College of Arts & Sciences of Asia & The Pacific (CASAP) Bacolod City

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A Research Presented to the Faculty of Senior High School

Department Of College of Arts & Sciences of Asia & the
Pacific (CASAP) Bacolod City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Practical

Research 2 of the Accountancy, Business and Management
Strand (ABM) Senior High School Of College of Arts &
Sciences of Asia & the Pacific


JUNE 2022

Chapter 1
Background of the study

The most frequent matter for the upcoming college students is choosing a course that will
definitely fit to their attitude, strength, skills and knowledge.

Nowadays, some students experienced difficulty in choosing right course due tothe
following concerns and factors; deficiency of knowledge, poverty, peer pressure,insecurity and
failures both in academic and personal aspects. In preparation for college,they should be
allowed to choose their courses because they will study in a more comfortable manner.
Students know what they are good at, so they should be given an opportunity to do and choose
what they preferred.

Choosing a course may take a lot of time yet it is very essential, it could be your deciding
factor whether you will continue your career or not. Having a degree serves as a foundation,
people must know that if they want to break into the middle class or higher, they’ll need not
only experience but a degree as well, (Samuelson, 2017). It could be tough but still it is one of
the basic basis of your career.

This study aims to aid the difficulty in choosing college degree of students exclusively for
Grade 12 Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) learners of Bacolod City National High
School- Senior High School (BCNHS-SHS) through providing some preferences that will link their
desirable courses.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to determine the college degree preferences of Grade 12
Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) students of Bacolod City National High School-
Senior High School (BCNHS-SHS), in academic year 2018-2019. Specifically, it seeks to answer
the question below:
1. What are the level of college degree preferences of Grade 12 ABM students
according to the following variables:
a. Sex
b. Interest

Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored in Randall G. Chapman’s theory which is toward a theory of

college selection: A model of college search and choice behavior. This study describes a
behavioural theory of how students select their college courses. Implicit in this theory is the
notion that college courses may be viewed as a process which consist of a sequence of
interrelated stages. It is possible that students move through this series of stages as they search
for desirable college courses, search for and process information about college course, and
ultimately choose a specific college course. This theory is very useful in establishing a
framework within which past and current research efforts in the college courses may be
classified, (Chapman,1986 ).In relation to this study this theory is all about the courses that the
students would take during their college life. This theory is also useful in the research paper
because this serve as a proof that the study is valid and it is also based in the statement of the
problem and in the research question.

Scope and Limitation

This Study focused on the college degree preferences of ABM students in Bacolod City
National High School-Senior High School Department. Academic Year 2018-2019.
The participants of this study will be the students of Bacolod City National High School-
Senior High under the Academic Track of Accountancy Business and Management only for
grade 12 students. The research wants to evaluate their in line courses in relation to the ABM
There were 75 samples out of 116 belonging to the grade 12 Senior High School Students
from strand in Bacolod City National High School-Senior High School.

Significance of the Study

This study may be significant to the following:

Senior High School Students. This study will be useful for the Senior High School
Students, as it will help them to know the courses that they can get in pursuing their College
Degree. Also to let them know what College Preferences of ABM Students have.

Parents. This research will be beneficial for the parents, for them to determine whether
their children are ready to decide for their College Degree course. It will also help them to know
that if it is their children are right in choosing that College Degree in their next ladder of life and
that they can contribute in supporting and encouraging them.

School Administrators. Results of this study will be useful for the School Administrators,
as it will give them the idea of what things they will enhance or renew to cope with the College
Degree preferences of ABM students. They will know what other things to be implemented
within the school with respect to the possible College Degree preferences of ABM students that
is in line to the K-12 Program.

Senior High School Teachers. This study would give some ideas on what their facing
when they gave a sort assessment-formative assessment. They could also some strategies to
help their students decide for their future life.

The Society. This study will also benefit the society as a whole in terms of the demand jobs
needed in accordance with the global market. Our nation in fact is one of the top leading nation
who sends workers abroad; the OFW. And with the help of this study we will able to help the
need of workers in terms of Accountancy, Business and Management Courses that the ABM
students will take in college.

The Future Researcher. This study will be beneficial to them, in terms of helping them to
complete their research that is related to this study we are conducting. They will use some of
our ideas and maybe enhance some of our findings for the betterment of the society.

The Researcher. This study will greatly be a great help to us because we are Grade 12
ABM Students, it is an advantage to us as the first hand user of this information that will help us
to decide properly for the college degree that we will be taken for the next phase of our life.
Also it will let us be updated of the current courses that we can get in pursuing our studies in
college, we will have a huge advantage because we study that specific college degree that we
want better than the others.

Definition of Terms
To aid in the understanding of the study, following terms will be define conceptually and
Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM).Conceptually defined as strand of the
Academic Strand that focuses on learning the basic concepts of business. (Adano,2016). This
strand is designed as an introductory course in accounting and business and management
where the students are trained to think logically and scientifically and have acquainted with the
readiness of accounting, business and management concepts and principles in order to prepare
them to pursue college degrees that focus on business and industry where their contribution as
future accountants. (University of San Jose-Recoletos, Cebu City). This study is mainly based on
this strand It’s because we are from this strand and also we want to know more about this
strand and how it will be more beneficial to us that we know before.

Assessment. In education, the term assessment refers to the wide variety of methods or
tools that educators use to evaluate, measure and document the academic readiness, learning
progress, skill acquisition, or educational needs at students.(Great Schools Partnership, 2015).
Assessment refers to the guided questions in our survey written on the questionnaires that the
Grade 12 ABM Students will be taking.

College of Arts & Sciences of Asia & the Pacific (CASAP). Is a private school system
with campuses in various regions in the Philippines. CASAP–Bacolod is one of the three first
campuses of the system established in 2010; the others were in Pasig and in Taytay, Rizal. As
used in this study, it is the school that offers the ABM strand for the Senior High School
program. It is also were the study was conducted.
College Degree. A degree given to students of a higher learning institution signifying
required credits have been obtained in a specific areas of study. There are several levels of
college degrees ranging from an Associate’s Degree to Doctoral Degree. (Business Dictionary).
In this study college degree will only refer to the specific preferences of Grade 12 ABM Students
to take in college in line with the Accountancy, Business and Management. Preferences. A
preference is also an advantage given to someone or something. (Cambridge Dictionary). In this
study preference means only to the college degree that students will decide to get in college, in
line with the Accountancy, Business and Management Strand

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