Factors Affecting Grade 10 Students in Choosing Their Track For Senior High School
Factors Affecting Grade 10 Students in Choosing Their Track For Senior High School
Factors Affecting Grade 10 Students in Choosing Their Track For Senior High School
S. Y. 2019-2020
Doneza, Anjela E.
Publico, Angelo
Raynaldo, Jaymark
Submitted to:
“You are free to choose, but you are not free from the consequence of your choice”
Benson (2015) once said. As the quotes says, this is intended with those who are still
indecisive regarding the track and strand that they will take up in senior high. It comes as no
big deal that in choosing the right strand and track is necessary for a student to develop and
The K-12 educational program can be said as a new platform implemented in the
Philippines if you would compare it with other country. For students to move into college or
university level, they must undergo junior and senior high school level in order to be given a
diploma. A certification will be given when you finish your junior high but senior high school will
validate and test how capable a student is to face and study in college or universities.
Finishing the years in junior high school, a student must choose a strand or track to
study on senior high that they will be taking up for the next two years. There are different types
or kind of track and strand that may help them soon on the course that they will be taking up
on college.
Choosing a strand is not that easy because it will be associated to the course you will
be choosing in college. It is not about being with your friends, fun, choice of your parents.
Making decisions about learning and having a background on your chosen career path is a
serious matter. In addition, choosing a strand is not what is trend, it is what you love, your
passion. When you love something although it is hard you will do everything to achieve it.
Success comes from the best decision an individual has made what he loves.
On making this research, the researchers aims to help everyone especially to those
upcoming senior high school students on what to consider and what are the factors that will
affect them on choosing their track for senior high. Moreover, all of the tracks are equally vivid.
Knowing this, it will make them open their minds to suffer on the track that they really want and
will help them on their future courses and job. Thinking deeply on this, choosing a strand may
look easy but it will have a big effect on your chosen course or profession on college that may
Since the K-12 curriculum has been implemented, the department has offered academic
and technical- vocational track which involves; Science Technology and Engineering Math
(STEM) Strand, General Academic Strand (GAS), Accountancy, Business & Management
(ABM) Strand, Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Strand and many more are
The study about the factors affecting Grade 10 students in choosing their track for
senior high school will focus on determining the factors and other certain considerations
affecting the students on selecting their strands for senior high. Hypothetically, after knowing
these factors and other aspects on choosing their track, it may affect their future decisions and
lead them to a right path and would make them more capable of weighing certain thoughts and
Statement of the Problem
This study determines the factors affecting the grade 10 students of Dalandanan
1. What are the reasons why students have a hard time choosing their track?
4. How does senior high school track affects the future decision of the student?
The study will focus on determining the factors affecting Grade 10 students on choosing
their track for senior high school on their selected strand. The researchers will choose 1 00
Bonifacio to keep the objectivity of the study. Survey questionnaire will be used to gather
Significance of the Study
The results of this study may prove to be beneficial to incoming Senior High students,
specifically, to those who are in doubt about their chosen track and strand. This will serve as
an enlightenment for upcoming senior high students and will serve as a guide for them in their
Parents.They will have a deeper understanding about Senior High School education.
They will play the biggest role for they will guide their child in decision making.
students’ choice of strand. They can also help the students to be motivated and dedicated on
Future Researchers.The results of this research can help them to have more idea and
This chapter presents the literature relevant to the concept of the present study. It also
analyses some studies and materials from the internet to provide sufficient background and
information essential for the accomplishment of this study. It sought to collect claims of
previous studies about factors affecting Grade 10 students on choosing their track for Senior
For practicality reason, it is also reported that parents usually encourage careers that
will not cast much money, but at the same time, are stable sources of income, careers in
nursing, accounting, and engineering are highly popular for Filipino families (Saysay, 2011).
In the first place, there are many opportunities that wait for every career that are wants
to pursue, Some people may stumble upon better occupation opportunities, thanks to the
strategies and steps that they follow, Investigating for career opportunities is well worth taking
As Freedman (2013) said that there are many challengers to implementing a system in
which students delay Major choice until the second year in college, Funding would be needed
to change advising structures, including updated physical environments for institutions in which
a total intake advising model is not currently utilized, According to Freedman the students also
In addition, Cruz (2014) stated that the Academic Track, the core subject take care of
the CRS (college Readiness Standard) and the strand Subject prepare students for the
particular college course that they and to take, This is different from the other Tracks, In the
other Tracks (Technical-Vocational-Livelihood, Sports, Arts and Design), the Strand subjects
are really terminal subject, in the sense that they are not preparations for future studies but are
Moreover, Adolescents are expected to have made a tentative career choice, and a
body of literature has emerged to explore the correlates of decidedness and indecision related
to career choice, Career indecision refers to “the individual’ decisional or behavioral actions
pertaining to difficulty in forming decisions and commitments” (Cheng, Cheung, and Wu,
According to Pascual (2014), family is one of the most influential factors that the Filipino
students in choosing the course, Considering the involvement of family, School administrators
and guidance counselor to help students make good career choice in the future.
than trade careers, structured career planning was seen to be absent students reported of
relying on family of advice regaling careers (Ministry of pacific Island affairs, 2014).
Parental influence exists career decision making amongst student and also there is an
inter-relationship between Father preference and Mother preference: Father preference and
Mother occupation; Father’s occupation and career. Autonomy in making career decision
making amongst students is restricted to parent’s preference, further this finding is limited to
Kala (2015) found out in her research that those parents who agreed that it was
effective to influence their child’s course cited that they are responsible for paying for their
college and university thus, their influence on the career they will pick mattered, In addition to
this, the study found out that the parents who tended to entice their children to follow their
career path limits the student’s ability to autonomously select a career for themselves.
Ushure (2014) lectures indicated that limited finance available to student will affect them
renowned fields like engineering, doctorate et., would be restricted by the availability of
finances to them, He also argued that in some cases even the children who belong to low
status families ends up entering in high status professions despite their high cost. This is
because their parents want them to enjoy those aspects of life that they have missed out due
As Melone (2014) said that it is important to choose the right path you want to achieve,
it is the most important thing that you can do for your family and yourself, even if it is your first
career or begin on a second or third, finding the career or begin on a second or third, finding
the career where you can enjoy and excel and where you can improve yourself. There are jobs
that are not perfect; there are some factors that you should consider that you should consider
that you are into right career you want. Melone said that interest, career opportunities,
education and training, these are the factors that the students consider in taking up course.
The students should find out the career they want to pursue soon. The author also said that
students should put their passion and skills into career they really want, so that the student
would enjoy their college life and succeed in their future profession.
On the other hand, Jaschik (2013) hinted that maybe it is much simpler: undergraduates
are significantly more likely to major in a field if they have an inspiring and caring faculty
member in their introduction to field and they are equally likely to write off a field based on a
single negative experience with professor in choice of major is due to faculty members,
Lastly, choosing where to study and to which university you should go, is one of the
most important decisions one will make. There are many things to consider. First of all, which
country/region should she/he study in. And what are the top universities in that country/region.
Definition of Terms
For a better understanding of the presentation in this study, the following terms are
handling a business brackets and issues. The following courses: Accounting Clerk,
Bookkeeper, Sales Manager, Marketing Director,and soon on and forth on related courses.
General Academic Strand (GAS) - This strand is for those students whose undecided on
Information and Communications Technology (ICT) - This strand is for those students who
Science Technology and Engineering Math (STEM) - This strand is for those students who
are interested in Science, Mathematics, and Technology. The following courses: Engineering,
Information Technology, Biology, Computer studies, and so on and fSorth on the related
Senior High School – additional two years in high school which is divided into certain tracks
Strand – set of possible courses in senior high.
Track – it has four strands which are fit to the interest of the students on their chosen field.
Benson, E., (2015). You are free to choose, but you are not free from the consequence of
Cheng, Cheung, and Wu,. (2014) Decision status Adolescents are expected to have made a
Jaschik, (2013) Students finds choice of major most influenced by quality of intro professor.
Kumar, (2016) Career Choice and College Studens: Parental Influence on Career
Limpahan, (2014) The Freeman: 2014-06-04 – Choosing a college course. Retrieved from
Melone, (2014) That Will help You Choose the Right Career. Retrieved from
Mind Tools, (2014). Essential skills for and excellent career book. Retrieved from
Ministry of Pacific Island affairs, (2014) Public Administration Careers – Administration Jobs.
Pascual, (2014) Factors affecting High School students’ Career Preference. Retrieved from
Saysay, (2011) Factors affecting High School students’ Career Preference. Retrieved from
Survey Questionnaire
10. What way can help you to decide for your track?