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ftevista Brasileira de Geof ísica;1985, Vol. 3,103-106
A model for the ionospheric electrodynamics that takes into account the affects of
both E-region and F-region dynamos has been developed in this research. The effect
of ionospheric plasma bubbles (plasma depletions) on the equatorial F-region zonal
plasma drifts have been estudied in this work. Some of the nightime results are: 1. The
plasma drift inside the bubble lags behind that of the background plasma; 2.f he presence
of a bubble might affect measurements of plasma drifts based on ionospheric irregula-
rities;3. The field aligned currents inside a bubble are reduced in magnitude, and may
even reverse direction for large plasma depletions (depletions larger than 80%).
typical dimension of a bubble is of order of hundreds effects on the vertical electric fields, which depend mostly
of kilometers (e.g., Kelley & McClure, 1981)" From the on the vertical gradients in the plasma density.
above discussion on dynamo theory, we see that extra
density gradients may alter the electric f ields. lt is the
purpose of this work to show that this effect actually RESULTS AND CONCLUSION
occu rs.
We calculated winds, currents and electric fields
for both the no-bubble case and for the case irrcludirrg a
THE MODEL bubble. ln t¡oth cases the ionospheric and solar parameters
were the same so that the difference between the results
'The present would be due only to the inclusion of the plasma depletions
model is a modif ication of the model of
llellis et al, 11974],. lt considers a thin (negligible width) E- in the calcr.rlations.
region and a realistic F-region, where we take into account
lreigirt profiles o'f the wind field, of tlre electron and neu- II
trals density. The modcl atmosplrere used is that of Jacchia
(1977], , while the experinrental parameters are from Heelis
et al. (1974).
A brief description of the model is as follows: in tlre h- 2.
t¡J /\
F-region, therrnospheric winds generate polarization electric /\
I'ields, perpenclicular to the geomagnetic field. Because : ,t
tlre magnetic f ield lines can be considered as equipotential t
(n t
lines (Farley, 1960) , these F-region generated electric f ielcls t
can be partially shorted by the Ë-region below, through
field-aliç.¡ned currents. ln the E-region, the model considers l*,
a height integrated conductivity tensor and an "effective" zIJ
wirrd, which f lows in a tl-rin layer. ln this region, atr electros- E"
tatic potential, which represents the polarization electric :)
field, is calcr"¡lated taking into account the f low of current
(.) 4 68 to l?. 14
into (and out of) the upper boundary of the layer. Frorrr LATI UDE (des. )
this potential, we calculate the Ë-region electric fields.
l"hese fields, in turn, rnap into the F-region affecting the Figura 1 -' Field aligne<J current density at the 2000 L"['meridian,
plasrna rnotion and consequently, changing the f ield-aligned as a function of lal¡lude at the top of the E-region.
currents. For this reason. the model is solved self-consistetr-
tly. For details about the numerical computations, the ln Fig. 1 we show the f ield aligned current density
reader is referreci to the paper of Heelis et al. (1974). flowing out of the E-region for 2000 local time, as a func-
Now we preserlt a simple model for an iclnospheric tion of the latitude where the field lines enter the E-region.
bubble. ln the vertical direction, the bubble density is 'fhe solid lirre represents results for a bubble at 350 km,
given by with a rnaximun depletion of 80%. The dashed line repre-
sents currents for the nobubble case. The effect of the
nB: N{ I ¿ exp [-0.5 (R-HA\' lZg'1¡ field aligned depletion is to reduce the f ield aligned current
inside a given flux tube, being able to even reverse it inside
where Zg is a vertical characteristic size of the bubble, the tr-rbe where the depletion is maximum (flux tube at
Hg is the height of its center, R is the height where we Bo in Fig. 1).
want to calculate the plasma density. Here d is the bubble Fig. 2 shows the eastward (west to east) plasma drifts
depletion, given by d: 1-nBg/N, where nB0 is the as a function of height at 2000 local time. As for Fig. 1.
plasma density at the center of the bubble, and N is the the sr¡lid line corresponds to the case including a depletion,
background plasma density. ln the approximation used and the dashed line corresponds to the no-bubble case.
in this work, the motion of the bubble is not taken into lnside the bubble (arouncl 350 km), the plasma drifts more
account, this is because our calculation is done for a single slowly than the neighboring plasma. ln the figure we see
universal time. The results for the different local times that the center of the bubble actually drifts westwardsl
represent the point of view of observers at different longi- This is not surprising, since around this local time the
tudes. E-region dynamo contributes with an upward electric
Our f inite difference solution has resolution of 10 f ield. Since the F-region does not drive the bubble strongly,
km in altitude and of 500 km in longitude. The later is the E-region may dominate drifts in the case of strong
too large when we compare it to the size of a typical plasma depletions. The reversal of the drifts at around
bubble, which is of 100 km (see, for example, Kelley 600 km is not related to the problem of bubt¡les and
& McClure, 1981). For this reason we will only consider will be discussed elsewhere.
Ënivaldo tlonelli 105
E 500 o
) )
þ 400 I
300 -50 0 50 I50
200 BUBSLE Figura 3 - Eastward ion (plasma) drift at the equator, as a
function of height, for 19O0 LT (dotted lines),2000
LT (solid lines). and 2100 LT (dashed lines). For
-50 0 50 ræ each line style, the heavier one indicates results
including a bubble.
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YEH, K. C., SOICHER, H,, LIU, C. H. & BONELLI, E._ 1979- Versão final em Jun./86.