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Final Edit Kat III
This study is to determine the college preferences among the ABM students. The most fluent
matter of the upcoming College students is to choose a course that will definitely fit to their attitude,
strength, skills and knowledge. Nowadays, some had trouble in choosing right course due the to the
following Concerns and failures both in academic and personal aspects. In preparation for college,
they should be allowed to choose their courses because they will study in a more comfortable manner.
students know what they are good at. So, they should be given an opportunity to do and choose what
they prefer. (Emmanel B. Anadon et, al 2015) Career Guidance was implemented to help and guide
senior high school (SHS) students to choose the right career, in line with the current track and strand,
after SHS. It was found that the students were still confused about what career path to take in college.
Thus, this study tackled the influence of Career Guidance to Accountancy, Business, and
Management (ABM) students in choosing a course in higher education (John Patrick Tacluyan 2019)
one of the most Important decisions in life of an ABM student is to make a wise decision in choosing
Courses in college. ABM students are facing a lot of options and must consider things before making
up their minds. There's a lot of courses that students of ABM can choose under the ABM strand. But
for some ABM students, the courses that they will take in college is not related to their strand. Maybe
its because they still don’t know what to get and still undecided. Or it’s because they change their
mind and have no talent under ABM courses. It also can be the influence of their parent, friend, and
This study aimed to know the college course preferences among the grade 11 and 12
The purpose of this study determined what college courses among the grade 11 and 12
Research Question
This study determined what are the grade 11 and 12 of ABM students prefer course in
1.2 Age
1.3 Gender
This study will be significant to the grade 11 and 12 ABM learners, parents of the ABM
learners, and Teachers to know the college courses that the grade 11 and 12 ABM of Matatalaib high
school choose.
To the grade 11-12 ABM. The results of the study will be significant to the learners of grade 11-12
To the parents. The result of this study will be significant to the parents of the ABM learners to
know their child’s courses and make them self-ready for the cost of their child’s courses in the future.
To the teachers. The study will be significant to the teacher to know their learner’s college courses in
the future.
To future researchers. This study will be significant to future researchers. This can be their
This chapter revealed the methods of research to be employed by the researcher in conducting the
study which includes the locale of the study, Respondents, data gathering, and data analysis.
2.2. Respondents
The respondents of this study are the Grade 11 and 12 of ABM in Matatalib high school.
To gather data first is to distribute the questionnaires to the ABM students of Matatalaib
high school both 11 and 12 ABM. After distributing the survey questionnaires each of them must
answer which college course will they choose. After then, the papers will be collected and count the
To produce accurate results from the study, the researchers carefully analyzed and interprets
the data collected. It will then be presented through tables and descriptions to further explain the data.
In addition, the researchers also ensure the application of ethical considerations such as writing letters
F = for frequency
For problem 1, the researcher will use frequency and percentage to find out the result of the data
For problem 2, a survey of college courses will use to know the preferred courses of ABM
Data gathering instrument is structured as a survey that contains the courses that you can
choose at college.
II. Survey
Directions: below are the courses offered at college kindly put a check (/) in response to your college
course that you will choose.
Financial Management
Marketing Management
Business Economics
College of Engineering And Technology
Bachelor of Industrial Technology Major In:
Automotive Technology
Electrical Technology
Mechatronics Technology
Bachelor Of Science In Civil Engineering Major In Structural Engineering
Bachelor Of Science In Electrical Engineering
Bachelor Of Science In Industrial Engineering
Bachelor Of Science In Mechanical Engineering
College Of Public Administration And Governance
Bachelor Of Public Administration
College of criminal justice education
Bachelor of science in criminology
College of science
Bachelor of science in chemistry
Bachelor of science in mathematics
Bachelor of science in environmental science
Bachelor of science in food technology
Bachelor of science in nursing
College of teacher education
Bachelor of early childhood education
Social studies
Bachelor on technical livelihood education industrial arts
This survey is a basis for their college course in the future. one of these courses can be the
This part shows the related literature and studies as a reference for the study that was
conducted. The researcher summarized the related readings and relevance of the study, which can be
Related Studies
According to Ariane Yongco (2019), Graduation is a mark of the end but means a new
start. After graduating from six years of study from junior high school to senior high each graduate
has to face new challenges that they are going to have. The first step towards this was to think about
which university they are going to enroll in. This study was conducted to show the preference of
ABM graduating students in which University they will pursue their college.
According to Mary Ann P. Briones (2021), One of the significant decisions in life one
must make is choosing a course to take in college for its effect on the person is a lifetime. Often,
students are faced with a lot of options and considerations before they can finally make up their
minds. Dayao and Almario (2018), in their study, forwarded further research on the reasons why
students choose a course, or a school may be considered to help graduating students in selecting a
course. Course and school selection decisions will most likely define their future success.
most important and one of the most difficult decisions to make, especially among the youth nowadays
because the career of which they have chosen could make or break their chances to opportunities in
life. It is the time when they would decide which path they would take for the rest of their lives. It is
therefore important that in choosing a course, students are very much aware of the road where this
chosen career would lead them. The importance of having effective career planning is emphasized by
SREB. It was found that students who receive help in exploring careers and planning programs of
study related to their career interest are more likely to see school as meaningful.
Related Literature
help and guide senior high school (SHS) students to choose the right career, in line with the current
track and strand, after SHS. It was found that the students were still confused about what career path
to take in college. Thus, this study tackled the influence of Career Guidance to Accountancy,
as the answer to socio-economic problems of the world. Nations and individuals look up to education
to provide a cure for poverty, ignorance, drought, excessive rainfall, mental deficiency, joblessness,
bad government, poor communication system, hunger and inadequate shelter among other things.
Thus, every nation of the world aspires toward quality of life and social status through good decision-
making in selecting career choice especially students who are about to pursue in college.
According to Antonette Nilo et al., (2021). “Education is the better way to make
all dreams come true.” Dreams can be pure make-believe. Dreams are also based on goals that can be
realized. Fulfilling such dreams requires information and knowledge – information about the
requirements for reaching goals, and knowledge of one’s strengths and limitations. Dreams may also
represent feelings about their course or career path experience with slow progress. The most frequent
matter for the upcoming college students is choosing a course that will definitely fit to their attitude,
strength, skills and knowledge to make their career journey secure in the future.
a. Reference
Emmanuel, Joshua, Mike, Jared, (October 2018) College Degree Preferences of Grade 12
ABM Students, retrieved on october 2018 from: Grade-12-
John Patrick Tacluyan, (January 2019) Grade 12 Accountancy, Business and Management Students
about the College Course Preference, retrieved on January 18, 2019 from:
Ariane Yongco, (January 2019) Preferred Schools of Graduating ABM Students in Pursuing College,
retrieved on January 18, 2019 from:
Mary Ann P. Brione, Ronnie B. Rub, (April 2021) Course Preference of College Entrants: Basis for
New Program Offerings, retrieved on April 5, 2021 from: .8.1.14.pdf
Cheryl Ann F. Gicana et al.,(February 2023) Course Preference of Senior High School Students in the
1st District of Capiz: Input to Program Reviews among Heis retrieved on February 2 2023,
JV Jane G. Ouano et al., (January 2019) Factors Influencing on Grade 12 Students’ Chosen Courses in
Jagobiao National High School – Senior High School Department, retrieved on
January 1 2019 from
Antonette Nilo et al., (February 2021) Factors Affecting The Course Preference of Grade 12 Students
in our lady of lourdes College, retrieved on February 2021 from:
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