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issue #4

H€MDAL€ < D-ggDS o f FL«SH < S^PSISM <

is s u e #4, Ja n u a r y 1997

e d ito r ia l
It is marvellous to see ya again, headstrong
bastards. Death metal necessitates backing as
never before. We didn't idle.
Headfucker is back and kicking.
We eat humble pie for the embarassing,
seemingly ceaseless postponement of
this issue. Circumstances beyond our control
obliged us to pigeon-hole the printing above
measure. Speaking truthfully, we didn't
calculate for a moment that our little
publication could transform into a
double-edged weapon... the more people
found it agreeable, the more it became
demanding to us. And we abruptly and
hollow fucked things up, dumb as we are.
The volume o f the reviews swelled
alarmingly and it drove us bonkers for some
unpleasant months, as a result we came to the
drastic conclusion to reserve the right not to
review every unsought shite we get from this
day forth. Particularly if
the shite in question ain't metal.
Fuck that, it is really marvellous to
be here again. It is to be hoped you enjoy
Headfucker as before (or more). Do you?
We feed on comments, criticisms and hints, if
you have something to say, put it in black and
white and dispatch it to our address.
We have an aversion to IRCs,
don't need that shit to answer your letters.
And now enter the portals of hell-fire,
keep on playing unrelenting sounds,
keep death metal alive, we love you... oh fuck.

do Raffaclla Gucrini
C.P. 151,
25038 Rovato,
6 _________________exit 13
a re they f o r y o u ?
9 ____________ h em d ale
gore is th e ir fu c k in g life
10___ d e ra n g e d
or m orally a w a re ?
14 ___________ ex h u m e d
purveyors of m e n ta l in s ta b ility
16___ d e m o review s
scores o f p la stic
29 necrosis
the tem p ta tio n of the profane
31 sepsism
gore is gruesome
32 d eed s o f flesh
w h a t k i n d o f pieces?
34 w ick ed in n o cen ce
hypnotic w ickedness
36 zine review s
m o r ta l lite ra tu re
40 fe ste rin g p u k e
sexism sucks
42 _____ __ in fe rn a l to rm e n t
v ilest th a n C a n n ib a l Corpse
44 n e c ro tic m u ta tio n
dream s shape th e w o r ld
48 cd review s
nonsensical critiques
66 eric kim
a r tis tr y fr o m doivn u n d e r
71 so m e fun
a n d more f u n

< previous page's artw ork b y ju h a V uorm a

M erikoskenk. 12 В 34
90500 O ulu, FINLAND.

< Human Rem ains, as well-known, 28083, London, O ntario, N 6H 5E1,
h as d isso lv e d , yet th ree m em b ers CANADA.
(Steve. Dave and Paul) have promptly < Awkward is the name o f an Italian
given life to a new project baptized as fresh band blessed to a wrathful thra­
The Sky Is Denied. Relapse vows that sh/ death, rather well-played indeed.
where H um an Remains met it's fa te , Both recording and packaging are fi­
The Sky Is Denied will continue the ca­ ne, so if captivated, write to Michele
ve-in o f the clouds. Will the new entity Toscan, via Repubblica dell'Ossola 18,
be as creative and exceptional as Hu­ 4 l 100 M odena, ITALY. The man's a
man Remains? We're optim istic and, zine writer as well.
by the way, ain't The Sky Is Denied a < M orphosis are currently pushing
splendid name? up the daisies. Oh yes, we program ­
< Dismembered Fetus have excreted med an interview with the band some
a 31 song CD latterly. $10 to Ace o f time ago and we even sent out the
Festering Puke for a copy o f bate filled q u e s t io n s w h ere we s t r e s s e d the
ha rd’coreIdea th/grind/noise!shit. hand's blooming condition (lite rally
< H olger from K adath is about to from one o f our questions). Yea, sure,
spaw n a secon d issu e o f his B rutal the band d isso lv ed after som e day.
Fuck zine. Solely for brutal junkies, Are we sm art editors or what?... Uh,
no need to say. Oh, and if you h ap ­ fuck that, perhaps some copies o f the
pen to com e across some very nasty, band's latest dem o "M alicious Malfi-
very lewd flyers in your mail, that's guration" are still for sale, so try get­
his zine. Address elsewhere. ting one from Vinnie: 13 Kew Park,
< D esperately hunting for a decent Lucan, Dublin, IRELAND.
artist for your next release? Mr. Yuri < Van Richter is an industrial electro­
Arkadin is more than decent, trust us. n ic m etal la b e l b a se d on P alm
The man can be contacted at this ad ­ Springs, CA. Two o f its latest releases
dress: Yuri Arkadin, 727 Gorman St., are T estify and Sielw olf, the first a
Philadelphia, PA 19116, U.S.A. pow er, speedy co m p u terized m etal
< The celebrated zine Final Holocau­ and the latter a kind o f spasm odic in­
st has got to issue #9- It seems it took d u strial m etal. S tro n g and stra n g e
a bit too long to beget it, as editor metal, not for everyone. Van Richter,
D oc stated, but he's certifies things 100 S. S u n rise Way Ste 219, Palm
like that won't occur anymore. Effec­ Springs, CA 92262, U.S.A.
tively he's already gathering material < M ortal Rem ains is an up-and-co­
for issue # 1 0 . Write him for sure ex­ ming band from the States, subm it­
posure: Final Holocaust, P.O. Box 8, ting a fresh and, to some degree origi­
4851 Gemmenich, BELGIUM. nal death metal. It is at this moment
< Pulverizer R ecords will release a available just a prom o '95 but a new
split CD with Swedish Murder Corpo­ release is expected soon. Mortal Re­
ration and a band still to be revealed. mains, c/o Chris Ross, 19 High Noon
Even legendary Pyrexia will unleash Drive, Centerville, MA 02632, U.S.A.
new barbarism (a 7 song CD) through < M alicious Intent bellicose death/
the Illinois based label as well as Mor­ thrash can't be ignored. The Kansas
tal D ecay (a 10 so n g C D ). On the based terrorists are armed with sharp
cards also Lividity, Fleshgrind and So­ rhythmics, shooting solos, crude vo­
domized. cals and precise drum m ing. You can
< Danish Withering Surface have si­ be badly shot up by writing to: Andy
gned a deal with Euphonious Records G r a d , 11506 W. I 0 1s t, O v e rla n d
for their debut CD which should be Park, KS 66214, U.S.A.
titled "Scarlet Silhouettes" and be out < Guitarist Danny Em ond from Ca­
in February. Additionally, Emanzipa- nadian S u m m o n in g o f Flesh has a
tio n P r o d .'s M ich ael A n d ersen project band by the name o f Mourn­
(Withering Surface's leader) is gonna ful, a black m etal affair. More info
present his new signings, i.e. Centinex from Danny Emond, 840 rang Ste-An-
from Sweden and Exhum ation from ne, St-A nselm e, QC, G 0R 2N 0, CA­
Greece, both tim etabled to release a NADA.
CD in the Spring. Addess elsewhere. < D ave Z atuch n ey from Im m ortal
< Mike Harrison from Autumn Dawn Suffering joined a new band in NYC.
has got a project called M indframe. D e h u m a n iz e d is th e n am e o f the
Given it ju st a few, rapid listenings newly arrived, a 5 piece brutal gang
but 1 sure concur with him when he
says that it's very heavy an d crushing.
which has already to offer a pro-tape
titled "T erm in al P u nish m en t". G et
the latest
Review in issue # 5 , but do not wait your castigation through singer Mike
that, order the tape now! From Mike Zuzio, 2433 Spruce St., Seaford, NY
Harrison, 8815 Howard Hills Dr., Sa­ 11783, U.S.A.
vage, MI) 20763, U.S.A. < Vomit Spawn's vocalist Ern has a
< Good pal Kirk from Cyclonic D i­ project called Experimentations in Ir­
stribution in Canada is presenting his rita tio n . S o u n d s like e a r-sp littin g
compilation CD entirely consecrated fucking noise. Scheduled a 7" ep split
to underground black metal. 73 m i­ with D ism em bered Fetus to be eva­
nutes o f oaths and profanities for the cuated soon. The man can be found
mere price o f 15$ U.S.A., 17$ over­ at P.O. Box 6046, Hudson, FL 34674- <
seas. Cyclonic Distribution, P.O. Box 6046, U.S.A. □

• t is so infrequent to light upon bands which paint profoundly
"individuality, creativity, 1 and keenly their feelings in words, like Exit 13 can do. It's jol-
" ly blatant the weightiness of the themes the band goes into
self-mastery... not for you? that I sometimes think they give priority to lyrics rather than to
sensibility, originality, music.
"Well, maybe sometimes" Bill clarifies, "but the music is
responsibly... not for you?" the first consideration. I only put lyrics to the music after the
song is already finished. I have many strong opinions and a big
EXIT 13... mouth, so the lyrics usually get a reaction out of people. I really
do not mind pissing people off, or about addressing issues that
others avoid or ignore, so the lyrics may appear to be as extreme
not for you?!? as the music. I just want the lyrics to inspire thought. People do
not have to agree with my thoughts, but if they get angry, or
whatever and at least consider the topics I bring up, I feel that I
have accomplished what I set out to do."
Scorn and a particle of hope surface from the words of his
cogitations coverted onto admonitions against the inanity of the
passive and apathetic human race. Do Bill's lyrics really turn to
people or are they just a way to soothe his resentment?
"The lyrics certainly are a release of my frustration, anger,
silliness or whatever. I hope others benefit from them, but the
first consideration is venting my stress. Some people have written
us and said that they read the lyrics and made some sort of posi­
tive change in their lives, but most people just say that they like
the music and think we're insane."
Although after browsing through his texts it is uncompli­
cated to twig Bill's a resolute and fervid econut, I was considering
incompatible to wage war for safeguarding environment simulta­
neously heading that big affair which is Relapse. But my sceptici­
sm has been pulverized in an instant:
"All the CD's we have released in the last 3 years are prin­
ted on recycled paper" he explains. "If you have seen the Tribes
of Neurot "Silver Blood Transmission" CD, the "Japanese/Ame-
rican Noise Treaty" double CD or the Merzbow "Pulse Demon"
CD, you will notice that the packaging on these CD's features no
plastic except for the discs themselves. We are constantly trying
to find the most environmentally safe ways to release records
without running ourselves into bankrupcy. All office paper, cans
and bottles at the office are recycled, as well as copier toner car­
tridges and packing material. While we are far from being per­
fect, I can honestly say we really try to do everything we can to
minimize our negative impact on the environment. If any single
person has suggestions on how we can improve in this area, plea­
se fax us at 717-397-9381. Seriously!"
He seems to more or less back up eco-terrorism, his 'homi­
cidal' desires transpire from songs like "Societally provoked Ge-
nocidal Contemplation", "Open Season" or "Disemboweling
Party". Does he think that we went so far that to oppose violence
of human ignorance we must use violence in our turn?
"While the act of lyrically discussing the slaughter of raci­
sts, redneck hunters and environmental despoilers is massively
therapeutic for me, I do not see how anyone can really believe
that I am urging people to actually go out and kill?!? On certain
days I do wish for the destruction of herds of people, but this is
just the venting of stress and frustration."
A sensation that I felt thousands of times.
I consider this urge to engender alternative extreme music
as ultimate method to set forth one's unusualness, as proclama­
tion of one's personality. Exit 13's bizarreness intensifies this per­
"That's great! I derive a great deal of satisfaction from
being in a very non-conventional band. It takes more intelligence
and determination to stand on your own than to fall in line with
what is currently being accepted and we are always trying to pu­
sh the envelope of what Exit 13 is doing."
Individualism fo r me is the key he sings. Sometimes too many
tangible and intangible encumbrances of this society do not give
permission to one's mind to uncage itself. Hemp is a solution to
attain mind's emancipation?
"It can be or it can be a prison in itself. The results of its
use depend on the person using it. For me, smoking marijuana
inspires a state of relaxation and greatly increases my creative
thoughts. Maybe this is not the case for everyone. Besides, many

of the main reasons I think hemp should be legalized/decrimina­
lized have nothing to do with recreational use. Paper, fuel,
clothing... you know what I'm saying???"
What's Namanax? An even more stronger manifestation
of Bill's personal crusade against musical mass trends? Is noise
more stimulant than death metal to him?
"Namanax is my power electronic noise project, inspired
by, but not emulating the works of Throbbing Gristle, Merz-
bow, SPK, Coil, Masonna, Non, W hitehouse, Dissecting T a­
ble, etc. I do think Namanax is far more extreme from an audio
perspective because all the levels and frequencies are just mani­
pulated to such a saturated level, and the noise is non-melodic.
The mastering on these CD's is just totally over-the-top as well!!
I am currently more interested in experimental noise than death
or black metal per se because the noise musicians seem more in­
terested in creating sound as art insted of just jumping on trends
to become famous or to make lots of money. SO many of the
musicians and fans in the extreme metal underground seem to
me to be interested in such childish and trivial thoughts and atti­
tudes that I just get turned off by it sometimes. Like pro-nazi
Polish black metal bands?? How fucking low will these pathetic
fools stoop to appear extreme. To me, they are just extremely
DUMB! Those Graveland morons deserve the gas chamber!"
"I have always preferred the grindcore/extreme hardcore
bands because not only do they usually try to express something
meaningful lyrically, their music is usually much more extreme
and chaotic than death/black metal."
I can't contradict him, being noise, grindcore, ultracore
and powerviolence the more severe domains of music ever explo­
red. But gimme a dose of dirty death metal and you'll place me
on top of the world!
Which will be Release's future fruits, anyway? And se­
condly, which requirement must own a noise band to join Relea­
se Entertainment?
"During 1996/1997 Release Entertainment will release:
Neurosis "Through Silver In Blood" CD/CS/double gatefold LP
(split release w/Reiapse); Neurosis "Locust Star" promo only CD
w/unreleased Tribes Of Neurot tracks and radio edits of "Locu­ "mar(j liana is Mother
st Star" and "Eye"; Atrax Morgue "Sickness Report" CD; Merz-
bow "Pulse Demon" digipack CD limited to 3000 copies; Na­ Nature's finest gift 50
manax "Cascading Waves Of Electronic Turbulence" CD; Ma­
sonna "Inner Mind Mystique" triple 7" boxset limited to 500 co­ rej оice in the earth
pies; Masonna "Inner Mind Mystique" CD; B righ ter Death
Now "Innerwar" CD; Purge "Malignant Soul Punisher" CD;
and smoke aspliff"
T rial Of The Bow "Rite Of Passage" CD; Merzbow/(Man, is
the) Bastard Noise limited edition 12" EP; Merzbow/(Man is Л
the) Bastard Noise MCD; Release Your Mind Vol. 2 triple CD
compilation featuring exclusive tracks Irom V idna Obmana, feel we are going for. There will certainly be loads of blast beats
Lull, Hybryds, Jam es Plotkin, Con-Dom, Dissecting Table, and extreme vocals, but everything will flow much better and
T ribes Of Neurot, The Joy Of Disease, Sm ell and Quim, the production will not be as noisy as on past recordings. The li­
Atrax Morgue, Namanax, Pica, Last Satanic Dance, О Yuki ne up on this recording will be Terry Sherry on bass, Dave Witte
Conjugate, Rapoon, Tuu, Runzelstirn and Gurglestock, Ha­ on drums, Steve O'D on guitar and I will be singing and genera­
ters, Malformed Earthborn, T rial Of The Bow, Deutsch Ne­ ting noise. We hope to record in early 1997, years later than we
pal, B righter Death Now, Amber Asylum, Purge, Bastard had hoped... As far as other upcoming projects, we will be doing
Noise + more!!; Pica "The Doctor's Ate the Evidence" CD; some sessions with Jimmy Plotkin from OLD on guitar. We
Lull "Continue" CD; Deutsch Nepal "Comprendido" CD; Dis­ have confirmed doing 7" EP's with Agathocles, Mian Is The
secting Table tba 4th CD." Bastard and B rutal Truth. We are going to be recording a fol­
"A band must appeal to Matt and I. It is as simple as that. low-up to "Smoking Songs" called "Drinking Songs" which will
We are planning on making Release Entertainment as successful be old blues tunes about wine, beer and gin. Stay tuned in!
as Relapse and we will follow the same ideology: only release the To boot, what's better... shooting hunters or skinning fur­
music we like!" riers?
Now as we have hinted at the hereafter, I can't eschewing "Smoking fine marijuana, sipping Belgian beer, eating gor-
from asking B ill about Exit 13's impending CD "Didactic met foods, making love with a beautiful, intelligent woman,
Grind". I'm still struck dumb by that bombshell by the name of watching Marx Bros, and W.C. Fields movies, reading Bertrand
"Smoking Songs" so do we have to expect more of these pleasu­ Russell's "Unpopular Essays", playing with my three cats, lau­
rable tricks or are they inclined to be even more extreme and re­ ghing at the human race... I could go on for hours. Fuck hunters
criminating than they have been in "Ethos Musick"? and furriers is all I can say?!? If only animals could revolt and
""Didactic Grind" will be very different from "Ethos Mu­ bring humanity to the point of extinction!!!"
sick" and the split 7" EP's with Hemdale and M ultiplex! Three For my part I would prefer skinning furriers with protrac­
of the songs are well over the ten minute mark. There are many ted torments, but would I really resolve the problem inflicting
more parts that turn into instrumental 'jam' sections, with exten­ pains upon them with the same atrocity they make use of upon
ded guitar soloing a la King Crimson, Mahavishnu Orchestra, animals?
early Michael Schenker era UFO, Robin Trower etc. That is the Yes, indeed. ^


S12U.S. S 14 World
24 tracts of the most eitm ue recording* to dale by either hand!!!! Ohio's down-tuned grinder*,
HEMDALE blast out 13 track*. California'* EXHUMED secrete 11 tracks of gore-grinding death
’ ' ies digitalis mastered recordings, and a full-color, 12-panel, fold-out insen with more
gore than you can shake a stick at!!!! _______

EXHUMED Ф Pearl) Pnrik Papule* - P.U. Ш МШ - San i m , CA Ш USA
ИШВА1Д ci'o Craig Kowe -R810 Dnrat Dr. - Mtatar, OH «1*60 USA
gore xs our fucking X x e„
Grinding death's what the guys luxuriate in, that was plain as get bored. The label definitely keeps me busy. Also, I knew that
daylight. Still, in a scene that's hauntingly pressing for newness I would help Hemdale out a lot and get more contacts for us."
and breaks with tradition, is it not too strenuous being radically At this point I think tracing a little survey on Visceral's
extreme like Hemdale is in these day and age? current and impending releases wouldn't be a cheesy idea..
He starts: "It doesn't really matter to us what people like, "I've released the V.P. comp., with 16 bands. That's almo­
we play for ourselves. Melody is for wussies, not us. We'll keep st sold out now. It's still available through Relapse Records thou­
doing what we do, until we all die of different strange diseases or gh and my other distributors. Also released by the time of print
die in a tragic jet-ski accident. It's not hard for us to be extreme, is the split 7" with Exit 13 and H em dale. That's limited to
just look at us, we're losers and have nothing else to do." 1300 copies and is almost sold out through me. Write first. If
...righto. But are really all ways to innovation barred when I'm sold out I'll give you the list of distros that it's available th­
one chooses to play fast grind/death? rough. In October, I released the full-lenght CD with Accursed
"No, if you don't clone other bands and just ROCK, you'll entitled 'Meditations Among the Tombs'. In February, the split
be original!!!" CD of Hemdale and Exhumed came out."
The theme does not result so simplistic to me... for I think, I'm alive to the importance of a label like Visceral Produc­
if originality is so misused, ain't originality unoriginal? tions which seems to back bands that did not jump on any
As far as one can tell, the guys seem to prize putrescent trendy bandwagon, having become to some degree exasperating
papules and pussy pimples, so I was musing... how far do they to witness the step-by-step death metal's ebb provoked by an ex­
take their texts seriously... panding number of small harum-scarum labels which picked up
"Gore is our fucking life. We bludgeon cute little kitties e- as many inferior bands, leadind the current scene to be conge­
very day. We look for people that are giving away free kittens, sted by sheer shite. Black metal played its part.
and we then put them in pillow cases, and beat them repeatedly "Yes, it's irritating. There's a lot of trendy bands like in the
against a block in the back yard. It releases our sexual tension. black metal scene that are getting picked up just because of their
We're pretty cool guys aren't we? So, as you can see this is pretty image. We don't care about image at all. We just want to make
damn serious to us! Shit." people sick. If the music sucks, it sucks, and dressing up like
It is noised abroad there's a way more pleasurable procedu­ Kiss isn't going to change that. Every ad you see now consists of
re to release sexual tension, but he doesn't seem familiar with corpsepaint and swords. Some black metal bands are good, but
that, I see. Yet his agitation (of whatever kind) has been turned then the rest are only image, and a lot of labels are signing the i-
loose by dint of the split CD Hemdale/Exhumed which he put mage rather signing a good quality death metal band."
out not long ago. Is it meant to be the ghoulishest split ever? Sure, it is not the same blooming and vivid scene that used
"Definitely. It's entitled "In the name of Gore". It has a 12- to be at the birth... some of the prominent bands persist to clone
panel full-color cover and is covered with gore photos everywhe­ themselves over and over, other bands vanish like the mist eva­
re. This will be the gore release of the century!" porates at dawn, and death metal disciples... oh yes, where are
Darn, who cares of the shape? The affair is horrific blood- they? What the hell's happening here?
and-guts perversion and will sure satiate the fussiest gore-zea­ He seems not to bother like I do: "Who cares, we're not
lots. By the way, having a label Craig himself does not make here to play for anyone else. We just play for ourselves. It sucks
things much effortless for Hemdale? that all these people run after a new trend when they see what's
"It seems to open up more doors for us. I'm in contact with selling. A lot of the black metal CDs are so poor in quality too.
a lot of labels and zines now, so I can plug Hemdale every chan­ They're a cheap black and white insert with piss poor sound qua­
ce I get (our demo is still available for $4 ppd). The split 7" has lity for over $20. I don't understand why people want that."
opened up a lot already. We're going to be doing a full 7" with Black metal ain't his cup of tea (and mine either) but how
Relapse Records in the summer o f '96. They are also going to be about that 'alternative', soft, melodic facet of death metal, will
re-releasing our split 7" with Exit 13 on an underground series Visceral Productions cast an eye over it in the time ahead?
comp. CD. It helps, but it's still a lot of work, a lot of money "I don't see myself going after those bands actually. I'm
and a lot of hemorrhoids." only going to be signing good bands that I personally like. I'm
Despite of his hemorrhoids, the guy exhibited fine compe­ mostly into good death and grind so that's what I'll be signing. I
tence to set up a durable basis for his label. About a year later its won't be signing clone bands with no originality though."
inauguration Visceral Productions has today a prominent func­ We're convinced. And thankful to Craig for backing the
tion in the US underground countryside. Which did urge him to vilest and most splendid part of our scene. Now, if something
set going all that? has been skipped...
"Some little midget named Peter came up to me and re­ "Write for a mail-order list, Hemdale merchandise list, or
peatedly kicked me in my nuts and told me that I had ' 1........ *•'•* now- Thariks for tbe interview Raflaclla, keep fuckir-
tnc lalxl. He pulls my teg.
the label." UKay, may
leg. "Okay, \п Щ ' to figure our a splendid wav t u d o so. Buv m
ting releases together, and have to keep
; ^

‘ -u* ; g

< . V ,
Once upon a time there was a Sweden with a
multitude of brutish death metal bands. That those
days belong to the past is too obvious to even • '" !* t
discuss. But still, now in 1996, a few of those '

old style bands are left. I am referring to bands

like CENTINEX and DERANGED... and the latter
having released a monstrous debut CD last year, it
is an easy choice for a band to interview.
I was familiar with most of the previous mate­
rial of DERANGED, but "Rated-X" blew my head off
quickly and unexpectedly. 'Fuggin brutal!1, so to • >• 1•
say. I got in touch with drummer Rikard Wermen. * •. * Д

H ey R ille, are you there?

"...Ehm... G .G . Allin rules!"
A h a ? I see. A pparently I should ju s t stick to the name everybody
c a ll him. Wermen. Let us start by commenting the 'interview the b a n d h a d
in the southern Sw edish tabloid paper Kvdllsposten. In the tradition o f ta ­
b lo id papers, the 'in terview ' w as ju s t as inform ative a n d intelligent as
... w ell, I guess you get the p oin t without silly comparisons. However, in
this article the b a n d was sure to point out they are not into 'real violence'
a n d that a l l their lyrics are 'strictly fictio n a l'. The late D e a d o f M ayhem
once expressed his adm iration fo r sn u ff film s in the slogan 'Only sn u ff is
rea l!'... but this sort o f're a lity does not seem to be w h a t D e r a n g e d ivant
to see.
"Well, to be honest we never watch mondo or snuff movies.
I have honestly seen lots of the just mentioned types of 'movies', I
know what kind of crap it is. I have watched lots of really nast and
disgusting porno films as well. I sure know what it is... I have been
into the splatter/horror/gore thing for ages now, and it's honestly
quite hard to avoid getting your hands over a mondo (or whatsoe­
ver...) movie sometimes, you know. O f course, when I want to
watch a movie I never load my VRC with a mondo or snuff movie.
It's just things I have seen once in my whole life, and when I have
seen it once I never want to see it again, you know..."
E r ... now you are ta lk in g a little contradictory - but I am not inte­
rested in how often you have seen sn u fffilm s. I ju s t w onder i f you actually
are a very m orally a w a re b a n d - not exactly w h at I h a d expected, to be ho­
nest - or d id you only show this facad e in the paper to not get into trouble?
You have h a d trouble w ith C D plan ts refusing to press you r debut, as w e ll
as hassle w ith your rehearsal place when your lyrics have been know n... So,
are you generally very sure where to d ra w the line between fa n tasy gore
a n d rea l life gore?
"As always, we were just honest you know! Right!!! I like
fiction and not 'real life gore'. As I said I have watched Jots of that
crap, just coz it's happened to be on a tape with some other movie
you know. You can sure say that I'm aware of drawing the line
between fantasy and real life gore, you know. I mean, watching a
gang of soldiers castrating an Amazon Indian knowing it's really
happened is no fun. You're saying to yourself "Hey!!! This is no
special F/X!", you know..."
"As for losing our rehearsal place... that was really sick man.
We were told to more or less 'behave ourselves' you know, to basi­
cally avoid even more shit than what we already had been throu­
gh. Some bored old housewives were on our case, being afraid that
we would influence the other folks around the place to be as sick
and tw isted as they meant we were... The sickest thing of it all was
that they had some serious opinions on the way we look like! I f we
can avoid shit like that I am more than happy to once again just
be honest and say what kind of persons we really are. As for being
in a newspaper... everyone knows that the journalist after all wri­
tes what he/she wants which is not always the shit you really want
to have said with that interview. You just have to live with it I
R egarding that jo u rn a list who interview ed D e r a n g e d , she d id not
w rite bullshit about them. B u t she wrote lik e people do in tabloid papers:
as short a n d uninform ative as possible. So, Wermen, looiv were you r feelings
about being fea tu red in a neivspaper? Is a l l P R good P R or can you f i n d
some negative aspects?
"No... as you might know, a lot of the pressing companies
more or less refused to do our CD coz of the lyrics and the pictures
in the booklet which they found way too explicit ans sickl Not the
inter pew by Timo T. Ketola with d

first time something like that happens to us as our first 7" single was banned in Ger­
many for the same reasons. And of course... it's only natural that newspapers want to
write about it. It gives us a lot of PR and I just saw it as a funny thing you know. Some
'negative things' about it? No, not really! It's always cool to be featured in a so to say
'big' newspaper. Letting people, who are not normally into the kind of shit we're doing,
know what we're up to and so on..."
I guess it is just me who is having problems with tabloid papers. My dislike fo r them knows
no boundaries - luckily there are serious newspapers available. Newspapers aside, now we will mo­
ve on to something else. There are a few cute intros/outros on "Rated-X" but one o f them is a little
bit more special - the outro to ''Razor Tongue". It seems like it is some woman freaking out in the
court, apparently the sister to one o f Dahmer's victims. Would you like to talk a little about this
outro, especially when bearing in mind your desire to keep D era n g ed aivay from 'real life gore'?
"W ell, to start with, it's not your ordinary so called 'mass murderer intro' or
whatsoever! The outro is absolutely from another point, the victim's point! Which I ha­
ve never heard on any recording before. I guess it's just our way to show that those
fuckers that have in any way killed or in any form tortured an innocent human being,
or animal, shall absolutely have their punishment... It's sick to treat serial killers as so­
mething cool, you know, like many people are doing today. They shall have their puni­
shment!!! We're against the 'celebration' of mass murderers going on today... After all,
it's probably not the victims themselves that suffer most, it's their relatives, friends or
whatsoever, you know, living their whole life knowing what their brother/sister etc had
to go through before they finally were killed...".
Could D era n g ed ever have other lyrics than gore? We can at least not accuse you fo r being
unoriginal, gore lyrics in 1996 certainly is original... at least from a Swedish band. These days it

has to be wolves a n d d a rk forests i f one wants to be fashionable. B ut how much can you
really vary gore lyrics? It has been fiv e years o f mangled babies a n d mashed ladies. Is it
still as fu n ?
"Y eah, fu ck!!! I still certainly think that gore lyrics are fun!!! No
doubt about it!!! As I said in some other interview, I think that gore lyrics

texter ;ar hardly can be sicker than what they are nowadays, but the sickness and the
stories about 'mashed ladies' can always continue! That's for sure... Deranged
could of course have different kind of lyrics, but I guess it wouldn't be the 'same

for brutala thing' anymore! W e have done this shit since we started and the whole thing is
honestly something that comes 100% natural for us. I don't give a fuck about
what other people or bands are doing, especially not in Sweden, to be extra ho­
nest with you."
Sen 1991 har killarna speiat ihop, och de ar "I'm so fucking fed up with all this black metal nonsense plus all this 'atmo­
noga med att pSpeka att de definitivt inte ar spheric' shit you know... But that's my opinion... Kinda cool when it first came
out, but nowadays 1000 people are doing exactly the same fucking thing. As
for being original or not... I, personally, really don't give a damn. Gore lyrics in
1996 is probably sort of original but I don't care! W e have always done this
kind of shit, just coz we really enjoy doing it. As 1 said, this is what comes natu­
ral for us, and honestly, a lot of people are more or less asking me why we ha­
ven't changed our style coz everyone else have done it! Fuck that, we'll always
do this kind of shit!!! No matter what other people are doing or thinking about
it! That's it! Ha ha ha..."
W hat do you think K ee f Mick, a n d the others would think about your version o f
their song? Personally 1 have alw ays lik ed it when bands o f your k in d cover old rock tu­
nes, the result is often such a pleasant mixture o f raging brutishness a n d sing-along me­
lody. L ik e C a n n i b a l C orp se doing "Zero the Hero"... yesh! The chorus "Zero the Hero"
ends up like "Uuuh uuhh uhuuh".
"A lot of people are asking me about "Paint It Black"! It wasn't originally
meant to be on the album, just something for us to have, you know. W e reali­
sed that we would have lots of spare time, coz everything went out so damn fa­
st while we were recording "Rated-X" and I was just told to play "Paint It
Black" and there it was. A lot of people seem to really like it, and are hopefully
not taking it too seriously, you know, coz it's for sure nothing that serious for
us! Ju st a fun thing really. Keith and Mick would probably love our version and
give us a couple of millions each! Ha ha ha... Honestly, I guess they would
think it was pure crap, but still who cares what they think! Ha ha ha... Canni­
bal Corpse's version of "Zero the Hero" is really cool if you ask me. You're ri­
ght, it usually ends up something like "Hu, hu, huuuu..."! But it's cool! Ha ha
D eathm etal-bandet D eranged fran ha..."
H jarup h a r skivkontrakt, men During the latter years we have a l l noticed how bands o f your calibre are like gone
try e k eriem a vill in te befatta sig w ith the w in d here in Sweden. Do you have any h a r d feelings because o f this? However,
this should mean most o f those who appreciate your music are from abroad, isn't that so?
med plattan.
The Ja p an ese seem to lik e you a lot. Then it is also the hom eland o f bands w ith such un­
T cxtern a ar for brutalal
believable names as C lo tte d S y m m etric S e x u a l O rgan, M aggoty C orp se a n d C a ta -
Bade svenska CD*plant och oster- s e x u a l U rge M o tiv a tio n ... They seem to ta ke that grin d thing seriously.
rikisk a DADC h ar vagrat trycka ' "A lot of people that are into us, and other bands like us, are from
abroad, right! I get quite a lot of letters from Spain, Germany, U.S.A. and J a ­
pan, telling me they are really into our shit, you know! That's really great! No,
I don't have any 'hard feelings' about the fact that a lot of the 'brutal' bands
from Sweden are all (!!!) split up!!! ... Or made some serious changes in their
music, probably coz the trend was changing. It's of course a big shame, but
what the fuck! It's after all really up to them. The bands from Japan are all
pretty fucking sick! Great stuff... G ore Beyond N ecropsy really rule! C.S.S.O.
and C .U .M . are also really cool! M aggoty Corpse fucking rules man, but I
guess they've split up! I'm writing with a lot of the guys playing in the just
mentioned bands. In fact, Naru from C .S.S.O . is also running Obliteration Re­
cords that released our first 7" single. V ivisection were also a really great band
from Japan, but they've also split up. Yeah, you can sure say that they are
taking the whole grind thing very seriously! They are sick over in Japan. Really
extreme stuff."
Some years ago you were talkin g about some possible gigs in Ja p a n .
"W ell, Naru from C.S.S.O./Obliteration Records could fix us a couple of
gigs in Japan and we should pay the tickets ourselves, you know. W e more or
less started to arrange the shit, but we realised that it would simply cost us too
much, you know. A shame!!!
H ave you ever been a fr a id you w ould have to start looking fo r a new vocalist as the
present one seems to get more a n d more busy w ith his cute little la b e l ca lled WronG
A G a in ?
"W ell... W e kicked out Per for some days ago now, really!!! He never
showed up for rehearsals and so on... Basically a big lack of interest."
Hmm, I w ould lik e to point out that it is pretty understandable that when one has
invested one's everything in a label, it gets the first priority. However, Wermen goes on:
"It had been going on for some years really, so we said to ourselves that

Bandet bestir dessutom av gitarristen J

ban Axelssoa och basisten Dan Bengtssoj
BACK IN 1995
still with
Per Gyllenbach
(second from the


wc really had to get rid of Per and fix a new singer! Anyway, Per unnecessary to even have a biography when not a single zine editor seems
told us that he should in any case leave us, so... No hard feelings to have the brains to read it anyw ay? How many times do you think you
or anything really, just something we really had to do, you have recited your band history, eh?
know. I guess we'll be doing another tour in maybe April/May "As for biographies! That is something you could call a
sometime, and we'll then try out a new singer, to see how it 'pain in the ass' thing! I hate writing it down, over and over
works out, you know. We'll try Henrik Heed who is originally in again, but still, if they want to have it, why not, you know... I
Inverted, our bass player Dan's old band, and he's got the dee­ guess that people that haven't heard about us before finds it cool
pest, most insane voice ever heard from a Swedish guy! The only to read it after all. Shit!!! 1 don't know' how many times I have
guy we could really think anout, except from Per. It will hope­ been writing down our band history! Must be a million times or
fully work out really fucking great, and be the best fucking De­ something... Ha ha ha... But still, that is something that also has
ranged line-up ever!!! No doubt about it..." to be done, you know...".
/ never heard -why monsieur Jean-P aul Asenov left the ranks two Here I disagree. I f I was in a band an d received the Famous
years ago. Band History: Question, I w ould send him a bio. I f I had already sent
"We kicked him out coz he wasn't showing any interest, him a bio, a n d he sends me an interview featuring that question, I
and he wasn't into the music either, anymore. He’s nowadays would shove a chair down his throat. Then I would burn him up. 1 have
playing the bass and sings in a punk/hardcore band pretty much never, a n d I mean never, understood the point in that question. For
in the vein of Pennywise, NOFX and such shit, you know. I ha­ what purpose have the biographies been written, then? Ju st fo r the heck
ven't met or talked with for ages now..." o f it?
I have always had the impression D era n ged have been around You Wermen have also talked about some g irl running about and
fo r like forever but l believe that must be because of your millions o f demo pissing blood on everyone. We are a ll dying to hear more about her.
flyers that used to infect everybody's envelopes some years back... and also "Just a sweet little dream I once had... A girl of my ta­
the numerous interviews in countless zines. I guess you established yourself ste!!!".
quite early. During 1994 there was a lot of talk about numerous 7" EPs.
So. has it become a persistent pain in the arse yet to do a ll these Where d id they disappear? I doubt a ll o f them managed to see the light
interviews with the same bleedin questions? Do you think there w ill be o f the day, d id they? I ca n t say l have seen many o f them around.
a time when you no more w ill put your contact address on your releases? "Puh... what can I say!!! A lot of labels wanted to release
"No, fuck! I really love doing mail, and as for interviews, I 7" singles with us, and we were just happy that someone wanted
really love to answer them!" to release our shit, you know. In fact, "Architects of Perversions"
Hey, it shows, it certainly does’. It is always a pleasure to inter­ was originally meant to be our second and third 7" singles, but
view somebody who actually has something to say... at that time Markus of M.M.I. Records had some serious pro­
"As it seems now, I can go on forever answering cute little blems with our first 7" single, coz it was banned in Germany and
interviews like for example this one. That's for sure! After all, ju­ such crap. He didn't even really know if he could continue with
st coz people would like to know what's up with us, you know, M.M.I. Records, and as they were one of the labels that should
and it sure also gives some great fucking sort of 'PR', you know'. release it, we decided to put it out as a MCD instead! But that
Spreading the name, you know..." was in 1993 if I remember the shit correct... A lot of crazy peo­
Mmmm, 1get the picture, YOU KNOW! ple wrote us and wanted to release 7" singles, and as always, we
"I guess that a lot of people think we have been around for take any opportunity to spread the name, you know. But all of it
like 'forever1, you know, which is absolutely not the case! We totally screwed up... But still, who gives a fuck? Ha ha ha...".
formed D eranged in 1991 and it has only been around five "You hear, she doesn't scream, she doesn't fe e l pa in ! Turn her
years now... 1 answer every fucking letter I get. I write about around."
four-five letters a day. Well, due to some fucking big mistake "Thanx for the interview! It was sure a cool one! We really
from our side, we never wrote down some kind of contact ad­ appreciate your support! Shall be really great to be featured in
dress on "Rated-X" but people are still checking out my address. H eadfucker zine. One of the coolest mags around! Keep up the
After all, it's printed in thousands of zines you know, so I guess good work! Anyone... write me today, and be sure to check out
it's not that hard to find it after all! Ha ha ha... I have honestly "Rated-X" plus my new band M urder Corporation's five song
never felt that doing mail should be a 'pain in the ass' thing! It's MCD "Blood Revolution 2050", which will be out soon! Keep
something that really has to be done and as I said, I really enjoy shocking!!!" □
doing it. Keep on writing us... Always great hearing from some
new' people!!!".
And oh, one more thing about tine editors, have you ever felt it Deranged, c/o Rikard Wermen, Angaviigen 2,
24562 Hjarnp, SWEDEN
v iew w ith in by C arlo
early Penile Papules, exactly who are you? Col, Derrel,

P Ross, Mass or who the hell?

"I'm your worst nightmare. I'm hip hop smoothed
out on the R & В tip with a pop feel appeal to it. Mordred
sucks. I'm the former penis of the guitarist of the ultimate
gore core band from anywhere, Constipated Gut. When I
popped off his crotch, I was asked to do vocals, so 1 made
the drummer, Maggot Infestator, suck me off, then we did
some shit. After, I became the pimp of Exhum ed, and I
prostituted them to old fat burnt out Kiss groupies who we­
re all twice their age. As a result, Derrel died of sypphylus,
and has since been replaced by Leon del Muerte, who merely
has genital warts.
A t a certain point of the death metals chronicle, all changed
into a laughable mockery: you could, see bands disbanding, miracles
happening, demons appearing, racists springing, people dying, people
hating, people killing. And the scene became an apocalyptic tragi­
comedy... How did you bastards succeed in surviving intact this ba­
"Exhumed did not survive intact. In fact, we are now
an all Bon Jovi cover band. Keep the faith, baby!! Well, I
must admit, even we have had a cheesy keyboard part or
two, but no more!! Since we've started smoking crack, we've
really been able to focus on the intensity of our music. Also,
we now write songs through a unique technique of receiving
hot fudge enemas while our instruments are scraped along
our pubic hair. In truth, some members of Exhumed really
like parts of the scene you are talking about (starts with a b,
ends with lack metal), but mostly because they thought all
the people in that scene looked like Gene Simmons, and we
thought that 'Diabolical Full Moon Mysticism" was the new
Kiss album. We hate trends, unless of course that trend is
retro eighties death metal, because that is a band wagon we
ride wholeheartedly. Actually, we have not survived intact,
as we have undergone more line-up changes than the Aven­
gers (but not as many as N apalm Death). We lost three
members alone because they quit to go audition to be the
new Iron Maiden vocalist."
The bands in a productive spellfor the time being, in a short
while you released a split CD, a live tape, new songs for different
comps and I heard stories about probable cooperations with Bovine
Rec., 625 Productions and Relapse. I wonder where all this interest
in such dirty losers pops up from, all of a sudden.
"All this interest has been generated as of late by our
great skill in baking. It's amazing how a box of Col’s double
chocolate cookies can influence a label. I guess people's taste
have really slipped if they like us now. I think that the great
proliferation of drug use amongst the underground has done

they are the kinkiest, they are the nastiest,

they are the rankest. They are from Kalifornia.
They are EXHUMED,
purveyors of mental instability.

a great deal, as the drugs have served to alter almost people's a-
bility to differentiate between good and bad music, therefore al­
lowing the suckers to be able to tolerate our pathetic childlike a-
bility at playing instruments. The only people who like us who
aren't stoned are our mothers and our friends. Our releases inclu­
de saliva, ear wax, boogers, excrement, and methane from our
butt holes. Our split CD with Hem dale features eleven new
tracks from us, including a cover of the Possessed classic,
"Death Metal", and it's available from Visceral Productions. Our
split tape with H aem m orhage totally sucks (except for the
Haemmorhage side!) and I personally have defenestrated myself
several times to rid myself of the guilt of releasing such a piece of
shit. Frank at Deleria is nice, though, and he helps us get cool
Sodom stuff. We've been on the first Morbid Metal CD compi­
lation and on the first Soulside Records compilation, and we will
soon appear on the V. Records compilation LP, and on a compi­ You once said that "the urge to destroy is a creative urge". Ain't it
lation from Satan's Pimp Records, and finally we will be on a contradictory? Or perhaps you meant that Exhumed create through the
four band split CD with five or six Exhumed songs coming from annihilation o f any kind o f limitations?
Lofty Storm Records (Caixa Postal 1550, Florianopolis - SC, "No, it means when you destroy a television set, you've
88010-970 BRAZIL). All our compilation appearances so far are created something new. A broken television set. Actually, you
songs that are not available anywhere else (besides a few as shitty hit it right on the nose. We smash our heads into various pieces
demo recordings) and we do this to alloy anybody who wants all of musical equipment to write music. Then we shove the various
our shit. Our split seven inch with Pale Existence has already broken pieces into our anuses, but that is just for fun. Where the
been released on 625 Productions (P.O. Box 1239, Menlo Park, hell did you pick that quote up from? Don't listen to anything
CA 94026-1239, U.S.A.). William "the Transformed Man" Sh- we say, dammit! We are a bunch of stupid turds, and every utte­
taner himself ordered a copy yesterday. Relapse has also asked us rance from our lips is complete nonsense. My goat hose is mysti-
to do a seven inch next year, but for right now we are still poor plexed for cinematic appleing! And you can quote me on that.
and suck hard. We figure we better put out as much stuff as Actually, Matt just read that off an old Destroy seven inch and
possible right now, before everybody realizes we totally suck." used to say it all the time, never taking into account what Niet-
/ think that's a cool idea, i f you ask me. sche might have thought of the swipe".
E xhumed is so glued to the underground that I'm sure you'd You once said "my goat hose is mystiplexed fo r cinematic ap­
gladly renounce fame, oodles of money and women and a residence in pleing'. Were you dead drunk that time?...Hey, Putrid Pubic Pimples,
Hollywoodfor love o f the underground, eh? quotes are the nourishment o f zine-writers, didn't you know?
"W e w ould g la d ly renounce everything for massive Gore has been greatly re-valorized in recent times. Plow do you see
amounts of sex. Yes, we love the underground, but we love mo­ the today's condition o f this red blood scene?
ney, too. Can't we have both? Well, since we ain't got shit but "It's a rock 'n' roll evening. It was a very heavy metal sce­
the underground, we'll stick with it. No, we will never change or ne. Bolt Thrower playes. It was a heavy metal jam. The band
compromise or raw grinding style to make money, because we came out and met the people. It was a very good jam. I think
do not have the technical skill it would take to make anything that the entire gore metal scene will re-evaluate itself when Gary
worth listening to. We will never sell out, but we'd gladly do Coleman releases his debut album, "I eat Dana Plato!". Mrs. G.
what we do for heaps of cash." is going to sit in on a few jams. Willis plays guitar, and Mr D.,
Heaps o f cash to see a hunch o f jerks making some ugly musical o- well, that D stands for drummer!! W hat you talking about,
nanism? Are you deranged?! ...Err, what a stupid question, among Headfucker? I think gore is too sexist. Oops, I mean sexy. Jee-
the legions o f cracked bands around, you certainly are the SICKEST. zus, I splooged all over the new Blood release. And have you
What w ill you contrive to keep Exhumed heading the horde? seen Ana from Haemmorhage? She has a great personality. Go­
"We love all those bands. We suck those bands' dicks) I re metal sucks. W e’re going to concentrate on midget core, and
bathe in their excrement!! 1 am merely the toe jams of those sing songs exclusively about "The Wizard of Oz"."
bands!! Yes, we love all those bands, like Haemmorhage, Dead / see your grey matter needs a lull, as mine. A sip o f refreshing
Infection, Libido Airbag, Blood Duster, Dismembered Fe­ blood to clear the throat now, w ill you have some too?
tus, C.U.M., C.S.S.O., Carcass Grinder, Gore Beyond Ne­ "Matt's urine runs red. We would rather sip upon the suc­
cropsy, Hemdale, Undinism, Groinchurn, Gory Melanoma, culent secretions of the opposite sex. Or Col would have some
and all the other sick gore bands. I don't know if we are the horse jism. Ross likes to eat his own boogers, and Leon likes to
SICKEST band, but we will always maintain our completely ori­ suck his own dick."
ginal, never before used idea of writing lyrics in a textbook, Mind readers, never accept to have picnics with Exhumed..
pathological style. You know what, we are the sickest band a- For the second time, I happened to get catapulted out some costly
round, because we all have the flu, real, real bad." places because I was having your vagitarian T-shirt on (the first time l
Please, try1not to pass it on to me, ok? got fired for the T orture K rypt t-shirt, i f someone still remembers the
I see you love infecting people, not with the flu, but with your de­ band). Can I have a compensation for damage, uh?
mentedness. Some o f your ex-members turned mad and I have no doubt "You should thank us, because those places obviously we­
thinking that's the effect o f belonging to Exhumed!! And, by the way, ren't metal enough for a man of your caliber who is ballsy enou­
why have you always had to come up against so many line-up varia­ gh to wear a shirt with a vagina collage emblazoned on the front
tions? of it. Mad Butcher! In fact, I think you owe us money for the
"Everyone in this band is mad!! After joining Exhumed, service we have provided you!! I love Hexx!!!"
our initiation of the "red" blanket occurs, where we have a big Money?.. Ouch, it's so late, I'm so sorry but it's time for an hor­
slumber party, and we smear the new member with grape jelly rendous interview dismemberment. Hail masochistic copromaniac! Peter
while they sleep under the "red" blanket. Some couldn't take it, Jackson rules!
and subsequently committed suicide. A1 go mad, and that is per­ "Yes, Peter Jackson does rule, but not as much as Tom
fect for our brand of schizo-metal. Some well up, and go comple­ Angelripper, Tom G. Warrior, or Dave Carlo of Razor. Thanks
tely mad later. Oh well, they are weaklings who should die. We a mangled thrashing heap of thoracic deactivity for letting us
have faced so many line-up changes because nobody likes us. We waste your readers time with our heavy metal fun club - the
don't even like ourselves. Maybe it has to do with our second ri­ Naked and the Dead, P.O. Box 53432, San Jose, CA 95153,
tual of jerking off and blowing our wad all over the member of U.S.A. Any hot Italian chicks, please send naked photos of your­
the band who makes a mistake during a show. Col usually selves for free stuff. Or nuked photos. All poseurs -FUCK OFF!!"
takes the brunt of our semen attack, but he likes it." □
BESEECH___________________________ © sound studios by the maestro Dan Swano,
Tears and additionally by reason of the song­
I have been galvanized by this demo as ster. Lastly (but not as least) on account
occured only in rare occasions. If you eye of their gleaming sympathetic impassio­
its shape, "Tears" is utterly impeccable ned Scandinavian death metal. If it is not
and professional and it makes you forecast sufficient, also make allowances for the
how radiant may be its musical substance. professional presentation and you'll ipso
Yet your chimeras reveal to be of minor facto apprehend this is not an affair to
importance once you contrast them with pass up.
reality! This is a wee magnum opus of Sanguinary, c/o Matias Lenikka, Gull-
dulcet, silvery Swedish rockish death me­ vivest. 38, 197 34 Bro, SWEDEN.
tal, sirs. Fancy is not smothered, elegance -Raf
is not masked, and talent bleeds profuse.
Reverie guaranteed. DISEMBOWEL________________________ ©
Beseech, c/o Robert Spanglund, Tha Uncurable Wounds
510, 510 40 Sandared, SWEDEN. On condition that you ignore the low-
-Raf quality recording and the inferior, stran­
gulated vocals, then there may exist some
DOOM FLIGHT_______________________ ( 6) probability you'll get a kick from "Uncu­
In Nocturnal Eyes rable Wounds", which compresses some
Contribution from a dear pal of us, who very, very typecast and bland type of
said this band comes from his town, i.e. grinding death metal although swift the
Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, England (ta band is for sure, and savage as well!
Jas!). The appellation itself unveils part of I hope for some cleverer release hereaf­
their nature, doom. Yet it is largely affec­ ter.
ted by rockish ascendancies so that the Disembowel, c/o Platsas Vassilis, 3 K.
fruits of this combination forge a captiva­ Kristalli Str., Stavrupoli 56429, Thessalo­
ting release. Not to be condoned some te­ niki, GREECE.
chnical imperfection here and there, so all -Raf
things considered, let Doom Flight toil a
tad m ore before con ferrin g 'em full DEPRESIQN_________________________ ©
marks. W.H.Y.
Doom Flight, c/o Mark, 173 Oxford Traditional, fast-paced, pacific death me­
S treet, B arrow -in-F urness, C um bria tal from Austria. Should I amplify the
LA 14, ENGLAND. survey? Well-performed, sincere, deep-
-Raf felt... and what more., professional from
every perspective!
PILGRIM___________________________ © Invest in this tape and find out if I'm
Promo tape '95 not right!
Again, jumbled songs in name of singula­ D ep resion , c/o Daniel Gregorovic,
rity. Again, th at inexorable keyboard B irkiesw ies 5, 6830 R ankw eil, AU­
sound. Again, that symptomatic Sadist STRIA.
fetish. Simple, I've just abridged in a few -Raf
lines the dominant traits of your true-to-
type Italian band. This is Pilgrim , as ED GEIN___________________________ ®
well. Not" that they are unpleasant, quite Awakenings
the opposite, Pilgrim have genius and Italian thrash metal which comes like a
dexterity but they destine both for an aim little bom bshell. Ed G ein 's topm ost
which has been too much misapplied. pukka spiritedness and enthusiasm are
I urge more personality. considerably praiseworthy and not only,
P ilgrim , c/o A ntonello G atti, V.P. the tape's wrapping is professionally im­
Emilio 34, 00192 Rome, ITALY. peccable (which is still a remarkable
-Raf aspect, Italy-wise). In non-specific terms,
the band's still a tad pedestrian (e.g. the
TARGQST___________________________ © vocals department which at times verges
From Dream... To Reality on shabbiness, altho it occasionally reveals
Ageless thrash/death metal. Not that you to alter into skilfulness), but it is not di­
can call it audacious nor gutsy, shadows stant from maturity.
of ground-breaking ideas are mirages in Ed Gein, c/o Davide Ruvolo, via Vare­
this case, but it is fair-to-middling, and se 6, 21057, Olgiate Olona (VA), ITALY.
quite good if you have no pretensions. -Raf
Very classic as well as well-performed.
Targost, c/o Ralf Kohler, Tulpenweg EDIL NOISE________________________ ®
3, 73061 Ebersbach, GERMANY. Self-titled
-Raf I have been storm ed by a noticeable
amount of tapes from unfamiliar Italian
SANGUINARY________________________ © bands and, kind of hard to believe, com­
Demo I pulsive in the m ain. This is grinding
Yeah, another beaming minute gift from death and interesting as well. Naught out
Sverige. I truthfully treasure Sanguinary, of this world, it is understood, but it is
many are the analogies which make me pleasurable to undergo this God-forsaken
place 'em beside (I dare state) most high fragment of the Italian scene, which lar­
Edge o f Sanity. Naturally for the sound, gely plumps for black or sunk-in-gloom
as this tape has been recorded at U ni­ death metal in this day and age. Edil

THE REEFER HUT___________________ W
Stoned to Death
W ay-out, unprecedented assortm en t o f funky, rap and death o f the m ost dam agin g species. I venerate all this as one o f the
fresh est and m ost creative worldly m arvels in the gu ise o f a little plastic tape.
An eye-opener.
T h e R eefer Hut, P.O. B o x 736, Piqua, OH 45356, U.S.A.

N oise go for severe, unyielding grind in­ MNEMONIC__________________________ © death metal) is very esoteric, arcane and,
stead, and seems they do not fall through. Shades From A Missing Epoch it comes alone, cryptic. Keyboards are
Additionally, they opted for Italian lyrics Nil I know on M nemonic other than this preponderant, vocals are not husky so... if
which is very ground-breaking. must be their second demo and they were you are a child of the night as well you
1 suspect a new demo will be available theorized to release an ep for Osiris Prod, could find enjoyment in this one.
rather soon. and some else. Oh, and they are from D eadbyday, c/o Stephan Mezo, 9527
E dil N o ise, c/o Claudio Bellesia, via Sweden. But I'm not over the moon, this M ilstead D r., B e th e sd a, M D 2 0 8 1 7 ,
F.lli Cervi 31, Fabbrico (RE), ITALY. is not a demo of that upper-class Swedish U.S.A.
-Raf metal which we are accustomed to await. -Raf
The production for example is not up to
OBSCURE DISASTER__________________ © scratch and the music not so fervid and HYPNOSIA__________________________ ©
Feitalter Der Unvernunft excited as one should hope for... Crushed Existence
Fast-paced and high-powered death me­ It is still very valuable by and large, but I'll perpetually undergo an unlimited deli­
tal, the way it was meant to be, the way bands like this are skilled enough to do ght when familiarizing with newly arrived
it has been hugely repudiated. But who better. bands, particularly if they are of this class.
fucking give a hoot? There's O bscure D i­ M nemonic, c/o Gabbe Varmby, Bran- So, hail to H ypnosia, this band (at least
saster here who awake our memories of nabbenv. 3, 448 50 Tollered, SW EDEN. one of its members) has continually sup­
the glorious times of the glorious death -Raf ported H e a d fu c k e r and so this is my
metal epoch. Featuring rasping vocals, spell to return the favour. In defiance of
bombastic drumming and ebullient gui­ ERQTIC FUNERAL____________________ © my sense of obligation, every ovation is
tars and bass and a smack of melodiou­ Born Into Death very warranted in this case, because Hy-
sness (evocative of old Paradise Lost). For those who find sensuality in death, pnosia's debut demo is thoroughly sharp
To come buy. and feel magnetic seduction at inhuma­ and piercing, putting on show a truly
O b scu re D isaster, c/o Dennis Wen- tions and entombments. For those who enthusiastic zest for thrash/death of the
dig, W iesenkoppel 8, 29640 Schnever- get a kick from B lack S ab b ath (even a old school and a respectable deftness in its
dingen, GERMANY. cover of "Paranoid" is included). For those execution.
-Raf who adore the sound of bass: two basses Keep on thrashing guys, that's your vo­
are unexpectedly plied and not a ghost of cation!
CRAWCELL__________________________ © an electric guitar. For those who don't de­ H y p n o s ia , c/o M ik ael C a ste rv a ll,
Divorced From Sanity sire to splurge much of their green stuff Tradvagen 30, 352 53 Vaxjo, SW EDEN.
This is the other band of Michael H. An­ to pick up a demo. Ju st §4 actually it co­ -Raf
dersen (and artist Jim m y Nielsen as well). sts.
A bit less spell-binding than W ithering E ro tic F u n e r a l, 9 3 1 9 72nd Street,
Surface, just on grounds of Michael's vo­ Hudsonville, MI 49426, U.S.A.
cals which here are not so inspired nor , -Raf
touching, being his shrieking method
much hard-core orientated. The music MIND-PHASER_______________________ ©
virtually is a cross-breed between hard­ Shiny Madness
core and metal, a.k.a crossover. Don't ask Featuring two ex G enital G rinder mem­
me parallelisms with other bands, suffice bers, M in d - P h a s e r are su p p o se d to
you to know this is not a plastic squande­ enhance our domestic scene with futuri­
ring. stic, progressive barbarism. Revolutionary
Crawcell, c/o Jim m y Nielsen, Birkehe- it is really not but a good measure of ex­
gnet 52, 4700 Naestved, DENM ARK. perimental shots is virtually able to be de­
-Raf te c te d am id st m any d is tin g u is h in g ,
conformist death metal pushes.
DIE APOKALYPTISCHEN REITER_______ © Contact: Guido Manfredini, via G . Fo-
Firestorm chessati 7, 46045 Marmirolo (MN), ITALY.
After a peep at the cover, one expects to -Raf
find some kinda erotic strains... but, wait!
The music's really evil... there must be so­ DEADBYDAY_________________________ ©
mething wrong here (unless D.A.R. con­ Out Of The Krypt
sider naked women devilish). Pin-up Vampires are so familiar these days, you д __________________________ hypnosia
apart, this savours of a satirical mockery find one ju st aro u n d the corn er. I
of black metal or something of that sort wouldn't be one of them, with that cer­
to me, like a standard bunch of neophytes tain virus circulating in m ost humans' BARRIADA__________________________ ©
who joke with the newest trend in town. veins... that will certainly bump off vam­ A.S.D.F.
Seems to be a latter-day widespread sy­ pires once and for all! ..Not my problem, Y o, forceful, brisk heavy thrash metal
stem for killing time. anyway. from Japan! And what a berserk singer,
D .A .R ., P.O. Box 36, 99502 Apolda, D eadbyday claim to follow the path of that Japanese inflection conferres to the
GERMANY. most modernist and lustful Count Vlad, tape vibrant selfhood which is very sym­
-Raf as sheer example of the latest American pathetic to listen to!
Gothic fashion. And thus their metal (not Don't ignore B a rria d a if you're into

Hg ADFUCK g R 1 7
wizard thrash metal! MASTER .© AUTUMN DAWN _________________ ®
Barriada, c/o Hideki Fujimoto, 1-40- Final Word . . . Emptiness
16 # 2 0 5 Takada, Toshima-ku, Tokyo, Mister Master's resurgence. Three songs And so we cited Autumn Dawn and here
171 JAPAN. of time-honoured thrash/death, three it is! Also re-pressed onto CD by Wild
-Raf songs of nothing breathtaking therefore. Rags Records, the tape exposes to view
M aste r, 1271 N . C lark, W. H o l­ and hearing a first-class feat of forthright
AUTUMN LEAVES_____________________ ® lywood, CA 90069, U.S.A. death abiding metal. They say 'it's guaran­
Hope Springs Eternal -Raf teed to satisfy any death core freak', and I
I'm confident this is the worthiest, unex­
know that is really incontestable. Requisi-
celled underground Danish band which NIFLHEIM_________________________ (3) ties such as smartness, potency and ear-
I'm well up in. Burning, sharp and silvery Self-titled (Warhead Records) splitting vocals are surely not in short
death metal which leaves dumbstruck. Australian Black Metal which is certainly supply!
And this is merely their debut demo. not lacking in stereotypes of black and A full lenght CD is close at hand for
A utum n L eaves, c/o Flem m ing C. death metal, exhibiting squalid riffs and them as well.
Lund, Mpllegade 9A, Skodborg, 6630 hopeless Duffy Duck-like vocals. Oh, and Autum n Dawn, c/o Mike Harrison,
Rpdding, DENMARK. there's the wind too! And the corpsepaint, 8815 Howard Hills Dr., Savage, MD
-Raf and... 20763, U.S.A.
Niflheim , P.O. Box 601, Blacktown, -Raf
e n -g a r d e __________________________ (D
Advance Tape 1995 -Raf VACUUM____________________________ ®
Now I can't impede my mouth to smile. I
Climbing My Sky + Promo Tape '95
was convinced it was amply explicit whi­ AFFLICTION Amidst the bands from East Europe whi­
ch was the nature of H eadfucker, viz Self Reality ch I've stumbled upon, Vacuum seems to
death metal of course, metal at least. And Affliction is still a run-of-the-mill una­ be the most spellbinding for its mesmeri­
still I got this... this object to review. Ap­ dulterated death metal band with non­ zing vibes and hot-blooded mightiness.
parently a tape. Apparently a normal ta­ compound riffs and vocal parts, yet the They can fuse sharp speed with passionate
pe. Pity that impressions quite often do animation which drives it is of the most devilry to a climax of individuality and
not coincide with truth. Pity for En-Gar- wholehearted kind and makes me pin my potency.
de who catch a © for not being enough hopes on the band, expecting remarkable If you hunt for something jolly emotio­
intuitive to understand I wouldn't have progresses hereafter. nal, this is THE solution.
been thankful for this unsolicited bounty. To boot, they decided to allot the pro­ Contact: Antonin Mlynek, F. Hrubina
I have no idea on how to comment this ceeds to charities, which is really to be ad­ 1, 736 01 Havirov, CZECH REPUBLIC.
tape mates, it sounds like over-sentimen­ mired. -Raf
tal, namby-pamby, soppy soft-pop. A ffliction, c/o Michele Sbaragli, via
If the thing intrigues you, please, stop Tuscania 71, 06100 Perugia, ITALY. DISARRAY__________________________ ©
buying Headfucker. -Raf Widespread Human Disaster
En-Garde, c/o Elisabeth Kotronia, Ar- Nashville based band Disarray is not affi­
chimidous 56, 1 16 36 Pagrati, Athens, MUCUS MEMBRANE____________________ ® liated to their country scene by good for­
GREECE. 3 Song Sampler '96 tune, but mirrors the vibes of thrash me­
-Raf M ucus M em brane stands by grinding tal a la "And Ju stic e For All" by
savagery and for the time being is the Metallica.
INSANITY REIGNS SUPREME__________ ® main cynosure of hard-working and hy­ Accurate packaging, superb pr. «*! ac­
Our Path Is Dark And Lonely per-productive screamer Vinnie Matthews tion.
Despondent, doleful introspections on (also in Autumn Dawn and ex Sadistic Disarray, P.O. Box 975, Dickson, TN
death and life. And doomy quiet death Torment). As usual you'll revel in his ex- 37055, U.S.A.
metal as sound-track of this ageless cogi­ cruciatirig, intense vocals, as well as reli­ -Raf
tation. Nothing finer than this to turn shing an inflamed, murderous grinding
loose your inner self. death metal! NOVEMBER GRIEF____________________©
(Oh yeah, hemp benefits as well). A full lenght CD is impending. To Live... in this World of Chaos
Contact Teutonic Existence Rec., c/o M u cu s M em b ra n e, c/o Vinnie Women can't play death metal? Yeah, su­
Twan Kreeft, Jan Steenstraat 4, 5121 WJ M atthew s, P.O . Box 301, G errards re, fuck you.
Rijen, NETHERLANDS. Town, WV 25420, U.S.A. Novem ber G rief is the most pitiless,
-Raf -Raf inhuman all-female band of grinding, un-

"...one of the sickest bands

I'v e hearcffrom the mid-Atlantic
in years. M U C U S M E M B R A N E
stonds'ahead of the rest for brutality,
and sickness...thls i&only the beqinninq.
Terrence Hobbs... SUFFO CATIO N
"...definitely one oPthe better
bands to come ou to f Anrterica.
Vocals are more excrutiating
than ever. O n e of m y favoVite
singers. A must for all death .
grind freaks." ...Raffaellg Guerihi
Send $7.00 M o n e y O rder only to... HEADFU CKER M a g - 3
" — G ot it, Loved it, Buy if...now.
or PO BO X 301
H IT T IE R 'Q C V O .
25420 U SA >
bridled, frantic savagery! Uncompromi­ FERMENTO_________________________ (7) ШЕЛИНУ_______________________ ,®
sing and mighty, Novem ber G rief also Promo '96 Into the Unforeseen
highlights the throatiest vocals ever utte­ If it is hair-raising blood-soaked bestiality Unquestionably a step outdistancing their
red by a lady. the reason why you get out of bed every preceding release "The Transitory", albeit
Extraordinarily brutal. dam ned m orning, here you got so ­ not at the apex of matureness yet. There's
November Grief, c/o Stephanie, P.O. mething to breakfast with, tomorrow: a a profusion of artistic, aesthetic and ro­
Box 5107, Station B, Montreal, QC, H3B lawless mixture of swinesque spewings mantic conceptions as we got used to ex­
4B5, CANADA. and grinding delirium from the burgeo­ pect from Profanity, but the faultless and
-Raf ning soil of Spain. exemplary execution and production whi­
Grinding gore matanza\ ch melancholic death metal imposes have
HIDDEN HATE_______________________ © Ferm ento, c/o Robert Garchitorena, not been fulfilled yet. If they will rectify
Suppurating Organic Devices c/Hachero 10, 1 pta. 3, 28018 Madrid, those few technical deficiencies, they will
Industrial modernistic metal redolent of SPAIN. be in close proximity of superbness.
some traits of Fear Factory, or better, -Raf Profanity, c/o Thomas Sartor, Stein-
Medusa Oblongada. Penetrating vocals, feldstr. 8, 86405 M eitingen, G E R ­
an agile use of samples and programming DECIMATION________________________ © MANY.
and a lavish quantity of aesthetic insight Power of the Misunderstood -Raf
forge a release precise and impeccable, Decimation should have had to wait so­
which is rather rare for an underground me more time before recording this de­ DEATH SEA_________________________ ©
Italian band. mo, really. It is not the worst brutal Imagination World
Hidden Hate, c/o Enrico Tringali, via death metal we've stumbled upon, no, I don't comprehend why there're oodles of
C.A. Alemagna 2, 84122 Salerno, ITALY. but it's kinda mildewed death, very out­ proficient death metal bands in Poland,
-Raf moded and behind the times. The jejune enterprising for the most part and always
concoction of the tracks puts on show a coming up with an ace production and an
WITHOUT GRIEF_____________________ ® band which is still immature as far as over-professional tape's packaging and
Forever Closed creativity is concerned but not unskilled nobody could care less. Complex and pro­
A radiant and burning Swedish death me­ in the execution. Even the resolution to gressive ideas of this kind are rarely obtai­
tal band, echoing the stylishness of In keep a male and a female singer both th­ nable from underground bands, almost a
Flam es, D ark Tranquillity, Amon A- roaty is pleasurable, so more of these ex­ wondrous event. So don't be small-min­
marth and compeers. Stereotyped to a periments and less trouble-free stereoty­ ded and cast a look at this.
great degree, but gorgeous, beyond the pes, thanx. Death Sea, os. Dywizjonu 303 8/3, 31-
shadow of a doubt! Decimation, c/o Danny Voyer, 5, 11* 857 Krakow, POLAND.
W ithout G rief, c/o Jonas Granvik, Avenue, Saint-Fabien, Rimouski (Que­ -Raf
Vallmansgatan 7b, 791 31 Falun, SWE­ bec), CANADA.
DEN. -Carlo & Raf IMMORTAL SUFFERING________________ ®
-Raf Eternal Damnation
"Brutal death metal is the only way to describe
the music of Imm ortal Suffering , com­
mences the bio. Should I utter additional
elucidations? The bio says it all, Immor­
tal Suffering are your 100% original NY
death metal band, skilful and severe with
well-built, solid riffs, unsparing drum­
ming and into the bargain the tape featu­
res Kelly Izquierdo from Deathrune and
Frank Rini o f In te rn a l B le e d in g as
backing vocalists.
Imm ortal Suffering, c/o Dave Zatu-
chney, 142-20 84 Dr. Apt. 4C, Jamaica,
NY 11435, U.S.A.

S-C.e p t e r ___________________________ ©
SARNATH___________________________ © THE OTHER SIDE____________________ ©
Up Thy Ass
Caress "The Other Side" I miss D ead Y outh. This is ex D ead
Elegiac, plaintive, crestfallen doomy Not all my hopes are lost then. Good to Youth bassist John Karnes new band and
death metal. A grievous caress of a placid know. Actually, after a first, rapid liste­ I regret the loss of D ead Youth more
winter day. Cold but freshening (but ning I gave this demo up, but, right now than before. Because unluckily Scepter
guys, please, eschew to sing melodically if I'm overjoyed to uncover some high spots doesn't awake my memories of that ultra-
you can't always keep in tune). which are beneficial to elevate its rating. brutish band, John's keen on classic me­
Sarnath, c/o Fausto Fornasier, via Leo­ The perusal was lenghty but it was worth tal, "fucking metal... proud as belt' now! I
nardo da Vinci 13, 30027 San Dona di the candle... T he O ther Side's prime won't lament, because the matter here is
Piave (VE), ITALY. point of interest must be the guitar deeds wizard, well-performed and deepfelt but,
-Raf which are particularly to respect when the what can 1 do? I miss good, old Dead
solos come into bloom. Youth!
H-IMPATTO_________________________ ® But on the other side, The Other Side's Scepter, P.O. Box 388068, Chicago,
In Pieno Effetto prime point of incrimination is the unin­ IL. 60638-8068, U.S.A.
Italian rap-metal. H-Im patto interwea­ spiring vocalist who really eclipses the few -Carlo
ves standard hip-hop ingredients with good feats of the band. Nice and banal, it
heavy metal essentials to furnish their ap­ depends from what side you eye it. o v e r l o r d __________________________ ®
proach a tougher impact (just so). The Other Side, c/o Marcin Jastrzeb- Overland
Packaging of high quality. ski, ul. Sucha 12/6, 20-341 Lublin, PO­ N ice to discover O v e rlo rd moved
Guido Manfredini, via G. Fochessati 7, LAND. forward considerably. Their style persists
46045 Marmirolo (MN), ITALY. -Raf on being thrash/death but everything has
been ameliorated by dint of the imagina­ INTO OBLIVION________________________ ® FORGOTTEN S ILE N C E ____________________(1)
tion of guitarist Zbigniew which is un­ In t o O b liv io n I I The Nameless Forever... The Last Renenbrance
bounded and so is his skilfulness! The re­ I n to O b liv io n afford creeping Ever heard a rainbow-like demo? This is
cording department is still far from being thrash/death integrated with hard-corish your golden opportunity to experience
awe-inspiring yet the growth of Overlord residues. Not a thing to criticize but not a one of the most heterogeneous and kalei­
is plain as daylight and to be eulogized. stimulus to get astounded either. doscopic tapes in the underground chro­
O verlord, c/o Piotr Forystek, Kosciu- I n to O b liv io n , c/o K arim D aire, nicles! Don't implore elucidations, becau­
szki 4, 38-200 Jaslo, POLAND. K roonhorst 16, 22549 Hamburg, GER­ se they play death, they play doom, they
-Raf MANY. are avant-garde, hovering over a host of
-Raf contrastive styles, never alighting upon a
INHUMATE_______________________________ © specific one a long time.
G rin d Y o u r Soul DISMAL_________________________________ © F orgotten Silence, c/o Alexandr No-
Savageness, sadism and Fierceness delive­ T a le s and P ro p h e c ie s vacek, Machova 487, 665 01 Rosice U
red in unison. Try to picture the sequel... The first impression is the one that mat­ Brna, CZECH REPUBLIC.
see that blood-soaked hodge-podge scat­ ters, they say, but I have not been im­ -Raf
tered all over the floor? That's you. pressed at all. Dism al only necessitates to
Grinding, hard-line brutality. practise, play, practise and play a lot mo­ EP ID E M IC .CAiJSE_______________________Ф
Send some Nesquik to: Inhum ate, c/o re before deciding to release another tape. Promo '96
Fred A nton, 13 Chemin Fried, 67100 Substandard death metal. W ith no hopes. It is said to be a metallic industrial Osaka's
Strasbourg, FRANCE. D ism al, c/o Andy W alther, Freiherr- threesome which is inspirited by bands
-Raf vom-Stein-Str. 57, 5851 1 Lildenscheid, like E sturzende N eu b au ten , Napalm
GERMANY. D eath and B auhaus, and I don't need
UNAUTHORIZED__________________________ © -Raf much effort to accept that as true. It is
So u l d i r t suffocating post-industrial which bleeds
Slay th a t singer! O r merely (and less ANAL CUNT/MEAT S H IT S ________________# some unforgettable passages of slow hy­
cruelly) replace him with another, less un- s p l i t 7" pnotizing metal.
memorable if it is feasible. Then try not Fudgew orthy R e co rd s If intrigued, contact: Shadows o f Mi­
to sound that repetitious when concoc­ Someone has did something nice for you, ch elan g elo m ag., c/o Dai Katayama,
ting songs ("For Me" is a good line to pat­ vile pervs abusers of the kinkiest grind P.O. Box 12787, Gainesville, FL. 32604,
tern yourselves on) and eventually (if I'm and god-awful collectors, oh yes, I'm sure U.S.A.
not too harassing) also mind the produc­ you did miss this when it was the proper -Raf
tion a modicum. You'll get a cool demo tim e to grasp it in your hands. Fud­
and I'll have less pain in the head. geworthy re-pressed the nastiest split 7" THE BLOOD OF CH R IST_________________ Ф
U n a u th o r iz e d , c/o Erwin B rem er, ep ever so order it forthwith. F ro ze n Dreams
D ahliastraat 4, 7906 N K Hoogeveen, Fudgeworthy Records, 8 Stevin Drive, O ther messengers of savagery from the
HOLLAND. Woburn, Mass. 01801-5366, U.S.A. land of glacial winters. I'm not aware of
-Raf -Carlo the band's present-day state of health, it

N ic e and Warm
T his is so crazed! N othing to do with death metal, but with all the rest!
Imagine to g ath er a bunch o f very very screwy types w ho accidentally are also jolly artistic, exceptional musicians.
T he afterm ath would be an irresistible, unm atched, genuine, musical anarchy.
Jazzy, berserk metal!
1082 Frances Drive, Valley Stream, NY 1 1580, U.S.A.

REGURGITATION_________________________ © DARK AGE_______________________________ © is since I came by this tape that I don't

C o n ce iv e d Th ro u gh Vom it U n d yin g E x is t e n c e get any sign of life from T he Blood of
This appears to be a good draught of clas­ Ultraconservative death metal, tough and Christ, so maybe... At all events, this was
sic death metal adrenalin but something well-performed, but really too hidebound not a plastic squandering, sanguinary
in the songs concoction sounds incomple­ to be completely delectable. They should brutal death, grinding at times and with
te. Perhaps is the ordinariness of some seriously unleash their creativeness. the energy that Canadian bands are well-
riffs, methinks. Bring more originality up D ark Age, c/o Johann Lecoinet, rue Al- known for.
and you'll hit the mark. bert-Thomas, 38100 Grenoble, FRANCE. Pity if they shut down.
R egurgitation, c/o Ben Deskins, P.O. -Raf T he Blood of Christ, 27 Century Pla­
Box 366, Washington C.H., Ohio 43160, ce, London, Ontario, N6H 4W9, CANA­
-Carlo A b s o lu te D iv in e S t r u c t u r e -Raf
I don't grasp if this tape sounds so sopori­
N IL E ____________________________________© fic and prosaic for its amateurish, power­ NECROPHOBIA___________________________ ©
F e s t i v a l s o f Atonement less recording or if it is simply Emotional Id e a liz e
Fragments of fast death and doomy relen- D isorder Factors that is to blame for not Knowing N ecrophobia have their roots
tings combined to perfection. And then provoking any emotional disorder. The in Japan it is no sweat to prognosticate
there's this exotic Egyptian aura. And this band spawns abounding patterns of poor- what they do: yes, they use a drum ma­
unfamiliar European sound, and those quality thrash metal, also manifesting a chine, yes, they are that tad fluky. And
melodic solos... very ground-breaking and few lacunae in the technique's sector. yes, predictable as the sun at early mor­
individual! Too green, up to this time. ning. At least it is not porno-grind but
Nile, P.O. Box 6062, Greenville, SC Emotional Disorder Factors, c/o Pietro Ga­ mechanized death/thrash, not much tech­
29606-6062, U.S.A. lea, via Asiago 5,38050 Villazzano, (TN) ITALY. nical nor inventive, to tell the truth even
-Carlo -Raf somewhat sleep-inducing. Perhaps it's

NEUROPATH________________________ © * *
Desert of Excruciation
1 can't credit my ears, no. How can it be possible there's still a band in these fucking day and fucking age in the position to
summon up my hooked-to-Suffoeation past hysterics? 1 thought they were gone for keeps... Neuropath? Hell, they transfix
me, make adrenaline run amok deep inside me... What?! Ju st three tracks?! I feel dying...
Neuropath, 93 Ross Ave., Wheeler Heights, NSW 2097, AUSTRALIA
(for orders contact Warhead Records)
-(raving by) Carlo

this reefer, not the band... oh, shit. and I'm not the only one of this idea as it ENTROPY
Necrophobia, c/o Daisuke Sato, 3632- seems that the folks at Nuclear Blast Re­ World of Disgust
17 Fukuda Yamato-City, Kanagawa 242 cords concur with me (once in a blue High-powered grindcore/death with a sli­
JAPAN. moon they get one right) in view of the ght inclusion of power violence-hardcore's
-Carlo fact that they signed N ight In Gales. blast beats. 21 songs of maximum violen­
Verify that yourself, getting this magnum ce, boosted by super-wrathful screamer
ROTTING HEAD_______________________ (Ш opus including two tracks and a "Raining Mark Richard.
Backwardness Blood" live cover. Uncontrollable, excruciating anger.
I didn't expect to run into a mindblowing See address in the CDs zone. Entropy, c/o Mark Richard, P.O. Box
grinding Polish band in this day and age -Raf 745, Brookline, N.H. 03033, U.S.A.
when it seems Poland largely shits black -Carlo
metal of the vilest category. But hey, THE BLQQDY VICE____________________®
bombshells are always welcome here at 12 Minutes and 50 Seconds Of DISMEMBERED FETUS__________________©
the HF home base! Rotting Head are re­ Grinding industrial with rockish vibes. I Don't Feel So Fuckin' Good
cognizably guided by Napalm Death of Two men and their drum machine. And a U tter disruption, grinding mayhem,
the "Harmony Corruption"/"Utopia Bani­ bit of sound hysteria. maximum perversion.
shed" era, specifically in their sound and Cool. D ism em bered Fetus is all that and
in the concoction of the vocal parts which T h e B loody V ice, P.O. Box 2036, more.
can become stone acute at times. Woden, A.C.T. 2606 AUSTRALIA. Contact Ace from Festering Puke.
Europe stands in need of bands like this. -Raf -Raf
Rotting Head, Kosciuszki 20/3, 05-
300 Minsk Maz., POLAND. SADISTIC TORMENT___________________® ETERNE DE SADE_____________________ ®
-Carlo Unearthly Horrors Beyond the Mind's Eye
S ad istic T orm en t is a band that you I got a kick by Eterne De Sade with this
PSEUDOSTRATIFFIED EPITHELIUM Ф could push in the brutal division, it would tape rather than in their split with K il­
Sodomizing Children Corpses be fine but also a bit restricting because ling Addiction. After repeated listenings
I am one of those who lust after complex other than bestial vibes here there's also I've concluded this was more pushing,
death metal scores but I don't sneer at that bit of dimness which makes it di­ both sound and execution had this sup­
Spartan death either. That being so, I like stinctive. Anyhow fast parts are prevai­ plemental anger which they apparently
the unsophisticated (but not simplistic) ling and jolly potent, the music never have mislaid in the split tape.
brutality of this band which clearly doe­ slows down and once the tape comes to a Anyhow, Killing Addiction are their
sn't bring nothing untried under the standstill you remain very energized. guiding light, indubitably.
moon, it sincerely executes good death For infos please, contact Wild Rags Records. Eterne De Sade, 1948 N.E. 28th St.,
metal to appreciate just as it is. -Raf Ocala, FL 34470, U.S.A.
P seu d o stra tiffie d E pith eliu m , c/o -Carlo
Joel Morales Castro, P.O. Box 20-465, WITHERED EARTH_____________________ ®
Mexico 01001, D.F., MEXICO. Abolish in Thorns KILLING ADDICTION / El ERNE _DE__SADE_©
-Carlo R ochester, N Y ... the rem nants of Split tape
D isgorged spawns a crepuscular esse, Splendid to see K illing A ddiction are
D A M M E D _____________________________ <D better known as W ithered Earth. But still around, alive and kicking, yeah,
Promo '96 the savagery survives, it is simply well kicking some serious ass! Their potency
Australian nihilists Dam aged back anew combined with flows of esoteric introspec­ has no barriers, and they're incisive and
with three mint tracks which comply tions and sinister obscurity. Brutal and annihilative like in the "Omega Factor"
with their precursory "Passive Backseat wicked. period, not a thing has altered!
Demon Engine" MCD herein reviewed, Armageddon knocks at the door. Eterne De Sade slowed down a bit and
perhaps amplifying their potty unusual­ Withered Earth, c/o Chris Burgio, 24 sound more cryptic and darker but their
ness and maniacal savagery. East Garden D rive, R ochester, N Y split mates are still influential to a great
It is noised abroad a probable disban­ 14606, U.S.A. degree, by good fortune!
ding of Dam aged, so please, tonight li­ -Raf Contact both bands at Legacy Records,
ght a tall candle and pray together with P.O. Box 4651, Ocala, FL 34478, U.S.A.
us this is not true. JUNGLE ROT__________________________® -Carlo
D am aged, P.O. Box 97, Brunswick Skin the Living
South, 3055 Victoria, AUSTRALIA. Direct death metal, not blurred, not grin­ SCRIPTORIS IRAE____________________ ©
-Carlo ding. That's what the band is known for. Shadow Of The Wolf
Actually their clear, limpid sound and There are so many embryonic effulgent
NIGHT IN GALES_____________________ ® style is the key of their potency. ideas in this tape that it's rather heart­
Razor 7"ep On the originality department they are breaking to see 'em pauperized by the
Aflame death metal the Swedish way. limited though, because regardless of musicians' imperfect execution: the sin­
N ig h t In G ales's blast comes round their perfect sound the music remains eli­ gers, for instance, should need some se­
again, seemingly reinforced by a good do­ cited, inelastic death metal. rious singing lesson! At least my belly-a­
se of intense warmth. Yes, the band's mo­ Jungle Rot, P.O. Box 452, Gurnee, IL. che will fade away... Even a superior re­
re awe-inspiring than it has been hitherto! 60031-0452, U.S.A. cording would be of help for my distur­
Stylishness is the band's main privilege, -Carlo bed stomach.

isical freakshow generating scary, sing-a-long anthems.
fersally notorious from the members past involvement
згу metal icons DEATH and AUTOPSY, ABSCESS
infamy from their Relapse Underground Series
Junkies. This is chaotic zombification! Harsh
lilt-twisting, ear-mauling, noisy, insanity soaked


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Cut to Pieces
O ppressive, sharp, m osh death metal,
's on e o f the fe w u n d e rg ro u n d bands I really get
a k ick o u t of, at the m om en t,
niusicians're jolly a d ep t and, needless to say, can
; ah h u rtin g ear-icide by din t o f technical guitars,
s m o th e rin g d ru m s and severe vocals.
T h is is s tro n g beyond y o u r imagination,
y, c/o Chris Hall, 3 1 0 W in c h e s te r A ve., Lafayette,
IN 4 7 9 0 5 , U.S.A.

sting to get tapes which sound, more or

less, all the same. N arcolepsy do not
Other than molesting my belly, Scrip- sciples of good Old Nick. And so I see 1 contrast with the norm unfortunately, so
toris Irae work 'emselves to death to shall very likely wound some heart here, this is bloody death yeah, but too worka­
spawn melancholic, pensive death metal but truth has to be said, M alkuth sucks. day. Still, vocals and drumming are no­
which, I repeat, would be brilliant if also For one elementary motive: they are very teworthy but mind that the rest's so-so.
performed with a decorous technique. unprepared, unskilled musicians. Narcolepsy, 2947 Shady Creek Lane,
S crip to ris Irae, c/o Ulrich Gurski, M a lk u th an excellent black m etal Marietta, GA 30062, U.S.A.
Baum garlcssiedlung 20, 86505 Miin- band? Sure, within ten years. -Carlo
sterhausen, GERMANY. Get the demo through: Uncle Under­
-Raf ground, c/o Janssens Jan, Mussenhoeve- ION__________________________________ ©
laan 39, 2530 Boechout, BELGIUM. Point o f View
HATRED -Raf Very classic, very solid, very technical
Daze o f Darkness bloodthirsty death metal. The supreme
Old-school thrash metal, forceful, power­ SEPTEMBRIST_________________________ © execution of this severe tape really makes
ful and to some degree suggestive of old D ia b o lic Delusions your blood run cold, abruptly perceiving
Kreator and Slayer. Cool for the thrash Diabolic I don't know, but sure this is a you're having to do with one of the most
addicts. delusion. Passable death/thrash, good at proficient existing underground bands.
Hatred, P.O. Box 10264, Alexandria, times but too often unvarying. The vocals This is gold.
VA 22310, U.S.A. department is excellent though, so 1 think Ton, 1114 Wertz Avenue NW, Canton,
-Carlo I'm not far from truth if I say they can do Ohio 44708, U.S.A.
better. -Carlo
HATRED SURGE________________________ © Septembrist, P.O. Box 3022, Marton,
E lv is Died f o r Our Sins WI 53056, U.S.A. AMNIMfiEHEXI S_______________________ ®
Noisecore and caustic humour from Illi­ -Carlo Under the Surgeon's Knife
nois. If you lust after A.C. or Festering Putrid, pustulating brutality cast in the
Puke and stinking excreta of that kinky BEHEADED_____________________________® most hard-hearted mould. Two excrucia­
kind, this is A MUST! And finally, with Soul dead ting vocalists (m ale and female) spew
song titles like "We've got Rockstar Po­ I have been positively disturbed by this their souls with terrifying intensity.
tential Cornin' Out Our Asses" and "Tri­ demo cover artwork, as many others. De­ Something very catchy.
bute to Tortured Scrotum Productions" it licate brutal art. Then I have been con­ Amniorrehexis, c/o Blacky, 1504 Per-
is clear you'll simply venerate them. vulsed for their maximum barbarity su­ ras, Lasalle (Quebec), CANADA H8N 2K7.
Amusement guaranteed. perbly fused with melodic solos in a cli­ -Carlo
H atred Surge, 1024 Idle Oak Run, max of supreme technique. Eventually, I
Dixon, IL 61021, U.S.A. have been definitely blown away by the DISGORGE____________________________ ©
-Carlo & Raf throaty, deep vocals. Through the Innards
My ears bleed overjoyed. I envisaged D isgorge better than they
PERPETUAL DOOM______________________ ® Beheaded, c/o David Cachia, 83 Pelle- are in truth. At bottom the source of my
Sorrows Doom grinagg Str., Cospicua CSP04, MALTA. disillusion must be the lousy production
Perpetual Doom ply some atypical mea­ -Carlo which throw the guitar into the shade
sures for an US band. They keep the bru­ and obscured drums and bass, provoking
tality of Cannibal Corpse, to name one FLESHGRIND__________________________ ® an indiscriminate diminution of power.
randomly, and integrate it with a few me­ Sorrow Breeds H a t r e d . . . Bleed on Me W ith a superior recording and a tad of
lodic riffs which get to the brilliance of Cataclysmic F lesh grin d are back after extra experience the band would really
the European sweet-toned death metal their triumphant "Holy Pedophile" demo kick ass with its uncompromising bruta­
bands. It is a little bolt from the blue to with a noticeable growth in both songs lity!
see someone's seriously trying to vary! composition and technique. The sound's Disgorge, c/o Edgar Garcia, Apdo. 1-310,
Perpetual Doom, c/o Philip Labonte, 516 still hefty, the vocals ultra-throaty and C.P. 76001, Queretaro, Qro. MEXICO.
Britton St., Chicopee, MA 01020, U.S.A. the rem ainder's intense like a rain of -Carlo
-Carlo blows.
F le sh g rin d , P.O. Box 7142, Gray- ANAL BLAST__________________________ ®
MALKUTH______________________________® slake, IL 60030, U.S.A. Puss Blood Pentagram
Glo ry and V i c to r y -Carlo Their drummer teamed up with Katakly-
I have been told this got kind of enthusia­ sm not long ago and this should be of
stic classification in the em inent Metal NARCOLEPSY__________________________ Ф help to make an idea on Anal Blast's ap­
Hammer or some illustrious rag of that Amniotic Band Syndrome proach. As far as bestiality and hullabaloo
species. And also it seems M alkuth got With such an opulence of US bands whi­ are concerned, Anal Blast in effect match
their portion of veneration from many di­ ch play brutal death, it's become exhau­ the aforesaid Canadian band, evoking an

Count the Dead
Materialized after the disbandings of En
tity, B rainstorm and Preacher, In­
famy's a wicked being whose proposition
is to help the flames of death metal's in­
ferno keeping soaring and intense.
So, even if the guitar sound's bit in
chaos at times, for the most part their
energies bring forth a good fast death me­
tal marked by grinding drumming and
Morbid Angel singing methodology.
Infamy, 3145 Sheffield Ave., Los An-I
geles, CA 90032, U.S.A.
desperate corruption. -Carlo!

inferno of grinding blasts as well as revol­ DESPERATE CORRUPTION .© SK IN LESS 3

ting sexploitation. I n s a t ia b l e Mass Sw o lle n Heaps
Pathologically morbid. This must be the year for Japan to take Hunting for something so heavy to mowl
Anal Blast, c/o In term en t Records, its revenge and overshadow the rest of the you down? Implore Skinless to dispatch!
P.O. Box 6022, Minneapolis, MN 55406, world-wide scene with castigatory stor- you this tape.
U.S.A. mings of unprecedented savagery and Skinless, c/o Noah Carpenter, RD 1 Box 35
-Raf kinkiness. D esperation Corruption is Dean Rd., Hudson Falls, NY 12839, U.S.A.
the apex of technique and destructiveness -Carl
DAMNABLE with that tough American sound and that
O b se ssio n Pain perceptible Pyrexia's ascendancy., uh- DEADEN
Picture Incantation's first album vocal huh, this is the leading Jap brutal death 2 so n g s prom o-tape
style backed up with freakish, bizarre gui­ metal band! A sample of what we'll find in their im-|
tars and make everything whirl perilou­ Out any minute two split 7" eps with pending demo: severe, well-performed
sly. Fucking yeah, it is hallucinating bru­ Disgust and Enemy Soil. death metal the habitual way. Potent.
tality! Desperate Corruption, c/o Mitsuhiko Deaden, c/o Von Young, 1917 apt. C,
Damnable, c/o Andy Pakos, ul. Armii M aeda, 303.2-19-39 Shim om uneoka, M elrose D r., C ham paign, IL 61820,
Krajowej 20, 26-400 Przysucha, POLAND. Shiki-city Saitama, 353 JAPAN. U.S.A.
-Carlo -Carlo -Carlo I


Demo 1995 Upon the Throne o f E t e r n it y 7 "e p The En counter o f the F i r s t Kind
Another face of Ohio's scene is the bliste­ Grinding impassionate diablerie, this is W e had to convert the interview we did
ring grinding death of Descend which I evil, sinful metal from the heathenish sea­ with this band into this piece of shit of i
would label as early Carcass' admirers, boards of.. Florida. Equinox is ex-Ache­ review due to supernatural complications.]
principally for this singer who sounds like ron Pete Slate's new band since 1992 as Err...a little green man entered our home
he's haemorrhaging clotted gore from the well as one of the most emblematic US base furtively and he -or it- walked offj
mouth. Still, the guitar solos add infinite­ bands of classical first-class old-style with the sheets, perhaps attracted by thef
simal honey to the tape for their melodic black/death metal. title of the tape. By good luck he left the
air and their European-like sound. Their debut CD "Return to Misery" is tape, so the loss of the interview is at least
D e s c e n d , P .O . Box 7 7 0 3 7 6 , now available. tolerable. I ask forgiveness to my goo
Lakewood, OH 44107, U.S.A. Equinox, c/o Pete, P.O. Box 35033.3, pal Michel Monette for this, hopefully
-Carlo Grand Island, FL. 32735, U.S.A. won't kill me...
-Raf If the band was scheduled to be ml
EXHUMED Headkakka, you bet your evil-smelling
F o rg o tte n M is e ry KADATH patoot the guys are dangerous like myse
Not to be mistaken with the California's Into the Eternal Dephts of Sorrow and Desolation behind the wheel of a car. Hidden Pride
unburied... these come from Massachusetts They quote Kataklysm as dominant in­ are so rt of an h y b rid izatio n among
and are far from achieving their name­ fluence to commix with thrash metal, Broken Hope, Deranged and Suffoca
sakes' sickness, even though they brim grind and a crumb of doom, and that's li­ tion, that is to say: strong, berserk and
over with brutality which ranges from fa­ terally what one chances upon in this ta­ over-technical.
st parts to mosher ones. Suggest me to pe. Basically an unlimited dose of frantic

Exhumed and Molested

Holy shit! Nasty, severe, consummate yankee death metal which summons the slicing full blast
of Dying Fetus and Scattered Remnants
Your flesh and blood won't stand this lethal Castigation,
Shredded Corpse, 809 Towering Oaks Dr., Jacksonville, AR 72076, U.S.A.

M orpheus Descends's "Ritual of Infi- relentlessness which at times slows down If you gave your life for distinctive brut:
• fl
mty . to give the listener a moment's rest. death, it is imperative to get this.
Exhumed, c/o Matt Bachand, 21 Plea­ Forward-looking hard-line brutality. H idden Pride, c/o Michel Monette
sant Green, Eastham pton, MA 01027, Kadath, c/o Holger Friedenberger, Ei- P.O. Box 5088, Saint-Laurent, Montre
U.S.A. felstrasse 35, 52068 Aachen, GERMANY. CANADA, H4L-4Z7.
-Carlo -Raf

Hg ADFUCK g R 24
PAINS i n v e n t i o n ___________________ ®
Industrialized, at times furiously grinding
death strong metal, with penetrating vo­
cals and a vast dose of individuality.
Their preceding demo "Numb" is insi­
gnificant compared to this, the improve­
ment has been prodigious!
Pains Invention, P.O. Box 293, Har-
tland, WI 53029-0293, U.S.A.

WITHERING SURFACE_________________ ©
Iron-fisted, severe death metal ushered by
Mighty mag.'s co-editor, Michael H. An­
dersen. Ablaze and creative to a great ex­
tent by virtue of the ample chameleonic
kaleidoscope of genres they ply, fluctua­
ting among true-to-form death metal, Death from the Inside Severe Carnal Butchery
black metal, savage death metal, sweet- I bet R etalliation is the one of most Is there someone among you nerds who
toned death metal flavoured with Scandi­ known underground bands to hail from still recollects a certain album by the na­
navian vibes, while Michael's voice sere­ the States, being it consisting of members me of "Butchered at Birth"? I hope so.
nely oscillates between high-pitched to who all come from a penal institution. What Sepsism proffer in this tape makes
throaty, even occasionally verging on me­ During the last twelvemonth, Mr. Rick us go back to those unequalled mutila­
lodic! Desrosier showed to be a tireless promo­ tions, uttermost perversion and Draco­
It is breath-taking, no doubt! ter of his band, thus Retalliation has be­ nian non-existence of philanthropy.
Withering Surface, c/o Michael An­ come a name hard to forget. Same is for The foremost pattern o f horrifying
dersen, Snerlevej 188, 4700 Naestved, the music, which is genuine thrash/death death/grind gore around.
DENMARK. that highlights some catchy guitar solos. -Carlo
-Raf The recording, on the contrary, ends up
to be so awful, but it is obvious the moti­ MORTAL DECAY______________________ ©
ve of the amateurish sound, so we can ho­ Brutalizing Creations
Mutilated nestly turn a deaf ear to it, can't we? Or., err, brutal creations, just like this
Grinding, blood-and-guts gore delirium Retalliation, c/o Rick Desrosier, P.O. new piece of malevolence from one of the
from Canada. To rot slowly... Box 661, W. Side Station, Worcester, crudest bands around. Perverse in their
Casket, c/o Snake, # 9 0 3 , 10030-114 Mass. 01602-0661, U.S.A. texts, lewd and inhuman in the music,
St., Edmonton, Alberta, T5K 1R3, CA­ -Raf M ortal Decay use and abuse stabbing
NADA. drumming, sharp riffs and a spewing so
-Carlo О Ш _________________________ © cryptic that it makes you jump out of
Clitoral Vision your skin.
fDR.AI.Nl____________________ ® Blood D uster lionizers, (old) Carcass's Keep an eye open for their oncoming
Absorb bastard spawn, sex and violence enthusia­ album which enlightened Pulverizer Re­
Almost nothing has altered since their sts, pioneers of bad taste, debauched grin­ cords should release soon.
previous tape and I'm thankful to ding fucking rockers. Mortal Decay, c/o Anthony Ipri, 415
[Drain] for that. They're still anchored to Filth, c/o Mike F.B., P.O. Box 50, Do- Oak Street, Audubon, NJ 08106, U.S.A.
that cold industrial metal which causes veton, VIC 3177, AUSTRALIA. -Carlo
me to make associations with Pitch Shif­ -Carlo
ter each time I chance to put this on my AUDIO ESPIONAGE___________________ ®
tape recorder. ETERNAL REST IV comp, tape_______ © 8" compilation
It is truly nerve-wracking and strong. Northern Darkness Records Fudgeworthy Records
Drain, c/o Dave, Hillside House, Goo- Northern Darkness Records resulted to Special compilation which will bring a tad
sefoot Lane, Samlesbury, Preston, PR5 be the most sincere and serious under­ of bliss in your homes. Not only you shall
0RN, ENGLAND. ground Italian labels so far, with no other express admiration for the atypical vinyl
-Carlo ambition but to bring to the fore as many format, but you also shall delight in some
meritorious unheard-of bands as possible. previously unreleased tracks from Ulcer,
LIVIPITY__________________________ © It makes me so enthusiastic having pals Psycho, Disjoin, Gonkulator, Bastard
Ritual of Mortal Impalement like these, who give precedence to the un­ Noise and others. The best of grind, need
Productive and infrangible supporters of derground, not giving a damn to the I say else?
the underground movement (they even e- trends... in Italy is a rare thing, as I can -Carlo
dit Dreaded zine and release a comp, tape count on the fingers o f a hand those
by the same name), Lividity savour a bit whom I view as respectable. But back to PSYCHO/NASUM______________________ ©
of run-of-the-mill and boring, partly for the comp, now, which is simply wizard as Split 7"
the inferior recording and in some measu­ far as the presentation is concerned. Some Fudgeworthy Records
re for the uncomplicated songs making- bands exposed are Callenish Circle, For­ Much more grind orientated than their
up which causes the tracks to be all very gotten Silence, D usk and Sirrah, which prior split 7"ep with Agathocles, Nasum
alike. Lividity give their best when they I mention as they result to be the best, to have definitely lost the last shred of death
open up in furious grind, then they really my standpoint. Discover the others by metal which kept the band tied to their
kick some serious ass. The rest is sterile contacting: bygone times under the name of Ne-
but I'm confident they will be able to pro­ Northern Darkness Records, c/o Max crony.
gress rapidly... Usseglio, P.O. Box 51, 10052 Bardonec- Psycho result a tad less violent than
Lividity, c/o Dave Kibler, 1026 W. chia, (TO), ITALY. usual, altho their crustcore is still very
Marietta, Decatur, IL 62522, U.S.A. -Raf raw and abrasive.
-Carlo -Carlo
CHARNEL HOUSE_____________________ © BODY BAG__________________________ © ETERNAL HATRED____________________ ©
Haunted Heaven Pains From Nausea Vengeance from the Grave
Death/thrash core from Ney York. Nor Ferocity and inclemency will be inflicted Amidst the one-man bands in circulation
really bad, dirty and severe as one should upon you, and you'll throw yourselves at this m ust be the best next to Beyond
be hopeful of, yet quite fresh and pleasan­ Body Bag's feet in order that they may N o rth . Carcass Chris, the man behind
tly uncomplicated, as in the song "Dance keep on to rtu rin g you for keeps. the guitars, the bass, the drum-muchine
of the Dead" where one could easily fan­ Grind/death from the beginning to the and the mike knows his job so well! Not
tasize about dead dancing at the cadence end in your non-traditional American tra­ only he manifests what a pushover is to
of the song's main riff. dition. Err... him to dextrously handle his instrumen­
C h arn el H o u se , P.O . Box 2 6 0 1 9 6 , B o d y B ag , 4335 SE Main, Portland, tation, but then he unmasks a fine imagi­
Bellerose, N Y 11426-0196, U.S.A. OR. 97214, U.S.A. native faculty which brings to new life
-Carlo -Carlo death m etal strains o f the elder times.

„ , , , , Probing King Lumpkins' Plum adv. tape

1 his was originally su p po sed to be released on CD or at least on professional tape. T h at's what I apprehended from Chris
the last time (many m oons ago) I received inform ations from him. Sad enough he also notified m e X ero sis was pu t on hold
for a while and he w as absorbed in his new band Leaky Bag. A fterw ards m ost likely aliens caugh t him because he never
turned up nor I heard again about X ero sis nor Leaky B ag. W hat a bereavem ent. X ero sis were (are?) your typical, whimsical
band from Colorado, fucking brutal, fuckin g technical and, m ost im portantly, fuckin g outlandish and im aginative,
conjuring u p Skeleton o f G od and mates.
I f you have news regarding them let m e know or I'll kill you.
X ero sis, c/o Chris Laram ie, 8343 E. Briarw ood PL, Englew ood, CO 80112, U.S.A.
-R af

VISCERA ________________________© r a g t a g ___________________________ © Now and then he even seems to evoke old
Is Your Vagina Normal? Insane Asylum and lost Paradise Lost.
What a metaphysical question, eh? The­ Metallic melodic hardcore from France This Carcass bloke is terrific!
re's plenty of these freaks who take this which is sympathetic to hear one single E te rn a l H a tre d , c/o Carcass Chris,
sex-o-rama affair very seriously (and insa­ time, but just one eh! P .O . B o x 1 2 5 0 , La G ran g e Park, IL
nely). We're dealing with a 'be sicker than Nothing outstanding by any means. 60526, U.S.A.
the sickest' new trend or something, it is R a g ta g , c/o Christophe Rendu, 132 -Raf
plain, and Viscera launched in this fetid Rue Beauvoisine, 76000 Rouen, FR A N ­
com petition as well. I specify it, even CE. CORPSEVOMIT ©
though I'm sure you already made it out -Carlo Bastards of Foreverfilth
on your own, here we have another episo­ Here it is the case to say that time and
de of that romantic saga o f filthy porn CASKET____________________________ 0 practice have yielded very much to Cor-
grind-sludge-core. Meant to Be Dead psevom it. As their debut demo is a thing
For sentimental individuals. Cool German band that has triumphed to throw away now, if compared to this
V iscera, c/o Jason P., P.O. Box 365, over me in a breath. The sound vaguely new release which abounds in improve­
Ashburton, Vic, 3147 AUSTRALIA reminds Swedish vibes, the music is so in­ ment and progress from every perspective
-Carlo tense and again the sound is distorted and you analyse it. The songs structure is stu­
so heavy, the band's certainly setted its si­ died to result fluent, fast and unrelenting,
PSORIASIS_________________________ © ghts on a personal identity. And to me it b ein g both g u ita r s and d ru m m in g
Tyranny of the Stone... succeed. But if you want a raw descrip­ smooth and dynamic. All things conside­
As far as one can judge, experience has tion o f the sty le, it is a com prom ise red "Bastards..." emerges as a top-hole ta­
been of no service to Psoriasis which is a between Seance and Fleshcrawl. pe, so good that Wild Rags already re­
band up in years but not up to get rid of Quite nice in this day and age. pressed it onto CD.
the anonymity which plagues its soul. Casket, c/o Schorsch Gerriets, Eifelstr. C o rp se v o m it, c/o M att McClelland,
Obsolete beyond the bounds of bcarable- 17, 72766 Reutlingen, GERMANY. 8219 S. Troy, Chicago, IL 60652, U.S.A.
ness, their dead metal reeks of mummifi­ -Carlo -Carlo
cation, so uniform, so slow, so lacklustre
that it would seem the band itself grew JUDGEMENT DAY Vol. I comp, tape 0 SUBVERTOR_________________________ 0
weary of its own monotony. Mutant Prod. Cryptobiosis
A funeral would have been more exci- Judgem ent Day, or doomsday or Arma­ Rather famed Bolivian band, rather iron-
ting. geddon, label it the way you w ant, it handed, rather infuriated, rather techni­
-Carlo & Raf always stands for annihilation and havoc. cal, rather brutal, rather fast, rather inte­
And methinks no other titles would have resting!
SLOUGH/GONKULATOR_________________ 0 been befitting as this one for a compila­ Subvertor, c/o Horacio Lorini, Casilla
Split 7" tion of such severe nature. Some o f the 158, La Paz, BOLIVIA.
Fudgeworthy Records most Draconian bands have been herein
Apocalyptical cyber grind paroxysm ... -Raf
sum m on ed, D e s p e r a t e C o r r u p tio n ,
those who are not familiar yet with Slou­ Scattered Rem nants, N atron, R otting, GRINDER___________________________ ©
g h should stay away from this band if T o r tu r e K ry p t to quote som e hapha­
they think M eat Shits are too crude! From the Grave
zardly. And the affair is professional as From the unsurpassed state for death me­
Gonkulator's side is a noisy diabolical well as nicely put together.
chorus, pure black noise chaos!! tal's snowballing, Ohio, comes the p u ­
Mutant Prod., c/o Mike Andriani, via Du- shing thrash/death of G rinder. It could
-Carlo razzo 2/a, 70054 Giovinazzo, (BA), ITALY. be coupled to Sepultu ra of the "Beneath
-Raf the Remains" album as far as the thrash

beats are concerned, adorned with a noti­ DECAY
ceable drum m ing and an as much re­ Rebirth
markable bass's execution. The ne plus ultra in the contemporary th­
G rinder, 380 S. 10th St., Coshocton, rash/death discipline is named Decay.
O H 43812, U.S.A. Aggressiveness and wrath fired on your
-Carlo face.
Decay, P.O. Box 20055, Dayton, OH
inthrm e d . 45420-0055, U.S.A.
Nihilistic Delusions -Carlo
As for several other yankee bands, the decay.
principal objective of Inthroned is not to FAMILY QF FREAK$
ape C ann ibal C orp se nor Suffocation. ... And Freaks Were Their Names MASTICATED ENTRAILS
As a result they opted for a darker, more Fam ily o f Freaks... what do you associa­
cryptic sound which clearly helps the Head from the Dead
te with this name? Dirty death metal, di­
band to secure a plain individuality. Nor Rancid, stinkin g, slim y, purulent, ex
sturbed m usicians, som ething to keep
they failed to keep sight of potency and Slam nw itch, M asticated Entrails wal­
away from? You hit the spot, jels.
low in the deepest and most fetid slim'
speed and in fact the end result is a tape Fam ily o f Freaks is your unsane Ame­
strong and creative. and so does their music which at times
rican band which tak es its m usic as,
In th ro n ed , c/o Steve Stell, 1710 N. grind and at occasionally... ? I don't
mainly, a source of amusement. It requi­
Larch Drive, Mt. Prospect, IL 6 0 0 5 6 , now, they are so strange and unusual ti
res humour and no claims from the liste­
attribute 'em a proper label! Guitaris
U.S.A. ner as fundamentally the music is nothing
-Raf M att Sm ith m akes its gu itar g o craz
to write home about as far as imagination
from the first riff to the last of these 15
and skilfullness are concerned. But cer­
IMMURED unforgettable tracks of the oddest deatl
tainly a cool affair if you have a weakness
Submissive Intractability for freaks!
Anybody in the scene must be more than Love us or hate us, that's their philo­
Fam ily o f Freaks, c/o Burt Beo Wolf,
familiar with them, having the band also sophy!
P.O . Box 4 4 2 , Eagleville, PA 19403-
released a limited 7"ep of late. Anyhow, if M asticated Entrails, c/o Matt Smith,
0442, U.S.A.
you haven't got any opportunity to meet 708 Washington St., Martins Ferry, OH
Im m ured yet, they are really intractable, 43935, U.S.A.
indomitable blokes. This is a gathering of -Carlo
high-voltage savagery, death metal the Self-titled
fucking stubborn way! IMPIETY
This band is not all there. Err, I have not
Im m ured, c/o David Johach, Walper- understood which are their intentions but Salve the Goat: Iblis Exelsi 7"ep
sdorfer Str. 13, 91126 Rednitzhembach, 1 really dunno if this is a reprint or so- [
sure they are sympathetic. Their intent
GERMANY. m e th in g , I did receive it from Fud-
must be fusing all kinds of musical genres
-Carlo geworthy Rees, so perhaps... It is fromf
and outrageousnesses and a pinch of Sa­
tan to strive after... let's say, something the year 1993 and sounds pretty pissed-
AUTISM off black/death. The boys on the picture I
unusual? Damn crazy, so much the better.
Self-titled look really wrathful! So is their music, but
Humm, this is the best I can say to co­
Cool to name one band's songs simply nothing to be really worth being remem- [
me near to a definition.
with titles like "Seven", "Two", "Six", "Ni­ bered.
T aw path , c/o Ski-mask, P.O. Box 638,
ne", it doesn't involve particular struggles -Carlo
Kenmore, N Y 14217, U.S.A.
from one's grey matter when it comes to -Carlo
remember the song titles. B ut, hey, it FINAL EXIT/NAPALMED
seem s the m usic's as much sim plistic, DEMENCE Ф split tape
death m etal in your routine American From the yards of Final Exit drummer!
Dr. Necro
way, but more cumbersome and darker own label Y Records a tape which intro-J
This is a potent and mighty mix of thrash
than it generally is. duces one of the superior noise-core Japa­
and death metal with a bass sound which
A utism , P.O. Box 83142, Milwaukee, nese bands: Final Exit themselves. Some
recalls hardcore to a great degree, a flying
WI 53223, U.S.A. tracks also come from live recordings and
drum m ing and excellent vocals which
-Carlo the final feeling's like your body experien-
smoothly changes tonalities from time to

DOOM FORMATION___________________
Definition Of Evil
O nce in a blue m oon you run across a band which really m akes you sw ear by brutish death m etal as you never did before. I
bum ped into D oom Form ation and my fascination for brutality awoke ram pant. As the band's so uncontrolled and primiti­
ve as few can be and rem arkably sm art and deft to a great degree. O f im port is also the m em bers' enthusiasm and dedica­
tion to the band's p ush in g, alm ost phenom enal, if you ask me. Here at the H eadfucker HQ we are swamped in
D oom Form ation's newsletters.
A full-lenght CD is in the wind.
D oom Form ation, c/o R ob G aines, 78 Carriage Dr. Apt. G , Delaw are, O H IO 4.301 5, U.S.A.

PARTS ced a flare-up of cerebral matter.

Tools Of Sound time.
N apalm ed vex us with sort of compu­
Avant-garde, transported onward music The result of this mixture has a jolly
terized plastic noise instead, full stop.
projected onto an utopian wall of noise, fresh and original savour.
Final Exit, c/o Ryohei Kikuchi, 3-720-
like shades over waterfalls. Contact: Michel M onette, P.O . Box
4 H ibarigao ka, Zam a-city, Kanagawa
Contact: Guido Manfredini, via G. Fo- 5088, Saint-Laurent, Montreal, C A N A ­
228, JA PA N .
chessati 7, 46045 Marmirolo (MN), ITALY DA, H4L-4Z7.
-Raf -Carlo

Оёшойй of tf>e cartel)
anb the celestial,
bttnne profanttp &
carnal ^acrebneSs,
anflteffytc extreme^ rol)tcf)
attract cad) offer.
21 compliant equilibrium imprtSoneb
in UiecroSiS'^ hermetic
interpretation of music.
Terolp part of tf>e glortba Scene,
tfe banb'S Setting to breeb
a Seconb album.
Erik, come vanno к cose laggiii in Florida?
"Tutti qui sono i morti che vivono. E'
meglio essere in Italia. Florida does not have
the history and tradition of your country but
as with any region it is what one makes of
S till Necrosis ivas known to be a band
from Rhode Island and it newly shifted to Tampa.
Have you gone to live in the sunshiny peninsula by
yourself or has the whole o f the band emigrated
with you?
"The band is still known to be a band
from Rhode Island but the mail is no longer
forw arded. In the in tern atio n al scope it
should not matter where a band is from but
we chose Tam pa for the ease of operation.
Tampa is inexpensive compared to the other
cities I have lived in. N ecrosis relocated to
T a m p a to avoid th e blizzards o f Rhode
Island, in more ways than one."
Once upon a time there was a celebrated sce­
ne over there in Florida. Now that Necrosis took
root inside its withered soil it w ill easily an d shor­
tly be restored to health, uh? Or perhaps the situa­
tion ain't so desperate as it seems?
"I cannot comment on the former glory
of Tam pa because we are relatively new to
the area and it would not be our place to
praise or profane. It is true that the scene has
been reduced to a shadow of its former self
but the dedicated will continue to support
and create while the false switch to playing
grunge or some such garbage. N ecrosis will
rejuvenate the withered soil but all in good
time. T hat prophecy will come to pass with
our new release."
Necrosis is as elderly as death metal it­
self... materialized in '85, today the band brings
in te rvie w by Dtaffaella with g u i t a r i s t S r i к Slmelio 11 years along! Yet it took f a r too long before re-


leasing your first CD "Acta Sanctorum" and l wonder why, in the light amount of time I devote depends on the calling. 1 am only th
of the admirable aptitude of the band. Was there so paltry consideration catalyst for the mystic, hallucinogenic visions by which I am tot
towards Necrosis? mented."
"Over the years there have been offers but we decided to A fascinating spiritual viewpoint to interpret creativity. Sort j
wait for something that was meaningful and we have made our musical ascesis which hopefully will consent Necrosis to beget a secom
share of mistakes in the past. Necrosis is for the underground CD soon, as two years already elapsed, since the press of your breath
and we never expected nor wanted commercial acceptance. I taking debut CD by now. Does already exist some premiss for a new re­
would get more satisfaction from a response of repulsion than ac­ lease at hand and, secondly, is the band presently still affiliated will
ceptance. The motivational impulses are not financially driven. I Black. Mark?
write for myself because I have to write in order to mantain sta­ "We are presently completing the writing of our next re
bility, among other reasons of course. The cathartic nature of cord. W hether the record is released through Black Mark or
writing and performing is motivation enough. For years I was another interested label depends on Black Mark’s will to satisfy
content with performing and releasing material without a recor­ our needs as they have not in the past. The new release will ex­
ding contract because the band's needs were met." tend the framework set by "Acta Sanctorum". It is too early to
"The productivity of the band has fluctuated with very give specifics because a lot will change in the studio but we have
prolific years and times of concentration on other endeavors. been composing diligently and are near completion. We bring
However, the fruits of my labor have always satisfied. I dissect together elements of Omenesque horror soundtrack, Paganini
and manipulate ad nauseam. We are perfectionists with our re­ styled technicality but darker and more involved while increa­
leases and our goal is for one to realize by listening to Necrosis, sing the overall brutality of our past."
that we have been in existence for over a decade and having this Hermetic, introspective and abstract, such are Necrosis' lyrics, a
show in the maturity and profundity of the music and lyrics, it is stream of consciousness which hinges on an indeterminate berating ai
not the age of the band but the band for the age that is impor­ blame of Christendom. It would almost seem that a kind of inspiration
tant. The longevity of the band in itself is of no consequence if conducts you on writing...
the proficiency does not testify to it." "Damn, that was well stated. I could not have said it bet
"The release of "Acta Sanctorum" was delayed by setbacks ter myself. In some ways the lyrics are more important than the
that, in the end, turned out to be benefits. The success and pro­ music itself. Every artistic aspect of Necrosis is carefully crafted
ductivity of the band has been hindered over the years by poor The concepts are open to interpretation to an extent and
management, or the lack thereof. However, the final judgement consciously enigmatic, dark, and solemn. Their stream of со
of the bands worth is the strength of the compositions." sciousness coincides with the polyrhythm and impredictability
This proficiency of Necrosis is unquestionable, meseems. But the the music. Necrosis is also an outlet for the dark subconscious
band's longevity surely impacted on you, so what have you cherished and have lived the hermetic lifestyle and it has shown conceptually
what have you given up right along this wide way? the lyrics and literally, I hope, in the proficiency of the music.11
"I've given up my soul right along this wide way. Shed Yes, hermeticism distinctly exudes from both. As well as this fasci­
along the way was also the naivety. I cannot state that I have gi­ nation for promiscuity between the sacred and the profane. That you
ven up my sanity because I work in the mental health profession full-blooded Italian perhaps bears a pertinence to this subject. Italy s
and must maintain the facade. Necrosis is the Laberinthica wea­ extremely religious nation by custom...
ving the perpetual web, building on past foundations and expan­ "Quite. I have the utmost respect and veneration for the
ding. Our new material brings influences of extreme darkness culture and art of Italy but that does not restrict my interprets
that is more haunting and symphonic. The band has mantained tions of Christian and Occult mythology, and my freedom t
the intensity while expanding on the dark and classical influen­ profane or redefine if I so wish. I have just returned from Itat
ces." and I must praise the country for its gothic architectures, art am
Being you the very spark which called forth the blazing fire of loose women. I would fornicate in the catacombs of the catfo
Necrosis back in '85, haven't you ever run against woes such as decline drals and leave my seeds on the sacred tombs. I find the Italia
in enthusiasm or discontentment towards your own work, merely drea­ vision of damnation in art to be fascinating."
ming of a disbandment ? Has your dedication to the band, been unmiti- That's a splendidly impure fantasy to wind up our conversatk
gatedly fervent all the time? You 'born of God and spawn of Helt, what else you'd say to end it well.
"Necrosis is the eternally tormented spirit of the damned. "I thank you for having put time and thought into уош
Necrosis has always been idealistic and a concept that exists on questions. I appreciate your including us in your exceptional zi-
eternal and fundamental truths. Enthusiasm, ideally, should be ne. Look out for our new release coming soon. Cheers to our Ita­
irrelevant. Despair and frustration and as a whole, strives amidst lian fans. We can be contacted at our new address:
adversity." NECROSIS, P.O. Box 274004, Tampa, Florida 3368
"Problems and dilemmas are inevitable and are addressed 4004, U.S.A.
as opportunities. The inspiration is from a higher power and the

interview with vocalist Fernando Avila
Today, m any are persuaded th a t gore lyrics are hollow sense­
less a n d even a bit obsolescent, so is your horror-filled disposition de­
trim ental in any w ay to the band?
"Our lyrics are our lyrics and no one else's. We really
don't care what anyone thinks of our lyrics. There are going
to be people that hate 'em, like 'em, or don't even care about
'em. Besides, I don't think the lyrics should be the focal point
of a grind band since you really can't understand the vocals
anyway without a lyric sheet. I feel that the important thing
should be the sounds that are created as a band. W hen I li­
sten to a band I like and they write about gore I consider that
a bonus for me. When I listen to a band I like that doesn't w-
rite about gore there really is no difference because I dig the
sounds they produce. You just have to be a little open min­
It is a bright, favourable time for Scuttlebutts report Sepsism are gonna release something under
sanguinary metal. The leading state the gonfalons o f Wisconsin based label Bovine Records, correct?
"That is true, we will be releasing a CD/Demo through
of gory perversion is |apan but it is Bovine Records' new sub-label titled Blower Records. The
CD will contain four new songs, one song from our second
not unrivalled. California seems not demo re-recorded and "Severe Carnal Butchery" as bonus
to be inferior in amputations, blood "Our first three demo covers were actual photos of mur­
ders that occured in Mexico. We will be using an illustration
sheddings and assorted exhumations. this time around though. We are hoping for a release date of
SEPSISM know something about... late October."
Three demos led up to this CD, the th ir d o f which really pa n ­
ned out a n d resulted significant to make the ban d s fam e mushroom
Hey Fernando , is the sepsism swelling well? bit by bit. I'm not loath to believe this C D is a step o f import fo r the
"Considering it was our first demo we distributed world b a n d which is eventually going to be recompensed fo r a ll the struggles
wide we feel that we did a pretty good job getting it to most i t d id up to now.
of the gore fans out there. We've been together since 1990 "We are extremely proud of our new material and espe­
and had two previous demos that were only distributed local­ cially of the recording. Our music is progressing and we think
ly at our shows. It wasn't until we released "Severe Carnal our fans will agree once they get a hold of our upcoming CD.
Butchery" that we felt we were ready to introduce ourselves We're hoping it will get us more recognition worldwide and
to the rest of the underground. Despite our late introduction maybe even get us signed to a major record label. With the
world wide we do not feel that it has hurt us because we were distribution that we will be receiving through Bovine Records
able to built a following in our home area first." it just might be a possibility."
California must be the hottest state o f U SA in this day a n d A s we cited your th ir d demo "Severe C arnal Butchery", I re­
age, a n d I'm not h inting a t the roasting temperature k i t to the gory call you d id n 't consider needful to make its lyrics public. W as there
w orld instead. The California blood-and-guts scene is really in the the little p a w o f censorship perhaps?
p in k, right now. "We printed the lyrics on our first two demos. W e were
"California has never really been famous for gore grind having a lot of problems with the way we were making the
or any other style of grind core for that matter. It seems that cover for "Severe Carnal Butchery" we didn't have the money
now there are more bands beginning to pop out of California to have it done professionally so instead we made it on our
and becoming more known throughout the underground. own as best as we could. For this reason we omitted the lyrics
Hopefully this state will get more recognition within the next to avoid further problems. The lyrics will definitely be printed
couple of years." on the new CD including the lyrics to "Severe Carnal But­
1 guess i t is already happening, the pathological a rt o f gore chery".
being very revalued lately. C onsequentially bands lik e Sepsism N o shades o f censorshit then, good to know. Yet, this septic
should consider this like a propitious moment to get some fin e recogni­ a ffa ir d id n 't get an overt trium ph oversea, I hope this doesn't mean
tion. Europeans do not give a hoot about your band...
"Anytime there is more favoritism towards a subject "We didn't get much distribution in the foreign coun­
that a band deals with, it has to be good for that band. Hope­ tries because we didn't have many contacts. This will change
fully the interest in gore will continue because this is a subject with the help of Bovine Records. We will have excellent pro­
that we like writing about and so long as we don't run out of motion and distribution. More interest in the band will be
ideas we should be alright. It's true that a lot of ideas have gained in both the U.S. and worldwide once the new CD is
been already used by the many gore bands out there but the­ released. All we have to do now is wait until the release date."
re will always be something to write about or even use some So is it entertaining 'sodomizing the exhumed, sadistically de­
of the same ideas in different ways." vouring their removed p u tr id entrails'?
W ith such a n unlim ited source o f inspiration as the plethora o f "You know about as much as we know. We don't wri­
everyday topical crime news I suspect you'll never dry up o f ideas fo r te from experience. I don't think anyone does. It's too grueso­
your texts. Or are you m ainly stim ulated by a vibrant im agination? me, heh heh!"
"We mainly stick to whatever ideas our sick minds can Too gruesome? N o w ay! I guess the m ain inconvenience must
come up with. W e try to think of different ways people can be fin d in g a v a lid excuse to tell your mom when she fin d s out those
die or what happens to their bodies after they die or even blood-stained garments you concealed under the bed... anyw ay...
what can be physically done to dead bodies. Our topics range "Anyway, thanks a lot for the interview Carlo and keep
from disease, murder, cannibalism, freak accidents and putre­ up the good work. Anyone interested in Sepsism go ahead
faction. After an idea is thought of we just let our imagina­ and write."
tion take care of the rest. Although there are some intering □
stories on the news too. We have used a couple of topics that Sepsism, c/o Fernando Avila, 13017 Kagel Canyon,
have been on the news and made our own stories out of Pacoma, CA 91331, U.S.A.

Boiling hot sun, Hollywood and its block signboard on the
Santa Monica Mountains, dreamlike prom enades alongside
th e Pacific Ocean. Associations which commonly flash
into mind w hensoever it is mentioned.
BUT. Through a left-hand perspective you will observe
a SICKER facade. As, ever since D E E D S O F FLESH saw the light
day back in 1 S S 4 , th a t flamboyant, blissful, cloying landscape
began to spoil...
Interview by R affaella w ith bassist and vocalist Jacoby Kingston
trading pieces of human kind
p r e h e n d s th e y all m u s t h a v e b e e n a b lin d eye to it.
m o u ld ed th ro u g h p re c e d in g ex p e rien ­ "Yeah, w e'll do an y th in g we can
ces in som e o th e r b an d befo re 1994... to help b ru ta l d ea th m etal and its su p ­
Jo e y fo r in sta n c e c o u ld easily b e th e p o r t e r s . As f a r as R e p u ls e , w e 'r e
faste st d ru m m e r in th e u n d e rg ro u n d fu ck in ' excited to g et a ch an ce to w ork
scene! w ith a b ig g er label. P lus, D ave R o tten
"N o w ay th e r e is f a s te r d r u m ­ is fuckin' cool. H e's d o in g it th e right
m ers o u t th e re an d w e'll find them " he w ay. H e lik e s b r u ta l s h it a n d th a t's
belies m e. "None o f us have h ad any w h a t h e sig n s. I c o u ld n 't b eliev e he
le sso n s o r an y th in g . E rik h as p layed w asn 't freak in g o u t ab o u t th e new D i­
w ith m any b a n d s an d Joey an d 1 w ere sgorge. T h a t's th e heaviest fuckin' shit
in a d e a th b a n d fo r a b o u t six y ears I've h eard . EVER!"
p rio r to D eeds. T h is is by far th e best D oes th e o p tio n to team u p w ith
b an d we've all been in." an E u ro p ean label stem from the sh o r­
I'm c o n v in c e d . B e lo n g in g to a tage o f ad v an tag eo u s p ro fferin g s from
b a n d lik e th is m u s t b e an a sp ira tio n th e ir d o m e stic scene?
fo r m an y in th a t D ee d s o f F lesh is a "No, n o t a t all" he co n fu tes. "D a­
te rz e tto w hich tu rn s o u t m ightily fo r­ ve gave us th e b est deal an d we took
cib le. A nd I w o n d e r h o w th ey co u ld it. W e g o t offers fro m o th e r labels b u t
so u n d if they w ere fo u r o r five... is for som e w o u ld n 't give us g o o d royalties
scarcity o f p ro p e r m u sicia n s th e re a ­ o r th e r e le a s e d a te s w e re lik e n e x t
son w hy th e b an d resolved to b e a trio fu ck in g year. F uck th a t we w an t to get
o r is th is m erely th e ir o p tim al line-up? it o u t as soon as we can . T h a t is the
Jaco b y explains: "W hen we sta r­ o nly w ay w e ca n m ak e m o n ey to g et
ted o u t th a t w as th e w h o le idea. W e on tour!"
b o th sin g so th e re is n o n eed fo r a sin ­ T h r o u g h R e p u ls e R e c o r d s ,
g e r a n d a n o th e r g u ita r p la y e r w o u ld D e e d s o f F le s h a re g r o w in g fa m e d
p ro b a b ly m a k e it so u n d th ic k e r b u t w ith in th e E u ro p ean p e rim e te r as re-
th e n you have to h ea r all th e b u llsh it b e rb e ra tio n o f b elo n g in g to a label on
ab o u t riffs an d w hich o n es to use. As th e o p p o site su rface o f th e earth . B ut
fa r as th e th ic k e r s o u n d g o e s, w e're is th e b a n d likew ise fam iliar w ith the
w o rk in g o n it. E rik has b e e n u p g r a ­ E u ro p ean u n d e rg ro u n d ?
d in g his e q u ip m e n t a n d w e're try in g "Yeah th a t is s o m e th in g w e are
to g et him tw o full stack s an d b rid g e fin d in g o u t now th a t w e're on R ep u l­
th e m to g e th e r w ith d iffe re n t so u n d s se. I g u ess p eo p le in E urope like it and
w h ic h w ill s o u n d lik e tw o d if fe r e n t w ith e n o u g h p ro m o tio n I'm h o p in g
g u ita r players." "T rad in g Pieces" will d o well o ver th e ­
A n a lo g ie s w ith D e ic id e h a v e re. H opefully w e can sell 10,000 in th e
been fre q u en tly fo rm u late d as D eeds' first year. T h a t is o u r goal."
d e m o "G radually M elted" b ears a c e r­ "1 d o n 't k n o w m u c h a b o u t th e
tain resem b lan ce w ith th e afo ren am ed scene b u t I do k n o w a b o u t b an d s and
F lorida's b an d . T o w h a t e x te n t is th e th e re are som e fierce ones".
new C D d iv e rg e n t fro m th is d e m o ? T h is u n d e rg ro u n d is o f g rea t si­
D o es "T ra d in g P ieces" r e ta in th is a- g n if ic a n c e to th e m a n d d o u b tle s s
u re e n o u g h , it's s o m e w h a t s t u ­ g reeab le d eicid ish ascendancy? D eed s o f Flesh today b o asts a position
S pefying tw igging th a t th e band's "A lo t o f p e o p le c o m p a re us to
only a b o u t 2 yrs old an d th a t th r o uD­eicide a n d I p ersonally ta k e th a t as a
o f n o te in s id e it. I g u e s s th e b a n d
w o u ld n 't d r o p th e h e a r ty s e n s e o f
g h o u t th is s h o rt-liv e d b u t in te n s iv e co m p lim e n t. I fu ck ed d ig D eicide. O n c o m ra d e sh ip w hich p erv ad es it to as­
sp ell it g o t su c h m u ltifa rio u s issues: th e o th e r h an d if you look a t th e big sociate w ith th e m ajo r-b an d s' an tag o ­
re le a s e d -a -d e m o -s o ld -it-e x c e p tio n a l- p ic tu re we are n o th in g like th em lyri­ nism ...
ly - w e ll- r e p r e s s e d - it- o n to - C D - e v e n - cally. W e d o n 't s in g a b o u t S a ta n o r " R ig h t" h e m e re ly a n s w e r s
tu a lly - p u t- o u t- a - f u ll- le n g h t- a lb u m . an y th in g th a t has to do w ith religion. w ith o u t tu r n in g a h a ir, ev id en tly J a ­
N o t m e re ly to b e a s c r ib e d to th e ir A lso, w e 're a th r e e p ie c e in s te a d o f coby' ideas on th e su b je ct are straig h t.
lucky stars, 1 guess? fo u r an d w ith tw o vocalists we can do E nd o f th e ch a t an d tim e fo r the
"Erik and I set o ff in th e first p la­ all o f th e h igh an d low vocals live in q u e s tio n w h ich to rm e n ts m e ever so.
c e to c r e a te th e b r u t a l e s t b a n d we w h ic h G le n c a n o n ly d o o n e o r th e W h ic h k in d a pieces are th e guys tra ­
could. W e are so into D eath Metal" J a ­ other." d in g ?
co b y s ta rts . "The re a so n w e so ld so "As fo r th e d issim ilarities o n o u r " H u m a n p ie ce s!!! S u p p o r t th e
m any copies is because we w o rk ed o u r new CD , it's faster, m o re b ru tal, m o re underground!!!"
asses o ff d o in g it. W e still d o all th e songs, m o re everything. You'll have to H u m an b lo o d -so ak ed pieces, ca-
p ro m o tio n we can a n d th e s u p p o rt o f tell m e if it so u n d s like D eicide b ec au ­ pish? D isp atch him livers, spleens, o f­
th e u n d e rg ro u n d also. W e ju st try to se I d o n 't th in k so." fals, ey eb alls, k id n e y s, b a c k b o n e s to
g e t as m u c h d is tr ib u tio n as w e ca n F o r th e ir u n e q u iv o c a l co n v in c- b a rte r for a m assive dose o f so u n d u n ­
these days alth o u g h you have to b e ca­ tion o n e m ay th in k D ee d s o f Flesh are co n tro llab le d e a th m etal vitam ins.
reful o f fuck in g rip-offs". d o in g th e ir p a rt for reviving th e lots o f □
N o n e th e less, m u llin g over th e ir b ru ta l d e a th m etal. A nd now even by D E E D S O F F L E S H , P .O . B ox
p r o f ic ie n t m u s ic ia n s h ip , o n e c o m ­ d in t o f a label w hich has never tu rn e d 6544, Los O sos, CA. 93412, U.S.A.

No one in the brutish domain has been this unusual and origin:
since the disbanding of Skeleton of Goc
alt Lake City, the capital of Mormons. Do W icked Inno­ and listen to grindcore exclusively. We try to borrow influenc
S cence still stand alone as far as their scene is concerned?
'Well, the Salt Lake City scene is very underground. The
from as many styles as possible. If one of us wants to try son
new shit, we do it without worrying about what people w
grindcore scene is dry, we are one of the only bands to stay true think." 1
to ourselves and music. We also are the only band to bring in The thing proved of great avail as this little middle Wes
out of town heavy bands. We do what we can to support every platoon not only has sowed the seeds of a new genre but it ali
band that comes through. The scene here is mostly alternative. amply demonstrated that it is not beyond the bounds of possib
No all age clubs, no kegs of beer, no we're not mormons." lity to be creative and ground-breaking conserving a massive
In all likelihood, that's the motive W ick ed In n o c e n c e se of brutality.
would rather feel a component of the Colorado, Denver's scene. Does Travis' other band So W ut adhere to this style
It's utterly transparent their affinity with both Napalm Records well?
America and U n d e rta k e r as well as the Denver grind-core "So W ut is an adverse style of music completely differei
world. from W icked In n o cen ce. So W ut is mostly funky-groovi
"We'll never forget our roots because we hail from Salt Jazzy Blues Rock with Rap vocals, they're very different froi
Lake City, UT, but the Denver grindcore scene is much larger any grindcore band but original. I have played with So Wutfi
and 100% more supportive o f our music as well as all other about 2 years so I take them seriously. I've recorded all my drui
heavy bands! It just seems more open-minded to everything!" tracks for our up-coming release (Slacker) which should be out
W icked Innocence, U n dertak er and late lamented S k e ­ September of '96. I would like for people to hear them cause
leton o f G od have initiated a veritable distinguishing Middle believe they would catch like wildfire, they have a cool outloo
West style which I would dub hypnotic neo grind/death, for the on life and believe in having a lot of fun. So anyone intereste
queerness of, basically, everything. please write me. Since I do both bands mailing I don't believe
'Y es, I believe that we are in the same vein of neo-grind as one style of music. I open my mind to everything."
Skeleton o f G od and U ndertaker which are all good friends of Lorin Cook is second to none when he combines jolly
ours, it s too bad that both bands are no longer together cause if roaty vocals to normal singing style. It must turn out dam
they were it would be the sickest tour anyone has ever seen! But complex to interweave such contrastive singing methods all til
Erik our label Rep. is drums on Skeleton o f G od and Otto Lar­ time, so is perhaps Travis (who's also backing vocalist) the
sen the lead guitar player o f U n d e rta k e r is one o f my best who mostly does those clear parts?
friends, so we keep in touch with almost all of them (they rule!) - "Lorin does most of the vocals, including most of the h
Keep on the lookout for some new U n d ertak er material, as they and the 'normal' parts. We like to incorporate as many differed
are reforming! - The sounds may be similar but only in as much styles of vocals as possible. The next recording will encompas:
as all three of us try to follow our own sound and not the crowd ven more styles. Ju st as there are 3 or 4 different death metal
(herd). 99% of the bands out there are pure shit. A lot of bands cal styles on our current disk, there will be just as many styl
sound like clones o f eachother. (PS: we like the "hypnotic neo the clean vocals all thrown together in our future songs than
grind/death" label!)." has currently. His vocals appear especially distinctive on "Rec
I'm keeping on equating the three bands seeing that their to the Gate of Rebirth", for those who wish to discern the r
CDs are admirably allied: leaving aside that they all recorded at vocalists."
Time Capsule Studios, the circumstances which link them are Other than being, as we said, a backing vocalist and a
the spine-chilling contrivance, the out-of-this-world technical perhuman drummer, Travis Jiron's the poet of the inner though
expertise and the lyrics' orientation. for W icked Innocence, a.k.a. their lyricist. As, fundamental
What's the key of this artless freakishness? in the "Anthropological Infestation" demo his words showed
"The only reason we sound different from a lot of bands is tendency to carp at human ineptitude, in the CD they give
that we don't give a shit what other bands are doing or what impression of being a self-explanatory inward meditation, alhe
they sound like. Don't get us wrong, we definitely get into some the denunciation of human irresponsibility is still there. But
ol the better bands, but our influences cover almost all styles of the latter their definitive course?
music (no country, soul etc..). We are influenced by a small a- "The lyrics I write are based on life! Life is to live, to expi
mount of grind, but a lot of bands seem to steal froxn each other rience, to undergo the boundaries of our existence. No one

interview with drummer Travis (iron by Raffael

H €A D FU CK €R 34
tell me why we are here and for what reasons are we here, so from that
I write about reasons we do exist, we are only going to be here for a
very short time and then what will happen will that be it? Is life only
to die? I don't think so, I think there's too much more to handle, what
happens to our knowledge? to our feelings? are thoughts? We exist
therefore we are, we think we know so much but we don't, we can't e-
ven figure out the oceans let alone cure cancer and aids but we try to
figure out space. Space is infinite, there is no boundaries, there is no li­
mit so why write about killing humans or Satan and wearing make up
when you can experience unthought of places, places right here on
earth! Our band believes m furthering our knowledge not in inconse­
quential topics. To answer your question, we will continue to write a-
bout humans, we are humans and we never learn from our mistakes,
we destroy to satisfy ourselves, people don't change, study the Indians
and how they lived then think about what we have done to oursel­
Parallel dimensions is an expression chat is easy to run into if we
skim through his lyrics. As I see it, not to dry up in the nothingness of
ethics of our contemporary reality, one has to resort to dreams and live
on the edge of the realistic dimension and the idealistic one... this was
how I interpreted his expression, but he explains that:
"Reality is always there, we cannot avoid reality, a lot of people
think they can but they can't. People g e t caught up in artificial society
and lose sight of the natural world and the reasons why we are really
here. Life is to be happy and one with mother nature, not to spend
their lives struggling with a tedious job and car payment just so we can
be alive tomorrow. If we lived of the land like naturalists do you think
there would be homeless people, poverty, violence, drug, wars, religion
war, industry. All these things make us lose focus of the purpose we're
alive. Society is one big threat ro our world but no one cares, what can
I do? People can't afford to think about tomorrow, when we have to
struggle so hard just to live today."
Parallelism carries a different connotation in the song "The Greys"
where Travis weights up the existence of unearthly entities. In the light
of his above declarations on the space's boundlessness, no one should
have doubts about his way of thinking. He goes into.
"It is obvious that there are other intelligent life forms in our ga­
laxy. Let alone our whole universe. We have followed and studied vast
information on the subject, and it is very intriguing to all of us. But
not only are we amazed by the introduction of vastly superior knowled­
ge and technology to our society, but the way that they put us in our
place on our very own earth. When we are confronted by a species that
is so much more intelligent than ourselves, and can manipulate and ex­
ploit us just like we do to virtually every other species on the planet, it
makes us realize that we are no greater or no more important than any
other species. It makes us lose the air of importance that we carry abo­
ve all the other creatures. Because there is always something else that is
greater than you, no matter what you are. Life always moves up in le­
vels of complexity and when we see another creature that makes us feel
like an ant on the ground, we realize that we share the same situations
with every other creature on the earth, and that we are all just small
parts in an immensely complex universe."
To echo a certain fox of a certain X-telefilm, I wonder: can an­
swers be found for all questions or some questions remain inexplicable?
Travis seems to know the truth: "Some questions don't have an­
swers, some questions answer themselves, some questions depend on
who you ask and some questions will be answered in the future. Our
reality is made up of questions (that is life). If there were no questions
there would be no communication. Our natural curiosity is all that se­
parates us from the animal kingdom/animal rely on instinct, humans
rely curiosity and enginuity. All truly important questions remain u-
nanswered!!" ' f b
Innocence is definitely lost, wickedness triumphs. So, smoke pot.
enjoy nature, examine and question yourselves, loosen your minds up.
Is this the message W icked Innocence are harbingers of?
"Innocence is all but lost, our future generations as kids and
young are strong in innocence but our world with we have become is
definitely wicked. Question yourself, question authority, question rea­
lity, wicked believes in nature before all and believe in marijuana for it
is at one with nature, it's natural, what's wrong with that. Smoke up
and think for a while." ■1
W icked Innocence, c/o Travis Jiron, 4260 South 2131 West
Theckston Rd., Salt Lake City, LIT, 84119, U.S.A.

DAVTHVS #1_________________________ © METAL CURSE #9__________________
44 p a ge s, i n E n g l i s h , p r o - p r i n t e d . 39 p a g e s , i n E n g l i s h , p ro -p rin t«
I n t i e s w it h M o o n s p e l l , A Mind Con­ I n t i e s w ith N e c r o s i s , A b o lisl
f u s e d , The E q u i n o x ov t h e G o d s , G o n k u l a t o r , Temperance, Hypocr
D y i n g F e t u s , S i g h , SV B e l l , Cru a- S adu s, V a ra t h r o n and Earache Re<
chan and more + w h i r l - p r o v o k i ng r e ­ an a vala nche o f revie w s.
view s and cute a r t i c l e s . O h-ho, someone who's had a harder
As z in e -w rite r m y se lf I w ondered how than m ine to get out of reviews... ш
one could keep pace w ith so great a pu­ 600, h ell!! Let's see... like we multipl
b licatio n as I s te n m a g ... now I u n d er­ two the am ount of H e a d fu c k e r revie'
stand that pen-th aum aturge Tim o Keto- blaah, w hat a pain in the stomach! 1
la, D avthvs's originator and H ead fu gga 's could Ray tolerate this torm ent?! Wh
sp ecial co rrespo n d en t, m ig h t know so­ toughness... Ehm, anyw ay, the # 9 is
m ething about, otherw ise... which is the p ital, sad thing that the layout is nece
m otive w hy I alw ays find m yself holding rily austere and the interviews space 1
th is D a v th v s # 1 ? W h y am I k eep in g been sacrificed for the excess of reviet
browsing it again and again ? W h y have I bands give some rest to Mr. M iller!
the sensation of being a D avth vs-trip p er? M etal Curse, c/o Ray M iller, P.O .!
D am n, this fragm ent o f underground 302, E lkhart, IN 4 65 1 5 -0 3 0 2 , U.S.A.
anim ation is gold for m y eyes and brains
and I'm petrified at the thought that this
is just a debut fucking issue! D avth vs is a SYMPOSIUM #6_____________________
shadow y locus for life-and-death sym po­ 66 p a ge s, i n E n g l i s h , pro-printed
sium s. I n t i e s w it h K a ta k ly sm , At the l
A ll y a jerks who're supposing to send t e s , C r i t i c a l Gopher, Alchemist,
green stuff straigh t aw ay to get a copy, the G a t e s , Deceased and more + i
start weeping because D avth vs # 1 is al­ views.
ready sold out. B ut there w ill be a second O f S y m p o s iu m I onle perused the t
chance for you... most recent issues (thanx Jeff!), the nev
D a v th v s, c/o T im o T. K etola, O xens st of which I'm scrutinizing now.
G ata 253 nb, 13663 H aninge, SWEDEN. Issue # 5 was the final issue w ithj
-R af W agn er as director (his mission at Re
pse is obviously too exhausting to ke
COTHURNUS #2________________________® superintending this cute affair full-tiir
80 p a g e s , i n German, p r o - p r i n t e d . and he gave up his seat to his co-edit
I n t i e s w i t h Opeth, Dera nged, Pun­ M ichael Hope who basically didn't fail
g e nt S te n c h , Godgory, N e c ro p h o b ic , conserve the good status of the rag. I
M i d v i n t e r and more + a t o r r e n t o f hilarious approach and the extended r
re vie w s. views still typify the zine as before so |
Impressive. B lood-curdling. I can't come can be su re S y m p o s iu m is your usu
up with any other words, such is the am a­ plain-speaking, truthful publication.
zem ent which pervades m e. Finding this S y m p o siu m , c/o M ichael Hope, P.
m a g a z in e in m y m a il-b o x w as lik e co ­ Box 1 5 1 8 , Iow a C ity IA 52244-1511
m in g across sm ithereen s o f go ld . I was U.S.A.
w aitin g for it ardently, being the editors a
pair of very nice fellows, but when it fi­
n ally cam e, it find m yself unprepared to IS TEN (the Return o f the) Dark Lord
so g r e a t a p ro fe ssio n a lity . O h, I do n't 68 pages of caustic sensitiveness, in English
really understand a word of this German I n t i e s w i t h S e n t e n c e d , Diaboli
lan guage, but sure both layout and prin­ D a r k s t y l e , Xysma, Ka ri Rueslatten
I l d f r o s t and more + re vie w s an
ting are gorgeous and the extensiveness of
p la in -sp e ak in g a r t ic le s .
interviews and reviews notable!
I have not seen m an y, an yw ay this is S a g a c ity , controversy, in sigh t, eccentt
m y favourite m ag from D eutschland. city, backbone, m ordancy galore... Isten
C o t h u r n u s , c/o J a r n v id r , P .O . Box editors la y in some fa r cosmos o f the imam
2 03 2 , 99401 W eim ar, GERM ANY.
I s t e n , c/o M ik k o M a ttila , Peltolai
-R af
minkatu 6 A 17,33840 Tampere, FINLAN1
METAL CORE #21_____________________ ® -Raf&H.P.
52 p a g e s , i n E n g l i s h , p h o to c o p ie d .
FEAR OF L IF E #4__________________
I n t i e s w i t h : J e f f Wagner ( R e l a p s e
R e c . ) , W il d Rags R e c o r d s, Godsend, 40 p a ge s, i n E n g l i s h , pro-printed.
D eathr une, S u b v e r s i v e Agenda z i n e , I n t i e s w it h P a v or, N a g l f a r , Tristi
Curse d z i n e + re vie w s and more. t i a , A b i g o r , E l y s i a n F i e l d s , Absw
A publication which everyone should de­ E x i s t e n c e , The 3r d and the Mortal
M ik e , D e n is G r r r , Jochem B u lt , Ju!
fer to, sim ply for its seem ingly perpetual
Vuorma + revie w s and more.
support o f the entire death m etal scene.
A vow ed to be the M o rtic ia N u m sb
Term s like tru e and sincere never fit so well
m ain foe, it doesn't take too much o ff
like in this case.
in te lle c tu a l c a p a b ilitie s to apprehen
No claim s in the graphix territory but
F e a r o f L ife is of the v ery same goo
do we really g iv e a fuck?
qu ality (perhaps superior).
M e ta l C o re, c/o Chris Forbes, 13 Car­ A rco' slan ts are w ell-expressed, nes
r ia g e L an e, M a rlto n N J 0 8 0 5 3 - 1 1 0 9 ,
and tidy as w ell as the sim ple layout an
that's gen erally a positive point, none tli
less weak if you then tw ig that the expet
mentation's endeavours are reduced to ЩМШМШЩЩМШМЩ11ШМШМШЩШЩМШМШШШМШМШМШМааШМдМ][д]|
I hope Arco will put some more pluck
in future issues, that would really do the
difference and eclipse his antagonists once Or else you'll miss out on the 6th issue of Decompozine, featu­
and for all. ring interviews with decent bands like: Mourn, Fleurety,
Fear of Life, c/o Arco van Winden, Armoured Angel, Samain, Majesty, Naglfar, Superheist,
Оudc Leedeweg 39, 2641 NM Pijnacker, Darkstyle, Sanguinary, Infected, Beyond Dawn, Deicide,
THE NETHERLANDS. Avernus, Damaged, Scorched Earth Policy, Elysian Fields,
-Raf Ossuary, Waylander, Dreadnought, Remembrance, The Flesh,
KOITO #6________________________ (!)
Thy Sinister Bloom, Bean Flipper, Dogmachine, Beyond Fear,
G.O.T.H... There's also over 100 reviews, a condensed U.K.
48 pages, in English, pro-printed. scene report, comics that may offend, etc, etc...
I n t i e s with Lacerated Gods, Primor­
d ia l, Immolation, Beyond Dawn, Gor­ Over 70 A5 p a g e s for only $4 US everywhere.
gon, The Bleeding and a few more + Price includes P + P. Send your $$$ to:
Koito's been so much inspirational to me W ANNIASSA ACT, 2903 AUSTRALIA
when I picked up a pen and decided to
become a zine-writer many moons ago,
and I'd desire it to sparkle in its grandeur
like back when I knew it. Issue #6 is not DECOMPOZINE #5___________________ (7) views are very thoroughgoing and for one
my dearest Koito, although I relish it. A5, 52 pages, in English, pro-printed. who takes pleasure in perusing good un­
I m conscious the main editor Seb's got Very Very Dead & Gory, C e le s t ia l derground literature like I do, this is an i-
some major problem with the way the is­ Season, Baltak, Bundeswehra, Kata- nestimable source of news.
sue came out (as occurred with #5) and t o n i a , Godgory, Damaged, In the If you run a zine now you know where
I'm aware he would have liked issue #6 Woods and many others + reviews and to get a competent exposure!
to be more diverse than it actually has co­ fun.
The U nderground Zine Scene, c/o
me out. I m ainly complain about the Beginning from this issue, Decompozine
gave a face-lift to its layout, enrolling in John, 316 E. Main St., Sebewaing, MI
layout which is spiritless to a great de­ 48759, U.S.A.
gree, it somewhat mirrors the enthusiasm the pro-printed zines platoon. That cer­
tainly helped to enrich the rag which was -Raf
of the w riters, which seems grow ing
weaker at each new issue (I comprehend already hunky-dory in itself! MASTER OF BRUTALITY #7__________ ®
so well the reason, by the way, but there'- The jocular disposition is still there,
and I see the guys are making progresses 40 pages, in English, pro-printed.
re still many good reasons to believe in I n t i e s with Deranged, Blood, Dawn
death metal). every new issue they release, not fossili­ of Decay, Molested, Equinox and mo­
The zine starts and ends with an inter­ zing on dumb grandiloquent behaviours re + reviews.
view, there's no editorial, nor a contact like many editors are used to do when M aster of Brutality is essentially a time­
address included, so check out the address they come to the pro-printing objective. less, traditional fanzine under every angle
below and learn it by heart. Show Seb Decompozine's one of my fave rags you eye it. The printing is pro but the
death metal is still worth his support, you asses! ever. text is typed and the writing manifests
-Raf -Raf frankness and simplicity. In its complete­
ness it results a pacific reading which ne­
DECOMPOZINE #6__________________ ® ver palls you on, if not for the black metal
A5, 84 pages, in English, pro-printed. correspondent who should resign her in­
Ossuary, S k e p tic is m , Dogmachine, terviewer-job in order to upgrade the
Waylander, N aglfar, Deicide, San­ standard of the zinc.
guinary, The Flesh, Downer and many M aster of B rutality, c/o Ewald Pro-
others + reviews and more h i l a r i t y .
They release an issue pretty damn quick, voost, Schuitvlotstraat 37, 4373 AJ Big-
gekerke, HOLLAND.
hell! By the time I laboriously manage to
terminate one, they put out three num­ -Raf
bers, what the hell? L0B0T0MY #2______________________©
Expect everything from edition number
48 pages of artworks, photocopied.
six: oodles of questions/ answers to dip in­ Plainly inspired by Drawing Blood ma­
to, reviews to run your eyes over and co­
gazine, Lobotom y plays up the art of
micness every time you turn a page over.
M ark R iddick (+ in terview ), Nina
Know more about the Decompozine
Kempf, W ill Lee, Jeff Gaither, W. Ewald,
world reading our interview with editor
Erik Kim at page . Michael Schindler, Mike Diana (+ inter­
view), editor Mark Lamb himself and a
Hey surfers, Decompozine is also on
Internet. I found it on the Relapse site... few others. Although the articles (pertai­
there's a beautiful interview with, errr, ning to art) in this issue are rather limi­
ted, I see Mark's also a sensible thinker so
H eadfugga as well (yes, lousy self-pro­
motion, sorry). I think the zine might be of superior qua­
lity if he more often incorporated his
-Raf theories and meditations among the great
amount of drawings henceforth.
With the next issue he'll introduce de-
A5, 40 pages, in English, photocopied.
mo/zine reviews. Why not reviewing the
If you love the word ground-breaking like I
do, you will love this little publication as artistic stuff subm itted as well? That
would so ground-breaking!
well. It is chock-a-block of reviews of zi­
Lobotomy, c/o Mark Lamb, P.O. Box
nes from all over the world and of all sorts
640, Winterville, NC 28590 -0640, U.S.A.
of extreme music plus a good quantity of
demos and CDs surveys to boot. The re­ -Raf

THE CRYPT #2____________________ ® The contents dissatisfy a bit instead, I'd
76 pages, in English, photocopied. love to see Organgrinded crowded of in­
Inties with too many to l i s t . terviews and reviews henceforward, 3
The place was an ancient cemetery; so ancient chats, 22 reviews and 6 bios are far from
that I trembled at the manifold signs of imme­ being sufficient to sate my hankering for
morial years. It was in a deep, damp hollow o- savagery!
vergrown with rank grass, moss, and curious Save th at, keep up the brutal cause
creeping weeds, and filled with a vague stench guys!
which my idle fancy associated absurdly with Organgrinded, c/o Jagrind, A.P. 146,
rotting stone'... and in the midst of this city Admon 2, CD. Lopez Mateos Edo. de
of the dead there was The Crypt, a flab­ Mexico, C.P. 52901 MEXICO.
bergasting plethora of miasmal bands. -Raf
Gawd, how many zine-writers cram N O T FOR T H E P O L/T /C A LL
their issues with so great a generosity? DRAWING BLOOD #2________________ ©
The mass of interviews passes 50... not all 66 pages, in English, pro-printed. CORRECT!
outstanding but for the most part really Inties with Mortal Decay, Human Re­ | ^ | y imagination and lack of "humour" prev
fine. The soberness and tidiness of the mains, Absu, Abominant, P arricid e , me from making any silly and "convin
layout ends up to be ideal to contain this Witch-Hunt, D e te r io r a t e , T h ie rree statements to try and get you to order the 3rd
impressive quantity of words, so gimme a David, Thierry Gayrard, Andy Knerr, of Battle of Bewitchment (the adorable invei
new Crypt to throw myself into. Frank Forte, Jacob Leonard, Dark's
c ro s s e s at the bottom sh ou ld b e more
Art Parlour + a r t w o r k s .
The Crypt, c/o Gregory W halen, 49 enough!) I'll stick to the facts:
Certainly the finest publication for the di­
Bellevue Crescent, Ayr KA7 2DP, SCO­ The interviewees who were bold enough to
TLAND, UK. scriminating art fiend as the advice at the
top of the cover proclaims. I don't hesita­ pear in the issue are: Internal Bleeding, Imm
-Raf & H.P. Lovecraft lion, Slayer Mag., Isten Zine, Bay Laurel (Sw
te to believe that as some of the artists
herein presented impressed me considera­ ish Goth), Sacramentum, Church o f Satan (y
ETERNAL REST #2_________________ (7)
bly. Jacob Leonard and Thierree David, the m l thing) and Disgrace.
A5, 44 pages, in English, photocopied. above all. That’s the music side of Battle of Bewitchmen
Inties with Callenish C i r c l e , Kata-
to nia , Serenade, Forgotten Silence, If only interviews were more exhaustive 3 The other side consists of articles/essays wh
Sacramentum, Equinox a n d m a n y the affair would be consummate. are more or less of Satanic or Misanthropic natu
o t h e r s + r e v ie w s . I know issue # 3 is out already. 7 Hate Everyone", "The CANCer of Africa', *1
Unsophisticated, somewhat Spartan zine Drawing Blood, P.O. Box 830308, World Is Not Black and W hite: T he Magic of
from the northerly Italia. Everything's very Richardson, TX 75083-0308, U.S.A. "Paganism and the Deification o f Cultm
average as well as artless, sincere and -Raf "Time Travel ■Cheap and Easy* "Who Made I
plain-speaking. Headlong into the under­ mans Sacred?", "Lilith Vs. Gaia ‘ &The First Si
ground. BATTLE OF BEWITCHMENT #3_________ © tanic Sin".
Eternal Rest, c/o Max Usseglio, P.O. 36 pages, in English, pro-printed. There are also som e silly pictures of Cou
Box 51, 10052 Bardonecchia, (TO), ITALY. Inties with Bay Laurel, Timothy Pa­ Grishnackh, a report on common people's pie
-Raf t r i c k Butler, Disgrace, Isten Mag.,
against Heavy Metal (very entertaining]
Sacramentum, Slayer Mag., Internal
Bleed ing, Immolation + d i s c e r n i n g ghastly artwork by Timothy Patrick Butler and a
TROUBADICKS #7__________________ ©
a r t ic le s . 's Printed professionally on 36 pages, gloss
104 pages, in German, pro-printed. Battle o f Bewitchment, id est, a maga­ paper with a neat computer layout.
Inties with Solitude Aeturnus, Ve­
nom, Six Feet Under, Morbid Angel,
zine open to discussions, discussions whi­ All you have to do to obtain your ticket fora rid!

Fear Factory, Running Wild, Sodom, ch intrinsically involve music although in the wicked world of the Bewitched is to sendUi
O verkill a n d m o r e . not always directly speaking of it. Save $ 6 (30:-) to the address below. A s is stated above.
It gives every appearance of being a N u­ for the inties, in point of fact Robert turns Battle of Bewitchment is not for the politicallyor
clear Blast catalogue and then it seems his attention to weighty and penetrating red, ratherfor those of you who enjoy a quality'm
the composers heedlessly manoeuvred themes such as, for instance, satanism, fe­ which offers more than the
fonts and cliparts ending up by origina­ minism or racism with the helping hands pretentious
ting an unmatched graphics hodgepodge. of T. P. Butler, Mikko Mattila and a pair
I ask myself why they wanted to assassi­ of other theorists. I can't say I see eye to Battle
nate aesthetics in that manner. eye w ith everything but for the most
Other than that, the magazine should part, the articles are well-stated. Quite se­
be fair, it is in German so I can't com­ vere to read and for this reason, tremen­
ment. dously thought-provoking. 45142 Uddevalla, Sweden
T roubadicks, O stalbstr. 17, 73529 Battle o f B ew itchm ent, c/o Robert
Schwiibisch G m iin d /B arg au , G E R ­ Hoog, Walkeskroken 14 A, 451 42 Ud-
MANY. devalla, SWEDEN. don't want to believe that, we don't wan
-Raf to believe there're people who discrimim
-Raf te some countries as not worthy of an
ORGANGRINDED #1_________________ © RAVEN #1________________________ © swer! Wasn't the underground suppose
52 pages, in Russian, pro-printed. to be sort of a cooperating fraternity?
24 pages, in English, photocopied.
Inties with Kari Rueslatten, Ragna- Anyway. Tim and со. threw some se
I n t i e s with P s e u d o s t r a t i f f i e d E-
pithelium, Disgorge, Blood + a fe w ro k, Dark T r a n q u i l l i t y , Paramae- rious shit right in those people' faces witl
r e v ie w s an d b i o s . cium, Blood, Cadaverous Condition this issue, being it so well-done and pro
I should have rated this zine with a © an d m o re + r e v i e w s . fessional, and very personalized as far a
simply for the terrific cover and back-co­ If you lived in a country like Russia where the design is concerned.
ver artworks of Alfonso Ruiz. Damn, one everything seems so hard to get, I don't Tim's also a noticeable connoisseur e
spotlights some zombies gulping down think you would be able to publish a fan­ his own scene, so get a change to ente
pieces of dismembered black metallers. tastic zine like Raven # 1 , which I know the Russian scene and glance upon thi
Oh no, I don't intend to say the theme is Tim released with back-breaking efforts. magazine as soon as you can.
the reason of my praise (even if, maybe..), And not only that. Tim got problems Raven, c/o Tim Dougy, P.O. Box 25
it s the meticulous execution which merits with many bands not replying his letters, 214025 Smolensk - 25, RUSSIA.
to be seen! perhaps because he's from Russia? We -Carlo & Rat

WITCHCRAFT #5_____________________ ® BESTIAL DEVOTION #1_______________@ the C.O.C. stuff will provide a remedy for
44 pages, in English, pro-printed. A5, 76 pages, in English, pro-printed. this, having Michal told me there will be
Inties with Opeth, Elbereth, Peni­ Inties with Apollgon, Darkseed, more room for underground bands hen­
tent, Desaster, Mortiis, Goethes Darkness Enshroud, Vorphalack and ceforth.
Erben, Accursed, Sil Khannaz, Natt- other + reviews and articles. C.O.C., P.O. Box 43, 00-954, W ar-
vindens Graat, Die Verbannten Kin­ Profoundly pledged to the Italian cause. szawa 84, POLAND.
der Eva's + a r tic le s and reviews. Not my fave scene, but they seem not to -Raf
Certainly W itchcraft cuts a dash with its see eye to eye with me, actually most of
over-professional printing and assorted the bands are my compatriots. By and SILENT IRELAND #1
layout, it surely impressed me to a great large this is a debut issue of high quality, A5, 76 pages, in English, photocopied
degree. And the contents are as much it should just get rid off some dated re­ Inties with Supuration, Evoke,
convincing and detailed, although I can't views and certain stereotyped, overdone Morphosis, Acrimony, Sigh and more
turn away from my head the impression it questions. But, I'm more than confident + many reviews and other bounty.
has been attached more weight to the they will! Another plain-speaking, blunt little fanzi­
outward appearance of the zine than to its Bestial Devotion, c/o Franco Tivano, via ne to review, here. A 'fanzine' to the let­
substance, which is not that positive a Revello 6/A, 12037 Saluzzo, CN, ITALY. ter, I mean, it has photocopied sheets,
thing to me. In the light of this, that di­ -Raf pocket-sized format and the real under­
versified layout from time to time reveals ground feeling. It is very humorous as
a tad of gaudiness and even a feel of nar­ coc #6__________________________ ® well!
cissism. 40 pages, in Polish, pro-printed. S ile n t Ir e la n d , c/o Brian 6 Coirc,
But, other than that, the affair is excel­ Inties with Carcass, Hypocrisy, Avondale, 52 Meadow Park Lawn, Bally-
lent! Tiamat, Amorphis, Sentenced, Di­ volane, Cork, IRELAND.
W itchcraft, c/o Stefan Loens, Maximin- smember, Meshuggah and few more + -Raf
straBe 26a, 56072 Koblenz, GERMANY. reviews.
-Raf Uh, glossy pages, uh uh, colored cover HEADLESS 13_______________________ ©
and back cover, uh uh uh all those big 26 pages, in English, photocopied.
GRINDZONE #4______________________ ® acts... are we handling some serious affair Inties with: Celestial Dark, Absur-
68 pages, in Italian, pro-printed. here, aren't we? C.O.C. progressed from dus, Adramelech, Equinox, Ancient
Inties with Moonspell, Therion, De­ an A5 underground zine to an A4 very Rites, Mourning Sign and some
sultory, Ancient, Mercyful Fate, In professional magazine on a par with Ter- others + reviews.
Flames, Impaled Nazarene, Cathedral ro rizer or corresponding periodicals. It Headless's a mediocre underground zine
and other + several reviews. must be for Poles what it is for Italians from Portugal. Both writing and layout
And this is the most lionized magazine of the publication by the name of G rind turn out to be, I'm sorry, shabby... but
Italy... uh? I wonder why, as squalor Z one but I have the impression this Poli­ sure if you wanna become familiar with
seems to be their leitmotiv... I really won­ sh mag ain't banal as that grind-thing. the Portuguese scene, this is a piece of
der how such a hodgepodge of inaccu­ Quite the opposite, C.O.C. vaunts an ex­ gold.
racy, oversights, superficiality, egotism quisite layout, and, so it seems, newsy in­ Headless, c/o Sergio Bastos, Largo Fi-
and layout tawdriness can be so celebra­ terviews. It is to blame the copiousness of linto Elisio 7, l°dto, 2800 Cova da Pieda-
ted... there must be so many dicks around! major bands featured, but I'm confident de, PORTUGAL.
-Raf -Raf

F u l l C o l o r C o v e r and C e n t e r f o l d by
Wes Benscoter
F e a t u r i n g t h e a r t o f : Wes Benscoter,
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Brian Viveros, Nina Kempf,
Vincent Meyer, Alain Trehard,
Juba Vourma, N izin, Skott
K autman, Troy D unmire, and
Ту Remy.
P lu s th e re tu rn of: Alan Clayton,
Will L e e , Andy Knerr, and
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Band interviews include: Cannibal
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Moonspell, Hellwitch, Horror of
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It all dates back to the French Revolution when A nd so I'm sure the pure and simple fact tub
viewed by a woman appears like a provocation ti
the very first manifestations of feminism cropped wonder how he feels being under questioning b
up, to later break out in the Twenties which saw woman with secure emancipated convictions...
"I think you want me and you don't know
the Women's Lib as a world mass movement. ask for it!!!" he ventures. "I know you listen to my
It has been a little conouest ever since, year in calls every night and vibrate yourself to sleep. \\
you mean emancipated beliefs? Do you mean you
year out, bit by bit, until now. If history took a berated? If so then you're a broken woman!! You
step backward and was unmindful of the victories go take a class on how to serve me. I am your ki
you will not have these beliefs anymore."
of the fair sex, you would hear a gigantic hooray Aha, provocation against provocation. It was
erupting from the State of Colorado. be expected. Women slavery is what Festering
fondly hanker after and this is one o f the motii
Righto, FESTERIN G PUKE would jump for joy. band's been catalogued as one of the most offens
Extolling rape and sexism and women1thraldom suiting, retarded and nauseating outfits in circii
Dammit, I fully concur with that affirmation, don't
contributed to classify them as one of the most "That was the intention baby!! There is n
abhorrent noise-core bands in the scene...yet thing that is sacred with Festering Puke. We like ti
fun o f everything! We'll talk about hookers, our
leader misogynist Josh 'Ace' Stough Questions: other peoples moms, fag bashing, phone sex, ever
"I wonder why?? I just want to be loved...". pornos, jacking off, shitting, fucking, killing, mi
and raping."
Being endowed with a good sense of humor is "People are so sensitive to everything, and Ik
the decisive key to get a kick from them. of that by doing anything I can to offend them. Si

(with som e little com prom ise). guess I would say we are one of the most offensive
in the underground. We intend to keep offending
too! We will not change! (eat the shit out of my
then feed me a little, would ya?)."
Humm, 1 came to .the conclusion that Ft*:
Puke is sort o f a panacea to divert their minds off
sness of everyday life. So, is it fundamental to ha\
o f sense o f humour when one resolves to listen
"Well, yea. If you don't have a sense of humoi
don't get our tapes... well yea, actually do get our t;
you can shove it up your ass! If you don't laugh, th
are a homo! Kill yourself! How are you going to g<
interpuke with josh Stough by Raffaella life in this day and age without a sense of humour:
don't laugh... you're dead, literally."
Be that as it may, whatever you laugh or not,
ver you loathe or idolize their lyrics, Festering Puk

fave grinding noise-core band o' today, and if you can recall who owns everything? We do!! Its our world, you're just
the old, pre-Earache Anal Cunt's works and add all that the here to clean up what we fuck up! Face the facts baby, you'­
nonpareil Meat Shits porno orientation, well... there you re a clit with legs!! Your ability amounts to shit!! It is medi­
got what Festering Puke is all about. cally proven that women are inferior to men! So make me a
Ace is an eclectic geek, that's beyond dispute, he plays sandwich, suck my dick, rub my back and pipe the fuck
drums and guitar and sings in Festering Puke whereas the down!!! And as far as death metal goes, I'm not quite sure
bass is his instrument in his other band Dismembered Fe­ what dilution you are under but name one good death
tus. Yet while they did a pro demo with the latter, they band!! Mythic... oh yea they smoked!! Nuclear Death (Lori
carry on recording rehearsals with the first. Is Festering Bravo) yea her vocals were really evil!! Give me a break, e-

Puke destined to record rehearsal tapes for keeps? very bitch death band I've heard has sucked!! I speak the
"Yea, I'm a piece of work baby!! I can also jack off and truth. I'll treat any women like a queen, but she has to rea­
juggle my nuts at the same time." lize I'm the goddamn king!!! But as soon as you try to speak
"Actually Festering Puke is going into the studio this out of turn you're out the fucking door!!"
summer to do a 16 track demo. We are just going to try it This said, I would really like to know how he pro­
and see what happens. If it sucks then we will keep making nounces towards the women in the scene today...
rehearsal tapes. We are going to do alot of old songs of the "It's cool as long as they are sending me pictures of
other tapes and alot of new shit. Jae Foetusgrubber is now them naked so 1 can jake off while writing to them!! A lot
in the band and it should be even more offensive now. He of women in the scene talk shit about me. I wonder why?? I
is also doing the cover work. The tape is going to be called just want to be loved.... and cooked for. Is that wrong?"
"Once Upon Your Mom". What do you think? Are you wet? Lets see... what about me then?! I never sent him any
I am!!!" picture yet he seems to appreciate my support and the
We were about to forget he also sings in Yeast Infec­ work 1 do as editor o f this rag of a zine. Ain't this a little ad­
tion. Has he got any other ace up his sleeve? Any other band mission that women are helpful for other things apart from
where he plays in? And by the way, does sometimes occur cooking and other entertaining affairs?
that Yeast Infection borrows songs of Festering Puke or Di- "Well, you are an exception baby" he specifies. "Yea, 1
smbembered Fetus or contrariwise? appreciate the work you do in the underground. In all ho­
"All together I play in Dismembered Fetus, Festering nesty when 1 say all women should be in the kitchen or
Puke, The Losers, Pimp Daddy & The Crack Heads, Ain sucking dick... I mean it!!! Don't try to break new ground!!
(solo project), Hatred Earth, Glass Pipe (that's new), Goat That's silly. Do what you do best... suck a dick, make me a
Shit and Yeast Infection is no longer a band." sandwich, don't step onto a mans stomping ground unless
"Dismembered Fetus does a Festering Puke cover, but you want to get stomped!!"
that is it. Some of our shit sounds the same from time to ti­ Ok, he may look a diehard, a real tough guy... But the
me, but we don't ever borrow any songs from each other." fact that he's stoked on phone hot calls, encourages me to
"Oh yea, I'm also working on a new side band with think that he's into Platonic love. So you see, after all, he's
Skizo-3 from Spewgina called Gongareeha." such a romantic and sentimental type!!
And I was thinking he was eclectic! Damn!... Anyway, "Yea I am. I'm one of those that will take a girl to a ni­
lets bring in something really hot now. Does he truly think ce restaurant. I'll wine her and dine her, take her on a walk
that women should be mindless slaves? By sheer coinciden­ threw the m ountains and all I ask for in return is a
ce 1 believe that men should be all subdued to women' rule. FUCKING BLOW JOB!!! If she doesn't do it, I’ll act like it's
Wouldn't that be more exciting, uhu? cool and take her home. But when she wakes up the next
"Yes 1 do!! And NO!!! Women should not rule!! Rule morning she's going to be saying 'what's this stuff in my
the kitchen maybe, but rule all together, 1 don't think so!! I hair?' Do you understand? I love to watch my cum glaze o-
mean sure I like a woman to rule my dick for a while, but I ver a yuppie bitchs face! Don't you? Thanx for the inter­
think that's enough pressure for you. Anything else and view Raffaella."
your little mind would fold!!" Ain't he a lovely well-mannered man? Ain't he stylish?
Hey, he really slogs away! I'm sure that behind this Of course sexism sucks. And this was meant to be just
exasperated aversion he expresses for women, there's essen­ a funny chat. As Ace himself wrote me "It's all in good hu­
tially hidden a latent awareness that male authority is, in mor, I hope you remember that". I hope the readers will re­
this day and age, irreparably compromised. Women flank member that too. □
men in every field, even in death metal!
Is that a joke? Yea women may moved up in the FESTERING PUKE, c/o Josh 'Ace' Stough, P.O. Box
world in the last 20 years but when it cum s down to it, 9450, Denver, CO. 80209, U.S.A.

Ht'ADFUC Kt'R 4 1
Two song t i t l e s of their debut al
an aptly expres
portrayal of the
Actually, the foulest in Europe as i
as the most dogged by censorsl
I t has been excited a l i t t l e ball]
when i t came the moment to press t
"Man's True Nature" CD for apparei
many seemed to give more weightines
the kinkiness of their wording to
detriment of their raving savagi
much underestimated up toi
Was that outcry justifia
In the last anal]
from the f i r s t , years.

a. .quick dekko at his texts

actual fact, one may suppose
doing his damnedest to piffer "th
repulsive lyric-writer" qualification
ris Barnes. Is he such a non compos
tis individual or, simply, an unruly
with a gushing bent for shameless
"I've at no time had any ini
writing the most gory texts in the
o f man or anything like that", he
"Suddenly I get an idea or I waki
the morning and remember a dre
had. I don't consider myself as some
of deranged being. I just write aboi
se things, which subconsciously apj
my mind. In that period of my life
lust, sex, love, murder, mutila
whatever. Next time it may be
different. A human being changes
both physically and mentally and
the texts I suppose."
"II people like our lyrics it's
people hate our lyrics and think thi
outrageous it's cool. If people fei
voked when reading our texts it's
people, when having read our lyric:
ve we're necrophiliacs or simply v ,
round all day having a great de:
fucking our mothers, they are simpl
naive and that is just fucking perfe
That people are generally nan
even kitsch is beyond dispute. Fro:
perspective we may consider Ini
Torment's, or more specifically S
way of expressing himself through,
his turning down to comply wit
conformist human mentality. Am'
true thar rhe more people point a:
more we act to vex cm?
In any event, it would be act
he moved away from those kinky su

by Raffae

henceforth, he's jolly dexterous at that.. A up to them. We play death metal the and not for the lyrics."
substantiation of his streak of poetry now, way we like it!!!" That was plain as the nose on his
instantly? U h, originality is a hot w ord, 1 face, in any case, but thanx to Scott for
"A few lines ok!" He answers prom- shouldn't use it so carelessly. I see I made sheding a further light on it.
ply, "Taken from the first track on the the man angry, as if he wasn't yet! In fact, Infernal T orm en t d id n 't lim it
CD: the band's blood started boiling some ti­ their maniacal imaginative faculty and ca­
"When a girl really looks up to you, me ago, for that thorn in the side which is me up with a cover artwork which, need­
you can make her do anything, I said I censorship. I wonder if, apart from the less to say, increased tempestuous pole­
wanted to piss in her mouth, I told her it obstruction of the CDs release caused by mics and troubles. A grotesque and frivo­
was something you only do when two the hitch to find a company inclined to lously kitsch cover artwork which immor­
people really love each other. I could see press the disks and the prohibition to talizes a woman's beheading and impale­
she didn't like the taste of it but she print the cover artwork except inside the ment in a park frequented by dumbfoun­
didn t want to disappoint me so she drank booklet, censorship gave rise to ulterior ded children.
every single drop." nuisances... "The idea was originally the band's,
See, unconditional love. And still "Sometimes we receive letters and but the painter carried out the idea along
people th in k In fern al T o rm en t are newspapers from Christian military orga­ with some of his own ideas. It has turned
lewd! Love and passion's m omentums, nizations etc., mostly from the US, but out really cool and we're all content with
thats their inspirational source! Err., ok, why should such assholes interfere with the final result."
let's go ahead... lyrics and music walk our lifes. Freedom of speech is a fact, a And what about this title then? It
with hands clasped in Infernal Torment, thing that everybody should respect. Mo­ really doesn't leave me in peace. Because I
actually if there's beastliness in lyrics, the reover we are a non-religious band. Again wonder... if man's true nature comprises
same ferocity slops over from this dange­ a cliche, most people still walk around having coercive abnormal sex with wo­
rous melange of technique, haste and sta­ with the idea that death metal bands are men, men and beasts, what's womans true
mina. No doubt Europe was deficient in all sa ta n ists. T h is w orld fu ck in g nature then?
bands like this... sucks...." "Woman's true nature: giving birth
He complies with that: "Yeah, not And how did USA receive their to children of her husband/boyfriend,
too many bands play the more brutal massive provocative charge? whom she must support at all times???? 1
genre of pure death metal. Many bands He cuts short (err, he always cuts don't know and I don't really give a fuck."
change their style or just wimp out and short, meseems...): "As far as I know the­ He doesn't give a fuck, we don't,
that really sucks..." re were no problems and USA is a place either. But mine was an humorous que­
Luckily, there's still bands like them where the dem and for death /g rin d is stion, anyway. □
which draw nigh old Suffocation and great..."
Cannibal Corpse's styles, altho these are Yet, being devoted to provocation, INFERNAL TORMENT,
blatantly discriminated these days. How ain't the band scared that people could re­ c/o Scott Jensen, Mpllegade 22, 8600
do Infernal Torment tackle the burning minisce Infernal Torment mostly for its Silkeborg, DENMARK,
moot point of originality? attitude rather than for the music? or Progress Records, Vindegade 101,
"I don't care what people say" he "It’s true that most people know us 5000 Odense C, DENMARK.
adamantly ejaculates, "if people prefer li­ for our lyrics", he admits, "but after all
stening to Take That and Bon Jovi it's Progress signed us because of our music A

The as

An in fle x il
1onto a more unconventional, somewhat poetical cle ar-cu t selfhood
and the firmness of conserving an ir o n -fis te d severity,
ire two demands to be considered diam etrically opposed?
rutl band which e x h ib its openness to newness might lose b ru ta lity
or perhaps, gain wisdom.
"The essence of the music is in i t s renewal" avers Sebastien,
not a fra id to proceed through untainted t e r r it o r ie s .

interview with Seb@ stien Crote@ u by R@ff@ell@


L Sm gpressiveness was a hallm ark o f Necrotic Mutation but today there's mo­
re. I f the b a n d fought in the fro n t line fo r brutality in days gone by, now you would
rather let music burgeon a n d m ature much more spontaneously, come w h a t may.
Emotions transcended savagely?
"I think that when a thousand kings are fighting for one crown,
you'd better give your place and search for your own somewhere else.
W hat I mean is that so many bands are fighting for the crown of the 'mo­
st brutal band ever' that it has appeared senseless to us to continue in that
way... N ot that brutality was not of our concern anymore but we've been
conscious of the fact that there will always be a more brutal band than
N ecrotic M utation and that fighting for this title will lead to nowhere
for there are bands who are expressing brutality and ferocity a lot way
better than we do... So now, when we are composing a song, we're not es­
sentially focusing on this aspect but we try to create different atmosphere
by putting different feelings in the music. I think that the variety of hu­
man emotions is fascinating and we want to explore it as much as we can,
1 mean, expressing joy, sadness, fear or any other feelings can be as hard as
expressing sheer brutality... W e are just working on our own way of being
aggressive, radical and brutal, some may love it, some may don't, it is a
m atter of taste but the important is that we remain comfortable with
what we're doing, that's essential for us and now, that's what keeps us mo­
A re you ta k in g into consideration to a v a il yourself o f your voice in different
ways, resorting to a less throaty, more normal timbre, from this day forw ard?
"No, not really. I've never thought about it. It could be interesting
but I prefer to develop my voice for death metal singing rather than for
something else. I'm working a lot to acquire a clear and distinct voice but
on another side, I'm also working on being as deep and guttural as possi­
ble. Recently, I've been working on pronunciation of words... some words
are easier to pronounce than others, especially in death metal, and I'm
searching for them. The main problem with this is that it's not easy to
maintain clarity while you're doing deep vocals. Only a few vocalists can
achieve it and I'm working out to be one of those."
Have the other members any influence on your vocal parts a n d lyrics a n d
you have a n y control on the music they forge?
"Well, I don't have a direct influence on the music, because it is
written before the lyrics, but once I've found the topic of the song, the ly­
rics seem to match perfectly with the music. Every time that a new song is
composed, I'm listening to it over and over again so I can 'seize' the 'spirit'
of the song. Sometimes it can take weeks before seizing it but once I've
catched it in my muse, words start coming out of my mind... It's like gi­
ving birth and it demands a lot of efforts and energy but it is what I love
to do... As for the lyrics, I can say that I have a total liberty on that and I
personally choose the topic of every song. The other members seem more
than satisfied with my lyrics and vocal parts and as long as they are sati­
sfied I'll be writing all the lyrics for N ecrotic Mutation."
Let feelings fly in g loose, we said. Let music evolve the w ay it w anna evolve.
N o t fe w bands took advantage o f this form ula, sometimes even departing from the

metal domain. To w h a t proportion is expan­ porting the underground is more than vi­ realizable an interdependence between im agi­
sion to be considered constructive then? tal, it's our only way to express ourselves, nary a n d life as i t is lived. C an dreams be mo­
"I think that the essence of the m u­ it's a proof of our existence... Mass media re corporeal a n d palpable as w ell as coercible?
sic is in its renewal and it applies to all still denied our existence and refused to "For me dreams are not a limit, we
the styles of music, death metal included. consider death metal as being a part of are the ones who put limits to our dreams
There is so many people who claim that the musical industry so we had to create but the world of dreams is infinite althou­
death metal is at a dead end because so our own mass media, the underground. gh it is bounded on every side... A lot of
many bands are doing the same thing It's the counter-balance effect, the more people are putting dreams apart from rea­
over and over again that I begin to under­ we'll be oppressed, the more we'll express, lity and it's a mistake because I firmly be­
stand bands who try to deviate from the he he he.." lieve that dreams shape the world as we
death metal norms... We all have to de­ I hope mass m edia w ill rem ain aw ay know it... They are a part of us as we are
viate from the norm s and th a t's why from death m etal eternally a n d keep on cash in a part of them and we cannot dissociate
death metal exists. Technically, death on th a t black farce, fo r w hat I care... them from what we call reality. What I
metal is the most 'out of norms' style of call reality is the sum of all our dreams,
music that I know and I have some diffi­ Oneiros an example? Before getting on the moon,
culty to understand death metal fans who man has dreamt of it during thousands
are saying "Hey, you don't follow the E rr... rather th a n a lyricist, I w ould and thousands of years.. Before being
norms, you're denying the style, bla bla c a ll you Sebastien a poet. You're a u th o r o f born, my parents were dreaming of ha­
bla...". 1 answer to them: "hey, have you poems in French, as w ell as being a journalist ving a child... Before playing in a band I
forgot what death metal is all about, it's fo r a m ag called Le M arginal. I expect you was dreaming of having one... Dream is
about breaking the norms, not establi­ w ill give your 'morrow lyrics a more speculative the fertile soil where reality grows... and
shing 'em... ". Why do some bands have mark, also in view o f the fa ct that you're fasci­ dreams are the shadow-truths that will
to conform to some norms established by nated by the transcendental a rt o f oneironauti- endure when mere facts are dust and a-
the mainstream when this same m ain­ sm... shes..."
stream claimed to be 'out of norms'? It's "Ouhh! Poet is a big word and I Could we consider lucid dreams a place­
like crying 'liberty' when you are tied to a think that I'm far from being a true poet bo to forget a bitter living ? Or even a new way
chair with chains and rope... It doesn't but I'm working at it the best I can. I've to expand our inner wisdom a n d capabilities o f
make any sense to me. It's like fucking for studied poetry when I was in school and auto-suggestion? L ucid dreams as v irtu a l rea­
virginity, it's like saying: "hey, we don't it was a big discovery for me.. Since that lity?
want to conform, we want to be different time, I've never stopped writing poems "I don't think that lucid dreams are
from you but in our non-conformity atti­ but I've never wrote one for my lyrics. I like a placebo to forget our problems or a
tude, w e'll have to conform to some don't know why, probably because I've way to escape reality, they are much more
norms." So the need to explore cannot be never thought that poems were fitting than that, they are the purest form of
repressed by any means and fans of the w ith the word death m etal, but now, dreams... The one in which you are total­
genre have to understand that need, for it things have changed and I'm working on ly conscious of what's going on and you
is our reason of being... When everything two poems for the next CD... are fully participating to it. Being able to
is blown by the wind of change, it seems "On our last CD "The Realm of control one's own dreams is something
foolish to stay the same. The question is: H um an Illusions", I was a bit shy and that has always fascinated me because I
what will come next?" fearful of being true to my ideas, in other think that when you're able to control
Necrotic M utation s till observe the words, I was afraid of being myself and your dreams, you're able to control rea­
rule 'metal t il l death', so we can be confident because of this, my lyrics were more fic­ lity.. in a way... But being an oneironaut
they w ill never turn their back on death metal. tional than personal... It's only since a dem ands a lot of p ractice (he, like
Personally, I'm pro evolvement u n til it doesn't year or two that I've decided to conquer everything else) but it's something that
extinguish the genre a n d on the other h a n d I'm this fear by writing lyrics that are reflec­ everyone can be if they really wish to...
contented th a t certain bands never altered their ting my own ideas and beliefs... and it All you have to do is dreaming..."
way o f playing death metal, them being worth ain't easy. For me, writing on the others is To die to sleep; to sleep, perchance to
their weight in gold a t w h a t they do. W hat easier than writing on me because when dream ... dream w h a t?
would we do i f Suffocation, Sinister, Cryp- I'm writing on the others I'm not directly "Well, each one of us is carrying a
topsy transformed into avant-garde esoteric as­ involved in the situation in which they dream deep inside but just a few seems to
ses? For my part, I w ould point a pistol a t my are, I'm just describing it the best I can be aware of it. It would be hard to say
temples a n d press the trigger. w ithout being really concerned by the what people have to dream but I truly be­
story or the situation; when I'm writing lieve that if all the people were dreaming
Underground on my ideas and beliefs, I have to face all about the same thing, this thing would
the feelings that come along because I'm become real. Unity dream."
A t a n y rate, as l see it, death m etal 'emotionally concerned' and this can be "In our society today, the dreamers
would be dead now were i t not fo r the under­ tricky... If you're too emotive people will are not taken seriously and are often con­
ground which is the only place where i t can ob­ forget the message, if you're not enough demned because their ideas are not con­
ta in the proper recognition in these times. It people won't feel concerned about it and ventional and do not fit with the system
seems like death metal is really gonna return to the message won't pass. Even if I'm using already established. Unfortunately, the
be an exclusive privilege o f the underground, images and concepts to explain my point present system does not help the drea­
like in elder days. Do you like the idea, as I of view, I try to remain as clear as possi­ mers to realize their views, on the con­
do? ble so the people who will read my lyrics trary, the system is killing the dreamers
"Well, all the styles of music have will be able to understand the message with an institutionalizing formula which
been underground before being very po­ behind those same concepts and images. I prevents people from dreaming."
pular and I hope that it will happen to don't want the people to feel like if they "Hear my words, hang on to your
death metal. But don't misread me, I'm were reading a recipe book or something dream s, w h atev er they are because
not saying that the underground has to like that, I want to make the people think dream s shape the world. Deep in the
die so that death metal can be popular. I and react... Will I succeed? Only the next heart of the dream lies the door to eter­
consider the underground as being a vital CD will tell, but as for me, I know in ad­ nity."
part of death metal music and words can­ vance that some will hate me for my ideas Necrotic Mutation,
not express my gratitude for those who but I prefer to be hated for what I am c/o Sebastien Croteau,
are working for it and for those who are than loved for what I'm not, don't you
encouraging it because those people are think?"
310 Av. Gordon, Verdun,
making the scene live and breathe... Sup­ You u p h o ld a theory w hich considers Quebec, H4G 2R4, CANADA.

INFESTDEAD _______________________ (§)
chetype, ergo they kick as:
Killing Christ MCD ding).
Invasion Records
Grinding furious black/
Dan Swano the strategist, juggler of co­ bold and daring, far un
lourful contrivance, guru of unbridled mewhat eccentric: the a
transportation in search of new, fanciful Malachia Ariosti's "Si Pian£
adventures. Yeah, here he comes, devil of que Uniti" cantata-remix is
a man, there's no band he joins which refinement!
ain't a triumph and Infestdead is but a Corpsepaint or not, they
confirmation to this. He evokes the Deth­ Pulverizer Records, P
roned Archangel in this part, barbarously Dixon, Illinois 61021, U.S.,
evincing to be in the position to make
Deicide fading, effortlessly!
Happiest release of Invasion Records MOLEST____________________
this year.
Milkfish CD
Invasion Records, P.O. Box 2119, 15707 Progress Records
Konigs Wusterhausen, GERMANY. My good old 'handsome m
-Raf pal Tim Lynge's favourites:
lest, emboding the hard-cc
f-LENP______________________________ (2)
Progress Records and their
Les Tenebres du Dehors CD
ten songs emission of hate a
Holy Records
Damn! This shit stirs th
Gothic shit-o-phonic artificial pseudo-in­ than running naked into
tellectuals. Go fuck yourselves, thank dead of night.
Progress Records, Vin.
Holy Records, BP 59, 77260 La Ferte 5000 Odense C, DENMAR]
sous Jouarre, FRANCE.
EDGE OF SANITY___________
Crimson CD
1666... Theatre Bizarre CD Black M a r k Production
Holy Records
Well, this is all that one she
All absorbed in gaining the apogee of the experience in his lifespan, t
most spotless and auto-gratifying origina­ extended coition between del
lity, M isanthrope paradoxically bred a row, a 40 minutes running
monstrosity of insufferable disharmony, one could easily get lost it
an irritating cacophonous extravaganza and timeless remembrance.
which is but an end in itself. Somebody Sanity is a pushover revolvin,
should tell 'em to get down from the pe­ tithetic riffs, getting in and gi
destal, really.
tuations of moving rapture ai
-Raf ned ferocity, setting through,
MANGLED T O R S O S _______________ ©
splendid samples of spontane
shakes. Mr. Dan 'wicked god
Godless CD
Morbid Records
even evinces an out-of-the-o
stery of his uvula, as well as s
Life in itself is insipidity, adding to it
me of the most memorable
other banality means at least being crazy the metal chronicle.
for auto-lesion.
Let yourselves fly away.
Nevertheless Mangled T orsos thought Black Mark Production, Li
it better to fresco our existential vacuities
Str. 31, 13353 Berlin, GERM.
with an even more miserable tone by
means of this over-abundance of sterile
uniformity. Fancy-wise the band discloses BLACK M A R K A T T A C K Como. ГГ
an unique tabula rasa! Yet their decorous Black Mark Production
musicianship stirs up a minuscule hope
If one purchased a CD mer
for future offerings but for "Godless" the
himself on cover artworks, this
sentence is: uneventful death common
from Black Mark wouldn't sel
metal for masochist-ears.
I imagine. The presentation si
Morbid Records, Postfach 3, 03114
Drebkau, GERMANY. ly, the substance mainly glance
se Black Mark signings which
-Raf to release something before i
SARCOPHAGUS__________________ (?) this twelvemonth.
For we...И ю Are Consuned by the Darkness CD
There're Bathory, Necropl
Pulverizer Records/Progress Records Yosh, elsewhere reviewed in tl
For me, who am consumed by death and Memento Mori, Divine S
fucking brutal metal, this CD insinuates a tary, T ad Morose, Agressor
cleft inside the tortuosities of my instinc­ o f Tears but in all conscience
tive intolerance for black metal. Yeah, motive to spend your bills or
fucking yeah. Here we have Sarcopha­ rather than on a coupla booze
gus, a handful of old fogeys of the scene the "Edge o f Sanity track "Mu
who finally and legitimately have come to ded", solely released on the Japa
sing of "Crimson".
a full lenght release and hey, they have
not dealings with the European black ar- Opt for the boozes, anyway.
NIGHTFALL have been begetters in their mother coun­ HEAVENSHORE
Athenian Echoes CD try. Their punk 'yesterday' is somewhat Between Human and Divine CD
Holy Records still influential (see "Jou Ma Se Poes" for Self-released/Repulse Records
Metal, death metal, every now and then instance) and carefully blended with their Bringing forth a CD just a year later one
blackish death metal, ok you've got the i- 'today', the most bellicose pattern of thra­ band's forming seems rather pretentious
dea. A million bands are blackish death sh/death. and hazardous to me, unless you have a
metal so what? Nightfall's latest exertion Welcome to South Africaargb! ten years musical experience on your back
ain't a prodigiousness but it works. The -Raf which I suspect ain't the case of Heaven-
vocals are jarring, the music is convin­ shore. All the more so because the Spani­
cing, the rest is up to you. Buy and find INHUMAN___________________________ ( 5) sh duo under accusation enjoys pillaging
out. Strange Desire CD and assemling what of most predictable is
-Raf Art Prod. available inside the atmospheric world,
Inhuman are half resourceful and half concluding the whole affair with a coupla
HUMAN REMAINS too naive for my tastes; let make my mea­ unhappy complements such as the di­
Using Sickness as a Hero MCD ning clearer: everything they create of spleasing guitar sound and some forgetta­
Relapse Records good, they suddenly destroy with the mo­ ble yelling vocals.
Pathological technique's perfectness, di­ st innocent im m aturity. Melancholy is "Between Human and Divine" would
sconcerting daredevil, inherent creativity, there, inventiveness is there and even a have turned out a good demo, but it acci­
dementia at liberty. It's a harrowing wave decent musical competence is there, yet a dentally happened to be a CD, thus it
of pleasure! veil of mediocrity tones down the con­ doesn't really move.
Relapse Records, P.O. Box 251, Miller- tours and leaves a bitter-sweet feeling. Heavenshore, c/o Miguel A. Gutier­
sville, PA 17551, U.S.A. Time and experience are ancient reme­ rez, Ramon Esteban, #18, 1° B, 28700
-Raf dies for problems of this kind. S.S. de los Reyes, Madrid, SPAIN.
Art Prod., Apartado 134, 2830 Barrei- -Raf
INIQUITY________________________ (D ro, PORTUGAL.
Serenadium CD -Raf SEPTIC FLESH
Emanzipation Prod./Progress Records
Longtime-underrated Danish band Ini­ BATHORY__________________________ ф Holy Records
quity grinds like Cannibal Corpse of Blood On Ice CD W hat should I do now? Acting cruelly
Vile" and then calm down like the most Black Mark Production against this umpteenth atrocity served up
phlegmatic doom band. A plucky blen­ First you glance over their new opus su­ from Holy Records? Then it may sound
ding of antithetical genres which non­ spiciously, then you press the play-button like I slate the whole holy court on pur­
plusses for its exceptionally perfect outco­ and a cold shiver runs down your back. pose. But I can't and I don't want help it,
me, a successful equipoise of cruelty and Your sceptical suppositions fall off mise­ in that the genre supported by the French
sensitiveness dominated by brilliance of rably, disproved. At least this happened label vexes me intensely. All these post­
guitarist Lars Friis. to me, not having a vague idea of what to death metal bands which deal sibylline
Emanzipation Prod., c/o Michael H. expect from them insofar as I missed most self-esteeming/self-righteous experimen­
Andersen, Snerlevej 188, 4700 Naestved, of Bathory's collection. Ok, call me dum- tations, merging eighteenth-century key­
DENMARK. bass, it serves me well, guys. board's sounds with questionable average
-Raf So the gods o f thunder o f w ind and o f rain growling vocals and guitar-hero affecta­
last summer eventually carried out the tion, considering themselves ingenious
material which they gave up halfway back and farsighted avant-garde composers.
VOICE OF DESTRUCTION in '88 and '89. For those who were aware Can art be found in this unfruitful
Bloedrivier CD of the presence of this material and were behaviour?
Morbid Records expecting Bathory to complete and put it
Summoned th is J u ly to the yearly -Raf
out, I imagine that "Blood On Ice" results
Milwaukee Metalfest, the 2 days premier an opus worth of 7/8 years of waiting! As MUSSORGSKI
metal event which I systematically miss for me, I wasn't expecting it at all but I In Harmony With The Universe CD
to attend (somebody would be so keen to find m yself crazy about it as much as Morbid Madness Productions
mail us two free 'plain tickets, uh?), South them! Solemn epic metal from a band What Mussorgski intended to aim at in
African Voice of Destruction have to of­ which would be outrageous to introduce. this CD, honestly, ain't explicit at all. Be­
fer a 13 songs opus comprising of 2 live -Raf cause even if their metallic space music in

Purification Through Violence CD

So is it really true. Is the Godhead Dying Fetus back? Righto, it is here to purge our souls through unheard-of ferocity in a
razing-to-the-ground end of the world which only its disciples will endure.
Steel yourself for this heartless extreme unction.
-Carlo & Raf

bonus tracks, begot at the Academy Stu­ some points sketches a cosmic window
dios, far in W est Yorkshire, England, wide open on new horizons, yet it too of­
where the band relocated for a while as Myst CD
Invasion Records ten slips on dullness and incomprehensi­
from this year. And it was time to bestow bility.
'em a due world-wide recognition as it The ultimate black (death) metal inglo­
rious failure. A symptomatic pattern of Objectively, I'd advice Mussorgski to
since 1986 that they kick and bite, de­ completely drop their residual death me­
scending from punk/hard-core roots to how to be out of fashion.
Exit Fermenting Innards. tal influences and throw themselves into
gradually land to death metal whose they space ambient seeing that when they do

not play in the metallic way, they really attain some result.
Otherwise they 11 keep on producing monotonous music which
will appeal neither to the death metal fans nor to the most discri­
minating ambient judges.
т л^т°АЫс1 Madness Prod-> Ziegelgut 12, 7206 Igis, SWITZER-
LA in D .


7TN£$S m №
Hexeri Im Z w ie lic h t Der F in s te rn is CD
Cold Meat In d u stry
Aghast is a cocksure name. Because this play-acting of simil-ri-
tualistic dark ambient really leaves aghast no one.
It is completely devoid of significance and musical rudiments
just a pert attempt to profit by the more well-known names of
these two hags men/lovers/bla bla. Gimme a 3000$ Roland key-
b“ 1 S^°W y° U how easy is reJeasing this pathetic poo.
Cold Meat Industry, P.O. Box 1881, 581 17 Linkoping, SWEDEN.
Dwell Records
A 70 minutes tribute to Celtic Frost, a mythical band which has
never featured among my personal myths anyway, nor in this day
enlighgtenm enteVery° ne SeCmS '° mention ic as PrinciPal source of

Nevertheless...1'The most simple rhythms and riffs metamorphosed into

apocalyptic overtures and serenades wrote someone there at the Dwell
Records HQ introducing some words on the band and I admit
L,ke saying: I don t like 'em but I admire 'em. And this homage is
a damn serious business! Big shots of death metal offer a peculiar
interpretation of some of the most well-known Celtic Frost pas­
sages. In order of appearance: Morgion, Enslaved, Slaughter
Mayhem, Inner Thought, Sadistic Intent, Cianide, Divine
Eve, Grave, Apollyons Sun, Opeth, Closedown, Emperor and
Grave ^ ОП t ie Wh° Ie W lth 3 particular Praise to Opeth and

Dwell Records, P.O. Box 39439, Los Angeles, CA 90039, U.S.A.

IPARRICIDE in cooperation with Fresh Blood Stilt
Sean Carr’s latest vision o f twisted insan:
A Future Of S u ffe r in g MCD
Se lf-re le a sed
Courageous and monolithic operation of the Rhode Island death These black 100% cotton Hanes Beefy short-sleeved shirts are s
metal temporarily-one-man band Parricide. PARRICIDE logo and Sean’s horrific artwork (featured above)
on the front while the phrase, “A Future o f Suffering” is scrawie.
Immortalized here is the genius of Mr. Bob Cardente, polyhe-
the back. See below for ordering information!!
dne and undeniably gifted musician, wrestling with his debut re-
ease an ambitious solo-project which turned out unco successful
A kaleidoscope of indomitable death/thrash, a coordinate game As the deforestation of the world s rain forests
between the conventional principles of the extreme and a certain PARRICIDE is proud to present full-color posters with more cc
wideness of ideas. Sean Carr as featured on their debut recording. These limited
A future of success I foresee for my good mate Bob who's been re­ I posters are pro-duplicated and are shipped in a sturdy mailing tube
cently joined by long-time friend drummer Chris Longo. Bass
alive)1 and 3 SCCOnd gUitarisC Sti11 wanted dead or alive (preferably Also available it ".A Future of Sufferii
PAW U C ID Es debut release on both CD and
Parricide, P.O. Box 17106, Esmond, R1 02917, U.S.A.
Obtainable through these fine tompani


Upon Promeathean Shores MCD
Blackend Records/Plastic Head Distribution
Regardless of my black metal antagonism... "Upon Promeathean Or you may order directly from PARRICIDE.
Shores is an imposing unbridled piece of artistry!
I said what I said. Long life black metal if it always was of this
CD “A Future O f Suffering”......................$8.00 USA / $9.00
same kind: sharp, dynamic, and whew! even well-played' Not Cassette “A Future of Suffering”.............. $5.00 USA /$6.00
only. Hecate Enthroned are to be idolized for they did not ne- 1 2 X1 7 Full-color PARRICIDE poster...$3.00 USA / $4.00
g ect death metal so it occurs that they include some specific Two sided PARRICIDE T-Shirt......... $15.00 USA /$16.00
death ingredient here and there, such as the guttural spewing and Please specify size........... ...M................ L..............XL..........
the guitar-sound (ode to the absence of those typical piercing and
irksome black metal guitar-noise!). Enthusing altogether Prices include shipping & handling. All orders shipped out in 2
Plastic Head Distribution, Unit 15 Bushell Business Estate, Send checks, money orders (payable to: PARRICIDE), or well-conc
Hithercroft, Wallingford, Oxon, 0 X 1 0 9DD, U.K. PARRICIDE, PO BOX 17106 ESMOND, RI 02917 IS

ILLDISPOS ED_______________________ (D SULPHURA__________________________ © BROKEN EDGE_______________________ ©
Submit CD Kind Of Conception MCD Hate MCD
Progress Records Self-released Self-released
F U C K ! Sulphureous gusts from the red-blood Seem like today's thrash bands suffer of a
My heart bleeds, my sanity forswears its naked flames of "Kind of Conception", we certain habit-loving desease, bulding their
long-tim e unsafe eq u ilib riu m , I feel shall suffer again the coldness’s warmth of style on a funny musical sluggishnes, as if
bewildered, it's insane schizophrenia! a natural, unbiased death metal. playing thrash metal would signify denial
Ahem, no, it's the new sweat of Illdi- I may begin with stressing the impec­ of any form of eccentricity.
sposed, effigy o f the forgotten brutality, re­ cability of the CD (qualitatively speaking) Broken Edge are partially unhurt to
vengeful redemption of an ostracized vio­ and then venturing as far as the music, a this indisposition yet they do not abstain
lence. A vertiginous gush of all-powerful not-of-these-days death metal, an homa­ from making use of some retrospective
wrath, no mercy, no compassion, no hu­ ge to times bygone which prodigiously and predictable elements such as the har­
manity. Utterly uncompromising Danish doesn't sound old-fashioned nor idle. sh unenterprising vocals for instance. The
brutal grinding death metal. It rocks, still. technical execution is faultless and mo-
Then Illdisposed have been sacked by Sulphura, c/o Loic Teissier, 5 Rue des teworthy nevertheless "Hate" turns out
their label because of their stupid beha­ Nanets, 30430 St. Jean de Maruejols, not enough emotional to be remembered.
viour and alcoholic addiction. Y eah, B roken Edge, c/o Thierry Marquez,
splendid. Maisieres-Notre-Dame, 25290 Ornans,
SOULGRIND_________________________ ® -Raf
REPULSIVE ASSAULT Comp. CD © Ladit A.D. 1999:Bihttpotb CD
Repulse Records MMI Records FROZEN SUN________________________ ©
A giveaway/rendez-vous of bands, funda­ A fucking stumbling-block, no less. The Unspoken CD
mentally from the Repulse's farm. Indeed, nuisance which breaks the chain, one of DSFA Records
you can make your own idea of what the those releases which makes you squander Frozen Sun burst from nowhere, non­
Spanish label has to afford today, see De­ hours, if not days, locating some shred of chalantly manifesting a rare competence.
ranged, A dram elech, G olgotha, Im ­ an at least empirical definition to outline T heir debut full lenght is absolute,
p re c a tio n , Im m o la tio n , A v u lse d , the features of the band. It is a drag for a unexampled, astutely different, unfore-
D arkified, H etsheads, D em ilich and reviewer but a positive symptom for the seeably gorgeous.
Reincarnation, besides, the affair is con­ band review ed (hum m , I assum e..). If existed an even tuality to attune
cluded with the supplement of 7 additio­ So,shonk@#$hawhaw!Gah§$# gulp!,h- death with thrash with industrial with
nal bands which Repulse considered no­ huh? what? Take it this way: it's an al­ rap-metal with psychedelia with groovy
teworthy such as CSSO and Haemorrha­ chemy of Finnish sui generis' experimen­ rock, Frozen Sun cornered it, giving
ge on Morbid Records and D ecrep it, tal beats of twisted industrial/death me­ birth to a bright dimension of post-mo­
Godfall, Fleshgrind, Uncreation e Vo­ tal. dern art-metal at the utmost of expressi­
mitory. Love it, hate it, or simply grasp it. veness.
A great part of the bands are elsewhere M.M.I. Records, c/o Markus Woeste, DSFA Records, P.O. Box 497, 4380
reviewed thus I'd hereby love to draw at­ Heerstrasse 77, 58553 Halver, GERMANY. AL Vlissingen, THE NETHERLANDS.
tention to Decrepit who attend the CD -Raf -Raf
with a dark/grinding song taken from
their Promo '94. DEFLESHED_________________________ © SERENADE__________________________ ®
Repulse Records, P.O. Box 50562, Abrah Kadavrah CD The 28th Parallel CD
28080 Madrid, SPAIN. Invasion Records Deviation Records
-Raf Prodigious and magic this is not, (the Metal? Rock? Progressive? Doom? A mo­
Abrah Kadavtah formula didn't work), dern elegy for a discarded past? Questions
M G H L . IN GALES____________________ <D passable though. Defleshed brings me a- may go on, solutions are merely indivi­
Sylphlike MCD long inside a blind tunnel of tedium and dual. Scottish Serenade play the 'spleen',
Self-released pleasantness, playing common Swedish the decadent hypochondria, through a
Death metal the jolly good Swedish way, death metal which apparently dissembles present-day perspective, through a resha­
but it is German, it is the wind of Night affected oddness, impressing me like an ped, pulsating doom/rock. Yet it's simi­
in Gales blowing hard. anonymous death band which sounds like larly sorrowful and heartrending.
It has been a well chosen initiative from a queer death band which sounds like an Serenade, c/o Graeme McGartland, 19
N ight in G ales to release "Sylphlike" anonymous death band. Castlehill Drive, Newton Mearns, Gla­
(which was initially scheduled to be their Insipidly interesting. sgow, G77 5JZ, SCOTLAND.
first demo) as a MCD, dodging the usual -Raf -Raf
starting point off which every new band
confidently plunges into the billows of
death metal. Frankly, with such valuable
material, technical expertice and fancy
the band was in the position to avoid
doing a demo. Yet somebody could easily
dare judge 'em plagiarists owing to their
accentuated In Flames influence, but do
not deceive yourselves: let this band blos­
som and we'll shortly have a delicious ripe
fruit to enjoy.
NIGHT IN GALES's MCD is priced
like a demo (only 10 bills worldwide, in­
cluded postage), an impulsive, sweet-as-
fuck affair, not to be missed. NIGHT IN
GALES, c/o Tobias Bruchmann, Loh-
mannskath 29, 46562 Voerde, GER­
-Raf A night in gales

B E T H Z A I D A __________ W
Nine Worlds CD
Season Of Mist Records
W ith wide strides Bethzaida clim bed the hill at the foot of which underground bands get worked up to stand out and
see what world hides beyond. The hill of the whys and the hows, the hill of the pitiless selection. Look, Bethzaida stands
at the top of the hill looking at a speculative vastness of infinity. Infinitude in the shape of an adam antine atmospheric
Nordic death m etal relieved of the commonplaces of the genre by means of the flute and M ephistophelean vocals of Lars
Ruben Hirsch and the gifts of guitarist Andre Svee. And luckily the band decided to revise some of their old classics, extra­
polated from their previous demos "Dawn" (1994) and the homonymous "Nine Worlds" (1995).
Enter the genius loci of the nine worlds of Bethzaida.
Bethzaida, c/o Andre Svee, Ovste Nakken 20A, N-6014 Alesund, NORWAY.

MAJESTY___________________________ © GODGORY___________________________ © Р А Щ _____________________________ ©

The Crown Of Scorpio MCD Sea Of Dreams CD A Pale Debilitating Autumn CD
Teutonic Existence Records Invasion Records Imperator Music
Some liturgical compositions of isolationi­ Demetallized death metal penetrating the Pavor is to be registered amidst the most
st dark wave delivered from M ajesty, soil of immortal metal. technical bands in Europe, being the
which occults no one else but omituinen Twisted? Not exactly. It's a mere dia­ band consisting of vastly competent mu­
muusikko Marko Hautamaki (pardon my lectic between death and heavy metal sicians and blessed with a rare professio­
disastrous Finnish). which permits to reveal the outstanding nalism.
Opus solemn and arcane, testimony of features of both. Sure, this road has been This said, it is out of question detecting
apocalyptical sceneries, synthesis of sini­ scoured many times before but this doe­ some weakness in the CD, if not perha­
ster and lugubrious symphonies which at sn't necessarily entail that Godgory's mu­ ps... this heavy feeling which surfaces a
one and the same time transgresses the sic sounds unimaginative. little at a time during the listening of the
bounds of pomposity and affectation. So, Rarely you can find such an high do­ object. All this flawlessness which is prai­
welcome is the stern pursuit of originality sing of persuasive guitarish amenities in a seworthy at the beginning, turns out op­
but do not exceed in the dosage of osten­ CD! pressive at the end... Gawd, I'd need a
tation. -Raf breathing-space sometimes! But no, they
Teutonic Existence Records, c/o Twan keep on weaving riffs and tempo changes
Kreeft, Jan Steenstraat 4, 5121 W J Rijen, NAPHOBIA__________________________ © so my brains slowly go to pot.
THE NETHERLANDS. Of Hell CD One needs to be so strong to endure
-Raf Self-released this piece of impressive death metal!
Kinda irritatin g to be forced to read Im perator M usic, c/o Rainer Landfer-
embraci ng_______________________ © about all the mirabilia our mate Niki mann, Larchenweg 17, 53424 Remagen,
I Bear The Burden Of Time CD Fear can do with his 'computer techno- GERMANY.
Invasion Records logy'. Jeesus N ik, do you really think -Raf
We're witnessing a veritable invasion of computers have been invented the day
Swedish bands which more or less play before yesterday? Spare us the old lessons IRAVAI-L___________________________ ©
the same shite. Are V ikings about to on the E-mail, Internet and so forth, plea­ Translation CD
subjugate Europe like back in VIII and se, and stop magnifying this tantalizing Self-released
IX centuries? Ok now, glue Embracing technological era, do not forget that are Second self-released CD from this long-
to the list of invaders, along w ith the men before the screen who work won­ lastin g th rash band from M issouri.
N a g lfa r, E x cretio n , In F lam es and ders. Markedly superior to their earlier release,
Dark T ran quillity (et cetera) but mind Glorify your death metal instead. Be­ this one plays up nine tracks, two of whi­
that besides the burden o f time they do not cause it's human, thank heavens it's hu­ ch come from their "Travail" first album
bear any new stunning curio on their ves­ man. And brutal. And fast. And perfor­ and are here re-proposed in a live version.
sel. Their belligerency is a bit attenuated med with talent. And artless. And real. The rhythmic session every so often
on account of tranquillizing keyboard tu­ Prefer hand-made art rather than a com­ lacks variety and results too repetitious,
nes, ergo I surmise they are trying to dif­ puter-processed piece of formatted shite. and the same I'd say about the singing
fer from their comrades in arms. And this N ap h o bia, c/o Niki Fear, P.O. Box execution which should be entrusted to a
is positive. 677001, Orlando FL. 32867, U.S.A. stronger and chiefly good vocalist. Save
-Raf -Raf that, the solos are brilliant and amusing
and the CD's generally ok, lets the band
exert itself and see what they can do he­
T ravail, 1883 Lazy Ridge Court, St.
Louis, Mo 63017-5251, U.S.A.
IJL-FLAMEi_________________________ ©
Subterranean MCD
Wrong Again Records
A fragment of folk-metal snatched from
the shapeless walls of time.
Present and future meets here, in a me­
smeric and metallic revivalism of a remote
and subterranean sensitiveness.
Metal on fire.
W rong A gain Records, Box 10075,
in f l a m e s ______________________________________________________________ Л 220 10 Lund, SWEDEN.
KILLENGOD_________________________ © GOLGOTHA__________________________ © UNCREATION________________________ ©
Transcendual Consciousness CD Melancholy CD Death To Humanity 3"MCD
Warhead Records Repulse Records Qabalah Productions
Killengod kill god, my god! No other moniker would be more suitable Cease your despair, Europe has its verita­
Meditate upon my puerile poor hu­ for them, what an enervating tribulation! ble as w'ell as unsuspected, long-awaited
mour, this band atomized my auricles so If your biggest ambition in life is to sni­ answer to yankee brutality in shape of
unexpectedly as well as stepping up my vel and grieve over your hoodoo, it is legi­ these Spain's best purveyors of unpitying
ambition to transfer to Queensland! timate opining that there must be so­ grinding death metal, creatures of the un-
Unalloyed death metal. And see that mething wrong with you and that Gol­ creation,, Hispanic revelation of ruinous fe­
this definition suffices to you to com­ g o th a may very likely be your bosom rocity!
prehend that the affair is arresting enou­ band. Uncreation shoot out from an under­
gh as Killengod are pissed off 'of being put For all that "Melancholy" - and here we ground obscurity and appears like the be­
into categories and I haven't the slightest have another eloquent as much as insipid st proposal Spain has owned so far, sensa­
intention of distressing 'em, no, no, no clue of what goods the band is bearer - is tional from every point of view, mates!
way! The CD's bonzer!* (th e CD's not an inglorious and emotionless CD, it Buy and get a life!
great!). just ends to belong to an already inflated Qabalah Productions, P.O. Box 14890,
{* from the Queensland Lonely Planer Guidebook's glossary К field. 28080 Madrid, SPAIN.
Warhead Records, IB Smith St, Parra­ And cheer up guys! -Raf
matta, N.S.W. 2150, AUSTRALIA. -Raf
-Raf DISGRACE__________________________ ©
PAN-THY-MONIUM____________________ © Superhuman Dome CD
YOSH______________________________ ©
P-T-M III ~ Khaooohs & Kon-fus-ion CD Morbid Records
Metaphors CD Relapse Records New times, new tendencies, new revolu­
Black Mark Production, licensed Vagrants of utopia, prisoners of the essen­ tions... it's always history which repeats
from Colour Records
ce of music, ode. Make my thoughts fly and repeats itself.
Snorr-*snorr-*snorrr...Y aw w n n n ... I and dissolve in an oceanic vastness of in­ Bands like C onvulse and D isgrace
dreamt of a wolf about to bite the earth tangibility, finding my self-wisdom, self­ (which is our case) do not make revolu­
and sink its fangs into the North Sea. illumination, self-liberation, eternity re­ tions: they limit themselves to update and
Uh? Actually I dreamt of "Metaphors"' vealed through notes. rouse to fresh enthusiasm the evergreen
cover artwork while I was listening to this I bow down to you, gods of absolute spirit of Rock. Limit of course is an euphe­
new signing of Black Mark. Another se­ music. mism: their sharp Rock is substantially
dative band, how nice! -Raf unrestricted, clear of any possible curbs
Black M ark inherited this B elgian except the sprightly rock'n'roll charge.
power metal band from Colour Records ABSCESS_________________________ f t
and I frankly wouldn't call this the hap­ Seminal Vampires & Maggot Men CD -Raf
piest of the transaction. It borders on Relapse Records
anonymity and keeps us far away from I don't know if it is divine decree that Re­ WITCH-HUNT________________________ 0
ecstatic enthusiasms. But I can't deny it lapse Records procures to us, thirsty sick Prophecies of a Great Plague MCD
made my mind wonder for quite a bit, metal abusers, some of the finest present- X-Rated Records
yawwnnnn.* day releases, or if it simply the case to Seems like this Erik Sayenga has death
-Raf talk about a great insight from the Rela­ metal running in his veins! Dying Fetus
pse home base when it comes to adopt have picked him for their team not long
NA6LFAR___________________________ © bands. Yes, I know I'm running the risk ago and this MCD is not bad at all: intel­
Vittra CD to be accused of nepotism, but honestly, I ligent and brilliant kind of dark death
Wrong Again Records don't give a fuck. metal. There's originality used without
Naglfar or rather black m etal's swan AbscesS and their smelly circus of hy­ overdoing things and a wicked, cryptic
song. Embodiment of malignancy purged per freaks are back in town. Get ready for atmosphere that the band avails itself of
from black oddments, evil ruthlessness in the vastest show of lunacy, foolhardiness, as terrain on which playing with classic
an adamant armour. gorgeous bad taste and putrid hodgepod- death metal, death-rock a la Convulse
Songs of glorious inner wars and inner ges of punk/rock/grind/metal/hardcore/ and mystic, melodic tunes.
stillness. enigmatic liquidity plus extra filth galore! W itch -H u n t, c/o Erik Sayenga, 13
Strong. -Raf Hillcrest Rd., Stafford, VA 22554, U.S.A.
-Raf -Carlo & Raf

Unpure MCD
4 What's this fire, this full blast severity?
An Italian band, sirs. One might placidly say they are from N.Y.
and no one would have anything to question,
ie "Human Waste"/"Effigy o f the Forgotten" feeling is so intense,
nd the band's technical degree as spine-chilling as Suffocation's,
'th their unlimited hashing tempo changes, their fleet drummer
and their vast knowledge o f the brutal Word.

I Pure pushing brutal spirit!

Natron, c/o Max Marzocca, II Trav. G. Marconi 37,
70054 Giovinazzo, BA, ITALY.

BALTAK______________________________ © ETERNAL DIRGE______________________ © steless bite given that it's stuffed with th­
Same CD Khaos Magick CD ree cover-songs o f Slayer, V enom and
Battlegod Productions/Warhead Records Morbid Records Bathory (which have been featured in re­
It was m ore than p resu m a b le th at I Irretrievably anonymous. The more I sift spective comps, I think) and one original
would have been criticized because o f my it to find some stimulating points the mo­ N ecroph obic song which is also present
mordant hostility towards the black me­ re I find zero attractive features. This is in the Black Mark Attack comp. CD.
tal class. But, think! how can you blame damn grave. The whole affair is advisable just for the
my line when bands like this are allowed Awfully sorry, after a dozen listenings inveterate N e c ro p h o b ic -p h ilia c s, the
to release a CD? in various positions and moods, by night, others cross their fingers and pray to see
D am n, your eyes are absurdly blind by day, in every fucking daytime's mo­ "Darkside" out soon.
and your ears as deaf as a post. Some peo­ ment, it sounded just boring death unpa­ -Raf
ple palm stinking shit off on you and you latable metal with distressful redundance
eat it without turning a hair. Well, it's ti­ of keyboards. FOUR WAYS TO MISERY Comp. CD ©
me to get wise to yourself as someone's No sign of life. Over and out. MMI (Autonomy) Records
taking you for a ride and it's certainly not -Raf Hot compilation, wild bands.
me. The first way is scoured by Caesarean
Aussie B a lta k ain't worth a fucking CAPTOR______________________________ © Section, which is a duet featuring ex-In-
cent, but if you yearn for pompous, sooo- Drowned CD ner T h ou gh t' members Roland Murray
evil, hackneyed black metal then it's your Roasting House Prod./Progress Records and K elly M ontico. It com es on like
problem. Go on eating shit if you enjoy Pantera's kind of whimsicality: spineless gangbusters, with an exuberant drum-
it, suckers! fashionable metal which ain't ripping nor machine and impish brutal as well as te­
-Raf arresting yet not completely despicable. chnical miraculousnesses.
My rhapsody is at zero but the thing W ay num ber two is the degenerate
SICKNESS____________________________ ® works a bit though... "Drowned" comes brutality of N yctoph obic, Europe's hey­
Ornaments Of Mutilation CD on strong, axiomatically heavy as hell, but day of grinding virtuosity. Seven severe
Self-released then it asphyxiates if one aspires to so­ songs from them, three o f which are com­
Classic death metal' junkies will idolize mething a little less static. pletely brand-new! This solely could be a
these symphonies of Sickness. Their being If you're unpretentious C aptor will cap­ reason to get the CD.
lifelong faithful to the roots of death me­ tivate you. Some songs ahead there's woeful Win­
tal renders the band hardily unique o f its -Raf ter O f D iscontent, one-man band a tad
kind. A merit or a fault? If you are chaps too much wintry and slothful, completely
who get worked up about old school fast NECROPHOBIC________________________ © beside the point and even a pinch talen­
death I think you will most probably jud­ Spawned By Evil MCD tless.
ge it a valuable worth, in accordance with Black Mark Production Our thankfulness to G roinchurn who
my 'long life death fucking metal' leitmo­ It took 3 years of nocturnal silence before have the merit to end the compilation
tiv. Right, it ain't 'progressive' in the lea­ N ecroph obic put this out, in view of a with a flourish, purveying unrestrained
st, but do we really give a red rat's ass? posthum ous second full-lenght album riffs brimful of haste and wildness.
Sickness, c/o Sergio Cesario, 5555 SW ("Darkside") which Black Mark swears to Hot bands, wild compilation.
6th CT, Margate FL. 33068, U.S.A. release promptly. -Raf
-Raf Nevertheless "Spawned by Evil" is a ta­

abscess_________________________® MA$$ PSYCHQSIS_____________________ Ф IMPRECATION___________________ ©
Urine Junkies CD Face CD Theurgia Goetia Summa CD
Relapse Records No Bull Records Repulse Records
Probably we had to review this one before Inventive, erratic thrash/death which On account of a full-lenght album which
the seminal affair, and actually we did it. upholds both status and moral condition will most probably brought forth in J a ­
But then we've been bashed by the newly of New Jersey's scene (if there's still one). nuary '97, leaves the factory this new ma­
arrived and found the new survey so ideal Mass Psychosis use a way outlandish nufacture of Repulse Records, assembly of
that we threw out everything we've pre­ and adroit style which transmutes and Im precation's old material such as the
viously written about the band. So well, unrolls piecemeal, and such aflame as well unreleased "Promo '94", the 7"ep '92 "Si-
everything of the previous review is good as penetrating vocals, unforgettable for gil Of Baphomet" and the demo '92 "Ce­
for this album as well. Additionally it is their ebullience beyond compare. remony Of The Nine Angles".
to be said that this CD takes in Abscess's "Necroporno" new MCD available now! W hat you must anticipate is just what
first three demos of rancid, noisy bowel Mass Psychosis, c/o Doug Grandon, the label itself warrants: quickness, bruta­
movements. Relapse courageously bottled P.O. Box 267, Keyport, N .J. 07735, lity and long slackenings shaped like
them in a CD, feel grateful for that. U.S.A. death/black metal in the American habit.
-Carlo -Raf -Raf
XHARATHQRN_________________________ ©
Immemorial Atlantic Veneration MCD
New Gotia-Requiem Records/Repulse Records
Scuzzy production for a dry-as-dust black
metal of the worst kind.
Thanx for spoiling my day, scum-
"For Love" I said CD
(I don't know, darn!)
Cadaverous Condition must be the mo­
st underrated yet jolly ground-breaking
and inventive band to crop up in the
death metal necropolis. They take pleasu­
re in intermingling acoustic sing-along
ballads with crude guttural vocals, raw
death metal tunes with 'I love you' choru­
ses and other humorous bounty. It was
abscess since their "Eisbar 90210" I didn't hear
something curious and literally out-of-
this-world like this!
Forever MCD Eternity Becomes A Lie CD Naked death metal with a big indivi­
Heathendoom Music Black Mark Production duality.
"/ am a mighty warrior, ivith guts and blood Almost an hour of Swedish power/hard Cadaverous Condition, c/o Wolfgang
o f a viking, w ith my sw ord an d spear, I'll metal which turns out as icy as the land Weiss, P.O. Box 810, A-1011 Vienna,
make the heretics suffer" stresses singer Ste­ these heads come from for the somewhat AUSTRIA
fan Berglund. Ahem... lyrics like these are unresponsive (yet appreciable) vocals of -Raf
not the best visiting card, uh? But we can singer Robert Fors cast a shadow on the
pass over, Memory Garden make us di­ entire CD. He does not wholly am alga­ DOMINUS_____________________________ ®
sregard some little poetic lacuna by mate with the music, m aking his cer­ The First 9 CD
means of a tasty and genuine power tainly glowing vocalizations even unsigh­ Progress Records
Doom. tly. A modicum of heat and color and the Death'n'Roll on the loose.
"Forever" was/is the opening release of thing will be completed. Sensational.
Swedish new label Heathendoom Music -Raf -Raf
whose I haven't news for a long time.
Write 'em first and check this out if you
love warlike, epic atmospheres.
Heathendoom Music, c/o Per Karlsson,
Fasadv. 11, 692 72 Kumla, SWEDEN.

Betrayed CD
DSFA Records
Times restyled and things moved on but
someone persistently struggles to engen­
der prodigies by means of bygone tools.
Much obliged to Polluted Inheritance,
for performing un adulterated, intact
death metal, yet deprived of prosaicness
and regrettable emulations! On top of
that, Friso van Wijck is an artistic virtuo­
so of the drumming.
Simply a release not to be disregarded. domi nu s
щ ill гиЦП*'liljfift щ ш

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Degeneration MCD OBSCENITY____________ ________________ ф
Voracious Contempt CD
Self-released The 3rd Chapter CD
Pavement Music
I dunno why I have this sensation D e- Morbid Records
Internal B leeding could very well release
scendent is very underrated up to now. As the title itself clarifies, German O b­
a MCD instead of a full lenght in view of
Oh god, each time 1 listen to the opener scenity completed their third album. Cu­
the fact that o f these ten songs merely
Self-Submissive" they send a shiver down rious enough, I've never had the pleasure
four are unfam iliar to their adm irers.
my back, and I ask myself how can't peo­ to examine the antecedent ones, but I see
That is why 1 feel th is b itte r in my
ple un d erstan d th at D e s c e n d e n t I have not passed up anything essential.
mouth, like I had sunk my teeth into an
breathes new life into thrash/death metal, Because a) they are not as brutal and me­
alluring fruit to then find out it was the
carving its old shape into a modernistic, morable as they assert to be, and b) they
nice abode o f a worm. And despite the
revolutionary sc u lp tu re stre tc h in g sound tediously swollen-headed and over-
M orrisound m ixin g, d espite the good
towards the future. Vocalist Brian must egotistical in their profile-sheet.
quality of the new songs, despite the no­
be one of the most intense screechers exi­ To be objective, yes, the band’s trained
teworthy efforts o f new singer Frank Rini,
sting and its band should really merit a and top-grade in the matter of technique,
despite In te rn al B le e d in g are still the
greater recognition! but God knows why, this virtue seems to
good, hellish In te rn al B le e d in g , I re­
Descendent, c/o Brian Norwalk, P.O. be thrown away into unexciting songs.
main disillusioned and demand the band
Box 4184, Toledo, O H 43609, U.S.A. All being well their forth chapter will be
to produce a deeper wound in my heart. more enthusing.

BLOOD DUSTER______________________ ф v

C ould be u n p le a sa n t, b lo d d y u n p le a sa n t f o t s o n t e to m a k e th e a c q u a in ta n c e o f th ese u p se t s e n s e s f t T C T

G rin ding d e ath n ev e r seen b e tte r p u rv ey o rs they ch ew v a V n a n d '- n 't thf y are m e n ta l- D a rn > i f it's n ot heaven!
Y e a rW fc rL ^


Like Pure Unawaited Magic CD d e t e r i o r a t e __________________
Eternity: The Weeping Horizons CD
New Gotia-Requiem Records/Repulse Records
Invasion Records The Senectuous Entrance CD
What s happening at the declared most Pulverizer Records/Progress Records
Golem oozes from our joint death metal
brutal label of Spain? Ju st wondering, I'm Now, a surprise unforeseen. Deteriorate
estate, none should be a stranger to this
racking my brains to resign myself to re­ went over to the enemy for good. Suffice
inveterate yet young combo. We're lucky
ceive other little gifts like this from Re­ it to say that Progress Records indicated
that the band never abdicated in spite of
pulse Records. Being world-wide pur­ their new, secon d CD like a cross
som e tig h t sp o t which cam e dow n,
veyors of faeces of this kind will by no between Emperor and Im m ortal\ no less.
otherwise we would have lost some unfor­
means avail to the label, honest! Is there any need I add my comments?
gettable taking passages which are com­
Yet I must remember that excretions of prised here. Yes, I m expressly here to have my say!
babyish black metal with oh-so-fashiona- It's not the case to be that much in de­
G olem are upright, sometimes a pinch
ble (as well as bombastic and apathetic) spair, D e te rio ra te sim ply corroborate
unambitious but for a good cause: kee­
soprano female vocals are food for many their impish nature by means o f this pro­
ping death metal alive and efficacious as
devotees., so, hey! rush here! Buy folks, gression which accidentally m ade for
it was meant to be executed. Couldn't be
buy! W on't you let th is u m pteen th better. black m etal the icy way. Y et h alf CD
swindle slip, will you? Do not disappoint groups the songs of their classic "Gather
me, eh! -Raf
1 he Nebbish demo, which is a reason
-Raf ASCAROTH enough to take an interest in this CD.
The Quest For Eldenhor MCD For my part, I miss old D eteriorate.
New Gotia-Requiem Records/Repulse Records -Raf
Integrating The Extreme CD
Warhead Records
My mom created me with some brain (I
dare think) thus my acumen makes me CLOTTED SYMMETRIC SFXUAL ORGAN @
Oh yeah, this is the decisive release extre­ Nagro Lauxes VIII
mistrust one who nicknames himself Lord
me music s order was lacking in to be ful­ Morbid Records
ly integrated. Lupus., bow-wow, roarrr! Barking wolves
don t bite and our Lord Puppy really yaps I have never been able to properly dia­
Manlicore are influenced by anything extre­ a lot but daunts no one. gnose the style of these amiable Ja p grin­
me, fast and brutal reads the bio, that is to ders. It is sure that I like them but they
A sword on his hands and a corpsepaint
say even love, hate, indifference, sorrow, also are so damn grotesque and twisted
on his face (precisely made in conformity
passion and a wide range of other violent that they end up to be problem atic to
with the handbook o f w olf-cubs), the
impulses of this sort could be influential class.
b ackgro u n d of snow ed trees, a black
for the band., it can be perceived, really!
mantle on his shoulders., he feels sturdy rheir style embodies that territory of
Extreme instincts have been compressed
and fearless, our poor devil of a Lord Lu­ grind-gore of the most macabre and per­
in this digital Pandora's box to be soon af­ verted kind and it awakes my memories
pus.. what an original touching picture!
ter released with a mere pressure of a fin­ o f G u t up to a point, but warmer and
Please, imagine that the CD is equally in­
ger. The effect is redoubtable, needless to with a nearly Swedish sound a la N asum .
say. ventive and I will save my breath and my
time to depict it. More extravagant than the Romero's
-Raf zombies.

CALLENISH C I R C L E ________________________________ ®
Drift Of Empathy CD
Hammerheart Records
Holland knocks out once again. It's occurring through Calleni-
sh Circle now.
This release saturnine and atrabilious whets the interest a lit­
tle at a time until it eventually consolidates the impression Cal-
lenish Circle work wonders, playing stoic and a bit whimsical
mild death metal which gradually makes a hit.
Hammerheart Records, P.O. Box 277, 6300 AG, Valken-
burg, HOLLAND.
ADRAMELECH___________ ________________________________ ©
Psychostasia CD
Repulse Records
I'd love to comment upon "Psychostasia" with some less ropey
and stale attributes of the simplistic, minimizing definition whi­
ch their label ascribes 'em ('fast, brutal and melodic Finnish death
Sure, they are fast. But wouldn't be better compare 'em to a
-Lt.US sand-storm in the middle of a desert?
Yes, brutality. Brutal like anxiety in an over-sensitive soul,
perhaps? Perhaps. I know for certain Adramelech are enthu­
sing and gutsy because are genuinely classic very often.
VARGAVINTER__________________________________________ ©
Frostfodd CD
Invasion Records
Bloody dilemma. To praise or not to praise! Whether 'tis nobler
in the mind to put Vargavinter in a good light, rewarding the
band for its artless whimsy, or to suspect their innocent demea­
nour is but a strategic move to enchant us, the demented?
Don t ask me, That's a fraggin' question.
I d advance a hint: lets overlook all the band's statements
about their true or untrue ingenuousness on the music business
et cetera, and merely concentrate on the contents of the disk,
which for my part are a tad green but fresh and individual.
Oh, we were discoursing on a black metal band.
HEMDALE/EXHUMED______________________________________ ©
In The Name Of Gore split CD
Visceral Productions
Pair the most blood-curdling, sicky, flipped, flexed out of shape,
almighty, hellacious, touched, ugly as sin, insane, pathological,
deranged, lunatic, frantic and provocative bands in this vile
world and guess what ya'll get? The acme of uncontrolled grin­
ding death atomizing metal to upset your mind once and for
Heavy as fuck (perhaps heavier).
Visceral Productions, P.O. Box 1142, Mentor, OH 44061-
1142, U.S.A.

PRIMIGENIUM________________________ _________________ж
... As Eternal as the Night... CD
Wild Rags Records
I' loathe dots in titles, particularly if they are used twice. Also,
I'm of the opinion that terms like eternal and night are really too
threadbare and finding both in a CD name is the apex of bana­
lity for me. In view of that, one would rather go out to have a
coffee instead of turning on the CD player.
Righto, that's what I'll do.
Wild Rags Records, 2207 W. W hittier Blvd., Montebello,
CA 90640, U.S.A.
PRIMIGENIUM (part 2)_________________________________ ©
...As Eternal as the Night... CD
Wild Rags Records
DISTRIBUTION It is fast black metal, prosaic as the title. But the coffee was great!
W ?4. -Raf

Hatredangeranddisgust MCD
S elf-released
Descendents of NY's crime and deteriora­
tion, badge of an acrimonious society,
sons of Long Island's best brutal tradition,
Pyrexia are the mostest in the US under­
Their latest shit is a little nipping trea­
sure of unfathomable technique and reck­
less force, feelings of haired, anger and di­
sgust expressed through bare violence.
Buy this and found out that heaven is
Pyrexia, P.O. Box 615, Ridge, NY
11961, U.S.A.

CEREBROS EXPRIMIDOS_______________ Ф VINTERSEMESTRE____________________ (§) GENOCIDE__________________________ Ф

Demencia CD Jaa v e risa a ta n a MCD Same MCD
Grita! Records/Semaphore MMI (Autonomy) Records Warhead Records
Whew! Exciting like a fly buzzing round 'My decision was easy, this is where 1 belonged. Again, hairy-assed metal from down un­
a dried shit. We're treating a case of ex­ My life away from the society, deep in the dark der. Yes, there must be a den of boiste­
tinct music, I suppose. Ya know, hard-co- forests, was what I'd been looking for. During rous and unbridled bands hidden into the
rish-punky thrash with grave lyrics on a- my third year in solitude, l was slowly beco­ Australia's luxuriant, heathen lands. Mu­
narchy and such mind's figments. ming aware of the hidden powers of nature., ch underrated but perishing productive
Deadly bore. and of myself!'... is the statement of Vin- and peerless is their scene! G enocide
545 8th A venue, # 4 0 1 N Y , NY tersem estre inside the band's debut CD enthuse me as well, I confess. The convic­
10018, U.S.A. booklet. My deepest congratulations! tion and the metal credo are so strong,
-Raf Now that you've discovered your heathen and the transport is such straight that
self-wisdom, we are all sincerely confident death metal returns to be brimful of effec­
PERSECUTION © that you'll find a less rehashed style and a tiveness like it wasn't from time out of
Thick Face - B lack Heart MCD less cocksure tone as well. mind.
Underclass Records/Warhead Records Why the most part of ya black metal And you ratshits endeavor to support
Finally, a sober death metal release, pro­ folks is that boastful and illusively philo­ death metal like in the disclaimed old ti­
gressive for the most part, episodically sophizing? mes. Or die.
doomy or even grinding. Painu helvettiin. -Raf
You've certainly caught on quickly that -Raf
we are face to face with an affair of mo­ ADVERSARY_________________________ ®
dernistic (death) metal which puts me in CRYPTOPSY_________________________ © The W in te r's H arvest CD
sort of a tight spot as far as a proper col­ None So V ile CD Cursed Productions
location is concerned. Wrong A gain Records 'Extreme NecroCyber mayhem', states fully
The very salient point of interest of N one so fulm inating, none so bloody and clearly the band. Heavenward-indu­
Persecution's disk is th at it turns out speed like Cryptopsy! strial modernist-metal I could counter on
sensibly polychrome, without sounding They blow you to hell and back! return. We would be on the same plane
cock-a-hoop. * -Raf in any case, as we are both extolling the
Eccentric with moderation. sa tu rn in e ex trav ag an za of this
VADER_____________________________® doomy/wild/precise outpouring of futuri­
S o th is MCD stic death metal.
OPPRESSOR_________________________ ® Repulse Records Retrospective metallic avantgarde.
A few selling points of this CD submitted Cursed Productions, P.O . Box 302,
Pulverizer R ecord s/P ro gre ss Records to our judgment: Elkhart, IN 46515-0302, U.S.A.
The publication of O ppressor's new CD 1) It's a reprint of a prior release limited -Raf
comes upon me unawares. I didn't know to 500 copies.
they were in the process to release it, but 2) It's V ader and thus it goes without NICT0PH0BIC_______________________ ©
hey, I'm holding it in my hands so, who saying that here we'll feel a tad of nostal­ War C rim in al Views CD
gives a fuck? gia for a certain glorious past time. That's Morbid Records
Even if the title might sound to some what I perceive whenever I come across a Hammer Assiick and Dead Infection to
degree unoriginal, the music is even wor­ band like Vader, which fortunately perse­ a sanguinary farrago: iron-fisted ultra-fast
se. Solely recommended to those who veres to go upstream in outflows of for­ political grind-core by the name of Nic-
would scoff their waste matter for Canni­ getful waters. tophobic is what you'll come by.
bal Corpse of the post-bleeding days. 3) It's imperturbable death fucking metal. -Carlo & Raf
-Carlo -Raf

DAMAGED__________________________ ©
P a ssiv e Backseat Demon Engines MCD
B lac k Hole Records
Blasting hysteria delivered from a band which is no heresy to equate to Blood Duster at mental derangement level and to
Kataklysm for their a n a rch ic songs organization!
This must be the ultimate chapter o f the Australian grinding onslaught
and my heart is one o f their prisoners of war, eternally.

PUZZLE HEAD__________________________________________ ©
EXCRETION____________________________________________ ©
Missing Pieces MCD
Voice Of Harmony CD
Self-released Wrong Again Records
The phenomenon of one-m an, two-men bands is ram pant, Flanked to some of their label-mates Excretion may look less
perhaps symbolic of a diffuse dearth of musicians attracted by smart and a bit soberer.
death metal (?). Perhaps not. Nevertheless, it's incontrovertible The conviction and the pungency are failing quite often.
that there's nothing heavier than a sound line-up with four, five 1 ake In Flam es s Lunar Strain' CD, put it in a washing-ma­
members. As a m atter of fact, Puzzle Head are two puzzle chine till it comes out faded and colourless. There! You got
heads, ex Stentor's members M ike Potter and M ike 'Serial' "Voice of Harmony".
Greenhall. There's anything exceptional here anyway, yet the­ Still very wild but accidentally dull.
re s nothing worthless either. Kinda dead death metal, if you
ask me. I mean, I'm not rapturous yet not completely annoyed. -Raf
Ju st unimpressed. Ju st a bit. MORBUS__________ ____________________________________ф
P u zzle H ead, 2 4 41 T em p le C o u rt, A le x a n d ria VA Punishment MCD
22307, U.S.A. Self-released
-Raf Regardless the amazingly insipid cover artwork, Morbus burst
unbridled. I think its perishing harsh picturing to ourselves this
is an Italic band, but holy shit! Yes it is. Here's more hook and
chain for the brutal cause, haste and technique and understan­
dable spewings which are far from sounding awkwardly feeble.
This is a buy or d ie release, Morbus redeem the Italy's fucking
piteous scene.
Morbus, c/o Alberto Davolio, via Borgazzo 1, 42047 Rolo
K O N K H R A __________________________________________ ®
Spit Or Swallow CD
Live Eraser Live CD
Progress Records
Progress's apex of pungency, wonderfully-tattooed edgy Danish
band Konkhra, which went berserk for keeps, meseems.
They find gratification in baptising themselves a death'nroll
outpouring and holy heck, this is not a scuttlebutt. Konkhra
have the wherewithal to beat you to a bloody pulp with their
wild and adam ant death m etal., err, name it death'n ro ll or
rack'd m etal, same difference, it ever so hurts!
Konkhra electrify on stage neither more nor less than when
they are wrestling with recordings, hence here we essentially
have an unbridled studio-full-lenght with a silvery sound and a
posthumous live CD bountiful of multifarious momentums.
Absolute energy.
GROPE_________________ _______________________________ ®
The Fury CD
Soul Pieces MCD
Progress Records
Hail-storms and sand-storms right on our faces. This is a band
that do its damnedest to ill-treat us, yet it mesmerizes. Energy
is surefire, technique is scrumptious, sound is crystalline.
Grope do not grope in the dark, they have preparation and
smoothness, confidence and suppleness. And even the talent to
singularize inside a genre which was lacking of freshness (thra­
Grope make sure they'll tea r our sou l to pieces.
ABIGOR_________________________ ______________________©
Verwustung/Invoke The Dark Age CD
Napalm Records America
Invoke what you w ant, you'll remain that substandard nazi
black metal band that you are. No dark power can change this
N apalm Records A m erica, P.O. Box 7905 Boulder CO
80306-7905, U.S.A.
LOVE HISTORY_________________________________________ ф
Desires MCD
Northern Darkness Records
Crooners of tearful yet sensual pensiveness, melancholic min­
strels of lulling hymns. Love History. A little reverie.
Northern Darkness Вес., C.P. 51, 10052 Bardonecchia, TO, ITALY.
VISCERAL PRODUCTIONS Comp. CD #1 ® WASTELAND_____ ___________________ © RENAISSANCE NOIRE_________________ ©
Mare Tranquillitatis MCD Beyond the Circle of Light MCD
Visceral Productions
Self-released Darkside Records
Presentations would be vain, here. Can Never heard such a disgusting specimen
you let a compilation with Hemdale, Run-of-the-mill thrash/death from Wolf­
sburg, Germany. Not sneaky nor unfair, of arrogant exhibition like the CD at is­
Horror o f Horrors, Accursed, Dead sue, i.e. sampled and simple idiotic dark
Horse, Cryptopsy, Dying Fetus, Saints but still a particle in an ocean of average
bands. Need to step up their mordacity to wave with womanish vocals. I want my
of Pain, Adnauseam, Impetus, Sodo­ old sound death metal, I want it now, argh!
mized, Odious Sanction, Decrepit, neutralize my nerve-centres.
Wasteland, c/o Frank N eugebauer, Darkside Records, c/o John Hajiyiakou-
Embalmer, Oppressor, C.S.S.O., Com­ mides, P.O. Box 80738, 18510 Piraeus,
pression slip? If your answer is yes, you'­ Heidkamp 21, 38442 Wolfsburg, GER­
re a microcephalus. -Raf
-Raf -Raf

House by the Cemetary MCD
Relapse Records
Crush here, splinter there... catafuckingstrophic Mortician, how severe and heavy can you achieve to he? 1 drool at the idea
of an impending full lenght album because this work o f pathological art is the stoutest thing I happened to test to date.
This killing affair incorporates the 5 tracks from the homonymous 7 ep added to 2 covers of Scum and Procreation
(of the Wicked)" -they eclipse Enslaved and their weak version o f this very same song in the Celtic Frost s tribute compila-
x J 1 о.-»,! л Ki-япН npw ггягкч ro hoot.

BLOOD_____________________________ © TREND_____________________________ ©
HABEAS CORPUS_________________ ____ ©
Depraved Goddess Bitch? CD
Coated With Lies MCD Progress Records
Self-released Self-released
"Depraved Goddess" brings to light the It is said to be metal poisoned with rap.
Run-of-the-mill thrash/death from Sacra­ Fair. W ith your permission, I'd say it's the
mento, California. Not sneaky nor unfair, most successful achievement of Blood.
They finally weeded out that tad of aloof­ best rap'n'metal I'm acquainted with.
but still a particle in an ocean of average Blissful trespassers of incorporeal boun­
bands. Need to step up their mordacity to ness which coexisted with their preceding
works, accomplishing a warm plentiful­ daries, they bring flamboyant shameles­
neutralize my nerve-centres. sness and unnerving lots of energy.
Habeas C orpus, P.O. Box 189333, ness in both sounds and recording, the
end result being a new-fashioned razing Uniquely tattooed leader Tim Lynge
Sacramento, CA. 95818, U.S.A. parades a cunning and cutting vocals
-Raf grind that makes this Blood's latest exer­
tion the candidate to be the band's best suppleness and makes sure Trend beco­
release ever! mes one of the grooviest acts of the Pro­
SCATTERED REMNANTS________________ ©
Blood, c/o Eisenstein, Carl Zeiss Str. 4, gress' squad.
Inherent Perversion MCD -Raf
Self-rel eased 67346 Speyer, GERMANY.
Definition: reconquest of an authority, -Carlo
BLACKMAIL------------------------- ©
evidence of how grinding death has been
able to break through a precipice of cool­ SOLITARY CONFINEMENT_____________ ® A Female Impersonator MCD
Einzelhaft CD Ransom Records/Blackmail Music KB
ness and indifference. A trio of Swedish HardRockers in their
Word: Scattered Remnants. Autonomy Production
There's a feeble approach to death metal, salad days. Righto, pretty young, and you
Nonpareil tightness, murky brutality, can sense it. Nontheless, even if some
cutting momentums. M assachusetts's for the rest this interbreed between hard­
core and thrash holds sway. It results so parts smack a bit of lackadaisical, on the
remnnats are back with one of the most other hand there's a great deal of endow­
disturbing releases to date, certifying that tame and even a tad behind the times
that, for me, they can prolong their soli­ ment to observe on grounds of their
they can always do something a tad sicker youth. Extraordinariness is still distant to
than the others. tary confinement till hell freezes over.
-Carlo get to, but they are (it is to be hoped) on
May perversion be with you. the right way.
Scattered R em n ants, c/o Ja y , P.O. Blackmail Music KB, Ekehojdsgatan 8,
DERANGED_________________________ ©
Box 814, Fitchburg, MA. 01420, U.S.A. 426 68 V. Frolunda, SWEDEN.
-Raf Rated-X CD
Repulse Records -Raf
It is somewhat risible (and even a bit
ШШ _______________________® odious) sitting like an idiot in front of this AVULSEP--------------------------- ®
Totem CD bright white video open on a drastically Eminence in Putrescence CD
Vampire Records
em pty space, not know ing w hat the Repulse Records
And an icily pandemonium arose from Oh, finally Avulsed have hit the nail on
the scorching sun of Oz, bringing chaos fucking hell jotting down about one of
my most-liked bands. I wonder if there's the head, and released a CD which Spain
and despair., and extreme strains. Nazxul could really be proud of. Avulsed made
was its name and grinding was its fury. still one living being on earth who isn't
familiar with Deranged, and with this use of their long training in the scene to
Waters and skies mixed in a sombre blue burgeon with this stuff which blows to
embrace and the ground opened onto a CD, which is the harshest shite ever eva­
cuated from Sverige. What the fuck am I pieces their earlier works for some truly
cursed underworld, like in a apocalyptic unforgettable tunes, an unexpected fervid
end of the world. talking about? Deviated to the core death
extremist metal. If you can't get the hang, enthusiasm and charge, and eventually a
Black metal the Australian way. blemish-free production.
Nazxul, P.O. Box 335, Annandale, then go reading the interspew with Mr.
Wermen somewhere in this fucking chaos Avulsed really gave a new kiss of life to
Sydney, AUSTRALIA, 2038. our beloved old death metal.
-Raf of a zine.
-Raf -Raf
PAKENI____________________________ ®
Detergent Bubble Bath MCD
Morbid Records
P akana... pakastaa... pakkanen... my
pocket-sized Finnish wordbook can't suc­
cour me this time, I will die without un­
derstanding what the fuck pakeni signi­
fies. But the music, hey, the music... that
is so direct to understand and facile to fall
in love with! Razing-to-the-ground rocki-
sh smooth grind at the crowning point of
unusualness and imaginativeness. I would
hazard to say Pakeni is the finest suoma-
lainen band to spring up of late.
CYBORG____________________________ ©
THIS EMPTY FLOW.__________________ © ACCURSED__________________________ ® Chronicles CD
Magenta Skycode CD Meditations Among The Tombs CD Progress Records
Avantgarde Music Visceral Productions If you have some knowledge or at least a
Lacerations of alabaster moon-beams a- Whimsical baleful black metal. You can sm a tte rin g of P rogress' custom s it
cross a cloudy sky. tell at once it is American yet it is most shouldn't be complicated to divine Cy­
A v a n tg a rd e M usic, P .O . Box 19, probably what you could call an answer borg's line of approach. Practice wants
20010 Vanzago, MI, ITALY. to the Nordic hordes. Fiend-inspired as they are pure energy and the band do not
-Raf well as delirious, and from time to time e- contradicted it so they ended to sound
ven successfully evocative like in the title- like K onkhra + G rope shut in a space­
DEMILICH__________________________ ® track for instance. Good food for murky ship orbiting adrift. Devotees of mechani­
Nesphite CD souls, in conclusion, but pity for that co­ cal orgies, Cyborg are nipping and tough
Repulse Records ver shot which is of no benefit for the CD. and all the rest, ok, but they did not di­
W hat a brain-wave to reprint this Demi- -Raf scover any inviolate planet so far. So let
lich' nonpareil saturnalia of technical them still keep on orbiting around, uni­
strains! Previously released through N e­ verse is unbounded and brimful of surpri­
cropolis Records, they say the album EXIT 13 (FEATURING BLISS BLOOD) CD** ses.
didn't get a proper distribution save in Smoking Songs -Raf
the States and that's the reason Repulse Relapse Records
brings it in again today. I'm glad it did Exit 13 are sheer music's terrorists. TURNING OF THE GEARS____________ ©
so! Featuring the most impressive vocalist Sickest album of the Thirties (ahem). Murder Through Discord MCD
ever, D em ilich is one of the most ama­ -Raf & Carlo Self-released
zing bands of the Finland's underground Another dose of California's malevolence,
and "Nesphite" is but a pure contrivance CATASEXUAL URGE MOTIVATION_______ © straight from the nether world of death
into which you'll deeply lose heart! The Enciclopedia of Serial Murder CD metal' brutality.
-Raf Deliria Production T urning o f the Gears are barren of u-
Right now I'm much magnetized by this nicity, but nipping to the very core such
EXIT 13___________________________ © cyber gore grind which is on the crest of as to make me dig the vacillating moot
...Just A Few More Hits MCD the wave these days. I confess it seems point up again: to put brutality before o-
Relapse Records not to take much musical skill to be riginality or not to put? A modicum of
An hallucinated nether world where de­ played and actually C.U.M. are just two singleness really does not hurt, methinks!
vils look dazed and smile? This must be and make use of a drum-machine pro­ Brutality is of negative value if its use
Exit 13's topsyturvy dimension, where grammed at a convulsing speed. The vo­ means to ossify a musician's creativity, yet
certitudes are perplexities and everything cals rigorously disentomb C arcass' old Turning of the Gears is ok.
is unceasingly put up for discussion. good spewings, lyrics treat of the foulest T u rning of the Gears, 3591 Magnolia
1 love Exit 13 for their plethora of excessi­ abominations. Ave., Lynwood, CA 90262, U.S.A.
veness, such as to make them the grinding I like all that because it's terribly exag­ -Raf
pro-hemp band par excellence. gerated.
These few more hits also incorporate C.U.M., c/o Tomoaki Kanai, 1-26-3- CEREMONIUM________________________ ®
covers of Dead Kennedys and the Doors 204, Miyagi, Adachi-ku, Tokyo, 120, JAPAN Into the Autumn Shade CD
in the Exit 13's upsetting style. -Carlo Fadeless Records
-Raf Incorrectly reported by many as Craig
GOAT______________________________ ® Pillard's new band, Cerem onium starts
NEOLITHIC_________________________ Ф Sacred Pilgrim CD the ball rolling with a melancholic, beau­
The Personal Fragment Of Life MCD Progress Records tiful intro, a fine premise to an as much
Adipocere Records G o at is extrem ism and degeneration, ravishing CD. You wouldn't say they ori­
1 feel so guilt-ridden for reviewing this so G oat is a misshapen opprobrium of black ginate in Brooklyn, NY, with such an
aged release, still favours to friends can­ metal, Goat is Lasse Bak of Illdisposed's halcyon and calm style that nothing has
not be refused... and so, you see, I must, solo project. Keeping to the scuttlebutt, to covet to more-celebrated doom bands.
ahem... he has an ever so peppery temper, uni­ For the deepness of darkness is so spine-
W hat to chronicle about here then? quely provocative and incomparably re­ chilling that the more you proceed in the
Primarily and essentially to make known pugnant as no-scuzzo else and the music listening, the more you find it difficult to
are the dulcet melancholia et the brilliant
execution of the songs. The rest is simply
fortifies the gossip, it is simply odious, u-
nendurable, it actually, markedly, irrevo­
return from this misanthropic odyssey.
Suffocation rule but it is certainly fine
out-of-the-ordinary matter, better if you cably gets on the nerves. to know NY hasn't only bands like them.
P. o.
A lle hader G o a t (everybody hates F a d e le ss R e c o rd s , P.O . Box 482, H ION1
give it a listen yourself in lieu of insisting
to read this lunatic magazine. Goat) and so do I. 5800 AL Venray, THE NETHERLANDS.
-Raf -Raf -Raf o-m.
'T ip
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DESECRATION_______________________ ® BRUTAL TRUTH_______________________ ® USURPER_____________________________ 0
Gore & Perversion CD Kill Trend Suicide MCD Diabolosis... CD
Artie Serenades Relapse Records Head Not Found
The pathetic soup-opera which had as he­ D efinitively free from the ties which chai­ And here we have som ething like 'the fi­
roes Desecration versus a more illiberal ned it to Earache, NY's weirdest m iscrea- nest black/death band from the U nited
than ever English police has come to an tion sp urts ten tracks o f sheer in san ity States', no less. Y eah, I can't do anything
end once and for all. T he responsibility and insuppressible odium , the ABC of self but see eye to eye w ith those who expres­
now rests en tire ly w ith A rtie Serenades destruction. sed their enthusiastic panegyrics for this
w h ich sh o u ld e re d th e p r in tin g o f th e P henom enally origin al, nonetheless on CD. I'm not fam iliar with the entirety of
com pletely uncensored m aterial as it was a tran sitio n al w ay tow ards an unknow n the CD, but the four hym ns of m y pro­
origin ally intended to be released. A fab transm utation. m o tio n al tap e re a lly send som e shivers
thing for the band which now can finally -Carlo & Raf down m y back.
scan dalizes the w o rld w ith its foul and
sickening debauchery. The title says it all,
c'mon sick little bastards, here's another
portion of lewd dem entia for you.
Desecration, P.O . Box 23, N ew port,
Gwent, N P 9 8Y G , UK.

MURDER CORPORATION_________________ ®
Blood Revolution 2050 MCD
Qabalah Productions/Repulse Records
Fucking yeah , g e t th rilled w ith this hot
stu ff (M urder C orporation incorporates
drum m er, bassist and guitarist from De­
ranged an d th e ex -sin g er from Mega-
Slaughter so you should know w h at to
expect), g u lp down some strong booze,
take some hallucinating p ills, get a pistol
and go out fucking the world.
Terrorist m etal. UNHQLY GRAVE_______________________ ® It is so m ew h at lim itin g the aforesaid
-R af definition, in any case. The band fluctua­
Crucified CD
Eclipse Records
tes from doom to Seventies' vibes to indu­
JUPECQA_____________________________ Ф strial to death w ith this perpetual devili­
G rim g rin d in g sto rm in gs from the le a ­
Beyond, What the Eyes Can't See... CD ding state of perversion, Jap an . Ear-split­ shness, and I don't know w hat you mean
Awakened by the Stench of the Dead MCD tin g sound and screechy vocals for the u l­ for original , but I have in m ind bands like
Wild Rags Records this. I guess I w ill go pinching the whole
tim ate m usical havoc which approxim ates
The motive I com m ent both Judecca la ­ CD now.
to B ru ta l T ru th 's " E x tre m e c o n d i­
test releases conjointly is that essentially Usurper, P.O. Box 3 8 8 8 97 , Chicago,
they comprise the sam e g ist: "Awakened IL 6 0 6 3 8 -8 8 9 7 , U.S.A.
Sam e severe bedlam in their sp lit 7" ep
by the Stench..." M CD (released prior to -Raf
w ith A g a th o c le s, a " g r in d - c o r e t i l l
the CD) is nothing but a spoonful of what
death!" loud yell bang in your face.
you can savour once y o u 'll g e t the full MORTAL GOD_________________________ ©
Unholy Grave, c/o T akaho K om atsu,
len g h t in your hands (coupled w ith the Letting Moonlight Into You adv. CD
# 103 Shouwa-sou, 2-2001, Kurosawa-dai,
song "Evil Born" from th e ir 7"ep w ith (t.b.a.)
M idori-ku; N agoya, 4 5 8 JA P A N .
Horror o f Horrors). I rem em ber I didn't like Mortal God in
Judecca is an authentic, glorious death m y past days and b asically s till I don't.
m etal band, for some verses cannibal corpe- B u t. T his moonlight th in g , com pared to
CRAWL_______________________________ ®
sque for certain g u ita r riffs, b u t for the their earlier m aterial put them in the pur­
m ain part very original and overall obscu­ Earth CD
gatory of the furtherance, as well as brin­
Pavement Music
re, altho you can feel it is their intention g in g 'em far from the shitty dregs where
This is 'experi-m etal' as they state. And it
to m aintain a severe and brutal approach. they dw elled in the past.
was w ell stated, if you ask me.
Judecca, P.O . Box 1 50505, Cape Co­ This work is certainly various and it comprises
Once known as Bleed, Crawl is an em ­
ral, FL 3 3 9 1 5 , U.S.A. some sort of energic rockish thrash which turns
pirical band of em pirical futuristic sounds.
-R af out to be a fair start to make us hope for
And here empirical m ain ly stands for indu­
strial death m etal, a tad more industrial something a tad more special henceforth. They’ve
DEEDS OF FLESH_____________________ ©
than death m e tal, an yw ay. A c tu a lly, an got the tools, just a bit of personality is lacking.
Trading Pieces CD Mortal God, c/o Jarn o T askula, M aju-
in telligen t, forw ard-thinking and catego­
Repulse Records
rically penetratin g m usic which captures rinkatu 12 A 7, 026 0 0 Espoo, FINLAND.
Deeds o f Flesh, a bullet shot bang in the -Raf
heart o f the underground. W ith discon­ influences from Godflesh to the most ex­
c e r t in g s m o o th n e ss th e trio g a in e d tre m e m e ta l b a n d s... Som e b e a u tifu lly DEAD INFECTION____________________ ®
ground and acclaim , and now it is here cold and despairing lyrics m akes the affair
even more fascinating. A Chapter of Accidents CD
w ith one o f th e stro n g e st, faste st, and Morbid Records
sm artest CDs to n um ber in th e un der­ Pavement M usic, 17W 703A Butterfield
Severely m en tally disordered gore-grind.
ground annals. "Trading Pieces" incorpo­ Rd., Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181, U.S.A.
E ar-m incing, brain-shredding, say no mo­
rates veritable m onum ental tracks of a ra­ -R af
re evolution as far as the songs' assembly -Carlo
is concerned, not to m ention the im pact
NERO CIRCUS________________________ Ф
which turns out pulverizing for the drum ­ Human Pigs CD BEYOND_____________________________ Ф
Plastic Head Distribution
mer's cleverness, the excruciating dual vo­ Reassemble CD
A ride from Seventies to E ighties of sh­
cals and the lim pid production. Pavement Music
rewd and jaun ty heavy m etal.
-Carlo & Raf Assembled as Demented Ted, and after a
-Carlo & Raf
CD under that nam e, the band reappears
with a renovated line-up and new identity DORMANTH electro industrial metal, way sharp, way
to submit what they precedently offered. V a lle y O f Dreams CD creative. Filtered vocals and robust pro­
To that jolly fast and pushy death/thrash A r i s e Records gramming will make quake the walls of
they incorporated a trace of in du strial I'm not sure what sorta attributes I may your house in unison! Influences from
which is not to be intended as something make use of here, the most immediate Obituary in the vocal department and
recalling Godflesh, but as an experimen­ must be 'sedative', I can't trace any clearer Fear Factory in the songs concoction are
tation of sounds, a try to give death metal headword on the vocabulary of my slow very pronounced. And by the way, some
a more robotic, mechanized spirit. The mind. The reason must be found in Dor- songs from the Viogression epoch are in­
thing worked out to gain a complete manth themselves who yield to an u- cluded as well...
triumph in the title-track "Reassemble". niform invariability throughout the entire Note: For some strange calamity, we
-Carlo lenght of the CD, never granting a single lost the contact address of the band, with
gleam of exuberance, though this death whom we scheduled an interview lor this
B.A.R.F.______________________________Ф metal -much Paradise Lost orientated- issue. Although we wrote to their label
Surp rise CD would permit 'em. It's far from being a for restoring a contact with the band, we
S e lf-re le a se d failure, it's the embryo of Dormanth's never had any reply back so we couldn't
B.A.R.F. stands for b la stin g a ll rotten potentiality. be able to get in touch with guitarist/bas­
fuckers... cool or what? It also stands for A valley of -virtual- dreams which ends sist Bryan Ja e g e r again . If someone
metallic thrash-core, from Canada. Tech­ in a limbo. knows his address, it would be cool if
nical and raw and tough by the way. And Dormanth, C/Iturribide, 26, 48006 he/she could pass his address to us, thanx.
so, even not being a freak of the style I Bilbao, Vizcaya, SPAIN. Megalithic Records, 116 E. Pleasant
can't do anything but rating highly this -Raf St., Suite 200, Milwaukee, WI 53212,
stuff. Even for the side-splitting cover U.S.A.
shot and for one of their songs titled "Kil- HAEMORRHAGE -Carlo & Raf
lrendestroyfrag" quoted from the mighty Em etic C u lt CD
Lobo! M o rb id Records MINDROT _<Z>
Rotten Fan Club, 7036 St. Laurent, Do you want total gore? Yes we want fucking Dawning CD
Montreal, Quebec, H2S 3E2 CANADA. gore! "Emetic Cult", a hot and moist al­ R e la p se Records
-Carlo bum, just like a pile of boiled human An universe of otherness unfurls itself.
bowels. And warm is also the Spanish Hardly metal, hardly music of-this-world.
BEYOND NORTH_________________________® land where they have their roots in, yet Motionless thoughts creep over me, I la­
The Dark I s My F a th e r MCD the sound exhumes the best English grind zily slip into lucid unconsciousness. I'm
Imperator M u sic gore school. Perhaps a bit too much emu­ given the option of forgetting my corpo-
To all appearances it looks black metal, in lators of Carcass, but fuck, ain't that an rality, I can fly and feel unconditional fear
practice is a minute ritual as preparation original quality, in this day and age? to fall down.
of your immolation. Beyond North is -Carlo It's thrilling and perturbing this album.
the valiant as well as successful project of -Raf
Michael Pelkowsky, known to be the bril­ INFERNAL TORMENT ©
liant drummer of Pavor. M a n 's True N ature CD WICKED INNOCENCE ©
Beyond North is a one-man band, oh P ro g re s s Records Omnipotence CD
no, wait, is the more ingenious and com­ Man's true nature is havoc and murder if Napalm Records Am erica
petent one-man band around, as with su­ you ask Infernal Torment. And they'll Wicked Innocence IS the omnipotence.
ch adroitness and creativity he has spaw­ also demonstrate you a bit of their theory, Freed, flowing, unbound neo-grind/
ned a private creation of atmospheric yet if you wish to... (at your own risk). death with a jolly original nature.
severe and seemengly dramatic death metal. Many bands have been incorrectly asso­ Supreme!
Shining darkness. ciated with old Suffocation and Canni­ -Raf
-Raf bal Corpse, whilst, to my standpoint, ju-

OBSCENE C R IS IS _____________________ W
S ile n c e o f the Mind CD
S e lf - r e le a s e d
Obscene Crisis, namely the most striking promise o f Canada in brutal death metal. If you loved the discharge of Cryptopsy
and the spiritual nihilism o f Kataklysm, then conceptualize a middle course among the two, similarly fast and subversive.
If you think I'm saying they're earth-shaking, you're damn right!
Obscene Crisis, c/o Eric Fiset, 9230 Lajeunesse #2, Montreal, Quebec, CANADA, H2M 1S2.


st a small number are truly worthy of M a ssacre o f Hate CD
In The E l e c t r i c M is t CD
Holy Records
that comparison. No need to say Infernal S e lf - r e le a s e d
Much scanty is my culture on Norwegian Torment is one of those few. Their debut Tommy T. and crew are gonna knock at
underground's situation yet you can con­ CD overflows with first-rate technique, your door, ready to wreck your day and
sider me a w ell of know ledge on the full blasts and far-fetched strenght and destroy that silly smile on your faces.
Godsend's subject. Because Godsend, in kinkiness! Hard to believe these little "Massacre of Hate" is an holocaust of pu­
their sober but genuine way to play, can brutes are so young! trid gore/death in the unique and distinct
make me wander. Doomy metal they play, -Raf American style. 17 tracks of pure mad­
doomy billow y m etal to be much meticu­ ness and total hatred against your geni­
MEDUSA 0BL0NGADA____________________ ® tals... Mutilation guaranteed.
lous. They say the band's radically meta­
morphosed through the span between Same CD Detestation, c/o Tommy T. Rapisardi,
M e g a lit h ic Records 237 C agua N .E., A lbuquerque, NM
this and their previous CD.... I'm not fa­
Ex members of the cult thrash band Vio­ 87108, U.S.A.
miliar with that, but sure this is groovy.
-Raf gression issue this brand new CD com­ -Carlo
prising fresh tracks of sophisticated death
Hg A D F U C K c R 6 5

e r i c KIM... сго ь а e a t e r has

humm, a name manifested a certain
which sounds artistic genius in the
familiar to your drawing discipline,
ears, I bet. as much individual,
As Decompozine, imaginative and
the publication he unique as Blood
heads along with his Duster are when
sister Irene, is the w riting songs.
most prestigious Aussies seem to
underground rag know something
Australia exports, about that sought-
in this day and age. after thingamajig by
Yet, this is not our the name of
premier theme now, o rig in a lity ,
for this brilliant the bastards!

'day Eric, how are thingos in O z?
О "Hallo RafFaella! Generally speaking, thingos in Oz
are aright, I guess. Very much run of the mill, but I'm
sure ain't complaining... Personally, I'm very much at
ease. How are thingos in Italy?"
E rr, things could be better i f I w as in a lifelong vacation
in some p a ra d isic a l shore o f the Cape York P eninsula. I see
your country, A u stra lia , as an empyrean la n d on earth, you
know. Perhaps is you r solar nature the motive w h y your works
are always limitlessly fa n c ifu l a n d bizarre?
"Well right now it's extremely foggy outside! I
think a general misconception about Australia is that it's
always sunny and warm. This is partially true, because
in the northern regions it is exactly like that, but down
where I live it gets bloody freezin' as well as sizzlin'..."
"Although I do have a deep admiration for Austra­
lia's nature, I wouldn't say it's a source o f inspiration for
what I do. Maybe subconsciously it comes out that way,
but it's not purposeful. I have to say tho', that future
projects could very well be more conceptually related to
the above subject, but hopefully in a different way."
Can the sense o f a rt be tau ght? H ow much o f your sense
of art you learnt w ith in the w a lls o f the school? A n d exactly,
when d id you become conscious o f h avin g 'the spirit' o f the a r t i­
"I think every individual is born with their own
different senses as to what is pleasing to them and so
forth, so I think that such a thing as a sense o f art is in­
definite. I don't think you can teach such senses because
otherwise you are trying to change a persons own ae­
sthetics. The fact that people choose to utilise themsel­
ves in creating something that is to their own satisfac­
tion is what makes them artists".
"At art school, they tend to try and make everyo­
ne see things through someone else's eyes, resulting in
work that bears little insight to what the creator wants
to express. I think criticism is something that is essen­
tially obsolete. If you decide to do something, just do it
to your own satisfaction. Outside input can be useful,
but it's not needed if you know what you want to do. I
think that's the problem with art institutions... I can say
that my brief stay at art school left a zero impression in
my way of looking at things, etc. What I did learn, was
how to use things I wouldn't ever consider using, in
other words, wasting my time!"
"I've always been interested in drawing/illustra­
tion, but I wouldn't call m yself an artist. M aybe a
crappy artist? I can't say exactly when I found this 'spi­
rit', but ever since childhood I've always enjoyed making
Do artists fe e l a n d endure agony like a mother when it
comes the moment to g ive birth to th eir w o rks? W hich have
been your fa ve, err... 'creatures' so f a r ?
"Do artists feel like a mother?... Gee, I don't know
about that, but I can either feel relieved and satisfied, or
relieved and 'what the hell?' when the moment of com­
pletion comes 'round. I don't really care about the stuff
after about two days, mainly because o f the fact that
you've been working on the one thing for such a long ti­
me, your enthusiasm tends to evaporate...
"About my fave creatures: I really enjoy incorpora­
ting organic/shell structure-like forms into the drawings
I make, but I guess that's all that really is remotely con­
stant. A long while back a favourite creature would have
been anything w ith sharp teeth, but nowadays I is iNDEFiNiTE"
wouldn't really say I have a definite fave."
Being a q u ick -w itted artist certainly is a cinch fo r you. ___________________< eric kim______
as it's utterly patent you have the intrinsic gift ric sound, which is totally unique and very
o f imagination a t your disposal. Where this dark. Remember Carcass' "Reek of Putre­
creativity has its origins? faction" album, I think on the intro they
"This is really a hard question... it's use either a didgeridoo, or a keyboard that
so difficult to say where creativity comes sounds a little like a didgeridoo, so I guess
from, don't you think? Most of my stuff is it has been done before, but not to its ca­
based on spontaneity, so maybe it's a fac­ pabilities..."
tor, or??? I also appreciate the artworks of A ft e r a tr a n s ito r y ju m p in to the
ancient civilizations from all over the darksome deluge o f darkness, you're on our side
world, so maybe that helps. I really don't again... but you hold dearer atmospheric and
know. At the risk of sounding pompous, I
think I'll stop here." "IF A RED SQUARE CAN doomy bands rather than the savageness o f can­
nibalistic acts. How would you sentence the si­
Heaven know s how m any times you
didn't fin d the gift o f inventiveness and, as you
BE CONSIDERED 'ART' tuation o f death metal today?

stated, spontaneity, in a band to review, eh?... THEN ANYTHING CAN. "I'm certainly not expert on the sce­
ne, but from what I can see the death me­
the dearth o f creativity definitely taints most o f
the bands. B ut how is your private concept o f
EVERYTHING is AND tal scene in general seems to be surviving
a 'separating the wheat from the chaff
creativity in music? The power to conceive an
unique, brand new style or the dexterity to mo­
EVERYTHING isN'T" phase. There are plenty new bands star­
ting out, but I think you can tell by some
dify what others already devised? of the flyers that are floating around, that
"This is getting tough... I totally they aren't really 100% into what they
agree with your words. I think th at is V__________ eric kim are. Also, it seems that a lot of bands are
exactly what makes a band creative and playing in the more melodic/gothic vein
interesting. When reviewing stuff, I really (which is widely believed to be the current
am amazed at how many bands lack the 'matured' quite a lot since the first two is­ 'trend', but who cares about trends!), whi­
bravery to even try something that hasn't sues, but I don't think we'll ever comple­ ch suits me fine as long as the music they
been done. I am guessing it is hard to wri­ tely lose the sarcasm." make is worthwhile."
te songs, but logically speaking, bands are God forbid! Anyhow, another ingredient "Concerning brutal death metal, I
only lim ited by their im agination's, or which identifies your zine is your continual think the more over the top bands will
lack of." support fo r your own scene. The Aussie scene make an impact whereas the more generic
"Of course music can still be great if has no motivation to worry, having you and ones may find it hard to survive.. There's
it isn't exactly oozing with creativity, and Irene as indestructible supporters! Loosely, how so many bands who are in the under­
it's the same reason that means exceptio­ would you say Australian bands vary from the ground at the moment, and regardless of
nally creative bands can make crap music. bands beyond the seas? genre, they have to really do something a
I guess it all boils down to personal taste." "Hohoo... I really don't think we little different (more extremity/etc/etc),
It seems like you ava il yourself o f comix support the Australian scene that well. I because there will always be 1000 other
as brickbats to what's wrong or farcical to you mean, we do support the scene to a de­ bands who sound exactly the same... Oh,
in the death/black metal world. A w itty way to gree, but I wouldn't say we treated the it also seems a lot of bands suddenly wan­
upbraid and blame! Original as well as enter­ Australian scene with any more support na play 'old school' black/death/etc metal,
taining! than, for instance, the Swedish scene." which is fine, except don't ruin it by satu­
"You're right on the money. My "I think of D ecom pozine as more ration. The same can be said for other
crap comix are really just there to take the of a 'international' zine, rather than just I

piss out of things some consider sacredly an Australian one, if you know what I "Maybe I'm being too pessimistic,
serious. Some people call comix childish, mean. There's plenty of zines here that but I can't see how everyone can support
which is really just a sappy generalisation. worship this scene but sometimes I find it everyone else without being selective, un­
I don't deny that the comix I do are extre­ hard to see what the fuss is all about. I'm less they are millionaires. Perhaps things
mely childish, but sometimes you've gotta not saying the scene here is any worse or will get better. I hope so anyway!"
be as basic as possible to let people know any better, it's just another part of the Yes, being choosy is the only 'artifice to
and u n d erstan d w hat you're ta lk in g world consisting of some good and some safegard one's finances. Better 15$ in your
about." bad bands (like everywhere else)." pockets than a lousy black metal CD at home,
"Also, I should point out that the "P erhaps we were one of those isn't it?
stuff I do does not necessarily mean I hate 'Phwooaar! Australia's got the best sce­ To boot, Erik... is madam death a queer
everything to do with the subject. Like I ne!!!' zines in the past, but not any more. form o f art?
have a weak spot for making ridiculous We just wanna support good bands..." "If you mean the concept of death as
comix about black metal bands, but it "About Oz bands differing from art, I don't think it's that queer a subject
does not mean I hate all black metal. So­ overseas ones... uhm, all I can really think at all. For thousands of years people have
me people are too retarded to see this, and of is the amount of diversity there is here. been depicting the afterlife (or death) in
it's very annoying to get letters from peo­ Some bands are so bloody unique, and I their respective cultures, and I think it's
ple such as these... infact it makes me guess most others have a lot of identity. had a very positive effect in the develop­
wanna do a comic about them." Going way back to a previous question, I ment of all things... death metal as art;
Both Decompozine s in d ivid u a l a n d guess the scene here is less gloomy and sure, why not! If a red square can be con­
lively, often facetious style o f w ritin g a n d doomy. A pity really... This is a hard que­ s i d e r e d ' a r t ' t h e n a n y t h i n g ca n.
layout softly object the emphatically serious and stion to answer." Everything is, and everything isn't."
gloomy bearing o f sundry famous European fa n ­ Aussies are also a ta d kinkier, aren't
zines... like sun tussles with night, meseems. they? Blood Duster, Filth, Viscera, JJndi-

"Both Irene (my sister and notorious nisrn being the lewdest bands in town!
co-editor) and I have always wanted to Is there any underground death band
steer clear of producing a zine with no hu­ which makes use o f the typical Aboriginal did- ERiC KiM
mour in it. There's nothing wrong with a geridoo? C/0 DECOMPOZiNE
deadly serious zine, but that's not who we
are... II
"So far, I have not heard anyone uti­
lise the didgeridoo in any death metal 68 DEGRAVEs CREs
"Sometimes we go bit overboard compositions, but I don't think it will be WANNIAssA ACT
with stupidity, but for Christ's sake it's just
a measly fanzine... D e c o m p o z in e has
too long until someone does. Personally, I
think the didgeridoo has a very atmosphe­
fftEfKH oF J« u S Pfcesevrx

J A / *£ 1 *T E P /
ltJ V £ n -T Т и£
■fc-DOA/’ T

Particular g ratitu d e to these few bastards who
bucked us up, backing (and harassing) us
d u rin g the w riting o f this issue or w ho merely
revealed nice friends:

Tim o T. K etola (for con trib u tio n , h arsh observa­

tions, cool com ix and continual m oral su pport),
Eric Kim (for everything), Je ff W agner from Rela­
pse, Sebastien C roteau from N ecrotic M utation,
Tim my-boy Lynge from Progress (for the calls!),’ Ali
the M etallian, Luxi Lahtinen, W erm en from D e­
ranged, Michel M onette, Ju h a Vuorma, Jo h n Lave-
nia (ahoy!), Jo sh & N ick from Festering Puke/Pi-
geoneck, Vinnie M atthew s from M ucus M em bra­
ne, A ndre from B ethzaida, all in N atro n (a.k.a.Ter-
rom zer), R obert o f Battle o f B ew itchm ent, Repulse
Records all in m ighty Dying Fetus, Toni o f Qaba-
lah P roductions, Jo rg and Sindri o f C othurnus
mag, H olger from K adath, M etal Core, Metal C ur­
se, T h e U n d erg ro u n d Z ine Scene, Erik Sayenga
Parricide, B rian N orw alk, Eisen fro m Blood
Jay H endershaw , N ovem ber Grief, Tomoaki from
C. U. M., Takaho from Unholy Grave, C onor Howe,
D oom , Jas and family, Exhum ed,
Teutonic Existence, Spooge,
F rank Mullen for coining back to Suffocation.

Special thanx to all bands/people/labels herein

featured, fucking too num erous to m ake a
list o f you all.
Sincere thanx also to all th e pals w ho have co n ti­
nually su p p o rted and p u rch ased H eadfucker.

Raffaella's additional gratefulness to Carlo for

being an indispensable m oral co n trib u to r,
this issue is for you, if it w asn't fo r your inspiriting
these pages w ould have never been w ritten.

Layout by Raffaella

C ollaborating scrib b ler < Tim o T. Ketola

A itistic offerings (and m isap p ro p riatio n s)■

Dave M cKean's "Signal to Noise" < cover artw ork
J u h a V uorm a < page 2 and page 44
H R G iger < page 3 5
Tim o T. Ketola < the com ic strip at your right
A ntonio Biella < page 7
Eric Kim < all artw orks concerning his interviews
Carlo Gervasi < little m iscreations at your right.
all collages < Raf, using (abusing) som e com ic strips from
rtain Zezelj and som e o th e r shit,
*к,у(,ткл пит.

Carlo G'Grvasi <

e th e r e a l to rm en to r

“ - »« -I
• ,

r' Printed in December '96/January '97

" Headfucker is still printed once a year, or less.
г тЪг& цтБщ henceforth, but do not count much on that.
All contents © 1997 Headfucker.
T ** 'W * * Any unlicensed user of our shite
fertly tra ftiiu te into a 15 yrs old black metaller. Ya bastard!
“Now the time has come
for you to see your death
I cut your flesh
I receive much pleasure.
A s you start to bleed
I no longer control my urges
the feeling is so complete
Ym finally at one with m yself

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