Male Abdulhamidu
Male Abdulhamidu
Male Abdulhamidu
I declare that, this dissertation is my own and has never been produced by anybody else for any
award in any institution of higher learning.
Si~ature~ ~
Date ~
This is to certify that this dissertation is being done under my supervision as a university
supervisor and here by ready for submission to the College of Humanities and Social Science.
I dedicate this dissertation to my beloved Mum and Dad Mr. and Mrs. Male Asuman, my
beloved brothers Mr. Male Kasirnu, my sister Amina Male and all my relatives who have fought
teeth and nails to see me as the successful person in my studies.
Not only those even the students of mass communication, social work, education and my dear
lecturers who have struggled to see that I become the best in my course.
May the Almighty God give them all their desires.
I acknowledge my parents, for their financial assistance throughout my studies. I also thank them
for love, and encouragement, and for the assistance rendered to me during my research.
I further acknowledge my friends and my lecturers for the guidance during this research.
1.0. Introduction 1
2.0 Introduction 6
2.1 Definition and history of social media 6
2.2 Social media in Ugai~da 7
2.3.2 Twitter 10
3.0 Introduction 16
3.7.1 Editing 19
3.7.2 Coding 19
3.7.3 Tabulation 20
5.0 Introduction 28
5.1 Summary of the study 28
5.2 Conclusion 28
5.3 Recommendatjoi~s 29
5.4 Areas for further researc1~ 30
The s~dy on “the role of social media on promoting education was conducted in Kampala
International University, Uganda. The study employed a cross sectional research design. It
included 90 respondents. The study was based on research objectives which included;
establishing the different t~es of social media sites used in education in Uganda; to find out the
impact of social media on education in Uganda; to find out the challenges in the adoption of
social media on education in Uganda.
On the different t~es of social media sites used in education in Uganda, the study revealed that;
Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Google+, and Linkedin are the major social media networks used
on education at Kampala International University, Kampala.
On the impact of social media on education in Uganda and the findings revealed that: easy access
to educational materials, increased discussions among students, increase teacher’s
collaboration, quick communication and new way of interaction in learning process were the
major direct benefits associated with the use of social media on education at Kampala
International University, Uganda.
1.0. Introduction
This chapter includes the background of the study, the problem statement, purpose of the study,
objectives of the study, research questions, scope of the study and significance of the study and
definitions of terms used.
Social Network Sites can permit the publication and sharing of information, self-learning,
communication, access to other sources of information that support or even facilitate
constructivist learning and collaborative learning, and contact with experts, Kevin, Lori and
Bethany (2010) argue that non-commercial, education-based SNSs, such as Ning in Education,
have been recently shown to build communities of practice and facilitate social presence for
students enrolled in distance education courses.
Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and other Social Network Sites have potential to support social
learning through community networking services such as wall posting, chatting, content sharing
and tagging (Alexander, 2008). Wheeler and Yeomans (2008) argue that SNSs afford students
unprecedented opportunities to share their ideas, celebrate their creativity and receive immediate
feedback from fellow students. Social Network Ss provide a forum for students and faculty to
communicate informally about both educational and personal issues (Cao et al., 2012). Cao,
Pauleen and Bathurst (2012) during study of Chinese international students in New Zealand
opines student motives to Social Ne~ork Sites range from socializing with existing fiiends or
making new ones, exchanging information and opinions, and joining communities.
These youth have been completely normalized by digital technologies_it is a ffihly integrated
aspect of their lives (Green & Hannon, 2007). Many students in this group are using new media
and technologies to create new things in new ways, learn new things in new ways, and
communicate in new ways with new peop1e-behavjoi~s that have become hardwired in their ways
of thinking and operating in the world. Green and Hannon give an excellent example of this,
“Students are establishing a relationship to l~owledge gathering which is alien to their parents
and teachers” (2007, P. 38).
From the former perspective, many educators maintain that social media can be used
successfully to support the provision of what Goodyear and Ellis (2008) term ‘serious student-
centred learning’. Of course, even the most structured implementation of social media in
university settings implies a degree of ‘user-driven’ education—that is, allowing learners to take
more active roles in what they learn as well as how and when they learn it. Nevertheless, many
higher educators believe that universities are capable of accommodating (and benefiting from)
these shifts in emphases. Some commentators have therefore begun to talk of the need to develop
a ‘pedagogy 2.O’—i.e. ‘innovative pedagogies that leverage these affordances to support learner
choice and autonomy’ (Lee and McLoughlin, 2010: 1).
We have been recently told, for example, about the positive effect of Twitter use on college
student engagement and grades (Junco et al., 2011), and the ability of social networking sites to
engender ‘favourable feelings regarding learning experiences’ (Hung and Yuen, 2010: 703). Yet,
rather than being a wholly good (or wholly bad) thing for higher education, social media are
perhaps best understood in more ambiguous terms.
Educators seek ways to bridge the perceived technological chasm between tutor and tutee. The
extent to which this chasm actually exists and the role of social networking technologies as part
of a possible solution remain under exploration.
Croft (2009) states that students motives to SNSs includes: Connecting with Students in their
zone, Post online lectures, create interest groups, access online libraries, post class notes, make
announcements, schedule events, brainstorm, share Files, tag Books and also homework help.
Yohannis and Sastramihardja (2009) assert that on SNSs, users do so many deviant behaviours,
like surfing pornography, racial activities, predator to some users, and creating fake profiles.
Students are increasingly utilizing these social networks for friends’ news feeds, personal
updates, events and activities, notes, and messages (Tham and Ahmed, 201 1). It is therefore on
this background that the researcher sought to establish the role of social media in promoting
education in Uganda, particularly Kampala International University.
1.3. Objectives of the Study
1.6 Significance of the Study
Beneficiaries to this study are anticipated to include scholars, academics and future researchers
The findings are anticipated to help in the understanding of the role of social media on education.
The findings of the study will provide knowledge on the efficiency and effectiveness of the use
of social media among students in Uganda.
On a more practical level, the findings and suggestions contained herein will be of practical
importance to stakeholders such as policymakers, development donors and academic institutions.
The findings of the study will contribute to the existing literature in the field of social media
contribution on education at Kampala International University, Uganda.
Web 2.0 describes World Wide Web sites that emphasize user-generated content, usability, and
interoperability. The term was popularized by Tim O’Reilly and Dale Dougherty at the O’Reilly
Media Web 2.0 Conference in late 2004, though it was first coined by Darcy DiNucci in 1999.
Social networking site is the phrase used to describe any Web site that enables users to create
public profiles within that Website and form relationships with other users of the same
Website who access their profile.
Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet
protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link several billion devices worldwide.
2.0 Introduction
This chapter is about the ideas and views of other persons in relation to the topic identified by the
researcher. The literamre is vital and enables the researcher to investigate fui~her. The literamre
was mainly taken from other secondary sources of data.
Harrison and Thomas (2009) in their study, Identity in Online Comnntnjtjes.~ Social Networking
and Language learning, define social media by referring to social networking sites which
include, Facebook, Twitter, and Myspace. The two scholars found in their study that social
media not only facilitate foreign language learning but help even forming new relationship
among language learners beyond language learning.
According to Boyd and Ellison (2007) Social Media refers to web based service that allows
individuals to do the following:
2. To aniculate the list of other users with whom they share a connection.
3. To view and visit their list of connections and those made by others within the system
Social media comprises of activities that involve socializing and networking online through
words, picftires and videos. Social media is redefining how we relate to each other as humans
and how we as humans relate to the organizations that serve us. It is about dialog — two way
discussions bringing people together to discover and share infon~ation (Solis 2008). In the three
and a half minute video called “Social Media in Plain English,” the authors provide and easy-to-
follow introduction to social media with a small town ice cream shop metaphor. “Social media
means new opportunities to create and communicate with people that care” (LeFever 2008). It
talks about the change in business and media environment from a high level, rather than the
specifics of how to use one or more tools.
Fred Cavazza, a French consultant in new media, breaks down the various forms of social media
into ten categories in his “Social Media Landscape”: publication tools, sharing tools, discussion
tools, social networks, micropublication tools, social aggregation tools, livecast, viiThal worlds,
social gaining and Massively Multiplayer Online gaining (MMO) (Cavazza 2008). Brian Solis,
co-founder of the Social Media Club and leader in Social media thought, recently introduced
“The Conversation Prism,” which he describes as “the au of listening, learning and sharing”
(Solis 2008).
The history of social media stai~ed with SixDegrees.coj~ which was founded in 1997 by a
company known as MicroView (later named SixDegrees) in New York City (Boyd 2007).
SixDegrees,coin had socialisation features such as profile of friends and messaging. However,
due to lack of users with extended online relationships and little appeal to make new friends
among users, the site closed around the year 2000 resulting from unsustainable business
strategies among founders (Harrison and Thomas, 2009). The closure of SixDegress.coun did not
mark the end of Social Media development but paved the way for other networks such as Myspace and Facebook to emerge.
internet penetration access is still hindered by poor infrastructure, prohibitive costs and poor
quality of service.
Uganda has one of the youngest populations in the world with more than half the population
below the age of 20 years. The adoption of social media practices in this case is to some extent a
generation issue given that the majority of users are young while the old have been left to watch
from the periphery. Social media platforms, blogging platforms are however freely available in
Uganda with Facebook, Twitter, linkedin and blogger ranking among the top 15 websites in
Uganda according to Furthermore two telecom service providers namely MTN and
Orange telecom offer their subscribers free access to Facebook while Airtel Uganda began
offering its customers in early 2013 free access to Uganda Goes Online-an online portal that
provides information and local content ranging from news, entertainment, sports, technology and
much more. The Freedom on the Net report (2012) reports that blogging is on the rise among
young Ugandans who are less fearful in their use of the internet as an open space to push the
boundaries and comment on controversial issues such as good governance and corruption.
The study by (Kavi et al, 2012) explored the usage of OSN by secordary school students in
Mauritius and how OSNs can be explored to enhance learning among students. The study found
that most students are already using OSNs for learning. Moreover, the study found out that OSNs
act as platforms for communication and collaboration in school related projects or assignments.
The work by Battrawi (Bisan and Muhtaseb, 2010) highlighted the impact and the role of social
networks in promoting science literacy and interest in science using the Facebook page ‘Creative
Minds’ as a case study. The study suggests that social networks might create a vii~ia1 space for
informal learning of science where students and the general public may learn valuable scientific
knowledge, interact with each other on science related topics and share the science knowledge.
Pilli (Calvó-Armengol et al, 2008) posits that the features offered by OSNs make them more
attractive and superior to users over Learning Management Systems (LMSs). Furthermore,
educators are heading towards using OSNs in learning process in order to create an easier and
more efficient leaning environments for students.
Alona (2011) examined the use of Online Social Networking sites (OSNs) by higher-education
institutes in Israel by identifying activity patterns, content patterns, and interactivity. The study
shows that the use and content patterns of OSNs are similar to that offered in Israel higher
education system in physical life. However, the study obsei~ed that the potential of OSNs in
higher education has not been utilized to the fullest.
The study by Willems (2011) highlighted several benefits that OSNs provide including: An
alternative LMS over the traditional learning system, a social community for geographically
dispersed cohort, an opportunity for peer teaching, and a resource sharing opportunity.
2.3.1 Facebook
Facebook is a social networking service founded in 2004, which is privately owned by Facebook,
Inc. Facebook users may create a personal profile, add other users as friends, exchange
messages, or join common interest user groups. Facebook currently has the dominant share of the
social networking market and is not just the number one ranked social networking sei~ice but
one of the most popular Websites on the internet. As of January 2012, Facebook had more than
845 million active users (up from 600 million at the end of 2010) and accounts for one out of
every five page views on the internet worldwide (Infographjcs Lab, 2012). Over 50% of the
population of North America uses Facebook, there are 425 million mobile.
In education Facebook is being used to link students to content such as pages created by Pulitzer
Prize-winning journalists, politicians, museums, and thousands more; for discourse, interaction,
and or collaboration; to share links to ai~icles, videos, and other resources; for study questions
and Q and A sessions; to post news and announcements; and as a means to create learning
According to the Facebook Guide for Educators,
Facebook can provide students with the oppotuinity to effectively present their ideas,
lead online discussions, and collaborate. In addition, Facebook can help you, as an
educator, to tap into the digital learning styles of your students. For example, it can
facilitate student-to-s~dent collaboration and provide innovative ways for you to involve
students in your subject matter. We also believe that Facebook can be a powerftil tool to
help you connect with your colleagues, share educational content, and enhance
communication among teachers, parents and students (Fogg et al., 2011, p. 3).
2.3.2 Twitter
Twitter is a cross between instant messaging and blogging that allows users to send short (140-
character) updates. Users can also follow the updates of friends they ~‘follow,” send them direct
messages, reply publicly to fri~hds, or just post questions or comments as their current status
(Consoi~ium 2007). Anyone skeptical of Twitter and its utility should read the comprehensive
list of fifteen reasons you should use Twitter (Puiu 2008). They include reasons such as
awareness and branding, promoting your content, fast feedback, finding new audiences, and
marketing — all areas marketers in higher education should have great interest in.
Researchers haven’t found a definitive way to use Twitter in higher education but scanty
research show that students twit course works, research findings among etc. Some have
suggested it can be used in conjunction with other social media tools, such as student bloggers
also having Twitter accounts they update more often than their blogs, to serve as another tool to
promote their new blog entries. Others have suggested it can be used in emergency situations,
such as the shootings that happened at Virginia Tech (Swartzfager 2007), or using it in place of a
live chat service for recruitment (Wilburn 2008).
not enter the university with particular demands for the use of new technologies. Further, they
explain that “The gap be~een students and their teachers is not fixed, nor is the gulf so large
that it cam~ot be bridged” (Jones & Shao, 201 1, p1). According to their findings students prefer
the moderate use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in their courses,
viewing the use of course management systems, e-books, and online libraries positively. With
respect to the use of new technologies such as blogs, wikis, and 3D virtual worlds, Jones and
Shao (2011) also found that students positively respond to the incorporation of new technologies
into the teaching and learning process provided that the technology usage is well-conceived
purposeful, and properly integrated into the learning process.
Selw~ (2008) conducted a survey of 1222 undergraduate students and found that students’
academic use of the World Wide Web was impacted more by gender and discipline differences
than by differences in technology access or expertise. In particular, he found that students from
medicine, social sciences, law, and business reported higher levels of educational Web use than
students in creative arts, architecture/planning and the humanities. With respect to gender,
female students were found to be significantly more likely to seek academic information online
than their male counterparts. Further, academic-related information searching was a prominent
but not pre-dominant aspect of students’ daily online activities (Selw~, 2008). In a follow up
study, Selwyn (2009) found that the use of social networking sites such as Facebook had become
important tools for social and cultural development, in particular engagement in the college
community; however, they were not necessarily found to be used to formally enhance
undergraduate studies.
Recognizing the impact of the social media phenomena, a New Literacy movement has emerged
that encourages educators to consider not just the traditional print-based literacies, but also
digital literacies shaped by social practices:
New technologies such as blogs, wikis, massively multiplayer online games, social net
working technologies and video- and music-dissen~ji~atjoi~ technologies have rapidly
spread, by means of the Internet, each with additional, new literacy forms and ffinctions
that are reshaped by social practices.., literacy has now come to mean a rapid and
continuous process of change in ways in which we read, write, view, listen, compose,
and communicate information (Coiro, Knobel, Lankshear & Leu, 2008, p. 5).
A study by Greenhow and Robelia (2009) examined the role of a Social Network Site (SNS) and
social capital in the lives of high school teenagers from low-income families in the U.S. They
found that SNSs facilitated emotional support, helped maintain relationships, and provided a
plat-form for self-presentation; that students used their online social ne~ork to ffilfill essential
social learning ~nctions; and that students engaged in a complex array of communicative and
creative endeavors including new literacy practices. They concluded that SNS can help kids in
school by increasing student engagement in the learning process. According to Greenhow as
quoted in Yang Su (2011),
When kids feel connected and have a strong sense of belonging to the school community,
they do better in school... They persist in school at higher rates and achieve at higher
rates.... It’s pretty promising that engaging in social networking sites could help them to
develop and deepen their bonds over time.
Responding to student usage, teachers and students are increasingly using social networks to
supplement teaching and learning in traditional classroom environments, as they provide new
opportunities for enriching existing curriculum through creative, authentic and/or flexible non
linear learning experiences (Buzzetto-More, 2007). According to Fogg et al. (2010):
Raised in the “always-on” world of interactive media, the Internet, and social media
technologies, students today have different expectatioi~s and learning styles than
previous generations. The ubiquitous use of social and mobile technologies gives
teens an unprecedented opportunity to use tools like Facebook to create self
organizing learning communities or Personal Learning Networks (PLN).
Understanding and incorporating these digital learning opportunities into your
coursework will increase student motivation and enhance learning, while better
meeting the needs of today’s students and their digital learning styles. (p.13)
A study conducted by Pearson Learning Solutions (Moran, Seaman, & Tinti-Kane, 2011) found
that 46% of educators use social video and podcasts in course assignments with 20% requiring
students to post to social networking sites. The study also found that college faculty are the most
likely to use social media with more than 80% of college faculty using some form of social
media in their teaching.
Several studies have focused on the impact of social networking on student engagement in the
learning process. Shih (2011) examined the use of social networking services in a hybrid
learning environment. According to the findings, integrating Facebook and peer assessment can
enhance knowledge construction, increase student interest and engagement, and foster
collaborative learning. Additionally, Webb (2009) found that using a variety of social media as
part of the teaching and learning process with students both in and outside of the classroom
resulted in an overall in-crease in student engagement.
According to a study carried by Kavi (2012) about OSNs as a tool to enhance learning in the
Mauritian Education System, it was found that most of students (55.7%) agreed that OSNs is
beneficial to their studies while a smaller number of respondents did not agree on this. However
Ndidi (2011) reported that; though students devote their times on the OSNs but majority of
them are not affected academically (about 42%), 32% affected negatively while only 26%
affected positively.
Furthermore, a study by Cheung and Chiu (2011) about the influence of social networking sites
on students’ academic performance in Malaysia, it was found that the majority of the
respondents agreed that social networking sites have a positive impact on their academic
performance; despite the fact that they also reported that, they mainly engaged in social
networking sites for social reasons rather than academic reasons. A study by Hassan and Shamiin
(2013), stipulate that, OSNs have all components of fostering modern learning by promoting
interdependent, personalized learning. learner centered in the process of acquiring knowledge.
found that while there are numerous potentials of using OSNs in learning, also there are many
pitfalls that need consideration and evaluation before its adoption. Moreover, the study includes
the following as pitfalls of using OSNs as c-learning tools: privacy issues; theft and
impersonations; taking things out of the particular context that they were meant and misuse of
information, stalking, cyber-bullying, virtual integrity and issues relating to intellectual property
and copyright. Ajjan (2008) reports that at the times when OSNs is used for educational purposes
it motivates students’ communications and interests in the subjects concerned.
Fuchs-Kittowski et al (2009) identify a number of internal barriers to the adoption of Web 2.0
technologies and applications in education. They show that the most important of them is the fact
that cost-benefit analyses do provide unclear results. This is because calculating cost reduction
resulting from new technologies is easy.
Social media adoption has been highly affected by attitudinal challenges more especially from
both the trainers and the trainees. According to Abdel-Wahab (2008), attitudinal factors like
perceived ease of use of social media in c-learning, perceived usefulness of c-learning,
availability of resources highly determine the intention to adopt c-learning by both students and
trainers in higher institutions of learning. Additionally, Eke (2011) puts it forward that c-learning
adoption by students is determined by their readiness for it especially if they are satisfied with
the quality of service offered by e-learning which will in turn determine the extent of c-learning
Al-amman and Hamad (2009) examine computer self-efficacy, content quality, and subjective
norms as factors that influence the intention to adopt the social media in learning. They further
suggest cultural factors that affect the students’ attitude toward using the social media in e
learning. The cultural factors discussed include the power distance, individualism vs.
collectivism, masculinity vs. femininity, uncertainty avoidance and the long-term vs. short teri~
orientation. The authors contend that such cultural factors are important to consider with respect
to adopting and using social media in learning.
Annika and Anik, (2009) categorise challenges according to four major strands to include;
Course challenges — i.e. challenges related to course content, course design and course delivery;
Challenges related to characteristics of the individual, i.e. challenges that emanate from the side
of the student or the teacher; technological challenges i.e. challenges related to c-learning
infrastructure and contextual challenges i.e. organisational, cultural and societal related
For example, Farhoomand et al. (2000) identify internal challenges in the adoption of electronic
communication as technical issues such as the lack of adequate infrastructure, and organizational
issues such as resistance to change, negative attitudes, lack of knowledge and lack of
management commitment and economic issues such as cost justification. Added to that, Strom et
al. (2002) list internal challenges in electronic commerce adoption as a lack of knowledge or
awareness within the organization, and resource limitations.
Like in all underdeveloped countries, ICT projects have been hampered by infrastructural
challenges. For instance lack of electricity, lack of necessary devices like computers to facilitate
continuous access to e-learning, higher internet costs and its unavailability, lack of space for
establishment of c-learning centers among others. According to Eke, (2011), Infrastructure like
the availability of electricity, computers and the Internet is not yet fully in place to enhance the e
learning projects. Gronlund & Islam, (2010) asseii that the developing countries mainly face
obstacles in infrastructure, resources, information access. A collection of such infrastructural
problems have negatively affected c-learning in underdeveloped countries.
Li (2010) states that the major internal challenges in the use of social media by organizations can
be divided into two categories: system problems (such as incompatible databases), and
bureaucratic problems (such as restrictive company policies). The scholar points out that the
biggest obstacle to the use of organizational social media is likely to come from efficiency
concerned with managers. According to Li (2010), middle managers are likely to be unwilling to
allocate resources to initiatives such as social media, and may be worried by the power that
students can make by creating close relationship resulting from increased social networking and
information flow that social media enable.
3.0 Introduction
This chapter included the methodology of the study. It entails research design, geographical
locationlarea and population, sampling design, data collection methods and instruments, data
analysis and processing and the limitations of the study.3. 1 Research design
This study used a cross sectional research design. Cross sectional Research Design is applicable
where either the whole population or subset of the study population is selected from which data
is collected to answer questions of interest in a study. It is called cross sectional because the
study intends to find out what is going on about the phenomenon at the time of study (Pine et a~
997); the choice of this research design was due to the nature of the study. Cross sectional
research design is most appropriate research design for studies whose aim is to find out about the
phenomenon at a given particular time.
3.4 Sample framework
The researcher used purposive sampling technique since it ensures that the only predetermined
and chosen respondents are approached, hence getting relevant, correct and adequate
Researchers also regard a sample of 100 as adequate irrespective of population (Bailey, 1994).
Also according to Roscoe 1975), sample sizes of between 30 and 500 are appropriate for most
studies. However, through this sampling technique is chosen, it has a weakness that inadequate
information can sometimes be given because the selected respondents may be less informed on
the topic of research. Random sampling teclmique in which the size of the respondents is
predetermined before the research is conducted without bias. A sample size of 100 was alTived at
and was randomly selected from the sheets of paper spread. This is when using stratified random
sampling. After that systematic random sampling is used this later gives the actual sample size.
Quantitative data collection was then used which involved editing, encoding, and later tabulation
of the collected material,
3.5 Data collection instruments
The following data collection instruments were used:
(I) Questionnaire
This was designed in line with the topic, objectives and hypothesis. They included both open and
closed-ended questions. This instrument has been selected because it is efficient and convenient
in a way that the respondent is given time to consult the documents before answering the
questions. It is also because the respondent can give unbiased answers since she/he is given to
write whatever she/he would like to write which would otherwise be hard for the respondent to
write if the researcher is present.
(iii) Interviews
This involved face to face interaction between the researcher and the participant through
discussion. Babbie (2003) argues that interviews can be in two ways, namely:
Structured interview in which the responses by the participants was a brief and specific.
Unstructured interviews, where the responses were long, elaborated and not specific, the
interviews were conducted in group, individual. The researcher carried out interviews with the
selected respondents using the interview guide because it is the most appropriate method which
can be used to study the attitudes, values, beliefs and motives of people. It also has an element of
flexibility. These persons were interviewed individually so as to get independent answers.
i. Primary Data
This was sourced by physical and visiting of the files and collecting data through variable tools.
The respondents were got by first determining the number of the respondents and then taking a
physical visit to seek for the consent of the respondents to have them answer the set questions in
the questionnaire and this was through following stratified random sampling techniques in the
respondents are first selected and then approached.
The statistical package~Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) was used for analysis of
data in this study. Different statistical teclmiques were used namely: Data on profile of
respondents was analysed using simple frequencies and percentage distributions. Frequencies
and Percentages were used on the variables. An item analysis helped the researcher to identify
the strengths and weaknesses in the variables from which conclusions were derived.
3.7.1 Editing
According to Daniel and Gates (1991: 387), editing is the process of going through the
questionnaire to ensure that the ‘skip patterns’ were followed and required questions are filled
out. Editing involves the inspection and if necessary, connections of each questionnaire or
observation form; the basic pui~ose of editing is to impose some minimum quality standards on
the raw data (Churchill, 1992:608).
3.7.2 Coding
Moses and Kalton (1971: 415), state that the pui~ose of coding in the survey is to classify the
answers acquired were coded and tallies used to determine the frequencies of each response.
Similar responses would be grouped according to their different categories. Coding was used in
this research in order to summarize data by classifying different response given into categories
for easy interpretation. For each question, list of probable answers was prepared.
3.7.3 Tabulation
According to Selltiz et al. (1965: 406-407), tabulation refers to the pa~ of tec~ica1 process on
statistical analysis of data that involves counting to determine the number cases that fall into
various categories. Thus after eliminating enors, codes were assigned to each answer. This stage
led to the construction of statistical tables showing frequency distribution of answers to questions
addressed to respondents. The statistical tables were used to compare the number of occunences
of each answer to questions asked. Up to this level, it was through mathematical and statistical
tables that the number of occurrence of each answer in relation to the questions asked was
converted into percentages which made it clear. Each table was accompanied by explanations
about the nature of relationship between the variables that were indicated in tables.
4.0 Introduction
This chapter presents the findings of the research as well as their analysis and interpretation.
Where necessary, aids such as tables are used to illuminate the meaning of the data presented.
The findings presented in the tables and figures are further explained to equip the reader with
clear picture and understanding of the phenomenon under analysis.
Table 2: Demographic information of the respondents
The field data in Table 2 shows that out of 90 respondents of the study, 52 of them were male
(representing 57.3%) and 39 were female (representing 42.2%). This shows that there was unfair
gender representation because men dominated the study.
Table 2 also indicates that the ages of the respondents were divided into five categories; (20-29,
30-39, 40-49, 50-59 and 60+ years of age. The study found that: 27 (representing 30%) of the
respondents were between 20-29 years of age; 34 (representing 37.8%) were between 30-39
years; 13 (representing 14.4%) were between 40-49 years of age; 10 respondents (representing
11.1%) were between 50-59 years, and 6 respondents (representing 6.7%) were 60 and above
years old. This shows that all the different ages of the respondents with the lu~owledge of the
research were captured in the study.
Fui~hennore, Table 2 also shows that education level of the respondents. The study established
that the respondents’ level of education ranged from primary, secondary, diploma, university
degree, Masters to PhD. Of these, 17 (representing 18.9%) of the respondents had primary school
level of education; another 17 (representing 18.9%) of the respondents acquired secondary
school education; and 16 (representing 17.5%) had diplomas. In addition to that, majority (10
respondents) (representing 11 1%) had bachelors degree; 28 (representing 31.1%) had masters
Table 2 also includes the respondents’ marital status. The study found that the respondents were
either single, married, widows or widowers. The table reveals that of the 90 respondents, the
majority (47) of the respondents (representing 52.2%) were single, 2l(representing 23.3%) of
them were married; 13 of these respondents (representing 14.4%) were widows and the
remaining 9 (representing 10%) of the respondents were widowers.
Table 2 finally shows the religious affiliations of the respondents. It was found that the majority
(38) of these respondents (representing 42.2%) were Muslims; 28 (representing 31.1%) were
Catholics, 18 (representing 20%) were Protestants, and 6 (representing 6.7%) did not fall under
the listed category of the respondents. These other respondents were either born again Christians
or traditionalists.
4.3 The different types of social media sites used in education at KIU
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Facebook 28 31.5 31.5 31.5
~atsApp 18 20.2 20.2 51.7
Twitter 18 20.2 20.2 70.8
Google+ 14 15.7 15.7 86.5
Linkedjn 12 13.5 13.5 100.0
Total _________ 90 100.0 100.0
Source: Primary data, 2015.
Table 3 shows the different types of social media sites used in education at Kampala
International University a and the findings revealed that; Facebook was the most used social
media site at KIU education with (3 1.5%), WhatsApp then follows with (20.2%), Twitter
(20.2%), Google+ (15.7%), and Linkedin (13.5%). The findings show that these are the most
common used social media sites by both students and instructors in learning and teaching
respectively. These sites are used for; connecting with students in their zone, post online lectures,
create interest groups, access online libraries, post class notes, make announcements, schedule
events, brainstorm, share Files, tag Books and also homework help.
Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid Easy access to educational 28 31.5 31.5 31.5
Increased discussions among 19 21.3 21.3 52.8
Increase teacher’s collaboration 18 20.2 20.2 73.0
Quick communication 14 15.7 15.7 88.8
New way of interaction in learning to 11.2 11.2 100.0
Total 90 100.0 100.0
Source: Primary data, 2015.
Table 5 shows the impact of social media on education at Kampala International University and
the findings revealed that;
The study shows that easy access to educational materials is one of the impacts of social media
in education at KIU with 31 .5%.Tthe study reveals that through social media, teachers and
lectures can posts different study materials, electronic books and assignments for students to
download and read. ~~en an assignment is posted in a social media, students can discuss it and
provide comments without geographical boundaries and having to meet face to face. The use of
social media will therefore provide schools and training institutions with adequate and
appropriate instruction materials; and thus reduces the shortage of textbooks. The availability of
online materials therefore helps motivate the students’ participation in academic activities.
Furthermore, 21.3% of the respondents said that increased discussions among students are also
another impact of social media in Ugandan education. The respondents said that, with the
increase in social media, there is a chance of more students to be registering in these social
media. Students will have opportunity to collaborate locally and globally without the limitation
of geographical boundary. They can create study groups according to courses and educational
It was also found that 20.2% of the respondents revealed that increased lecturers’ collaboration is
another impact of social media at KIU education. Social media sites present an Opportunity for
teachers and lecturers to discuss their academic activities, organize research teams and discuss
research ideas, share their academic experience and materials. Lecturers can create groups
according to subjects or courses they teach. These groups provide lecturers with a chance to
share experience and knowledge they have. For example, secondary school teachers may create a
group for Mathematics whereby some of challenging mathematics topic such as Probability and
Calculus can be discussed. Currently, due to shortage of fund, teacher’s participation in trainings
such as short courses and seminars is low. In order to provide quality edñcation teachers require
upgrading their skills as teaching technologies as well as environments changes very fast.
In addition, 15.7% of the respondents said that quick communication is another impact of social
media on education at KIU. Social media have the opportunity to establish nationwide network
of lecturers and students. By using social media such as students and lecturers with different
origin, backgrounds, cultures and gender can communicate with each other and share knowledge.
Finally, 11.2% of the respondents said that new way of interaction in learning process is also
another impact social of social media on education at KIU. By using social media, a dynamic
avenue of interaction between students themselves and students and lecturers is presented.
Students can ask lecturers questions online and other students can participate in the discussion by
using various platforms (smartphone, PC or laptop) at any time.
4.5 Challenges in the adoption of social media on education at KIU
Table 5: Challenges in the adoption of social media on education at KIU
Frequency Percent Percent
Valid Poor access to social media 23 25.6 25.6 25.6
Total 100.0
Poor access to social media is seen by 25.6% of the respondents as one of the major challenges
facing the adoption of use of social media at KIU. In order to access social media, a user must
have a device with Internet access (phone with Internet, laptop or pc) to connect with the forum.
Due to the existence of high poverty among majority of s~idents of KIU, these devices are
owned only by limited number of people. Most teachers and s~idents therefore still cannot afford
buy a PC or phone with Internet capabilities. Even for those who have devices that can access
social media, higher Internet subscription cost is still a challenge.
Furthermore, 16.7% of the respondents revealed that lack of knowledge on how to use social
media is yet another challenge to the adoption of social media on education at KIU. For example,
the study found that most students and teachers still don’t know how to use Online Social
Networks and how these social media can assist them in academic development. Lack of
computer literacy is still a major problem. However, with the increase of ICT sensitization
programs in schools and as portable computing devices such as smartphones and laptops become
cheaper, this problem will be solved with time.
Furthermore, 23.3% of the respondents noted that lack of reliable internet connection is equally
another challenge to the adoption of social media use in education at KIU. Currently in Uganda,
most mobile network operators provide Internet services. However, network coverage of the
mobile operators is still a challenge. Some parts of Uganda have no mobile network connection
at all. This only happens when students go upcountry.
Also, 20.0% of the respondents said that lack of reliable power supply is another hindrance to the
adoption of social media in education at KIU. Almost all learning institutions in rural area have
no electricity. This limits the university’s’ ability to use computers, assess online materials. It
also limits students to get light energy for studying. Therefore access to electronic learning
materials is still difficult in many areas of the country.
Finally, 14.4% of the respondents said that cybercrirne is another hindrance to the adoption of
social media education at KIU. With the growth of cybercrime and identity theft, students
perceived that, privacy and information security risks are still hindering the usage of social
media in education.
However, social media users worry that: To what extent is the information posted about student
secured? Who has access to that information posted on social media and what’s his role?
(Instnictor, student, parent, webinaster), How is it ensured that an individual recognizes his right
to privacy and exercises it appropriately?
5.0 Introduction
This chapter was concerned with the summary of the study, conclusion and recommendations
On the different types of social media sites used in education at Kampala International
University, the study revealed that; Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Google+, and Linkedin are
the major social media networks used on education at Kampala International University.
On the impact of social media on education at KIU and the findings revealed that: easy access to
educational materials, increased discussions among students, increase teacher’s collaboration,
quick communication, and new way of interaction in learning process were the major direct
benefits associated with the use of social media on education at KIU.
On challenges in the adoption of social media on education at KIU, the study found that; poor
access to social media, poor internet access, inadequate power supply, lack of knowledge on how
to use social media, and cyber crime were the challenges in the adoption of social media on
education at KIU. Uganda.
5.2 Conclusion
Study findings show that social media are not fully utilized in education. Social media sites are
being used mainly for providing educational news compared to other educational aspects such as
provision of study materials and educational advice, The materials posted in social media sites
are not structured according to Ugandan educational system. Some of the perceived challenges
that hinder the usage of social media lack of access to social media sites, umeliable power
supply, threat to privacy and information security, lack of reliable internet connection and lack of
knowledge on how to use social media sites.
However, the study found that social networking services are increasingly being used by
educators as teaching and learning tools that supplement traditional classroom enviromnents as
they provide new opportunities for enriching existing curriculum through creative, authentic
and/or flexible nonlinear learning experiences (Buzzetto-More, 2007). From chat rooms,
discussion forums, blogs and wikis, services like Facebook, and/or virtual world’s like Second
Life, social networking tools are being meaningfully added to curriculum.
Social networking services have been shown to foster social learning while engaging students in
a complex array of communicative and creative endeavors including new literacy practices. The
study repoi~ed in this paper examined the perceptions of students who completed courses that
used Facebook as an instructional tool and found that the participants considered Facebook a
valuable tool that helps to strengthen interpersonal relationships, build learning communities
and engage students.
The use of social networking services in education has been shown to benefit education a
number of ways by supporting social learning, constructivjst teaching practices, authentic
instruction, student centered learning, and on demand access to learning.
Croft (2009) states that students motives to SNSs includes: Connecting with Students in their
zone, Post online lectures, create interest groups, access online libraries, post class notes, make
announcements, schedule events, brainstorm, share Files, tag Books and also homework help.
5.3 Recommendatjoiis
From this research a number of short-term recommendations emerge:
The government in collaboration with the private sector should make sure that there is reliable
access to internet among students in both rural and urban areas. This should go hand in hand with
the reduction of internet costs to ensure affordability. Furthennore, supply of electricity should
also be given a priority as it accompanies the use of ICT devices such as computers and mobile
phones for internet services.
The study recommends that the government in collaboration with other stakeholders should
improve the country’s’ infrastructure that will foster the fully utilization of social media. Social
media forums should be organized in such they can provide education support according to
Ugandan education systems.
The study is anticipated to be of significance to the educationalists as it will highlight the need to
incoI~orate social media in Uganda education. This will in the long-nm help in easy adoption of
social media in the learning process.
Furthermore, the study suggests that higher institutions of learning should invest in building
technical competency for communication staffs for effective utilization of social media. Ensure
access to both software ançi technical expertise of controlling information being posted on
schools’ social media account.
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I am a student of Mass communication from Kampala International University in Uganda
conducting research on the topic “the role of social media in promoting education in
Kampala city”. The purpose of this study is to fulfill my academic requirements. I therefore
kindly request you to answer for me the following questions.
1) Gender
(a) Male ~ (b) Female ~
2) Age
(a) 20-29 EEl (b) 3 0-39
(c) 40-49 LZ (d) 50-59
(e)60+ ~
3) Marital Status
(a) Married EE (b) Single EE
(c) Widower (d) Widow
4) Religion
(a) Catholic (b) Protestant j~j
(c) Muslim (d) Others (Specify)
5) Educational Level
(a) Diploma LZI (b) Degree
(c) Masters LEll (d) PhD
(e) Others (specify)
7) Do you use social media?
Yes No
If no, why9
8). What are the different types of social media sites used in education at KIU?
10). What are the challenges in the adoption of social media on education at KIU?
Thank you