Exam - CIVN 4010 - 2015

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3 hrs 14 / 09 /2015 USE ONLY

University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg

Course or topic No(s) CIVN4010

Course or topic name(s)


Examination/Test* to be held during

month(s) of (*delete as applicable) September 14, 2015

Year of Study (Arts & Science leave blank) FOURTH

Degree/Diplomas for which

This course is prescribed BSc(Eng)
(BSc (Eng) should indicate which branch)

Faculty/ies presenting candidates ENGINEERING AND THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT

Internal examiner(s) and PROF. A.E. TAIGBENU x77136

Telephone extension number(s) PROF. C.S. JAMES x77115

External examiner(s) MR. F. GIBBONS

Special materials required

(graph/music/drawing paper, maps, Graph paper
diagrams, tables, computer cards, etc.)

Time allowance No(s) CIVN4010 3

Instructions to candidates
(Examiners may wish to use this space
to indicate, inter alia, the contribution
made by this examination or test towards
the year mark, if appropriate)

Internal Examiners or Heads of Department are requested

to sign the declaration overleaf
A vertical sluice gate (for which Cc = 0.61) is installed in a long, 2.0 m wide rectangular channel.
A short, smooth hump 0.80 m high is installed a short distance downstream from the sluice gate.
The discharge in the channel is 5.0 m3/s.
(a) For small gate openings the gate is the position of control. If the gate is opened gradually,
the position of control will change to the hump. Explain what this means, and why the
change happens. Calculate the gate opening at which the change occurs. (8 marks)

(b) Calculate the flow depth immediately upstream of the gate when the opening is 1.0 m.
(10 marks)

An unlined canal is to be constructed on a slope of 0.00020 through alluvial material with a
particle size of 8 mm (n = 0.013). This material will erode if the boundary shear stress exceeds
5.8 N/m2.

The canal terminates in a steep chute and, to prevent possible erosion near the entrance to the
chute, the canal will be lined with concrete (n = 0.013) for some distance upstream. If the design
discharge is 1.2 m3/s per metre width, how far upstream should the concrete lining extend?

Assume the canal to be wide for this analysis. If gradually varied flow calculations are required,
do these with a numerical method using 3 steps. (22 marks)

A 20-metre wide gravity spillway with a vertical upstream face should be designed to
accommodate a 50-year flood flow of 410 m3/s. The water level in the reservoir should not
exceed 210m at a location where the bottom elevation of the spillway is 204m. Provide the profile
for the spillway crest and face. If the level of the stilling basin is the same as the bottom elevation
of the spillway, that is 204m, estimate the velocity at the toe of the spillway. Estimate the depths
before after the hydraulic jump in the stilling basin. (15 marks)

A hydroelectric scheme is fed by a 2.0m diameter, 2.5km long penstock that has a Darcy friction
factor of 0.017. The penstock delivers a flow of 14.5 m3/s to a turbine. A surge chamber of 8m
diameter is located just upstream of the turbine. If the minor loss coefficient is 0.75 (relative to

the velocity head in the pipeline), estimate the water levels in the surge chamber and the velocity
in the pipeline at times, t = 5, 10 and 15 seconds. (10 marks)

(a) Under what engineering applications will a centrifugal (radial) pump and an axial flow pump
be used. For each type of pump, indicate a suitable application. (4 marks)
(b) Two identical pumps that are connected in parallel deliver water from a ground tank with
water elevation of 5m to an elevated tank with water level of 35 m through a 2km long,
600mm diameter pipe. The pipe head loss variations with discharge is given in Table Q5.
(i) Determine the flow, head and power requirement for both pumps. Is it justified to use this
combination of pumps? (7 marks)
(ii) If after 15 years, the pipeline had deteriorated and its head loss increased to the values
presented in Table Q5, while the pumps are replaced, determine the flow, head and power
requirement for both pumps. Will it still be justified to use these two pumps?
(6 marks)
Table Q5
Pipe head loss
Single pump Characteristics Pipe head loss after 15 years
Discharge Efficiency at initial time
(l/s) Head (m) (%) of installation
0 50 0 0
40 45 54 0.3 1.2
80 39 71 1.1 3.6
120 30 73 2 14.2
160 22 55 4.4 25.2
200 12 40 8.4 45.2

Question 6
Implement only one iteration to determine the flows in the pipes and hydraulic heads at the
junctions of the network in Fig. Q6. Use the initial estimates of the flows (in litres/sec) indicated
in Fig. Q6 to start the solution iteration process. The water levels in the reservoirs are: HA=80m
and HF=55m. Consider the rest of the network to be horizontal level of zero elevation. Use hL
=KQ2, where hL is the head loss in metres, K is given for each pipe in Table Q6 and Q is in m3/s.
(Clearly indicate the flows in each pipe and hydraulic heads at each junction after the first
iteration.) (18 marks)

Pipe Characteristics Q6
Length (m) 800 600 550 800 900 800 500
Diameter (mm) 300 250 250 250 250 250 300
K 80 200 200 200 200 200 80

Figure Q6


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