. It will mean more realistic evaluations of
The ability to organize and manage data is developed by problem-solving related to everyday life
or based on other subjects studied. It means gradually learning to sort and classify data, to read
or produce tables and graphs and analyze them.
Proportionality is introduced through percentages, scales, conversion, enlarging or reducing
figures. For this, several methods (in particular the so-called “rule of three”) are used.
Consolidation Cycle Programme - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 27
Physical education aims to develop motor skills and the practice of physical, sports and artistic
activities. It contributes to health education by helping students to be more aware of their bodies,
and to safety education by allowing them to take controlled risks. It encourages responsibility and
independence, through the illustration of moral and social values (respect for rules, self-respect
and respect of others). Activities are organized over the three year cycle and local resources are
At the end of CM2, students must have acquired the skills necessary for basic communication as
defined by level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, which is
the principal reference document for the teaching, learning and evaluation of modern languages.
From CE2 onwards, oral activities in comprehension and expression are a priority. Students
widen their vocabulary and the sounds of the language must be constantly reinforced: the accent,
melody, rhythms of the language studied. In grammar, the objective is to use basic forms: simple
sentences and coordinating conjunctions. They learn to spell the words learnt.
Knowing something of the people’s lifestyles in the country concerned will further enhance their
understanding of other ways of life.
Specific programmes should be referred to concerning progressions for each modern foreign or
regional language.
Consolidation Cycle Programme - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 28
The objective of Experimental Science and Technology is to have the students understand and
describe the real world, the world of nature and the man-made world, to act on this knowledge
and to understand the changes brought about by human activity. The students learn to
distinguish between fact and verifiable hypotheses on the one hand, opinions and beliefs on the
Observing, questioning, experimenting and practised argumentation, in the spirit of the French
program for enquiry-based science education, (La main à la pâte), for example, are essential in
order to attain these ends; which is why they focus on investigative procedures to acquire
knowledge and skills which develop their curiosity, creativity, a critical mind and interest in
scientific and technical progress.
The approach is one sensitive to nature and students learn to be responsible for the environment,
the living world, health. They understand that sustainable development corresponds to the needs
of this and future generations. In relation to the teaching of humanities and civic education, they
learn to act on this perspective.
The students’ work will display diverse written records, for example, in an observation workbook
or experiment book.
Water: a resource
- states and changes of state;
- the path of water in nature;
- maintaining water quality for use;
Air and air pollution.
Mixes and solutions.
Waste: reduction, reuse, recycling
Simple examples of energy sources (fossil fuels and renewable energy).
Energy needs, consumption, and energy economy.
Consolidation Cycle Programme - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 29
Technical devices
Electric circuits supplied by batteries.
Safety rules, dangers of electricity.
Levers and balances, equilibrium
Mechanical devices, transfer of movement.
Humanist culture, its historic, geographic, artistic and civic dimensions, is nurtured with an
introduction to the history of art. The Humanities open the students’ minds to the diversity and
evolution of civilizations, societies, territories, religions and the arts; they are given references in
terms of time, space, culture and civics. Regular reading of literary works will also contribute to
the development of the person and citizen.
1. History
The study of the following items allows students to identify and describe, in a simple fashion, the
important periods of history which will be studied in secondary school. History is studied
chronologically using factual accounts and studying heritage documents. These items do not, in
any way, deal with all aspects of the themes of the programme but do ensure that the students
will know the famous names or events representing each of these periods. The events and the
personages indicated below in italics make up a list of essential references that the teacher will
be able to use according to their teaching choices. Milestones in national history, they form the
basis of a common culture. These references will be linked with those of the history of art.
The first traces of human life, the use of iron and the beginnings of agriculture, the appearance of
Tautave man almost 500 000 years ago; Lascaus 17 000 years ago.
The Gauls, the Romanization of Gaul and Christianity in the Gallic-Roman world.
Julius Cesar and Vercingétorix; 52 B.C: the battle of Alésia.
The Middle Ages
After the invasions, the birth and development of the kingdom of France.
Relationships between the lords and peasants, the role of the Church.
Consolidation Cycle Programme - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 30
496 : baptism of Clovis ; 800 : coronation of Charlemagne ; 987 : Hugues Capet, King of
France ; Saint Louis ; Jeanne of Arc.
Modern Times
The age of Discovery and the first colonial empires, the slave trade and slavery.
The Renaissance : the arts, scientific discoveries, Catholics and Protestants.
Louis XIV : an absolute monarch.
The Enlightenment.
Gutenberg ; 1492 : Christopher Colombus in America ; François the First ; Copernicus ; Galileo ;
Henri IV and the edict of Nantes ; Richelieu ; Louis XIV, Voltaire, Rousseau.
The French Revolution and the 19th Century
The French Revolution and the first Empire: the desire for freedom, equality, the Terror, the great
reforms of Napoleon Bonaparte.
France in a Europe of industrial and urban expansion: the age of factory work, of technical
progress, of colonies and emigration.
The establishment of democracy and the Republic.
Louis XVI ; 14 July 1789 : storming of the Bastille ; 26 August 1789 : Declaration of the Rights of
Man and the Citizen ; 21 September 1792 : proclamation of the Republic ; 1804 : Napoléon 1st,
French Emperor ; 1848 : male universal suffrage and abolition of slavery ; 1882 : Jules Ferry and
free, compulsory secular schooling,; Pasteur ; Marie Curie ; 1905 : Law of Separation of Church
and State.
The 20th Century and our Age
The violence of the 20th century:
- the two world wars;
- the extermination of the Jews and the Roma people by the Nazis: a crime against humanity.
The scientific and technological revolution, consumer society.
The 5th Republic.
The European Union.
1916 : Battle of Verdun ; Clemenceau ; 11 November 1918 : armistice of the First World War ; 18
June 1940 : call of General de Gaulle ; Jean Moulin ; 8 May 1945 : end of the Second World War
in Europe ; 1945 : women’s right to vote in France ; 1957 : treaty of Rome ; 1958 : Charles de
Gaulle and the establishment of the 5th Republic ; 1989 : fall of the Berlin Wall ; 2002 : the Euro,
European currency.
2. Geography
The objective of the Geography programme is to have students describe and understand how
people live and manage their territories. Studies begin on a local and national scale; the aim is
for the students to identify and learn the main characteristics of the geography of France within a
European and world framework. They should regularly consult a globe and maps and study
The Geography programme contributes to education in sustainable development as does the
Science programme.
Essential references are mentioned in italic; they integrate and give structure to the programme of
European and world geography. They can be used according to the teacher’s choice.
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Artistic sensibility and the ability to express it are developed in the students by artistic practices,
but also by studying diverse works of art of different genres, from different periods and places in
the history of art.
1. Visual arts
Combining diversified activities and frequent exposure to ever more complex and varied works of
art, the teaching of visual arts (fine arts, cinema, photography, design, digital art) develops the
programme begun in Cycle 2. Teaching of this subject encourages expression and creativity. It
leads to the acquisition of knowledge and specific techniques and allows the child to understand
the notion of a work of art and to distinguish the consumable value from the aesthetic value of the
articles studied. Regular and varied activities and references to works of art will therefore
combine to contribute to the teaching of the history of art.
2. Musical education
Musical education is based on practices concerning the voice and listening: vocal games, a
variety of songs sung in rounds and for 2 voices, small groups or as a choir. These vocal
activities can be enriched with rhythmic games with a simple formula played on appropriate
acoustic equipment. As a result of listening activities, the students are trained to compare musical
Consolidation Cycle Programme - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 32
works, discover a variety of genres and styles relating to period and culture. Recognizing and
identifying musical characteristics consolidates the work undertaken in CP and CE1. Vocal and
listening activities also play a role in the teaching of the history of art.
The History of Art acquaints the students with references to heritage works of art or
contemporary art; these works are presented to them in relation to a certain period, a
geographical area (based on chronological or geographical references acquired in history and in
geography), a form of expression (drawing, painting, sculpture, architecture, applied arts, music,
dance, cinema), and if needs be a technique (oil on canvas, engraving…), a craft or a live
creative activity.
The history of art in relation to other subjects helps the students to be aware of where they stand
in relation to the artistic creations of humanity and different cultures in time and place.
Presented with a great range of works, they discover the richness, the permanence and the
universality of artistic creation.
In visual arts as in musical education, under the umbrella of the history of art, students become
aware of works which they are able to appreciate. Depending on where they live, they will visit
monuments, museums, art studios, live shows or films at the cinema. The aim of these
excursions will be to arouse the students’ interest regarding great works of art or artistic activities
of their own town or region.
The teaching of the history of art is hinged on the six historic periods of the History programme; it
takes into account six important artistic domains as follows:
- spatial art: architecture, gardens, urbanism;
- language arts: literature, poetry;
- art of daily life: art objects, furniture, jewellery;
- acoustic art: music, song;
- live art: drama, choreography, circus;
- visual art: fine arts, cinema, photography, design, digital art.
Examples concerning these domains are presented below. A list of reference works will be
published to which everyone can refer at their convenience.
Consolidation Cycle Programme - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 33
Digital culture requires a measured approach to computer science, to the multimedia and the
internet. From primary school, an attitude of responsibility in the use of these interactive tools
must be aimed for. The programme in the Consolidation Cycle is organized according to five
domains stated in the official texts defining the B2i Certificate:
- become comfortable in the computer science environment;
- adopt a responsible attitude;
- create, produce, process and exploit data;
- inform oneself, gather information;
- communicate, exchange information.
Students learn how to master the basic functions of a computer: how different parts work; use of
the mouse, the keyboard. They are trained to word-process, to type a digital document; to send
and receive messages. They learn how to research on-line, identifying and sorting information.
Information and communication technology is used in most areas of teaching.
Civic and moral Education aims to help the students integrate better within their class and school
at a time when their character and independence are forming.
This subject leads them to reflect on the concrete problems of school life and, therefore, to be
more clearly aware of moral issues: the relationship between personal freedom and the
constraints of collective life, responsibility for acts or behaviour, respect for shared values, the
importance of manners and respect for others.
In relation to the study of History and Geography, Civic Education allows the students to identify
and understand the importance of values, of founding texts, of symbols of the French Republic
and European Union, in particular the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of Citizen.
During the Consolidation Cycle, students study in particular the following subjects:
1. Self-respect, respect for differences in personal identity in all people including themselves: the
main rules of manners and courtesy, the constraints of collective living, safety rules and
prohibited dangerous games, first aid, basic rules of road safety, knowledge of risks linked to
using the internet, the rejection of violence.
2. The importance of rules of law in the organization of social life which can be explained through
legal sayings (“nobody is above the law”, “one cannot be one’s own judge” etc.).
3. The basic rules of organization in public life and a democratic state: rejection of all types of
discrimination, representation (the election), legislation (Parliament) and its execution
Consolidation Cycle Programme - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 34
Skill 1:
Mastery of the French language
The students can:
- express themselves orally and in written work, using appropriate and precise vocabulary;
- speak in public, respecting the level of language adopted;
- read easily (aloud, silently) a text;
- read texts of heritage and important works of literature for young readers, adapted to their age
group independently;
- read a statement, an instruction independently;
- understand new words and use them correctly;
- extract the main idea of a text;
- use their knowledge to reflect on a text (understand it better, or improve it);
- respond to a question using a complete sentence orally as well as in writing;
- compose a text of about 15 lines (account, description, dialogue, poem, summary) using their
knowledge in vocabulary and grammar;
- spell a simple text of 10 lines correctly – composed or dictated – referring to the spelling and
grammar rules learnt as well as vocabulary;
- know how to use a dictionary.
Skill 2
Using a modern foreign language
The students can:
- communicate: introduce themselves, reply to and ask questions:
- understand instructions, familiar words and very common expressions.
Skill 3
Basic Knowledge in Mathematics, Science and Technology
A) Basic knowledge in Mathematics
The students can:
- write, name, compare and use whole numbers, decimal numbers (up to hundredth) and some
simple fractions;
- know the tables of addition and multiplication from 2 to 9;
- use techniques of operation for the four operations with whole numbers and decimals (for
division the divisor is a whole number)
- calculate mentally using the four operations;
- estimate a result to the nearest power of 10;
- use a calculator;
- recognize, name and describe common planes and solids;
- use a ruler, a set square and a compass to check features of common planes and solids and
construct them with care and precision;
- use common units of measurement: use measuring instruments; make conversions;
Consolidation Cycle Programme - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 35
- solve problems relating to the four operations, and proportionality, use different mathematical
components; numbers, measurements, “rule of three”, geometric figures, diagrams;
- organize numerical or geometric information, justify and appreciate the accuracy of a result;
- read, interpret and draw some simple representations: tables, graphs.
Skill 4
Mastering common information technology and communication skills
The students can:
- use a computer to get information, document it and present their work;
- use a computer to communicate;
- show a critical mind in view of information and its processing.
Skill 5
The students can:
- repeat about 10 poems and prose texts with expression, from memory;
- sing a song from memory, participate with accuracy in a rhythmic game; identify some simple,
distinguishing musical features;
- identify the main periods of history studied, memorize some chronological references and place
them in order, knowing one or two of their major characteristics;
- identify on a map and know some main geographical and human characteristics of the local and
world scale;
- read and use different terminology: maps, sketches, graphs, chronology, iconography;
- distinguish the main categories of artistic creation (literature, music, dance, drama, cinema,
drawing, painting, sculpture, architecture);
- recognize and describe visual or musical works already studied: situate them in time and place,
identify the artistic domain which they relate to, detail certain components, using some specific
terms of vocabulary;
- express their feelings and preferences about a work of art, using their knowledge;
- draw and practice other diverse forms of visual expression and craft (abstract forms or images)
using different materials, supports, instruments and techniques;
- invent and produce texts, craft, choreographed elements or sequences with artistic or
expressive intent.
Skill 6
Social and civic skills
The students can:
- recognize the symbols of the European Union;
- respect others, and in particular, apply the principles of equality to both girls and boys;
- show awareness of the dignity of human beings and draw consequences from that in daily life;
- respect the rules of collective living, in particular in sports;
- understand the notions of rights and obligations accept them and apply them;
- take part in a dialogue: speak publicly, listen to others, formulate and justify a point of view;
cooperate with one or several school-friends;
Consolidation Cycle Programme - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 36
Skill 7
Independence and initiative
The students can:
- follow simple instructions independently;
- demonstrate perseverance in all activities;
- begin to assess themselves in simple activities;
- work on an individual project or in a group;
- show self-respect by following the main rules of hygiene; accomplish everyday actions without
risk of harming themselves;
- find their way around by adapting to the environment;
- measure a performance in athletics and swimming;
- use a map;
- listen for an extended length of time (reading, music, show etc.)
Consolidation Cycle Programme - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 37
In the kindergarten, the differences in age and, therefore, in development and maturity between
the children have important implications; in addition the fact that French may or may not be the
language of the family will impact on the speed of learning acquisitions. These gaps between
children in the same class are not, in general, indicators of difficulty; they indicate differences
which must be taken into account for each child to progress in their personal development. The
teachers will ensure that premature learning is avoided.
The following tables provide references to be used by pedagogic teams for organizing models
of progression.
Acquiring Language
Petite section Moyenne section Grande section
Discussion, expression Discussion, expression Discussion, expression
- Establish a rapport with - Express oneself in better - Tell, describe, explain after
others through language. structured language, articulate having finished an activity or a
- Use the pronoun “I” to speak correctly (complex syllables game (out of context).
about oneself. with combined consonants - Justify an action, a refusal, a
- Reply to requests by an adult may still be difficult to preference using “because”
and make oneself understood. pronounce). correctly.
- Express oneself, recite very - Say or sing about ten - Relate an event unknown to
simple rhymes, sing in front of rhymes, songs and poems, others; present a project;
others. with correct pronunciation. invent a story (possibly
- Start to play a role in group - Describe, question and starting from some pictures).
discussions. explain in games and activities - Speak in a way that is
- Make one’s needs in school in other domains. comprehensible to others.
understood through language. - Participate in a group - Participate in a conversation
discussion, listening to others keeping to the topic of the
Understanding and wait for one’s turn to discussion.
- Understand a simple speak. - Recite rhymes, poems or
instruction in an unambiguous - Relate an event unknown to other types of texts, adopting
situation. others; invent a story from a an appropriate tone.
- Listen to a story or short series of pictures; make a - Sing about ten songs learnt
poem in silence. hypothesis on the content of a in class.
- Understand a short, book from its cover and
simple story told by the illustrations. In each case, Understanding
teacher: Answer some very adapt one’s words for - Understand instructions
simple questions on the text clarification, based on given to a group.
heard; guided by the teacher questions or remarks. - Understand a story read by
or pictures, retell some parts the teacher; retell it by
of the story heard. Understanding reconstructing the logical and
- Study a book with pictures, - Understand instructions for chronological connections;
or illustrations, and give school activities, at least when interpret it or transform it
opinions verbally. face to face with an adult. (puppets, drama performance,
- Listen, in silence to a drawing)
Learning to master the simple story which is more - Understand a non-fiction text
French language complex than the previous read by the teacher; make
year. associations with questions
- Utilize a new linguistic tool - Understand a story told by or/and with what has been
(lexical or syntactic), that the the teacher; retell it, at least as learnt in class.
teacher provides when a logical and chronological - Appreciate a poem, identify
needed, to express what one sequence using pictures. some evocative (or amusing)
has to say. words, give one’s impressions
Progressions Kindergarten - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 38
- Use correct sentences, even Learning to master the and express them through a
if they are very short. French language drawing or painting.
- Understand, acquire and use
correct vocabulary (nouns and - Know some generic terms Learning to master the
verbs in particular; some (animals, flowers, clothes French language
adjectives relating to colours, etc.); in a series of real items
shape and size) concerning: or in picture form), identify and - Produce complex sentences,
. everyday actions (hygiene, name those which can be correctly constructed.
getting dressed, snacks, classed under a given generic - Understand and use verb
meals, rests), term.. tenses appropriately to
. class activities (surroundings, - Produce progressively longer express the past and future
equipment, materials, actions, sentences, correctly (the choice of tense being
fabrications ), constructed. more important than the exact
. relationships with others: - Use gender correctly of form of the conjugated verb).
greetings (hello, goodbye), nouns, common pronouns, the - Understand, acquire and use
courtesy (please, thank you). most frequently used correct vocabulary (nouns,
prepositions. verbs, adjectives, adverbs,
- Understand, acquire and use comparatives), concerning:
correct vocabulary (nouns, . daily life, activities and
verbs, adjectives, adverbs, relationships with others,
comparatives) concerning: . school activities and learning
. daily actions, school and particularly the universe of
activities, relationships with the written word,
others (greetings, courtesy, . personal accounts and
apologies), recollection of stories heard
. personal accounts, (description of characters,
recollection of stories heard relationships between them,
(description of characters, logical and chronological
surroundings, logical and connections, spatial
chronological connections). relationships).
.expression of feelings or
emotions felt personally, or by
others and or by characters
from familiar stories.
- show interest in the
meaning of words: decipher a
word that has never been
heard, try to understand a new
word in context, ask the
teacher about the meaning of
a word.
Progressions Kindergarten - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 39
Discovering the written word - Becoming familiar with the written word.
Petite section Moyenne section Grande section
Written supports Written supports Written supports
- Recognize written text - Recognize more written text - Recognize the types of
supports used frequently in supports used frequently in writing found in daily life
class; distinguish books from class than the previous year. (books, posters, papers,
other supports. - In simple activities (already magazines, signs, road signs,
- Handle a book correctly. experienced or subjects electronic signs, forms) and
already dealt with), make start to understand their use.
Oral initiation into written hypotheses on the content of -Be familiar with a book
language a text from the cover page of (cover, page, pictures, text);
Listen to stories told or read the book and the - Become accustomed to
by the teacher. accompanying pictures. using the space on a page.
- Establish links between
Identification of written books (picture dictionaries/ Listen to and understand
forms books with text and pictures; written language.
- Recognize one’s first name books telling a story/not telling - After listening attentively to a
printed in capitals. one). read text, achieve full
- Distinguish letters from other Oral initiation into written understanding by querying
graphic forms (figures or language unknown words, expressions,
varied drawings). - Listen to texts told or read by sentence constructions.
the teacher which acquaint the - Be familiar with different
child with less familiar versions of a traditional story;
vocabulary and syntax than in make precise comparisons
texts heard previously. between them.
- In a story, identify the main - Give one’s opinion on a
character (it’s the story of…); story.
recognize that character in the
illustrations that follow. Contribute to the writing of
- Recall the beginning of a a text
story read in episodes by the - Make an enunciation so that
adult; try to anticipate the it can be transcribed by the
continuation. teacher (precise vocabulary,
- Compare stories with points correct syntax, clear
in common, the same main connections, coherence as a
character, same setting). whole).
- Know some heritage texts,
mainly traditional stories.
Contribute to the writing of
a text
- Produce an enunciation in an
adapted form so that it can be
written (dictated to the adult).
Identify written forms
- Recognize one’s first name
in cursive writing.
- Identify similarities in familiar
written words (letters,
syllables) (e.g. days of the
week, first names)
Recognize letters of alphabet.
Progressions Kindergarten - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 40
Progressions Kindergarten - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 41
The following tables give references to pedagogic teams to organize progressions in learning.
Only new knowledge and skills are mentioned in each column.
For each new level, knowledge and skills acquired in the previous class are to be consolidated.
Oral Language
- Express oneself in a correct manner: - Give a structured and comprehensible
pronounce account (causal
sounds and words accurately, respect the relationships, precise temporal and spatial
structure of a sentence, formulate questions circumstances) to a third party to whom the
correctly. facts or the story told are unknown.
- Recount an event or very simple information - Express oneself accurately so as to be
clearly: express relationships of causality, understood in school activities.
temporal or spatial circumstances, use verb - Present individual or work done as a team
tenses adequately (present, future, past to the class.
continuous, passé compose). - Take part in a discussion: ask questions,
- Demonstrate comprehension of an account or a give responses, listen and give a point of
non-fiction text read by a third party by replying to view while respecting the rules of
questions on it: rephrase the content of a communication.
paragraph or a text, identify the main characters - Recite prose texts or poems (about ten) and
in an account. use intonation to interpret them.
- Tell a story already heard using the pictures.
- Describe pictures (illustrations, photographs…).
- Rephrase an instruction.
- Take part in discussions and to listen to others;
ask questions.
- Recite rhymes or short poems (about ten)
controlling breathing and without errors (without
omission or substitution).
- Know the names of letters and alphabetical - Read a text silently, working out unknown
order. words and demonstrate comprehension in a
- Distinguish between a letter and the sound it summary, a reformulation, answers to
transcribes; know the correlation between letters questions.
and sounds in simple written forms (e.g. f; o) and - Read terms, an instruction silently and
complex written forms (e.g. ph; au, eau). understand what is expected.
- Know that a syllable is composed of one or - Participate in a reading with dialogue: with
several written forms, that a word is composed of correct articulation, fluency, respecting
one or several syllables; be capable of identifying punctuation and with appropriate intonation.
these components (written forms, syllables) in a - Listen to and read unabridged short works
word. or lengthy extracts of longer works.
- Know the correlation between printed lower - Identify the characters, the events and the
case and capital letters, cursive lower case and temporal and spatial circumstances of an
capitals. account that has been read.
- Read words studied with ease. - Compare a newly heard or read text with
- Work out regular unknown words. one or some known texts (themes,
- Read the most frequently used words with ease characters, events, endings).
(so-called “key words”). - Read or listen to unabridged works,
- Read aloud a short text whose words have
Progressions CP and CE1 - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 42
already been studied, articulating correctly and especially literature for young readers and be
respecting punctuation. aware of what one has read.
- Know and use vocabulary specific to the
reading of a text: book, cover, page, line, author,
title, text, sentence, word; beginning, end,
character and story.
- Say who or what the text is talking about; find
the answer to questions concerning the read text
in the text or illustration; rephrase its meaning.
- Listen to unabridged works read, especially
literature for young readers.
- Copy a very short text in legible, cursive writing, - Copy a short text (by whole words or
on the lines, not letter by letter but word by word groups of words) respecting the spelling, the
(using the component syllables), respecting the punctuation, the capitals and mindful of
liaisons between letters, the accents, the spaces presentation.
between words, punctuation marks, capitals. - In particular, copy with care, respecting
- Write, without errors, as a dictation, syllables, layout, a prose text or a poem learnt in
words and short sentences whose written forms recitation; illustrate with a drawing.
have been studied. - Write, without errors, as a dictation,
- Choose and write simple words independently sentences or a short text (5 lines), prepared
respecting the correlation between letters and or unprepared, using spelling and
sounds. grammatical knowledge.
- Compose and write collectively a simple - Compose and write a simple coherent
coherent sentence, with the help of the teacher, sentence independently, then several, then a
then several. narrative or explanatory text of 5 to 10 lines.
- Compare written production to a model and - Reread one’s work and correct it; correct a
correct the errors. copied or composed text independently,
- Produce a well-presented piece of work; according to the information given.
maintain correct posture and master manual
skills to write easily; take care of the tools of
school work.
- Use precise words to express oneself. - Give synonyms (for example to rephrase
- Start to classify nouns by wide semantic the meaning of a text or to improve an oral or
categories (names of people, animals, things) or written expression.
narrower and referring to the concrete world (e.g. - Find a word of opposite meaning for a
names of fruit). qualifying adjective, an action verb or a noun.
- Find one or more names belonging to a given - Regroup words by family; find one or more
category (e.g. the name of a tree, name of a words of a given family.
tradesman). - Start to use alphabetical order to check
- Find a word of opposite meaning for a qualifying spelling of a word in the dictionary or to find a
adjective or an action verb. meaning.
- Put words in alphabetical order.
Progressions CP and CE1 - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 43
Sentences Sentences
- Identify sentences in a text using punctuation - Introduction to forms and types of
(full stop and capitals). sentences: know how to change an
- Word categories affirmative sentence into a negative or
- Recognize nouns and verbs and distinguish interrogative sentence.
them from other words. Word categories
- Recognize nouns and the articles that precede - Identify according to their nature: verbs,
them; identify the article. nouns, articles, personal pronouns (subject
- Introduction to pronouns: know how to use form), qualifying adjectives.
subject personal pronouns orally. - Nouns: distinguish between proper and
Gender and number common nouns.
- identify and explain signs of gender and - Articles: start to identify elided articles (l’)
number: the s of the plural of nouns, the e of the and contracted articles (du, au, aux).
feminine adjective, the endings –nt of verbs of - Manipulate other determiners;
the first group in the present indicative. - Introduction to adverbs: change the
Verbs meaning of a verb by adding an adverb.
- use orally, the present, the future and passé Function
composé. - in a simple sentence where the regular
syntactical order subject-verb is respected,
identify the verb and its subject (in the form
of a proper noun, a pronoun or a noun
- Introduction to the notion of circumstance:
know how to respond orally to questions où?
quand? pourquoi? comment?
Gender and number
- Know and apply masculine/feminine,
singular/plural forms.
- Know and apply the rule of agreement of
verb with subject, and, in the noun phrase,
the rule of agreement between the
determiner and the noun it determines,
between qualifying adjective and the noun it
- Understand the correlation between verbal
tenses (past, present, future) and the notions
of actions already done, actions happening
now, actions not yet done.
- Identify the present, past continuous, future
and passé composé in the indicative of verbs
studied; find their infinitive.
- Conjugate verbs in the first group, être and
avoir ,in the present, future, passé composé
in the indicative;
- Conjugate the verbs faire, aller, dire, venir,
in the present indicative.
Progressions CP and CE1 - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 44
-Write words learnt, without errors. -Write, without errors, as a dictation,
- Write simple words, without errors, sentences or a short text (5 lines), prepared
independently, respecting the correlation or unprepared, using lexical, spelling and
between letter and sound. grammatical knowledge.
- Recopy, without errors, a short text (2 to 5 - In dictated and independent work:
lines). . respect the correlation between letters and
- Start to use marks of gender and number sounds,
independently (the plural of nouns, the feminine . in particular, respect the rules for the value
of adjectives, the ending –nt of verbs in the first of letters according to vowels in proximity
group). (c/ç, c/qu, g/gu/ge, s/ss),
- Start to use capitals correctly (beginning of . spell, without errors the most frequently
sentences, proper names of people). used invariable words as well as the key
words learnt in CP,
. make the subject and verb agree in
sentences where the subject-verb order is
. in a simple noun phrase, make the
qualifying adjective agree with the noun it
. spell, without errors, the conjugated forms
. use full-stops, and capitals appropriately as
well as commas to separate items in a list.
The following tables give references to pedagogic teams to organize progressions in learning.
Only new knowledge and skills are mentioned in each column.
For each level, knowledge and skills acquired in the previous class are to be consolidated.
Problem solving plays an essential role in mathematical activity.
It is present in all subject domains and is practised in all stages of learning.
Progressions CP and CE1 - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 45
- Situate an object and use vocabulary in order to - Describe, reproduce, draw a square, a
define positions (in front of, behind, on the left of, rectangle, a right angle triangle.
on the right of…). - Use instruments to create drawings: ruler,
- Recognize and name a square, a rectangle, a set square or template for right angles.
triangle. - Observe and recognize some relationships
- Reproduce simple geometric figures with the and geometric properties: alignment, right
help of instruments or techniques: ruler, grid angle, axis of symmetry equal length of lines.
paper, tracing paper. - Identify squares, intersections of a grid.
- Recognize and name a cube and a rectangular - Know and use appropriate basic geometric
prism. vocabulary.
- Start to learn geometric vocabulary. - Recognize, describe, and name some
regular solids: cube, rectangular prism…
Progressions CP and CE1 - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 46
The following tables give references to pedagogic teams to organize models of progression in
Only new knowledge and skills are mentioned in each column.
For each level, knowledge and skills acquired in the previous class are to be consolidated.
Oral Language
Telling, describing, Telling, describing, Discussions, debates
presenting presenting - Participate in discussions
- Give a structured and - Describe an object, present a constructively: keep to the
comprehensible account to a piece of work to the class, topic, adapt one’s words to the
third party to whom the facts or using correct sentences and audience, argue one’s case,
the story told are unknown, with appropriate vocabulary. utilize one’s knowledge,
invent and modify respect the usual rules of
stories, describe a picture, Discussions, debates communication.
express feelings, using correct - Ask to be able to speak and
sentences and with appropriate speak at the appropriate time. Recitation
vocabulary. - React to another student’s
talk with a justified point of - Recite prose texts or poems
Discussions, debates view. without errors and with
- Listen to and grasp what has - Participate in a debate, expression (about 10).
been said. respecting everyone’s turn to
- Question so as to understand speak and the rules of
better. politeness.
- Express and justify an - Present a piece of work to the
agreement or disagreement, class in a group.
put forward a personal, justified
point of view. Recitation- Recite prose texts
or poems without errors and
Recitation with expression (about 10)
Recite prose texts or poems
without errors and with
expression (about 10).
Progressions CP and CE1 - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 47
Reading, writing
N.B. The texts or works given to the students to read are adapted to their age group and maturity,
from the point of view of linguistic complexity, themes dealt with and knowledge to be used.
From CE2 to CM2, they become progressively longer and more difficult.
The texts read by the teacher are more complex than those the students can read alone.
. Reading
- Read the instructions for - Read instructions unaided for - Read unaided a lesson in a
school-work, the wording of school-work, the wording of text book after working in class
problems, the difficult or new problems. on the subject.
vocabulary having been - Read a text of about ten lines - Read a text of more than ten
explained by the teacher. aloud, fluently and with lines fluently and with
- Read an extract of a text expression, after preparation. expression after preparation.
aloud, fluently and with - Read a literary or non-fiction - Refer to linking words and
expression, after preparation. text silently and understand it expressions which
- Read a literary or non-fiction (rephrase it, summarize, demonstrate logical
text silently; understand it answer questions on the text). relationships to understand the
(rephrase, answer questions - Identify specific information in connections of an action or
on the text). a text and infer new (implicit) reasoning precisely.
Identify specific information in information from it. - Recognize the consequences
a text, in particular the title, - In an account or a of formal choices (use of
structure, (sentences, description, refer to linking certain words, utilization of a
paragraphs), vocabulary. words which mark spatial well-defined level of language,
- Recognize punctuation relationships and use etc).
marks. complements of place to - Carry out, alone, research in
- In an account: understand the setting of the non-fiction works (books,
.identify different terms place of action or place multimedia).
describing a character, described. - Familiarize oneself in a
. tenses of verbs and linking - Understand the usage of the library, a multimedia library.
words expressing temporal past continuous and simple
relationships to understand the past in an account, the present
chronology of events precisely, in a scientific or non-fiction
. colons and quotation marks to text.
identify the words of - Grasp the atmosphere or
characters. tone of a descriptive, narrative
- Read a non-fiction, or poetic text, referring in
descriptive or narrative text, particular to its vocabulary.
and reconstruct the main idea - Participate in a debate on a
of the text orally or in writing text, comparing its
(subject of the text, object of interpretation to others in a
description, outline of the story, well-argued manner.
relationships between the - Use common class tools (text
characters…). books, posters, etc) to look for
- Adopt a strategy to achieve information,
understanding: identify or overcome a difficulty.
unknown and non-understood - Carry out research with the
words, reread, question, use help of an adult, in non-fiction
a dictionary , etc. works (books or multimedia
- Familiarize oneself in a library products).
and use it frequently to choose
and borrow books.
Progressions CP and CE1 - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 48
- Read a whole work or lengthy - Read at least one work per - Read at least five works in
extracts of a long work. term and be familiar with it; the school year and be
- Be familiar with the work read, choose a typical extract and familiar with them; choose a
give one’s point of view as to the read it aloud. typical extract and read it
message. - Adapt behaviour as a reader aloud.
- Relate from memory, or using to the difficulties met: notes to - Explain reading choices,
some pictures, some stories read memorize, re-reading, asking preferences.
in previous years or months; for help, etc. - Relate from memory a work
know their title. - Recall the title and author of read; cite from memory a
- Establish relationships between books read. short typical extract.
texts or works: same author, - Participate in a debate on a - Find connections between
same theme, same character, work, comparing one’s point literary works, orally and in
etc. of view with others, in the writing.
form of an argument.
- Copy without errors (formation Copy without errors a text of Copy without errors a text of
of letters, spelling, punctuation) a about ten lines, following the at least fifteen lines and
text of five to ten lines, taking layout if required. adapt its presentation.
care with presentation.
- In particular, copy with care,
and follow the layout of a text in
prose or a poem learnt in
Composing a text
In different school activities, In different school activities, In different school activities,
compose precise and correctly record ideas, hypotheses and take useful notes for school
worded written work. useful information for school work.
Compose a short narrative text, work. - Master the coherence of
paying attention to its temporal - Compose a short dialogue tenses in an account of
coherence (verb tenses) and its (formulation of questions and about ten lines.
accuracy (in the choice of orders). - Compose different types of
characters and through the use - Compose short texts of texts of at least two
of qualifying adjectives), avoiding different types (accounts, paragraphs paying attention
repetition by the use of descriptions, portrayals) to their coherence, avoiding
synonyms, and respecting the paying attention to their repetition and respecting
syntactical constraints and coherence, their accuracy syntactical constraints and
spelling as well as punctuation. (pronouns, linking words, time spelling as well as
- Compose a short dialogue relationships in particular) punctuation.
(formulation of questions and and avoiding repetition. - Write a poetic text,
orders). - Know how to expand a following one or several
- Know how to expand a simple sentence by linking precise instructions.
sentence by adding words: words: et, ni, où, mais
linking with and a noun to between words or simple
another, a verb to another. sentences; car, donc between
-Improve (correct and enhance) simple sentences), adverbs,
a text as a result of comments circumstantial complements
and help from the teacher. and by enriching them with noun
Progressions CP and CE1 - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 49
Vocabulary acquisition Vocabulary acquisition Vocabulary acquisition
- Use terms belonging to the - Use terms pertaining to - Start to use terms referring to
lexicon of time references, daily actions, feelings and judgments abstract notions (emotions,
life and school work correctly. feelings, obligations, rights).
appropriately. - Understand acronyms.
- Use precise terms Mastering the meaning of
corresponding to concepts words. Mastering the meaning of
studied in different school words
subject areas. - Use context to understand an
- Know what an abbreviation is unknown word; verify the - Distinguish the different
(e.g. “adj.” in an entry in a meaning in the dictionary. meanings of a verb according
dictionary). - Define a known word, using to its construction (e.g. jouer,
an adequate generic term jouer quelque chose, jouer à,
Mastering the meaning of (concrete words: e.g. an apple jouer de, jouer sur).
words tree is a fruit tree). - Identify the use of a word or
- In a text, find words on the - Start to identify different levels expression in the figurative
same topic (e.g. sea of language. sense.
vocabulary). - Classify words with related
- Use synonyms and antonyms Word families meaning by identifying
in oral and written expression - Group words according to the variations of intensity (e.g.
activities. meaning of their prefix. good, delicious, and succulent).
- Explain, in its context, the - Group words according to the - Define a known word using an
meaning of a known word; meaning of their suffix. adequate generic term and
distinguish it from other - Know, and use orally, adding specific information
possible meanings. vocabulary concerning the about the object defined.
composition of words (root,
Word families prefix, suffix, family). Word families
- Construct or complete word - Use the construction of an - Group words according to
families. unknown word to understand it. their root.
- Group words according to
Using a dictionary Using a dictionary meaning of their prefix and
- Know how to spell a word; - In a dictionary definition, know the meaning, in particular
know alphabetical order; know identify the generic term. the meaning of the main
how to classify words by - Use the dictionary to check prefixes expressing ideas of
alphabetical order. the meaning of a word, in place or movement.
- Use the dictionary to search particular when there are - Group words according to the
for the meaning of a word. several), or its category, meaning of their suffix and
spelling or level of language. know that meaning.
- Make use of the codes, used - For a word given, supply one
in the entries of a dictionary. or more words of the same
family, checking that they exist.
Using a dictionary
- Use a dictionary with ease.
The sentence The sentence The sentence
- Transform a simple - Construct negative, - Construct exclamations
affirmative sentence into the interrogative, imperative correctly.
negative or interrogative, or sentences correctly. - Understand the difference
the reverse. - Identify conjugated verbs in between simple and complex
- Identify the conjugated verb complex sentences and sentences.
in a simple sentence and supply their infinitives. - Recognize independent,
Progressions CP and CE1 - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 50
Progressions CP and CE1 - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 51
past, present and future verbs not yet studied applying studied applying the rules
actions. the rules learnt. learnt.
- Know the person, rules of
formation and endings of the Agreements
simple tenses studied - Know the rule of agreement Agreements
(present, future, past of the past participle in verbs - Know the rule of agreement
continuous). using être (not including of the past participle in verbs
- Conjugate in the present reflexive verbs). using être and avoir (the direct
indicative, future and past - Know the rule of agreement object coming after the verb).
continuous verbs of the first of the adjective (attributive or
and second groups, as well as predicative) with the noun.
être, avoir, aller, dire, faire,
pouvoir, partir, prendre, venir,
voir, vouloir.
- Identify the infinitive of a verb
studied in a text.
Know the rules of agreement
of the verb with its subject; the
agreement between
determiner and noun, noun
and adjective.
N..B.: All the required knowledge and skills in all writing activities stated above and not restated in this chart
apply. Spelling revision is a standard requirement.
- Write, without errors, a text in - Write, without errors, a text in - Write, without errors, a text in
dictation of at least five lines, dictation of about ten lines, dictation of at least ten lines,
using knowledge acquired in using knowledge acquired. using knowledge acquired.
vocabulary, grammar and
spelling. Grammatical spelling Grammatical spelling
- Write, without errors, the - Spell verbs studied correctly
Phonetic skills plural of nouns ending in –eu in the tenses studied, including
- Recognize the correlation ,in – eau. The plural of the verbs of the first group in –yer,
between letters and sounds. nouns in –au, -ail is in the -eter, -eler.
- Recognize the process of being learnt. - Apply the rule of agreement of
characteristics of letters in - Write, without errors, the verb with subject, including with
relation to nearby vowels forms of the verbs studied in the subject qui of the 3rd
(s/ss, c/ç/ c/qu/, g/gu/ge). the tenses studied, including person.
- Recognize the the first group in –cer, -ger, - Write without errors the
characteristics of letters in guer. grammatical homophones
relation to the following -Apply the rule of agreement already studied as well as
consonant (n becoming m of verb with subject, including on/on n’, d’on/dont/donc,
before m, b, p). verbs in a compound tense quel(s)/quelle(s)/qu’elle(s),
- Use accents without errors and where subjects are sans/s’en; the distinction
(é, è, ê). reversed. between leur and leurs is still in
- Apply the rule of agreement the process of being learnt at
Grammatical spelling of the past participle with être the end of the cycle.
- Write the plurals of nouns and avoir (where the direct - Distinguish by meaning, the
ending in s, x, z; by –al, by – object is placed after the verb). homophone verbal forms of the
ou, without errors. - Make the adjective agree past continuous and the
- Spell the plural and feminine without errors (attributive, in compound past tense (passé
forms of adjectives without apposition, and subject composé).
errors. complement) with the noun.
Progressions CP and CE1 - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 52
The following tables give references to pedagogic teams for organizing learning progressions.
Only new knowledge and skills are mentioned in each column.
For each level, the knowledge and skills acquired in the previous class are to be consolidated.
Problem solving plays an essential role in mathematics activities. It is present in all subject
domains and is practised in all stages of learning.
Progressions CP and CE1 - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 53
Progressions CP and CE1 - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 54
- Multiplication of a decimal
number by a whole number.
- Euclidean division of two
whole numbers.
- Decimal division of two
whole numbers.
- Know some functions of a
calculator in order to obtain
the result of calculations.
- Solve problems involving a
one or two stage procedure.
Planes Planes Planes
- Recognize, describe, name, - Recognize that some lines - Use instruments to check
reproduce and draw geometric are parallel. that two lines are parallel
figures: square, rectangle, - Use geometric vocabulary in (ruler and set square) and to
rhombus, right angle triangle. context: aligned points, line, draw parallel lines.
- Check the characteristics of perpendicular lines, parallel - Verify the characteristics of a
a plane using a numbered lines, segment, midpoint, figure using instruments.
ruler and set square. angle, axe of symmetry, - Construct the height of a
- Draw a circle with a centre of a circle, radius, triangle.
compass. diameter. - Reproduce a triangle with the
- Use the following vocabulary - Check the characteristics of aid of instruments.
in context: side, vertex, angle, a simple plane using a ruler,
midpoint. set square, a compass. Volume
- Recognize that a figure - Describe a figure with a view - Recognize, describe and
posses one or several axes of to identifying it amongst other name regular solids: cube,
symmetry, by folding it or with figures or reproducing it. rectangular prism, cylinder,
the help of tracing paper. triangular prism.
- Draw, on grid paper, the Volume - Recognize or complete a
symmetrical form of a figure in - Recognize, describe and pattern for a regular solid.
relation to a given straight line. name regular solids: cube,
rectangular prism, and Problems: reproduction,
Volume triangular prism. construction
- Recognize, describe and - Recognize or complete the
name: a cube, a rectangular pattern of a cube or - Draw a figure (on plain, grid
prism. rectangular prism. or dotted paper), following a
- Use the following vocabulary Problems: reproduction, construction plan or a
in context: face, edge, vertex. construction freehand drawing (with
- Complete a figure of axial information relative to its
Problems: reproduction and symmetry. properties and dimensions).
construction - Trace a simple figure
- Copy figures (on plain, grid following a construction plan or
or dotted paper) following a instructions.
- Construct a square or a
rectangle following given
Progressions CP and CE1 - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 55
Progressions CP and CE1 - Coordonné par Annick Coué – Conseillère Pédagogique – Lycée Français de Singapour 56