International Students' Satisfaction With University Malaysia Sara Wak
International Students' Satisfaction With University Malaysia Sara Wak
International Students' Satisfaction With University Malaysia Sara Wak
First of all, I would like to thank the almighty God for His blessings for assisting,
guiding and supporting me in accomplishing this research. His love and grace had
sustained me along the process in doing this research.
Thirdly, I would like to express my gratitude to all those who had assisted, guided
and supported me throughout this research. I definitely cherish the participation and
cooperation of overseas master's and doctoral's students enrolled in UNIMAS as my
respondents in helping me with the completion of this research.
Lastly, but not least, I would like to sincerely express my thanks and appreciation to
my beloved family for their continuous support and encouragement in assisting me to
conduct and complete this research.
This study aimed to identifY the factors that influence international students' level of
satisfaction with UNIMAS. By using a cross-sectional survey research design, the
required data of this study was collected from a total of 40 international students
enrolled in the master and doctoral program in UNIMAS through the distribution of a
questionnaire. The questionnaire for this study consisted of three sections, namely,
section A, section B and Section C. Section A related to the demographic
characteristics of the respondents. Section B related to the international students'
satisfaction with UNIMAS. Section C related to factors influence international
students' level of satisfaction with UNIMAS including academic experience, campus
environment experience and interpersonal relationships experience. The results of the
independent t-tests obtained in this study indicated that demographic characteristics
of international students such as gender and faculty did not significantly impacted on
the international students' level of satisfaction with UNIMAS. Likewise, the findings
of one-way ANOVAs revealed that age factor was not considered as an important
determinant towards international students' satisfaction with UNIMAS. However,
country of origin and English ability among international students were found to
effect on their satisfaction level with UNIMAS. The results of Pearson Moment
Correlations showed that there were no statistically significant relationships between
international students' level of satisfaction with UNIMAS and their academic
experience, campus environment experience and interpersonal relationships
experience. It is essential for UNIMAS to continuous improve the facilities and
services provided in order to enhance international students' level of satisfaction
towards UNIMAS.
Sia Ging Na
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pastt faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tahap
kepuasan pelajar antarabangsa terhadap UNIMAS Dengan menggunakan
rekabentuk kajian kerataan rentas, data yang diperlukan dalam kajian ini dikumpul
daripada 40 pelajar antarabangsa yang berdaftar dalam program sarjana dan
kedoktoran di UNIMAS menggunakan borang soal selidik. Borang kaji selidik bagi
kajtan ini terdiri daripada tiga bahagian, iaitu bahagian A, bahagian Band
bahagtan C. Bahagian A berkaitan dengan Giri-Girl demografi responden. Bahagian
B pula berkaitan dengan kepuasan pelajar antarabangsa terhadap UNIMAS.
Bahagian C menyelidiki faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi tahap kepuasan pelajar
antarabangsa terhadap UNIMAS merangkumi pengalaman akademik, pengalaman
kampus persekitaran dan pengalaman hubungan interpersonal. Keputusan analisis
ujian-t tidak bersandar menunjukkan bahawa Girl-dri demografi pelajar
antarabangsa seperti jantina dan fakulti tidak menunjukkan mempengaruhi tahap
kepuasan pelajar antarabangsa terhadap UNIMAS Keputusan anaUsis ANOVA satu
hala menunjukkan faktor usia tidak mempengaruhi kepuasan pelajar antarabangsa
terhadap UNIMAS Namun, negara asal dan kefasihan dalam Bahasa Inggeris di
kalangan pelajar antarabangsa merupakan faktor-faktor yang boleh mempengaruhi
tahap kepuasan mereka terhadap UNIMAS. Keputusan analisis Korelasi Monen
Pearson tidak menunjukkan hubungan statistik yang ketara antara tahap kepuasan
mahasiswa antarabangsa terhadap UNIMAS dengan pengalaman akademik,
pengalaman kampus persekitaran dan pengalaman hubungan interpersonal. Ini
adalah penting bagi UNIMAS untuk meningkatkan kemudahan dan perkhidmatan
secara berterusan bagi meningkatkan tahap kepuasan mahasiswa antarabangsa
terhadap UNIMAS.
1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the Study 2
1.2 Problem Statement 5
1.3 Research Objectives 7
1.4 Research Questions 8
1.5 Research Hypotheses 9
1.6 Research Framework 10
1.7 Significance of the Study 11
1.8 Limitation of the Study 12
1.9 Definition of Tenns 13
1.9.1 International Students 13
1.9.2 Student Satisfaction 13
1.9.3 Academic Experience 14
1.9.4 Campus Environment 14
1.9.5 Interpersonal Relationships 15
1.10 Summary 15
2.0 Introduction 16
2.1 International Students 17
2.2 International Students in Malaysia 19
2.3 International Students' Satisfaction Level 22
2.4 Factors Influencing International Students' Satisfaction Level 24
2.4.1 Academic Experience 24
2.4.2 Campus Environment Experience 28
2.4.3 Interpersonal Relationships Experience 31
2.5 Differences in International Students' Satisfaction Level based 35
on Selected Demographic Characteristics
2.5.1 Gender 35
2.5.2 Age 37
2.5.3 Country of Origin 38
2.5.4 English Ability 39
2.5.5 Faculty 42
2.6 Summary 42
3.0 Introduction 43
3.2 Samples 44
3.6 Summary 50
4.0 Introduction 51
on Age
v Differences in International Students' 70
on Country of Origin
on English Ability
on Faculty
Relationships Experience
4.6 Summary 83
5.0 Introduction 84
Future Research
5.4 Conclusions 91
5.5 Summary 92
Table 3.1
Interpretation of Pearson Correlation Coefficient 49
Table 3.2
Data Analysis of the Study 49
Table 4.1
Reliability Coefficients of Academic Experience, Campus Environment 52
Experience and Interpersonal Relationships Experience
Table 4.2
Demographic Characteristics of the International Students 54
Table 4.3
International Students' Satisfaction with UNIMAS 57
Table 4.4
Descriptive Statistics of Factors Influencing International Students' Level of 59
Satisfaction with UNIMAS including Academic Experience, Campus
Environment Experience and Interpersonal Relationships Experience
Table 4.5
Descriptive Statistics of the International Students' Overall Level of 65
Satisfaction with UNIMAS
Table 4.6
Independent T-Test Results for Differences in International Students' Level 67
of Satisfaction with UNIMAS based on Gender
Table 4.7
Descriptive Statistics of the International Students' Level of Satisfaction 69
with UNIMAS based on Age
Table 4.8
One-Way ANOVA Results for Age Differences in International Students' 69
Level of Satisfaction with UNIMAS
Table 4.9
Descriptive Statistics of the International Students' Level of Satisfaction 72
with UNIMAS based on Country of Origin
Table 4.10
One-Way ANOYA Results for Differences in International Students' Level 72
of Satisfaction with UNIMAS based on Country of Origin
Table 4.11
Descriptive Statistics of the International Students' Level of Satisfaction 75
with UNIMAS based on English Ability
Table 4.12
One-Way ANOYA Results for Differences in International Students' Level 75
of Satisfaction with UNlMAS based on English Ability
Table 4.13
Independent T-Test Results for Differences in International Students' Level 77
of Satisfaction with UNIMAS based on Faculty
Table 4.14
Pearson Moment Correlation between International Students' Level of 79
Satisfaction with UNIMAS and Their Academic Experience
Table 4.15
Pearson Moment Correlation between International Students' Level of 81
Satisfaction with UNIMAS and Their Campus Environment Experience
Table 4.16
Pearson Moment Correlation between International Students' Level of 82
Satisfaction with UNIMAS and Their Interpersonal Relationships
Figure 1.1
Research Framework of the Study 10
1.0 Introduction
An international student is "one who undertakes all or part of his/her higher education
experience in a country other than the home country" (Project Atlas, 2004, cited in
Kishun, n.d., p. 1). According to Otsu (2008), international students referred to
foreign students from different countries around the world, studying abroad to further
their studies for degrees, such as bachelor's degree, master's degree and doctoral
degree. While studying abroad, majority of the international students were fmancially
supported by the government while others were self-funded or supported by their
family (Otsu, 2008). Some of them were offered scholarship by universities or
company. They were given opportunities to learn new languages as well as to adapt a
new culture and lifestyle (Otsu, 2008). International students also need to adapt
themselves to a new environment in order to equip themselves to face the challenges
and obstacles ahead of them (Otsu, 2008).
stated that students' satisfaction was associated with their academic success and
retention as well as their academic performance (Helgesen & Nesset, 2007). One of
the most important variables in measuring students' satisfaction with their academic
experience was academic performance in terms of cumulative GP A or expected
semester GPA (Aitken, 1982). International students' English language ability and
their study skills might also affect their academic performance (Stoynoff, 1997).
Irungu (2010) described the campus environment as all the conditions and influences
including physical and social factors that affected the development of all the
individuals who stayed in it. The social conditions were indicated by the interactions
between individuals while the physical conditions included the facilities, size, and
location of the campus (Irungu, 2010). Students' perceptions toward campus
environment were important since it would directly contribute to the efforts they put
forth which might influence their satisfaction (Kuh & Hu, 2001). One of the
examples of campus environment was campus living environment such as students'
accommodation (Normazalila Binti Abu Bakar & Nor Mazlina Binti Abu Bakart,
2008). A research conducted by Roslina Binti Abdullah (2009) on students'
satisfaction towards the services provided by University Utara Malaysia (UUM)
indicated that majority of the students were satisfied with the facilities provided by
the university, including campus accommodation. Bekurs (2007) found that campus
accommodation had a positive influence on international students' satisfaction
towards their university. Good accommodation facilities and services assisted
students to attain intellectual competence as well as to gain their living experience
(Roslina Binti Abdullah, 2009).
(Halawah, 2006). Researchers had found that students' satisfaction with their
university was influenced by students' interactions with faculty and peers (Eimers &
Pike, 1997). Students' interactions with faculty influenced their satisfaction with
university as well as positively affected their intellectual and personal growth and
academic experiences (Lamport, 1993). Administrative personnel and faculty
members were encouraged to facilitate student-faculty interaction (Halawah, 2006).
According to Wan, Chapman and Biggs (1992), international students always had
high level of stress with their academic experiences as they realized that their
academic demands were heavy. In addition, instructor-student interaction was often
fast-paced and their academic and social support mechanisms were not readily
available to them compared to their local coursemates (Wan et aI., 1992). These
academic problems, including language difficulties, lack of understanding in new
educational system, and difficulty with academic tasks such as writing assignments,
would influence their academic experiences. In this regard, academic experience was
related to the satisfaction of the international students.
Campus environment experience was another factor that might influence the
satisfaction of the international students. With better campus environment, the level
of satisfaction of the international students was reported to be higher. Grebennikov
and Skaines's (2007) study indicated that overseas students at the University of
Western Sydney (UWS) were significantly less satisfied with course outcomes,
provision of various facilities and resources, and services provided. The findings of
their study indicated that access to sport facilities and public transport were not
viewed as satisfactory by the international students. Furthermore, provision of shops
and news agencies, sport and fitness facilities, and sport activities and programs
failed to satisfy the international students. However, there were relatively few
empirical studies conducted to examine the campus environment. Hence, there was a
need to conduct more studies on students' satisfaction based on campus environment.
Cotten and Wilson's (2006) study revealed that international students had limited
social interactions with faculty members outside the classroom, and they also did not
realize the importance of interactions with faculty members. There were limited
frequent and quality student-faculty interactions (Cotten & Wilson, 2006). Students
who tended to experience more difficulties in interpersonal relationships with other
students would affect their ability to make friends and build close relationships with
other students (Arslan, Hamarta, Ure, & Ozyesil, 2010). In fact, Zhao, Kuh, and
Carini (2005) reported that relatively little was known about the extent to which
international students were satisfied with their educational experience, peer and
student-faculty interactions, and participate actively in various meaningful
educational activities.
Hishamuddin Fitri Abu Hasan, Rahida Abd Rahman and Mohd Rushdan bin Yasoa's
(2008) study had indicated that some selected demographic factors, including age and
gender, did not play important role in measuring the level of student satisfaction.
Therefore, more studies were needed on how demographic factors affected students'
satisfaction in order to have a more accurate picture of the effects of these variables.
In general, a search of the "Perpun Portal" and "Malaysian Theses Online" website
check showed that there was a lack of research in areas of international students'
satisfaction because international students were relatively new phenomena in
Malaysian tertiary institutions. Therefore, this study intended to identify whether
there were differences in international students' level of satisfaction with UNIMAS
based on selected demographic factors, including age, gender, age, country of origin,
English ability, and faculty. The present study also aimed to determine the
relationships between international students' level of satisfaction with UNIMAS and
their academic experiences, campus environment experiences and interpersonal ,
relationships experiences.
~, '
,: I
The main objective of this study was to identify the factors influencing international , '
Based on the research objectives stated in section 1.3, this study aimed to explore the
questions as follows:
1. What was the international students' level of satisfaction with UNIMAS? l
2. Were there differences in international students' level of satisfaction with
Based on the research questions, the research hypotheses were written as null
hypotheses in this study. The null hypotheses to be investigated in this study were
stated as follows:
Ho8: There was no relationship between international students' level of satisfaction
with UNIMAS and their interpersonal relationships experience.
The research framework of the study was formed to illustrate the factors that were
hypothesized to influence the international students' level of satisfaction with
University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) as shown in Figure 1.1. The dependent
variable of this study was the international students' satisfaction with University
Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) while the independent variables of this study were the
academic experiences, campus environment experiences, interpersonal relationships
experiences, and demographic variables of the respondents, such as gender, age,
country of origin, English ability, and faculty.
" :
• Demographic characteristics
- Gender, age, country of origin,
International students'
'T15T~ 7~··
English ability, and faculty
satisfaction with
• Academic experiences
University Malaysia
• Campus environment experiences
Sarawak (UNIMAS)
• Interpersonal relationships
T l :
The findings of this study would give an indicator of the international students' level
of satisfaction as well as the factors influencing them. Thus, this research could assist
the institutions of higher learning to identify and work towards achieving
international students' needs and expectations. This would help to increase the
enrollment of international students as well as attract and retain international students
in UNIMAS and other institutions of higher education in Malaysia (Butt & Rehman,
2010). Hence, universities needed to put considerable efforts in order to take
appropriate actions to deal with international students' satisfaction effectively and
This study also aimed to identify problems and obstacles that international students
faced in their respective faculty at UNIMAS. This enabled international students to
share their opinions about obstacles that they might have faced and also the
dissatisfaction towards their respective faculty in UNIMAS. As international students
came from different countries over the entire world, the complexity of the
international students' community must be tackled (Otsu, 2008). The outcomes of
this study could also contribute in providing some useful guidelines for Malaysian
public universities to have a better understanding and knowledge regarding
international students' needs. When their needs and expectations were met, they were
able to equip themselves with personal growth and skills development in order to face
challenges and obstacles in their future.
Furthermore, the results from this study might also assist universities in moderating
existing curriculum and developing more effective instructional strategies to enhance
international students' level of satisfaction. This would increase their performance
and retention as well as to improve productivity and reputation of an institution. The
findings of the study also could contribute towards enhancing the quality of services
provided by Malaysian institution of higher learning and its effectiveness. Therefore,
the feedbacks from the respondents were valuable in helping the universities to
realize international students' changing needs and expectations. The findings from
this study was also beneficial to Malaysian institutions of higher learning by
providing better understanding of the various factors influencing international
students' satisfaction in order to meet their needs and expectations.
To date, there are limited researches done to examine the international students'
satisfaction and investigate the factors influencing their satisfaction towards
institutions of higher learning in Malaysia. Therefore, this study could contribute to
the small body of research in the Malaysian tertiary education settings. This
preliminary study also could be used as a reference and guideline for the future
This study had a few limitations. Firstly, this study only focused on international
Lastly, this study only focused on a few factors influencing international students'
level of satisfaction with University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS). These factors
included demographic variables such as gender, age, faculty, English ability and
country of origin, in addition to factors of international students' satisfaction towards
UNIMAS, academic experience, campus environment experiences and interpersonal
relationships experiences. Thus, there might have other factors influenced the
international students' satisfaction towards UNIMAS which were not investigated in
this study.
This section provided definitions of the following terms that were related to this study:
Conceptual definition:
An international student is "one who undertakes all or part of his or her higher
education experience in a country other than the home country" (Project Atlas, 2004,
Operational definition:
Conceptual definition:
Operational definition:
Conceptual definition:
Academic experience is a complex term that could be defined in many ways based on
the context that it was expressed. This study used the definition of the term defined
by Belle (n.d.). Academic performance referred to how well a student met standards
set out by local government and the institution itself (Belle, n.d.).
Operational definition:
Conceptual definition:
Campus environment referred to all the conditions, either in physical or social, that
would give impact to the growth and development of all the individuals that stayed in
it. The physical conditions included the size and the location of the campus while the
social conditions included the interactions between individuals that were guided and