FMA Prayerbook r2

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A Prayer Book to the

St. Anthony St. Dymphna
Patron Saint of lost items Patron Saint of those suffering nervous and mental
the poor and travelers. afflictions as well as victims of incest.

St. Anthony of Padua was born in the year 1195. Filled with St. Dymphna was the Christian daughter of a 7th century
missionary ardor St. Anthony entered the Franciscan Order. pagan king. He murdered her when she refused to enter into
He died in Italy at Vercelli on June 13, 1231. an incestuous marriage with him. Patron of the nervous and
emotionally ill, she is venerated each year on May 15.

May it be a source of joy, O God, to your Church that we

honor the memory of your Confessor and Doctor, St. Anthony. Almighty and loving Father, by the example of St. Dymphna,
May his spiritual help always make us strong, and by his Virgin and martyr, and by her intercession protect all those
assistance may we enjoy an eternal reward. This we ask afflicted by tension and emotional stress, to enjoy your protection
through Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord. Amen. in life, and eternal happiness in your presence now and
forever. Through Christ, our Lord, I ask. Amen.
St. Jude St. Peregrine
Patron Saint of hopeless cases, Patron Saint of all who are afflicted with cancer,
and in things almost despaired of. foot ailments, or any incurable disease.

St. Jude was one of the 12 Apostles of Jesus. Images of Following the instructions of the Virgin Mary received in a
St. Jude often include a flame around his head, which vision, Peregrine went to Siena and joined the Servites.
represent his presence at Pentecost, when he accepted the It is believed that he never allowed himself to sit down for
Holy Spirit alongside the other apostles. thirty years, while observing silence and solitude.

Glorious St. Jude, with faith in your goodness, we ask your O great St. Peregrine, you bore in your own flesh this
help today. You are counted, we know, among the elders who cancerous disease that destroys the very fiber of our being.
always stand before God’s throne. St. Jude, worker of You were favored with the vision of Jesus coming down from
miracles, pray for us. Amen. His Cross to heal your affliction. Ask of God and Our Lady,
the cure of the sick whom we entrust to you. Amen.
St. Francis Virgin Mary
Patron Saint of Mother of Jesus
animals, merchants and ecology.

The founder of the Franciscan Order, St. Francis and his Mary was the Mother of Jesus, wife of St. Joseph, and the
followers took a vow of poverty and lived simple lives. greatest of all Christian saints. The Virgin Mother was, after
All God’s creations were part of his brotherhood. her Son, exalted by divine grace above all angels and men.

O, Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be We turn to you for protection, holy Mother of God.
consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; Listen to our prayers and help us in our needs.
to be loved as to love; For it is in giving that we receive; it is Save us from every danger, glorious and blessed Virgin.
in pardoning that we are pardoned; it is in dying that we are Amen.
born again to eternal life. Amen.
St. Joseph St. Peter
Patron Saint of the Universal Church, unborn children, Patron Saint of
fathers, workers, travelers, immigrants and dying. popes, the papacy and fishermen.

St. Joseph was the husband of Mary and father of Jesus. St. Peter was considered first among the apostles and is
He was a humble, kind carpenter with a royal lineage. He was believed to be the first pope and the Supreme Pontiff of the
responsible for protecting his young family in times of danger. Catholic Church. He was called by Jesus to be a fisher of men.

Saint Joseph, patron of the universal Church, watch over the O God, who hast given unto Thy blessed Apostle Peter the
Church as carefully as you watched over Jesus. Help protect keys to the kingdom of heaven, and the power to bind and
it and guide it as you did with your adopted son. Amen. loose: grant that we may be delivered, through the help of this
intercession, from the slavery of all our sins: Who livest and
reignest world without end. Amen.
St. Paul St. John
Patron Saint of Patron Saint of tailors, lambs, converts, farriers,
writers, publishers and authors. baptism and monastic life.

St. Paul was the first missionary and traveled throughout When St. John was 30 years old, he started to preach on
many countries preaching the Gospel of Jesus. the banks of the Jordan River. His teachings led to a large
He established several churches during his travels. following, including Jesus, whom he baptized.

O God, who hast caught the multitude of the Gentiles by O God, who hast made this day to be honorable in our eyes
the preaching of blessed Paul the Apostle: grant unto us, by the commemoration of blessed John the Baptist, grant unto
we beseech Thee, that we who keep his memory sacred, Thy people the grace of spiritual joy, and direct the minds
may feel the might of his intercession before Thee. of all Thy faithful into the way of everlasting salvation.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
The Franciscan Way
Our Franciscan missionaries also follow
Christ’s way of the cross as their way of life
in the missions assigned to our Franciscan
Province of the Immaculate Conception in
Central America.
Christ, having risen from the dead, now
reigns immortal. Now He can suffer only in
His members — the poor and the neglected
all over the world, especially in our missions
in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.
The message of hope and consolation
God gave us in Christ must be proclaimed
everywhere. We cannot keep this good news
to ourselves. Your continued help by prayer,
example and sacrifice makes this possible.
God Himself will be your reward.
Any offering, however small, that you
send today will aid your Franciscan missions.

Franciscan Mission Associates

274-280 West Lincoln Avenue
P.O. Box 598
Mount Vernon, NY 10551

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